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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  June 25, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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chelsea player. as they say the guy's got a history. >> i don't think it's one that any company wants. >> bobby knight good partsmanship award. >> tongue an cheek as we say. we appreciate your perspective. we're awaiting the pricing for gopro, much more coming up with melissa lee and the crew on "fast money," which begins right now. >> for "fast money," we got breaking news on general motors. phil lebeau joins us on the phone with the latest. phil. >> reporter: melissa, general motors told dealers to stop selling immediately the chevy cruze. they are taking this action to prevent the sale of certain 2013 and 2014 models that may have a defective airbag. >> that means that all the models have defective air backs. they seem certain models have airbags built with an infrared part. they are trying to identify
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those models. they areshop stopping the chevy cruze. they are hoping to resume sales at the end of this week. it's not a huge deal. it certainly is one indication that general motors struggles to figure out all of the problems. back to you. >> when you say top selling car, is there a percentage in terms of crews in terms of the revenue? >> it's a little hard to tell, melissa. they sold 118,000. they will sell, you know, about 270, 275,000. ref fusewise, in a vehicle. keep in mind, if they only stock sales for two or three days, this is a blitz. it will not hurd the model. what it does do, whatever, for people going into the showroom, it reminds them that general motors will have problems with the following problems. >> can you categorize this as a recall or is this simply stopping the sales for a short
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period of time? >> they have not officially initiated a recall on this. it is a stock seam order. by guess we will get a recall attached to this issue at some point, but at this point it's a stop sale order. >> and i understand, phil, your point, in that the chevy cruze is a drop in the bucket. if you tamly all the recalls, where are we? >>, more th7 billion in the uni states. mary barra the ceo says the recalls are expected to slow down. the question is, when do we start to see that slow down? when do we see news items like this really become what we've had over the next couple of months. i think a lot of people think that will happen in july. here we are at the end of the month. we are still having these issues.
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>> thanks so much. bring us more developments as you have them. join us on the fast line. the stop sale order on the chevy cruze, models 2013 and 2014. as phil pointed out, it seems like the goal post keeps getting moved in terms of when we expect this whole thing to blow over? >> i don't think it does. i think the stock sort of has it plane over already. we've had so many recalls. each time it has less and less effect on the stock. i think they shrug it off. i think they saw good news. you can't help but wonder if there is is up an abundance of caution there, anything remotely close to anything that could haunt them lith later or is minor, they got to do it. they're doing the right thing. but i think the stock will have a minor negative tick. it won't be a big deal. >> is the worst behind us? >> worst in terms of the headlines, the headlines continue to come. a week from now, they'll continue to come. because they have to do that. they have to shoot first and ask questions later.
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in terms of stock with karen, though, it seems to have traufd back in mid-april. it gets above 38. it's off to the races again. so it will be fascinating to see how it closed. i think it's slightly lower in the after market. if this can regain $38, i think the upside is significant. >> i think the abundance of caution is the right terminology with with bf. you saw cars recalled because of airbag problems, this is not just a gm issue. tomorrow i'd like at ford to see if there will be a taper on one of those things. >> ford in the after session is ticking slightly higher at this point. >> these guys make all great points t. headlines will continue to be cautious about recalls or selling cars that they may have issues. ford, obviously, has their share of issues, themselves, obviously, from a trading
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perspective, ford looks interesting, at least for a breakout of the 52-week high, which is about 18. the other day, there was a boyar of 10,000 in september 67918 calls, that looks like a nice breakout level for a cheap stock that actually has some leverage to improving the economy. so that's one to me if you get to 18, you are probably locking at the 2011 high of 19.5 again, it's not a remember. it's a stop seam for cruze t. tally so far 17 million cars in the united states, 15 million cars world wide. >> it's a staggering number. yes. >> they throw millions around like it's nothing. it's a huge number. the stock that karen has, the initial sell-off, it's been impervious since. >> you have to invest today in an auto maker. would it be ford or general motors? >> neither. we have been saying it's the auto parkers, warner all trading within a whisper of their all
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time high. >> are you in gm, karen, still? why would you pick gm over ford, which is basically what are doing is holding gm not ford today. >> i don't look at it exactly that way. i see the point. they got scared about the headlines and when i saw that it really just seemed to shrug off any continued headline, i thought, all right, it is cheap. i think there are things that are good. i like the platform launch. i think they will be able to get the break even on uniform. >> with that said, that .8% pullback in the afternoon session, brian kelly, does this make it more attractive? >> not really to me. i leak the trading action in ford a little better. what i would, do i would buy ford and short toyota. i bought the yef today. it will get stronger and use that toyota hedge in case there are tape on for the rest of the industry. >> let's move on, let's talk google. the annual developer's
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conference the slow products, wearables, td hitting the street. josh. >> reporter: well, melissa, at google's developer's conference in san francisco the big theme no matter where you are, google wants you on its operating system. take a listen to what google executives unveiled today. >> we're right at the beginning at a few phase in the miniaturization of technology, which means it is finally possible to make a powerful computer small enough to wear comfortably on your body all day long. >> the excitement in the auto industry is growing. today we are happy to announce over 40 partners have joined the affordable allowance. >> today, we're announcing android tv. it's isn't a new platform, we're simply giving tv the same level of attention as phones and tablets have traditionally enjoyed. >> reporter: now there were
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thousands of developers here today, another 1 million watching on wide screen. protesters showing up as well. two managed to get themselves into the conference. they instrumented it, had to be escorted out. outside, protesters as well seemed to be protesting a range of issues from housing to taxes to justification, but the show did go on. bottom line, google listen, looking to layering android into every part of your life from work to office to the car. melissa, back to you. >> josh lipton, thanks for that. let get more from our trust managing director, he has a $680 million target from google. did you like what you saw? >> thanks for having me. i thought there was the watch the tv, you had the car. you try try to think what google trying to, do attack that doctor 14 million mark kis cisco identified as the google of thing. google wants to act says the internet. two pain reasons, one is personalize things for you, give
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you a better experience, target you with better ads, all that type of stuff. no. 2, more importantly, they want your data, where you are looking at, where you are, to use it across different devices to amplify that experience. >> apple is doing the same thing. >> i agree, you have apple, google. amazon sets it. >> who is ahead at this time? >> i would say you have apple and google with the predominant share of smartphones, you are seeing a lot of entrance in this area. >> how much room is there? somebody will be -- how much room is there for maybe not the first mover, maybe. >> yeah. >> i don't know. >> i think there is room for a couple different players, ecosystems. you have a $14 trillion market. there are lots of ways to carve that up. one you didn't heir hear about today is google class if. where was that, what other ways will you access that? >> why did we hear about that, they were not doing well, so we didn't talk about it? >> they opened it up to the
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public being ain't buy one. we are hearing rumors they are revamping it, trying to make it cool. we had diane vonn fosterenberg, making it cooler for more normal people. >> at love different areas and announce:s, besides buying google, a name that got overlooked today from these announcements besides google? >> that's a great question. i don't know that part well enough as far as the components and where the suppliers, you can play on that, but maybe in the semis area, it may be something interesting there. >> this is a developing forums. one of the things i took away from the wwtc remember tim cook's comment about 89% of installed ios users have upgraded to the ios17. he dropped that kit-kat android version about 10% of android users. we know android installs four times that, so to me is this really that important? they're trying to make a lot of
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noise, we're talking about it. at the end of the die, people rem really aren't choogz android for the latest operating system. they are for ios. >> i think google came out after that and said the number was north of 50 or so the lillipop they're calling it. i think consumers will follow functionality. your consumers follow that. >> bob, last quarter in april, eps disappointed revenues and not what the stream was looking for. they have a huge opportunity this quarter in july. what is the one metric you should be looking more? >> the clicks can be the number one thing. the cpcs will be sort of obfuscated by the shift in mobile. there is a strong demand, clicks are invent otherwise, as long as you have a strong demand there, they should do well. >> suntrust. >> obfuscate, that's probably the only time we seen that on this show. in terms of google, i think
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there is off catalyst to get google up to 600. at 600, i'd be worried. that's the area it broke down. the next 16 points i think they are okay. >> i would surprised it stayed down around the 520 level as long as it did. i think they have a lot of blue sky. i think it's going to that 600 level. facebook is releasing its diversity numbers for the first time. >> reporter: the facebook diversity break june, the melty melt split is 69-to-31%, roughly in line with google. the company is 57% white, 34% asian, 4% hispanic, 2% black. senior ranks 77% male, 74% white t. company says it is implementing a variety of strategys to inceo es the tool
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from underrepresented communities. melissa. >> julia, thank you for that. bed, bath and beyond sinking on weekly quarterly results. is this another bad sign for consumers, that's next. plus the ceo-of-hasbro will tell us of its new line of transformers coming up on "fast." .
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>> yes. >> i know. >> bed, bath and beyond dropped in the after session bell. >> i had no idea that was going to pub your buttons so much. let's talk about bed, bath and beyond. in terms of the stock price, you seen i down about 7% in the trade on about ample shares of volume. so a decently heavy volume. we have a stock that had mixed on earnings him it came in at 93 cents on this past quarter q1. estimates lacking 94 cents, bed, bath and beyond reported revenues of 2.66 billion is the estimate. so a narrow miss there as well. they also have a from st for current quarter earnings of between $1.08 and $1.16 a share.
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>> that missed the an a lists earnings. also comparable store sales this past quarter. .4% to the upside, 1.9% was the estimates, though, the federal governmenttive exacta on four fronts, this stock is down 7% on a million shares of volume in the after hours. back over to you. >> dom, thanks for. that dan, was this one of your isosoles? >> this is a debate. when you look at these former high growth retailers, into whole foods? lulu, panera, that sort of thing that have been down significantly from their highs. they topped out. the debate is whether they are individually broken stories or a different sort of trend. it clearly speaks to investor appetite they're not able to pay the multiples of a year ago at their highs. i a tough press here on the short side with new stories because, ultimately that,ry down so much.
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we have seen it in coach and these other. so we're trying to peck it up out of this difficulty. >> is this more of a consumer read? >> i think it's a housing read, if you look at a home depot or a loees, it's concerns me, we saw a great housing number yesterday. bed, bath, yorngsd right in the company fame. >> big news out of aereo. they say it provides subskreebers of broadcast content over the internet. >> really for the content producers, cbs was a real mover. it was a real threat to their franchise here. the ones that surprised me, disney didn't move as much as i thought it might. and netflix might have gotten really hurt. i'd expect an upside here. we didn't get it. i think there is an opportunity in both those names. >> for disney, there is a lot of
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other businesses there, it was somewhat diluted. its great for disney, cbs was the purest play, that's why it was up. it seemed leak the right outcome. it seemed fair. >> right. >> i haven't read the opinion. >> we should mention david neighborer had a chance on the half term report today. he asked about advertising. so in addition to this victory in the courts he said essentially the backdrop looks pretty good, which i think would be great for a lot of other companies. >> for the question. we have been pretty, all these things, cbs, fox, comcast, disney. they all fall in the same category, this bump clearly wasn't in the stock, this decision. i think these names even with the room on the upside, if this market is going to cooperate. we didn't talk the broader number. i said yesterday 1860. i am shocked we didn't have that conversation later, given the
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gdp data. up next here, is the hottest trade of the year over, the refiners especially are getting crushed on reports that government is taking steps on exporting oil and specifically we're talking condensation st.s in a small amount which will be permitted to be exported, an undisclosed amount. we don't know yet how much. the fear is refiners will lose that business. >> profit margins, that's what's out there. they get squeezed. that's why we've seen the rally we have seen in many of these names. look at valoro, obviously the rest of the group. it typically stradz 7 or 8 million. that's a huge amount of volume on the upside in the stock. the stock since may has been treading water with the rest of the space. dan said it last fight. there are no one-day events, so as much as you want to dive into these tomorrow the headline rick
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in the space right now is a little dicey. >> it's the options players, though. option traded ten times the daily volumes. they were both calls, the august 16,000, august 55 calls traded and 9,000 of the july calls. so i think people were thick as you are, the move is overdone. they don't want to step in here, they're willing to lock out a month or two. >> think about the millions of dollars in market cap wiped out from refiners in one day where we don't know what the details are, where the volumes are. >> ultimately, if you follow this true, wti will be exported, it actually may not have a big impact on the oil market. we in the u.s. still need 7 million barrels a day to come into our country. so while it's big fuse and these things got killed i think the options players in august/september might be a bet. >> coming up next the company
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behind the creation of the transformer's brand hasbro got a new line of robots ready to hit the market just in time of the latest "transformer's" movie this weekend. are you on set with all the details next. what can your fidelity greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement.
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call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? [ music playing [ music playing ] >> toys are returning to the big screen this week. toy maker hasbro which developed the travenz former's brand has more to go along with the "transformer's age of distinction." joining us,
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briempb, great to have you here on set. let's talk about this movie. how closely should we look at the ticket sales as an indication of toy sales? >> i think you look at the first three films, they did nearly 3 million at the box office, we did a million 6, so, clearly, a great movie with great characters helps to build the brand and your sales globally. >> in terms of the total dollar am. some analysts based on the revenues based on the toys, we should expect a decline of 70%. does that sound about right? >> if you think about it, we were inventing this brand. we brought back young people. we added so many things, we learned a lot after that third movie to reinvent this brand yet again. that's what is so great about the transformers, there are so many stories to tell. >> when you talk about bringing
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toys back, a lot of people say boys back the boys side of the business, part of tq 2 strength. how dependent is the boy's business on the releases you have in a given quarter? >> not just in a given quarter, more longitudinally. if you look over time, clearly, boys are driven by entertainment. boy's category, one of the last elastic categories that exist in the territory. our tv shows are on the air, around the world him all of those things help to contribute to grow our boys' business overtime. >> this stock is unbelievable. toys 'r' us is down like $200
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million. >> they are great partners, they built our business globally. outside the u.s. i think a lot of people look at the u.s. business as an indication and we've seen some of the challenges they've had. i leak the way they're addressing it. i think we feel good about that overall. outside the u.s. and around the world, they're a big partner of ours. they've helped to grow our brands. >> you announced in february, a 32 fanz former's toys, what tlts status of that? it looked like you have filed a pat tent application in may for three 3 '02 sort of platforms or systems. can we expect that for the holidays? >> we are working on this. what we are seeing with kids is this expansion of play patterns, so there are kids out there who are makers. they see themselves as future architects and not just kids who want to play with toys out of the box. there are kids that do want to do that as well. it's that combination. we want to bring 3d to kids.
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we want to give them the opportunity to make their own opportunities come to life. >> is that going to be a catalyst for the holiday season. >> i don't know it's this season, i think it's more a long-term play. >> thank you for joining us, thank you for sharing the toys. let's trade this. >> 15 times forward earning, piper raised their numbers, surprisingly, there is a short 10% short interest, which leads me to believe it will make this dpriend hard. >> you have to compare toy makers, hasbro is up 22% over the past year, matel is down. >> stock is down, they've done all right here. this year, 51 to 56 range, i think, if you can get a good weekend out of this "transformer's movie," you have a catalyst to brake it through that 56. that's what i'd be looking for. >> surfers, an a lists buyers of gopro, we'll hear from the very first firm to initiate coverage with a buy after this break.
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and up next, is the beautiful bromance between dana than and guy adame finally coming to an end? say it ain't so, stick to yourself, these former besties go head-to-head in a debate overnight. stay tuned. .
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[ music playing ] we are awaiting pricing of the much anticipated debut on the nasdaq tomorrow. guy is wearing the gopro right now. he has it strapped on to his upper body. you wear it well, guy. >> that's guy vision. >> it's like joe walsh. >> see you people at home. they have no idea. >> the fashion statement is challenging. you get the whole pare shapes. >> it gives a pare shape. >> he is getting support where he needs it. >> gopro in his ear? wow. maybe that should be factored
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into the pricing. the first analyst to initiate coverage gives you a by rating and a $28 price target, charlie anderson joins us. great to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. the by rating, is that simply looking at gopro based on what it is right now or what it potentially could be, so many say it could be a content company? sfwr sure, so we with $28, we are actually doing $26.5 for the device business, which is all of their revenue today. we are only giving them $1 pivot 50 for the media business. if i look at the device busy business, it's tough to comp the cannon, it's a wind business him you have to look at an apple or a garmin. then we're looking at some theoretical scenarios on the media business. i think the way to think about the media business is they turn on abs at any point on their
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youtube videos. i also think they have an enormous strategic value to youtube. so there is a little bit of a game of chicken between gopro and youtube fates bofacebook is looking for video. they can upon advertise at some point. >> how do they monetize without burning other bridges, being an exclusive content provider. can they develop some sort of licensing agreement? how would that work out? >> i think what you would do is have it within the app. a lot of people uploader that content within the app. you try i to drive people to a specific site, for example. you may also build your own site at some point. that would be a higher quality. one of the problems with youtube is it is very pixelated very often, the new cameras will shoot in 4k. they have that they can consider as well. >> i want to talk to you about another company that you cover
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that's actually in the gopro, if you take a look at the stock move, it's been massive, up 50% since may 8th. at this point is it a sell? what is, if you took let's say the drop cam business away the gopro business away, what would be left of it? >> i tell you, gopro is 30% of the revenue, drop cam is maybe 2% so two-thirds of this business is other places. it's been exciting places. for example, home security. so there is maybe 60 million security cameras that sell a year. 80% are analog, tape-based. there is a hostage conversion going on there. we like the umbrella quite bit. >> we will leave it there. carly, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you the first an a list to initiate coverage with a buy rating. that video was blair witchy and disney, that was the gopro strapped on to guy, guy pro. >> bill wapsh one of the
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greatest guitarist. >> you can see the hands when you have gestureing. >> he puts it on his head. the second act of eagles. if i can play the axe like him, ewould be doing it right now. >> you know what we should get? i don't do anything quickly. >> moving on. big movers of the day. we got a pop here, up 4%. daen. >> i got to tell you, since your head was printed on a 'd presenter this stock has been on fire. >> the past couple weeks, it looks like a technical breakout. the stock was beaten down. they had that secondary last month here. i would watch out at 60. if you bought it at 50 for a trade, 60 can be the level. >> it's a nice head. allergan.
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>> the walls are closing in on allergan. it's a question of price. >> intercept pharmaceuticals, a drop the move 7%. guy. >> this stock is not for the faintest of heart. we talking about a 450 hand him on it a couple weeks ago. there will be a level to buy this stock. up that huge move in i want to say it was late january into early march, but it's not right here, folks. >> got a pop for zulily. >> today, goldman sacks ups to a boy today this is the type that once it gets momentum could deep going, i'd let it ride. >> we want to do a walk down memory lane. two weeks ago, dan and guy performed a touching duet during "fast money's" annual karaoke night.
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check it out. [ music playing ] >> now, you guys out there might be wondering, what the heck are they singing? the song is called "breaking up is hard to do." and it's supposed to sound like this. [ music playing ] ♪ breaking up is hard to do ♪ ♪. >> maybe our only karaoke fight. >> that's not right. first of all, that's the intro to neil se dhaka's song -- sedaka's song. we were doing the slow song. editing, that was hot. >> anyway. is the bromance coming to an end and tonight they go head-to-head for a nike street fight. earnings on tap after the bell. what will it take for them to see eye-to-eye? nathan the bear, 90 seconds total on the clock, guy, you are up first. >> you want to say it's a brazil story because of the world cup, for the, it's a brazil story
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because of the olympics in 2016 in rio de janeiro, brazil will become their third largest company by revenue by 2016. they're crushing it in emerging markets. not only crushing it in emerging markets, western europe, look at the comps, absolutely off the charts last quarter. so when you think europe is dieing, it ain't dieing for nike right now. adidas dominates the sponsorship area. not anymore, they're taking them away left and right. the nfl thing, it's already in the numbers. that's true deal they signed if 2012 was absolutely monster for these guys. $500 million a year, out to 2017, you know they're going to re-up. nike regardless of a p here is a monster. >> i'm very conflicted here. if i do a partner and i for me, i do like this i have to do it, though. i'm conflicted because it is a great company. there is a ton of catalyst here
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t. stock underperforms pretty dramatically this year. it's down 3%. it's not just nike. puma is down 11%. adidas is down 20% of the year. there is something going on with these premium apparel and food wear guys. so fike trades at about two-and-a-half times. next year's expected earning, only growing at about 14%. the company recently guided down to the full physical 2015 year. let me make this point. i don't think expectations are particularly high for tomorrow's earnings. i think the stock would be a great buy at 70. i don't think you have to accept in here, digest it, see water happening. i think you will probably move. >> as a world trade school here, if are you considering an investment in nike, you don't have to rush out before the earnings event tomorrow. >> how do you weigh it? >> i agree with dan, you do not have to buy the stock before the earnings, if they come out and
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they're decent, i'm a bull. i think it's held in here well above 75. there are a lot of catalysts not priced in. i think i will go with guy adame on this. >> i would go with dan. >> oh, so sweet to be together again. will you sing again? >> karaoke, two. you name them. look at that, that's so hot. >> we want to know what you thought on the street. so tell us on twitter. tweet hashtag bear for dan. we bought the the results at the end of the show. still ahead the chinese travel company like priceline it's taking on one of the fastest world markets in the world. we talk to the ceo in a cnbc exclusive next. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 searching for trade ideas that spark your curiosity
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amazon's online travel market is booming and expected to double if size. the company's mobile level alone increased 415% since last year. let's bring in the ceo of chunar. thank you for being with us.
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>> thank you. >> air chine i china is cutting commissions to travel agents from 3% to 2%. a lot of an a lists say it will impact your business than a sea trip. it has more barring anything power. how will it impact you? >> i think this is important for us, because it's the largest air fair in china, zhuang. 22% of overall chinese aviation market. this is leading by 14%. they are doing 18% of the market share. so with this air commission cut up they will follow up critically. we will see the commission cut off by the airline is in order to shape the mark in the agency market more to the local wholesalers, instead of cutting the commission from the smaller guys and the national leading
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website. the reason is if you are from the airline point of view, they. much more middle size guys who play in the market and the influence and the two smaller guys, they have less influence in the market and less efficient. so we want commission from those guys. at the same the leading ota is have too much power over the airlines, so they cut the commission on them as well. so i think the incentives will add to the regional whole sailers, they are all our platform. so qunar is about 80% is dealing with regional wholesalers. >> your majority owner, how does that give an advantage by being a part of it essentially? >> i think they gave us the multipoll benefit, number one it gave us a brand awareness and made us easier to fire. the second, we do have some special relationship with baido.
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the product can go to the chinese dealers. this gave us a boost on the topic. >> in terms of the migration to mobile, we are seeing here in the united states with many companies is that it is less profitable. they sell ads at a lower rate than a desk top. is that the case? your emphasis is on mobile apps, that is where we see the most growth. >> we think the capability is very important, where we move from, the pc to mobile. so we do our soft platform and i have very high penetration in the platform. so when we move to the mobile, we have everything in bookings. we start back in 2010. we have 20% of the mobile. i think probably by the end of the 84, we will be over 50% of the revenue. >> by the end of the year. >> over the mobile. >> thanks so much for coming by.
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we appreciate it. all right. let's talk about the chinese internet. do you have a trade here? >> i think it's baido, like google, they are dominated. i know they made inroads in search. baido is the one to search. a new sec filing shows priceline and open table came together. what that filing actually reveals. fairn karen. >> it's a very interesting story. the company's response to the tender offer. we all knew they would accept the offer. it also has to give the background to the offer. how did these two companies decide there would be a takeover. so we looked at that and it's of great interest to us. the calls, there has to be another bidder, otherwise, they're going to zero. there wasn't just one other bidder, fact, there were seven other parties. >> wow. >> that is very interesting.
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it was referred to as party one through seven. we don't know who they are, what what business they are in. severalle of them, two dropped out. three of them we don't know how it ended up that they didn't make a bid. one made a bid that was insufficient. i also noticed that priceline who they refer to as parents seemed to be the post-favored bidder. before they would have meetings the fight before the ceos would have dinner together. they tell you that. my best case scenario would have been that there were no other parties involved, that they only spoke to priceline an nobody else even had a chance. >> that would have been my best case. my worst case scenario would have been they had a fully flushed out option, everybody had to put their best bid in by june 10th. that didn't happen either. there was a favorite bidder here. i wish nobody else had, if you had gotten the chance, i'm hanging on to the the calls, because seven parties, you never
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know. >> all right. we are running out of time. we should know in today's show. we need your help. who do you want to answer a twitter question today? . lock on to vote for the trader you want to hear from starting now. can you vote as many times as you want. we will reveal the answers at the break. >> we don't know what it is. >> i got it. >> stay tuned. ♪ .
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you got a few minutes left to vote. who do you want to answer your twitter questions today? voting right now for container, i'm voting as many times as i want which is until they lock me out. so, anyway the person you choose the will answer the question. >> that is coming up. meantime, semi conductors are on fireworks intel has 17% in the past month. it's all coming to a screeching halt. dan. >> there was an interesting trade, a semi conductor etf, which intel actually makes up about 20% of the way today, today options traded ten times average daily view. it was all basically in puts.
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one trade a trader bought 20,000 of the august 4845 put spreads, paying 51 cents for that. that breaks even at 47-and-a-half down about 3% with a max gain of down 45. when you look at the chart, it looks simple. it looks parabolic. the trader is trying to capture this amount of range, it captures intel's earnings, they announced a quarter or inline guidance with expectations this high to bring the stock in. >> e, what do you think of intel? >> it has a nice run. last time we said it's catching up with microsoft and oracle and big cap tech names. i think it's okay, 29, 30 is your floor. >> all right. so now it's time for the first ever viewers choice edition of you tweet it, we trade i. earlier, we asked you to pick which trader answers toon another tweet. you koesz karen.
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>> you cozy karen. >> i voted for container. as fast as my little finger could hit that button. this is your question. when will the financials get momentum? >> like bank of america? banc of america gets the momentum. you know the move-in rates back down, it's not great for the financials and the gdp at a whopping 27 also not great. i think the risk rewarder is attractive. it's like a broken record. but i'm hanging on to them. we will fine out actually very soon, early july. we will see financials reporting. >> all right. >> you got it. >> you got what you asked for. meantime, there is still time to vote for the street fight on twitter, hashtag for bull, hashtag bear for dan. we'll have the first trade tomorrow coming right back.
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. >> who won the street fight? dan nathan lost the fight, check it off. >> yesterday i said take a look at silver.
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today i bought silver. slv final trade. >> performance through psg, this week, last week, i like them. >> my guy cam, you got to practice what you preach. nike. nike. end of the release. >> i'm melissa lee. thank you, see you back here at. meantime, jim cramer starts now. my miss is simple. to make you money. \s i'm here to level the playing feel for all investors. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts right now. hay, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money", welcome to cramerica. i'm just trying to make you a little money. my job is not just to entertain you but call me. . this can be an incredibly confusing time to be an investor. >> we're constantly flooded with


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