tv Street Signs CNBC April 30, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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the dow is up just 20 points, with a yield on the ten-year, you like to mark these things down. >> that's why i have my highlighter here. 2. 62% for the ten-year, watches this, folks, seconds away from the fed decision. >> yeah, i think you should get a difficult color. we have four seconds. >> another $10 billion taper announced unance mussily today, the committee said economic activity has picked up lately with bad weather, consumers spending has picked up. labor market is continuing to improve, those signals remain mixed. given that, the federal open market committee said it would maintain low interest rates, the low federal funds rate in the current target range for a considerable period of time after asset purchases, and it also said that they expect that barring unexpected information, they would continue further measured steps in tapering
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federal asset purchases, guys. >> thank you very much for that, john harwood. what we are seeing in terms of reaction, the nasdaq every so slightly lower, the dow has now up by only two.. the s&p has gone negative. this is always a knee-jerk reaction. in terms of the actual statement itself, steve liesman? >> i think it's as expected. john not pointing out anything big in terms of changes to the statement. i think it's pretty much as expected. >> can we expect the $10 billion? >> absolutely, all the way through. >> so the follow-up, anicka, can we expect that every meeting. >> yeah, absolutely. so we'll probably wrap up the tapering somewhere in october or december, and we think that even though we got an anemic growth rate today for the first quarter, the second quarter should be paid that.
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again just pointing to some of the housing indicators, that is lightly where we're seeing the sluggishness. >> okay, then here's the follow to the follow, which is this -- one of the two things happen when the federal reserve is done with its bottom buying program. either, a, somebody new steps in to absorb the extra bonds that the federal reserve is not buys, or b, interest rates go up considerableably, because nobody has stepped in. which one of those two will happen? >> the third option is that the fed starts to allow those securities to mature. of course, that is the least of all evils, as a way that the fed can start to wind down its balance sheet. i think this year, even though the first quarter is going to be slow, i think that we'll start to see some overall improvement. and all of the focus is at the short end of the curve. what's going to happen to the fed fund's target rate. we think -- we don't see the
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first hike until mid 2015. >> do you agree with that, david? >> yes, i think the fireworks will be in subsequent immediatings when you look at the fomc projections, because the recipe they have right now of having the ferred fund rate down, that's wrong. we know that's wrong. that will lead to overheating in the economy, and so they're going to try to get back to a normal federal fund rate, and watches the fomc changing their view on that. >> what could be the implications for investors then? >> what i think it means is that long-term interest rates, it's been a great four months for long-term interest rates coming down. i think they will march back up over the next two, three years, so it will be different for the next few years, but improving economy is still low rates is probably actually a pretty good environment for equity investors. i think the stock market can still move up. >> jack, are you out there? >> yeah, i'm here.
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i've just been waiting to jump in. we've heard this before about treasury yields moving higher. there will be a battle between a pickup and growth, but it's not inflationary growth. i'm not sure how high treasury yields have to move. sentiment is still very negative. there's just expectations, they look at the nominal yield that they have to move higher. >> do this? >> the long end are going to stay flat and there's better opportunities elsewhere. >> jack, do you think they have to move higher? >> i don't. >> okay. good. so most everybody. >> they've been doing this for decades. i'm not saying we're japan, but rates can stay low. >> do you think we're taken by surprise in temperatures of how yields have been acting in light of the fact you also have the fed gradually pulling away? you think this is what we expected? >> absolutely not. it was the opinion of 9.9 of 10 analysts that as the fed tapered
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yields would rise. i think it was also probably the opinion of the fed. the thing that the fell was focused on was not even the rise of the long bonnet, but the rise of the short rates. they felt as if what had happened, especially in the summer, was that the market had gotten unhinged from the fed's forecast and attempts to guide the market that threats low rates would remain low for a long time. they made tremendous efforts to get that back under control, and think largely succeeded with that. it was very interesting that one of the outcomes of that was that the long bond also remained low. >> if you look at the federal funds future markets, they're actually buying what the fed is selling. they have a lower fed funds rate than the fed itself projects. >> but are you buying what the fed is selling? i don't mean literally. you know what i'm talking about. >> what makes you think it's wrong? >> i think they're trying to talk down long-term rates, but as the unemployment rate goes down, we'll have asset bubbles. >> you just put your finger on
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the biggest most important question, are we in a place right now where david is right, where wage inflation picks up. once you figure that out, how long will janelle yellen and how high will she let wage inflation run? my guess is she's going to let it run longer than david kelly believes it will. it will be an epic decision she's going to have to make. >> hold on, let's goodic to anika, has the unfortunate privilege of not sitting around the table and getting yelled at. >> our fortunate privilege. >> but it makes it seems like janet yellen can control that inflation. >> no, no, that's not what i'm saying. >> do you think she has that power? >> well, you know, we got the eci number today, and we saw hardly any wage inflation. so i think we sit there for a while. you talked a bit about where the ten-year is going to go. we clearly see upward bias, but a way to track that is see where
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expectations are going and what nominal gdp is doing. if we look at the ten-year for inflation expectations, those numbers are trending a little higher for the five-year and down, they actually are a bit flat. so if we look at where all of the activity is happens, it's at the long end, even though rates have been somewhat flat since january. >> anika makes an important point here, folks, to some guys out there, forecasting the long bond, nothing else matters but inflation. at the end of the day, the only thing the market wants compensation for, and effectively a risk-free investment, because it believes the government will make good on its debts is compensation for inflation. when that numbers comes down, it seems to be commensurate with essentially -- >> jack, come in on the conversation as well. what are your thoughts on this? >> yeah, and i agree. we've had this discussion before about inflation. it's hard to identify the sustainable sources of
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inflation. labor is not in a position of strength. there's always people that will be able to command higher wages, but that's a smaller subset of the workforce. so i'm in the camp, i think it was steve that, you know, the fed is probably going to err on the side of keep monetary policy more we're still trying to make sure we don't have the deflation embedded into our psyche. that's more challengingivities just to wrap it up, coming back from the conference, there were pretty big players concerned about a new credit bubble and about the risk potentially of another financial crisis especially because of what happening in high-yield where cc-minus companies have zero default rates. mark rowan was one of those guys, by the way. thank you all. >> we're sticking around, but the others get the thanks. thank you, guys.
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bob pisani is standing by, and rick santelli in chicago bob, this morning you said the fomc meeting don't expect too much. i guess you got what you sort of were wishing for. >> there were three or four things we were looking for. they note that economic activity has picked up recently. last time they had it had slowed during the winter months. they said the recoveries in the housing sector roe mains slow. that's exactly what they said before. the inflation language is essentially unchanged. nothing there, the forward guidance looks intact. i see no dissent from lakota here, so take -- we did have a bit of a blip upward as the number came out, but mandy, something very interesting, do you know in the last 23 fomc minutes meetings that have come
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out, the s&p has been down. going back to 200 from 2:00 until the closest, all 23 times, the s&p ended lower at where it was just prior to the announcement. so we're essentially unchanged from where we were at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. i'll keep an eye on that. the rest of the market pretty much unchanged. >> and literally we're just talking about a matter of points here. what are you beating your fists about? do you want to jump in? >> no, just beating my fists because i'm sort of wondering when, and maybe rick can answer this, when we start to see this shift. if people do believe the fed will end up and rates will go up, when does the super tanker, so to speak, all the trade start to move? >> rick san telei, do you want to answer that excellent question? >> first of all, everything needs to look at the marketplace. our expert panel is super intelligent. what they were describing isn't
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a market reality. they talked about the action on the long end, since inflation has picked up, it's been reflected. no, it has not. the curve steepening has done the exact opposite. as expectations have grown a bit, basically the long end has come down on yield. to answer that question, i think zero interest rate policy has outlived its usefulness. we're still purchasing 53%. we only tapered 47%. that could be gone, because ultimately to answer the question, you have to say, is growth going to be better? i don't see growth being better. >> you're saying it's obsolete? c'mon. steve, what do you reckon? >> i think the federal reserve is dos what the it was charged to do. interest rates are at zero, but an economy appears to need interest ratessh it cannot lower interests rates below zero, so
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it's doing something else, which is to purchase bonds. that's the simple rationale for what the fed is doing. you can jump through as many hoops as you want to explain why it's not right, but you have to respond to, if the economy needs an interest rates that's below zero, how do you achieve that? >> ahn eneastboundriated driver behind the steering wheel and you're telling me i have no choy but to be a reluctant passenger? >> it's getting healthy, we have the unemployment rate most of the way down, the federal reserve needs to wean us off the drug. >> why? >> because there are a lot of long-term problem that would be caused by this massive balance sheet, all the dislocations -- >> which ones of the problems that were predicted over the last six years that would happen -- >> it hasn't ended yes, but rick, at what point do you concede that it's not happening, that it hasn't happened? >> the chickens haven't come home to roost? >> what i've said all the way
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along -- the worst part of what may happen will only happen when things get good. when things good good, you're going to unleash a velocity and everybody says they'll hold $4 trillion. i'm sorry, they won't be able to. >> yes, but things are -- >> wait, wait. >> before six years, well. >> we were doing 2% in growth, an expansion running of about -- >> so we're europe woop de-doo. >> so your example bad, my example good. >> very simple. the today data supports what i'm saying, rick. i would be happy to hear the data supporting what you're talking about. >> i don't know. you said gdp was mostly weather. i would dispute that. >> of course you would. >> consumers, because they couldn't get out of the house? it seems like they did. >> personal consumption was up.
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>> service sector was the best in 14 years. there's your weather. >> not at you will it though. >> the government continues to detract from gdp growth. we have issues with housing, issues with cap ex spending that i believe rick you have some excellent points about that i think the administration could do well and change. however, we do have extensive r&d expenses. >> last word to david kelly. >> i'm glad they're tapering. they need to keep doing this, and if you have this much government intervention or federal reserve intervention, you will pay a price. it will be a long-term price, but you will say a severe price. >> are you saying there's no such thing as a free lunch? dang. >> it's a very long dinner and the bill is delayed. >> could i just also finish up by saying this,s it is 25th anniversary of cnbc. but there's another important anniversary next month. not nearly as important. the three-year anniversary of
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hope -- so it launched this i a idea. >> it's been a better bet. >> and i think you have -- >> because when your buddies are truck drivers and software sales, you get out of doinggone new york or san francisco or l.a. with the fake economies and talk to people in the real world, things are hard, but they have been getting better. the question i think rick brings up, is how much of that, if at all, will slow when the fed take its foot off. that's the question that everybody is terrified over. thank you very much. we're not done with this discussion. you cannot talk about it without larry kudlow. he's going to join us next. >> and then later on, a very good friend, herb greenberg is blaming wall street for twitter's troubles. we're going to explain all of that when "street signs" returns. we needed 30 new hires for our call center.
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even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event, ends sunday. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ when the show began, it was up by 21 points. in other words, the market expected the fed, okay? but there's still stuff out there that could happen. let's bring in larry kudlow. >> sometimes i feels like he
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does it for the fun of it. >> let's have some fun. this is such a day of low drama. >> whatever you say, i'll say the opposite. >> let's go at it. there's got to be something going on. >> i find something for us, larry. >> what do your notes say? >> it was a lousy number today, gdp. >> do you think it was all weather? >> i this is part and parcel of the weakest recovery, and the weakest part is still business investment. no business capital spending cycle at all, and there are a million reasons for that. >> fix it, larry. >> i need regulatory reform, tax reform, i need american companies to stop locating their headquarters overseas because our tax rates are 20 points higher than the competition's tax rates. i need the companies to stop
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paying tax baines and start investing in new businesses, and i need the federal government to pull back regulation so they're not afraid to take the costs. cut back. cut back. >> second is congress, which ain't going to happen. and the third one are decisions made sloely in the c suite. they don't need the government to tell them to do that. >> no. >> those are decisions they're making on their own. >> they're making it on their own, because the rate of return after tax is insufficient right now in the united states, compared to around the world. pfizer and astrazeneca, they're doing this for a lot of reasons, okay, that's great. but they want to dilute the
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share ownership so they can move their headquarters to london. >> and another tax rate -- >> of course, 20 percent tax rate in london versus an all-in 40% tax rate here. the techie companies and the health care companies, which could be two big growers are now more interested in tax profits rather than building new business. that troubles me. i don't blame them, but it troubles me. >> it should trouble all americans, everybody. >> this is a classic case summer supply-side tax barriers are inhibited economic growth. >> defenders will say they have a fiduciary duty to shareholders, and they do, but they have a fiduciary duty to the rest of the united states to stay here, even if it's just the top ten executives living on their boat in monaco.
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>> they won't do it out of the patriotism. >> i'm with you about patriotism, okay? but you've got to go with the best rate of return. it's called profit maximization, and when times are uncertain as this. >> i don't want to be -- there is no -- >> it's democrats and republicans who cannot come to closure on a tax reform deal that will make this company a country competitive again. and that's a pity. >> there's no fiduciary duty to shoulders, just so you no. >> of course there is. >> there is no law that requires a corporation to act in the best interests -- corporations can be formed and do anything they want for any particular reason. there's a sense they have to do this. >> there's no fiduciary duty.
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>> steve may i express -- when you're running -- when you're running a publicly held company, your role is shareholder value and profit maximization. that's your role. >> did steve jobs do that? he ened up helping shareholders, but his aim may not have been shareholder value. it may have been making great ipads. >> wait, his cash is overseas. apple is one of the most significant companies -- >> they are doing that, that is correct. >> larry, they are the most. >> steve jobs is a brilliant guy. he invented stuff we need we didn't even know we had to need, okay? but at the end of the day, as a businessman, the way they run that company is tax profit maximization. >> here's the problem.
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paul jacobs told us on the air, told me personally if tax laws were changed, he would open a manufacturing facility probably in california. >> good. >> but they're not. >> what you get is people saying the ceos are whining about taxes again, and so they want their tax rate cut. so politically, if you support that, you're going to be a bad guy, right? helping companies pay even less. that's the political reality. >> that's a liberate left political reality. what we learned, i want to be very clear. what we learned during the reagan '80s and clinton '90s, by the way. quinns that are antibusiness don't grow. i must say in all candor, this administration has consistently
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for over five years been anti-business, the businesses know that. the uncertainty is holding them back. >> then why are profits so high and the dow jones -- >> because they're good businesses. >> the corporate extraction shun otherwise known as the profit margin, and my good friend larry belies your last statement. >> i beg your pardon. they are so resilient and clever, they are making money, but they are not making expansion. what we do not have right now is the purchase and building of new capital investment. so these companies are smart. they outwit the government every time. >> and making a lot of money. >> we have to wrap it up. i'm going to end it on one fact that a lot of people are talking about today, ands best capitalist communists, the chinaer are about to overtake the number one economy.
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india is going to jump over japan. >> by the way, who cares? they're 120th in per capita. they produce nothing. larry, always wonderful to see you. steve, you're like a third wheel today. stick around. have a cup of tea. the earnings squa you had is back with three names to watch. and later on a donald sterling still owns the clips, could get a billion dollar pay cut for the remark es he made. "street signs" will be right back. rto upstate new york?ing i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation.
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the best heart care in the nation. it's here everyday, for everyone. that's the power the power, that's the power of today. cleveland clinic. call today, for an appointment today. joining me today is dominic which you. they have reported 69% beat eps targets, 9% have met estimates, 22% of earnings have come in below forecasts. we have to kick it off with exxon mobil. of course, this han benefited
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from the rotation into energy that we've been seeing. >> how about we're at record highs, or just off record highs. we haven't been talking about it a lot. now, the last time around these guys had a bit of a questionable earnings report, we saw some profit growth maybe not as robust as people thought, and mainly downstream. that means the refining and marketing activities. but also beyond just the headline numbers, they have a very big part with a company called rosneft. you worder about sanctions and what's happening, exxon mobil could be one of the american companies that may feel a tang able impact call into question
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or ask the -- and ukraine escalate. >> and how far down the line could that possibly happen? they're in no position to cut off their nose to spite their face. >> no. >> they could cut off oil and natural gas supplies for several years. >> exactly. we are watching yelp also. it's reporting after the bell today, and of course, you know, this has gotten caught up in the whole momentum meltdown in the -- the argument here is that this is a stock that's been hit amongst the hardest, but the revenue growth among the highest when you look at the forecasted revenue growth. 87% is what crt is estimating, and the stock was down to, what -- >> it's not growing fast at all. >> the past month or so. tonight what we're going to be looking for is any sort of guidance on platform traction. there's some interesting stats here. last quarter the metrics were that it drop food orders per week. food orders per week via its
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plate much partner. >> it's not open table. this is another type -- it's a review site. >> but they're doing a heck of a job bringing people into restaurants irnts and anything they say about the yahoo partnership which they unveiled in march when you search for something on yahoo!, the local yelp results will come up, so analysts want to hear about that. now, dr. j., you've been looking at fortress investment group. >> f.i.g. >> i like a lot of them in this space. how else do we get involved in the trillion dollar equity world. some of it is, of course, very liquid equity, but i think these guys with industry strong revenue growth take a look at the last quarter, and with a distributable earnings that are very, very strong, i think figure continues to grow. people always say you can't invest like buffett. yes, you can, you own this or
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berkshire hathaway. that does it for us. i will see you tonight on "fast money" meantime, back over to mand,. a big utility merger and some weird movements in the stock well before the deal made the news. that's item number one two striae talk coming up. and could now be the best time to double down on dreamworks? we're going to talk some numbers when "street signs" returns. some financial guidance s. d so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. mattel started in a garage. disney started in a garage.
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hello, everybody. hump day, guys. time for "street talk." aimr all kinds of thinks. petco holdings, the shares are soaring, and provided by exelen, but that only tells half the story. >> not even the most important part of the story. >> forget this chart, guys. the story is about two, but look at pep ko. and let's bring up a one-month? there we go. you can see there was, you know a little move here.
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on monday pretty decent move. listen, not enough to call attention necessarily, but there's something to look at. >> okay. why don't we move on and take a look at columbia sportswear, updaded to a buy. >> stock up 5%, and the target, this is what's interesting, is up to 103. the stock is at 86. they expect the company to acsell wray organic growth, see upside potential, though bad weather should help columbia. >> i'm sick of hearing about the weather. enough excuses. up next rf microdevices. another upgrade. >> the target is 11 bucks, about 20% higher than the current price. they know better than expected margin expansion, they have some post-merger synergy confidence. >> okay. mike at kors, luxury retailer.
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>> this is right up my alley. initiate a buy at janney capital. >> you do the math. that's about 30-some% -- i can't do the up side in my head. janney expects accelerated growth in a global market. they say it's a well insulated luxury brand. they are, luxury. >> exactly what accent were you channeling? >> i don't know. >> neither do i. let's move on to waybash national, a trailer manufacturer. post and, target double to $18 a share. listen, you drive down the road and you'll see their name on the back of trucks. this is industrial, utility, so the target is about five bucks more than the current price. they see demand for new trailers despite, guess what? extreme weather conditions,
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which you think would help sell trailers. in my trailers gets ruined, i'll buy a new within. let's move on you are. >> to our talking numbers segment. today dreamworks, company posted a loss yesterday after taking an impairment charge related to the weak box office performance of "mr. peabody and sherman." we have john coczar on the technicals, on the fundamentals is vasili. we like to switch it up a bit. technically, are you seeing any reason to buy shares of dreamworks today? >> i actually do. we're into in real wli nice support around $23 a share. we got a bit under that today and bounced higher by about a dollar. i think this is a place to look for value, maybe look for opportunity. i would way to see if he hold here. i think we could bounce back to at least 26 1/2 or so. i kind of want to see what the
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market does here and wait. but if we hold in here at 23, i think it's a place, at least for a short-term buy. >> what about you, john -- or vasily. sorry. hello? what do you think about this stock from the fundamental. >> from the fundamental standpoint, i mean, it's far from done. the things that keep getting worse for them, remember it's a film studio that makes films. out of the last four films, three lost money. you're almost better off them not making movies anymore, so unless that situation is resolved, i don't see a bottom to the stock. we have a $17 price target, but that's assuming all future films make money and nothing is an actual write-down. >> all right. so that's why we do it both way es here. john, 23 you say is important. if we hold there you're more positive, just to wrap up quick? >> yes, if we start getting
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underneath that area, i think we could possibly get down under 20, but for right here, i think you have to look at it as a possibility opportunity. >> thank you both to joining us on dreamworks. i do want to see that movie. >> i had never even heard of it. >> shame on you. you've got a daughter who is 10 years old, that's exactly the kind of movie she would enjoy. >> maybe that's why we're talking about the earnings not necessarily making the box office expectations. >> it looks so cute. be sure to check out the online version in partner with yahoo financial. let's talk some twitter here, those shares being decimated. herb greenberg says that's wall street's fault, not twitter. brian also has something to say it, about pretty much everything, but first a preview of what's coming up on "closing bell" with kelly evans. >> thank you very much. alan greenspan took one of the top spots on our top 25 list, so what's his biggest regret from his nearly 20 yore
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at the fed? we will have him coming up. also facebook's ipo flopped, but the stock pretty hot this year, twitter's ipo surged, but the stock has ice cold. which one are you better off owning right now? and one -- or companies will incorporate overseas. all that and more coming up on a special edition of "closing bell." tyl tyler mathisen joins me here, where we will be ringing the closing bell. it all starts at the top of the hour. tdd# 1-888-628-2419 can take you in many directions. spark your curiosity tdd# 1-888-628-2419 you read this. watch that. tdd# 1-888-628-2419 you look for what's next. tdd# 1-888-628-2419 at schwab, we can help turn inspiration into action tdd# 1-888-628-2419 boost your trading iq with the help of tdd# 1-888-628-2419 our live online workshops tdd# 1-888-628-2419 like identifying market trends. tdd# 1-888-628-2419 now, earn 300 commission-free online trades. call 1-888-628-2419 or go to to learn how.
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there's one thing we haven't mentioned today following the fed announcement, and that's what is happening with gold. the precious metal dropped just a bit immediately after the statement, before rebounding currently gold is trading down, as you can see it's currently sitting to the down side. what about palladium? >> it is one of the only four major metals that is up. palladium is up three tenths of a%, up 13% to date. the main use, catalytic converters in cars. you know what's not up
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today? >> twitter. >> yeah. on track for one of the worst days since going pup last november. they reported earnings that didn't quite soothe wall street's fierce. >> i don't field any compunction to go out and do something different because everybody else is doing that. we have a focus on core, three specific things -- growth, operating leverage and operating efficiency. >> let's bring in herb greenberg. okay, you've come out and you are actually blaming wall street for this? >> absolutely. >> why? don't say absolutely like it's absolute. >> it is absolute, brian. anything i say is absolute. >> that's true. >> because this is a classic case of a company, you know, if you think back to when we are talking about twitters a year
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and a half ago, i was on "street signs", and we would talk about the $10 billion valuation and oh my, that's so high, and it came out at $14 billion, shot up to, what, 14 billion? that's wall street doing what it does best or worst, depending on your perspective, bidding it up. this is a company that has so much work to do, can do it so much better without the public scrutiny, and then sort of come out and be what they are. now to some people the stock is somewhat damaged goods. classic wall street. >> you're cease that twitter's very first mistake was essentially going public? >> i would argue that they could have done better perhaps being acquired by a google or someone when that was back in the mix and they could do all of this under the radar, rather than going public. some companies go public way too soon, but this was such a hot entity. they had a lot of people that needed to get liquidity.
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the secondary markets were flush with stock. they were forced into doing it, i would suspect. >> i agree with actually everybody you said. you and i have talked. you know my position as far as a twitter user. as a user goes, i've been questioning where they're going to go for a while now. why would you blame wall street? right? couldn't twitter and its advisers and investors said no? i get it, they need to monetize the investment, but they could have held off. >> brian, you make a great point, and they didn't. they should take some blame for that themselves, but once it goes public, it becomes a classic game, and then it's compared to facebook. they're in the same group. we've seen this time and time again. i have no idea what's going to happen with twitter. i love it. contrasting myself with you, i think it's a great product. >> no, no, herb, i did not say that.
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we all use it. mandy check it is. >> i check it for a news feed. all i'm saying is if it only becomes a news feed why should it be valued than any other news feed, maybe like a business wire? that's my point. >> now they have to show monetization. >> bingo itches i'm not quite sure where they're going with that. i still think think haven't done a good job explaining how passive users, where they fit into the whole thing. they don't seem to want the passive users. >> to your point about the scrutiny, wall street will make them make these changes a whole lot faster. herb, we have another story to talk about you that. that's the energizer bunny. popping on news that the company plans to split into two parts. what's your take on this? >> my take is it's a brilliant move. i think you have to look at which part of the company ward klein, the ceo is going with. he's going with the personal
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products side, the growing side. you look at the battery side of the business, and you say to yourself, what's taking them so long? and will that being a roll-up? and then i started thinking about this and thought about what about procter & gamble? they own duracell, but duracell course. they own duracell. now lumped in with all sorts of products that you wouldn't think duracell would be lumped in with, and would this be something that duracell, that procter & gamble would spin out duracell and get rid of that as well and maybe you have the two battery companies back face to face with one neither way they used to be before wall street did when it did. >> big old bad wall street. herb greenberg, always absolutely a pleasure to have you on "street signs." isn't that a fact? >> that's the only absolute i know. >> we're at session highs, by the way, and if the dow hold on to the gains we'll close at record highs. the dow is up 52 points to 16,587. i think the dow is up 4,000 or
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5,000 points or more since we launched this hopium campaign three years ago. like to throw that out there. >> he was blaming wall street for twitter's woes, you're claiming all the, you know -- >> i'm just saying it's okay to get out of new york once in a while, you know what i mean? >> okay. >> bubble, a weird little word. out at the milken conference, all sorts of stuff going on and what everybody wants to talk about is who is going to buy the clippers, if anybody. could this scandal actually make donald sterling hundreds of millions more than he would have without being forced to sell the company? if indeed that's what happens. that's coming up on "street signs."
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and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. i, unfortunately, don't have donald sterling money but if magic wants to put people together i'll jump in as a super minority partner. >> you would. has anybody contacted you? >> a lot of us are really excited to get him out of nba. >> that was just part of our interview with matt damon from the milken conference yesterday saying he would go in, like a tiny little bit, matt's a successful guy, but the money difference is still very, very boyd here and this, of course, if donald sterling is forced to
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sell the team and just in to cnbc, mandy, we've learned that oracle founder and ceo and one of the richest men in the world would be interested in buying the clippers. >> larry ellison is who we're talking about, ceo of oracle and, again, only if they do go up for sale. let's bring in michael from "forbes." what do you think will happen here before we get into the nuts and bolt of how much this is worth? >> i think mr. sterling will sell this team for at least $700 million, perhaps as much as 800 or 850 million because there's a huge pentup demand to buy sports teams and there's very, very little supply coming on the market right now. >> michael, we all hope that he is forced out of leaguing right, and it's like lit owners, at least all the pundits seem to think that he would be, but if you're donald sterling and your image is already ruined, why not fight this because the tax bill that you will face from a sale now before -- assuming you own
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it when you die is going to be monstrous. >> because the longer he fights it the more the value of his team is going to decline. if he fights it and tries to hang on, more sponsors are going to stay away, season ticket holders won't renew and the value of the team will plummet. inevitable. why not sell it today when he can maximize his value, and have to cough up a big tax bill but at least he'll maximize the value. >> the team is good. obviously it's in the public eye more than ever before. must be worth more than it's ever been. >> yeah, like i said, particularly now at wall street, we saw private equity guys come in and buy the milwaukee bucks, that's sales and process. 550 million for probably the dregs of the nba financially. the clippers are much more valuable team like that. if you apply the same multiple of revenue you get to -- >> even though they share the arena? >> yeah. while they don't get the revenue that the lakers get, they pay basically no rent. their costs are very low, and don't forget, two years from now the nba kicks in a new national
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tv contract which they are discussing right now and negotiating which will likely be at least double the $930 million average of the current deal. >> and you're forgetting the most important thing, michael, if larry ellison does get the team, they could play on his yacht it's that big. the whole court could fit on the yacht. they could have a road game. anyway. >> there is that. >> yeah, there's that. okay. thanks so much, michael. >> coming up, a bellwether day for cnbc. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪
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it's a very special day here at cnbc, and everybody is coming to the newsroom. is it just because you're back from milken, brian, or is there something else going on? >> no, the 25th anniversary of cnbc. cnbc 25 list. we're going to be ringing the closing bell. how cool is that? >> ding, ding, ding, ding, ding? you'll get to see the whole cnbc team. they deserve it. >> stick around. "closing bell" is next. >> hi, everybody. welcome to a very special edition of "closing bell." i'm kelly evans at cnbc global headquarters. >> and welcome, everybody. i'm tyler matheson in for bill griffith. the actual closing bell will be rung right here on the floor of the cnbc newsroom which will be filling up for the full hour, nearly everyone, hundreds of people who work for our
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