tv Fast Money CNBC December 2, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EST
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>> carol, jeff, thanks. >> ts for having me. let's check in with melissa lee. "fast money" is coming up in a seconds. >> we have a biotech analyst who will give you three names you want to own into the end of the year. and by the way, they don't include biogen which popped 6 1/2 on the alzheimer's drug. should it be an interesting list here. >> have a good show tonight. >> thanks. have a great evening. "fast money" starts right now. live from the nasdaq market site in new york city's times square, i'm mel. your traders are tim seymour, we've got the ceo and the first on cnbc interview coming up. we start off with our top story here. oil versus the rest of the market. crude pulling back today after yesterday's pop. analysts say oil may not be rallying any time soon. revising the forecast for $65 for both 2015 and 2016. and citi saying if opec does nothing next year, the floor to
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be around 50 bucks a barrel. so what happens to stocks if oil does not rebound? steve grasso, what do you think? >> if oil does not rebound, and -- we have a chart. i think the s&p against oil right now. the s&p has run. o'oil has come in. so right now if oil does rebound, i think the end is over near term for the s&p. if it doesn't, i think that you continue to see what we've seen already. we've seen slower growth in europe. but we've seen okay growth here. i think you see the autos continue to climb. i think you see home builders continue to climb. retailers especially. having said that, i think you see standard policy going forward. but we've already seen saudi arabia say that they want lower prices. they don't care to cut production. >> right. >> they want lower prices. the market will dictate price. i think the price is probably going to mid-50s. >> what happens specifically, let's break it down in terms of the trade. in terms of energy equities, what we've seen is an interesting bounce for the xle,
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particularly with the integrated oil companies. and now a loft analysts are saying actually, if you see wti flush all the way down to 50 bucks a barrel, maybe that's time to look at enp because the worst may be in. >> no one is doing that. it takes a lot of guts at this stage of where we are on the calendar year for a lot of funds that actually got beaten up on some of this move. i think the ep names are only slightly better than the drillers and the names that are probably the most interesting on valuation. you want the touch them here? no, theoretically when prices can go lower. look at what the doppler radar did today. 52-week highs. i think energy shares, you probably want to look at the integrated. we talked about that last wednesday when we went into the thanksgiving break on the expectations this could happen. but when i look around the entire stock market, the things that come to mind, solar, no matter what you say, if oil prices stay at 50 or 60 bucks a barrel, will be under pressure. renewables. fuel efficiency. we're going to talk about the auto numbers. this is eating away at demand. thing is still very much a
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supply problem that hits solar. i think the airlines, i know this is kind of a twisted logic. but ultimately you have a place where historically higher oil prices meant airline prices went down for obvious reasons. but as oil prices creep down, the assumption is that airlines go back to their old unefficient ways. they boost capacity, they actually become inefficient players, and that's what you saw from '95 to 2008. if you believe they good back to their old ways, i would be very wary on their hedges do. >> you believe they will go back to their old ways? >> you started to see some of this. when you talk about their fuel hedges, delta announced their hedges will probably cost them $850 million next year. this is something a lot of guys don't anticipate. some of these guys have pegged out a couple of years will be very careful how they position fuel. if they start the take their hedges off, you can have these guys as gold companies who also did the strong o wrong thing. >> nice bounce. tim mentioned that as an area strength. this is actually a defensive play. that's not necessarily a good sign for the oil sector as a
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whole if you're rotating into what is perceived as defense within the sector. >> true. but last week at this time, or wednesday in particular, we were talking about the xle, assism said, and that unusual buying activity of puts, leading into the opec meeting. they kept it at $30 million. and we have that massive falloff. both on friday and monday. we more or less bought them yesterday around 63 before that bounce. i think many of these names, even with the oil having a significant sell-off again today, another 2 1/2% or whatever, we still see these names rebounding. why? because they're so oversold. so i don't disagree with grasso that we could see mid-50s oil. but i think more people think we're a lot closer to a bottom or to a fairer value right now for crude oil than they think we're going to see. >> what does that mean? i don't know if bk wants to jump in here too. does that stay at 54 a short
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period of time and then bounces? i'm talking about a level where we're going to be at 50 or 55 or 60, let's say, for an extended period of time. and that really changes the whole environment for the entire energy space. >> the future strip doesn't tell you that. it tells you they go back to 85. >> it creeps higher. >> if you look at the future strip. >> also, when you talk about going out to the future, remember, the shale whales deplete very quickly. even though we've had this big somewhat of a supply shock over the last couple of years, that could go away quickly. >> i don't think they're going to be depleted before they start cutting production. >> no, we're talking about going out on the future strip. going out to 2016, 2017. >> okay. all the way out there. >> higher because those wells deplete. and if you get some no capital expenditures. but how do you trade it? the way i did, i was short xle and xlp coming into the the opec meeting. yesterday i covered both of those. not because i think oil is going much higher, but you had a
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tremendous move in these. i think at least for the next couple of weeks they probably go sideways here. i would be looking to short the xop? >> a short-term bottom for the kb le? >> i think so. >> i think you're going get exactly what he said. a lot of funds are going to cover their positions. but i don't think there is real go get 'em bull buying here. where a couple of weeks i thought you were going to see that run-up in that beta chase, i think opec changed everything entirely. >> the consumer. good for the consumer? that's the big debate. >> unambiguously good. >> unambiguously good. >> unambiguously good for the united states there are unbelievable positives for united states. obviously, 70% of consumers, 70% of gdp is consumer spending. but you look at all the different areas of the economy that are positively impacted by this, manufacturing, airlines, cruise lines. >> texas, one of the strongest economies in the country, and the strongest housing market in
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the country. >> true. when you look at the number of jobs, mel and i were talking about this, playing that game in the room, there arer about 400,000 clean energy jobs in this country. do you think there are two million energy jobs in total? we're not talking about all of those going away? do you think there are that many out of 325 million people? who benefits. >> but where is the growth in this country? and that's in texas. and if you look at texas housing prices, overlay them with a chart of oil, and they go right up with oil and they're starting to turn over since july. again, it is good for the consumer. you can buy some consumer stocks from me, rrbg, i think that's the one you buy. >> let's move on. russia is warning of a possible recession as 40% of its imports come from the energy sector. joining us now is dennis gartman, the editor of the gartman letter. great to have you with us. what sounded really concerning is when a former central banker in russia would talk about some panic in the financial system because of the rout in oil. what are the ramifications of
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this for russia? >> russia finds itself in a very, very uncomfortable position, probably only the company in a worse position is venezuela. but the russians are already panicking. look at what has happened to the ruble over the past couple of months. we've gone from 36 rubles to the dollar to 53. to put that in proper perspective, in the world of foreign exchange, a 5% move in foreign exchange in the course of a year ask a big move. here we have moved 30% in the course of four months. russia finds itself in a very uncomfortable position. it does not know what to do with it. putin, whom we thought was strong and smart now appears to be relatively weak and very unsmart. and he has actually blinked in the past 48 hours when he gave up on the south stream pipeline, which he wanted to have, russia needed. and they have gone ahead and said no, we're going to go with the europeans. we'll put pressure on them to use the turkish pipeline. that's a blink on his part. he sees he is in trouble.
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this is a very difficult time for the russian economy, for the russian people. >> what happens next? is there any systemic -- russia had to pledge what, 7 million u.s. dollars to prop up. that's one bank. there system issic ripple effects to happen? >> i think all of the oil companies in russia, gas prom, all of them are going to be in uncomfortable, untenable positions going forward. i don't see how you want to own anything in russia for the next several months. i think things are coming apart. and i think you'll see greater political difficulties. so where is the ruble going? it is collapsing. >> but dennis, ruble collapsing is actually very good for the russian economy on some level. i lived through the devalue in 1998. and the import institution was powerful. it has to happen again. it took russian brands, the import substitution very powerful. russian oil and gas companies, they have base costs in rubles.
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they export in dollars. and russia plays its domestically as a victim here. don't think that putin is any less popular today than he was three months ago. and i also think russia has $430 billion, billion in central bank reserves. we know they have lost 5% of those in the last three months. to say they are on the precipice here is absolutely a dangerous thing to say. russia has been through this before. and i don't feel you need to defend these guys. but i can tell you they're not panicking over there. >> timmy, i'll give you all of those things, and i'll bet you that we see the ruble trading 70 rubles to the dollar in the not too distant future. yes, that will make russian goods and service more competitive in the world market. i wish them well on their way to 100 rubles to the dollar, on the way to 200 rubles to the dollar. i find them in a very uncomfortable position. you may be right. we may be taking truly completely opposite positions on what is going on. we'll see in the course of six
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months. but would i put my money in russia at this point? would i bet on the russian economy turning around at this point? no. the one thing you can count on in russia is the russian people are very patient. they can put up with a great good deal of discomfort than we ever dream of doing. and i will grant you that. but will i grant you that russia is the place to put money? would i defend them under any circumstance? not at this point, no. >> we have ten seconds. what is the trade here? what would you do? you wouldn't put any money in russia. there a trade here? >> no. i'll leave other people who are smarter than i am take care of that. i wish i had the trade on to be long of gold and short of the russian ruble that would have been the greatest trade in history. but i don't have that on. >> the other point is it's going to detrimental to u.s. agriculture. timmy has one good point. it's going to be supportive for russian wheat. the russians will export more wheat and it will hurt our wheat
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farmers that is going to be a problem. that hey weigh on the wheat market. perhaps that's what you want to do. >> got it. dennis, thank you. dennis gartman of the gartman letter. biogen soaring today. we've got the details and the top analysts give us three top stocks. one company making a major push on to apple's turf early next year. we have the story and the impact on apple, coming up. ♪ my baby drove up in a brand new cadillac. ♪ ♪ my baby drove up in a brand new cadillac. ♪ ♪ look here, daddy, i'm never coming back... ♪ discover the new spirit of cadillac and the best offers of the season. lease this 2015 standard collection ats for around $329 a month.
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♪ shares of biogen idec up more than 6% after its experimental medicine for alzheimer's disease showed promise in an early study. with more details on this is cnbc's meg tirrell. this is phase one. they got the go to get to phase 3. >> that's exactly right. this surprised a lot of people, which explains the stock move. this was a study that was really focused on figuring out whether the drug was safe. a secondary end points they looked at whether it was clearing the amyloid plaques that characterize alzheimer's disease from the brain and its affect on cognition, people's memory, how clearly they're thinking. they found it showed some efficacy on those measures.
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that is really exciting because it's a small study. we haven't seen a lot of success in alzheimer's disease trials. some analysts are saying this is the first study to show an effect on cognitive decline, although other folks said we maybe have seen that in other trials before. but still, this is a really big effect in a small study and that excited a lot of people. >> for folks at home, because i'm sure folks throughout have people they know who may be affected by alzheimer's, this study showed significant improvement in cognition in 54 weeks. that's under a year time frame. this is staggering. >> yeah. and we don't know a lot of details about the study. they're going to present full details at a meeting in march they said. but that's true. and we have to keep in mind that that's versus a placebo. so it doesn't necessarily say that their memory improve. it just shows compared with placebo, it didn't decline as much. we don't know whether it stopped the declines completely or slowed them compared with placebo. it is a remarkable effect in a very, very small study, fewer than 200 patients. what they have to do now is take into it phase 3, see if it really works in a lot of
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patients. it could be years before we see that. analysts are saying this is really not expected at all. now some of the expectations for this are going to start to get baked into the stock. >> meg, stay right there. i want to get more on biogen idec as well as top pick. let's bring in michael yee. great to have you with us. >> thanks, melissa. >> some analysts are pegging this specific drug at a 5 billion opportunity. how do you see it playing out? >> meg said the data is early. but 200 patientsis a pretty good-sized study. they're going to go to phase 3. this is going to take a couple of years. the data is probably going to be done in 2018. the key is 5 to 10 to $20 billion. it's not in the models. it's all upside. no one was expecting any of this. so i think this has got to start going into the models which is going to push the stock up higher as people do that. >> and biogen is a biotech with a lot of drugs actually in mid to later stage trials in the pipeline that are also not in
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analysts' estimates. in terms of the upside, because this is a stock, for a trade, it's been lagging the ibb, that tracks the biotech index. it's been an underperformer. as a trade, how does this set up given all of the stuff is not in consensus models right now? >> there is a conversion trade right here. it's been the underperformer. we've had some positive news. and it sets up quite interesting for 2015 because there are a lot of catalysts on this big pipeline. in january, you have data for another very exciting sexy drug called lyngo which theoretically could reverse multiple sclerosis. huge, huge opportunity. some of that data starts to come out in january. and then in the fall of 2015 the secondary progressive ms patients. that's a $2 billion indication. as an underperformer, now we start to turn the cards over on a bunch of data. some of it happened today and there is a good setup for '15. >> your top three picks to the
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end of the year, biogen idec is not among them, correct? >> so looking into the end of 2014 and going into '15, we like celgene, we like vertex, biomarin. all of them have cal lists over the next three to six months. >>. >> what would you ask them? >> they just did a acquisition of a dmd company called pro senza. that was a very interesting acquisition. we'd asked them about that dmd drug. we think that that acquisition that. >> think that drug is going to get approved based on the data by the end of 2015 or '16. 10 what is going to be interesting is why did they acquire this company? we think there is a greater than 50% chance that drug is approved. and that's all upside to estimates. we didn't even know about this drug. they just acquired it last week. >> michael, i want to ask you about vertex, another of your top picks. we saw that huge catalyst with the combo and cystic fibrosis already. and i know there is some more
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cat lives coming. there further upside there? can we see another move of that magnitude? >> we're pretty excited about vertex. the catalysts are not as big as that magnitude, obviously. that was phase 3 data earlier this year. but in january or february, we think january, there is going to be new data on their new cystic fibrosis drug called 661. this is another drug even beyond the one we just heard about. and that's going have some data in january. we think that data looks very good. could push the stock up higher. we also think that the drug they just reported data on is going to be fda approved by the spring or summer. we think the price is going to be higher than models, consensus models and we think the launch is going to be very strong. basically, patients, families know about the cystic fibrosis drug. i think the demand is going to be very high for the launch. that's mid year. >> michael, thanks for your time. we appreciate it. michael yee of rbi capital markets. grasso? >> look at the ibb. you asked him what his favorite picks are. celgene is just about 9% of the
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ibb. that's the way the average home gamer can play. unless you're a doctor or you have boots on the ground and analysis of this, you can get wiped out in any one given name. so to smooth out that volatility, i think you need to oni bb if you believe in the space, and i do. >> in terms of the individual name stock, because you have been known to traffic in individual names, where would you go? >> well, i like the biojen idec. i also like that they caught so many shorts today. i feel sorry for you shorts about that. the pain is not to be end. this was a 7 million share trade today. normal is like 1.4 million. and credit suisse put out a note basically lowering their targets for the stock just a couple of weeks ago. obviously some folks that jumped on that are caught here as well. >> right. >> those are the big institutional clients that now need to get back in, especially for what meg just detailed. >> michael talked about lingo, which is for ms, spms, which is for secondary multiple sclerosis. but there is another drug it is partnered with, isis for spinal muscular atrophy which also is
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not in the analysts' molds at this point. >> it's a rare disease. this is a super hot space. when michael talks about biomarin and vertex, these are in the orphan drug areas where there are very few patients, but drugs are priced very high. and the most important thing is the unmet need among patients is incredibly high. for sma, i couldn't imagine higher. it would be incredible if that drug worked for kids and biogen. seeing some unusual volume in abbott labs. >> earlier in the day pete talked about unusual activity in pfizer. now we've got unusual activity in another drug stock, abbott. this one, the yield is a little lower than pfizer. it's about a 2% yielder. but they were buying upside calls. the stock has made a nice little move. and in particular, they're buying the december 46 calls a lot more than the open interest, which tests says are establishing new open positions. they're betting the stock trades higher in the short-term because they could be throughout in a
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january time frame like mr. yee was saying just now for some of the big health care conferences that come around in that time. but instead, they're here in december. so they think this happens like that. i bought it today. >> all right. coming up next, the chinese smartphone manufacturer that just might be giving apple a serious run for its money. and later, president obama wants to see more cops wearing cameras in hopes of building the trust between the public and police. and the proposal shares of taser moving higher, to a new high today. we sit down with the ceo and n a first on cnbc interview, straight ahead. from record breaking highs to major market meltdowns. every night the "fast money" team makes sense of the trades. serving up in-depth analysis and attorney general actionable. >> advice. >> you want to be selling, not buying. >> this is what you have to start looking at. >> this is "fast money." >> but you have so much headline risk right now that this is going to be a dangerous trade. >> have a markets question for the "fast money" traders?
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take a listen. >> you're going to take bold bets, there are going to be experiments. and if they're experiments you don't know ahead of time that they're going to work. experiments are by their very nature prone to failure. but big successes, a few big successes compensate for dozens and dozens of things that didn't work. >> except that the stock is not allowing that to happen at this point, grasso. >> you know, it almost sounded -- first of all, i always have a soft spot in my heart for amazon. everyone has bet against amazon, has bet against amazon hundreds of dollars ago. the same story that should have been a short sell on amazon, and you're up a thousand percent. depending where you're looking at it from your point of reference. this is a name that they could easily pull back. not the name, not the stock. they could pull back their investment. they've done a lot of this investment on their structures, on their warehouse space. they could easily pull that back if they wanted to. but it sounds like he still wants to be considered a growth name. so he is not going to invest it
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in that. i want to be a value stock. so i hear what he is saying. but it does remind me of twitter telling us which metrics to look at because we're looking at the wrong metrics when we gauge twitter. you're okay buying amazon when you buy stock and that was the point. >> i think it's broken. >> it's broken? in what way? >> the whole year it's been broken. the whole story. and i agree with rick grasso in that you had to believe that amazon was going to do better. this week wall street stock believing in that. and every single quarter, you've seen it go lower and lower and lower. and until bezos or amazon proves they have another blockbuster on their hands, i think the stock is dead money. >> what happens if you start to see earnings? was does that pop look like? >> what if? what if? >> rip your face off pop at all. >> i tell you what, the bar was very low at 285. now that the stock is back to 340, i think you have you to be neutral at best. i hear you, steve. because i think the catalyst for their stock is they have to show that they can change on the
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spending front. i don't think they're going to do that. and i think in the meantime, they're continuing to grow in a way that they think they have competition in this space. no one is going to touch them. and they're not worried about their stock price. and that's why you're neutral here. next up, apple versus xiaomi. solid losses. pacific crest reiterating its sector on the stock and saying shareholders should reduce their exposure. meantime xiaomi is getting set to launch a successor to the recently launched mi-4. the first fitness tracker mi band announced it shipped over 1 million units in three months. >> apples' two achilles heel are the u.s. carriers no longer subsidizing phones. that's not going to happen any time soon. but the chinese growth story. and that's what a lot of analysts are looking towards. when you start to look at the sales numbers to get double-digit sales growth, you're going to need that overseas growth. this is a challenge for apple. it doesn't 19 the story is over,
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but it is a challenge. especially if you get margin compression or margin expansion, however you want to look at it where apple doesn't earn as many dollars per dollar put in. that's going to be a problem for an. you're starting to see that in the market. yesterday's crack was a very big move there is probably something going on there. that's probably the first signs of it. if i were an apple shareholder, which i am not, would be getting out 1/3 of it here. >> how big of a threat is xiaomi? earlier i pointed out if you look at the articles that have been written about xiaomi, it's often called the smartphone manufacturer. it's got a tablet. it's got a fitness band. it's investing a billion dollars in acquiring tv content. it's invested $300 million in a video streaming platform which is backed. it's got its tentabcles in a lo of things. >> it reminded me of lenovo. they're in a position to wait and let the technology come to it and do it better, possibly. but back to apple. was apple really being upgraded because of china growth? i think it was largely pooh-poohed by analysts, though
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i think it was one of the stimuluses in pushing the stock higher. i think you're right. they have a lot to worry about in xiaomi. i think the chinese consumer is not something that apple is going to have the same success in. but in other ems, i think they will. >> and yesterday's flash crash, or whatever we want to call it in apple when it traded down to 111 like that, the four minutes were pretty brutal to the stock. it did rebound, but it hasn't been able to hold any of the gains. it took back some of the loss from yesterday. and i still think, mel, that the smartwatch that they're coming out with, i'm not hearing good things about it. so i have no position in apple. i'm not short. for all the haters out there that love to get on you as soon as you say anything negative about apple. but i'm not hearing anything good about that watch. and that's a $350 product or thereabout. we don't know if it's january or pushed to february. i haven't seen any chatterton boards for the developers about the apps or anything else about this. that could be another reason that people are getting out of the stock here. coming up next, the ceo of
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welcome back to "fast money." here is what is coming up. president obama calling for government funding for police body cameras, and shares of taser are rallying on the news. but is there nor competition in the space? we have the taser ceo in a first on cnbc interview. and china stocks are soaring. we'll tell you the best ways to get in on this action. and our traders are bringing their a game on real estate, revealing undervalued plays in the sector. taser, shares moving higher today on news of president obama's requesting $75 million in funding for an increase in police body cameras. let's bring in the founder and ceo of taser international, rick smith. rick, great to have you with us again. >> thanks for having me on today. >> you know, your stock has been a monster. before ferguson, your stock was somewhere around $12. it's doubled since then. i'm just curious. let's say, because this is a proposed $75 million, let's
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assume the best case scenario that all 75 million goes to taser. what does that mean to eps? >> well, obviously, that depends over what time period this happens. and this is a huge endorsement for the white house to be engaging on this issue. but i think we're seeing tremendous traction across the market. and this additional funding is obviously going to be helpful. but i think it validates a trend that is already underway. >> let's get back to the question, then. $75 million. let's assume it's over the next year. what what would that mean to eps? >> if they bought the service over the next year, because we have a software as a service business, so let's say that that was all on a one-year contract, we recognize it over the next year, you know, on probably 50 million that might fall through to the bottom line, doing the math. i don't think that's going to happen. but you could have a buck a share pretax with all the contingencies of that coming in in the next year. >> have you talked to anybody.
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>> it's going to be over three years at least. so we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. >> right have. you talked to anybody about vying for a piece -- i understand it's a proposal. right now you're number two in the marketplace. it's not necessarily a given that you will win even a bulk of the $75 million. >> well, now that's not true. in the past year, we have won every major city, 13 major cities. most recently los angeles and san francisco. so every major city that is moving is going with taser and so the myth that we're number two in the marketplace is based on, you know, people that were buying stand alone cameras years ago. that's not true. we're dominating the market today. >> so you feel pretty confident that if the $75 million becomes a reality, that you would get the bulk of that? >> we're a heck of a competitor, and we're pretty confident that like i said, we're winning every major agency these days. because it's not the camera that matters, it's the back end. it's the we're the only solution that has a sort of ipod/itunes element
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where our customers don't have to go through the brain surgery of building data centers. they can plug their cameras on and we can have you alive today. >> i'm concerned is there a notion that you can just throw $75 million and arm police with body-mounted cameras and that is the solution? because there is the whole back end as you mentioned of managing that footage over time and making sure that is secure. could we possibly be in a situation where we throw money, we arm police officers with cameras, and we don't know what to do in terms of securing that footage, securing the evidence in a manner which cannot bihac and cannot be tampered with? >> that's exactly the problem that we solved for agencies. we've been working on this since 2008. so we have a scaleable system with tens of thousands of cameras on it today that can scale very rapidly so our customers don't have to struggle with those issues. the other side funding. a study out of rialto, california found that they saved $4 in the first year for every $1 they spent on this program just through reduced complaints. so these systems, 75 million
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will prime the pump. but our customers are finding this technology pays for itself many times over. >> rick, we got to leave there it. thank you so much for your time. good see you. >> thank you. >> rick smith, the ceo of taser international. again, we mentioned the stock has been a monster. when we had him on after earnings, he did mention the uptick in terms of inquiries after ferguson. >> ferguson, washington state, the body cameras. you have 50 state news and some of the states, the more important ones that are going the extra mile on this stuff. it's very difficult to buy this stock. if you look at where it's gone over the last couple of years. but you look at the growth potential. these guys are someone that you make a measured bet. and maybe you do with options. you do it in a way you can make a call on the growth but you're protected downside of the stock at 20 is where i would play for. >> doc? >> the short interest is up over 9 million. it might even be 10 million on this move. and they're use just reaming these folks out. as far as this particular stock, they actually the money behind them to actually make and
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deliver these products. because this is over a billion dollar company. a lot of their competitors are basically 30, $40 million competitors that were 10 million just months ago. >> real quick. the, if that's what he sees the growth in, that's roughly 10%. >> it's recurring revenue. >> so now if you look at it, the international exposure. that's where i think the real growth could come. from if you start to see the states start to do this, you'll watch the other countries start to imitate what we're doing here. because they always follow our lead in law enforcement. and that's where i think the real growth will come. that's the growth behind the growth that you're seeing. >> the growth behind the growth. wow. that's the "fast money" edge. >> look at you. >> all right. time for pops and drops. big movers of the day. a pop for royal caribbean, up 6%. steven grasso? >> this is replacing meeceus. the stock is up, as outperformed the rest of the space. this has been a levered play in the cruise line. i would think that you fade this pop. >> drop for priceline.
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down 1%. >> people are worried they're going to try to buy up some of the competition. fdr cut them today. i'm not in the name and i wouldn't be. >> pop for bp, up 2%. >> it was up even more in london on chatter that royal dutch may buy them. just based on how oil stocks are trading. i think -- i don't know what to do with this, with the rumor. i would take any profit is had on a short-term. >> it could be massive rumor. >> it would be a massive rumor, a massive deal. and it's very specific too. >> right. drop for legg mason. >> people argued this is the reason why the stock is where it is. it doesn't surprise me the stock has pulled back. >> our chart of the day. china is getting a boost on hopes of more stimulus from the company's central bank. so take a look at this chart. shanghai composite of 3% today, up more than 34% this year. tim, what do you do now? >> a lot of people are wonder whoug do you play local chinese shares. this isn't just about rate cuts. this is the connection between the offshore and the onshore
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market. to the extent i think there is more to go here. and this has been one of the best performing markets in emerging there is different ways to play it there is an etf/etk. csi 300 is the shenzhen or shanghai cop. it's more about liquidity. central bank cuts i think two more for 2015 and trading historical multiples, around 12 times earnings. this is very cheap for local china. liquidity wins. i think you stay in the market. >> do they track the index or is this a more actively managed? >> it tracks the csi 300 which is the shenzhen 300 which is the shanghai cop. there is tracking you. notice a lot of these china etfs have been trading at premiums which means they trade four or 5% higher than the underlying stocks. there is people that want to buy these things and they have to remake securities. watch out for that. you may be buying these things expensive. >> to tim's point you might be buying them expensive, remember,
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you have to decide whether or not china is going to be able to manage the slowdown like they have in the past, or is the real estate bubble too big and will bit some kind of systematic risk. to buy the stocks up here, joining to wait for a pullback on these. these have had a huge, huge run. still ahead, the stock market takes off. so is the commercial real estate market set to go higher too? we talked to a $6 billion real estate giant about where he is finding the best value, that's next. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] your love for trading never stops,
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stock market isn't the only area seeing big upside right now. some categories of commercial real estate are booming. giving his a game strategy, steve wyckoff. he runs the wyckoff group which has a large stake in manhattan. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> you see manhattan impervious to everything else? it's the best real estate market out there? >> i think it's healthy. all the data points support it. it's a great city to live. not necessarily impervious. that's just -- it's not a word that i would use. but it's a great place to live. the market is here. the capital flows are in here in
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a huge way. i heard what you had to say before about the easing in china. we actually believe that that's leading to chinese capital flows into the united states. and we're seeing quite a bit of it now. >> we certainly had seen a lot of foreign investors go into residential real estate, buying very, very high-priced sort of trophy condos and smaller condos all over manhattan. in terms of the commercial real estate market, are you seeing that foreign inflow of dollar as well? >> huge. >> what kind? >> green lands here in a big way. they did forest city ratner's deal. they're owned by the government of shanghai. fosen is now very active. wanda is rumored to be patrolling manhattan. just a huge l.a. deal. and they all want to be in new york because the chinese understand the new york market. we do a lot of eb-5 work as well. i'm actually going over to china in the first week of january. and all they want to hear there, the small investors is new york. >> so where is the money flowing? is it office space in manhattan? what sorts of commercial real estate? >> it's office. the chinese bought a bunch of office buildings.
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one chase manhattan plaza was done by fosen because it was cheap. but i think they believe in condo. and they all want to see a hotel presence here. many of them control their own brands, including wanda, which controls its own hotel brand. they want a beachhead in manhattan. >> you're an individual out there. you're listening to you. what is the recommendation? how do you put this to work? >> well, it's not easy today. it's a complicated marketplace. >> sure. >> i actually believe that it's not interest rates that drive this marketplace, but it's much more about mortgage flow. and if you really study that, it's always the mortgage flow that has led, because it create answer option in the real estate business. so it's always that that has led to cap rates compressing. so i actually believe that mortgage flows are going to lend itself to real estate values going up. >> okay, steve. we got to leave there it. thanks for coming by. good see you, steve witkoff of the witkoff group. >> it seems in '08 that
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everybody wanted to short the mall retailers. >> right. >> the simon property groups and things like that. and they said they won't be able to raise funds and so forth. and yet they were dead wrong about that. so those are still some of the areas where i would play other than buying what mr. witkoff was just talking about. >> speaking of alternative investments we should mention that today is a big day in the bitcoin community. it's known as bitcoin giving tuesday. 100% of funds given through bit county giving tuesday will go to the nonprofit of your choice. participants include the bit give foundation, bitcoin foundation, bit pay, bitcoin black friday, circle and change tip. and our own b.k. noted that the number of bitcoin transactions also hit an all-time high. take a logistic at this. this is pretty staggering. this chart goes back to 2009. take a look where we are now. >> you're just seeing massive adoption of this technology. and it's more than just a currency. it's a technology as well. and i think we talked a little bit about change tip. that's something i've used. you've probably seen me use it on twitter. what is interesting is i can
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send a beer to doc j. over twitter. i can tell everybody about it. and it's completely secure. imagine if i did something other than a beer. if i said send ibm stock to doc j. i can do that right now. unfortunately, i don't need steve grasso and the new york stock exchange to do it. but that's the promise of bitcoin. and you can replum the financial system with the bitcoin technology. >> it sounds like you know a lot about bitcoin. >> just a little bit. >> you could actually write a book about the subject. write a book. speaking of book, there it is! "the bitcoin big bang" by mr. brian kelly that everybody can go out and buy it right now. >> it's out there right now if you want to know about bitcoin and how it's more than a currency, and how i think it is the most important innovation in the history of money. and i'm not joking about that. >> this is going to be my first book. >> it's not in phonics yet, grasso. next edition. coming up next, we'll tell you why the bulls are running wards yum! brands. that's next. location. location.
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we're for an open internet for all. we're for creating more innovation and competition. we're for net neutrality protection. now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. shares orpheum brands are up 14% in just the past 30 trading sessions. and one options trader is making
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a huge bet that the stock could rise another 19% by january. mike coseen with the action. what we saw somebody do today is buy 2500 january 77.5 calls and they helped finance the purchase of the calls by selling the january 92 calls and selling the january 67.5 puts. that whole trade cost them about 1:35. the interesting thing, because the calls they bought are close to the current stock prices, it only needs to go up 1.2% for the trade to be profitable. they're going to be able to capture the profits all the way up to the 92.5 upper strike. if the strike falls, they also have a nice situation because they're not going to be compelled to buy the stock before it falls below 67.5 bucks. this is somebody who wants to try to ride yum! brands if it continues to go up. but at the same time, they don't want to have to buy it up 14% off the lows.
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>> would you rather, tim seymour, yum! brands or mcdonald's? >> i'm going to sound like a broken record. but it's going to be mcdonald's again. >> mcdonald's. >> but yum is back up to 78 there is key resistance at 81. the stock is not terribly cheap. i think you have a revival on the negativity. so things are let bad. i look at valuation 16 times mcdonald's. definitely mcdonald's. >> i like the mcdonald's too. there is so much more upside. all they have to do is one thing right and you're going to have a lot of upside for mcdonald's. >> mike, thanks for option actioned a and for more "options action," check out our live show on friday. tonight on "mad money," cramer's got a restaurant play, speaking orpheum brands that could be a buy on the oil pullback. do not miss his exclusive with zoe's kitchen. plus the decker ceo joins him at the top of the hour. tomorrow on "squawk box," seven big name goens deck, randall stevenson. rex tiller son, and many more. so you won't want to miss it.
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time for the final trade. let's go around the horn. tim seymour? >> transports continue to rally. i like cp, canadian pacific. if you look at what happened last month, the rails significantly underperformed the truckers. almost 1500 basis points. i actually think they were sold on this whole bakken exposure that they're moving oil around. buy cp. sell the truck against it. >> jon najarian? >> we have the jpmorgan health care conference coming up in january. meantime, two drugs hit today. pfizer and abbott. i bought them both. i like them both going forward. >> brian kelly? >> one stock that traded quite well has been blackberry. i wanted to buy it on a pullback. it came back down to $10 off of 12:50. b.k. bought it. i bought the calls out to january. and that is my final trade. >> steve grasso? >> ford.
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i'm going with that as my final. >> ford? >> big oil prices. low gasoline. you think full-sized pickups. >> f-1 '50s. a man's truck. >> but they're more fuel efficient because of the aluminum. they're lighter. >> but i digress. when you're looking at ford, it's make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. . "mad money" starts now. hey i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you money. my job is not only to entertain you but to teach you. call me or tweet me. forget the bottom fishing. it's
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