tv Power Lunch CNBC June 17, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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money will be moved around if rates start to rise if there's a whiff of inflation. what's the exit strategy? i think tomorrow do not dismiss the relevance longer term of the fomc meeting. that does it for us. have a great rest of the day. power starts right now. halftime is over. the second half of your trading day begin now. good afternoon, everybody. welcome to "power lunch." free and fair markets. we have two major stories. first off a key senate subcommittee taking up the shy. testify you is one of the men in the thick of the fight. then research out today showing that one quarter, 25% of deals involved public companies are linked to insider trading. it's an important study. we want to know if you think it should be legalized. we're going to debate that
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today. go vote. is it in effect a victimless crime? there is new information regarding the health of housing in the united states. what is your home worth? we will tackle that one with one of the nation's top housing economists. and then oil up more than 3% over the past week, largely, of course, over fears about iraq's production. despite that, the airlines getting a pop today. they are generally up, up and away with gains of more than 1%. let's check in with sue at the nyse. hi, sue. >> hi, ty. we're going to start with that key hearing on the senate side of the hill on high frequency trading. eamon javers, that's his beat. he is there live. >> a real focus on payment for order flow, and the rebates that stock exchanges pay to brokers in order to steer some of the trades their way. a real question today over whether that is a conflict of interest. td's -- td aamerica trade's
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stitch quirk testified as part of this hearing today. he made the argument that some of these conflicts of interest are inherent in the system, but they can be managed. take a listen. >> we strongly believe that compliance with best execution obligations and proper disclosure brokering can effectively manage any conflict that may arise from payments. furthermore, we strongly believe that we effectively manage any such conflict. >> carl levin, who chairs this committee, says there's a real question about how exchanges are handling this information. and raised questions about what ought to be done to reform all of this. really focusing on that question of whether or not these payments should be made at all, sue. >> eamon, thank you very much. bob pisani also working on the story. he scored the man behind some,
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brad cakatsuyama, in his starri role in the michael lewis book "flash boys." he created iex, a new trading platform. he joins us. >> brad, thanks for joining us. the hearing is just completed a few minutes ago. the second panel is now done. quite a lively panel. was there any consensus among the panel participants. >> you realize that, you know, across the industry people realize certain things need to change. the one word we kept hearing was transparency, disclosure, and that's something we support greatly. part of the problem is most people didn't even realize that a conflict existed, so the existence of this conflict creates conversation. it's our job in the industry to take that, move it forward and address some of those conflicts. you did not argue whole hog that the system needs to be broken
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down. if you argue that the cornerstone of the current structure should be carefully studied, but not torn apart. you argued in pilot programs to make modest changes. can you describe what you'd like to see done? >> sure, when you-looking at reg ims, we created ix was created within the current regulatory structure. that says a lot about the spirit of the rule. the next question is the spirit of the rule, is it being broken? i think that only can -- you can only really identify that through traenz patterns and disclosure. is the s.e.c. and finer this made recent steps to makes data more public. i think that needs to continue to happen. as you make more data available, people can make better decision, better informed decisions. the barometer are deeply embedded, it's complicated, so i think to look at solving everything through regulation would be a challenge. >> you know, brad, i think the "flash boys" book obviously
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brought that to mainstream. that's one reason why all these hearings are taking place on capitol hill. did you get the sense there is real political appetite to actually reform the system, or is this basically so that congress can be on record and the senate specifically can be on record as addressing the issue? do you think they're actually going to take it on? i think we've soon an appear a tide to understand more. we're happy to participate that. to the extend what they are, we're not certainly. our biggest push is there are certainly issues that should be addressed like forced disclosure and certainly things should be addressed through free market. again disclosure helps address things. >> one of the issues discussed was maker taker, where rebates are paid to market participants. a lot of discussion about the potential conflict of interest
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existed in that. how do you think that should be addressed? the nyc said they're in favor of eliminating maker taker. what do you think needs to be done, if anything? >> we're supportive of new york, and jeff's record, tom and i spent time talking about it, you know, what it does is that it creates the appian of conflict, and in practice creates a conflict. i think steps need to be taken to assess the quality of the market would look like without maker taker. so the pilot is an interim step. it will provide today thea. when every single exchange in the united states pays a rebate, it's very hard to assess what it means to not have rebate. a pilot i think is a good step in the right directions, analyze the data, standardize how the data is collected, and we evaluate from there. >> can you give us a quick update on your efforts -- i know you brought in a former s.e.c. official to help you along with that. what's the timetable?
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>> sure. it's definitely our intention to do that. we're working through the details internally. we are very happy to high john ramsey, the former acting head of trading markets at the s.e.c. what it does is that it shows that ix is providing choice. we were honored in the fact, you know, that he -- he agrees with our mission and he's going to help us accomplish it. we're very happy with that hire. >> keep us up to date on that, brad. we appreciate it very much. thanks for stopping by. bob, thank you ago well. we'll see you in a bit. ty, up to you. the big story related to free and fair markets, a jaw-dropping article in "new york times," three professor, two at n uniform. u. westbound as mcgill, looks at hundreds of deals they allege that in nearly 1 in 4 of those deals, that there was suspicious
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stock activity, catherine rangeo-ward says that markets are built with getting an competitive edge, and you all know harvey pitt, welcome to both of you. i hope you can step back and let you guys discuss this. catherine, let me pose a hypothetical. i'm a cfo after major company xyz, and i know we're about to make an offer to buy company abc. why should i be able to trade on that information, tell mea friends and family to do the same, knowing or anticipating that when i come in with an all-cash offer at a premium to that stock, that i'm going to be able to make money on that. why is that fair? >> you know, what you're describing is very, very similar to all kinds of transactions that happen every day in the market. markets are based on asymmetrical information, and ultimately markets with more information, including this funny category we have decided -- this insider
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information, those are more efficient markets. sure we have the ceo scenario, but at the same time we have the little guy who knows about the next enron, and he's going to take his inspection into the market. >> is market, mr. pitt, efficiency, which is somewhat -- the be all and end all here? respond to what catherine said. >> well, i think first of all, the fact is we're talking about something we in brooklyn used to call by a simple word "theft." when people steal information that doesn't belong to them, they commit a crime, and they ought to be punished by it. and the notion that somehow this is permissible because it will make markets more efficient flying in the face of established economic thinking and legal thinking as well. soing there no justification for anyone misappropriating someone else's information, and there are clearly victims.
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>> catherine? >> well, right now the s.e.c. is bearing the costs and of course by extension, taxpayers are bearing the costs of enforcing, if you want to think of this information, some information as property, i say let the companies bear the cost of enforcing. they can certainly make arrangements with their own employees not to exploit information in certain ways, but i don't think it's in the public interest to keep this information out of markets. i think it's very clearly -- well, as the study shows, a lot of money spend by the s.e.c. to fail to enforce these laws. >> but is the information really out of the market if it's possessed by a limited number of insider individuals who have a special knowledge that may have been acquired if in ways that aren't really fair? how is it in the market? >> i mean, i guess all kinds of information that people trade on is information that only certainly individuals had. if everyone had it, it would be incorporated in the price and
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wouldn't be worth bothering. the notion there's somehow this special information that's inside companies and different from information you get from solid analysis or a special insight, or just maybe something that no one else thought of, that wasn't proprietary in the first place. i question there is a call to protect markets and the world from people using that information for personal gain. >> final thought to you, mr. pitt. >> i think what krein is arguing for is a so lil gym. since the government only captures a fracture shun of the murders that are committed, maybe we should stop enforcing laws at all. the reason for they laws is simple -- the marketplace has to be run with integrity. when people can cheat and steal and lie, markets are not fair, and they have no integrity, and
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these laws are designed to protect the average citizen, not those who can purr loyal other people's information. catherine, thank you, harvey pitt, thank you as well. to dom any chu. >> check out shares of netflix, the stock is moving higher after morgan stanley upgrades the stock to an overyeah from an equal weight rating with the price target of $500 a share. the firm believes the company can reach 5 million u.s. subscribers by the end of this decades. that on top of the overseas penetration, and all of a sudden you have a stock up 27% just so far, sue, year to date. back over to you. the sectarian split in iraq and the middle east is getting worse today. iraq's shiite rulers, specifically iraqer leader nuri al malaki is shaking off u.s. ideas and pleas to mend ties with the sunnis.
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instead he accused countries like saudi arabia of aiding the sunni attackers who have moved to about 30 miles north of baghdad after taking over several cities in northern iraq. al malaki calling sunni politicians in iraq traitors. at the same time shiite leaders are encouraging followers to take up arms to go north to fight the sunnis. iraqi officials also confirming the baiji refinery north of baghdad is shut down. foreign workers have been evacuated after sunni fighters set it on fire last week. despite the problems, oil hasn't had much of a boost today, it's up about 48 cents, a littlened half a percent, ty. the new numbers on the american housing market yet, along with one of the voices that people in the housing industry wait to hear from most. plus make your own etf. we have the person behind that effort, and we're show you how to do it and how to get torte
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invest in your ideas, and if they do, you get paid. you're only limit -- your imagination. we'll take you there when "power lunch" runs in two minutes. (mother vo) when i was pregnant ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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distribution plan. it's just off its session highs, sue. back over to you. dom, thank you very much. do you think you can beat the market? we'll introduce you into company that lets you build your own etf. and if others like it, you might even earn a royalty payment. it's online broker meets social media. that's just moments away. first, let's recap in headlines, at&t set to be the exclusive supplier for amazon's smartphone. am zone is widely expected to unveil the phone tomorrow at a media event. solar city is soaring, she tried to say. it's buying silvio, for up to $350 million. it wants to build one world's largest solar plants in new york state. tesla shares at a one-point high. a new jersey bill -- however the big must still be passed by the
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state senate. separately "financial times" says rival makers nissan and bmw are interested in talking to tesla about collaborating on charging networks elon musk will be here live today at 4:00. he's one of our cnbc distributor 50. >> i like the black t-shirt. very armani-like. here's how the home builders are faring. diana olick is live and on the case in washington. hi, di. >> hi, ty. the numbers remain not great, but analysts pont to the fact that they have record from a year ago. total housing starts fell 6.5% with single family down, and apartments down about 8%. both however are running well
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above years ago levels. permits were down 20%, but up 3.7% for single-family homes. that is the largest monthly move since the fall of 2012, and it bodes well for future starts. apartments had until now leading the construction recovery. new home orders have been flat since mortgage rates popped, which you why single family starts are up just year to date, but in the last three months, starts are up 7% from a years ago. back to you. >> di, thank very much. we're going to bring in nick retsinas, one of the nation's most respected voices on real estate. nick, welcome. good to have you with us. >> nice to be with you >> you point out as many have, that the industry is not back to where it was, but should we be surprised at that? number one, it seems like we borrowed an awful lot of the growth, literally borrowed it back in the 2000s, incomes
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aren't rising, and job creation is relatively tepid. those are the three things that drive housing. >> there are. there are other factors that you think would little by farther advanced form even with the tail wind of interest rates, the market is sluggish. it's warming up here in the northeast, but the housing market isn't particularly warming up yet. >> diana, jump in. i actually think what we are not doing is building the right kind of homes. we talk about single family, needs to jump up, we need to see more inventory, but the demand seems to be on the multifamily apartment side. the good news is more of that construction will be coming online very soon, which should ease the rents, but when i talked to folks out there, they say we're not building the right kind of houses. >> builders are sensitive about
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that. they're comfortable billing -- but people with younger ages, they're not sure of their future in terms of their income. they're not sure they can get a mortgage overall, so they end up with rental. i'm surprised more builders haven't been -- as opposed to the larger-priced homes. >> that's an interesting point. we always want to get bigger, we think bigger is better, but for this particular cohort, maybe smaller is beautiful. >> we are actually seeing that, though, the leading homebuilder is building entry-level homes that they're putting their money on that, saying they want to get the entry-level. these are homes where you can't get the upgrades, you buy what you see, but they are very low-priced homes, while others, you know, are concentrating more on the more expensive side. >> nick, if you were advising a young couple, who is a first-time homebuyer and trying to decide whether to rent or buy, what would you tell them?
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and take into account the region they're in, et cetera, et cetera? >> it's a function of where they live, of course. it's also a function of what they think their prospects are in terms of their work. are they pretty sure if they buy a home they'll be able to stay in it for 5, 6, 7 years. if they do that, okay, time to buy. they're a little more skittish about their jobs, a little more skittish, more likely to be transferred than not, then renting is not a bad idea. people are beinging more and more comfortable with renting. >> do you own or buy, nick? >> i own. i've owned the same house for 25 years. >> good for you, then. i hope you're doing well with it. nick, thank you. >> thank you. >> great to have you with us. di, thank you very much as well. sue, down to you. from the straightforward to the bizarre. we'll introduce you to the company and the man behind it that lets you turn your ideas to investments and lets others weight in. the main question is, can you make money? we'll try to ants that, when we
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come back. geico's been helping people save money for over 75 years. they've really stood the test of time. much like these majestic rocky mountains. which must be named after the... that would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. gecko sir. obviously! ahh come on bullwinkle, they're named after... ...first president george rockington! that doesn't even make any geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon.
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and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. micro systems, you can see, is off their highs. oracle up about a percent. two other companies are moving
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higher on this news. also ncr, you can see they're both up on that bit the news. sue, if you go to any restaurant or hotel, you'll sew those point of sale machines all over the place. it could be interesting if oracle does end up buying it. >> good story anyway, right, dom? the gold market is closing right now. let's get you up to date. the rest of the complex, silver, copper palladium and platinum are on the up side. and late last week, it's up better than a full percent. stocks bouncing in and out of the red today, as the two-day fed meeting are weighing on the market. how do you make money right now? >> we have the founder of mot f moteef, and also is john buckingham, and chief portfolio
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manager of the al frank fund. john, i'm going to start with you. you know, there's been so much political unrests, yet the market seems to be somewhat immune to that. do you still find valuations that are reasonable out there? >> absolutely we do. my own portfolio, the p.e. ratio is about 15 1/2. different yield about 2.and 2.6%. certainly the overall averages are at hide levels. but of course, when you think about where interest rates are, we're at extremely low interest rate levels. think about a money market fund yielding one basis point. go back to 2007, you could get 500 basis points. or back to 2000 you could get 600 basis points. there's a huge difference between one basis point and 500, and where different yields are and valuations are, i think many
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stocks are still reasonably priced. >> pardeep weigh in on that. the place this year was supposed to be on rising rates, and interest rates have remained pretty stubbornly low. >> and it's how you act. i'm looking at rising interest motif is up and we're looking at a lo the of -- and these are trends that will affect you no matter what kind of investor you are. shell oil is up ten points in the last month. that's in response to iraq and a bit of russia. we're also looking at the fed tapering, our tapering motif is -- >> john, in your work, did this two-days meeting matter to you? do you change your portfolio makeup based on it. >> no, i don't change mire portfolio makeup. we wouldn't have such a great
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long-term record if we overreacted to short-term things. i think the fed will do the tapering. i expect them to lower than estimate for gdp growth just as we saw in the last few days, but i don't expect anything unusual. the fed has been very accommodative, and still will be very accommodative even as they taper. again what you pointed out, that low interest rate environment, i would rather own a diversified portfolio of undervalued stock than be buying a ten-year treasury at 2.6%, especially as the companies have been raising their dividends this year. so i think stocks are still very attractive, vis-a-vis bonds in this environment. >> john, thank you very much. we appreciate it. john buckingham joining us this hour. >> par deep, i want to keep you on the set and talk more, because all this week we're talking with innovators, behind
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the scenes game changing like yourself like on the cnbc 50 disruptors list with your company. let's look at what your company does. >> we all invest conceptually. so what we do is we allow you to take those concepts. it can be a trading strategy, it can be a theme, a worry lie geopolitical risks and we turn it into a motif, a thematically weighted basket of up to 30 stocks build around -- that you can buy in a single click or even get paid if someone customizes your motif. think of investing as mo funds give you like a ma chete when
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you're trying to do surgery, so we give you tailored, we spend time through the weighting methodology. if you're worried about is shale, you can unrest in modern warfare. >> that would be what, defense stocks? >> well, we actually beat almost all the indexes, because he skew it to -- think the smart bombs and drones versus traditional/conventional. it's the quality of the idea and the implementation of the idea. remember, to buy a 0-stock portfolio anywhere would cost you 300, and like an etf, you own what you see, and there's no management fee. that's partly why we do in the long term. you have the compounding costs that hurt our alternatives, so that's what makes motif pretty compelling. give me the top right now. >> shale is up there. china internet, we call it waiting for alibaba.
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>> is that the ali baba place? >> it is, and then we have other things like transportation is doing really well, and we're seeing a lot around rising interest rates, fed tapering. those are starting to trend up this morning. >> social media is big, twitter trades right behind us here on the post. how would you -- how is the motif, the deals with social media put together? what companies are in it? >> it's trailing the s&p. i think that's due to a lot of the correction that happened back in april. it would include everyone, right? the advantage of what we say is think of us as peter lynch meets jack boggle. >> but think of it as a way to take a concept like peter lynch would see a trend, but instead of picking an individual stock, invest, once you own multiple mo steve, you have a powerful
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index, but you can see what's in it. >> you can also make money not only in your etf, but by other people -- >> we took or ph.d.s to build, our customers then -- and in less than six months, they built 35,000 motifs. and now we're -- we just hit or 50,000 mark today, and then if i built a motif and you were to buy it, i would get a royalty payment, and if you were to share it to all your friends, the creator of the motif gets a royalty. what you're starting to see is amazing everyday american investors that have a knack for expert expertise. my dad is a retired vascular surgeon. you can put his motif out there, and if somebody buys it, or if you have moran an active model, they can subscribe to your rebalancing, and every time they do that, you collect royalties. >> everybody around here was listening very closely.
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it's a fascinating concept. >> thank you so much. >> and good luck for being on the 50 disruptor list. >> it's very humbling. thank you so much. for more on how to build your own etf motif there's an article on, and you can also see the full list of companies shaking up the status quo online. join the conversation. let's go out to chicago, rick santelli is tracking the interest rates. over to you, ricky. >> you know, sue, it's a very fascinating day today. once again at 8:30 eastern, when you get important data points, you get to see the emperor without the clothes on. there's no facade here. rates popped up as you see on the intraday, as they should. it was hotter than expected, and they stuck. over the last several months, this has been one of the issues regarding the falling rates that we were seeing some building of price pressures. as you hope it up, you realize
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that left-hand peak is a yield close on the 12th of may. that's what technicians are looking at. look for some stop orders, and to raise the yield and lower the price even further, the pound is down a bit today, but open it up, we're still hovering at five-year highs. tomorrow we're going to get the minutes to the last mpc bank of england policy meeting. many are scrutinizing that in lieu of a tightening before any other major developed economy. dude, where are my sticks? where are my golf clubs. rory mcelroy says united air loons lost his golf bag flying from newark to ireland. we're on the case, as he counts the time down, as check this one out. a storm chaser capturing they dramatic pictures of rare twin tornadoes. the full story is coming right
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"power rundown." it's also a bicoastal rundown. rory mcelroy arriving at the irish open this week without any golf clubs. he tweeted, hey, united, landed in dub ling yesterday morning from newark, still for golf clubs. sort of need them with week, can someone help? united tweets back, good news, the clubs have been found and will be delivered to the tournament. i thought -- >> it could verb carol even, i don't think she's -- but ever since their breakup, of course you can make those kinds of jokes. but we know that he's just like the rest of us. when they lose my golf clubs, i may lose out on a day or two, when he loses his, he probably has to worry about a paycheck. it's interesting in this day and age twitter has, in my honest, honest, true get feeling, really has made the world of customer service a lot better just the nature of getting
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neurocomplaints out. >> i think it's fantastic. twitter as an accountability maker. i myself have tweeted when i got particularly bad seats and separated from my family, and they have to listen. the world is listens. masses why it's fantastic. >> that's a great point. are the will. let's look at delta, being blasted after a world cup tweet, where it depicted ghana with a picture of a giraffe. the problem is giraffes donnell live in ghana. no, giraffes live in kenya. the issue with twitter, a lot of these companies hire a young kid straight out of school to run the profiles. they don't realize what they put on twitter is just as important as what they put on television. it's a platform that people are
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paying attention to. they have to be careful, because the world is watching. >> back check before you tweet. >> when it comes down to it, unfortunately for the possibly young person, they were just looking for maybe some way of showing it was an african nation or playing against the u.s. they threw up some wildlife that wasn't indicative. i understand it was a totally big mistake, but still i don't faults sometimes. >> and delta did apologize. finally david cameron, he may not know quite as much about how the economy works as you might thing. he tweeted -- good news inflation at its lowest for five years. that means more security and financial stability. the tweet is still out there. the worry in europe isn't inflation, it's deflation, so very low inflation may not be all that good news. >> again, economists even our
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own steve liesman will have this debate. deflation is arguably a very big problem, but for a lot of europe, they've gotten into a lot of conflicts because of rapidly rising prices. it's one of the reason why the european central bank has only one mandate, that's price stability. at least for right now it singh -- in english, still inflation not as much the a worry these days. twitter is stuff, because thing get taken out of context. with just 140 characters you have to make sure that each one of those characters adds to the value of what you're saying. >> julia, dom, thanks very much. great to see both of you. sue, down to you. we're kind of with markets in a holdi
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holding. plus secret lives of the super rich is tonight on cnbc, million dollar homes just for cars. a sneak peek coming up. ant won't believe it. we're back in two. the do you is up 25 points. y ot. y ot. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision,
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learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. and trade with papermoney to test-drive the market. ♪ all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. take a look at this dramatic video. it's a close-up of those powerful and very rare twin twisters that ripped through pilger, nebraska. a storm chaser getting awfully close to that tornado as it created a twin. at least one person was killed, 16 others in critical condition after the storm. officials say half of the town was destroyed. nebraska's governor has declared a state of emergency, president obama declares it a major disaster and ordering federal aid. the national guard will be deployed to assist emergency responders and the cleanup.
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and transcanada says the tornadoes disrupted power, and that as a result will temporarily reduce the aisle. >> it's an otherwise uneventful day for stocks overall, but check out the mid catch 400. it's having its best day in over a month. they're up about 1.25%. the top three performers in the index year to day are names like rf microdevices. the p is just up marginally. a new study saying that a quarter of all company transactions, deals, may involve some kind of insider trading. should insider trading just be legali legalized? 49% say no, absolutely not. 9% say yes, if it's happening
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anyway, and 42% say there should be more crackdowns and steeper consequences. so 91%. >> let's bring in kenny polcari, and bob pisani as well. you're justishing to weigh in. >> maybe there is a free market advocacy school. meantime, we had a camera quoted earlier, saying inflation is low. >> all of a sudden, highs of the day. >> yeah, that was early on. concerns about meyer rates. >> yes, and i think tomorrow when janet yellen comes out,
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hopefully a little -- the way it feels like it's been for the last couple days. >> especially the day. it feels like it's stuck here. >> it feels like the market is complacent. >> it's going to be interesting here. several fed officials have warned against complacency specifically. that means higher amounts of risk with the vix so low with volatility so low. i'm not sure there's a lot of complacency. the one thing that does bother me, it's really low. there's like twice as many calls as puts. that's extraordinarily low. usually it's closer to parity. >> final word. >> they talk about it being so low. how do you explaining complacency, if people are feeling stable, lookic there's not a reason to go one way or
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the other, they're not going to do anything. >> and hopefully we have that tomorrow. >> ty? >> sue, thank you. "secret lives of the super rich" a new episode tonight at 10:00. robert frank has a sneak peek. >> you've heard of beachfront real estate? we're going to tell you about track fund real state. a $120 million playground for super cars, after the break. ♪ ♪ over 1.2 billion eyeballs are on us during the two weeks at wimbledon. true tennis fans want to know what's happening, they don't want to just see what's happening, they want to know and understand why it's happening. anybody can just put data up, but we want to get a reaction, make it far more interactive.
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switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. today stevele upped to a buy from a hold. you can see all those stocks are anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5%, sue, on the day's session. back over to you. thank you, dom. dsw shares higher, the shoe retailer upgraded, calling it best in class. domino's downgraded to underperform from neutral at bank of america, saying the stock is still expensive despite a 10% drop from the recent all-time high. ups will not start charging by
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the size of packaging for all ground services to offset, rival fedex afounded a similar plan look with a fuel surcharge hike in may. "secret lives of the super rich" returns tonight at 10:00. it's all about the money, the things it buy that is most of us will never have a chance to see. that includes a race trash with megahomes for the cars. robert frank hit the track. >> everywhere you look at thermal, there's construction going on. when it's done, it would be a $120 million playground for super-rich car lovers. think private pavement meets exclusive golf resort, plus vip country club. >> that's why you see on our plans we have a spa, we have a pool, a kids' center, so that those non-car enthusiasts in the family have something to do while they're here. >> reporter: something else, numbered lots. >> we have 300 lots around the
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racetrack. you've heard of life in the fast lane. well, how about life on the fast lane, as in racetrack real estate. >> you have to purchase real estate to be a member. there's the membership fee and the fee from the lot. >> you heard him right, five and six-figure memberships at thermal are only open to people willing to buy land for their own private luxury villas. they're not for people to live in. it's just for their cars. >> those garage villas will be a place where you can store and show your cars. >> and super car lovers love the idea. >> nice place for those cars to live. "secret lives of the super rich" all new tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. eamon javers has breaking news. >> we're getting our first word from president obama on the capture of ahmed abu katalla.
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the president speak just a few minutes ago. >> it's important for you to send a message to the world. that when americans are attacked, no matter how it takes, we will find those responsible, and we will bring them to justice. >> tyler, this was an operation that happened over the weekend. we are just finding out about it. we have a statement from rear admiral john skiery say that ahmed abu katalla is in u.s. custody at a secure location outside of libya. he said there were no civilian casualties in the operation, and all u.s. personnel have safely departed libya. tyler? >> thank you very much, jeff, for that news, eamon javers. we're going to take a short break, and three etf winners when we come back in two-ish. we're moving our company to new york state.
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it says the two companies have agreed to a tentative value for that particular under. ge currently up about a quarter of a% on the news. but remember, sue. it's all about the deal with alston and siemens in germany are trying to bid for certain assets. >> there's stiff competition, that's right. dom, thank you very much. let's check the markets. we're close to our highs of the session with the dow jones industrial average up 32.5 points. the nasdaq is up a half% now, or about 23 about the 25. the s&p is up a quarter of a percent, about five points. in terms of interest rates, we saw a spike earlier this morning on the economic data, which showed more inflation than the market was expecting, thee right now is 2.64%, in terms of the sp spdr index, and kre, and the spdr s&p medals and mines, the
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sim many this is xme. >> interest day and interesting couple days ahead with the fed meeting and press conference tomorrow and we'll wait to see what amazon does, with a possible new product announcement. we'll see you tomorrow. "street signs" begins right now. >> has something just happened in the economy that should change the way you invest? hi, everybody. welcome to "street signs." the piece of news day that surprised many and what to do about it. what philip k. howard says is the real problem with health care, and here's a hint. it has nothing to do with medicine or the president's plan. one company getting a harsh lesson in social media and geography. we are joined by melissa lee today. >> and the animal kingdom. harsh lesson. >> you could say they stuck their neck out. that's a tease if
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