tv Worldwide Exchange CNBC September 13, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EDT
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>> tonight on the car chasers... i hit a huge swap meet... this is like uncharted territory. looking for the perfect ride. how much you want? >> i'll take 90,000. >> but a simple paint job... wait a minute. has me seeing red. this was supposed to go all the way to the end. [groans] and when a big buyer heads to lubbock, i need to reel him in... >> oh, yeah, that catches my eye. >> before he skips town empty-handed. >> i don't know, that color... almost looks like a rust red. >> i need some aspirin. my name is jeff allen. i buy, fix, and flip cars. but i don't do it alone. i've got perry... meg... eric.
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we are the car chasers. hey, hey. what are you doing? >> bills. ♪ they're multiplying >> [laughs] hey, i just talked to jay cooper. >> oh, cool, what's up? >> he wants to come down and see what we got. >> cool. usually he buys a few cars. >> jay's a big client of ours, and last time he was in town, i sold him three cars. buddy, look. look at it. i mean, it's-- >> it's perfect. >> i like this. i should be dealing with her. >> let's look in-- you should. yeah. >> [laughs] >> sold. >> yeah. >> he bought the 21 jump street camaro, the in time challenger, and the mustang shelby. >> 71,000. >> all right. meg, pull the titles. i just sold three. >> he's looking for some stuff to ship overseas. >> yeah, especially like big block stuff. they're into american muscle and stuff like that right now.
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>> you know mike out at the airport? he's thinking there might be something there for you. there's a guy out there that has a hangar with a bunch of cars in it. we get calls from people all the time wanting to sell their cars, but when i hear the words "hangar" and "cars" in one sentence, the boys have to go out and check it out. >> cool. >> mm-hmm. >> when can we go see it? >> [chuckles] >> i mean, can we go right now? >> okay. >> 'cause if there's something there we can buy, get it back here, look a lot fuller when cooper gets here. do you wanna go? >> no, i got way too much stuff around here. >> okay. well, then i'm just gonna grab perry. >> okay, don't have too much fun. >> okay, you gonna make sure eric gets everything ready for jay? >> we're gonna have everything ready. it's a done deal. >> all right. >> i'm on it. >> cool. perry and i are at the airport. we got a lead on a guy that's got a man cave full of treasures. well, that's a good sign. >> see? >> the racing team sign. who knows what can be in there? could be a world war ii airplane, it could be a lamborghini. all right, here we go. a ferrari, an old bmw, could be
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boss hogg's cadillac, for all i know. >> "private property, no trespassing unless you have really big boobs." we gotta go back and get meg. >> [laughs] hey. >> hey. >> how you doing? >> or it could just be filled with crap. man, this is incredible. >> this is a man cave. we come, hang out with buddies, work on our cars, motorcycles, airplanes as well. drink a little beer every now and again, shoot the breeze. >> i need one of these. to the untrained eye, this could just look like an unkept storage locker. but to me, i'm in heaven. i see all the hidden gems. i love your chairs. this is off an aircraft carrier, isn't it? >> it surely is. u.s.s. cabot. >> whoo. for sale? >> uh, no, that one's not for sale. >> you sure? >> it's a keeper. >> okay. all right. all right. >> oh, yeah, and i have my ejection seat trainer over here as well. >> really? >> there you go. >> oh, man. >> [laughs]
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>> what this was--it was an egress trainer. it trained the airmen to keep their hands and elbows and everything inside, you know. >> keep yourself tight. >> as you're leaving an airplane, there's a lot of stuff that you can catch on. >> with all this cool stuff that's in here, i really am gonna need a bigger truck. >> how great would it be, like, to sit in this and play video games? >> you put a monitor right here. >> yeah, no, no, no. you're sitting... >> oh, man. >> and you got the helmet on, pull the visor down-- oh, you're in the zone. >> okay, so how much is this? >> 800 bucks. >> 800. >> $800. >> then i saw the coolest thing of all. tucked in the corner was an old military jeep with a .30-cal machine gun on it. >> i've got my jeep back here that i would sell. >> does it come with the gun? >> no, the gun doesn't come with it. it's a fully automatic weapon. >> aw. boy, i was all excited. i saw that gun, you said, "jeep for sale," i was like, "wow." the willys jeep is the first military vehicle that was mass-produced in the united states all the way from world war ii to the gulf war. depending on the history and condition of these jeeps, they
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can fetch up to 20 grand. can we look under the hood? >> yeah. >> okay. >> see, that's the original engine. >> these things were just famous for running forever. >> oh, yeah. >> they'll just run and go forever. >> sometimes i wonder why i bring perry when i'm gonna negotiate a car deal because he cannot hide his emotions. >> everything original. >> oh, that's great. >> man. oh. >> this is why i let you negotiate and i try to shut up. >> i mean, you remind me of the cartoon character, the eyes got this big, and dollar signs-- cha-ching, cha-ching. >> [laughs] oh, this is awesome. >> uh, yeah. >> ooh, you're cleaning, eric. i like it. >> yup. >> while jeff and perry are away, i know it's time to get the shop cleaned up. i mean, we have high-end customers coming in, and it's gotta look tip-top. not only does the shop have to be cleaned and look good, but so does eric. and that means a new lab coat. jay's coming into town, and everything cleaner is better.
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>> yeah, we'll get nice and get our showroom in order for him. >> eric doesn't understand clean. his level of clean and our level of clean is totally different. but speaking of "clean," that's not clean, is it? >> eh, cleaner. >> did you wash it? so you're flammable now? >> not anymore. >> we need to do something about that when customers are coming. >> yeah, i can see if i can find me a fresh, white one. >> yeah, like, maybe that stays in the back half, and then you got--like mr. rogers, you change it as you come in the front half. >> okay, yeah, we could do something like that. >> okay. >> i mean, he's a genius. he's just not a clean genius. so we're at mikey's hangar, and there is tons of hidden treasure amongst all this junk. i'm trying to keep my cool to try to make this deal. no rust or anything underneath it? >> little bit in a couple spots, but it's pretty light. >> they'll just run and go forever. >> what perry needs to do is take a tranquilizer pill. do you see it? >> mm-hmm. >> okay. >> we need to fix this.
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and then this here is gonna need to be repaired right here. >> all right. so that's the perry i need. the one that keeps his eye on my money. well, how much is this? >> i'll take 4,500. >> 4,500. >> mm-hmm. >> now that i have a starting price on the jeep, i want to see what else is available. well--oh. >> that's for sale. that's my cobra. >> all right. the original ac cobra was one of legendary car builder carroll shelby's masterpieces. he took a roadster body from a british car company and added a small block ford v8. because so few were ever made, replicas are extremely popular today. do you mind if we go for a ride? >> sure, let's take it for a drive. >> all right. oh, there-- whoa, hey. [laughs] whoa. [laughs] >> that good enough? >> that was good enough for me. [laughs] >> yeah. >> what makes this replica so awesome is how authentic it looks. this car should sell easily for
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25 to 30 grand, making it real affordable. mike, if it's okay with you, what i want to do is i want to confer with my partner here. >> all right. >> 'cause i'd like to make you an offer on it. >> sure, okay. >> is that cool? >> all right. >> despite all the dirt, mikey is a true collector. he knows the value of what he's got. this gives us an opportunity to buy in bulk. bulk buys are a great way to get a deal on a car 'cause the person's focused on the big amount. so i need to come up with a good game plan if i'm gonna walk away with a bulk buy. >> mm-hmm. okay. >> okay? >> mm-hmm. >> hey, mike. all right, here's the deal. the cobra's a real moneymaker. the jeep and the ejection seat are just kinda like the icing on the cake, so i think my best bet is to break 'em up and work each deal individually. well, here's the deal. i really like the cobra. >> mm-hmm.
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>> okay? >> yeah. >> but it needs some stu-- it's not fresh. it's not new. would you do 18,000? >> no, i can't. can't do 18,000. i could do 22,000, and that's low as i can go. >> oh, 22,000. see, if i had the right tires... >> yeah. >> would 19,000 persuade you? >> no. can't do it. >> well, you're so quick at that. >> well, i've already got-- >> can't you just breathe in a little bit, like--[inhales] >> i already had a little better offer than that. >> oh, i'm a cash-- >> uh-huh. >> done deal. it's like hitting the slot machine in vegas. >> really, 22,000's about my base on this car. >> mikey d isn't really budging, but that being said, i don't wanna spend more than 25 grand for everything. but what if i buy something else? i mean... >> well, let's see what you're talking about. >> what if i did 20,000... >> yeah. >> and 3 grand for the jeep? >> take about 24,500 to do it all.
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>> uh, wait a minute. this was supposed to go all the way to the end. i don't understand why roy did it this way. was i not clear? i mean, it's not what i wanted. [groans] see anything you like? >> uh, the little mustang. >> i'm kinda interested in the boss myself. >> we'll see who ends up with it. >> 31,000--32,000 dollar bills. 33,000, 33,000. [auctioneering] >> am i letting emotions get in the way here? i don't know. we needed 30 new hires for our call center.
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i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. [ female announcer ] need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 30 of the web's leading job boards with a single click; then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. [ female announcer ] over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to
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>> take about 24,500 to do it all. >> 24,500. do i get the ejection seat? >> no, it'd take 25,000 to do that. >> oh! i'm at 23,000. you're at 25,000. >> mm-hmm. >> for the cobra, the jeep, and the ejection seat. what if we do 24,000? >> [sighs] nah, i'd have to stick on 25,000, partner. >> why do you keep doing that to me? >> i don't know. >> you don't even think about it long enough. >> [chuckles] >> can you help me out at all? can we do 24,500? >> let's do 24,750. >> whoo. boy, howdy. mikey's set in his ways, and he knows what he's got, even amongst all this mess. i'm concerned about the rust on
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the jeep, and i haven't heard it run yet. i'm assuming it runs great. >> yeah, the jeep runs good. >> right. can i squeeze you just a little and do 24,600? at 24,600, with the cobra and the jeep and the ejection seat, i'm excited. all right? >> no, i'm gonna hold out for 24,750. >> oh, man. >> i just have to do that. >> ouch. will you flip me for it? >> i've done that before, yeah. >> you wanna do it? >> yeah, let's do it. >> you're a gambling man, aren't you? >> oh, yeah, we'll do that. >> i like that. all right. here's a quarter. >> what the hell? you get here, and now you're gonna flip for the last 200, 300 bucks? >> well, yeah, why not? >> [laughs] it's just pretty weird. >> if he's willing to go for it, it's a 50/50 shot, and i save 250 bucks. i'll let you call it. >> heads it is. [coin clinks] and it is heads. >> all right, heads it was. >> that it is. >> i'm a man of my word. >> there you go.
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>> that's it, huh? >> all right. i can go to the strip club now. >> both: oh! >> there's nothing that i love more than a bulk buy. all right, let's load up. so i hopped on the phone, got a transporter to pick up all my treasures. we're heading back to flat 12. you know, jay's coming in four days, and he might have an interest in the cobra. yo. we're home. you should've gone on this trip. we scored big-time. big-time, big-time, big-time. >> well, that's good news. >> yeah. >> cobra kit car. mm-hmm. military willys jeep. >> we've never had a willys jeep. >> never found one that was worth a darn. >> the jeep is awesome. i mean, it's so authentic. >> oh, it's got a phone in it. >> and it still has the radio in it. >> i think we were hoping you were gonna get some muscle cars for jay. >> but a cobra, to me, is the
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ultimate muscle car. >> i agree. >> and ejection seat from a fighter plane. >> [laughs] >> [imitates whooshing] >> where in the hell were you guys? >> [laughs] >> is there anything else that you wanted? >> i'm telling you, there's money in this ejection seat. >> the good, ol' ejection seat. >> you know it. that way i can punch out anytime--boom! i can make money on that ejection seat tomorrow. >> this is why i shouldn't let you guys go alone. >> hey, i got the whole package deal for $24,750. >> you guys been drinking? >> no, no, nope, not a drop. >> no! eject! eject! what store in america can you find an ejection seat trainer? huh? >> you have to go to the fighter jet store. >> right, exactly, and i don't know that--of one that exists. >> [laughs] >> well, let's just keep working on some big blocks and muscle cars. >> okay. >> boy, you guys are in and out. >> we're outta here. >> well, i don't wanna do bills. >> eric, you got a minute, bud?
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you know, i noticed that we're getting a couple puffs of smoke out of the left side. this car has been sitting a long time. it doesn't get driven much. >> leave it to me to start with the hardest one. [chuckles] >> yeah, that--that back one is always the bugger, isn't it? sometimes the simplest things are the best fixes. i'm gonna put some new plugs in, and hopefully that'll fix everything. did you get this one? >> yes, i got that reseated. it's in there good. >> you wanna see what it does? >> yeah. [engine churns] [engine fires] >> putting the new plugs in, it seemed to fix it just fine. [cackles] we'll put a little shine on this thing, show it a little love, and it'll be good to go. i know jay cooper. he is gonna love this car. >> how you doing? >> i'm doing good. you? >> very little of our business comes in off the street. most of it's online, so when we get a walk-in, you don't know if they're really here to buy a car
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or just kick some tires. >> well, show me what you got. >> okay. >> i'm tom siler from lubbock, texas. i dabble in classic cars. i have a small collection of cars. >> this is the '57 chevy gasser. gassers were a common sight on the drag strip in the '50s and '60s. they originated from production cars altered for more speed on the strip. often seen with a straight axle, lightened body, and more powerful engines. this car started out as an original black and white '57 chevy 150. >> 150. you don't see very many gassers running down the street. >> no. but if you're interested in this car, i'm looking to get about 25 grand for her. >> 25. >> yeah. you know, i'll even throw in the hula girl too. >> no. >> [laughs] this is a '69 hemi road runner, and it used to belong to tim allen. he bought it from reggie jackson. when plymouth designed the '69 road runner, they had one goal in mind: to make it light and cheap. this car features the
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sought-after 426 hemi engine and factory four-speed. that makes this car one bad-to-the-bone street machine. >> i'm sure that's a pretty pricey car. >> it is. >> yeah. >> i mean, i think the car is easily worth 160,000. >> right. >> but i'm sure you can afford it. >> that's right. >> [laughs] >> well, i'll be real honest with you, i'm not sure my wife would ride in that car. >> really? >> i'd still like to look and see what else we got here. >> all right. >> both: okay. >> so this guy likes everything i've shown him so far, but i don't think his checkbook does. so now i'm gonna show him the cobra. all right, well, here it is. >> yeah, okay. >> this is the cobra. i didn't really intend to sell this car today, but i'm never gonna let a deal walk out the door. i just got it in, i haven't even really had that much fun with it yet. >> okay. >> and oftentimes the newest thing you have is the first thing to go. it's got a 351 windsor in it. and it's got some unique features like these ac emblems. >> mm-hmm. >> most of 'em don't have that. >> okay.
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>> this one actually even has the carroll shelby plate on it. >> mm-hmm. >> pretty darn cool. this car is actually titled as a '65 ford cobra. mm-hmm. >> yeah. >> it's as clean as a safeway chicken. [laughs] [engine revs] oh, yeah! [laughs] i could tell he likes the car, but i'm not getting any emotion about making a deal here 'cause he just keeps going like this. so you wanna get down to brass tacks? >> yeah, what kind--what-- what are we talking? >> i'd like to get 30 grand for it. >> [sighs] i'm not really thinking that much. >> this guy is so reserved. i don't know if this is his poker face, this is the way he does business. i don't know if he can't handle the price. uh, wait a minute. this was supposed to go all the
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>> really? what if i made it easy, and we just went for 28,000? >> i don't know, jeff. 26,000. >> 26,000. >> yeah. >> my-- [sighs] >> 26,000. >> you know, jay might have an interest in the cobra. i just got it in. um... the car business has always been first come, first serve. boy, you're working me hard. first one here with the money... gets it. all right, let's do it. >> 26,000. >> i sold the cobra for 26 grand, making me a 6 grand profit with not a whole lot of work. >> are you happy? >> as long as you're not using a credit card, i'm happy. >> i want you to make a little bit. i mean--[laughs] >> you know, jay's coming in a few days. so i'm at the dallas swap meet
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looking for cars for jay cooper. it's one of the oldest and largest car events in the southwest. with 2,500 spaces, a boatload of collector cars, and thousands of restoration parts, it's really overwhelming, especially for me. this is like uncharted territory. the cool thing about a swap meet--you get a chance to see the cars. it's not on the internet. i like the feel, the vibe, and it's all in one place. hello. is this your car, sir? no? well, maybe you should sell it to me anyway. maybe it'll be cheaper. >> [laughs] >> i am looking for whatever catches my eye and i think i can make money on. much rust in it or anything? >> there's a little bit of body work down here, here, and on the other side right here. >> we have no time for big fixes, so i'm on to the next. well, let me keep looking. [humming] oh, that's clean-looking. that's a good-lookin' car. >> it's an sr-34 blackbird. >> i love that. >> "sr," "street rod," right?
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>> i'm almost scared to ask how much you want. >> i'll take 90,000. >> you'll take 90,000? [laughs] i didn't bring 90 grand with me to the swap meet. for what this guy wants for the car, 90 grand, that's probably all i could get out of it. so far, this trip's a bust. >> have a good one. >> i've gotta find something here. >> hey, perr. >> yeah? >> guess where jeff is. >> where? >> he went to a swap meet. >> really? >> "at swap meet. be back soon." >> and he didn't take me, the bugger? >> or me? >> uh-oh. >> so one time when jeff went to a car auction by himself, he actually came home with half a car, meaning a car couch, where the back seat was where you sat. and i think that thing sat in the shop for, like, three years. >> i'd be very, very afraid. >> no, i'm very afraid. >> [laughs] >> very afraid. >> oh, look at that.
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that might work. this nova is perfect. i know exactly what to do to make this thing do top dollar. it's got a.c. i love the hood treatment. that's cool. this is exactly what jay would like. that's a good-lookin' little car. to me, nothing says "american muscle car" like a chevy nova. it's inexpensive, handles really well, and had a lot of power with its big block engine. what's really awesome about this car is how close it looks to an authentic yenko nova. don yenko was a performance car builder who replaced the nova's factory big block engine with a 427 big block and created a street racing legend. only six original yenkos remain, each worth as much as 250,000. i think by turning this car into a yenko and finishing my vision, this car can do close to 25 grand. hey, i'm jeff. how you doing? >> my name is tom. i go to these swap meets, a few auctions.
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it's just a hobby for me. playing golf and selling cars. >> well, tell me about it. what color is this? >> rust red. >> was it a factory rust red car? >> no. >> okay. mm-hmm. are you flexible on the price? a little bit. yeah? you know, he's got this thing stickered at 17,500. i haven't even said a word, and he's already at 16,500. he's moving my direction. for it to work for me, i've gotta get this thing down to 15 grand. well, would you work with me more on the price? what do you mean, not right now? come on, i got money. talk. >> what do you want to pay for-- >> no, i know. >> maybe 16,000, and that's-- i'm gonna hang there. >> time's ticking away, and i need to make this deal asap. so no 14,000 right now? cash? $100 bills? we'll spread 'em across the hood? no? >> late this afternoon, it might go to 15,500.
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>> why--why do you wanna wait? >> well, pull it out, lay it on the hood, and you can have it right now. >> 15,000? 15,000? this guy is burning daylight. all i wanna do is get this car back to the shop and turn it into a yenko. come on, don't let 500 bucks get in the way. i would sell it to you for 24 grand. >> you know, i'm thinking 18,000. >> where did you get 18,000? did you just--[imitates whoosh] >> i'm gonna have to do a little cleaning up under the hood. >> what were you gonna clean up under the hood? >> oh. >> i need some aspirin. we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. [ female announcer ] need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 30 of the web's leading job boards with a single click; then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates.
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>> 15,000? >> 15,500. >> 15,000? >> no. >> don't let 500 bucks get in the way. >> i told you i got plenty of money. >> you just gotta come down a little bit. >> [chuckles] oh, lord. >> you know, if it was what i call "retail red," i would've paid more. this car is actually honduras maroon, which was a real popular color painted back in the '60s. you know? >> right. >> call it "brick red," "dirt red," "dust red," whatever red, but not "rust red." the "rust red," even the term-- just "rust" and "car." ooh. >> sounds bad, doesn't it? >> it does. it does, doesn't it? >> okay. >> can we make a deal? >> oh, 15,000 will buy the car. >> all right. i'm excited about the nova.
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and there's a lot to do to get this turned into a yenko. wait till perry gets a load of this. and i don't want anybody to see it before it's done. hey! >> hey, you. uh-oh, you look excited. >> you gotta see what i got. >> uh... >> keep an open mind. >> now i'm being stopped. >> all right, cool. >> oh, now he--if he's telling me to keep an open mind... >> [sighs] oh, that's--that's not what you got. >> what do you mean? >> [laughs] i hate novas. to me, they're just a cheaper car, and i don't like the body style 'cause they're just boxy and simple. >> can't you look at it with an open mind? all i saw was dollar signs. i just--cha-ching, cha-ching. that's it. >> it didn't really stand out from a lot of the cars that he'd brought. >> what color is this, jeff-o? >> brown. >> it's not brown. >> [laughs] >> it's honduras maroon. >> hey, eric's laughing. >> [laughs] i'm sure that's a real color 'cause i know jeff, he knows these things, but wow. [chuckles] >> i don't know why you guys
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think it's brown. it's not brown at all. >> he's calling it "honduras maroon." i didn't get a book out of anything, all right? but i think he's making it up. i mean, for me, it's a crappy color. >> anybody can have a red, black, white nova, right? >> well, if it was red, somebody else would've bought it. >> but not everyone can have one that's colored baby poop. >> baby poop? it's not baby poop. [laughter] >> perry, you're stressing me out. the color is horrid. >> that's honduras maroon. let's all practice this. "this car is honduras maroon." >> honduras maroon. >> is it really? >> yes. >> honduras maroon. i guess i shouldn't say anything until i know what you paid for it, honestly, 'cause i don't know what you paid. so i might love it. >> i gave the guy 15 grand. >> that's a lot. >> oh, come on, wait a minute. this car is screaming to be a yenko, and it's so close. look at the stinger hood. a stinger hood, if you can find one, is 500 to 600 bucks. i think with the white stripes running up and down and the stinger painted and all the emblems on it say "yenko 427, get outta my way, i'll kick your
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ass," this car is gonna go places. >> i'm not a nova fan. >> [humming] >> if tomorrow he bought another nova for the exact same price, i would not be happy. how much more are you gonna put into it? >> it's only gonna cost about 1,000 bucks for what i need to do to it. nobody likes it. you know what? i don't really care. because i know what this car is gonna look like when it's done, and it's gonna be cool, and it's gonna be bad, and it's gonna sell for big money. i'm gonna laugh all the way to the bank. i'll run it over to roy's. i just want it done right. >> you drive, i'll follow. >> all right. the first step in my transformation is to get that stinger painted white. all inspired by the '67 corvette because the motor in a yenko is actually a 427, which was what came in the corvette with the stinger hood. and so by putting those on the novas, ooh, that added a little bit of a fear factor. so i'm gonna take it to my buddy
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roy, who's gonna hook me up and do it right. hey, roy, let me show you what i brought you. >> yes, sir. oh, i thought it was gonna be a datsun. that's a yenko. >> no, but that's what it's gonna be when i'm done with it. >> not yet. >> that is an awesome car. >> she is bad, isn't she? >> yeah. >> so what's it gonna run me to do the white stinger? >> well, normally my stripes are 575. >> holy [bleep]. mm. now i'm going over budget. dude, i don't want to paint the whole car. >> we're only gonna do the hood, so if we just use an enamel, i can do it for 275. it'll leave an edge. >> but is it gonna look good, though? >> it'll look good. it'll leave an edge, but those cars back then had edges on 'em. >> how long is it gonna take? >> uh, just a day. >> done. a day? that really works for me 'cause that gives me time to get it back, get all the yenko decals on it, and have it done just in time. all right. >> all right, i'll do it. >> cool. when we get the nova back from roy, once that stripe's done on the hood, that thing's just gonna pop.
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oh, my gosh. >> oh--[laughs] >> they didn't have any in men's colors? >> it was a medical supply sta--place. it's the only place i could find today. [chuckles] >> it doesn't even look like it fits you. >> yeah, i think you need a size up, eric. >> yeah, a little bit bigger. >> i mean, i don't want jay to show up, and he thinks you're gonna take his temperature. >> [laughs] >> you sure you didn't get a women's, huh? >> uh, yeah. yeah. definitely sure it's not a women's. >> okay. >> yeah, let's make a couple phone calls, see if we can find you a white one. >> all right, let me call around, see if i can get-- >> all right, buddy. >> all right. >> all right. [laughs] >> there's gotta be some nurse somewhere that's missing her lab coat. look at the back. >> [chuckles] >> what? dude. >> okay, let's bring cars up. let's sell cars. >> so every week, there's the local lubbock auto auction, and jeff and i like to sneak in whenever we can 'cause you never know. hey, look, a camaro. >> i think it's been painted.
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>> it has. look right here. >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> sometimes they have some really cool, old, exotic cars... that's cool. >> for 66,000, it's out of my league. i thought it was, like, a 25, 30 grand car. >> or just modern cars that sell really well. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. it's a boss. those are cool. in 2012, the boss is back. the new boss 302 mustang has over 440 horsepower and a six-speed transmission. and the best thing about this car is all i need is for eric to wash it, and it's ready to go. what's up? >> hey, girlfriend. >> look who made it. >> i'm glad you made it. you see anything you like? >> uh, the little mustang, the new mustang, the boss. >> that's just my luck. roundman shows up and heads right for the same car. i'm kinda interested in the boss myself. >> really? >> yeah. >> we'll see, won't we?
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>> what does that mean? >> i mean, we'll see who ends up with it. >> it might have been a mistake letting my dad know i was interested in that car. i don't think you want that boss. i think--only reason he was interested because i was interested. >> no, it'll work. >> yeah, it'll work for me. >> it'll work for me better. an opportunity to buy a boss mustang and beat my boy again? today's my lucky day. >> 25 here now. [auctioneering] i want money now. >> i was looking at buying that car for no more than 33 grand because i knew it would be a quick flip. i wasn't gonna make a ton of money, but i was gonna make a few bucks really fast. >> [auctioneering] >> 30,000. >> 30 grand. money's on. 31,000, 32,000 dollar bills. 33,000, 33,000. >> i went to 33,000, and roundman--i could tell there was no stopping him. >> [auctioneering] 34 grand here. >> i mean, am i letting emotions get in the way here?
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i don't know. >> 34,500 here. >> he is competitive with me. you know, i don't know why anybody wants to beat up on an old man. [laughs] >> 35,500 here now? >> at this point, he wants it more than i do. foul, brother. foul. >> [auctioneering] last call for 35 grand to run. sold. >> i just got the nova anyway. i can focus on it. i know i can sell it fast. i'm good with it. well, i guess you're the man today. >> i've always been the man. >> so roy called. the nova's done. i am so excited to see it. i can't wait to see it. i'm so excited! >> i'm gonna go get the car. wait right here. >> the suspense is killing me. >> oh, you're gonna love it. >> here we go. >> what's gonna be funny, if he drove out, like, a completely different car, he painted the wrong car. >> i don't know that that would be funny. oh, man. that looks good. >> oh, see, that's a big difference. >> uh, wait a minute.
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hmm. >> what do you think? >> this was supposed to go all the way to the end. >> this part? i thought you meant here. >> this line should not be here. >> correct. >> it should come down just like that... >> yeah. >> and then roll under this lip. >> right, right, right, right. >> yeah, yeah. >> like, i don't understand why roy did it this way. i don't know--was i not clear on how i wanted it done? i thought i was. i said, "go all the way to the edge." i don't know where he came up with this extra stripe. he's taking liberties with my hood. >> come on, jeff. >> [groans] why? i mean, why didn't he do it the other way? >> i can refinish it if you want me to. >> i mean, it's not what i wanted. wanna know more on how to find, fix, or flip cars? go to for exclusive online extras and a
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be here in less than 12 hours. can't overlook it's--it's definitely nice, and you did it fast. we missed it by that much, literally, what, 1/8 of an inch? but i-i'm just gonna go with it. so we don't have a lot of time, and we still have to put all the yenko decals on it... plus all the yenko badges and everything to make it look real authentic. eric, if you can start gutting the trunk, perry and i will start lining up to do the emblems. >> turning this nova into a yenko is going to be a full team effort. we have to get everything exactly right, down to a tee. >> welcome to the glamorous world of car restoration. >> you need the decal kits. you need to put the correct badging. off with the 454, on with the 427. let's put the headrest in. >> okay. >> oh, yeah. >> the stripes going down the side have to be exactly where they're supposed to be...
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gotta go below the door handle 'cause it goes right across the top of "nova." even down to the little emblems that go on the center caps of the wheels. >> that's gonna drive up the value of a clone. voila! we stayed up all night to make my vision a reality. this is what i envisioned from the moment i saw this car. and's actually right in front of me: a yenko nova. you know, jay was just here, but he hadn't seen the nova, so we're gonna put the yenko to the test. eric, nice improvement. >> thank you, thank you. >> huh? >> the white coat. >> look how snazzy he looks. >> that works good. >> feel like a technician. >> you should, you are a technician. hey, what's up, man? >> knock, knock, knock! >> hey! >> who's home? >> 'bout time you got here. >> ah, you know it's always a trip. what are we down here for today? >> well, i brought you down because we've got a yenko clone nova, but with a big block in it, four-speed car. >> oh, yeah, that--that kinda
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catches my eye. i notice you hid it back here a little bit. >> well, i didn't hide it, i mean, it's just... >> what color do they call this? >> the technical term for this color is honduras maroon. >> really? >> yeah. >> honduras maroon? >> yeah, it's-- >> i've never even heard of that color. almost looks like a rust red, is what i would call it. >> maybe jay can't see through the color. >> i love the yenko package. oh, that-- i don't know, that color. >> this is exactly what we've been worrying about. we busted our ass getting ready for jay cooper to come down here. >> what do you mean, you don't know, the color? >> so it all comes down to if jeff can sell him this car. >> honduras maroon? >> yeah, look it up on your phone. google it, google that [bleep]. >> well, i believe it, but i mean-- >> i thought all of our time and effort was gonna pay off today. i'm not making it up. >> i sure don't get a whole lot of people from europe going, "ship me honduras maroon." >> dude. but it looks like all i'm doing is wasting my time with jay. we needed 30 new hires for our call center.
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i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. [ female announcer ] need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 30 of the web's leading job boards with a single click; then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. [ female announcer ] over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to
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of people from europe going, "ship me honduras maroon." >> i think in many ways, jay's pretending he doesn't like the color, hoping to beat me up on price. not only is it big block, not only is it done well, but look. vintage air. huh? >> i'm gonna break out the-- >> uh-oh. >> breaking out the flashlight. >> here comes the flashlight. >> it's time to start finding all the issues. exhaust manifolds, original exhaust manifolds. >> yeah. >> power steering. >> yup. look at the stinger hood. >> yeah. >> if you can get one of these, just for the hood, 600 bucks right now, so... >> yeah, i like that. uh, but boy, that maroon. mm. >> see the center caps? yenko. don't say "american racing" like most of 'em. >> yeah. >> look at these. we even switched out the marker lamps, put the 427. we didn't just slap stickers on this and call it a day, you know, we needed to do all those little things to make you wonder, is it a real one, or is it not? >> well, i noticed the headrests and the... >> yeah.
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look at that interior. >> headliner, yup. >> look at the dome light, everything, i mean, it's all there. >> this is done very nicely. >> i know. >> even got a spare tire. >> yup. >> i like it. it's time to go take a test drive. >> okay. well, let's say he doesn't like the color. as soon as he gets behind the wheel, he's gonna go color-blind. they're over here, bud. >> okay, hang on. [engine revs] oh, yeah, that's big block there. i love the shifter. steering's good. nice and tight, rides nice. >> now you know why i fell in love with this puppy. you know, i drove this car around, and i was like, "oh, this is--this is cool as hell." you know? >> hang on. >> i knew from the moment he hit the gas, he was ready to pull out that cash. >> so what do you want for the honduras maroon nova? >> yes. are you--are you gonna beat me up on color?
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>> i'm just saying. >> you know that car pops out in the sunlight, driving down the road. >> pops, yeah. >> it does. >> okay. so the rust red vehicle here, yeah, with-- >> i need some aspirin. >> it drives pretty good. what--what-- >> pretty good? >> what are you asking for? what's retail, what's my price on the car? >> i--actually, if i was to market that car, i was gonna set the reserve somewhere around 30 grand. but i like to save a little meat on the bone for you, so you can make some money too, so what i would do is i would sell it to you for 24 grand. >> 24,000. >> mm-hmm. i hit jay with a $24,000 price tag, which i think is a fair price 'cause i was tired of all the grief i was getting over this color. >> you know, i'm thinking 18,000. >> where did you get 18,000? did you just--[imitates whoosh] >> the hood, it's a nice car, rides nice. >> uh-huh. >> color... >> everything's new on it. >> you know... i'm gonna have to do a little cleaning up under the hood. stuff of that sort. >> what do you mean, cleaning
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under the hood? what were you gonna clean up under the hood? >> oh, 20 grand. 20 grand, tops. >> 20,000, 20,000. what if we split the difference? let's go to 22,000. >> that's a little much. um... final figure. 21 grand. >> 21 grand. i want it to be painless, right? >> that would be a first, but yes. >> i'll--i'll go ahead and do the 21 grand. >> done. >> all right. let's wrap it up, then. >> you got it. >> i got my price. who cares what you call the color? all i see is green. >> appreciate it, dude. >> all right, man. >> thank you.
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>> cool. i bought the cobra as part of a package deal at the hangar for 20 grand. i sold it for $26,000, giving me a profit of $6,000. i bought the nova for $15,000, put about $1,000 in making it into an authentic yenko clone. with a sale price of $21,000, i cleared 5 grand on the nova. we walk away with 11 grand profit on two cars in one week. everybody's happy. >> well, yenko's gone. cobra's gone. >> now all we gotta do is focus on selling the jeep. and the ejection seat. >> the ejection seat. [laughs] >> yeah, exactly. you're not selling the ejection seat. >> dude, that's gonna be in your living room. >> that's actually a good place for it, right there in the living room. >> uh-oh, now i'm gonna get in trouble. >> uh-oh, now i'm gonna get in trouble. sorry, meg.
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>> coming up on "the suze orman show"... summer's over, so it's back to money. so i'm gonna be talking about mistakes you cannot afford to make. also... how much do you think you owe in consumer debt? >> oh, about $20,000, $25,000. >> $50,000. >> $50,000? i had no idea it was that much. >> and you ask me, "can i afford it?" >> i want to buy a cavalier king charles spaniel. [ dog barks ] >> i want to make my little hands and go, "oh, i love you." [ barks ] hi, everybody. i'm suze orman, and you are
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