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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  April 25, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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s&p 500 down 0.7%. 1.5% lost for -- and we're seeing the yield on the ten-year drop to the lows of the week. >> it will be an interesting two hours between now and the close at 4:00 p.m., as we round out the week. >> have a good weekend >> you too. >> well will see you on monday. \s. we highlight the hot earnings news you're not hearing anywhere else, and what grateful dead and streaming radio now have in common, but for now let's keep on trucking. >> geopolitical tension is
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coming to the forehere, along with a number of earnings stories. but look at where we are on the markets here. the dow is down by 0.8%, visa with the earnings weighing on the index. continues to work today at six-year highs. amazon the big story there. >> melissa, a sharp reversal, two reasons for the sell-off. first earnings and second, the ridesing tensions between ukraine and russia. i'm hearing that's one of the major reasons we're seeing a broader sell-off. technology seen as a risk-averse sector. tech many sometimes underperforms. in terms of where we're seeing the losses, you've got to look at the high-growth momentum stocks once against under pressure.
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amazon on the top of the list. the earnings and guidance not enough to support the high multiple. that's one of the reasons we're seeing analyst cut their price targets on shares of at sop. you can see other high-momentum stocks also trailing lower, cooling off a bit. while hit torrie many times shows you when we see the sell-off, we see this rotation into value-oriented, that's not the case today. recording earnings, a beat on earnings, but its guidance disappointing the street. >> thanks so much. bob? >> very distinct groups here doing a bit better or worse. earlier on this week biotech winner a not, it's a real difficult sector to work. so biotech on the down side, semiconnectors, home builders notably weak as well, and
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airlines stock exchange, a leadership group all year, are showing signs of cracking or topping out. let me show you, the home builders, and interesting they talked about a softer than expected spring home buying season, one of the few ones that have made that comment. as for earnings, i wouldn't say there was so much disappointing, but it's anemic. true, we saw some weaknesses in some of these stocks, but that's not a major climb. as for what's going on overall, guys, my point would be, number one, we topped out in the middle of the week. you throw in some bell acompanies comments by russia thursday and potentially friday, and that's the issue. art cashin feels 70% of the decline is due to the ukraine. i think that's high, but certainly the ukraine is playing
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into this mix here. guys, back to you. >> bob pisani, thank you very much. in fact, we are halfway through the q1 earnings season. dominic has the hits, the runs, the errors, and no dancing this time apparently. >> no dancing this time around. because overall we've had a pretty good earnings season like bob just mentioned. like you said, about 240 companies. so we're going to call it the halftime report, right? just to give you an example of what's happening so far. the scorecard does look pretty good, but on lower expectations. that's a good sign, albeit on lowered expectations. 11% have met estimates. one out of every five companies so far have missed. when bob calls it a ho-hum kind of earnings season, it has been. remember, we were only expecting 1% growth for earnings in the
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s&p 500 from the same time last year. still, it's one of those things where you have to look towards the second half to see if there's any real catalyst. remember, we all know that the retailers report at the back half of the season, and they tell us the bulk of the american spending picture. back over to you guys. >> thank you very much. we've heard a lot about amazon, starbucks, all these big companies, all day on cnbc. nothing wrong with that, but there are many under the radar movers that you need to know about. let's walk through three. mark -- marketo. investors realizing the guidance simply not what they thought it was. they had a strong forecast. deckers far from an ugg. >> you're proud of that line, aren't you? >> yes.
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you want to get snug in your uggs. >> you're proud of yourself for that, too. >> not that one, but the first one, yes. joining us four-star fund manager brian la zolshak. on the one hand earnings are decent. on the other hand, you have this russia/ukraine things hanging over us all. are you a buyer or seller of stocks today? >> i think you can buy here, but you have to do it selectively. so, you know, as you've pointed out, earnings season has been pretty good relative to the lowered expectations. so the average earnings surprise or up side reported so far through yesterday was about 4.8% better than expectations. if you back out finances, it was even better, but they were of course against lowered
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expectations. estimates had been drifting down because of a whole host of issues. so, you know, we think there are interesting areas, but to some of the things we're talking about, you're seeing companies with good earnings, yet stretched valuations, get punished here on in-line earnings. so we prefer to concentrate on the stock that is have great earnings potential. good reports, good guidance, yet still offer attractive valuation. >> another day, more tech weakness, are you using this pullback to get into any of high-flying so-call momentum stocks? >> i think, you know, i really think it's too early to dive into these high momentum and high growth names. even though they have come down a lo, they have high valuations. so investors have become accustom to buys these and they expect them to crush the earnings estimate. if we have a sloppy quarter, and they immediate or slightly
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compete estimates, investors are running for the hills, taking profits, and i think you need to let the dust subtle and it's too early. >> brian, i'm curious if you think there's a psychological change in this market. when you look at a stock, all of a sudden making a profit isn't a big deal. here we are with the stock down more than 8%. are we views these stocks through a different lens in this market today? >> i think it's been a more skeptical lens, if you will. those stocks in amazon is just one of them. you could throw a whole host of others are somewhat getting a double whammy today. we've seen this ongoing momentum trade, people peeling out of the momentum stocks, at the same time geopolitical questions are on the rise, so i think those stocks are getting hit by both of those factors. that's caused the weakness. >> michael, i guess you could
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take this one as well. i don't understand why nobody is angela merkel today cease the geneva court talks have broken down, russia say if we invade ukraine, it would be self-defense. why isn't this more of a market issue? >> i think it is. i think that's a big reason why the markets are choppy and flat the last month and a half. you know, when you look at it, i think people don't worry about the russian market so much, but i worry about if russia spills over to europe. europe happens to be the second largest global economy in the world. if the tension there starts a cajun effect into europe, that will affect the u.s. companies that sell their goods and services there. i think it's reason to be concerned and we're watching it very, very closely. >> all right. brian and mike, we're going to leave it there. good discusses as always. thanks, have a great weekend. see you soon. >> thanks. on deck, we will drill deeper. will u.s. sanctions really impact american companies?
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ian brzezinski will be here. plus why a mesh of the grateful dead wants to take on spot i fill and pandora. and later the love affair with one of the hottest housing markets, the hint -- $1.7 million average selling price. r. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you outlive your money? uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. mattel started in a garage. disney started in a garage. amazon started in a garage. ♪ the ramones started in a garage.
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my point? some of the most innovative things in the world come out of american garages. introducing the lighter, faster cadillac cts. 2014 motor trend car of the year. ain't garages great?
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gold moving higher today as the u.s. steps of sanction threats.
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jacky deangelis has more. >> that's right, as they tensions are escalating once again. of course the president is saying that the u.s. will respond with targeted sanctions, but the issue here is that when those sanctions will be put into place is uncertainly. that's not the only uncertainty out there right now a lot of people wondering if there would be more violence in the region and whether europe would actually go along with the sanctions. geopot tick, certainly some of the reasons that equities are lower today. you have some safe haven buying. gold up about $10 at the close, closing above that key technical level of 1300. traders are saying part of it is that we want to be risk off going into the weekend, but it could go next week as well. the bulls are say they want to close above an april high. the bears, of course are looking at the downside breakout price. to feel like we're going lower
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in terms of the gold trade. i do want to point out that palladium was significantly higher today, that's because russia exports palladium. back to you. >> jackie, thank you very much. well, it is not just gold or other metals. oil is moving, and you know why. it's russia. here are some of the western companies that have active ventures in russia. chevron and exxon. you also have some of the biggies based elsewhere, but who trade here, including royal dutch shell and bp. let us now bring in ian brzezinski, a senior fellow at the atlantic council. welcome to the program. you recently argued that at least the threat of military force must be on the table in dealing with vladimir putin, because sanctions he may view as weak. why? >> i just don't think that the
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sanctions we're imposing on today and possibly could impose tomorrow by increasing them will be sufficient to deter russia from further aggression against ukraine if not other countries in the space of the former soviet union. you're going to have to have a military component to gift credibility to u.s. opposition and outrage over this invasion of ukraine, and to deter further russian aggression. >> there's no appetite, though, for military component. are we just looking at a situation where we're going to impose sanctions or the g-7 will, i should say and that simply will be a symbolic measure? >> well, it appears that the threat -- the next step of economic sanctions will be a continue ways of against specified individuals and perhaps a limited set of -- it would be unconvincing, and to president putin it will not deter him from further action against ukraine. probably at risk because it would be a sign of weakness, encouraging him to continue his
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current strategy of aggression particularly in eastern and southern regions. >> if we're hearing you right, and you probably are right on this, if sanctions will be view as weak and probably not work, and if military threats are just hollow, to melissa's point, then what do we have? where do we stand? it sounds like we've got nothing. >> no, there are things we can do. the things are do we have the political will? first sectorial sanctions, that would hit the economy hard and recent nation deep by. second, a real credible response. right now the response we've to defend, to reinforce on nato frontiers have been largely symbolic they've drawn a red line, so that's left ukraine isolated militarily isolated. a third thing we should be doing is providing greater military assurance by providing ukraine
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weapons, antitank weapons, surface to air missiles, things that would complicate russian military planning if they plan to do an incursion. >> if i'm hearing all of this, and obviously there are a lot of ifs to these scenarios, ian, but what is the impact on a company like an exxon or bp because they're so entangled there? >> if we continue with pinprick sanctions, the russians have no interested in undercutting the relationship with these companies. they're important source of investment, technology, necessary to development russia's industrial base and in particular its oil fields. if the sanctions are serious, which is what i recommend we should go ander sectorial and financial and really have an impact on the russian economy, then i think exxons and shells, others alike should be prepared for actions by the russian government against them. >> all right, ian, we often hear
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that the old the major stock index is down. some of the billionaires are less rich than they were. there any hope or chance that the richest inside russia will say to putin, hey, you're wiping us out, stop it? >> you have to understand this is an authoritarian regime, not washington, d.c. or bonne, where there are corporate interests that will migrate. this is a one-man show over in the kremlin. he controls everybody. these sanctions have taken 5 for 7 billion of an oligarch's wealth. he wants to demonstrate loyalty to putin, so the influence on putin directly i think tends to
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be exaggerated. in fact we should be thinking about how does an authoritarian regime react? that's why you need wider sanctions. >> ian brzezinski, a real pleasure you have to you on the program. thank you very much. >> thank you. from the u.s. investing in russia to the new way russians are investing here in the united states, let's bring in edward rumlestein, an attorney and advisory on cross-border issues. are we looking at a capital flight out of russia? >> we've seen in the last several months a significant up tick in money leaving russia. it was just reported by the russian government that the flight has doubled in the last quarter, so it is significant. we're going to pause it right now. i want to alert everybody. we are watching the markets very closely the day after we got so much major earnings, but we are
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on session louse, leading the losses so we're seeing the impact here on the tech sector. >> and we're going to get right back to ed in a second. but if you're a shorter-term trader, and look at what we are talking about now, why would you want to be in some exposed long position heading into the weekend where the rhetoric has ramped up. ed, we do want to get back to you and discuss the discussion. where are russians putting money in the u.s.? >> we've seen an up tick in the last few months of money that was typically going to residential investments in real estate moving to commercial investments. that's somewhat of a significant jump being that most of the money coming to the u.s. was
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into the luxury sector. that's no longer the case. >> you know there's a big steel plant in mississippi, ed, there have been some other sizable russian commercial investments in the united states. we obvious say america won't go to war with a country with mcdonald's. that's obviously a colloquialism, not entirely true, but are the economic tying coming from russia to us believe strong enough to ratchet down the real rhetoric? >> well, if the question is where does their money earn the most and today it's in places like new york or london, andty think we're going to continue seeing the flight to our shores in the next few months, as long as there's the ability for them to move the money out of russia or move their money around the world, they're going to continue putting it into safer locations.
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russia today is an economy that's tithering. the ruble is in very serious free fall, and any incursion into ukraine is going to anticipate that. >> thank you for your time, ed. we are close to session lows, we're looking at a lot of individual stocks close to session lows. twitter, what a decline in shares, ahead of its earnings report next week, down 7.5% about right now. and facebook really giving up a lot of the gains. >> those two are bad, but i'm going to pile on even more. >> pile on. >> the worst performer according to my fact set right now on the s&p 500,, down 9.5% now, masco, totally different, a building product, second worst,
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but amazon, got to be the worst day of the user for amazon, e y easi easily. >> we're focusing on tech where we're seeing a lot of big-cam tech names, but financials are having a tough day of it. we do see the s&p 500 down by 0.8%. >> listen, melissa, you know i like you. you're obviously an optimistic person. >> but? >> no, you're hitting the negative stuff. there's one sector hitting a high today. >> utilities. i also mentioned it at the top, so i'm glad you're listens to me. >> i was focusing on the interview. ian brzezinski, his sister was going to give me the business if the interview didn't go well. anyway, a new fda ruling could make roesch a big winner. we have the details ahead. the super-sized success story for a guy they call super man. stop it. nothing.
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ancial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. but with so much health care noise, i didn't always watch out for myself. with unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. but she's still gonna give me a heart attack. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ]
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[ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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going into the break i said amazon was down 9.5%, and that has to be the worst day of the year. i was wrong. >> it doesn't have to be. >> dan greenhouse, good "street
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signs" guest calling me out. don't class. amazon was down 11% on january 31st. dan, thank you biff. you'll never come on this show again. >> just kidding. >> just kidding. in honor -- we created a list of the 25 most transformative people. throughout this week and next, here now the super-sized success story from a guy many call superman. >> li ka-shing is a legend. he is definitely one of the most astute businessman to ever come out of the asia proper.
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>> his nickname may stem from his legendary business had building skills, he actually has a lot in common with the super hero, like fleeing from his country, losing his father at a young age and quickly learning the importance of hard work. >> li ka-shing was a school drop out, he had to be and he toiled very hard. >> his family left china for hong kong. soon after his father died of due birk losses. by age 15, li was working full time in a plastics factory. he's now 85 the chairman of the investment giant and the multinatural conglomerate. as much as anyone, li is responsible for lifting hong kong to the top echelon of global business and financial hubbs. >> he has built what can only be described as an empire in asia. >> you're talking about shipping interests, real estate, a
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massive real estate investment company, telecommunication, health and beauty products. >> it's considered that 15% of the cap of hong kong stock exchange basically falls under this one man. >> powerful, industrious, an investor with a trader's guts, "forbes" ranks him as the richest man in asia worth nearly $34 billion. >> he has basically been the iconic investing name. he's like the warren buffett of asia. >> like warren buffett, li ka-shing prefers to live modestly. >> he doesn't want to flaunt his wealth and doesn't want to be considered a massive mogul. >> still there's no denies his vast impact through the billions in charitable donations. globally and at home. >> asia has undergone an incredible transformation over the past 50 years, and if you just take a look at hong kong,
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the incredibly strong big competitive world-class city that it is today, part of that is thanks to li ka-shing. find out where they raven on the first 25. that's all day next tuesday. it's a big week, but for "street signs" as well. we'll be teat the milken global conference. we have big names you know, and we'll have some prices, i promise you. not even business leaders, some famous actors that will be coming on the show. >> do you get starstruck? >> do they? >> no, do you get starstruck -- oh, you're implying. i just rolled my eyes. >> that's an eyeroll. it will be a great week. mand,is back, the milken conference, top 25.
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big names. >> just a quick market check here. the nasdaq is now down by 78 points here, so that's good for a loss of 1.9%. shares of microsoft look like they're going to turn, the first conference call, really a departure from steve balmer, who never participated. it did change as we speak. >> in the commercial break, i was sort of slamming -- >> you were. >> i was saying the stock has done great, but what has he done so far. what changes has he made so far? it's a fair question. >> fair question. microsoft shares down right now. four big upgrates on this down day. "street talk" is up next. and why a member of the grateful dead is diving headlong into the music wars. and why this album is not
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representative of what the catalog is about, but his better view with bob weir. ic) defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. calcium citrate plus d. highly soluble, easily absorbed. in a we believe outshining the competition tomorrow requires challenging your business inside and out today. at cognizant, we help forward-looking companies run better and run different - to give your customers every reason to keep looking for you. so if you're ready to see opportunities and see them through, we say: let's get to work. because the future belongs to those who challenge the present. ♪ "first day of my life" by bright eyes ♪ you're not just looking for a house.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. the copy says ad-lib
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markets, ad-lib apple. so less 'do that. let's call that 1%. the nasdaq continues to be the big disappointment, down 1.9%, the loss is almost exactly double that of the dow jones industrial average, looking back here at our heel wall. >> it's hot. >> decidedly cold today, but nine s&p 500 companies doing well. appear the is actually one of the names that is higher. it's not up a lot, 1.42, but today that's a big gain. >> see if it holds. over to dom chu with a market flash. >> hospital stocks hot in an otherwise down market. just off those session highs after the hospital operated that beat analyst estimates. tenant health care, far and away the best-performing stock,
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credit suite analyst said investors are jazzed up on health care reform and the uninsured becoming insured thanks to obamacare. that's positive for the hospitals as they get paid something versus getting paid nothing. >> dom chu, thanks for that. we kick it on of with microsoft, because credit suisse is upping the target. >> that's about 20% potential up side credit suite sees in microsoft from here. also reiterating the outperform. they think the main takeaway is the growing momentum in the cloud product. they also they they could get back to double-digit. >> dive rye is another one we're watching. is it still a pop? 15%, releasing earnings yet, beat street stimts. >> the target also raised nearly 60% to 54 bukz for dive rye.
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dehave rye. they're optimistic about a meaning -- very bullish call on dv. wells fargo an upgrade today. outperform is the new rating here, but its trading lower. >> but day is maybe not representative of the call. so they see potential up side of about 15%. they say wells fargo is the bellwether for the banking industry, and also what they call a flight to quality stock in wells fargo. if other banks go down, they're saying people could flock into wells fargo. >> this is an interesting name here. sill nappics, actually a any 52-week high then backed off of t also raising the price target. >> the stock is at 64. they see 100. my math tells me that's about
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$46 of up side. >> it could be from yesterday's close theoretically. see, melissa -- there we go. ynaptics, if you use one of thousands fingerprint scannersh. >> they do the sort of -- >> biometric? >> no, no, no. >> why not? you've got to pit your finger on that. >> it's more than that. it's -- all right. >> you and your whole like -- >> i interviewed the ceo in january. >> your precision thing. >> anyway. pandora and spotify by simply making the music sound better. we'll hear from bob weir on just that after the break. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 trading inspires your life. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 life inspires your trading. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 where others see fads... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see opportunities.
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all right. let's get down to our talking numbers. a daily look, and let's talk ford. on your technicals today is harry wad, on your fundamentals, john stevenson with first asset investment management.
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i'm going to start with you. we'll get to the numbers in a second. technically, is ford looking like a sell? it's been weak, man. >> it has. i think my wore is there could be spillover momentum that takes the stock lower on today's drop. what has me concerned, looking at the chart, is that recent losses are occurring at a very heavy level of resistance at $16.50. this was a forefloor for the stock, now it's acting as a ceiling. there's supply here, and we're see it on today's drop. i think this could be an inflection from the upper end. on the down side, look liking at the q1 low, if we get some stabilization there, i think it's setting up better as a buy. >> john, your view on the fundamentals? >> beep beep beep, back up the truck. you should be buying this all day long. this is a great stock. first of all, it's fairly cheap.
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sales are moving along. china sales for the first quarter up 45% europe is showing strength in terms of volume and pricing. if you look at the most recent month, which is march, you have vehicle sales up 8.1% on the truck side, which is the bread and butter line. so this is doing really well. they're coming occupy with a new line of f-series trucks, a strong inflection point. it's cheap stock, doing well, an there's a massive influx of new car buyers,. >> guys, thank you. ari and john, have a great weekend. be sure to check out the online edition of talking numbers in partnership with yahoo financial. i was wrong. as i was knocking you, i was wrong. >> it serves you right. >> yesterday my kid tells my i
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wear underwear around the house -- >> the expression on her face, she said with a simple smile. >> i went wo that are varied, go to your state land grant university. trying to compete with spotify by offering higher quality sound, and it's getting some help from the grateful dead. steve liesman joins us now. >> what talk this -- what understand that's what music experts say your brain is really hearing. it puts it together in a way you don't notice it, but bob weir is trying to change that with the backing of spotify rival. the idea of making people aware that mp3 is low quality and that there is a better way. >> it's tiring to listen to digital music. when i was a kid, we used to go
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and on a friday or saturday night, put on a couple records, turn the lights down and listen to them all the way through. you can't do that anymore. we're trying to get it so you can. >> sat down with him yesterday and rob mccutcheon. their efforts are on a cutting edge to upgrade of quality of what people lynn to digitally. he's actually optimistic people will hear a difference. >> one by one peer are going to go ding, click oh, i never heard that. i've been listening to this song for five years. i never i never heard that high hat figure. that's where the groove is. oh, my god, i never heard that quality on the vocal. >> bobby is always optimistic, in the process of upgrading the to a newer format known as aac. it's going to be all at this 320
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kilobites, better quality, of course, will cost consumers more, assuming current prices on data, but rock star kneale young, he's on, he launched pono, a new service that offer only high-quality music. he says once people will hear the difference, thee noel what they've been missing. gentlemen and ladies. >> i'm a 320 guy. >> already? >> if you encode from your own cd. >> it will take longer to encode. >> here's the problem. it fills stuff up quick. that old 8-gig -- >> but the cost of memory is zero. go out and get a terabyte portable hard drive, a portable flash drive. that's nothing. the question will be for your kids and you pay for their plan, will you go to that?
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streaming is the only way kids listen to stuff. >> you know who love it, the phone companies. >> that's possible. >> because you are going to go over your data limit -- >> in terms of the investment. >> do you think it matters? >> she still using that sony walkman. >> would you stop? >> brian, stop it. >> i asked her a question. >> i think it will be interesting to see. i have not heard the difference, so i haven't experienced it, but i can understand week people would want it. phone companies, that's a great idea in terms of the investment plays, but also cloud. >> i think what's cool about what weir is doing, we went to digital, it was downloading, and then to streaming. nobody mentioned quality. just having the conversation means higher quality inputs as well as better speakers, headphones, better everything. >> to your point. memory was really expensive. >> and that's coming down. >> here's the reality.
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with these ears -- i can hear everything anyway. >> you have unusually large ears. >> that's all right. >> ma itsi just disproportional to his head. >> his head is too small. >> you're my bestest friend now. we're pretty much down 1% on the s&p 500. the vix is up by 10%. it's up -- up near 9%. big spike in the vehicles. no surprise here. fda approves a new test. we'll talk about the potential benefits and potential stock boost. and the hamptons' housing market is red-hot. it seems as if everyone is trying to get in before the summer starts. if you don't live around here, wait until you hear some of these numbers. tyler, i assume you guys are all over this market decline? >> we will be watching it minute
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by minute right until 4:00 p.m. ron says he's no longer shorting the market. find out why he has become a little more positive again. royal catherinian shares are up more than 0% over the past year. the cruise lines ceo tells us how he has steered the company and its shares past the shoals of the industry. they're pulling in lots of revenue, where is the beef? where are the profit? all of that and more at the top of the hour on "closing bell." see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides.
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2:51 pm
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as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. the fda approved a dna test by roche for cervical cancer screening. we'll talk to a doctor in a moment. but first off the business angle, meg terrell joins us. >> diagnostics is a huge investment for roche. not as big as its financial market business but a business they've been putting a lot of emphasis on. what the news is, the fda approved this dna test for hpv and they're saying that it could actually instead of a pap test,
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now for the first time this dna test could be used ahead of a pap test to detect your risk of getting cervical cancer. this is a big one and roche is the first one to get this. there are other companies in this cap space, smaller, but one analyst is saying this could be a tailwind for all companies working on hpv tests. >> meg, stick around. let's talk more about this. bring in dr. stephanie blang, oncologist, gynecologist, dr. blake, welcome to "street science." what do you make of the news ultimately? is this a positive? >> this is good news. this is a tool to help us identify precancers and cancers and save lives. >> it costs double what a traditional pap test costs. what is the likelihood patients will opt for it or that insurance is going to cover this? >> that remains to be determined. you need to look at the big picture basically. this will allow some patients
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not to have additional testing so the big picture, it may actually save lot of people money and anxiety. but we don't have that data as yet. >> what do you make of the potential that, you know, the pap test can pick up other issues associated with cervical cancer, other infections that the hpv test wouldn't necessarily screen for? is that something to be worried about? >> the pap smear is a cervical cancer screening test. occasionally it picks up other cancers or things like that, but that's not the thing it's designed for. so i think that's just something that can happen but it is not a fault not to have that happen. >> and how important is it that the fda has approved this or do we need to wait for clinical guidelines to change before doctors like you would start using it in your practice? >> that's a great question. this is -- approval doesn't mean you have to or should use this testing. it means it is an option. having more options is certainly good. a lot of experts will soon be meeting to put together guidance
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document on the use of primary hpv testing but at present this is an option without sort of evidence-based guidance. >> doctor, i'm going to take it a little off on a tangent if i may which is we want to know as much as we can from every test, but we talk aboutut dna testing when we talk about what we know, one of the best books i've ever read is the immortal life of henrietta lax, about what we can do with genes and cells. is there a risk with these tests getting as advanced as they are that our dna is going to start to also be used for stuff that we can't control? >> hmm. that's sort of a fantastic idea, but i think -- >> insurance companies, doctor. say, oh, well, we did this test and now we have this stuff, and by the way it looks like the sullivan family has a tendency toward x. there's a risk of how our dna, our genes, our genetic testing
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is used. >> yes. i think this is -- first of all, this test is not looking at your whole gene, just looking for the dna presence of certain strains of the virus. so this specific test is not sequencing somebody's dna. but i guess your question is would having high-risk hpv then make it harder for you to get health insurance? is that your question? >> yeah. well, basically, talk about, you know, sort of the idea of pre-existing conditions, the ultimate pre-existing condition to some insurance companies might be genetic propensity within a family to have something. and i think we'll have this argument more and more. maybe i'm wrong, guys. down the road genetic testing is is going to start to identify stuff that we may have a tendency toward and insurance companies may take notice. >> there are tests that talk about different cancers that tell if somebody has a jeanetge predisposition to those cancers. i believe there's actually some law in place to say that these cannot influence a person's ability to get health insurance.
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>> doctor, thank you. i think i hijacked our own interview there, doctor. thank you very much. >> meg, thanks as well. >> we're all over this late-day market slide. we'll be right back. arn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. and trade with papermoney to test-drive the market. ♪ all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. [ dog barks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive... being able to see so clearly... to respond so intelligently and so quickly, they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger.
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it's here everyday, for everyone. that's the power the power, that's the power of today. cleveland clinic. call today, for an appointment today. . all right. kind of a weak way to go out for the weekend. hour of trading left. power shares, nasdaq down 1.6%. we are going into the weekend with a whimper.
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>> it is the internet stocks taking it on the chin. socl, that's down by more than 4%. >> more conch coming up on "closing bell." if you need a great summer read, the immortal life of hen raet ta lax, fantastic true story. >> i'll see you tonight on "fast money." "closing bell" is next. >> welcome to "the closing bell." i'm sara eisen at the new york stock exchange. >> i'm tyler mathisen at cnbc world headquarters. as we enter the final trading hour of the week, it looks like we could be ending on a bit of a down note. those tensions with vladimir putin and his moves in the ukraine weighing things down as the obama administration tees up more sanctions. we'll have the latest as this conflict is heating up again as we head into the weekend, sarah. >> also impacting the market,


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