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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  July 9, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

5:00 pm buy the car. it's someone that we really feel the difference of owning a car versus any other. >> i think we got to go. >> i can't afford the paint job. >> we can work on. thank you so much for being here. as ferrari has no trouble finding people lining up these days. that u.s. the it for us here on "closing bell." now ritz time for "fast money" with melissa lee. >> thanks, kelly. "fast money" starts right now. live from new york city's time's square. i'm melissa lee. the oil spike has come to a screeching halt, fin straight days for wti sending it the low 50-day moving average. oil, in fact, seeing its worst nine-day losing streak. tonight we're is asking the question, have we seen the peak in oil for 2014? what do you say? >> to call the top is difficult. i think we are at a place, there
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is some demand. pe with in a staggering economy. you saw china 7-and-a-half on a gdp. indicating there might be weakness there. we have libya ports come back on. to me, i'm short oil. i think it's telling you something about the broader market i think it's telling you the economy is not as strong as everyone might think. >> the iraqi premium is out of wti. intrent at a one-month low at this point. >> yet, if you look at the energy sector, that continues to be hot. few look through the entire year, it's been a mostly consistent sector we have been seeing outside activity in. to go down a notches and take the derivative side of that, take a look at what the rails have been doing, canadian pacific, unb, csx lags. you look at these rails into the energy space, it's not always dependent on the price of oil but certainly gas and oil right now, i think the energy space still have plenty of upside. >> where are you? we are talking three, four weeks
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ago about the spread between brent and wti, which would be beneficial to the refiners. >> that has come in over that time frame. >> i still think, i don't want to call a top on energy, but i do think it will continue to remain in strong demand out of western europe. it has to. because russia is going to be reducing shipments dramatically over the next two years. what does that mean? the likes of german and san francisco are going to have to find other sources. could that be eblgs ports from the u.s.? which by the way just overtook saudi arabia today as far as the largest producer of crude oil? it sure could come from us, depending on how that legislation goes. but i think in addition, it will increase the demand for exploration so the enp stocks i think continue to rock. >> wti is actually at the lowest level since may, dan. is this a bad sign if terms of economic growth? >> you know, like bk just
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mentioned, he thinks it has more to do with the lack of global growth. you know the weakness that we've seen. you mentioned the iraq premium. it seemed pretty short lived. whatever was in there, you know, so i would actually think about so these guy versus talked about the industrial space. let's talk about the consumer space. yesterday, we were talking about wal-mart's ceo, what he had to say about the improving jobs picture. it's not translateing to them. i would say maybe the falls in the same category in a way t. consumer didn't feel it, it didn't matter that crude went to 10 5irk9s going back to 100 t. consumer is strapped. >> i'm not saying the world is falling apart. crude got ahead of itself. we're in the secular stagnation where we get some 23-to-3% global growth. we're not an escape philosophy. that's all. >> andy is based in houston, you think oil could be headed lower.
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how far lower? >> i think we can break below $13 much. i think they mentioned libyan oil returned to the market. we haven't seen a supply production out of iraq to the north. ahead of us groegss with iran about their nuclear program. if we should see a break through there and iranian oil return to the mark. we could see prices of $95 a barrel. >> you actually think the situation in iraq is as close to sort of being resolved as one can say a situation in iraq is at this point? >> i wouldn't say that at all. i would say the oil market hasn't seen its supply disruption yet. it's not going to take very kindly to seeing sectarian violence in the south and the east and the producing oil field. that will cause worry because the potential exists to lose about two to 23.35 million a day of exports. >> hay, it's brian kelly.
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we talk about the supply side. what about the demand side, the weakness in brent and wti signal maybe the demand isn't as it was two or three weeks ago? >> well, i think we are seeing signs of weaker diesel demand and places like china and india. i believe that overall, world oil demand is growing and fortuitously the shale boom in the u.s. is supplying some of that demand by all our product exports. so i'm really positive about world oil demand growing. you just have to look for it, you know, in acia. it is at a slower growth rate. we're seeing changes happening there. but i still see pretty good prices for oil. >> and andy, you made the point if texas was a member of opec, the state would be the second largest producing member. extrapolate that in terms of what companies are poised to benefit or what type of companies. >> well, we have certainly the number of producers are benefitting from the increased production and the higher prices. we got a number of those
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companies in the permian base such as occidental petroleum, conoco philips, marathon, bhp, pioneer, devonn, they all stand to increase from this oil production. in fact, you might have heard about potential of increased amounts of crude oil and exportles. and that has another effect of improving the revenues from a number of these eagle port producers. >> andy, leave it there. thanks, so much for your time. i appreciate it. andy lipow, lipow associates. >> i think can you go two different ways, he talked about the railles, they make the tankers that go on the rails. the other way to go is with the shirps front line fro. if we are going to see a reversal like jay was talking about with some of the oil flows. >> you don't see a trade in the oil? >> short oil. so i would be short oil. i think you'd probably go with a intum lerge. you want to talk about their expanding the pumps. we talked about how you can have
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some of those distill lates come off the pumps. >> he mentioned a couple names. i would say conocophilips and devonn, i like the exposure there. they have plenty of upsights, conoco, you get that dividend yield. both twice two companies are great companies. i think the fame goes a lot higher. >> let's get breaking news, moments ago on united airlines, it issued guidance. phil le beau has the latest on this. phil. >> encouraging news, stock is moving umm. united is reporting in the second quarter passenger revenue for available seat mile is actually going to be up 3.35% above the previous guidance of the company. previous guidance was an increase of 13 to 3%. also june passenger traffic flat compared to last year. the encouraging news is the two available seat miles is going to be coming in flat. the previous guidance was that costs were going to be up anywhere from 13.25% up to
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23.25%. so better than expected performance in the second quarter from united. that's why shares are getting a nice pop after hours when you xaer it with american and delta. let's not get carried away. tear numbers are not as impressive as american and dell delta in the second quarter. it's an improvement and the reason why investors are encouraged today, better tan expected numbers in the second quarter. back to you. >> phil low beau, thank you very much. you have been in delta through options. >> many times, united as well as the player playoff names that i have had in my portfolio there as well. when you look across, i think these legacy carriers are the ones you want to be in. if you look at jet blue, that got oversold because of all the storms in the east coast during the early part of the year. i think many of these names, all these names can work. united has been laggingful phil is right. maybe it can catch up. we still got to see those synergys come together. >> don't you think just because people weren't expecting it. we are talking flat year over yee growth in passenger.
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maybe this is a pop because, hey, it was a little better than expected. it doesn't mean everything is great, particularly when you have lufthansa. it doesn't mean everything is great because you have purchasing power. a lot of these mergers have thb approved, pricing pour exists. you get a chancelation, you can't get on another flight. >> jet blue, pete, there are a lot of rumors swirling all the time. i don't feed to start it here. ly start to it for a second this stock, jet blue is trading basically at its 52-week high. you could have picked it up for doctor 76.3034 at the 52-week low. now it's up there at $11. do they do something? is there a consolidation? if they do, you don't like these guys. >> a report out at the end of june said shareholders because there is so much data. >> i don't know what you guys are talking about. >> mr. fancy pants here.
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>> just kidding. >> i never, ever, have been on a private plane ever. >> here's the thing, if there was ever an industry that trips itself up by its own cord every so often is the airline industry. so they have benefitted from all this 3r50is pricing power because of the consolidation and the price cuts t. sell-off if a fame you all had, 20% from the highs, that's scary business. it's a nice pop. it's up 35% in the after hours. i wouldn't be chasing it. >> that stock broke down. these are the sort of technical break downs you want to be cognizant of. >> dan, real quick. it did break down. you are absolutely right. but why? why did you do it break down? >> listen, the trade has been going for a long time. we mentioned six names up 1300% in the last year. soitative benefitted for stuff that has less to do about the economy. >> b.k. just mentioned it. he talked about aircraft, he talked about lufthansa. this was bad data. yes, it's largely in europe. they also talked about north america.
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to me, if you are in this camp where the u.s. economy is stagnant, these guys will suffer at some point soon. >> coming up next. last time regis philbin was here, he laid out his high hopes for one writer play. unfortunately, his pick hit an all time low. it is causing good old regis some sleep. that's next. form, hormel, mna is on fire. we give a peak on some companies that could be in line for a little takeover action. it's a complete checkup of the services your vehicle needs. so prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. get our multi-point inspection with a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less. get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer.
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welcome back to "fast money." we got breaking news with regard to 77 energy. this is the company that was spun off of chesapeake energy, the oil services side of the business with chesapeake recently spun off. it looks though as it's got one of its biggest newest investors, carl icahn has taken a 39.98% steak in 77 energy. again a 39.98% steak by carl icahn in 77 energy in connection with the spin-off from chesapeake energy. it appears that one investor likes the oil services side of the business. melissa was spun off of
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chesapeake as well. right now they are up 3.35% in the after hours trade. a bad day for tv legend regis philbinful we tried to help him save his change in may. >> i can get it being by buying a little more here and there. >> well, regis, shares plunged 17% today hitting an all time low following speculations the company will go bankrupt and they will be out of money in seven months and apollo global is making a play for the company. b.k., what do you tell regis? >> b.k. tells you to take your already have 1.88 and go. everyone from twitter hits me when it's $1.88. le sold it. so, regis, get out, take your
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$13.88. buy yourself a nice cup of coffee. >> wow, tough love afternoon. a down day for coach, not nearly as bad, though, this after buckingham downgraded stocks that under performed from the neutral. the moving coach over the past month. it is down 15%. also today, michael kohrs hired a new manager to handle coach. >> i think the downgrade had to do with the fact they were saying this was an accidental yield here. he's suggesting that that's likely to be caught last week. they announced a restructuring. the stock rallied. it was a lot of buying the july 36 calls prior to that announcement. a lot of smart guys i speak to and gal like karen in the retail space, she thinks this thing is going to have a two handle on it very soon and not trying to buy this dip. so the news flow sounds really bad. it sound like there is more corporate action to come.
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you probably do want to white until it gets washed out somewhere. it is a great brand. at some point it will let you back. >> do i let you in when you fly them? >> i don't know what any of of that means. >> no, if kohrs gets into the man purse businesses the murse. >> now you know what a murse is. >> i think, apparently that, is yet another sort of an attack on coach's business and could this be yet another fail in the coach coffin? >> this is an iconic brand. >> coach? >> yes. >> is it really still? it was. it was. >> it's not right. is, was. >> you know, we've seen this, there was a time when gucci was down and out. they come back in value and berbert berber, that you love.
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>> the company celgene is meeting end point expectations. pete. >> the unfortunate side for celgene was they didn't have a lot of homes on this, nobody on the street expected this. they got 23 other drugs in the pipeline right now t. stock was able to actually shrug this bad news off. this is a solid day. i like celgene a lot. i think there is some upside here. you got to look out into the rest of the pipelynn to see if there are names out there that will actually be something much more meaningful. there are. this name wasn't one of them. >> it's interesting about biotech. you watched. they were down in the morning. they reversed. they took the whole market with them. i would watch as a lead indicator of water going on in the broader market. >> really? >> yes. >> now,boy otech is in the market? >> certainly. that is your high growth. it's pure speculation. here's what i would say, yesterday's turn to me started
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really with transports. the airlines were beat yesterday. they came back. now the rest of the market didn't follow along. today the market certainly followed along with these airlines. i think this news after market with url really means something tomorrow. >> coming up next, need a little more kim kardashian in your life? who doesn't? we will sit down with her latest hit for the smartphone world and google yet with another shot with cloud computing today. which tech titan is holding the top spot for the battle for the cloud later on. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 searching for trade ideas that spark your curiosity
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lumber liquidators is hitting an
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absolute buzz saw in the second hour. stores fell 37% and is guiding earnings below forecast. it's off by 19%. now a different story for zumiez posted june comparable store sales of 3%. now, as a result, it's raising its second quarter earnings gains. >> that stock you can see is up nearly 130% in the after hours trade. then the flip side again. there is potbelly issuing a second quarter revenue warning as its comparable stores fell short of expectations. as a result of that, it sees its full year profits coming in way below forecasts. you see off session lows in the after market, still, melissa, down by 16%. back over to you. >> don chu, thank you for. i'd love to say this is the doom and gloom for housing. it may be a situation of a really bad retailer.
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when you think about some of the disappointments we have seen in the retail, a lot of times people are suggesting they are one off situations, competitions, that sort of thing. >> look at what happened with tractor supply. >> that is a little more agricultural. home depot, lowes, they have been lagging the market. in the fomc minutes, they talked about the soft housing indicator. i would say this is a broader housing slow june. it's not accelerating. >> we should have the lumber liquidators move on on the of an 38% decline after apparently there was some speculation that lowes perhaps will take it over. again another decline here, so this is one that we'll continue to watch. meantime, it's a food fight over your palate driven by changes in consumer's tastes. could this be a recipe for more mna activity? sus sarah eisen is naming a lot of people. >> annie's for one, you get a
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lot of chatter. they make the or gaining mac n cheese. annie's had trouble lately. so far the stock is down 20%. they have been struggling on eps, struggling on guidance. tear brands importantly are resonating with consumers. d.c. capital markets covers food. he says this would be a great bolt on opportunity for a bigger company that wants to get into organics and the other sort of protein is another one resonating with consumers right now, all natural, gluten-free, all of those kind of things. >> all of those buzz words. at the same, the ceo is 51-years-old and a co-founder of the company. are you getting the sense from the analysts he would be into sell you find oftentimes the founders don't want to let their babies go. >> what is interesting the ceo actually addressed this ken goldman analyst j.p. morgan on the earnings call asked at the end of may, would you consider
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getting bought out? he didn't say we will dom on speculation. he says, there is always an interest in annie's and i believe there continues to be so. of course, you have a fiduciary, blah, blah, blah, to act in the best interest of our shareholders. he didn't rule it out. they could benefit from a bigger company with stream line manufacturing and deal with the costs on the supply chain. >> mongolese has had a lot of speculation. >> mondelez, what will be the sequel in those are two front runners, first with kelloggs, they're having issues because of the cereal consumption decline, package fooleds decline, strong brands, nonetheless, a strong company that can benefit from cost cutting and increase spending. mondelez you mentioned international exposure. 80% of sales in north america, it's something that buffet and 3
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g has been looking for. >> they are left with the core snack business, is it looked as a fit for pepsi or? >> it was out there. now he sort of dropped that idea once it split pepsico. mondelez was one i got a lot. another i wanted to mention is white wave, it makes horizon, organics. >> that has been on a 52-week high. they have been making many deals on their own. they bought earth bound at the end of last year, but analysts say, tad be a good one also for those big companies like a general mills or a kelloggs that needs to drive top line growth, again, what is working for consumers? >> the ceo said plant based food. >> that category is exploding. you are the expert in the meat space. car larrys. >> yes, i guess. what is working is organics.
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it's not working that well, i'll go with another one haines celestial. >> it's a meaty panel, actually. >> like large consumers. >> i'm feeling a bit squeezed over here. >> hey. >> that's so not nice. i weigh half of what you weigh. >> here's the deal. i think annie's is really interesting. what sarah said, they're in the buzz words the gluten, this and that, the children's stuff. it's a $3566 million mark cap company that can easily be in. >> what about calmane as far as eggland's best? $75 for a bedding company. >> you saw protein is in. >> meat space. >> yogurt. >> sarah eisen.
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let's get unusual activity we have not one, two trades, of course, we have two negeyan brothers. >> look at this, deck's sports in may it got hammered because of golf and hunting. that was the weakness that slammed the stock. when you look at foot locker, it performed very well. nike and underarmour, not so bad either. after hitting down $42 a share. stocks recovered a bit. suddenly we got the july 47 calls the being bought 30 cents, very large numbers by the end of the day. makes you intrigued to the idea that this stock has a little more room in the upside, mem. we saw this buying coming in. this is july. these expire in a couple weeks. >> the pitfalls, i forgot, b.k. is b.k.t. pit boss is in this trade. i like the trade. i think dick's has upside. >> colgate had a few high today session.
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>> that's right, mel, this has been on the radar a couple times the rumors are false. as you heard sarah eisen talk about, there are a lot of high profile names leak the one that people could to be looking at as roll-up potential. i think colgate, which carl icahn did look at a couple years ago, we talked about it back if 2011. i think this one could be getting into play again. they were buying very cheap options here. i think that is not a lot of risk. >> the monster. >> oh the monster. >> all right. after the break, the moment you all have been waiting for. brian kelly and dr. j. going head-to-head, plastic glove in the battle royale over boeing. we want you guys at home to set your smartphones, tablets, pcs, get them ready. you can join in on the conversation and vote.
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cast your vote live cnbc/vote. vote as many times as you want. >> i will. >> they are finding out after the break. stay tuned. if you have moderatee rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb.
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. >> welcome back to "fast money". the battle in the sky is getting torrential. google is reportedly offering two terra bytes. it's the latest attempt to take business away from amazon's platform. ken, gold to see you. they have a what $130er user per month offer for unlimited stores. they're really, it's a race to the bottom when it comes to pricing? >> i think some is storage on the consumer side. when you look at the scale it has, versus if major cloud players. they're five times as large. the opportunity is at least what we're looking at is, yes, infrastructure, storage, compute, that's a big part of the opportunity. it's certainly how amazon makes the revenues now, it's a lot about the software opportunity that sits on top of that staff.
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that's where their scale and ecosystem around that structure is really leaves them fairly protected. >> can you walk us through it's basically commodity in sterms of pricing. that's where the value is? exactly, why would it not be more of the value on top of the cloud? >> i think it's about a marketplace. right now have you the audience of customers, which are those cpos going to amazon who trust it now, who have been there a while and are there and want to consume. they don't care about where it's being stored. how it's being stored. they want to know this is a software product i want to run. tell me how to do it so i don't have to think about it. that's where amazon defined its leempbl when you look at amazon extraction on the business side that's when you are talking also ability a mobile opportunity. when you think about mobile.
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it's about as much as the consumer as the business that wants to sell to that consumer. amazon's position is strong. you will see more tomorrow within they have their reinvent day in new york. >> is there more value to ary tail front end than an amazon, which is hard to use like an average user? >> i think am son will say they serve it all. few are, if you want it as completely simple as possible, it will cost you more. but that package is available. >> rack space is relatively easy to use. is there a value? >> i think that's more of a myth in the marketplace i think that amazon provides basically every tier. if you look what you are paying incrementally. are you going to take the time to learn it for yourself? you may want to. >> in terms of the reinvent day tomorrow in new york. what are you expecting? >> i think we will see more as a
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follow-up to their mobile phone. you will see them wanting to do more as a possibly developer. maybe as a way of helping them build their experience more wage on amazon where they don't have to think whether it's amazon or ios. build it in one place, you can control how that experience appears. i think you will see more from them on that tomorrow. >> thank you, what's your trade on amazon? >> you know, as far as amazon, i still continue to look at this, obviously, with the new leadership coming from there. you talk about izura. i see the potential. i realize how big this is for amazon. i look to microsoft as the next best challenger. >> if you are in the camp the markets could be shaky, that yield could bring you protection. >> it has. microsoft has held up well. i'm long, i like it just like pete.
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i will say, i also like amazon, i'm long xly. i think amazon. >> how are you short oil? >> exactly why. i'm sort oil. >> you are short oil, you think the global economy. >> it gross apart. secular stagnation. not falling apart. >> okay. >> a big trade on the clouds. >> i love amazon. the mobile and how entrusted it is for those developers. i think that will be key for them. pete, surprise, surprise, microsoft is going to be nipping at here heels and may even pass them. that might take another five years. >> we have one of each side, surround side. big movers of the day. alcoa up 6%. >> great earnings a lot had to do with the aerospace, a
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positive. >> aerospace, not aerosmith. >> they're different. >> drop environment down 35%, dan. >> they still get half of their sales i think they're looking out at wearables and just, you know, gps on phones, smartphone competition. so the stock got nailed. i think they think it's probably fair value in the 40s. the stock is extended. i probably wouldn't touch it. >> stocks for marvell. >> hit with the downgrade, the nags nail is the fact that they are sacrificing margins for revenues. they also said stay away the risk reward right now is not that great. i think there are better names in the space right now. i look for someone that sort of competes with them. i guess you got to stay away from par vel. >> reynolds american up 23%. >> the rumor is, instead of
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going for laurelard, it drove it to a new 52-week high, mel, this is a merger that one of those two either reynolds or laurelard was going. now it looks like it will be reynolds. >> boeing, seals deal with emirate's airlines for an order of 1350 37377 jets. the b.k., the bear. right now, log on to cast your vote for who you think is winning the results will be at the bottom of the screen live. so. guys. a minute 90, a minute 30 on the clock. >> a minute 90. does that need that much time? there is so much good i can talk about boeing. let's start off with record revenues. the stock is hitting not on all cylinders, this is turbines, nonetheless, it is doing
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extremely well. number two, fuel efficiency. others in the airline space want those more fuel efficient two jet aircraft that boeing makes, a lot more than the four jet big old hunking carriers airbus is making. that's another positive, take a look at water going on with the shares. they're down 38% year-to-date b.k. i know b.k. loves buying stocks, this one is cheap. it's one of the best stocks in the dow i believe. it's a dividend grower. it can move up over 34% in the next two years. >> everything the doc said is correct it's just not relevant. >> wow! >> listen, the growth numbers are assumeing you will have this tremendous growth out of the americaning markets. we seen problems with lufthansa and air france. everybody is worried about airline capacity in the airline industry. those numbers have to come back. >> it's inefficient. >> these are brand-new things
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they've already bought from boeing. they already have them in the pipeline. that's a huge concern here. one, they announced the deal. stocks didn't go anywhere export import bank. they're talking about closing that down? who gets 30% of the deals? boeing does. >> j.p. morgan won't finance those deals? >> at double. >> time is up. >> s&p cale out today and said double up the balance sheet. >> by the way, you can still soet. keep soeting. >> he agrees with his brother. can i have a word? >> i'm just saying. i've never seen. >> you are probably bearish. >> wow! >> more in the camp with b.k. >> bearish. >> it's a grower. he talkedant record revenues. it's growing at low single digits. it's not a cheap stock. >> double digit revenue growth.
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>> it's not. i'm looking at it right here. it's at 34% expected this year. >> agree with your brother, move on. we will close the vote now. we are closing the vote your chance is over in the bull, dr. j., monster has taken home the trophy tonight 61% of you. yeah. >> trounced. >> kim kardashian helping one stock keep up. her new mobile game is holding spot no. 3 in the app store. we are talking to the ceo. blue mobile is up 45% since the launch of this particular game. that's right after the break. more "fast" right after the break straight ahead. you know what i love america,
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apparently for all you guys out there that are not kim kardashian, that's her song. >> she sings? isn't that a ring tone? >> i seen her video. >> it's all jam in case want to download it. now, can you keep up with the kardashians on your mobile phone, kim kardashian will personally help you rise to fame and fortune in her new app, kim
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kardashian hollywood, the applep now holding the number three spot soaring 45% since the game's launch on june 25th. we should note the market cap is still under $2500. it's great to see you again. >> pleasure to be back. >> obviously, this is a smash success, this app. a lot of the analysts on the street have been raising more estimates based solely on this kim kardashian game. what are your percent of total revenue for the year for this particular game? >> we don't give guidance on that, we have said in prior sessions, which is this one, that it might well be our biggest game of the year. you know, this company has been on a tear of late. giants for the year was for 2014 to be our biggest year ever on history on the top and bottom line basis. it was a before kim's game came out and did as well as it has. we are bullish on where this game can be in the long term and
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ultimately where the updates that we will bring out will enable the fan base to engage in ever more rich way. >> so are you basically saying that it is possible that this kim kardashian hollywood game could be bigger than your previous hit deer hunter that had a quarter of the revenues last year. >> deer hunter last year had more on the launch. we haven't said whether our kim game will be beggar, smaller or the same. i think it's fair to say it will be one of our biggest games of all time. >> i want to talk about your latest offering june to 34th you sold just under $130 apiece. you made six acquisition, i spring them together. i want to foe what your plans are for this aufrlg. >> we made six acquisitions by the tenure. i'm in my 19th quarter now. we said we will use the proceeds
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from this fund raise for more acquisitions, such as the one that we made last quarter of a company called play first that owns the diner/franchise. so we're on the lookout for professional management, sensible valuations and deals on day one. businesses we can add a lot of value to. glu has the best track record in the gaming space for making acquisitions. we haven't written down a single deal we have done under my tenure. most of all, we are looking for teams that have i.p. and a packs and expertise to support that i.p. we are a kane that has a number of casual and core franchises. >> right. >> deer hunter is our biggest shooter franchise, action franchise. kim is obviously our biggest casual franchise to date. we think the diner dash which we acquired could be big in the fall. we are looking for games andi i.p.s. >> you recently announced a net
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basically an agreement that you would support google android tv. are you in talks with apple? are you in anticipation you would be in some form of apple tv show should that launch? >> our game is a future of prove. so they have more pixel density in them than probably most ofory competitors. they look great on a wide screen tv. our thesis is that apple, google, amazon, are going to be the winning gaming platforms in the living room and sony, nintendo and consols will not be gaining a big share of what i like to call if federal government billion living rooms around the world. >> so you are in talks with apple? >> we are always in close contact with all of our partner platforms. glu has had a five year, six year, seven-year strategy of partnering closely with all new tech following releases from all four of these companies. >> we will leave it there.
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nicolo demassi. >> the negarian gain. >> and the kardashian. what would they do? >> trade apgss, obviously. >> tad be little monsters? >> since kim has 18 million followers, this was almost a slam dunk for whoever decided to do it. so hats off to mr. demassi. the key is do they make money off that and how exactly do they make money off that? it's not exactly candy crush where they are buying different levels and so forth. >> do you think today electronic arts. it was a big buyer in the september 41 call spread a. bullish bet. in the space, it seems like, you know the stocks had 52 weeks or multi-year highs. that is probably the one. >> coming up, shares of apple up nearly when the% so far this year. what can halt that ran? nathan will tell us next.
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. ♪
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temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus. . >> apple is just below it's 52-week high under $100. some thing earnings could derail the run. dan has more on this.
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>> the stuff is actually pretty welling call versus puts 2-to-one the largest trade on the day is a buy on the july 25th expiretation will catch the fiscal q3 is earnings. it pays $1.45. it was break even. what's interesting is apple is the largest market cap $3575 billion t. market options is implying up to a 36.35% move. if it moves 34 percent that's $35 billion in market cap. so the could be a protected trade. i want to make one quick point. when you look at the cart, we all know it. this was the mania here. it topped out. we had the great run here. maybe this trader is thinking, you know what, maybe it breaks out. there already severe overhead technical disappointment. i want some protection for my long. >> more action every friday. check out the website
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optionsaction bill ackman is going to shake things up at allergan, kramer gets more info about the company's concerns over an acquisition tonight on "mad" here's a sneak peek. >> would customers stick with allergan? >> i think there is deep concern in the community. i hear it daily. there are over 3500 physician letters not solicited by us. they're impromptu, anywhere between concern, dispay, anger. what does this mean for innovation, patient cared and physician in the futures? >> the full interview with the aurl all sper gan ceo at the top of the hour. stay tuned. .
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. >> it's war on wall street, accusing a ceo of taking a scarched approach in the takeover bid? what does the allergan chief have to say about that? stay tuned to fine out. "mad money" is next. . >> final trade time. >> under armour is crushing it. it's going higher. >> gold is crushing it. it's going higher. >> i'm crushing bonds. >> wow, john. >> energy transfer partners ete
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upside call buying. >> i'm melissa lee, thanks, for watching. see you back here again tomorrow at 35:00 for more "fast." meantime do not miss "mad money" of allergan speaks to jim. >> that starts right now. my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer! welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friend, i'm just trying to make you a little money. my job not just to entertain, educate, teach, call me, 800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. so we catch a sell-off over the last couple of days and now the bargain hunters come in, but on th


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