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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  June 4, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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>> thank you for coming on. good luck with the book. >> all right. thank you. the results are in. steve wyche, the bear, won the debate. >> actually, it was a landslide, but check out the twitter feed for the final trade. "power lunch" begins right now. halftime in over. "power lunch" and the second half of the trading day start right now. >> scott, thank you very much. the unintended consequences of the fed and its easing money policies. mortgage rates low low low, but it's not helping housing all that much. what's behind that and why? plus low rates, low volatility and, yep, low volume in the stock market. how do you invest for the long term in this kind of environment? we've got three sectors you need to consider. and new data showing job growth slowing just a bit. more important clues tomorrow, all leading up to friday's big employment report. we'll take a close uplook at
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where the jobs are for the graduates of the class of 2014. first, to sue, who gave a very good commencement address at merritt a week or so ago. >> it was. it was a wonderful day for me, ty. we have breaking news on the fed an the economy in just under an hour from now. so we're going to begin with the unintended consequences of the fed and its easy money policies. yields in the benchmarks plunging 15% this year, now holding the 2.60%. mortgage rates at the lowest level in a year, but that's not helping housing. diana olick has details on that. hi, diana. >> reporter: hi, sue. the sxekdation was they lower rates would boost mortgage volumes, even if it was only refinances, but that did not happen form the average contract rate on a 30-year fixed fell to 4.26% last week. that's the lowest in a year for the highest quality borrowers, the rates were nearing 4%.
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jumbo and fha loan rates even lower, but no reaction on the application side. refinances down 3% week to week, and applications to purchase a home down 4%. purchase app.s are now down 17% from a years ago. that's really telling of where home sales are going in the next few months. one of the nation's largest home builders says the mortgage market is not -- to perform at normal levels. >> it's unclear to where household formation will resume, whether this generation will resume at the same stage in life as generations in the past have formed households. >> now, granted one third of this market is all cash and most of it is on the high end where borrowers are less mortgage-dependent. what's interesting is that a new survey found 7 out of 10 americans believed we are either still in the midst of the housing crash or that the worth is yesterday to come. you want more on that, go to
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realtycheck.confident confident. tyler. what are the markets thinking about with respect to the fed and the relatively low rates? steve liesman has the exclusive results of our cnbc fed survey. always interesting. >> and we have a television this time, a little ecb addition as a part of it. first, let me show you the incredibly plunging rate expectations. i had diana talking about low rates. well, look at the expectation for the fed funds rate. in our prior surveys, december 2015, this is the benchmark we used, because we're pretty sure there's not rate hikes this yeast, it wasn't 1% for end december 2015, and now it's 0.7, so 30 basis points coming off. that's nearly at a sample. when you look at the prediction for december 15, going back to our september survey, 0.17 is the expectations for the end of this years, so no change
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expected. how about when all this is going to happen? that's been moved ahead a bit. the outlook for fed policy timing, when will the fed hike rates -- it was july 2015, now the average bumped ahead to august 2015. how about when the fed will reduce its balance sheet. it was october 2015, that pushed ahead quite a bit. on to the european central bank, and what they're doing, we asked people what you think? the ecb would do tomorrow. 55% expect a cut in the reify rate. 52% to reduce the deposit rate. that's the rate for having your money on the deposit. 31% are looking for a long-term, going down to 0.11. the deposit rate going negative, minus 0.10. 65% expect one of three, moving
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on, 48% are looking for two of those three things, and 24%, tyler think three of those three things will happen. a lot of action action tomorrow. >> when the deposit rate goes negative, does that mean people have to pay? >> so let's imagine tyler mathisen has an account at chase with a negative deposit rate. the end of the month would come and they would deduct an amount for your account for keeping that amount of money on deposit if that's what the ecb does. a lot of trip station. you hear this thing about unintended consequences, so the fed is worried about the unintended consequences of forcing people to lend money that's probably why it would not happen here. the ecb may go for it. >> the meeting is tomorrow. >> meeting is tomorrow at 7:45 we'll get the first information, press conference at 8:30, but 2:00 the base book on this network. >> most aptly named tome in
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literature, the beige book. don't need to tell you that, did you dom chu has been looking at which sectors are the most sensitive to interest rates. >> there are some surprises. >> but in the age -- even more than ever, so one of these unintended consequences of the fed's zero interest late pop or z zirp. you think utilities, telecoms, consumer staples. investors have turned to these type of stocks for dividend income since they don't get a lot of it from the bonds anymore, but believe it or not, these sectors have not been among the best performing sectors since the crisis lows back in 2009. you look at consumer staples,
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utilities up even less amount,up 90%, then telecom stocks. the single worst-performs sector, up, but just not as much. double the treasury note yield. then there's a -- it's up 222%. it's got a yield of 3.5%, and that gets us to, of course, the telecom stocks where all wsh underperformers to the overall market, but the best stock was verizon, a new hedge fund favorite, at least last quarter, it's up 88%, carries a yield of almost 4.5%. while there have been buyers of stock this time, it may be comforting to some that fundamentals and growth-or ended
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stocks are still doing better in stock picking, sue, still matters. back to you. especially in this environment. we have a gain in the dow jones industrial average, near our session highs on the trading session, an the s&p 500 we're up about 0.25% on the trading session. how do you invest in what's become a low volatility, low-volume environment, the s&p 500 hitting a new intradie high today, asdom just mentioned, you have to pick carefully. eric ris vend is at russell investment. and kevin is a portfolio manager at washington advisers. nice to have you here, gentlemen. historically how have stocks done? >> they've actually done well. low-volatility environments are usually associated with high/low economic confidence. ed risks seemed pretty low, if
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the risk is pretty low, stocks typically do well. and by on the dips. that's what we've been saying for two years. >> kevin, there are those who feel as though, when you look at the vix, well off its historical high levels, that perhaps there's too much complacency out there. >> i think there's some of that. if you look at the history of the vix, you go back, usee that you had very low levels before several of the market breaks, very low levels when times are good. the vix to me alternates bit reminds you when it's very low that you want the fixes the roof in the portfolio when the sun is hinding. when you look at investor confidence, your other guest is absolutely correct.
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the stephen-year treasury bond is down around 3%, it was 7 a coupleiers, so investors are not see a lot of risk out there, that's good for in the real economic, if you just want to be careful, because spices can move a bit further around super intrinsic value if you're not careful. you you want to fixing the roof when the sun is shining. >> a lot of people are still putting money in the treasury markets, and that certainly a lot of people think is the no the right trade, so where would you deploy capital? >> yeah, from a multiasset perspective, we think it will be a tough environment for fixed income. we do like equities, because we think the economy will continue to expand. i agree with kevin, you kind of want to balance out these debts, so we overweight cyclical sectors like consumer discretionary and financials. we balance that with an overweight to health care.
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and we really have been kind of harvesting the gain, so we had a large overweight in energy, as it's done well, our managers have sold that off. seven less than we were, the opposite is true for consumer discretionary. we've had a tough year, started the year underweight, now overweig overweight. >> kevin, the final word. where are you putting capital to work? >> we're funding value in energy, we're looking at emerging markets, for places to reenter there. we've got an opportunity ahead of us, because at some point valuations are better. i think emerging markets would eventually be some place to put money. >> okay. which emerging markets? >> i think latin america has good dynamics to it. economies like brazil, for example, but i think that ultimately until we get through this period of time where the fed is done normalizing interest rates, and before we get better
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out of places like china, we still want to be closer to home here in the united states, so we're looking. >> thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it very much. back up to dominic chu. >> so the u.s. is announcing it will impose stricter trade rules on imports of chinese solar products. you can see this is good news for u.s. solar companies, up more than 8%. meanwhile, china ease solar stocks are trading down on the session, and then you look at ghoulsen hind solar, which is the etf that tracks it, the sticker, of course is t.a.n. pretty fundy there. it was down almost 2%, but now off its lows and turning positive, so an interesting trade developing in the solar side of things. back over to you. thank you very much. a former microsoft executive has been appointed as the new head of go pro, as that company prepeace to go public. jon fortt has the details. >> tony base has been announced as president and board member.
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he'll report to ceo nick woodman. this is particularly interesting behalf tony bates' credentials. he was kreismt off of skype, and at cisco before that as general manager of service provider video. so he has a deep tech background. also on the board of youtube before that, so think of this move as eric schmidt to google, sheryl sandberg to facebook, and dennis to dropbock. with this company getting ready to go bub. >> thank you very much, jon fortt reporting. remember this iconic image of the tiananmen protest. today marks the 25th anniversary of that uprising. how has china developed in terms of its economy. chief international correspondent michelle caruso-cabrera take a look. >> there haven't been a lot of democratic reforming, but lots of economic reforms.
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unbelieve house it's different. we'll take a look right after this break on "power lunch." don't go away. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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this is the iconic image of the tiananmen square uprising. today marks the 25th an verse of the massacre that saw the chinese army gun down hundreds of civilians in a brutal crackdown on a protest for.
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merck merck is here to look at then and now. hard to believe it's been 25 years. >> absolutely. at the time so many experts said the public face of the chinese government will be very defiant, but behind closed doors they'll start to make changes. we haven't seen a lot of democratic changes, but we have seen economic changes. there was no stock market in china. it opened in 1990 when it opened in shanghai and shenzhen. and we quote it now as the most normal thing in the world. 1992, they officially endorsed a socialist market economy. forget the socialist part, adding the word market economy for a communist country's economy was earth shaking. 1997, they finally decide most prices will be set by the market. it wasn't that long ago, 1997. 2001, they announced that private entrepreneurs can be
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members of the communist party, which sets up cognitive dissonance in my head, if you're a communist you don't believe in private property or priority -- but -- it wasn't until ten years ago, 2004, when they finally put in the constitution of protection of private property. that's amazing. >> when i went to china, that was a huge issue. you know, you should farm, but you didn't own the farm. >> right. you were allowed to sell your surplus, which incentivized production, but still everything mostly went to the government. 2007 they finally agreed to a market access, what we noticed is the last five or six years a lot of the reforms have slowed down, the promise of increased market access hasn't necessarily happened. they haven't necessarily let interest rates float to a great de, which is causing all kinds of distortions in the economy. this is an edition of "this is
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your life" sue. the stock market opened in 1990. you traveled there 12 years later. do you remember the video with showed on the air? take a look at it. it was still so new almost nobody there. people are in there sweeping. there was nothing to do. >> i remember it vividly. we were so excited we are going to go to the stock market. i pictured it being like this, right? we got there, and i said, i don't think we can use this video. they're sleeping. i thought, well, i guess that's the story, there's nothing going on. so different today. >> so they have a lot still to do when it comes to personal freedom as well, but when people get angry with china, they're not going fast enough, 25 years ago was a completely different place. >> that was a great timeline. it does set in place some of the major things they have done, but it also puts in perspective the fact that they have still so far to go. >> so much more to do. >> michelle, thank you so much.
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ty, up to you. thank you very much. free and fair markets, ceos and leaders of the top global exchange meeting today to discuss hot issues from low rates and low volume to the future of trading. bob pisani is with them. >> had ello, tyler. less's speak with rich rapetto, he's in charge of the conference. rich, first topic is what's going on with the volume that we are seeing and the low interest rates. what are ceos telling you about what that means for the market and the economy? >> they certainly acknowledge there isn't the trading level we saw. retail was engaged. volumes are up. it's come dramatically down over the last couple months. i think they attribute it to uncertain economy, you know, things geopolitically are
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uncertain. there isn't a direction in the market. >> thomas petrfield got a laugh from laugh from the audience when the markets aren't movie, we -- >> they stocks much higher a few months ago, much lower right now. >> that's absolutely correct. market makers make money when they have volatility. it's not high right now. it's a question, you know, whether it will come back in the summer. investors certainly looking towards summer. >> the other big topic, high-frequency trading, the impact -- is there a sense from the ceos, a lot of discussion about what the s.e.c. may or may not be doing in the next several months? what's the sort of consensus? they're the ones who talked about the s.e.c., what if anything will be done. >> i think they think something will be done. we tried to take a balanced view of market structure here today for certain, but i think
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everybody believes the s.e.c. will use data rather than react to a single book or add gentive. they'll be more judicious in their approach. >> in the panels i have sat in, two points seem to country out. they're expecting a small-scale pilot program, increments other than that penny, and also discusses which would require uniform rules for testing of technology to make sure we don't have a problem like the one that knight had to reduce the incidences of mini flash crashes, things like that. is technology a big issue, improving the technology, making sure it doesn't fail, an issue? >> that is an issue of what we saw last year in some of the problems with the markets, so those are fixes that i think are relatively easy, making sure there's proper testing. it's the deeper market structure changes that i think will take a
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deeper review. >> thank very much, rich repetto, and tomorrow we'll be on 9:40 eastern time, with jeff trekker, when we talk about market structure and his ideas on how you can improve volume and the structure of the market. that's tomorrow 9:40 a.m. eastern time. guys, back to you. >> that will be a great conversation. thanks, bob. new data out today showing job growth is slowing. where are the jobs for the graduating class of 2014, you ask? we'll have that answer. plus -- >> coming up on power pitch, what to scoot, bike and even run more safely. will it bring in the big bucks? are you in or are you out on halo belt? ♪ ♪ (man speaking chinese)
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welcome back to "power lunch." underarmour hitting near highs of the day jeffries upgrading the maker to a buy rating to from a hold rating. they say shares off the high and calling underarmour one of the it brands among america's youth. tyler, back to you. >> time for our weekly series "the power pitch." entrepreneurs get 60 seconds to convince a panel of experts that their business has what it takes. >> ever year over 270,000 pedestrians are injured and killed in traffic.
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this has to do a lot with just poor visibility. nowadays it's gotten cool to have a bike light on your helmet. that's where i wanted to merge the gap. to be able to create a product that appeals to today's generation and ultimately help save lives. hi, my name is vincent paladin. as a cyclist growing up in san francisco, i understand the importance of being visibility. i've had many close calls and i realize a small bike light wasn't cutting it it. i wanted to create a largest surface area. the halo belt merges safety as well as fashion. wearing a reflective jacket isn't the cool thing. the halo belt is a verse it will design that illuminates, recharge annual and 360 degrees
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reflective. it can be clips around the waist, over the shoulder or around any bag. it slowly grew into an effective tools that aids visibility in child safety, pedestrian safety, any sports, as well as military and law enforcement. our ultimate goal is to save lives. welcome, everybody, to "power pitch." with us is vincent pilot ng. we have a power pitch panel, andrew bernstein, he focusing on strategic partnerships with clients. andrew also spent three years overseeing product reviews at the magazine and competes at elite level track and road races. also joining us from portland is matt compton. he serves on the board of directors at rei and likes to cycle in the pacific northwest. and uri complain is also joining us. the when eurie kim rides her
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bike, she rides outside the city. i've got my halo belts on here. let's do some business. euri seismt, what are your first thoughts? >> i think your mission of saving lives is really noble, but building a brand that is something that can grown organically and virally is tough. how are you thinking about building a lifestyle brand that it's not just a one-product proposition. >> over the past two years people have expressed this product can be used in a variety of different situations, not just cycling. we've been able to grow into a brand to provide a safety tool with increased construction, child safety, military, law enforcement, other aspects of your daily lives. >> andrew, do you have a question? >> what is the light output of this product compared to a light you may clip onto your bike or backpack. >> it's difficult to measure the
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lumens, since the product itself does not project lights. we've designed this product specifically for this reason. with some of our users and the military and law enforcement. we didn't want to distract the user. >> matt? >> how many of them have you manufactured and ship? where do you manufacture them? >> we manufactured them overseas, however we have all over our hr sales and marketing here in the states. in san francisco, actually, and all over the u.s. we have about 20,000 units sold in the past two years, and we've just raised over 200,000 via kickstarter loan. >> what are your starters? >> we have about 100% margins with our wholesale. >> we talk about the defensibility of the technology platform. if this gets exciting for consumers, i'm sure larger companies will want to take share. >> in regards to our technology, we have tried hard to get a
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provisional pend and we're working towards a full pend as well. >> have you talked about bag companies to integrate the technology into other kinds of product? >> yes, we launched another dib complain start compare earlier this year with the rick shaw bag works company based off san francisco as well. so the first in messenger and safety -- kind of like a safety messenger backpack for commuting, going to work and daily routine. >> i know you used to be a dj, vincent? >> i used to control the light boards and i've always had a huge false nation with lights. you should see my living room. i have a bunch of lasers and lights. i have two passions, cycling, as well as my pass for light. >> you heard what vincent had to say. are you in or out on halo belt company? >> to be honest, i love any company that's working to disrupt a -- it sounds lie they have a lot of different customer types, but i'm a bit concerned
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with the challenges around creating a brand, so it feels a bit niche, so i think i'm out. >> that's one out. what about you, andrew? >> i don't see this as cool or people in urban aaron. >> c'mon. >> i'm sorry, i don't see it. i'm not convinced that cyclists want something else to strap on when they already have to put on a helmet, and roll up their pant leg, but i think they're a great application for law enforcement, military, for runners, for people who walk their dogs at night, so i'm in. >> well, i love it started with a kickstarter campaign. that's a great early market signal of fit, but for me the real test is, is it the product i would buy, and more importantly would i use it? the an is yes, i'm in. >> we have two ins, one out. vincent, what is your reaction? >> i would definitely take this and i have a lot to learn. >> thank you for joining us, and big thank you to our panelists today.
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that, folks, is today's "power pitch." if i had had a vote, i would have been in. are you in our out in visit and leave a comment, old following the conversation on twitter using #powerpitch. >> i would be in, to. perfect for at night. the nasdaq 100 hitting a new 13 1/2 year high. seema mody is following the big movers, moving and shaking uptown. hi, seema. >> take a look at apple. now trading above $640 a share in today's trade, the first time since october 2012. now, semiconductor stocks, companies that power apple and other tech giants, those stocks also continue to move to the upside. broadcom up about 14% just this week after it's exploring strategic opportunities, broadcom among other chip
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stocks, fueling the index, which is outperforming the nasdaq composite. a lot of traders watching that divergence, speaking with large-cap tech, and here's why, reuters fighting sources reporting that india may ease restrictions to foreign online retailers, which could allow them to sell their own products to indians consumers, which analysts say could be a big opportunity for these companies, sue and tyler? >> absolutely. thanks, seema. to the bond market now, ahead of that meeting tomorrow where everybody is anticipating perhaps not only a cut in rates about other things. rick, over to you. >> plus all the other things that nobody could figure out at this point in time. it's a biggie. if you look at the intraday of tens, we're up about a basis point. just about right now at 261. if you open the chart up, you can see that we haven't settled at a yield around 261. one day more that three weeks. xw the 13th of last month, but
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here's what's interesting. look at the dollar/yen. the dollar is'ming a bit, hasn't been at these levels since the 7th of april. when you combine the charts, you can see the correlations, but you notice the difference between the lines, the dollar/yen isn't giving you as much inside as it did earlier in the year. sue, back to you. investors are gearing up for friday's big employment report. plus pandora is under pressure. the online music company meeting with shareholders. the stock is down 40% in the last three months. no potential new problems as well. julia boorstin, what's going on? >> pandora's predicament as a battle over royalties are heating up and new rivals of the horizon. i'll break it down after the break. l noise
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our passion to make it real. welcome back to "power lunch." i'm john harwood in washington. we have some news on obama care, which of course is an extremely complicated program, and there
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has been an audit or review taking place by federal contractor of those people who signed up on the federal exchanges. what they found was that of the 5.4 million people who signed up on the federal exchanges, in 2 millions of those cases there's a discrepancy between what think attested when they signed up for coverage and the federal resources they've been able to double-check those against show. for example, somebody could have a higher or lower income than they attested, which could affect the amount of subsidies they are eligible for if they buy on the federal exchange. you could have people claiming that they were legally in the dun when in fact they are not. you could have people who have had life events that changed their eligibility. so all of these things are being continuously review the. lawmakers on capitol hill have been briefed on these discrepancies, it is not likely that many of these people would lose coverage as a result of these discrepancies, but it does mean that a process that
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ultimately will be reconciled when people file their tax forms for 2014 and have to show what their income was, that that process is going to be dealt with, explored at a hearing by the ways and means economiee next week into these issues, and of course the opponents of obamacare will use in as evidence that the program is rival with errors and misreporting, perhaps people getting subsidies they shouldn't, something that the federal government is looking at that congress is going to shine a light on next week, and we'll be monitoring it, guys. >> john harwood in washington, thank you very much. a story that continues to unfold. pandora shares are taking a hit lately. ed justice department statistic investigating royalty rights, but that's not the only headache for pan do recall ha. julia boorstin joins me with
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more. >> there are two big challenges, increasing competition from formidable rivals, and the question of how it can turn a profit despite the royalty costs that could rise as a result of the justice department review. now, investors are watching to see whether apple's acquisition of beats will help it eat into pandora's business. and then there's spotify. also on pandora's stocks, reports that amazon for the prime subscribers. pandora's may listening hours grew 20%, while active listeners grew 9%, but the numbers are pretty much flat with april. even as pandora growing listeners, that does bring higher fees, pandora does not benefit from economies of scale. tyler? >> thank you very much, julia. 1.8 million college grads are tossing up their caps, and
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now many are getting ready to enter the workforce. what are employers say about the class of 2014? dan is founder of millennial branding and author of "promote yourself". >> really happy to be here. does the gpa matter? >> gpa has no impact. only 2% of employers look at it. >> does your major matter? >> it matters. if you're majoring in liberal arts, you're in big trouble right now. >> so my government degree, government and foreign affairs wouldn't get me anywhere? >> it's a different landscape. it's all about computer science and engineering. those are the ones that pay the dividends, and business. >> what about business majors? people who have accounting, marketing, those kinds of skills? >> skills and the coarses and degrees that are applicable, they translate into jobs. >> so what kinds of companies are hiring? and what are they looking for?
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looking obviously for the right major, people who have specific skills and specific talents. are they looking for -- to see whether you fit in or not? >> that's the number one most important thing now, cultural fit. >> do i like you? do i think you'll fit with me? >> even if you're not the best person for the job in terms of doing the work, if you fit in, if you get along with other people, you got it. >> how do you create that going on an interview, how do you create the impression that i will fit in here? what do you do? >> the best way from the job seeker's perspective, do your research, go to google news, look at linked-in profiles, get a good sense of what company is like. don't even waste your time. from the employer's perspective, they have to start promoting images, so people get a sense of what it's like to work will. >> you want to be humbled, cocky, somewhere in between? >> the number one thing is
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having a positive attitude, even if you want to get promoted at work. the only way to have a positive attitude is if you're really interested in that company and that position. otherwise you have no chance. >> do your homework, go in enthusiastic, don't go in thinking that you deserve this job. >> exactly, because you don't, you can't be entitled. the number one thing that aggravates employers is the fact that people are unprepared. >> people are unprepared for the job interview. they don't know what the company does. >> do your homework. >> talk about how you can showcase your workplace accomplishments. obviously graduates may not have much, gull they may have done an internship, they may have worked on "power lunch", whatever it is. how do you showcase that? >> you bring in proof of concept, not only that you did the work, but you have real results. they're risk averse. they don't want to hire random graduates. they want someone from day one who will prove themselves and
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give a lot of value to the xoo. it's hard to have results if you haven't been in the workplace long. >> be a salesperson. you can easily measure your succeed, and then they'll be hired, because you can probably do that for their company, too. >> dan, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> i would hire you. sue, back to you. >> thank, gentlemen, very much. it's game one of the stanley cup finals tonight. morgan brennan is here with more on the east coast will west coast showdown. hey, morgan. >> if you want to make a wager on the stanley cup finals, we'll tell you what bed could play out the most. now over to jane wells at the world pork expo in iowa. jane? >> go kings go, first of all. we're here where they're judging some of these yorkshire barrows. i had some wonderful pork ribs
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outside that were to die for. with the money they'll get for the animals, it's also the best time. we'll talk about that after the break. making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. become the next business to discover the new new york. in a we believe outshining the competition tomorrow requires challenging your business inside and out today. at cognizant, we help forward-looking companies run better and run different - to give your customers every reason to keep looking for you. so if you're ready to see opportunities and see them through, we say: let's get to work. because the future belongs to those who challenge the present.
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stanley cup finals kick off tonight. if you're looking to get in on the action, morgan brennan is breaking down the odds. >> this is the first time the two biggest u.s. markets have faced off for a world title in a professional sport since 1981, and it's the first time the rangers have made the cup finals in 20 years. so gamblers are betting big. vegas bookkeepers expect 20% more wager activities. 10% more, the odds so far imply the kin are favored to win. that's, and paul of prediction says if you want to
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put your money to work, bet on the mvp. it says jonathan quick is the fifth only most bet candidates in 5.5:1 value. guggenheim security analyst michael moore says each home game is worth about $3 million for revenue for msg sports. you can bet the nhl and nbc sports are hoping it goes to a game 7 as well. regardless of the outcomes, more games will likely mean higher ratings. sue, back to you. >> thanks. we'll all by watching. pork farmers have been struggling with the deadly pig virus that has killed some 8 million pigs so far, pushing bacon prices toward record highs. thousands of farmers and their pigs are gathering at the world pork expo in des moines iowa.
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our jane wells is bringing home the bacon for us. >> reporter: hey, sue, it's hard to hear. they're beginning to aword for the best pigs here. it seems with this p.e.d. virus wiping owl mills onof young pigs, it's reduced supply, but has yesterday to affect supply. >> when re reduce the supply, prices go up by more than 1%, because our demand is what we call inelastic. the real problem is twofold. number one people don't raise pigs to see them die. they want them to live. they care about the animals. the emotional toll of this things on workers in hog farms is terrific, very negative. they don't want this to happening. sectly we have customers to think about. the customers will have to pay
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more for the product because of this disease. >> all right. that's why a report coming out from the usda tomorrow is going to be very closely watched. hog farmers are trying to compensation for the reduced production by keeping their pigs on the farm longer, feeding them more, sending them to the market heavier to get more meat. even it's predicted by the third quarter retail prices will be about 10% to 12% up from a year ago. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. is china preparing to go after the big tech giants, and what elon musk said that has everybody buzzing. and america's father of the year. bet you can't guess who up? power rundowns is next. she keeps you on your toes.
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but i, china says that they're trying to protect their people and their country from cyber-espionage, but the truth is they're trying to protect the economy. facebook, which is one of the companies they call out, is blocked in china. so it really doesn't make sense. elon musk saying he's thinking of doing something fairly controversial remark patents. >> how about opening up some of those patents that people can develop the technology around tesla automobiles around their own things? this is like open source for electric car batteries and electric car technologies. what in essence this could do is allow a lot more people to form a bigger ecosystem around electric cars. remember, apple back in the day closed off their operating system back in the early days of steve jobs, it didn't do very good for them. it might better if tesla programs does something like that. >> chris christie receiving the father of the year award today.
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julia, surprising? >> kind of an odd pick. i understand this award is based on how well the recipient balances work and life, but maybe he should look at what kind of role model he is what about the bridge-gate and that new jersey's credit rating is about to get slashed again. it doesn't look good. >> i was one of those guys that got caught up in the traffic. these are just allegations for right now, nothing really proven. i will wait to see, but i'm not going to take anything away from him if he's the father of the year. >> the traffic problem was real. >> absolutely. what's coming up on "street signs"? >> hey there, everybody. the load rate, are we taking on too much debt and it will all end badly? steve liesman begs to differ. he says our debt problem is we don't have enough of it. we're going to debate that. the solar wars are heating up, and how new big money in silicon valley may also be moving politics. all those things and more.
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2:00 pm
>> stocking are seeing green, carr and home buyers may end up feeling blue. gold is in the red, but we are all about the beige. welcome in. it's a big recap how economies around the country are do. i am doing called stalling under the 2:00 p.m. embargo is up now. >> and all 12 districts, pretty definitive there. the pace of growth was described as moderate to modest, but clearly widespread. it expanded in almost all districts, and repeatedly throughout the report improved weather cited as boosting business. strong auto sales were reported, reported in more than half of the districts. the service sector grew in most districts. i want to spotlight manufacturing here. it expanded in all 12 districts. the pace of growth picked up in all 12


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