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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  November 14, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EST

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favor a fresh gourmet cup. the star of the week, the chart of the week, new seven year high for the u.s. dollar. if you are watching that relationship, strong dollar, weak yen over 116. that's what you should be watching. >> you think about to a month ago on the 15th of october that was the low point for the market. and since then it has been nothing but higher. that will do it for another week of "power lunch." >> "street signs" begins right now. ♪ >> if the stock market can top one number today it will make this one of the most powerful rallies in 20 years. i know the market is not doing a lot right now but there is a number you need to focus on. we will have t for you coming up. plus, a trend in housing that should make you very nervous. and we tell you about one industry that could be the greatest money maker of all for the next decade. >> before we get to your magic number here is a special one
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that i plucked out for you. we are only half way through the fourth quarter but it is already the best quarter of the year for the dow by far. the next best is q 2 with a 369 point gain. stocks are on pace for the fourth week of gains, the best four week stretch in three years. how is that for a stat? >> not bad at all. we in the media usually love nice round numbers. we are very simple folk. the most interesting number in the market might be 2,039. i know it seems random but it is not. if the s&p 500 closes above 2,039, it will mark the 21st consecutive day the index closed above the moving average tying it with february of '96 as the second longest rally in 20 years. joining us now president and cio of boston advisers and meeks,
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paul meeks, it is kind of a random stat. maybe it means nothing but it is interesting. are you a believer in this recent market rally? >> i am a believer. i think things are going to continue favorably. i bought fairly aggressive with the market corrected in the period between mid september and mid october. whether you take a look at asset class or geography you almost default to owning u.s. stocks. i think we are going to continue to have maybe not such a robust rally but i expect '15 to be favorable for stocks. >> i hate when you say it is default position. it is no alternative. is that what you are saying? >> i think when i take a look at geographies and asset classes that is where you want to be. i don't know if fixed income is investable. you take a look at emerging
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markets some are okay and others are not. china at one point was growing very quickly. japan has structural problems and europe might double dip or triple dip into recession. >> wouldn't maybe the triple dip of europe in some weird way if it happens be good for us? >> nothing goes wrong with the stock market. >> you should know that by now. >> i wish my life was like this. >> i buy that argument that this is the best house in a bad neighborhood. that is fine. we get it. this isn't going to continue forever. i don't want to take the bullish case here because i probably won't have a job soon if the market keeps going higher and higher. we think it is a fundamental difference and its behavior by the fed. we think the federal reserve has become so transparent that investors aren't worried about what the fed is going to do. historically investors were very
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concerned. this fed is not giving us any kind of upset at all. they are very transparent. what that means is investors are willing to bid up equities to 20, 25 times earnings. i think that's what is happening erhoo. every time you get a dip people use it as a chance to buy more equity. until that dynamic changes and people get their fingers burnt it is higher and higher. >> at the moment we are cruising along at record highs. it is low volume, a little bit sleepy. almost like we are cruising at 30,000 feet. you say maybe the path of least resistance is higher. what can bring us turbulence here? >> the momentum in the market my guess is we will probably cross that soon. some of the early fuel, some of the really, really hot, dry tinder has been burned off. it wouldn't surprise us if we come back to 2000 natural point
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of resistance. unless you were smart enough to buy, put all of your eggs in the basket at the bottom of the market after the correction it is tough to chase this market here. >> i'm not going to correct something mike said but i think we need to amend something we and he and everybody else had been saying for a while. we are not, i don't think, the best house in a bad neighborhood anymore. it looks more and more like we are the only house in the neighborhood. where else in the world are you going to go unless you want to throw money in venezuela and hope they default and not get racked out in currency. where else are we going to go? >> i think there are a couple of scattered countries in the emerging markets, philippines, for example, that might be attractive. i wouldn't say the emerging markets as a whole are attractive. besides that i don't want to say default but i come back to u.s. equities. >> i'm sorry, but i hope you are
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not going to recommend to your client, grandma jones, throw some money at manila. >> whether it is investing abroad or in my domestic fund is i try to be very opportunistic. every time i buy a stock i have a precise and tight buy limit. when you have the period where the market goes down 10% as it did between september 19 and october 15 then i buy. no matter how i feel i'm going to stay on the sidelines to my favorite stocks come to my prices. what happens since i am a technology investor there is volatility i do get some shots. what happened in that period between mid september and mid october that some of my favorite tech names did not go down 10% while the s&p 500 may have gone down 20 to 30 which made them great long term buys. >> how much are you factoring oil prices into your predictions for stock market. good for consumers and certain
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sectors like airlines, transports, et cetera. i'm sure money managers are feeling pain with the particular trade and there could be forced selling. >> that is probably true. the biggest impact is really the price of oil. it costs less money to fill up your gas tank and heat your house. there is a little extra money and consumer discretionary might see a goose there. the real worry about energy prices is it is simply showing more deflation around the globe. that is why emerging markets is struggling and europe is struggling. we haven't been able to avoid it because of strong action by the fed. inflation is nowhere to be found around the globe at least in the developed countries. >> since stats appear to be the theme of the show i will throw it out there courtesy of bank of america. 50% of all government bonds in the world are now trading below 1% in yield. >> unbelievable.
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>> thank you. since you are probably wondering what the longest stretch is of consecutive days above the five-day moving average because 21 is tied for number two. 23 is the record. it was done twice, once in december of 1996 and the other in july of 1998. each time it happened the market fell a few percent in the weeks to follow. >> i love those stats. is the dow almost screaming that it is headed to higher levels? joining us is john malloy. welcome to the show. you brought your mega phone along. >> why did you thank her twice and not me? >> you made the point about manila stocks and lost me. you think investing in manila is a good idea now? >> no. that is my point. >> not since mohammed ali a better opportunity.
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>> you have stats inside your manila folder. >> i will dumb down the show a little bit and look at the mega phone pattern. it is a dumb pattern but there is smart analysis behind it. my source chris kimble sent this to me. if you look at the graphic it has been 14 years in the making. so why is it a mega phone. you have the upper band there the high is back going back to 1998 and then the lows extending back through the credit crisis that we just had and most recently now we have gone to the upper band. so now the mega phone pattern is complete now. you would think that to keep following we would have to have a lower low and go back and drop and go lower back to where we were with the credit crisis and worse. >> lower than the march 2009 lows to maintain that pattern. >> sounds far fetched with the pattern has been holding. we have been doing this, creating this mega phone. now in october, though, the good
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news is we broke out of the pattern and broken out of the upper band and staying here. so what is said if we can stay above the upper band and stay strong which we have the last few days here and was quite a move in october, tremendous move off the lows that maybe we were making the drop back, got a little scary. we are up 11% from the lows. we are staying above that. if we can stay above that and above 17,000 and keep marching there and marching higher then we are in safe territory. we are saying good bye to the mega phone pattern and the market is forming a more bullish pattern. >> if we close above it. if we fail we could be in big trouble. >> the problem but also the technical analysis is more of an art than science. we have to stay above it. got to keep closing above that. if we keep closing above 17,000 and higher we are forming a new
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pattern. who knows? we have to stay above it. we could tomorrow fall below that. we have wiggle room. we have 600 points plus. the market is looking healthier is the bottom line. >> does that seem like he dumbed it down to you? >> i don't think he dumbed it down at all. >> where is the nerd alert hat? >> because of the dow mega phone market goes up. >> thank you very much. you have a microphone, mega phone. >> you have a mega phone to both sides of you. >> you do. >> good stuff, john. >> thanks. >> i like the fact that you are feeding into our stat theme of the day. >> i loved it. i hope i was the peak of that segment. >> you were the best part of the end of the a block without a doubt. a strong message to homeowners, don't use your house
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as a credit card. big warnings about a refiboom that appears to be re-igniting. shark tank star and investor will be joining us with why he thinks we are engaged in a new cold war. he'll explain when "street signs" returns.
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we have heard about cyber security attacks so often we barely blink an eye. whether it is an e-mail hack or credit card breach these are violations of our privacy leaving us exposed and in some cases helpless. robert, great to have you with us once again. you think this is a major investment opportunity but of course you would. you are like a cyber security king. you profit off hacking. which particular companies do you think is showing real props in this space right now. >> i think we are at an all-time high for these kinds of attacks. this is the only crime you can commit without physically having to be there and your odds of being persecuted are basically zero. the u.s. government is never going to go to russia or china and track these people down for us. in terms of investment i like palo alto. i think the stock is doing very,
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very well. you are going to see a lot of something called firewall refresh where people have to change their infrastructure. if we are in a new cold war things like fire walls and malwear devices are the weapons. you have companied like palo alto who make a brand new next generation firewall. you have a company called check point which is the leader in the firewall space and a company i like called fire eye which recently tracked down some of the chinese hackers and they are doing very well. >> i believe you sold the first commercial firewall in canada back in 1990. you do know a thing or two about this. >> i am actually 78 years old but because i'm in hollywood i have had a lot of work done. >> you look great. we were speaking to the guy behind the new etf that deals in cyber security firms called hack. what do you think about that etf? >> i like it. i was about to say the problem
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in investing in some of the internet security stocks is stl is a lot of consolidation happening. last week black stone bought two of the largest integrators and combined them into a global company and they are about 1.3 billion. anytime you have black stone playing in our space you know you are in a good space. the problem is anything that can go up that quickly can go down that quickly. i like the etf because it allows you to play in the overall market without having to bet on one individual horse. >> two things. number one, i like the bearded look. looks good. >> i don't know about it but thank you. >> it's good. first thing is, do you think cyber security is sort of like radio stocks of the 20s or rail stocks in the late 1800s that there are way too many of them to succeed? if so who will be a winner? fire eye, are you buying more on the weakness?
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>> i like your analogy of radio stocks. there is no doubt that the security players are the new infrastructure players for the future. ten years from now somebody will be the dominant player. these stocks aren't going away. the threat is not going away. it's just getting bigger and bigger and bigger. but you're right, a lot of the guys won't exist anymore. they will be consolidated or go out of business. the market can only have two or three strong players. fire eye is way down. i like it on the weakness, just two weeks ago they discovered a brand new threat. every company i see is buying fire eye. the revenue is going up. i'm not sure it is going up to support the old valuation which is close to $12 billion. i like the stock. >> you know you wonder about this industry, though. you and i were chatting at the krrk nbc 25 gala. i don't see an end to this. theoretically gasoline could
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end. in 20 years if everybody is driving electric cars. is there anything on the horizon that makes you think this trend is going to slow down or go away? could this be one of the greatest recurring revenue models thanks to crime in the history of the world? >> the industry leader for data on our space predict that 75% on the market in the next 36 months will move to a managed services model where people will outsource that function. i like companies that play in that space. we happen to be one of the leaders. obviously i like it. it is not getting any worse. not to be morbid here but i think it is the tip of the iceberg. i predict that within the next two years we are going to see a cyber attack that will actually cause the loss of human life whether inadvertently or on purpose. a year and a half ago the brazilian utility system was brought down for 20 minutes by
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hackers. if you extrapolate that into air traffic control or utilities or heating systems we live in a scary new world and it's not getting any better. >> to use your new cold war analogy and talking about big state sponsored criminally organized hacking here, not just some guy in his mother's basement who is having a little fun. which particular state are you most concerned about as a threat to the united states? >> i worry if you look at people like isis or some of the new terrorist groups, watt do you need to be a fanatical terrorist? you need to be young and highly educated. what do you need to be a great hacker? typically young, highly educated and you know how computers work. you don't need a tank to attack a foreign nation anymore. >> you are not talking about hacking. if you are talking about state sponsored it is war. >> it is a cold war.
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a lot of these small countries and terrorist groups can't afford a tank but can afford five programmers in a back room somewhere. it's easy. it's low cost and effective. if anything we have learned from isis in the last 12 months is their use of social media to scare the world is scary. i think we will see it now with cyber war. >> a lot of companies out there. let's hope we can stay ahead of it. at the moment it looks like a war we are using. >> you look damn good for 78, robert. >> and she likes the beard. >> let's end it on a light note. you look great for almost 80. >> it's not a war we cannot win. i'm not trying to morbid. there are tools out there. people can protect themselves. >> thank you, robert. >> since it is movember you should keep the beard. be sure to catch more of robert
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on "shark tank." a pair of stock standouts from this record-breaking week. >> riddle time. the dow hit a milestone closing above 1,000 for the first time ever. can you name the year? here is a hint. this awful horrible terrible song was number one in the charts when it happened. the answer and more of this horrible song when "street signs" returns. ♪ it's going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day ♪
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boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain. the house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. they just didn't think it could happen. they told the house they would take better care of her... always. announcer: protect what matters. get flood insurance.
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all right you history buffs. we asked if you could name the year the dow first closed above the 1,000 mark. the answer was? >> 1972. >> 42 years ago to the day the dow closed above that level for the first time ever. that is a gain of roughly 1,658%. >> no more johnny nash. time to do something we like to do every friday, our stock standout for the week. we pick a name. my pick today is genworth financial up about 10% but still
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down 26% over the past month. this was recently one of our disasters. it dropped 40% on a record quarterly loss. doing okay at the moment. genworth got an upgrade yesterday from raymond james. they see big upside to reach their price target. my pick is self-serving. it is not a stock, it is an etf, jo. everybody knows i have been wildly bullish on coffee for a year and a half. not only up about 6% this week but up 75% over the past year. >> you won your bet with herb. i don't own it. we are not allowed to own stuff like this. i wish i could. demand is up. >> brazil again pushed the
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prices up. >> it is very hot. >> really? >> it does. >> you are a fount of knowledge. we are talking hogs and downward dogs. >> and later on tablets at the table. a god send or are they ruining the family dinner and killing jobs? let us know what you think. you can tweet us. "street signs" will be right back. financial noise financial noise financial noise
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i've never felt so alive. get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. big week for oil. wti hitting levels earlier that we haven't seen since september 2010. let's get to jackie deangelis. what are the numbers? >> in the close 7595 looks like we are settling for wti. we are looking at brent prices at 79.51. can't break that $80 mark there. traders telling me they expect to see more strength here because we have been beaten down so badly. this is technical buying. nothing has changed in terms of fundamental picture. all eyes on the november 27 opec meeting to see if they do anything about cutting supply.
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right now there is a global supply glut. there are rumblings that there is a lot of infighting between members running around, a lot of inside discussions and conversations. while we think something may not happen on supply on that date in that meeting it could potentially and that is why that meeting is so critical. the technical buying was so strong it was bucking the trend of the smaller dollar. traders saying we could see it around $77 before we take the next leg lower. if it doesn't act we are going down from here. be prepared for that, as well. >> thank you very much. with oil prices down we thought you might want to know what happens to oil related stocks when oil falls. here you go. this is not a complicated chart. if the oih oil service, if oil goes down it goes down. when oil goes up it goes up. if you are on the radio you don't need to see it. it is perfectly correlated.
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joining us now from chicago oil service analyst at william bear. so we are seeing oil go down. does that mean the oil services stocks have further to fall? >> thanks, glad to be here. i think that's the pretty easy way to think about it. if oil prices go down cash flows tend to follow that down, as well. and then enps either have trouble doing as many wells or look for areas to cut back on spending in order to curve cash flow. because oil services stocks serve those in a number of capacities it is like a stone rolling down a hill. eventually it hits the stocks, as well, because their primary customers are under cash flow to stress. >> unless there is a headline like perhaps halliburton wants to buy baker hues, that stops that stone rolling down the hill. do you believe a wave of consolidation will take place and possibly put a floor under
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some companies that are viewed as takeout targets? >> wave is tough to predict. i think it has been our position for a while that as the north american market became a little more mature, as they started to figure out how to extract oil and gas that the industry would trend towards more manufacturing or process driven industry and that would require the companies that serve that industry to show more scale, more benefits of being large, able to handle and deal with a large range of logistical challenges. i think that trend still has legs to it. i think there is a lot of small service companies out there who in a slower growth market would probably struggle to grow as fast or generate cash flows as they have in the past. there will be more benefits to be able to serve the large enps across an equal number of
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basins. >> maybe not a wave of consolidation but you can understand why they would want to get in bed together for various reasons including being able to resist the oil producers who might have wanted to slash prices. are there particular names you would like to mention that might be vulnerable to a takeover or wanting to get in bed with somebody else? >> i think the easiest place to look is within the fracservicing space where there is a lot of players, more than 50 public and private companies. these guys do the fracturing and completion services that have become so popular. there are certainly benefits to being larger. i think cjes is a name undergoing a merger with parts of nabors corporation. they will be one of the largest in the u.s. regardless of what
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happens with baker and halliburton. i think to extract a lot of benefits from being larger. i do expect over the next several years as the industry goes through ups and downs consolidation will continue. there are benefits to being more integrated vertically. you can serve multinationally with a consistent level of service. on the service side is stands out primarily because of the merger they are going through but i think they are also well positioned to keep taking market share in a pretty volatile market. >> thank you very much. interesting stuff. i do appreciate it. i will be tweeting out that chart. >> it is the perfect correlation. >> there you go. >> coming up, we will look at five stocks wall street says to buy. we call it street talk. we do it every day and we will
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do it today because today is every day. >> and the first two stocks are companies that appeal to completely different people. very few people own both of their products at the same time. we will explain that cryptic tease next. they're coming. what do i do? you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. [annit's working forny. new york state. already 41 companies are investing almost $80 million dollars, and creating 1750 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york.
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time now for something we do every day but not necessarily at this time. what we are talking about is street talk, hitting analyst calls on stocks you need to know about today. we decided the first is harley davidson. >> from goldman sachs upgraded from buy to neutral. they say new products should help sales. stocks been great. i was out at harleys headquarters. some of the first bikes in more than a decade.
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>> next up is a downgrade for lululemon. >> not good. stern agee cutting it. target is 39. the stock is just under 45. here is the problem. saying lulu's problem is not the product but the brand, that customers are going elsewhere annoyed by stuff and say sales and margins should be challenging. >> we also probably should explain that cryptic tease that we had, huge amount of cross over in terms of the same person having the same product from lulu lemon and harley davidson. >> do you know a lot of harley dudes? >> i don't hang out with hell's angels very much? >> most harley buyers are upper income middle 50-year-old dudes like me who want to ride a
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motorcycle. >> i take that back. >> if there is a member of a biker gang out there wearing yoga pants tweet us. we will put it on the air. keep it clean. >> maybe a little less oily. >> marlon brando the wild buns. citi group adding bio marren. >> down 5.16%. citi group sees positive drug trial data ahead. wells fargo upgraded the stock. the average price is 88 and change but positive comments at citi group. >> citi liking medovation. >> they reiterated this as their top pick of the bio tech smaller cap space. they see upside to current estimates. not their favorite bio tech at all but in small to mid caps it is a top pick.
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>> what do we do, we bring out our under the radar name. >> we have done this one before. >> we are doing it again because it is a michigan based engineering firm. they do all kinds of stuff. jp morgan has started coverage of the stock with an overweight and $40 target. so still a lot of upside seen by jp morgan chase. ten analysts cover the name. so getting some double love on the under the radar segment. >> if we have done it before it shouldn't be under the radar anymore. it should be on everybody's radar. >> want to know the real reason we did it? it is friday. it is the only we could find that would look good. >> fair enough reason. it's as good a reason as any. >> it's big firm. they got a lot of sales people out there pushing the stock so why not? >> now to our talking numbers segment which is our daily look
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at a stock from a fundamental and technical perspective. let's talk nordstrom. erin, this stock is trading back from all time high from when it ipo. does it look that good fundamentally? >> it has had a really good run this year up about 20%. they just had very good sales numbers with 9% growth for q 3. the problem is we are a little concerned about profitability. they just bought a men's stylist called trunk club. though that's helping with sales that's actually lowering their profit growth and they revised their earnings down for the year. they have always had a really good online presence and good growth with discount retailer chain the rack. valuations are starting to look stretched. currently trading at about 18 times forward earnings and we
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are looking at about 10% profit growth. it is peaking. we don't own it. we don't hold it. it is not in portfolios. i wouldn't look to buy it here. it is one of the better retailers. it is the best of a challenged bunch. opportunities elsewhere. >> good retailer but maybe looking peeky there. we look a bit peaky on the technical side, as well? >> no. i actually disagree. this looks to be one of the better retailers acting quite strauk and to set up the trade i like to look at the index first. the first chart is a little interesting. this is a ratio of the retail index compared to the s&p. that's that top blue line. you will see that ratio which is the retail index outpacing the s&p. retailers are stronger than the broader market. below that it's the theme we have been talking about forever which is oil. the drop in oil is powering
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retailers ahead. we are seeing a pickup in the broad-based retail index at kind of the lower end names like the wall martz, costcos and targets. nord strom is quite strong. it is a clean technical break being pushed above the 71.5. it is kind of riding the railroad up to the top. you will see upper resistance a good ten dollars higher. while oil continues lower i think this has room to go to the upside. >> by the way, shout out to you, todd. today you are like an honorary "street signs" teammate because you sat with us all day. >> guys, i saw everything that goes into making this show. it was just unbelievable. i really enjoyed it. >> what did you think of the beanie hat? >> where is it? i was going to run back and get it for you.
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it's beautiful. >> it's our nerd alert hat. >> erin gibbs, do you ride a harley? >> no. i don't. >> do you ride a harley with yoga pants? >> todd gordon i'm not going to ask you. >> please don't. >> transparent yoga pants. >> anybody say the valuation is stretched? be sure to check out the online edition of "talking numbers." low mortgage rates are great. but they are leading to another round of refis and maybe one other dangerous trend. the question is this. have we seen the movie before? >> our next guest says your house is not a credit card. we will be chatting with her. bethany is coming up next. [ male announcer ] your love for trading never stops. so open an account with schwab. and when a market move affects, say, a cloud computing stock you're holding, we can help you decide what to do.
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i'm just looking over the company bills.up? is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that's funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow that's fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. your next guest says a house
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is not a credit card in an op-ed piece today she says there should be much tougher standards on home refinancing. joining us now from chicago is bethany mcclean, author and cnbc contributor. what worries you the most? >> i think the have a discussion around the danger of cash-out re-fis. the biggest mistake of the crisis is that it was about home ownership. it wasn't. most of the risky loans were cash-out re-fis and we are loosening once tough standards for mortgages to figure out what to do with fannie and freddie. >> i don't know about you in chicago but i drive down here in nnlg, new york, on the radio and starting to hear the ads and seeing the ads. the tone of the ads, cash out. take the money out and drop you another loan and everything's fine. almost like we have gotten back to a point where refinancing a
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mortgage is viewed as a novelty. >> right. and as soon as home prices start rising the marketing starts again. let your home take on you on vacation. consolidate the bills. maybe that's fine. i don't think there's government guarantees for cash-out refinancing. the purpose of a home part of it was to build wealth and if you're using a home as a tool for building wealth, then the last thing to be doing is piling indebtedness on it. it's contrary to the notion of ownership. >> if you think interest rates going up than down and you could also argue that, you know, a lot of areas had big jumps in home prices from the lows and maybe won't continue to skyrocket. maybe it's a smaller and smaller part of the market anyway. >> i think that might be true. the really huge growth in refinancing coincided with falling interest rates over the last couple of decades but as we talk about reforming fannie and
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freddie in particular and the loans to have what amount of government guarantees, we want a system not just right for the decade but for decades to come. and sometime in those decades to come interest rates will be falling again and home prices will be going up. so i think we should be thinking about the future as well as the next five years. >> yeah. i was debating whether or not to ask you this question because i thought it might be stupid but i'll ask it anyway. >> huh oh. >> we view low interest rates as a positive for housing but to point, bethany, could it prove to be a negative? i know home prices go up but because there's no other place to save, bonds don't give you anything. some people view the stock market as too risky. it forces people in to using their home as their piggybank and not even a cd. >> that's a really great point. and i think -- >> thanks. >> i think it's really true and
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i think, like everything, low interest rates are a mixed blessing. they can on the one hand make homes more affordable and they have arguably played a rise in driving up home prices. cash-out re-fis played a huge role in the last boom. so, there's definitely a flip side to it. we may look back and say, hmm, this thing supposedly so good to enable home ownership was not so good. >> because we're human, we tend to repiece our mistakes. we tend not to learn very well. do you see a solution to the problem without things ending badly all over again? >> although this is kind of stunning. you are right. as humans we tend not to learn but this one is so in the recent past that i can't believe we're here again without any discussion about how this sort of focus on home ownership got us into the problem just, you know, six years ago. i just wish people would have a conversation about what we want
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to encourage. home ownership or access to credit. and let's have an honest conversation about that and then make a decision. if we put resources particularly government resources behind home ownership make sure what we're encouraging is not the opposite. >> you can't have a conversation honest conversation. at the peak ooft bubble, phoenix, average home was ten times the average -- if you make $100,000 a year, you were buying a million dollar home. and yet, somehow it's never the home buyer's fault. that's the conversation we have had the last few years. wall street was come police it. yes, the banks were complicit and people taking out stupid loans on their own to buy boats and cars. >> there was definitely some of that and also some of people taking out loans against the house to pay off bills. i think it's difficult to generalize. somebody would but i haven't done it.
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generalizing the views of the cash is sympathetic to me. to me it's an important subject. it's really important and kind of beside the point of what we want to do with government backing or standards for home loans. and to me it's just really clear and simple that the standards should be really difficult for cash-out re-fi than a home purchase loan. >> well spoken. thank you. a lifesaver or a convo killer, tablets on the table. three things to know heading into the weekend. stay with us. helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away
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growing friend in restaurants of last week on "right to signs. while your kids may love them, are they killing conversation? perhaps even jobs. we asked you earlier in the show what do you think? these are some of your twitter responses. tablets at the table are not my cup of tea but if there's a market that likes them, they'll be there. next person? >> date killer. if you like the mets, that's a date killer any way. sorry. take it easy, kareem. floor director is a big fan. it is true. date killer he says. >> well, the problem is -- okay. >> dumb enough to be on the tablet on a date, she shouldn't go back out with you again. >> my beef with the tablets, a number of brands and some smaller, less intrusive and pick up a picture at laguardia
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airport. a pixel on the face of my kid and some -- >> why is he drinking coffee? >> probably water or milk. not beer. some of them are in the middle of the table and bolted down and kids that are smaller, you have to look over the tablet and imagine having a date in a restaurant. applebee's or somewhere. >> but it wouldn't look like that. it would be at the end of the table. that's laguardia, right? >> true. still distracting and games and things on it, too. anyway, whatever. >> there you go. you don't like them. >> i don't like them. >> that's it. all right. now as we do each friday, three thing that is you need to know to crush your cranial competition at a party tonight. big market day is thursday. thursday is big. four potentially moving economic reports. thing two, best performing stock this quarter, yahoo!.
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quietly up 25%. thing three, amazing, bank of america, merrill lynch, apple computers market cap 100 million bigger than every european bank combined! >> my mind is officially blown. thanks for watching. safe weekend, everybody. >> "closing bell" is next. welcome to "the closing bell" to close out this friday and this week. i'm kelly evans at new york stock exchange. >> i'm tyler matheson in for bill griffith. the markets continuing to hover. oil settling about $75 a barrel even with a bit of a bounce back today and keeping our eye on both of those numbers in this final hour of the trading week. kelly? >> we are also watching apple. that stock continues to reach new heights and right now looking at the price i


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