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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  October 6, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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down 24 points on the dow. h and r top loser. >> "street signs" begins right now. see you toll. . the dlas ebola patient is getting an experiment drug and the company behind the drug is seeing its stock soar. plus the best news you've heard all day for your wallet and incredible video of a few race fans who probably the luckiest single people on the planet. >> we begin with the top story and that is the latest on the ebola outbreak. meg, as brian was saying, we're hearing the patient in the texas hospital is now receiving that
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experimental treatment developed by chimerix which is spiking on the news. tell us more. >> reporter: that's right. the drug is called brincidofovir. it's an antiviral already in late stage testing for other viral infections. and so its safety rprofile is fairly well-known. the patient is in critical condition, stable in critical condition. chimerix is an interesting drug because it had not been one of the companies talked about as much in terms of experimental treatment. chimerix today said it got permission from the fda to use the drug outside of clinical trials on ebola patients. so this is what we're learning is being used on thomas duncan. he's the only patient to have been diagnosed in the united states. his contacts are being traced and monitored.
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so far be nobody is showing any signs of symptoms. and we're also learning today about ashoka mukpo the nbc cameraman who was moved to nebraska for treatment today. currently all treatment options are being discussed his doctors say. they are not the sure how he got ebola, maybe when he was traying t spraying the carve of sbron deceased. dr. frieden says there is no way to ensure that we won't see more cases in the united states until the outbreak is contained in west africa and he said along with vigilance and treatment vaccines may be an important part of efforts. >> i'm encouraged by two experimental vaccines that are going through phase one trials to see what their dose is and if there are any safety concerns. we need to get them into the field for efficacy trials as
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quickly as possible. >> reporter: vaccines are being worked on and as questions a rise about whether to increase entry screening back into the united states at airport, pew research did a survey to see how concerned americans are about contracting ebola. about two-thirds say they're not very concerned, however 11% say they are very concerned. back to you. >> and i wanted to quickly ask you, because we were mentioning chimer chimerix, it a downgrade at leerinx saying all the good news about their treatment is baked in to the stock. what more are you hearing? >> reporter: tekmira has been up and down based on news about potential treatment. leerinx said all the news is baked in. risen about 230% from july lows.
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saying that any potential up side couldn't account for more than that. so that is what we're hearing. and dr. frieden has been talking a lot about the potential drugs and he said a few things about tekmira's drug saying there could be some side effects when first administered. however investors still like it for hepatitis b. >> meg, thank you very much. let's continue on this story and bring in dr. bdebbie -- i'll sa it right. from the nyu school of medicine. also kay bailey hutchison here with us, as well. i'm not minimizing the threat. we know what it's doing to west africa. same time 100 people die every day from the flu in the united states. 115 people are killed in car accidents every single day.
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the enterovirus has sickened hundreds upon thousands in 43 different states and a 5-year-old boy died in the town next to mine in yunlg ovnew jer the weekend. why is ebola getting so much attention? >> i do think we need to pay more attention to flu and enterovirus, but ebola has such a high fatality rate. and especially the concern that its numbers have increased exponentially in west africa, it could be a much bigger problem than the flew virus. but of course take i would say stroifs and in terms of how many people they have impacted -- >> because the enterovirus is airborne, right? >> exactly. >> sneezes, cough, traditional communicable types of viral infections. but ebola is all over the headlines. >> and enterovirus is easier to spread and harder to control. ebola, at least we know bodily fluids. enterovirus, it's hard to even
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diagnose it because so many people have cold and flu symptom. but i think people are concerned about ebola because we don't know how to stop it. >> we were talk with meg about the scramble of various pharmaceuticals to come up with a vaccine or a treatment or cure. can we stop it? >> i think the treatment is very promising. but with a vaccine, that's harder because you're not testing that out on people who are sick. 150u8 have to test it ut on people who would healthy and who would want to expose themselves to ebola. >> and there are various things that might sound wild, but if you're in the stage of potentially drying, you'll try anything. >> we're getting a rare reeld wor real world test. let's hope it works. >> if it you're already sick,
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you're more willing to try out things. so that is a big barrier. >> okay. thank you so much. let's bring in the senator. this is a big story to your home state and obviously dallas. i imagine that area is very on edge. what has the government done right and what does the government both state and federal need to do better? >> i think they have been right to play catch up. i think what they could do better is be more sure of the ability to test for it before somebody gets on a plane. i think we ought to -- i think they should be considering stopping flights from west africa until they know they can see if people have it when hers getting on a plane and coming to america. that's our best asset to fight against an epidemic here. >> certainly the white house has said today the travel ban due to the ebola outbreak is not currently being considered. i'll play the devil's advocate here. yes, i agree that maybe we could come more.
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but at the same time, it takes up to 21 days for any kind of symptoms to appear. so you're talking about a period of three weeks during which time somebody might be sick but not know it. so it's very difficult to put a travel ban in place with all the resources that that would require, putting this scre in s airports. >> if you really want to stop it, you would take i think a very firm measure like that. hopefully they will be able to find a way to test in the early stages in blood tests. i know they say they can't in that incubation period, but that's the thing -- >> test even comie everybody co that's impossible. >> when you're getting on a plane in liberia -- >> if i'm a liberian of any
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mean, i'll fly to brussel, take a train to munich or bus to paris and i'll get on and like this skra gentleman apparently t in texas. i'll lie. i'll get on a boat. >> we have ways that we can test at airports. i don't know that you can test in the incubation period, but i think we should take more firm measures. >> raperhaps you can add to the medical question. >> right now, they don't test positive during even if the person is infected, if they're not showing symptoms, they won't test positive. so you'd have to deny access to anybody coming back. and then that raises the question what if they're an american citizen because there are a lot of americans who are actually out there. >> a lot of platforms, i've been away on a rig and i want to get home to see my family.
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>> we want to send supplies and e other things to the issue. even the military is over there. >> do we need to send more people, more resources, commit more money from the united states? >> i think we need to address this west africa for sure. and i think we can do it more with government transport than through the public transportation. >> how about this, senator. at what point do we impose harsher measures? right now we just have the gentleman in texas and the cameraman and we wish he a speedy recovery. at what point would you say this is the line where things need to be done? >> i think they should be preparing for this, if we see more spreading, if we see people for instance in dallas who are
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not yet affected but become affected and becomes more of a regional issue, i think then we need to get absolutely firm about who goes in and out of these countries in this very critical time period and i come think we need to put the resources in to it. >> i know certainly the airlines and airlines soer s association discussing what measures need to be taken further. so thank you very much senator for your thoughts. and thank you, dr. debbie. >> we keep hearing that a strong dollar is bad for the stock market, but is that statement true? we'll show you a surprising chart ahead. also ahead, if this was a game of monopoly, a chinese insurance company just pulled a you power move. all the details next. and this is amazing. fans mairaculously cheating deah at a rally. look at the video. nobody was hurt. we'll show you more coming up. you know your dentures can move.
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unlike natural teeth. try new fixodent plus true feel. the smooth formula helps keep dentures in place. it's free of flavors and colorants. for a closer feeling to natural teeth. fixodent. and forget it. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement.
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markets are a big soggy. the u.s. dollar has been enjoying a historic 12 straight weeks p gains. longest streak in 40 years. a lot of people considering just how long can it last. but u.s. economy is likely to
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keep on growing faster than japan or europe. >> unless you're a currency trader or exporter, the only reason you care about the dollar is because of what it might do to your investments or 401(k). so what will the stronger dollar mean for your investments or 401(k)? here now is managing director at oppenheimer. and we are a television program, i'm going to show you some visuals. this is a chart i made up earlier. 20 years the s&p 500 versus the dxy dollar index. we've been hearing when the dollar goes up, stocks must go down. actually both went up from 94 to 2000. can the dollar and stocks both rise again? >> i would think so. and one of the reasons is if our economy is good and strong, we have a very strong $16 trillion economy here at home, the goods
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and services that are provided by american companies oftentimes aren't replicated by other companies outside of the u.s.. in some cases where there aren't competitors that are similar in what they manufacture, there could be a disadvantage to a u.s. company if its currency is stronger versus european counter part, but overall in the process of a global economic recovery, we would expect that u.s. companies should continue to do well. >> all that being said, a little bit like the weather, a strong currency tends to be a really good thing to fall back on when you haven't put out a really good earnings report. i think bob pi ssani that about 50% of sales of s&p 500 companies come from overseas. to what degree will you hear, oh, it was because of the stronger dollar as a good fall back excuse during this earnings season. >> well, that's the thing. a lot of companies actually
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either hedge or as a result of where they manufacture goods, where they access, there will be an advantage to many american companies when they're buying raw materials or products from other companies. they will be buying them cheap. a strong dollar buys more in foreign currency. so that will be an advantage to them. we'll just have to see the way that the third quarter comes out. right now, there are shalare so investors looking for portfolios that are practically immune from foreign revenue and earnings. but in a global economy and one that has been global for the last 60 years since world war ii in a modern sense with currency, we expect companies will be able to manage this fairly well. that said, we do think this is a good time for u.s. investors to buy sfwinternational stocks. they're cheap and off from recent highs and the dollar is
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strong. what better time to buy foreign assets. >> here is my problem with the whole dollar up stocks down thing. the reason i brought up the chart is this. a good economy trumps everything else. if the dollar is going up -- there are two reasons. chlt a, things are good here. b, things stink there. but if the dollar goes up because things are good here that's going to negate and maybe even overshoot any of the negative implications of a ks currency translation, isn't it? >> we'd have to say with a conservative approach, most certainly help to ameliorate the effect of the strong dollar. >> why get to a point in my mind why we're sitting here thinking a strong dollar is bad. for the last ten year, all we've heard about from larry kudlow and everybody else, we need a strong dollar. now the strong dollar is coming and it's the end of the world. >> well, obviously people have
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to be aware of the negatives and positives and whether it's a net negative or net positive. why do you think japan a highly exporting nation likes to keep its currency weak. . >> but we don't export much. i'm talking about the usa. >> you can't just put out a blanket conclusion on it. consider the fact in japan they're have something problems now, now that japanese companies don't manufacture most of what they sell in japan, they outsource a lot of the manufacturing process to other countries, the effects of a weak yen are not helping japanese multinationals as much as had earlier been expected. >> that's true. certainly isn't helping as much as it used to. >> that may be a clue. >> john, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you.
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as if halloween candy, barbie to barbie doles, oig and fresh produce weren't enough, you can now get health insurance at walmart. >> plus the best news the economy has gotten in a while. here is the question. where exactly is the cheapest gas in america? we think we know, but take some pictures of gas prices you're paying. what is your hummer limo, $4.80 a gallon? >> well, i use a scooter, so i use air power and leg power. so about 50 cents a gallon on today's -- >> don't believer the hype. your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial,
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with a second opinion or a same-day appointment today today today and everyday. call today, for an appointment today. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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all day long here on cnbc, we've been unveiling our next list. the leader, the innovators, basically the people who will change the face of business over the next 25 years. head to to check out the entire list. but right now brian and i have come up with maybe a couple
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names that stood out to us. what was yours? >> bridges international academies are my choices. >> and mine is ryan seacrest. are we talking why? >> i guess we should. although people know who ryan seacrest is. shannon ray is australian, 5'3" from perth. but they're doing great stuff. opening schools one every three days this poor areas. you can sponsor, help contribute. doing great stuff. i know the next list that cnbc came up with is really hot on tech. so i wanted to go to something where people are actually making a difference not in tech. not t ichdissing anybody in tec. >> the world is very he tech heavy obviously. ryan seacrest is a machine. he works from early in the morning until late at night.obv. ryan seacrest is a machine.
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he works from early in the morning until late at night. >> he works his staffers hardly than anybody. >> there is an old picture of me talking to the man who is not even 40 yet and he completely changed the way we sum television. kardashians put reality tv big time to the map. and he's come out with a new clothing line at macy's. >> you picked him randomly and we just happened on pop video of you and him hanging out? >> i've met the guy. i'm impressed by the guy. so that's why i picked him out. >> who would win in a fist fight? >> well, don't do this. >> as in like a fight? he would definitely win. i'm a pussycat. >> i don't think so. amazing how that works. when your tag line is revolutionizing guest satisfaction, you better step it
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up and that's what ziosk is trying to do. you might have seen their tablets restaurants are using. here is the ceo. welcome. >> good to see you. >> so i was at laguardia recently. and everybody is staring at their tablets. that's not you. but you were at chili's. you're expanding rapidly. are you the future and why are you going to destroy your rivals? >> i think in the casual dining space where we focused, we're focusing on getting a great experience for the guest. we're also trying to really have an him pact impact on the bott the restaurant and our business model makes it essentially tree to the restaurant. >> let's talk about the rivals. presto is one of them. why are you better? what do you do different? >> the biggest thing we do is we're working in about 1200, 1300 vaubtsrestaurants.
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we have competition in a couple hundred restaurants. and the biggest differentiation we've made is we've done it so that it really contributes to the bottom line of the restaurant. >> how? >> well, we create incremental revenue streams that s s that s share in. >> are you killing jobs? >> not at all. when we go in a restaurant, it enables the server to spend more time in the restaurant. our customers want to devote the extra time to customer service, not by taking out labor. >> but that doesn't make any sense. if i don't need to call over the waitress to get my check, i can do it on ziosk, what she is it is gradually going to be diminished. so the restaurant will say this is working perfectly well,ky cut down on my head count.
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>> guests come in to be served. this they see it as an extension of the server. so if you look at what happens to gust satisfaction, it increases and believe it or not, tips -- >> i would say tips go up. >> yes, tips go up. part of it is that normally when you get to do a tip is when it you're the most dissatisfied because it may have taken you 10 or 11 minutes to leave. with the ziosk, it's a minute, you're happy and you've had a great service. >> do you split the tip 50/50 with the machine? how do you spend the money? those are bad jokes. >> can i put one thing out there? you've got one of these in the middle of the table. you take your family to chili's. is it killing family conversation? because i believe you can play games on this thing. you can watch programs. i don't want my kids sitting there playing games in the middle of the table. >> obviously you control that. if you go around any restaurant today, what you'll see is multiple kids on smartphones.
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so what happens with this, we've designed to have communal games that either kids can play with each other or parents or grandparents can lplay with kid. that's way better than just being buried in the phone. >> i can put the phone in my handbag. i can't put the ziosk in my handbag. >> you can push it to the end of the tailble. i'm sure you would be able to control it. >> you're an excellent parent. no problem. >> trust me, i've used the tablet before. thank you. something is very, very wrong when a company files for bankruptcy without giving a reason. we'll dig in on that. what went wrong to gt advanced tech. plus the details behind this incredible piece of video. nobody got hurt. unbelievable. the conference call.
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wh whatsapp up from the earlier price this year. facebook currently up over a quarter percent. >> the show has a facebook page. >> we do indeed. >> and my tube and we face. we also want to take a look at gt advance technologies. this is a big story. stock not a misprint, down 91%. it surprised everybody by filing for bankruptcy. bob, a couple months ago, this was a $20 stock being lumped in with apple in a good way. what happened? >> sapphire crystals mixes with glass, helps strengthen it and the hope was that it might replace gorilla glass. take a look about a month ago, when the announcement was made about the iphone, there you see the decline. that was about september 9 or so. we saw almost a 25% drop in the stock over a two day period. that's when it was revealed we
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found out that it wasn't going to be in the iphone 6, components may be in the iwatch. but the big wait was for the iphone 6. didn't happen. and this really came out of nowhe nowhere, the company filed for bankruptcy. they say they're still viable, but here's the problem everybody had. why did the market droop around 10: 10:00? take a look at the russell 2000. dwl when the announcement came out, we were positive on the day. russell immediately started heading south. good parts of strong u cap universe and the thinking is there are general valuations with some of the small cap names. i don't want to blame it all on
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gt, but it certainly caused some issues in small cap land. >> so many questions left unanswered. will they still supply apple watch in. >> i think the implication is that they definitely you will continue to supply. can continue that in bankruptcy. you can see by the stock people weren't anticipating that they were so reliant on apple. and by the way they didn't exactly say what has been going on and why they decided to declare bankruptcy. we need to get more information. >> you've been doing this a long time. there is something that stinkses here. this is not the as if drury corporation had a contract with sullivan hiinc. i canceled my contract and she had to file for bankruptcy. gt had a small deal here and there, but people were buying the stock on the expectation of a contract.
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they didn't lose a customer, right? they just never gained one. >> and apparently there was a lot of questions about how reliant they were on this particular company. and the spending. so we need more information. the company has not really said that much about why they decided to file for bankruptcy. >> they ran out of money. >> usually the problem. >> i'm speculating. >> speculation is what gets people into trouble .first place. that was a lesson you were just giving. time for something we do every day at this time. street talk every day but saturday and sunday. these are the stocks that you need to know about. first stock is a double call. morgan stanley upgrading burger king to overweight. up 2%.
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downgrading mcdonald's, that stock down, as well. burger king, target, $38. by the way, burger king now offering ten nuggets for 1. $49. >> wow. how can they even make ten nuggets for $1.49? >> depends on what is in them. >> get ready to rev your engines. >> rbc upgrading harley dade son to outperform. first new line of bikes in over a decade. they like the valuation. potential earnings up side. target 70 bucks. 16% up side. i was just # halfly new smuseum milwaukee. awesome. >> and ever corps cut to go und
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underweight. stock at $20.90. a 50% haircut. they see a 50% drop because western union likely to offer a contender in the lower cost money transfer business. >> next up, up 2% to $71.67 and they were upgraded to overweight at morgan stanley. their target on data 84 bucks. >> what do we do at the end of street talk? >> up sdnder the radar name. global star. >> yeah, gsat the company. starting with a buy rating and $5 target. it's not a small cap. it's a little k06r78 complicate there is a new rule. if it was implemented, if, okay, global star could be used for buy about 33% more wi-fi out and
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that this is one of the most significant and underfollowed opportunities. one person's opinion. look at the stock, there are people coming out in defense of global star. >> up 86% over the past year. >> and it got crushed today on the news. but we're pointing out there are firms trying to help them. we hit a stock and that stock is walmart. getting teamner to the health care space. ari, how does wmt look? >> technically, i'd avoid it. upper end $80.
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do i want to buy it or just the s. s&p? i buy the s&p 500. let's look at my second chart. walmart relative to the benchmark s&p 500. no signs of a base. 200 day still falling lower. i think it continues to yu s ts underperform. i'm avoiding walmart. >> what about the fundamentals, erin? >> for us walmart is a hold. i don't have it in any of my portfolios. we're certainly not looking to get in at this point. the news about the health care is really what walmart has been doing across the board, offering services to get people to come into walmart and spend more money. so they won't make any money off of offering this health care services. it will be done through a consultant through direct just another way on get people in the door more often, more frequently, like with their banking services they announced. now, if these plans come through and we can see that increased
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traffic, because that's a big concern with any retailers is seeing more traffic coming in, and we finally see the economy growing and people having a little more cash this thein the pocket, that's great because walmart has a wonderful sticky customer coming in with more hone. but these are a lot of fs. ifs. so until we see some catalysts, i'm not positive on it. thank you very much. a big ebola update. >> that's right. the first case contracted outside of west africa, a spanish nurse. spanish health minister telling us the spanish nurse tested positive for ebola. she started to feel sick september 30 after i guess having treated a spanish priest who had passed away.
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she had immediately gone on vacation i guess. they say they put an emergency rote coal emergency into place to guarantee citizens safety. they don't know how she contracted the virus as they say there were strict controls in place. they say treatment could be available this evening. now, again the news is that a spanish nurse has contracted ebola, the first consideration of the virus outside of the three countries in west africa that are affected. >> meg, thank you very much. coming up next, a chinese company paying nearly $2 billion for one iconic new york hotel. is more chinese investment in u.s. real estate coming down the pike? why the answer is almost definitely yes. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] your love for trading never stops, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 even on the go. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 open a schwab account, and you could earn tdd# 1-800-345-2550 300 commission-free online trades.
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it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. another great example of chi niz investment in u.s. real estate. $2 billion for one iconic hotel and the chinese company won't even run the place. robert fla
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robert frank is live in manhattan. >> reporter: a watershed moment. this has become the next home for chinese flight capital paying $1.95 billion, the most expensive hotel ever sold in the u.s.. as part of the deal, hilltop wi hilton will continue managing it, but they are getting an entire city block of real estate in the center of midtown manhattan. chinese and russians pouring money into commercial real estate and also whether the president will continue staying here now that there is a foreign buyer. this has been one of the most secure hotels. back to you. >> all right. joining us now, you think about back in the day, they thought
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about buying part of central park. >> buying up australia in the 1980s. >> couldn't give it away. but you know what i mean. do you think this will have that same outrage or are people over the zenographic type thing is this. >> i think this is a win/win for everyone. chinese are happy with a 3% investment. blackstone needs 9% or 10% or more. so they will put the capital to work, get their usual 9% or 10%. so they're playing an arbitrage here in the difference between what the insurance company is expecting and what they're getting. so for them, it's absolutely win/win. and there is nothing chinese love more than real he is sasse. a full block. the brand. and think about how brilliant jonathan gray is. he gets to keep the management for 100 years.
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>> what? >> he gets to keep the management. the waldorf is keeping the management. so chinese will own it, waldorf will manage it for 100 years. all the cash flow. they generally get 40% of every dollar that comes into that hotel. so for them, this is win/win/win. >> and the win for the actual hotel itself and those lucky enough to stay there, it's tired and need as lot of money to restore it. >> and i'm sure when they were going through it,s a lot of mon restore it. >> and i'm sure when they were going through it, how do we maximize this asset. we have the waldorf towers. $165,000 a month for the suite, but we have to put a lot of money into it. there are too many condos in the area. this was a phenomenal genius exit strategy for them. >> what does this deal say about
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the other hotels in new york? like is this kind of like a sports team that is sort of a middle of the road, somebody wildly overpays for and suddenly all the other teams are -- >> i don't think they overpaid for it. i think it is a fair value. and i think the plaza when they're able to sell it will eclipse that sale. so i think the plaza will sell 2.2, 2.4. so i think we're seeing the beginning of that trend with this sale. >> but you would say that. >> no actually, i wouldn't. i've gotten e-mails all morning from chinese investors saying to you have do you have a trophy like that we can buy. so this is real i'm information. >> we have to leave it there. thank you very much. >> how do you borrow $70,000 in student loans and end up owing $270,000? it happened. the story ahead. and the amazing video that
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the past month. brent crude down and that's good news for you. 10% of the country's stations reporting prices under $3 a gallon. where is the cheapest gas in the whole country? well, apparently, columbia, missouri, claiming it at $2.97 but i paid that last week in new jersey. stuff it, columbia. >> wow! that was a little passionate. >> i'm just -- i'm kidding. >> you had three hours sleep and just finally coming to the -- >> it is, it is. if people don't know, i have a 3-week-old at home and i'm 43 an it's not working. student loans payments, according to recent data, the next guest co-wrote an op-ed calling student loan debt a federal toxic asset. what can be dub to stem the debt crisis? let's bring in eric best of
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jacksonville state university and sharon epperson, as well. it's quite an article you wrote and sounds shocking and i can't honestly see a viable solution in sight. >> well, thank you for having me, mandy. we're quite concerned about student loans, too. both for the average student and essentially for much older students that went back to school later in life or even people that borrowed money for their children and one of the big concerns for us is going on with borrowers in the 50s and 60s. >> that's -- i mean, that is, eric, a tragic situation for many of them. i think the real issue, though, is that there's not been enough education about how to pay back these loans and the importance of never being delinquent or defaulting on the loan because of the amount of money to add to your repayment. and to the amount of the loan that you have. you talk in the op-ed piece about a woman hypothetically who borrowed $70,000 for graduate
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school and now ballooned to $270,000. >> yep. >> almost quadrupling. >> that's what we teased. how does that happen? >> we don't know exactly. >> my mortgage debt unless i have a negative amortization and paying nothing and rolls up, it will never go up. >> here's how. >> may not go down. >> we don't know how much money she borrowed as an undergraduate and whether this was private loans or federal loans or a combination and how many times if ever she was delinquent or defaulted and add with collection costs up to 16% to 25% to the loan balance, so any time you fall into that category, and one out of every $5 of direct and federal student loans not made on time that's the problem. that's why they have to know where to go for repayment plans. >> maybe you can answer the question. how does it happen? is it happening a lot, eric? >> it's happening more and more. one of the things that we found very interesting when my
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co-author joel and i started looking into student loans is that students graduating today who are almost universally eligible for income-based repayment are still defaulting three years out of school at a current rate of 13.7%. and so, even when we have a frame work in place to make sure that nobody should default, there's a communication error in letting the students know that there are ways to avoid issues. >> i think that comes down, eric, i don't know where you want to put the blame, probably a lot of different places, but with the servicer, the student knowing what the options are but the servicer being able to explain always what some of the different options are and differences in different terms in terms of repayment. ten years versus 15 or 20 years and what your monthly payment will be. so often we look at this big, total amount that is owed in terms of student loans and not how much to cost the person every month and that's how they have to think about it managing that versus car payment as well
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as the rent and potentially a mortgage. >> all right. good discussion, sharon. >> oh. >> we have to leave it there. >> eric, we have to leave it there. it's a topic not going away any time soon. the amazing video you have to see to believe is coming up. how did these people survive? a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what's next. today could be the day. the day we give you hope. relief. a cure. today, we believe every life deserves world-class care. as one of the top four hospitals in the nation,
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rally race in italy. the driver pokes it too much.
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amazing. the car flips over the girls on the wall. they were fine. one fainted scared. nobody, not passengers, not fans injured, lucky. >> hall lou gentleman. luckiest people in the world today. thank you for watching "street signs," everybody. >> first trading day of the week. >> "closing bell." yes, hello, and welcome to "the closing bell" on this monday. i'm kelly evans at the new york stock exchange. >> welcome back. >> good to be here. hi, bill. >> i'm bill griffith back at the cnbc headquarters today with an hour to go in the trading day. we have had volatility and look at the markets trying to hang on to friday's huge gains after the strong jobs report. we'll take you to the close and we have these stories we're following, as well. more reaction and fallout of the hewlett-packard plan to split into two companies. it is prompting a lot of folks on wall street t


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