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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  November 3, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EST

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it was nearly a $65 stock back then and up to around 83 in today's trade. let's check the overall market. the dow jones industrial average is positive but only by about four points. the nasdaq is up 15 and the s&p is up about 4 on the trading session. >> that will do it for "power lunch." >> "street signs" starts now. > the dow really is on hold. you have all eyes on what we are calling the three es, the election, earnings and the economy. we will find out what the most important one is for you and your money and what you need to know heading into it. it is historically the strongest of the year for the stock market. >> the dow and s&p set new record highs while the nasdaq
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set a new 14 1/2 year high. >> it is the third, not the second or the fourth. goldilocks had the three bears, steve martin had the three amigos and we have the three es, elections, earnings, economy. huge elections may swap the power of the senate. what are the key races? earnings, are they good enough to keep stocks rocking the final months of the year. and another big week for the economy. recent data has been good. the question is, will it continue? so let's get going and start with the first e. michael far joining us from washington. to you and your clients. how important is this election for stocks? >> historically it has been very important. we look back 20 years ago and actually 20 years ago we were in the middle of president clinton's first time. newt gingrich was coming up with a contract for america and the
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republicans swept. we are set up to do that again. in the two years that followed that gingrich takeover we saw a 53% increase in stock prices. could it happen again? markets already high, we are in the third year of a presidential cycle, all of the news feels very good, all of the precedents are very positive but i'm still worried. >> why? >> i'm worried because of valuations and i'm worried because everybody is singing songs of sunshine right now. the market is up almost 200% since the lows of march 2009 after the great financial crisis. we are way up. we are making all-time highs at 17,000 plus and people continue to talk about good news. nobody is looking down as to what might happen. so when it feels too good to be true and it kind of feels that way now, i kind of want to make sure that i have a chair nearby when the music stops.
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>> bringing it back to the political implications. what is the worst outcome? >> i think six to eight seats are being counted on in the senate. they are counting on absolutely hands down winning the house. i think the reporting has been an excellent job. if we get a surprise i don't see how anything could possibly change in the house. if, for some reason, the democrats retain control of the senate then that would be quite a surprise to wall street. i think you could see some selling just from the surprise. i'm not make ag political comment but i don't think that would be greeted warmly. >> after tomorrow assuming what is most important thing on your
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radar post election? >> i go back to what we start to hear in the early comments out of perhaps the new leadership, if we do see a change, in the senate. as to their agenda, what is going to happen with immigration? what is going to happen with the continuation of any kind of sequester, what they are going to do economically, any of the stop gap measures still on the table? if we hear something more conciliatory that we might actually see these guys working together then i'm not holding my breath because i'm here in washington and they are not good at any of that, but any of that i think is really important. are we going back to more grid lock? will they start telling americans what americans have told them we don't want to hear? some sort of progress would be from capitol hill in those early days would be very encouraging i think to markets. >> we brought you on to answer questions but i feel like you threw out more questions than
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answers. thank you very much for joining us and the scaffolding feels a little symbolic. >> i would be happy but make sure get out and vote. >> thank you very much. the next e is earnings. nearly 75% of s&p companies have already reported and about 75% of them have beaten earnings estimates. so with another key week of results for the markets to digest, what do we need to know? andrew berkeley, good of you to join us today. feels like concerns about global growth and fears about the strong dollar, none of those seem to impact to a significant degree. are we putting the concerns off to the current quarter or maybe next year? >> i think earnings have been pretty solid. i think that is most important of the three es. three quarters of companies beat on the eps line. that is a little bit above long-term average. the top line is right about at
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the average. probably most compelling thing about the earnings season is guidance has not been nearly as negative as most people thought coming into the reporting season. we were right in the heart of ebola and european fears as companies start to report. there was doom and gloom in terms of what company and management would be saying. they have been really upbeat especially with the u.s. economy. a lot of companies talk about how solid the u.s. is right now especially on the manufacturing side. earnings have come in pretty good. that will continue to support the market here. >> i will say it for the billionth time. the stock price can only be the future value of earnings. so are you happy? sounds like you are with the numbers in relation to the valuation of the s&p 500? >> if you look at next 12 month earnings about $128 on a 2000
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s&p that is about 15 1/2 times. certainly versus other asset classes like bonds, stocks are very cheap. so you have the whole asset allocation argument and you have the argument of the u.s. better than the rest of the world at this point which should bring flows into the u.s. >> i was just going to say we have certainly learned you can't always rely on seasonallities. november considered to be seasonally a strong month. hopefully buybacks support the market. do you think this is going to be a strong month and season? >> i think it will. sometimes it is for different reasons. a lot of people look at who controls congress and what the president does. a lot of that will bring you to a democratic president but a lot of it goes back to clinton and the 1990s. so when you think about season ality you have this big
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performance chasing momentum that is going on right now. we know about eight out of ten mutual funds are under performing and hedge funds are having a difficult time, as well. for those professionals that want to get paid they will have to keep embracing risk and chasing the market higher. >> there ain't no sunshine when she is gone. we have sunshine on set. here is what makes me a little bit nervous. if i go back in my sector etf view over the past month, utilities, aero space, health care and reits most defensive where people go and people tend to get nervous. >> with the exception of health care, health care has not been a defensive area. it's really been a bull market leader. it makes new highs. >> reits and utilities then? they do well when things are bad. >> it is the yield play. when rates have come down they have done better.
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as economies continue to do better here we look like the fourth quarter could be the third consecutive quarter with growth which could start to push rates up higher. i don't think they will do as well in the last six months as they have. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> he apparently read our scripts because he knows the third e is the economy. what can we expect for the job market? let's welcome in brian sullivan, chairman and ceo of ct partners. you are a handsome man. >> and yourself. >> it's like looking in the mirror. two loads of bs here. >> you guys put out a great risk of what you call the hot jobs of 2015. where are the jobs going to be? >> we are going from your es to
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our ds. it is about data. it's about digital. it's about disruption and it is about diversity. and if we start off with data, big data has been around for a bit and it istypically focused on cyber security and making sure that that is done. what we are seeing now is that the real sophisticated companies are changing the way that chief marketing officers think and they have actually come up with a person situation head where they are dissecting buying habits of different subgroups, putting them together so that they can market to them all based on data analytics. >> you can pretty much throw jobs that are evolving into any sector, financials, retail. >> it is really getting some traditionalests nervous. they used to be big picture, big brand, big concept, big ideas. >> big martinis at lunch. >> those are gone. >> now we are throwing in a big
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dose of mathematics and those people are getting heavily involved with the actual digitizing and the analytics of buying behaviors. >> so say a middle aged guy comes up to you and says i want to change careers. my career is in jeopardy, what are the one or two skills that you would recommend to that person to be able to find a meaningful, well paying career for the next 15 or 20 years? >> once you get into the middle ages it is about being able to influence others in a leadership capacity. your technical knowledge is pretty much there. nobody is going to learn how to program in their mid 40s or so. there are entrepreneurial routes that you can go, getting into the franchise industry. you have 25 years of contacts made up, it is quite often that these people can generate opportunities for you as an independent consultant. what i'm really excited about is the third and fourth d which is
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disruption and diversity. the disruption piece is all about we have had more ipos this past year. you have to have a chief financial officer with public experience and you have to have an investor relations person. and those are two things that your typical private company ceo -- >> and they are very savvy with social media these days, as well. that hypothetical person who says my job is in jeopardy, where am i going to find a job? what sector is that person coming from? >> there has been a complete shift in the financial services business where the typical big investment banks now have not been huge hires. the regional banks have stepped up and this is an opportunity for them to grow. we have seen a significant shift from those people into the regional banks. and those banks are on fire and making an awful lot of money. >> your final d was diversity. dig in. >> in ten years, 16% of our
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population will go from being white caucasian to multi cultural. it is coming. so if your stakeholders, if your employees, if your suppliers aren't of a diverse nature you are going to be left behind. the big ceos and chros are in tune with this. >> your market needs to reflect it. >> absolutely. >> changing face of make. >> that's right. >> brian sullivan. pleasure to have you on the show. >> say it again. >> thank you very much. something just happened in housing that has not happened in 30 years. we are going to tell you what that is coming up. and wall street is raising a big red flag over one housing-related stock. we will bring you that name when "street signs" comes back.
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the dow jones industrial average is up three points. >> 0.02% change. >> but i think the market is probably waiting for tomorrow with the elections. it's a big deal tomorrow. today people are getting their ducks in order, if you will. about half the dow components are up. >> something is happening in housing that really has not happened since ronald reagan was in the white house. let's get to diana.
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what is it? >> it's not such great news. it's an ever diminishing share of first-time home buyers. we expected them to be coming back as the economy improved, jobs improve and prices recover in the housing market but they are now just a 33% share of home buyers according to a new report from the realtors and that is the lowest in nearly three decades. why? you could say it is prices. i want you to take a look at what is right behind me. this is in a very residential neighborhood in d.c. we are not talking about downtown where all the young folks are and clubs and bars are. this is where the rental development is happening, not just in d.c. but all over the country. on either side are single family homes, picket fences and back yards but there is this new demand for rental in residential neighborhoods. that is where developers are going and putting a premium on prices here because first time home buyers want this.
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>> where is the demand coming from? >> the demand in home buying is from move up buys on the upper end. we blame so much of this on the millennials saying young folks don't want to buy homes but what is dropping out is my generation because so many in my generation lost their homes to foreclosure. when you look around the nation and you look at the millions of people who were turned into renters a lot of them want to come back into home buying, they are repairing their credit but many are saying that is not going to be me again or they still have longer to wait to repair their credit and get money for a down payment. really with home buying it is the millennials. diana mentioned -- excuse me. >> this is an age thing or something else perhaps?
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chairman -- my coughing aside you will forgive me. diana said generation x. where is it coming from? >> the generation x, maybe we can join a group session on the topic. as a gen xor i can tell you how it turned out. we know about the folks that want to move down or retire and about the millennials. the gen x went into a buzz saw buying until 2005. a lot of us were sold on the n concept that you took it to the teeth during the dot com things. those were intangibles. you can't go wrong with real estate. i am still not talking to my
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realtor that i bought a house from in 2006. >> everybody is moaning and groaning about millennials. we got burned in the stock market in 2000 wiped out. then we go into housing and buy at eight times income. >> after you build up again and then i'm going to finally invest in bricks and mortar and then you are burned out again. what about the millennials. are they scared about having see that happen to the older generation. >> that is the red herring is that the millennials don't appear to be culturally against homeownership. what is killing them is two things, demographics, credit and capacity. so the demographics, they are starting households later. they are getting married later. they are having kids later and as your guest before just indicated you are seeing a lot
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fewer non-hispanic whites which is predominantly the highest concentration of buyers in the market place. the second and third thing is credit. lenders are so tight on credit because the government has been so heavy handed on the enforcement of manufacturing defects and defaults. and the third is the capacity. these guys, the millennials are saddled with high student loans. >> it is interesting about housing is that it is a trickle up economy. the first-time buyer at the bottom of the scale is perhaps the most important buyer in the whole process because if that person can't move from renter to buyer then the person trying to sell the home can't go anywhere or are sitting on two mortgages which for most people is unacceptable. >> they are the ones driving the demand. they create the opportunity for the gen x to sell and then move up.
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they are critical. remember it is the home buyering particularly on the new home purchase that is so critical to gdp, new home construction, the services and demands that happen after the purchase drive gdp up to about 20%. >> big chunk. thank you very much for joining us. not necessarily with good news but thank you for joining us. take a look at the housing reit. this is a big story and only getting bigger. down more than 6% today but got absolutely wiped out last week. it follows reports that the company may be facing a criminal investigation by federal prosecutors over alleged accounting areas. they are in almost every state out there. reuters reached out to the company. we had been calling analysts. no one seems to want to touch this one. this company was involved with darden restaurants because they
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bought some of the physical space from the red lobster spin off. this is one of the biggest reits out there that in the last two or three trading sessions is down over 30% and may be facing a criminal investigation. >> they have since replaced their cfo. there was the news today that rcf capital called off the deal and apparently they didn't give a reason and obviously it is pushing back a little bit and said they need a reason for this but one could maybe speculate a little bit that it is obviously due to what you mention. >> the one guy ahead of it has built it as a roll up. i talked to three people in the real estate industry space today and they said they are concerned that it may have been growing a bit too fast. we will see what criminal
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prosecutors do if anything. which car makers were hot and which were not last month? the october sales numbers are coming in. coming up we speak exclusively with that guy, jack lief and why he thinks his drug will be the one to beat in the billion dollar weight loss war. stick around.
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tech stocks holding strong with the nasdaq sitting at a 14 1/2 year high. >> it is really all about apple. apple accounting for about ten points of upside on the nasdaq 100. looking at apple's real time market cap this afternoon it is at about $641 billion. that is the size of exon and chevron combined. the chips are really what is doing it. they are really coming up here. this is a seasonally strong time for chips and tech. a lot of us looking for devices for the holidays. you have new highs there. the philadelphia semi conductor index about 2% from its high back in september and the
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transports guys here, jet blue and spirit, they are all looking pretty good. back to you. >> thank you very much. so we are now beginning to get a clearer picture of how auto makers did last month. let's get to phil lebeau. i was listening on the radio this morning driving to work when i heard the gm numbers come out y. thought those are not particularly good. anybody looking particularly good? >> there were some winners definitely. not a lot of them. remember, we are facing fairly tough comparisons with october of last year. three winners really stood out when you look at last month. subaru, best month ever, best october ever, we should say. sales increasing 25% last month. they are also joined there by chrysler with an increase of 21.7%. we talked about how red hot jeep has been and nissan a gain of 13.3%. speaking of nissan let's talk about the leaf. with gas under $3 a gallon you
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would say to yourself shouldn't the sales be down. they were up last month. leaf sales up 29.3%. by comparison look at the chevy volt. sales down 28.8%. signally, the toyota prius, it used to be red hot. when gas is under $3 not so much. prius down 13.5% last month. i just checked in with ford fusion hi brids down 16%. when you are talking about electrics and hybrids you have tesla reporting after the bell on wednesday. it will be interesting to see what kind of impact. >> can you explain why leaf sales were up so much and volt sales down so much? what is the difference between the two? >> aggressive pricing. right now 0% financing and aggressively marketing that right now and offering leases at $199 a month. i don't care what vehicle you are selling.
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you tell people they can get into a vehicle for under $200 they are interested. >> the volt is too expensive. i'm saying it as a consumer, as a car guy. it is too pricey. >> we have a new one coming. we'll see if they get that pricing better. two stocks that wall street says you have to sell. street talk coming up. the latest move by red lobster to get itself out of hot water. "street signs" is back after the break.
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will that be all, sir? thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it?
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you do with comcast business. and often even more. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. oil absolutely falling off a cliff the last hour or so of trading. $78.60 a barrel. wti crude just closing down $2 a barrel, lowest price in over two years? >> i think so. i think part of the problem here is the saudis came out and they raised the price of asian crude for december but they cut the u.s. price which is obviously weighing on wti there. >> they are giving oil away. the best performing stock on the s&p 500 right now is tso. a lot of people say lower
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prices, bad for refiners because they will buy it cheaper but margins might get squeezed. tso, the single best performer on the s&p 500 right now. time for something we do every day at this time, "street talk." the first one is getting cut to sell. >> their target is 57.50, about 15% below current price. results did not impress main street. guidance was conservative. stock is up nearly 40% this year and analysts saying the results, the guidance didn't justify the move the stock has had. moving to dairy with dean foods getting downgrade at stevens. >> stevens saying sell. this is interesting. dean foods likely to trip debt cov nns this quarter and that creditors could force dean foods to suspend the dividend.
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their target is at 12. the stock is at 14. you can do the math. you keep in mind morgan stanley upgraded. let's take a look at upgrades. let's look at the flip side. legacy reserves being upped to a buy. >> lgcy up 4.16% right now. the company is focused on acquisitions, development of oil and natural gas properties. their target 29. that is about 30% upside. >> and wells fargo upping bio marin pharmaceutical. >> they don't do a target price but range. >> they raised their range to 103 to 107 from 72 to 76. that is minimum 24% upside. they said the bio tech company is laying a solid sales foundation that does limit risks. >> today's under the radar name
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is hyperion. >> bio tech working with orphan diseases. started with a buy at roth capital. the target $34, about 35% upside. >> let's move on to talking numbers, shall we? >> we shall. that is our daily look from a stock from both the fundamental and technical perspective. today we are not looking at a stock. >> we are looking at dollar index. craig johnson on the technicals. mark lictenfield. craig to you, technically the
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dxy looks good setting up against other major currencies, how do you see it? >> we think king dollar is back. we are bullish on the dollar. what we point out to all of the listeners here today is look at the long term down trend reversal we have seen in the dollar index looking back all the way to 2006. we think, again, that we are setting ourselves up for another leg higher. i point out that the next resistance level is at about 88 and after that it is 92. we think over the next six to 12 months that some of the levels will be touched. the stronger economy should lead to a stronger dollar which should be bullish for equities. >> what about the chart? do they suggest higher and higher for king dollar? >> talk about the fundamentals and it should go higher. as craig said, a stronger economy should mean a stronger dollar and the economy is getting stronger. it is not an economic utopia but
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certainly better than most places in the rest of the world. in japan we had the big announcement that they are instituting quantitative easing. in europe the same thing is expected in the near future. if that happens we should see a ceiling on the euro and the yen. don't forget they compromise 70% of the dollar index. we have the election here in the united states tomorrow. if the republicans pick up seats in both the senate and the house as specked that should be more grid lock in washington which means more of the status quo. i don't see a reason why the dollar would reverse meaningfully in the near future. >> we haven't done a predictions for next year yet but i'm going to just give a hint to one of mine. i believe -- i have been wrong on this because i said this two years ago -- i think the dollar will be in parity with the euro within five years. do you think that could happen? >> i mean, i think anything is possible. >> do you think it will happen? >> five years is a long timeframe. >> no, it won't.
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>> four for four on my predictions this year so far. very specific predictions, by the way. >> well done. thank you. be sure to check out the online edition of "talking numbers" in partnership with yahoo finance. >> was i supposed to not say five years? a one-year thing? >> if it is my predictions for 2015 it is supposed to be a one-year prediction. >> i predict in the next three generations. >> that's what you do. i'm from the jury school of predictions. >> it will happen eventually. there you go. oil sliding into the close with crude closing at 2.5 year low. 78 and change. "street signs" will be right back. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] your love for trading never stops, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 even on the go. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 open a schwab account, and you could earn
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loss drug are on the rise. prescriptions increasing by about 30% over the past quarter. here now is jack lief president and ceo of arena pharmaceuticals. thanks for coming on the program. >> my pleasure. >> bio tech results notoriously difficult to read because so much of what your price is optimism about drug sales in the future. give our audience reason to be optimistic in what is increasingly a crowded space. >> well, we had a very, very good quarter, very solid, very solid earnings that beat expectations. we see continuing good performance with belviq. third quarter was basically flat for the entire weight management
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market, nevertheless belviq had a 30% quarter over quarter increase versus the second quarter. in fact, since launch last year almost half a million prescriptions have been filled for belviq and those have been written by about 60,000 health care providers. so the trend is good. momentum is good. we look forward to great things in the future. >> talking about some of those great things, some of your studies have shown that maybe belviq could be used for smoking sesation. how many more studies do you think you have to do on that and what is the potential there? >> the potential is big. obviously, in this country 40 million adults still smoke. that's about 19% of the adult population. so it's a very, very big market.
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cigarettes are becoming more and more expensive so it's not a trivial habit to be engaged in. the average smoker in our study smoked 18 cigarettes a day. so these were pretty confirmed smokers. and the good news here is that we showed three times as many patients in our study on the standard dose of belviq lost or at least stopped smoking versus placebo. so keep in mind that our belviq is indicated for chronic weight management and now we're exploring other indications. so obviously we need to other studies -- >> quickly, jack. millions of americans are overweight or obese. millions of americans still smoke. you have a drug that goes after both but your stock is down from
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11 to 4 in the last 2 1/2 years. why don't you think your stock is getting more respect on the street given the size of your markets? >> well, keep in mind that only about 2% of patients who are obese are actually taking prescription medication. and i think part of the reason that physicians are reluctant to prescribe is that prior drugs have not lived up to their press, their potential. so physicians are a bit skeptical about using pharmacal therapy, some physicians are. we are seeing that changing. as i said, 60,000 physicians have already prescribed belviq. >> thank you so much for joining us. we'll get you on again to talk more about belviq further down the trek. hey, big spender, talking about you and how you
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arefluencing tomorrow's vote. we will sift through the retail stock bin and try to find bargains, names that are down in the last month and this year. you'll be surprised at who they are. we will tell you who they are coming up.
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let's take another look at what crude is up to right now. we are sitting at 78.22. we saw an impact on equities, as well, around the close. polls tomorrow's elections are still a toss-up. but one thing we do know for sure is we have broken the record for the most spending on a midterm. the real question is, is all that money making a real difference? our own john harwood is here. what do you think? is it makes a difference in the outcome? >> i don't think money is going to be what decides the election. i think what likely is going to decide the election is a public mood that favors republicans and goes against democrats and president obama. but you've got to have money to get your message out and when you have a country that's divided as closely as the united states is, two red team and blue teams of equivalent size, you're going to have a huge draw of
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money to places like north carolina which is the most expensive race. colorado, iowa. all those are tipping point races that could determine whether mcconnell or reid holds the gfl and that matters to business. >> any race you can point to the money played a role in this state? this person was not doing well, they threw in another $50 million and now they're ahead? it seems like if they spent 10 bucks in every race they would have had the same poll. >> well, i think you're on to a very good point, which is, as polarized as the country is now, as locked in as most viewers' views are, it's hard to move them and almost all of the state that is are closely contested are states that are going to have money, enough money for each side to get the message out. now, you could have a case like in south dakota where unexpectedly a third party candidate, former republican jumped in the race. that caused the poll numbers of
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the republican front-runner to go down. democrats shoved in money and moved things around because it's an inexpensive state and might make a difference in an unsettled race. it's throwing good money after bad. see how many ads in the battleground states, people want to turn the tv. >> off three things impossible to find, a condor, a jet to score and an undecided voter. >> exactly. >> i'll ask a simple question. money doesn't spend itself. who is spending that money? >> of all the industry groups, wall street is the biggest. spent more than $169 million in this election. real estate's very big. health is very big. of course, obamacare, what happens to it is critical to that industry and oil and gas. remember, the climate change agenda the president is pushing makes a big difference. he says he can do it unilaterally. there are a lot of people who in the energy industry want to stop the president and a magnet for
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munl in the races. >> wall street needs political friends. thank you so much for joining us, john. >> thank you. well, for the month of october, retail sector did pretty well. as oil went down, the retailers went up. overall etf of retail up by 2.5% and a few names that did not do well. look at that. jcpenney, urban outfitters, francesco's. kohl's and target. down in the past month and the past year so these names, we dug them all. are they headed for a clearance sale or something in the clearance bin for you? dana telsi joins us now. dana, when a sector does well and some names do not do well, are they not doing well because they have a short-term problem to fix or doomed? any names that stick out for you either way? >> i think, yes. when i think of which names to do very well, i think the
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holiday season to see limited do very well. i think we'll see tiffany, ulta on the cosmetic side and there are thing that is will do well. basic apparel, you're struggling and apparel overall has been weaker than overall retail because where's the trend? where's the must have item? it's been hard to find unless you're athletic and active. >> of the names mentioned and done badly over the past month in particular, is there a commonality? is there a problem they have in common or really an individual store story? >> i think many of the names brian called out guided the third quarter same store sales results lower than expected. the minute it cam out the sales are weaker, the stocks came in. it happened with urban outfitters. same store sales were lower. jcpenney. seeing what's going to change, urban outfitters potentially do better. fourth quarter, the kohl's meeting and loyalty card program
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members. let's see if that gives a boost to the fourth quarter. >> down in the last month and year, mandy, a bunch of them are teen retailers. >> absolutely. >> so i'm thinking, dana, is this an iphone reaction? i don't want new pants. i'll wear the dirty old things. i need a new phone. that won't happen down the road and could they get a bump later on? the iphone 9 is not out yet. >> it easily could. thinking of the names to get a bump, could it be an urban outfitters getting the bump? it's a couple of quarters to be weak and seeing the online portion of urban outfitters do better than the stores portion. easily could see that. on gap, you have a new ceo coming in. the operating margins certainly room to expand. you have to get through the core gap brand until you get to the new product and frankly some began to sit in the stores over the weekend. >> okay.
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>> dana, a pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. >> looking at urban outfitters as a possible turn around. thank you. >> thank you. red lobster is going fishing for new customers with a brand new menu. that story next. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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(receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. ♪ under the sea under the sea ♪ red lobster is hoping to get out of the hot water revamping
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the menu and trimming down the land-based foods options like pork chops and soup and in favor of seafood dishes and darden restaurants sold off red lobster to an investment firm this past spring and 85% seafood opposed to 75% seafood. >> if it ain't working, change something. >> change something. brian, also, tomorrow, i believe, you are headed out west for a big show later on in the week, right? >> yeah. live at the schwab impact conference in denver, colorado -- you have the election. we'll do it on wednesday. not tomorrow. wednesday, schwab impact conference. all kinds of good guests and random stuff. roaming around a hotel lobby. who knows what can happen? denver on wednesday. anybody out there in denver, if you have a place to eat tomorrow night, some place i just have to go, let me know. i don't know denver at all.
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>> sullys@cnbc. >> yeah. >> maybe i'll look. let me know where to go. >> we had some record highs for the dow and s&p today and nasdaq at 14 1/2-year highs up by 5 points as we speak. thank you for watching. >> "closing bell" starts right now. the dow down 23. take care. and welcome to "the closing bell" on this monday. i'm kelly evans at the new york stock exchange. >> i'm bill griffith. first day of trading for november, november is upon us. >> tell us you won't grow a beard. >> i don't think they'd let me. >> only one way to find out. >> i've asked. an hour to go. we'll take you to the close. election day is tomorrow. investor -- new investor pulse survey of blackrock says 1 in 4 thine


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