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tv   Squawk Alley  CNBC  August 19, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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>> check that out nap is the ceo of gopro picking up the als chirty ice bucket challenge and brad pitt and josh lipton in the same sentence. so it rolls on. >> i like to think of josh lipton as our own version of brad pitt. >> many say that. may be getting priceline coming through on the kalg. done it in amsterdam. kelly evans, maybe able to put that on in your show. welcome to "squawk alley." >> yes, thank you. that gopro video will be hard to top. good morning. 8:00 a.m. at google headquarters in mountainview, california, where ten years ago today, along with the rest of the world, they were watching this. >> six, five, four, three, two, one --
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[ cheers and applause ] >> 85 dollar as share. that was the scene ten years ago today when google became a public company. august 19, 2004. joining us now, with more is stephen levy, now with medium moin com and author of the book "in the plex" how google works and thinks and shapes our lives. stephen, welcome to you. google shares a little higher today from that $85 ipo price. >> yeah. i think it's doing quite a bit better, actually. i looked over the chapter in my book about it. looking at one of the commentator saying that only people dropped on their head as a baby would spend more than $100 for google stock. >> funny you mention that. more google in a second. ap is trading near the $100 mark. this, of course, after doing a seven for one split.
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shares at $99.71, stephen. what's the impact of that? >> well, you know, look, these big companies are juggernauts and all -- as they get bigger, and they're all trying to step on each other's business. each of them is dominant in their core, but they all want to do what everyone else does. you know, youtube starting a music service. google second service. apple's in the music business. you see also amazon is in the music business, mishgs microsoft, music business. all piv oting off their main strength. >> not an adjusted high but close. has to get to 101 for that to be the case? >> that's right. somewhere in between 100 and 101. one of the things that's interesting, don't forget. ten years ago, kind of from the ashes of the dotcom bust. that's when apple engineered the ipad. you know, that pretty much began its huge ascent and when google
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engineered and began this ipo. here we are today. >> absolutely. let's get back to that ipo for google. a chart that pretty much tells the story. stock soars since going public back in 2004. a look how far the company has come in the last decade adding about $60 billion in revenue. $13 billion in profit. and almost 50,000 employees over the last decade. stephen? >> that's right. and the amazing thing is, that this is pretty much in keep wig the initial ambitions of the founders, particularly larry page, probably one of the most ambitious people in silicon valley. he believed from the very start that this technological revolution gives people an opportunity to what had previously been thought impossible and can't believe others don't share that view and low hanging fruit to grow a company base and the internet and artificial intelligence and the massive storage and other things google has.
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>> an amazing first ten years. looking out over the next ten years and knowing as you do the founders and people who brought the company this far. what are the challenges going to be for them to maintain this kind of momentum as they've become, you know, amazingly rich and successful to this point? >> well, short-term challenge is to make mobile just as profitable as the web advertising was. and they're doing as well as anyone on mobile, but no one has really made it quite as powerful as search on the web there. so i think, you know, they have a start on that, but i think in the long term, it's to develop one of the businesses and they are moon shots into a real business. whether it's self--driving cars or getting internet by balloons or the google glass thing which they're going to push out later this year. these are the big challenges. because they're spending a lot into research.
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taking chances that few other companies do and it will be interesting to see if one of those chances, one of those moon shots, turns into a successful profitable business. >> it's fascinating the way noble really knows what it's going to look like. prap ps at the time much easier when all you were doing, trying to simplify and revolutionize search. i like the ftc raises the question whether google tell us. have they hit a google one followed by 100 zeros. i can't conceive how big a number but wouldn't be surprised. >> not many severance. not that many, but on the right track when they named their company after a humongously big number. >> well, thanks, steve, for joining us. not just google that's a search giant. youtube, the second largest search engine in the world and an advertising powerhouse, but, boy, has it come a long way since it launche 2005.
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julia boorstin joins us, as reports surface, youtube launch as premium music service, julia? >> absolutely right. youtube's music videos are already one of the biggest sources for online free music in the world. android reporting the company will launch youtube music key for a moshgs it's working on a premium music service to make it easier to listen on mobile devices and off-line. using it to cash in on music show, how far it's gone since buying the company in 2006. plagued by questions thousand would make money back then. advertisers wears of homemade videos many of which violated copyrights. viacom sued them for a billion dollars in a case eventually settled out of court. now youtube is a cash cow generating an estimated $7.2 billion in ad revenue with $1
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billion monthly view, 40% on mobile devices. a turnaround from when it was media's companies adversary, partners with more than 4,000 companies pulling down copy. right infringements. the partner program creators earning money from youtube channels thousands earning six figures spawning an ecosystem of networks like maker studios disney discovered for its yurnger fan base. battling the new platforms that offer higher ad rates and a bigger cust ad revenue. one way youtube keeps creators happy with studios likes this one. this youtube space behind me is available to anyone with over 10,000 subscriber on youtube. come and create more videos right here. guys? >> julia, thank you. and stephen, look, that's what's makes me talk about the moon shot projects for google. weth whether television, to already have this coming from
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youtube what a plus? >> yeah. amazing. when google bought youtube, people couldn't believe mouch they spent. $1.6 $1.65 billion. probably spent a billion more than valued at the time. goes to show, when doing m & a, it's not what you pay it's what you buy. google understood video on the web would be a huge franchise and bought the dominant company, they count build one internally. and turned out to be a juggernaut. you mentioned maker studios. these companies that do, are based solely on youtube for their business now are being sold for almost as much as google paid for youtube itself. >> incredible. you think again back to their m & a footh brush. use it once or tyce a day? what's the problem? >> amazing thinking about. before youtube video was not native on the web.
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it was a frustrating experience. error messages, had to down. load. youtube made that a common language of the web, and, steve, you know, i wonder as you look at the moon shot projects and other investments that google has right now, is there an area like youtube did with video that needs a breakthrough that needs innovation that maybe google could lead? >> i think, you know, your point about how google was able to do this, helps answer that question. the reason why google could do with youtube what no once else could, an amazing infrastructure. data centers no one else did. most of the centers, big bulk is youtube videos. building a bigger infrastructure than everyone else based on artificial intelligence. whatever comes from google next will take advantage of that infrastructure and those artificial intelligence algorithms no one else has. why something like driving cars
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as an artificial intelligence project and not one's in just everyday technology. >> can i ask before we let you go, do you and to jon, what company do you think in a deck kate will look back and go, how did we xblis why didn't we realize the potential how big this would become today? >> hmm. >> i know it's a tricky one. >> yeah, yeah. well, you know, i think, again, in just general, look for a company that's going to take advantage of the next wave. the wave we're only seeing now. i think google was smart to buy nest. at $3 billion there. and i think it's going to federal reser forever be linked with apple's purchase of beats. a lot of people thought apple wool buy nest. interesting to compare those two. which will be the youtube in retrospect? >> pinterest is my pick. >> pinterest.
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good to see you, stephen levy of what do you think google will look like ten years from now? tweet us as "squawk alley." we're air responses later in the show. and the mobile price war, heating up. sprint unveiling new pricing plans offering 20 gigs of shared data and unlimited talk and text for up to ten lines for $100 a month. the company also says it will pay subscribers up to $350 when they switch over from rival carriers. this is sort of, i think what i predicted when i said, you know, n now whispering, t-mobile in the mix, at&t and verizon better watch out. price wars are on big time. >> what regulators wanted. isn't it? wouldn't let the deal go through it last time around, a more competitive market jbt driving pricing down for consumers across the line. now they've gone to $100 a month, maybe it's verizon,
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looking through research. verizon might be a little more exposed than at&t, but dot they have to respond? >> here's the problem, kelly. the networks are not equal. t-mobile has a lot of spectrum. got a lot of capacity on its network not used because it sdrn a lot of people at the party and can afford to give away the cheaper drinks. sprint's networks, from what i hear and read, not up to t-mobile's level. kl they afford to invest and improve same time bringing in people with cut plans and iphones 6 coming on. a lot of the people upgrading to that are going to be on at&t and verizon's networks. so it's going to be tough eve win these cut prices for sprint and t-mobile to fight against that. >> i just think back to the cpi report this morning. just bring it back to the disinflationary pressures we've seen across the economy. you want to know why. what happened in the last 24 hour, in the uk, inflations did
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appointed. crip oo krp cpi, consumer price index, we know how much of their monthly expenses are swallowed um by a lot of these phone plans. this is a huge piece of that. >> and spread beyond wireless. spread into cable and other, because a lot of these companies are trying to do bundles. not just the bundle of money you spend on wireless data, also what you spend on television and other things. going to try to do partnerships to provide value to the consumer, comcast, our parent company and others, i think are going to feel the heat. >> and the space, in the cable, in other words, broadband space? still urnld ecome under pressur? >> absolutely. >> as consumers, we hope so. chescking in on markets. green arrow, second day in a row. continuing the strong performance we've seen since the sell-off. pushed towards the high of yesterday, a new 14-year high.
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up about 9 points. dow adding 71 points. 16910 level there and s&p 500 pushed through a second resistance band trading right around 1979. shares of home depot one of those rallying after second quarter prompt and revenue beat analyst estimates. shares up almost 5% already at a 52-week high. the company also increasing its earnings forecast for the rest of the year, instituting an additional buyback and abercrombie & fitch amp a new report says the company has "the most compelling upside potential in teen retail." >> if you need to buy a bucket, buy that at home depot and a dry shirt at abercrombie. you still have a challenge to take care of? >> i'll save my thoughts for later when we discuss the challenge, if you will. coming up, tablet sales continue to struggle. our next guest has a pretty good idea why. the former president of apple the products division joins us to explain in a moment. plus, another blast from the
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past. walt mossberg's first review of google way back in 2001. walt joins us with highlights, and with over 1 million followers on twitter, how does tennis star maria sharapova use social media? she joins us later in the hour. "squawk alley" will be right back.
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welcome back to "squawk alley." we're watching shares of mcdonald's moving higher.
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mickey d's plans to sell packaged coffee at supermarkets. the move intended to help raise the profile of coffee sold at its restaurants. partners with kraft, mccafe ground and whole grain coffees. up by about half a percent in today. trade. loving it. >> loving it, dom. on the state of declining tablet sales, the former president of products at apple had many tech watchers including us here on "squawk alley" talking about the "expectations adjust period put forth." here to explain, the former president of apple's product division and currently general partner aprllegiance capital. are you convinced the near-term, say next two year, tablet cannot
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compete with pcs absolutely? >> well, it's not competing directly. it's a, it's a division of labor. as tim cook said to an interview to the "wall street journal," he does 80% of his work on his i d ipad, which means he does 20% of his work on something else. probably a mac. i don't see him using a window. >> why isn't 80% of the profit, of continuing to shift towards the ipad, then? is it a software issue? you've also been critical of the organization of the app store. clearly you believe there are software things apple could work on. what do you think could use some improvement there? >> well, if you look at what we
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call productivity tasks, such as writing a, preparing a complicated document. it's easier to do this on a mac than it is today on an ipad. for example, if you buy an accessory keyboard from my friends at lodgy tech, it's nice, no cursor. no notion of windows. there is no notion of tabbing through things. so it's not the easiest thing to do on an ipad. it's much easier to do on a mac. which is why i said that for apple the sweet spot of its business is the combination of users who use both an ipad, and a mac just like tim cook. it's not the largest segment of the market, but definitely the most profitable. >> and jean, we questioned along those lines talking productivity
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on the ipad, better if there was nor multifunctionality and things like that. you raise and interesting point to the extent apple might prefer people to use an ipad that's docked or connected with their use still of a mac. do you think they're holding back on some of these additional functions that would make the ipad easier and better to use precisely to keep people from leaving their mac computers altogether? >> no, no, no, no. no, no. tim cook's been very vocal about cannibalizing your own business. don't let other people do it. do it yourself. where apple i think has been very steadfast is refusing to do this. you know, the suisse army knife. you can compromise your product if you try to put too many functions of it, on it, and each function then becomes suboptimized. >> jeane louijean louis, we expa
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big product cycle this year including watches which you'd have to expect are going to cost less than the iphone, and i guess to -- they want everybody who's got an iphone, maybe even more to get one of these devices that we haven't seen yet. how do you think the company is positioned right now versus where it was a couple years ago when we last saw these kinds of levels? >> well, apple's business is extremely easy to understand. they have one and only one business. personal computers. these come in three sizes. small, medium and large. smartphones, tablets and classical pcs, desktops and laptops, and everything else supports that business in a, in an ecosystem, if you will. so i don't know what apple will
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announce this fall. i you know, it's easy to make some assumptions, but i won't. as far as the punitive watch is concerned, it's going to be an accessory to the business. not the main business, like apple tv, another is the all payment system that people are all excited about. this won't move the needle. you know when you have a $200 billion company, or close to, the unique of currency is $10 billion. >> wow. a lot of investors will be disappointed if you are right about that. jean-louis, thanks, of course, for joining us and for your insights. >> thank you. >> i'm still focused on that battery life. that's another discussion. coming up what is the most useful site on the world wide web? the answer may vary depend you who you ask. a candidate, google. simply the best search site i've ever used. that wasn't me nap is, you can see on the screen, walt mossberg's first review of
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google back in 2001. walt will join us with his early take on google, and how far it's kun in the last decade. plus, remember this -- >> developers, developer, developers, developers! developers, developers, developers! yes! >> well, steve ballmer is at it again. this time an an own eer of the l.a. clippers. the video you have to see, coming later this hour. [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. presenting the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪
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welcome back. it's just about that time. the plooshgt closed across europe and the uk. simon hobbs join us. >> second session of strong rallies. you can see in western europe, easing of ukraine tensions. day two of the rally, of course, getting data about the degree people pulled money out of european. focused, saw a figure of $4 billion. the rally is now back on. germany outperforming because
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germany bought the brunt of much of the selling. a piece of the vp s&p has around of ground to make upa year-to-date chart. akoiccording to reuter, pushes n ratio in germany, trade at 15 here on the s&p. some people perceiving that as value. top loser today, bhp billiton. spinning off cool and silver assets into a separate company, but no share buyback announced. stock down almost 5%. top gainers today, the danish conglomerate of the maersk shipping line, 15% of the world's cargo around the world, instituting a $1 billion share buyback and maersk is doing well. higher volume and cutting costs further. sterling has been under pressure today as we wind our way towards jackson hole and janet yellen speaking for the
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central banks. there was inflation data around in the uk showing inflation is slowing down in great britain and northern ireland count to 1.6%. it's less likely the bank of england will raise rates sooner. back to the central question, who will raise rates first? the bank of england or the fed? do they need to raise rates together in order they don't upset the currencies? i tlaed read that as well. interesting treery. >> >> thanks, simon. and revolutionizing biking making for easy riding. we give you the chance to decide which one you'd fund. take a look. hover bike is a scaled down consumer motorcycle drone. this is the first step towards
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the company's ultimate goal of creating the first man flying bike. campaigns go a little more than $40,000. so far it's received over $55,000 in funding. the scully smart motorcycle helmet. it offers riders a rear view camera and gps marv gatinavigat the ability to stream music via smartphone. the campaign's goal, $250,000. to date, it's raised more than $1.2 million. who should be this week's tech crowd lead jerleader? vote now at pb cro crowd. google, the first search site i ever used. walt mossberg's first review of google back in 2001. walt is here and will tell us how far google's come since then. and google brings us to this morning's "squawk on the
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street." what will google look like ten years from now? tweet us, we'll get your answers later this hour. just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this 2014 ats
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welcome back. today august 19th mark as big milestone for google. it's been ten years since the company the debut at nasdaq.
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walt mossberg's first review in 2001. what is the most useful site? might depend on whom you ask. i'd like to propose the candidate, google. simply the best search site i've ever used. end quote. joining us, walt mossberg, editor for re/code now. you knew in 2001 but i think stephen levy, in 1998 talking how great google was. >> that levy always is ahead of me, i have to say, by several years. you know? >> it was several years after that, though, before the public certain had adopted it en masse, and then often to the races. >> that's right. and you know, what i was writing about in the column was search and one of the important things that i liked ak it was not just the accuracy, we did a bunch of tests that proved it, but the honesty was a big point i made. they clearly labeled ads. they didn't sell places in the
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search results companies like some were doing at the time. since then, they've gone well beyond search and there's a million products they've done, some which are sort's experimental, but the big one, android, the chrome browser, and probably g-mail. those things, and google map. sorry. those thing, the really big deems that we've seen from them. >> walt, 2001, 2002, an incredible time. easy to forget. a lot of people down on silicon valley, dotcom, but the ipad and google and itunes were really taking shape. anything that you've seen now that has that kind of under the radar interesting cachet that people might otherwise ignore? >> you know, i think we're actually in an interesting period, which is justessential
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ly it iterative. it's hard to think of something that would explode like those did. >> i can remember the tingle i got for that gmail invite, something like 2001. is e-mail over, though? if that's the case, where does google fall in this next iteration of messages? >> well, first of all, they have other messaging clients and hangouts, that's the main one now. they had a sort of branding issue with that in the past, but i don't think e-mail is over. and so i think, you know, g-mail woulden an important thing for quite a while. >> and on that note, move on to your review for the week, which is of humin. in the same vein us a crowned google in 2001, what do you see for potential here?
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>> i can't quite crown humin yet. here's what humin is trying to do. look at your smartphone, they're on the iphone now, look at your iphone calendar contacts list, you'll see it's just a list of names. doesn't do very much for you except let you search or scroll to figure out somebody's phone number or e-mail address. humin is taking it and trying to make it a much richer experience that gives you a lot more context about the people. they're bringing in social media profiles of each contact. they're trying to bring in the calendar information so that you know when you last met them and stuff like that, and i think that it's a great idea. >> all right. well, not quite there yet, you're saying. in terms it of the way it works. i mean, i found myself using some of these calendar apps like sunrise and some other contacts apps like linkedin had one.
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none of them really quite seemed to work as well as i'd want. maybe because they're not integrated with the rest of the operating system. is that part of the issue here? >> jon, you're absolutely right. especially when it comes to the ios platform. super security conscious and sandbox off a bunch of the core apps so you can't get the fullest integration. but humin, in my tests, had other issues. it doesn't do a very good job of dipping into your calendar, which it can do, but it really needs to work on that a lot more. so that, for instance, it would remind you of the last time you and i maybe had a meeting that was on the calendar. things like that. and i think they're on the right track and have a chance to get there. there are other companies trying. but if what you're saying is, if google or apple did it, would these guys be knocked out of the water? yeah. if google or apple did it, they
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would be. >> that's what deifferentiates them today, yesterday. walt mossberg, thanks for joining us. marking the 10th year anniversary of google. looking at apple, trading near thathoodses 100 mark. apple did a 7 for 1 stock split. it's got to go above that and change to be an adjusted high. $99. look at this. $95. almost there. watch closely for shares of apple. our own simon hobbs challenged gopro ceo goodman for the ice bucket challenge. woodman responded. check it out. >> yesterday morning on cnbc, "squawk" anchor simon hobbs challenges me to the als ice bucket challenge. cnbc and simon, i accept. after i take the plunge, i get to make a few challenges of my own. i'm starting with my high school buddy and c nbc reporter josh
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lipton. after that, shawn white. finally, what the hell. brad pitt. let's do this. >> josh lipton, shawn white, brad pitt. esteemed company there, mr. lipton. what do you think? >> i think you know, whitman threw down the challenge. shawn white and brad pitt i got to pick up the challenge, kelly. >> do you have an ice bucket nearby? >> i think my producer standing right here justin is going to have one ready for me very quickly. he seemed very excited about that. >> and can you tell us any high school stories about nick woodman? >> sorry, kelly? >> can you tell us any high school stories about nick woodman? >> you know, kelly, he was always -- i know nick. we went to the same high school, menlo back in '93.
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i always talk about, a tremendous amount of passion and energy in whatever he did, whether it was, you know, model airplanes or a high school football team and you can actually, in terms of the thread, you can sort of see that, when i interview him today as now ceo of this publicly traded company, he brings a lot of that same intensity and passion and focus to gopro for sure. >> talking about model planes. sounds like he's stworn secrecy to me. afraid of mutually destruction? i don't know p. speaking of publicly traded companies, more on the tenth anniversary of google's ipo? >> absolutely. google has spent a lot of money, close to $s 23 billion at least on 14578 compa companies since public. the ones that worked and the ones that didn't. when when they looked at three winners, google points to one in
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particular. youtube they bought in 2006 for $1.7 billion. now, at the time that might have seemed high but, of course, youtube has grown exponentially. emarker says youtube raked in $5.6 billion in gross revenue last year alone. another success analysts talk about is, of course, android. andy ruben sold his company to google in 2005 then helped develop that mobile operating system into a global powerhouse. android runs on 80% of smartphones sold this year according to idc. >> google doesn't make any money on the operating system itself. but what they do is, because it's closely tied to google's properties and google services they can really monetize well from the other, from google searches and gmail and all the other google applications that come along with that. >> now, final winner analysts talk about, double clip, expanded google reach in online
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advertising in display ads. what about the bus? acquisitions that didn't work out? the busts? highlighting really three. ita software, demark broadcasting and slide. then there's finally the mixed bag of motorola, which google bought for $12 billion, sold for $3 billion two years later, however, from cantor fitzgerald, kept most of the mobile pat. >> and offered the company league protection for its android software. the next question what does google do with that $61 billion cash pile? some say they could make a real acquisition into the social space given the underwhelming performance of google plus, or maybe an acquisition in media. i know erin kessler thinks pandora could still be in google's cross hairs. back to you. >> thanks, josh. up next, same old steve ballmer, thank goodness. what he did during his big introduction to clippers players and fans.
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first, first, rick santelli kwhash, wh you watching? >> the u.s. treasury may be mispriced. not talking some backwater economy here. mispriced? how many more trillions are out there dollars worth? and german shots. not yeager meister. the two-year rate, right after the break.
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hour. robert shiller, worried about stocks. wait until you hear what he says could push them lower. ten years after google's ipo, two former employees. one there before eric schmidt and one led the acquisitions of android and youtube. also just found out, carl icahn will join us live around 12:15. talking about the very late nest this dollar general, family dollar, dollar tree saga. he has a big hand there as well and you'll hear from him live coming up top of howaur. see you in about ten minutes. >> scott, thank you. looking forward to all that. meantime, rick santelli and "the santelli exchange" as the dollar and interest rates, rick, all the news this morning. >> absolutely. and you know, kelly, i find it fascinating. we talk about huge markets. you know, a couple always come to mind. u.s. treasury market, global foreign exchange market. these are huge, deep -- deep --
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markets. but yet the notion, and i think it's probably because most analysts and kmicht economists purveyors of the future have had the market long looking to sell treasuries for higher interest rates. we don't want to go into it on this exchange. around of counter intuitive reasons why it's occurring. in the end i can't imagine that tens of thousands of global investors holding literally, literally, hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars of positions are all wrong. and they've been wrong for years. but we need to acknowledge, on a day like today, you see strong housing data, what happened? yields did move up in the ten year a bit. moved um towards the 240 area. now, granted, maybe this time of horsepower in numbers, good numbers. although i want to see existing home numbers. good news should be positive for
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equities and it was. a whole litany of other classes of investors that aren't necessarily paying attention to the fundamentals. they're paying attention to things like the shots. the two-year euro -- two-year note has are been in negative yield territory for a while. no shock. it's happened for a while. since the 2012 kind of the apex of the european credit crisis we had our apex back in '08. to that end, tomorrow we see that the eurozone is going to issue 5 billion euros worth of two years or shots. the unique thing about tomorrow's auction is it's not going to have a .25 coupon, the other others are traded. tomorrow is going to have a zero coupon. zero. ponder that. i think that will help explain in part another one of those aisles of investors coming into treasuries. i don't know i would want a zero
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coupon one-year note. kelly, judge, back to you. >> thanks, rick. i'll take it. up next, tennis star maria sharapova has over 1.2 million followers on twitter, over 14 million likes on facebook. so why is she a little scared of social media? more of our exclusive interview, next on "squawk alley." having the cloud allows us to rapid prototype a lot of ideas.
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one, two, three -- [ cheers ] that was the yahoo! ceo responding to kara's challenge on the show yesterday. i think gopro might have had an cameo as well. >> the only purple bucket. notice that. >> the details you pick up on, jon fortt. cosmic meaning in that, do you think? >> i don't know. she's special. >> also yesterday, our simon hobbs had to take the ice bucket challenge. issued his response, one response from gopro, which accepted. now just gotten in the response from priceline's ceo with his team in amsterdam. >> i should be working. all right. but -- anyway, there won't be
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any -- organized -- oh! >> simon hobbs is here. >> that takes -- the canals of amsterdam on a boat. that's the way to do to. ambushed by your own team. >> should we note marriott also issued the challenge. is their 24 hours up? have we seen the video? >> under the rules have to make a donation. i don't want to call out our good friends. >> they do have ice buckets on every floor. >> when i thought was unfair as well. >> my sister issued the challenge. can i challenge als to put an end date on this challenge? labor day, august 30th. recognize a good thing while
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you've got it, if not, this thing cog go on -- forever. >> just stop taking money? >> i kel tell you -- >> from carnival, anxious to keep it going. it really has volume. >> and will just continue. simon, thank you. >> pleasure. speaking of social media phenomenon, with over 1 million followers on twitter and another 14 million likes on facebook, tennis star maria sharapova is the cream of the social media crop but it wasn't something she's always been a fan of. >> at the beginning i was a little scared of social media, because i'm usually kwipt a reserved and private person. it's given me a much better chance to connect with my fans. that's what i love about it. is i have incredible passionate fans that wake up in the middle of the night to watch my matches and support me from all different parts of the world and i'm able to share little parts of my life, much more personal, than i would than if just watching me on tv. >> maria sharapova.
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up next, steve ballmer back in our lives and thank goodness. his introduction to the l.a. clippers, coming up on "squawk alley."
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welcome back. it just happened, jon fortt, you should be the one to tell us. >> apple has kissed $100 a share several times during the commercial break. several little peck, but it keeps falling back down into the $99.90s at the same time. a milestone, because that would be around $700 a share pre-split. remember, it reached up around i think 702, 703 before it began that precipitous fall. >> we can tell you, on an adjusted basis, intraday high for apple share, $100.72. closing high, $100.30 also from september 2012. >> it's around 702, multiply that -- >> yes. watch it here harks to hold the
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$100 mark for the headlines, of course, for the firm number. after that, to be at a new high, got to hit pretty much $101. >> all happening before big product launches coming this fall. we'll see which way that swings it. >> a lot of anticipation built into the shares. jon fortt, thank you for letting me ride along on "squawk alley." hitting noontime on the east coast, over to the f"fast money team. >> thanks, kelly. we begin with stocks on the move higher yet again today, which only seems to fuel the debate over whether the market is reaching worrisome levels. one person who this so, nobel laureate yale professor shiller who joins us, and thanks for coming on today. >>


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