tv Mad Money CNBC April 23, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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>> i want to do this, and clean my floors but i can't. >> that's coming. >> guy you can go over and do that, clean my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. >> hey i'm cramer. welcome to mad money. welcome to cramerica. i'm trying to make you a little money. my job is not just to entertain but teach you. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me. sometimes even on these not so vicious down days it's worth asking why isn't it working out.
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how could the dow jones industrial average go from 16,026 to 16,500 without taking a breather? how could things be that good? isn't that when the dow dipped 13 points has to be back slid.2%? i think the answer is quite simple. the things that were supposed to go wrong either don't happen or they self-correct and then we just plow forward. so in order to explain this, let's tick down what didn't go wrong and what's adjusting to the new realities behind the scenes making this market far more resilient. that's the keyword. first, we have hugely high profile companies that have been going down, not up, but down in anticipation of disappointing sales and earnings and also other news. then what happens, we don't get it. consider facebook and apple which reports tonight.
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here's two stocks that reacted horrendously ahead of their quarters but when facebook reported it showed a dramatic improvement in every category. especially where daily and monthly average users. they look fabulous. not only did it not screw it up but facebook is actually a very cheap stock on eps. on earnings. i don't know a soul who expected anything shocking from apple. apple. so when it reported a surprisingly good iphone number, 43.7 million units when the analysts were looking for 37.7 million. as well as expanded and the dividend boost it ignited the dormant stock. let's not forget, right, come on, we've got the 7 for one slit of the apple. i know when you divide an apple
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pie into seven slice and i hope you do it better than i did, it doesn't make for more pie. but it sure makes it more edible. as will apple's stock be more edible after the split is completed. a good enough number sends the stock higher. second. we've got this used nonnegative nobody stalk about but it's causing a giant bid to be put under the market every time it comes down. they have no choice but to buyout any dip. what's this secret positive no one is talking about? get this. i'm going there because no one else is. the federal reserves tapering. investors, particularly hedge funds lived in fear of what would happen when the feds stopped it's bond buying program. but the fed has been tapering methodically and it hasn't caused interest rates to rise one bit. wasn't that the looming sword over the market? didn't fear of the taper cause a
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tremendous amount of -- tremendous amount of pressure over and over again? wasn't it used endlessly as the single best reason not to buy stocks? or of course to dump them? now look at interest rates. the tapers are on. yet they stu bornbbornly go hig. the more tapering the better. so many companies locked in low rates that it's simply time for interest rates to inch higher. if they can. you can say the fed got lucky. portugal just sold 10 year bonds at 3.5%. >> would you rather have one from a country we thought was going to default. taper has been a victory. it was supposed to be a defeat. about time someone said it. third, this is the quarter we were supposed to see more of the same cost cutting thing to make the numbers, the buying back stock thing to make it without
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any real sales but that's proving to be not the case. in fact, the opposite is playing out. very big revenue growth at boeing, delta, facebook, united technologies, american express, netflix, coca-cola, general electric. against those, we have very few companies without solid revenue growth. ibm didn't for certain. warren buffet isn't a seller by the way. jp gorman didn't deliver on the revenues. it's ironic but some of the stocks down post earnings didn't decline because of slower revenues. at&t, chipotle and yum. chipotle, yum and brinker ran into higher food costs. something i should have known from the guacpocolypse right in
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his backyard. fourth there's always some group growing to save the day. it's like everything goes down at once. like this market. we saw that kind of everything go down at once leading to the bottom april 11th. since then we had real weaknesses in certain sectors. they have been spread out though and they don't sink the whole market. the sectors that should have pushed us down have been declining but kind of in an orderly fashion. if you own them, you don't feel that way. i can't tell you how many times the transport versus saved the day. either the rails or the trucks are today's airlines. there's high profile oil stocks that just won't quit or just when you think retail is rolling over because of a weak number from bed, bath or macy's or cap. you run in michael kors and have you noticed like i have that walmart and target don't go
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down. they have become rocks. you fear that the weakest stock in the dow might go down. boeing, that's been a terrible stock. that's been going down in anticipation of earnings. what happens? it's crushes it. terrific number. same thing with united technology saving the day the other day and the week before was general electric and rides to the industrial's rescue. at the same time the overvalued stocks and i mean at multiples to sales and enterprise values, they're rolling over again. before the april 11th bottom it was a negative when they were being crushed. now as they're taken out of the bubble with the service stocks the most overvalued part of the market, well, also biotech, we just say this market is not like 2 2000 when the stocks cause everything to go down. the expensive ones at sale of 12 times sales or eye balls or whatever.
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the pain isn't spreading the former again, warren buffet, great comments to becky quick today confirming that few. plus disappointments in google last week and vm wear don't cause the kind of collapse we expect. in part because they're one off misses and in part because they're followed up by a facebook or am that really blow away the numbers. i know what it is because i'm a bowler. there's no negative pinks in whole segments of tech. you had the one pin and now they become incredibly inconsistent. no memory in between. even the deadly ipo market which thetenn threatened has tapered off. that doesn't mean they're out of the woods when it comes to insider sale. that's become the poster child for insider selling. it's been cut in half thanks to two secondaries. a 14 share deal at 82 and now a 13 million share deal awaiting
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prices in the 40s. fireeye reinforces this idea that there's no level where people won't sell these pricey newly public stocks. that's he nil anile yating the . it kicks in because of the did i have tends two days ago. they're saving the day. as good as the treasuries are versus portugal, some of these dividends are better after taxes. here's the bottom line, why doesn't this market get killed when it seems like it should? simple, too many bad things aren't happening and the bad things that do happen don't spoil over to poison what's good because what's good like facebook or apple tonight is real good. that creates a very benign environment. just when you expect the opposite. especially after a huge run. oh, and can i just say, how many of you expected this instead of a 7 for 1 split.
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carolyn in missouri. >> caller: thanks for taking my call. >> good to see you. >> caller: thank you. i'm calling about my emotio emm electric stock. what do you think. >> we love that order number that came out. 10% order number in the future. that bodes well for earnings. will please come on. things are finally working. things are humming. you hold on carolyn to emmerson. it's no longer a show me stock. she happens to be from missouri. let's go to alfred in california. alfred. >> caller: mr. cramer. good afternoon and thank you for having me on your show. sir, i'm calling you about plug. >> yeah. >> caller: and this secondary offering that they announced after hours yesterday. no information as to size or pricing. no notice and i know, sir, this might sound naive but are there no constraints at all on how these folks can blow a hole
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through your equity. >> i said this is enough. they did a deal. they did a deal. they did a deal but to their credit each deal has been done at a higher price. they probably think it's pifine. i am tired of being plugged by plug. on a day when the selling isn't so brutal it's worth understanding why. the reason? too many bad things are not happening and the bad that is happening isn't spilling over to the good or the very good. like apple where we thought we were going to get a pie in the face. instead we got seven slices and facebook. the result, things are benign. all right. just ahead, do these guys look familiar to you? when they get involved in a stock, big moves usually follow. plus a stock that's doubled twice in the last year. i'm checking if there's more in store. stay tuned. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, demand for data. move this from $5 a year ago to
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$25 today. and now some are calling for a move to 50. could smartphones and specs cause another double? wait until you hear cramer's take. and later, the color of money. a dividend increase and near 5% move into the green this week painted a bright picture for ppg. but could growth in it's end markets make this picture even better? find out ahead. all coming up on "mad money". >> don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer, #madtweets. send jim an e-mail to or call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something? head to
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predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. so, what'd you think of the house? did you see the school rating? oh, you're right. hey, babe, i got to go. bye, daddy. have a good day at school, okay? ♪ [ man ] but what about when my parents visit? okay. just love this one. it's next to a park. [ man ] i love it. i love it, too. here's your new house. ♪ daddy!
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you. it could happen to the pharmaceutical gem that we have been recommending forever if aller allergan buys the company. to be fair the model has been working fabulously. i expect that the fantastic research and development budget that sets allergan apart will be gone in they get it. i don't think it's fair that he was able to buy 10% when he news a take over was coming. it is absolutely legal. but i didn't like that the former head of enforcement blessed the transaction himself. although thanks to the transaction of the resolving door he's a corporate lawyer now. couldn't he have lead someone else to do the dirty work? is this the same government man protecting retail experts a few months ago? sadly yes. kind of a let down. but all of that said, more than anything else what i want is for you to make money. sometimes in order to make an omelet you have to break some eggs. as it happens, activists are
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fabulous egg breakers. he's practically a top chef with his work here. all big wins. think about how much the activist made over the years. if you piggy back on his at wendy's, heinz and great quarter today because of his action. i don't think he has hurt pepsico either. even as it's pretty clear the ceo has been giving him tea anyway. the best always get motivated by criticism. pushed by elliott management to simplify and streams line 52 week high. you should be thrilled that value act is in there trying to get microsoft back on track. you have to respect they bringing out value as far as chesapeake, ebay, all which better served their shareholders. there's one more. apple. yeah, oh, man, he's been all over those guys and he took to twitter instantly after the quarter came out agreeing with tonight's announced decision to increase the buy back. saying he was pleased with the
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results. i bet he was. it helped him clean house. they're trying to remove the ceo and stop his plan to break up the company which i believe would destroy and not create shareholder value if he gets his way. i guess they want to bring out more value but i don't know how much value is left to bring out t. market is better off for these efforts and we have to salute the new trend. it's working for you and not against you and that's all we really want if we buy stocks, right? including activists that put companies in play and force them to unlock value. the simple truth is while many ceos want to bring out value, plenty of others just want to be ceos. the activists are simply providing the match. up next, a tech speck that's already doubled twice in a little over a year. think you know what it is?
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you might be surprised. "mad money" will be right back. >> coming up, could a new coat of paint spruce up your portfolio? ppg has that and much more. find out if it can give you more green. later, new heights? industrials, the backbone of the american economy are hitting all time highs today. want to know which of these iconic brands stand to gain the most from here? don't go anywhere. ♪
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[ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. carsthey're why we innovate. make a my financial priorities appointment today. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people. we are volvo of sweden.
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what the heck is happening with micron? symbol moo. maker of dynamic random access memory chips as well as nand flash chips follow a pretty familiar pattern. there's nothing really p propriotary or special about the chips. whenever there was too much supply, prices would get crushed and micron would be a dog. that's why this stock was such a horrendous performer from 2010 through 2012. but then excess capacity would be shutdown and pricing would rise and stock would bounce back. since the stock's remarkable run
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to $25.26 since where it's trading right now. in the past these rallies would be short lived. remember it's nothing proprietary. the more tempted it would be to add new capacity and build more plans to capitalize on these new higher prices. and as soon as the industry started adding capacity, you knew that the rally was finished because the new supply would flood the market, and the stock could go back to being a dog for years to come. that's how it worked since the 90s. the whole cycle would wash, rinse and repeat itself endlessly. so you can understand why even after a company reported a terrific quarter a couple of weeks agato that the bears are t in full strength claiming it can't last and sooner or later the stock will indeed get crushed. the bears may be wrong about the timing. the stock just hi hit a 52 week
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high today. but they have history on their side. this is the way it's always been. and this time, it feels different. first of all, micron has a host of bulls on its side. 19 analysts are saying the stock is a buy. he recently raised the stock to 50. it's versus 11 holds and 4 sells. this way the stock can keep rallying and they're sticking by it. they'll tell you that's because they have changed and changed for the better. i agree with them. what's different? one word. consolidation. in the business which accounts for 70% of the company's sales, i talked about it when it happened. that's japanese companies that have been bankrupted and they bought it for 2.5 billion and then set up a joint venture. they couldn't take the strain. you think the prices for drem
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which are used in desktop computers would be falling off a cliff here but a loft capacity has been taken out and it's now become slap happy with just three players, samsung and micron and it's easy to quit flooding the market with supply. none of the guys wants to flood the market. so they're wary of adding too much capacity. you have a three-way dilemma. the best way would be for none of them to build new facilities. prices stay tight and everybody makes money. but it's illegal to collude with each other and if one of them gets greedy, the others will like lie follow. they don't want to be left out and suddenly you end up with too much supply. prices falling through the floor and the whole industry ends up in the dog house once again. now a decade ago you had a dozen
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suppliers. this vicious cycle of companies adding capacity was guaranteed to happen. you're not going to be able to coordinate. that's way too tough. these days, it's conceivable. just conceivable that everyone will remain responsible. no one will boost capacity dramatically and micron will keep making money. demand is still pretty good. that's what immediates to happen in order for micron's stock to continue to pile higher. they also have this nand flash business that represents 25% of the sales. this is very different. it's used for memory in mobile devices like smartphones. demand for nand chips is on the rise. you don't want to put a hard drive in your phone so they use it as an alternative way to store memory. micron is the third largest in this. but sandisk has been on fire. so you know that the nand is
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strong. it's best encapsulated by my friend that is a cnbc contributor. he's yellow flagging it. why? not red flag, by the way. well, yellow, red. it's an orange flag. remember, new capacity is the kiss of death for micron. they lost a dram factory last december opened a factory last month. they also said there has been a lot of compression in prices and at a recent conference he wonder ifs the analysts are playing it safe when they say they don't see price declines of more than one and a half. while insiders sell from any reason it's still the potential yellow there. i already threw the flag. i didn't throw the bear. there, how's that -- as for -- as for the bulls, they see the
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drem space as a changed industry. not only is it a ton of consolidation. first time, consumer computers are no longer in staep decline. meanwhile, sandisk reported a terrific quarter. they think it should allow micron to increase it's gross margins. by the way, that goes up here and the revenues flex a little bit, where do i come out? first of all if you earned micron i think you would be absolutely bonkers not to ring the register. we have been recommending this thing since $9. it's a sin to give up a profit. second i think my verdict will be right about micron eventually. yeah, eventually the makers will add too much capacity and they can't resist. but the keyword here is eventually. the consolidation and particularly micron's acquisition changed things and this rally can perhaps last far
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longer. the dram is no longer random. it's logical. bottom line, i'm willing to give micron my blessing for speculation only but it's not for the faint of heart and if you're going to own it you have to be ware that at any moment the ax could come down. i would pay very close attention to the yellow cautionary flag here because the new capacity could be deadly to dram pricing. but if you're willing to take the risk, i do think there's probably some more money to be made in micron before the punch bowl takes taken away. all right i need to go to sarah in my home state of new jersey. sarah. >> caller: hey, jim, booyah. >> booyah, sarah. what's up. >> caller: what's your thoughts on integris? they just reported. >> oh, man, geez. you got me in a stock you know i liked a long time ago. have to look at it again. i spent a lot of time prepping
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for that and i'm not going to say anything until i spend more time on it. i'm going to go to steve. steve in vermont, steve. >> caller: hey, jim, how are you doing? >> i couldn't have the ice cream. i'm trying to stay thin. what's going on. >> caller: i have ge in an ira account and my own personal stock account and i wonder has it had it's run? >> it looks to be in talk with a company which is a gigantic french company. have to find out whether that's good or bad. if they pay too much it's not good. i don't care for having a huge exposure in europe. i do like the product for transportation but now we have to do more homework than if i just said sure, ge is buy.
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when a stock quintuples over such a short time, you need to analyze. just be careful. ppg is a lot more than paint. i'll talk to the ceo and find out if he can make use with some green. stay with cramer. coming up, new heights. from the air to the ground, many of america's industrials are trading at all time highs but this is the start of something bigger? stick around, cramer is going off the charts. f the charts. at your ford dealer think?
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he transformed ppg from a mix of proprietary businesses to do a company for all sorts of applications, industrial, residential, automotive aas long as with glass and optical products. they sold off their last commodity business and turned around and used the proceeds in a deal hah closed three weeks ago and the company just recently off loaded transitions at a really good price. so ppg has a clear vision and it's ceo bunch can really execute. ppg just reported last week, company delivered a 10% earnings beat with revenues that came in, some people said a tad light. they also announced a $2 billion buy back which makes it really meaningful along with a 10% dividend boost. bring the yield up to 1.37%. it brings me to the final component of bank blt. ppg is up 5% since we last spoke to punch three months ago.
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36% since we interviewed him a year ago. more than quadrupled since june of 2009. i think there is much more to it. let's check in with chuck bunch and find out more about the quarter and where it's headed. welcome back to "mad money". >> it's always good to be here. >> european volumes advanced 5%. you have a big european business. this is the beginning of a major move, isn't it? >> yes, we have been waiting for this improvement, jim. about a third of our business is in europe and you and i have been talking about this over the last couple of years. things stabilize a little bit and we saw a volume improvement here in the first quarter of 20 -- 2014 for the first time. >> i presume that's also part of europe? >> yes. we saw a good automotive improvement here in the first
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quarter. automotive refinish in addition to automotive oem was better and we saw the construction markets finally begin to improve in some of the northern european markets like the uk and even in eastern europe. so we saw a little broader base of improvement, not just our automotive business. >> and you cut expenses there rather dramatically. so i have to presume that any little bit of revenue is going to give you a nice bottom line budge as the year progresses. >> yes, we saw that. we've had a couple of restructuring to get leaner, more efficient and then as you saw the volume improve by 5% in europe, we started putting that right to the bottom line. we still -- we had quite a bit of earnings leverage with that improved volume and our lower cost base so we're well positioned as the markets continue to improve there. >> a lot of companies complain about the weather. how vicious the weather has been
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in the united states. our company uniquely actually benefits from bad weather. >> we have a global business and we saw, actually, in the first quarter, the weather in europe was fairly good. so we think we benefitted there. now, the weather here in north america was pretty harsh this winter and we think it effected a couple of our businesses, especially on the construction side but overall, as you said, we produced excellent results and we think there's more to come as the weather does improve here in north america in the second and third quarter. weather was not an excuse for us. >> just to follow up, when you have a codings vbusiness i've hd to spend money on ppg paint because hi to redo the whole front of the beach house and also the cars because of the snow needed new coatings and these all feed to what you have been able to move your business too. >> yes and we have one business, automotive refinish that
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actually benefits from these harsh winter conditions so we saw a lot of bad weather here in the first quarter in north america. the collision repair shops are full right now so we're expecting a good performance out of that business over the next few quarters as we work through all of that inventory of cars that were involved in accidents and pile ups in those first few months of winter this year. >> very few companies have been able to put through price increases but you have been able to work a small one through in your paint stores. how is that possible given how the consumer is not that -- let's say well off right now? >> we still offer excellent value in all of our channels and architectural coatings. we do have some inflationary pressure. not from raw materials but if you look at transportation, some of our real estate costs. some of our employment costs are going up. so we were able to get through a very small single digit price
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increase but nonetheless it was helping us to offset inflationary pressures there and produce good earnings leverage again on the bottom line for that channel. so tactically, we have been able to implemented some price increases where necessary. >> now i know that someone asked you directly about a hsherwin williams acquisition that didn't workout. if is there really another needle mover out there that could really impact ppg? move things very aggressively once you made the -- once the aqu acquisition was finished? >> right now, on our balance sheet, we have $3 billion worth of cash. an all time record in term of the cash on our balance sheet. we're looking for acquisitions, small, medium, and large. we're having good discussions out there. the codings industry globally is still not that consolidated and
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we hi there will be good opportunities as we go through the next year, year and a half. so we're poised to make some additional acquisitions. we think that will be meaningful on top of the share buy backs and dividend increases that you have mentioned. >> well, chuck, great work. shareholders all thank you. just another fantastic quarter. stocks going higher. that's chairman and ceo of ppg industries. >> thank you. >> guys, goes higher. the stock does dip. it's a market stock. buy it when it comes in. stay with cramer. with cramer.
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it is time. it's time for the lightning round. hear this sound and then the lightning round is over. are you ready in time for the lightning round. chris in florida. chris. >> caller: how's it going jim? i have a question about underarmor. >> that's a momentum stock that's come down very big. i believe it can go back up.
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they're under severe pressure here. don't be aggressive ahead of the quarter. let's see what they say. joel in new york. joel. >> caller: how are you doing buddy? i want to give you a big booyah from new york. >> i love ibms there. what's going on? >> caller: i'd like to know how you see the future of m & t b k bank. >> they have a good portfolio never screwed up with the company. i like it. >> a big windy city booyah too you. >> what's going on there? >> caller: looking at exco resources. >> oil and natural gas exploration company. i like eog best and after that i'm coming in hard now so i'm not there for that. let's go to michael in kansas. michael. >> caller: hey, jim, i'm calling about novavax. >> okay. this is one of the companies
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that's not going to cut it here. let's go to ruben in connecticut, please, ruben. >> caller: yes, sir. >> go ahead. >> caller: pki. >> in get rich carefully i suggest this company split up. i think it can go higher either way but if they split it goes right to the mid 50s. janet in connecticut. >> caller: hi, jim. love the book. my stock is svb financial group. >> not bad. the silicon valley banking is good but i am going to say why not be in wells fargo. that's a better bank. that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. in real time. ♪ the shell brought him great fame. ♪ but then, one day, he noticed that everybody could have a magic seashell. [ indistinct talking ] [ male announcer ] right there in their trading platform. ♪ [ indistinct talking continues ]
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when you stop thinking about everything crushed over the past month and stop worrying about all the things that don't make sense about this market, do you know what you're left with? simple. the domestic economy is improving. that's very clear. you know what stocks go higher when the economy gets stronger? this is basic investing 101, people. when the economy expands you buy the industrials. sure enough as the high flying biotechs and cloud based technology stocks continue to be whipped, the industrials have slowly but surely been working their way higher. yet these stocks have become the unsung heros of this market and that's why tonight we're going
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off the chart with the help of dan fitzpatrick. he's a terrific technician. you get a better sense of where this key group is headed. so first, why don't we take a look at the weekly chart of the industrial select spider etf. that's also known by it's ticker. that's the best way to look at this. it mirrors the performance of the whole sector. when you look at the chart, fitzpatrick points out that you can see a very strong and steady up trend. it's pretty obvious, right? in the xli. i began in early 2013. that's right. about 13 months ago the industrial etf broke out of a volatility squeeze when it was trading at near $38. what exactly is a volatility squeeze? this is important. it's a new term for us. look at the two lines. above and below where the stock is trading. those are called bulenger bands.
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they measure a level of volatility. i always loved his work. when the bands are widely spaced the volatility is high. when they come close together, it means the volatility is low: this thing about these bands is they move in very predictable part earns. 16 months ago the xli was in a volatility squeeze. the stock was trading size ways and they became very narrow. it's often a sign that a major rally is soon to follow. that's exactly what happened to the industrial etf in early 2013. this was your signal. this volatility squeeze. since then the whole industrial complex is higher. xli trading at 53 dollars. and fitzpatrick points out something important about this rally. it's taken place pretty much entirely within the upper half of the complex.
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in other words, over this period the xli has almost always been closer to the top band than the bottom band. take a look, see. top. every time the industrial etf is pulled back, buyer verss have fd in. that's the blue line. that's about as clear and robust of an up trend as your going to see. this is when we went over the chart beforehand, i said, well, not a lot of worry about this one. pretty clear. for the past couple of months the xli has been going again. it's good news. it's giving you excellent buying opportunities as it builds a base. where we are now looks a lot like where we were at the end of 2012 when we got a volatility squee squeeze. he thinks we can see it again when it breaks out from the
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current pattern. as long as it holds up above it's 40 week earning, it remains a buyer and this is convincing but i don't like to own etf's or trade them. good example. it's a nice picture but why buy something that mirrors an entire sector. including the good companies and bad ones when you can own only the good companies. etf industries have you brainwashed but not here on mad money. now let's check out a couple of individual names. we'll start by taking a gander at daily chart of cramer fav united rentals. they rent out everything from backhoes to forklifts and portable generators, pressure washers and more. i have never rented anything from them.
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i'm not handy. anyway, a lot of this industrial equipment can get expensive and is hard to maintain. so in a great many cases it makes more sense for companies to rent it rather than buying new equipment out right which is among the reasons they just reported a terrific quarter last thursday. spiked the stock immediately. you can see that right there. not only that but according to fitzpatrick it's a strong stock. each time its pulled back close to its 50 day moving average which is the red, that's a short-term pressure of its trajectory, the buyers have swooped in and the stock has bounced back. and it's established a new floor of support. we saw this happen in february when they sold off down to $75. it freaked everybody out. everyone is saying the story is over. not here though. as soon as it hit the 50 day moving average he came back with a vengeance. pushed it hard there. the stock was once again flirting with it's 50 day moving average.
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in the last few sessions it rebounded dramatically. fitzpatrick sees a healthy up trend to push the stock higher. the recent consolidation can be what united rentals needs. a breathe pause to catch it's breath before it heads to all time highs. as long as the stock stays above 85. you know from the praise i showered on the ceo after his recent appearance on the show, i'm in 100% agreement with fitzpatrick. this is difficult. look at the chart of tyco. reports friday. they have been on a tear. they doubled in value over that period. according to fitzpatrick this shows no signs of letting up. this mirrors what we saw in the xli. they traded sideways in late 2012. the bands contracted and created a volatility squeeze and then exploded higher over the course of 2014. recently they briefly broke out
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above it's long-term ceiling of resistant. fitzpatrick says that's often a dramatic break out that can be a sign of a top. that worried me. but he thinks tyco's break out simply wasn't all that dramatic. just a little bit of a spike with the stocks settling back into the previous range. he considers it a bullish development because the up trend is still intact. my view on tyco i'm not as certain. we're too close to the quarter to do any buying but if the stock gets knocked down after reports and the quarter actually looks solid when you do your homework, that's the opportunity for me. here's the bottom line. the industrials haven't gotten as much attention as they should. but they're slow and steady move higher is the heart and soul of the market's recent rally. the charts say the whole group is headed higher and he likes united rentals in particular as well as tyco. 100% of united rentals. as for tyco let's see what they
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have to say when we report on friday. stick with cramer. ♪ [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people , great things happen.
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tonight's came in the form of facebook with incredible earnings and apple with a 7 for 1 split but an upside surprise driven by eye phones. there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it just for you right here on mad money. i'm jim cramer. see you tomorrow. >> working in a prison is really tough. it is not for everybody. >> when you have gangs involved, if you don't do what you're asked, then you would get beat up. >> the biggest prison in the state of idaho is also the toughest. the idaho correctional center, the i.c.c., was so violent that employees and inmates had a name for the place -- gladiator school. >> and that was because of the assaults. and that's why they called it gladiator school, because of that reason. if you're
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