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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  December 12, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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back. >> looks like our time is expired. for more options actions check out the web site optionsactio see you back here next friday at 5:30 p.m. eastern time. "mad my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always homework in summer and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. some people want to make friends, i want fewer days like today and i want to keep you in the game after this horrible session. call me. tweet me at jim cramer. once again, the pain of the oil producers trumped the pleasure of the consumers with the dow
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plunging 316 points. s&p sinking 1.62%. nasdaq dropping 1.16%. i understand the dilemma here. you benefit from low oil prices, right? so do i. the fact they keep declining relentlessly brea lly freaks ou here. what will go belly up? will the consequence be? do they do when they are scared. it's easy. they sell their stocks. now always remember the way big money things, big money controls the prices on your screen, not you and me. stocks are who is known as an asset class, not individual companies. those who think lower oil will cause may ham among producers that will spill over to all companies, just come in and they like a free fire zone blast out of the s&p 500 futures.
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either to get short the index bet against stocks or to hedge against existing stocks that they own and those sales from the future often reverberate into lower stock prices for all 500 stocks as they get overwhelmed by institutional selling. after the smoke clears, individual institutional stock investors come in and pick off the stocks that are actual winners for oil, namely domestic, retailers, restaurants. why did jack in the box go up? that's typical. that's why they buy. those are companies inmun. they buy health care companies. they don't get affected. they high higher yielding utility stocks because that sends interest rates down. the equivalent stocks like utilities and at times if they are not too pressured, the proctors and cloroxs rally. we get another wave of selling
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into the bell and a sea of red once appears on the screen out of nowhere. we did this since the oil started plummeting after, say, got through the 70 level and by this time you should be used to it. nobody is at a 300 day. oil companies will go bust and that will cause pain that will keep the stock market down for a day or two or a week but until then, it is a battle between the positives of lower gasoline and the negatives of an oil boom gone bust, and the stunting of the oil and gas renaissance in this country. notice i used the word stunting because we'll be talking about oil a lot tonight, but ultimately, the big stable oil companies will buy the bankrupt ones and the poor countries that are over producing now won't be able to pay their bills including russia. so companies will stop drilling there and lower energy prices will stimulate more economic activity, which will boost
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demand. the long slide will be over but first the biggest mitt cu estim. we'll be on the look jut. first, we'll watch the oil future like a hawk. they will head us, i say unfortunately because there isn't much to it other than watching oil futures and they will tell us the direction of the market. i got up at 3:30 today. s&p down a bit, the oil dropped a lot. all this is occurring between 3:30 and 5:30. look, it's determining everything. now if all stocks are down because the futures break down on sunday night, the oil futures, then we might be able to buy the stocks of companies that report good earnings at better prices than we ever dreamed. companies that have good stories whose stocks get knocked down because they are part of the p s&p, stocks like honey well with the outlook on monday or vera phone that reports monday after the close.
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honey well is one of my fav r s favorites and i think the ceo will report good. if he does, that long-term analysis and oil is down, you can get a chance to buy honey well lower than you should. of course, there is a chance he says, aerospace orders are coming down, cockpits because airlines might be willing to keep the old gas guzzlers than upgrade. i don't think dave will go there. stock gets hammered might be a chance. how about this veriphone. i said it would be a big winner in the equipped credit cards to bu bustle the hacking. i like this stock. similar poll pay, pay, my handwriting isn't as good as it used to be. there are two ways, better earnings in 2015 or yes, a takeover which is why i would use any weakness to buy pay.
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i can't get enough restaurant stocks here. they have been smoking in the hideous action of the last half hour. olive garden should be able to put up terrific numbers on tuesday. again, if oil brings this stock down on monday, you buy. you buy because it reports tuesday morning. i know it's close to the 52-week high. it's a terrific buy because this is what people are doing, taking that extra ten spot they get at the pump and going and buying some endless pasta and stuff and the rolls in their cargo pants. another favorite gives the outlook on tuesday. 3 m like honey well is run by an executive. it's thulin. it looks like up would be fooling but it's thulin. i don't think there will be a change this time. however, this stock had a non-stop run up so maybe we do more listening and a little less buying. in get rich carefully, i
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describe fedex's conference call as a must listen to. to be able to learn about events, anyone that wants to sense the world can get on this conference call, this stock is another i think can be bought on any oil related pull back not just because it burns s a ton oil but cyber monday was the biggest day in amex card history, however, the company uses presence overseas and the rest of the world is getting weaker as we get stronger. it's not so weak it can overshadow the positives but fedex is a global company and needs to do better going into 2015 for the best stocks. you want to hear how bad things are getting in the mineral world once we know things are falling apart? listen to joy global. they got a call on wednesday, consider this company a make e of gigantic capital equipment, big steam shovels used to extract minerals.
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i think of it as a barometer for china slowing by the hour. joy will give you the skinny how the people's republic is doing. it's not so hot. after the bell oracle reports. here is the pattern. first it delivers a disappointing quarter but then says it's in an investment year. the stock gets hammered, stays down and give it a month or two and it comes back. i don't know. i say avoid the hammering entirely. thursday is nike town. i talked about how special this business is and royalty, i just got growth in china. growth in western europe and the united states. that's why the stock is near the 52-week high. you know what? we'll not take the bait. i want the stock in the 96 range. you mind if it get it more in the $90 range? that's where i pull the trigger. red hat, i used to have a red hat. somebody took it. it's similar to adobe.
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it reported amazing numbers today. stocks soared 9%. i started thinking that red hat could do the same thing. they are too similar for me to believe red hat's business could be the same. like nike town, i'm not alone because this stock is right off the 52-week high. finally, we get reports from blackberry. okay, you know, used to be research in motion grim, but blackberry like the blackberry, car max, paychex and finish line. no dice. we'll listen to car max. the consumers flush it so i think car sales will be strong. a monster run so only buy ahead of the quarter if we get again a walloping in oil. goes to 53, 54 i take a shot at car max. speaking of the collapse in oil, why don't we let paychex tell us
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if it is doing good. maybe causing hiring. paychex trades shooters. last but not least, there is finish line, sneaker retailer. the last quarter is disappoint pointing but in late september the ceo came on "mad money" and he said he would have the problems fixed in the next 60 to 90 days. if he delivered, he should give a good news quarter. one problem, the market figured it out. stocks almost back to where it was before it disappointed. again, comes in earlier in the week, chance to buy. i think glen is right. i think glen told the truth. 60 to 90 days is the time period and finish line will be good. here is the bottom line. you need to be jumping on stocks ahead of the quarter or analysts provided and only provided that oil brings them down as part of an asset class wide move. that's an undeserved market discount that i think creates bargains, even as it seems like
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it creates nothing but headaches. the worst in two months for the dow. bradley in tennessee, bradley? >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah. >> caller: i'm inquiring about a stock i purchased roughly three, four weeks ago. this stock was on your show and you guys talked about it for a little bit and it sparked my interest. this is black hawk. >> well, i got to tell you, i was doing black hawk buying today. the wall of black hawk cards over there on my dwayne reid and i said this is the easiest thing to get my kids. we had bill on. it's a great story. another win. i gave this talk at this deal conference, and i got to tell you, i said i really can't see if black hawk stays in the 30s, i don't know how it will stay independent. it's a too valuable franchise at 1. $8 billion. stick with hawk. pull the trigger, drew,
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hopefully in my part of pennsylvania, drew? >> caller: hey, jim, boo, boo, boo, boo-yah, jim. >> that's a creative one on a late friday afternoon. how can i help you there, drew? >> caller: i give you my condolences to you and your family. it's a tough time. >> we're doing okay. i really do. this show is like everybody watches and tweet and watch and everyone knows we went through a hard time, but we're doing all right, man. what can i do? >> i want to do what to do with the one-time .com darling. >> this is a company that has a lot of value within this company but they got to break it up to get there. it's worth holding. all right. we got real blessings in disguise in action. oil is driving everything lower. i suggest getting in on the bargains ahead of quarters on "mad money" tonight.
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how low can it go. see if the slippery slide is any end in sight and handyman in demand. i got the disruptor who usa today named entrepreneur of the year. tweet me, hashtag mad tweets. why don't you stick with cramer?
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at this moment honestly, doesn't it seem like nothing can be more important than figuring out what the next leg of the oil price will be so we can figure out the next leg of the market? remember, oil broke down get again today and that caused averages to get hammered. it is total cause and effect. there is not anything else to it. if we want sense of what the
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future holds for the stock market. we need to develop a good idea of where oil is headed. that's why i'm spending so much time on oil tonight and we're going off the charts with the help of a brilliant technician and colleague. last wednesday we consoled about oil and her methodology because it proved so precious over and over again. at the time she said it looked like crude was poised for bounce but this was a very big butt. she said any bounce is likely to be short lived unless the price of oil passed key technical tests. needless to say, the oil failed every one of those tests and the bounce proved to be very temporary and then oil got clobbered. home run call by fib queen. so we're going back to her. recall overall brodin said she was bearish on oil, a lot think bullish. she thinks it's below the
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important moving averages and because of the rallies that unfolded have been short and short lived. be careful. this is the key. she told us oil had a floor of support around $64 and if it broke down, it's at the door. she said it would be enormous and no support until 50 or 51. sure enough the price of oil broke down below 64 this past monday and has been plummeting ever since dropping another $2.14 today. close at $57 and change. this is incredible. given they did a remarkable job of predicting the downturn, she getting interested and thinking a bottom? where does she think it goes next. what do the charts say? first take a look at the weekly. remember, the met dog is bahodo
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key ratios repeat themselves over and over again in nature. 50%, 61.8% and 1000% and bizarrely, bizarrely, these ratios tend to show up at key levels in the stock market. it sounds nuts. nuts at the same pattern and numbers that predicts the shape of flowers or snell shells or pine cones and the way a stock trades. given they called how the oil break down has been playing the whole way, maybe we ought to go with it. brodin looks at past swings and runs them through the prison of these ratios to find key levels where it might change directions. here on the weakly chart, you can see the floor of support at 64 that we blew right through on monday. nice call. so at that level, is it likely that crude can find footing? where do we go? there is a powerful floor of support around 50. okay? which brodin says runs between $50.47 and 52.
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we could get there pretty darn quickly. she also sees one other relationship where it's possible the oil could bounce at $55.67. that's just a couple bucks below where crude is currently trading. maybe there is belief for those of you who own oil. if you're waiting for oil to bounce, those are levels where brodin thinks it's host limost to happen. it's temporary. brodin thinks it's possible to make a low suspect this month. the reason, timing. don't forget the style analysis can be applied to time. the x axis of the chart and price, the y axis. she looks at the duration of past moves and runs them through the ratios to predict how long the trend will last. take a gander at this chart. these three timing cycles are clustered between the weekend and today and the week ending
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next friday, the 19th. it might experience a change of trend next week, even if it's temporary. that could be relief. when you lock at oil's daily chart. there are two groups of timing sickles that come due during this week-long period. okay? there is a time window from the 11th through the 12th, yesterday and today and the second window from the 16th to the 18th. what does this mean? it suggests oil may have made a short term bottom either today or could make one sometime next week. but before you get all excited, remember that while brodin thinks a bounce could be likely, she doesn't have much faith. it's a chance to sell. consider oil and other daily charts, the last short-lived rally was for $5.82. that's more than the previous rally and more than the prior rally in june 6.13. given those previous runs. there is a resistance of $69.70.
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since then we've experience add decline around $11. in short, oil's last bounce was six steps forward, 1 st2 steps back. when you get excited and see it going higher, remember what can follow it. by a miracle oil rebounds next week and remember what brodin told us before for rally and oil to get traction, it needs to move up more than $6.13. which is the largest rally we've seen since the current down trend began. ideally, brodin would like to see it rally more than just $6 before she starts feeling confident there is any real rebound in store. what else would help? look at this. if we get moving average crossoverers, specifically brodin wants to see the five-day moving average cross as you can see here. and if crude can start making a pattern of higher highs and higher lows, that would be
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genuinely bullish. very unlikely. it's hideous. think about it. it's got to go over that. i just find these things very unlikely to happen, however, for the moment oil is heading lower and it will have to make a really en really incredible rebound, even if we get a short-term bounce. the chart works suggest oil can be due for a near term rebound next week but the work also tells us you should be very careful with that rebound before you place any confidence, any kind of actual lasting oil rally. remember the last time oil was rebounding she said the run could come to nothing. the price of crude wouldn't move up more. it didn't. it couldn't. we got crushed just like she predicted. how low can oil go? the charts indicate there is a real force of support and i think it's very likely that can be the next big stock. although, it might not be the last station on the way down. wow. there is much more "mad money"
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ahead. drilling deeper. i'm not done talking about oil. it's in control here. i'll tell you how big the ripple effect could get. it may surprise. from 30 to 300 employees in ten months. entrepreneur of the year has big plans for the future of home improvement. you'll like him. i'll talk to him ahead and i'm answering tweets at jim cramer, hashtag mad tweets. stay with cramer.
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all right, look, why can't oil get to where it wants to go already? why is it torturing us like this? just slam the darn thing down to where there is demand. there obviously isn't at this level. do it to where at least triggers more driving and more use or have we reached the point where it's pretty darn clear we're not going to use more out stuff than we do now, and europe and china may useless because their economies are doing so poorly, why don't we batten down the hatches because we're much lower than today. we have a real problem with oil, that's the correlation between the s&p 500 and the oil futures, oil is going lower. it virtually has to because next year we'll pump much more than we forecast. we always exceed the forecast in the u.s. i suspected iran will do the same thing, too.
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maybe nigeria, maybe venezuela. only the saudis can let up. everyone else is going to go full out because they got to pay the bills. it a gigantic deilemma and they will go belly up. you look at the balance sheets and it's just a matter of time they are blinding in their horror. the problem is even though oil is down 50% for the year, it's still just fallen by dribs and drabs. let's take a stroll down memory lane. in july of 2008 oil got cornered by hedge funds and soared to 140 and change. okay? at that point president george w bush in a ceremony gesture said he would lift the drilling band and oil took a sickening header that sent it ultimately down to $32 that december. the whole way down and the $110, we heard the causes were a strong u.s. dollar and weakening european economy. oil was too high in the 130s and too low in the 140s. that's how we top and bottom.
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we were in the midst of the great recession. china is sliding and we're producing double the amount of oil than we were when we hit the 30s in 2008. we didn't have a real glut back then but we have a glut now. we have to get where we're going and we're going lower with a series of short-lived balances as we laid out on off the charts. if you're an oil producer, you think the velocity is quick and you're trying to sell oil in the future market to get cash in but if you're a stock guy, this decline is happening in virtual slow motion. it feels like everyone owns it and we're out of places to store, not enough tanks. not enough tankers. no market for this stuff anywhere. if oil did go down huge over a couple days, i suspect the decline in the s&p would , we w finally see the damage, recognize it isn't that bad and at last be able to catch an investable bottom instead of the
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constant push me, pull you battle between the consumers who are benefitting and the producer whose are getting complete lly annihilated. how do we get out? how does it bottom? i got the bottom line. it's schism. problem cures it sel itself. companies will stop drilling. why? they will fear not being paid. if you don't drill, you run out of oil quickly. current oil well haves a 5% decline so you see it in different companies. you subtract oil quickly and that will happen at least next year. i'm not kidding. by next year. that will take a lot of supply out and by that time demand should improve but don't get your short-term hopes up. we got more work to do on the downside before we get to that promise land. bruce in washington, bruce? >> caller: hi there. thanks for sharing all your wisdom and knowledge to us little guys. we really appreciate it.
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it's like greek to us sometimes. >> thank you. for the worst week in the s&p you got to stay focused. what is up? >> caller: we're going from worried to panicked and it's about the oil deal again. when we had conaco phillips they spun off phillips 66 and we're looking at getting dividends and trying to recover with the stock price itself, and i look at the price and what we're getting $2 per share versus what kender morgan is $2 a share much less price. do you think i should sell -- >> yes. >> caller: yes? >> yes. >> caller: that's exactly what i wanted to hear. >> not much more to it. sometimes we got to be direct. let's go to johnny in maryland, johnny? johnny? >> caller: hey, jim. boo-yah. >> boo-yah. what's up? >> caller: boy, what a rough week. >> yes, it's been a rough week and i share the pain. what is going on? >> caller: i got a question, jim, long term. i've been in the house of pain for the last year or so on holly
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frontier. what do you think? >> there will be a price where it's more attractive. look, whether it be phillips 66, these are great companies run by fabulous ceos, but it doesn't matter. they are in a commodity business bringing everything down including ones that shouldn't go down simply because they are tied with being oil. hol holly frontier goes lower. enough with this slow torture. wouldn't it be something if prices just drop to a level where there is actual demand? unfortunately that may not happen soon enough but the prices will ultimate lly cure themselves? why? because they always do. the company changing the home improvement gape. off the tape for a look, great, no stock price. you don't have to sweat it out. i'm no stranger to twitter. tonight i'm responding to the tweets on the air. it's the lightning round and of course, a look back at the week
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that was. why don't you stick with cramer. while every business is unique,
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everyone is looking for ways to cut expenses. and that's where pg&e's online business energy checkup tool can really help. you can use it to track your actual energy use. find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. even develop a customized energy plan for your company. think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. >> we're always looking for the
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next big thing on "mad money" and that means off the tape for companies way ahead of the curve. take, the home improvement network that helps homeowners find right contractors based on recommendations. it's a terrific business and is on a roll here in part because this year lows decided to incorporate the software into all of the stores plus the company rolled out its own mobile app and a new service where homeowners is get basic maintenance done. so let's take a closer look with matt, the co-founder and ceo of just named usa today's entrepreneur of the year. well ccome to "mad money". >> thanks for having me. >> this was very exciting. i've been reading through it and
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the one thing that's clear, if i use your product, i don't think i ever have to pay. it's everybody else listing that might pay, right? it's totally free for homeowners. >> you've got it, 100% free for homeowners and will always be. >> the idea behind that is what you're trying to do is match people that might be interested. i looked up my house in my area and there were contractors that popped up, perhaps they are paid people but i can look at anybody else in the area. >> that's exactly right. porch is the home network with just mass zi amounive amounts o whether big projects or a plumber, they can for the first time know who works down the street and who neighbors love. porch is on a roll because it's a problem homeowners had forever and we can solve it uniquely. >> so when i go around our neighborhoods in jersey, i see someone has a green card saying who is doing the work and what the job is.
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you'ring a gae ing getting that? >> public data but professionals and ohomeowners upload the information because they want to be highlighted. they show great work and proud of the products and we're able to display that in a private way that doesn't show address or where that home owner lives. >> i think it's a compelling story. i'm going to ask you to tell it about how lowes, which is a home improvement, how lowes got connected with porch. >> yeah, we met awhile back. lowes is an amazing company. they really are deeply caring about their customers, and we met them, they saw porch's data and the unique things we can do to solve these problems for homeowners in a different way that's never been solved before and it really was a match. you know, we aspire to delight
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the customers as much as lowes tries to do and they knew by putting porch in the store, they can help the homeowners, the customers not just help them if they need to do the projects themselves, but if they need help they can ask an associate and they will help make sure they get the project done. >> i was using angie's list and yelp. i put in yelp i want a contractor and they have a list. why is that different from porch? >> well, what homeowners really want, we found, when you make a decision about letting somebody inside your home as this higher bar of trust and porch has really gone and got this information that no one else has so we can provide the trust for you. >> it's a great question. so because we have the project history, you not only can see which neighbors use that professional and who is most popular but we can provide verified reviews. we know the actual homeowners that live in the home that
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really review that professional. you know it's not being gamed or fake reviews. we have gone through the effort of getting verified licenses across all 50 states. we've done that hard work to verify this information and give you the highest level of confidence when you let people in your home where your family is. >> i got to ask you this because we had someone on we had when they were private and they came public and were thankful because a lot of people found out about their business by watching the show. do you aspire to be a public company, or happy going along doing great stuff now? >> we're not going to tell you when we're going to go public. that's the beauty. we're cranking. certainly the business is doing very well. here is the thing, i started this company when my family and i built a home a couple years ago and it was personal to solve this problem for homeowners. i think if we stay focused, things will continue to steepen
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up. >> i want to congratulate you. you're a great story. i want people to aspire to do the things you're doing and it's fantastic. you're the entrepreneur of the year and i'll use your service. i enrolled right before i came out here. thank you so much to the ceo of and usa today's first ever entrepreneur of the year. good to see you, sir. >> thank you very much. >> exciting company. check it out. why not? "mad money" is back after the break. [ breathing deeply ]
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introducing cvs health. for that moment, where right place meets right time. and when i find it- i go for it. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so you're always connected, wherever you are. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. it is time, it is time for the lightning round. hey, what is that about? that's about rapid fire, play the sound and lightning round is
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over. time for the lightening round. start with nolan in new jersey. nolan? >> caller: boo-yah jim. >> what is going on? >> caller: terrific staff. my question is true car, what do you think? >> we like the software companies. i do like it. it's go to rob in california, rob? >> caller: hey, jim, a big bold red wine boo-yah from napa valley. >> man, i'll give you a boo-yah, what is going on? >> caller: tell me about agu. >> don't touch anything in the fertilizer business. they have a meeting next week but no, no, no. ron in indiana, ron? >> caller: hello, jim, we love your show. we have indianapolis colts, boo-yah to you. >> yeah, but you got to play the cowboys in dallas and you better beat them. what's up? >> caller: i was going to say at --
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>> we like that. we think they may have something for parkinsons. that's something we think is okay. let's go to susan in nevada, susan? >> caller: yes, las vegas. i'm calling, i recently inherited some southwest gas stock. is it a hold, a sell or a long-term hold? it's a long-term hold. it's up very big but a utility. it's not a commodity play and so it's fine with me. let's go to becky in alabama, becky ca becky. >> caller: hi, greetings from alabama where we have beautiful sunsets every afternoon on mobile bay. how are you? >> roll tide. >> caller: roll tide back at ya. boo-yah. >> thank you. >> caller: i've always been a huge fan of yours and appreciate all you do to help us home gamers. >> thank you. >> caller: but i need a little help. i'm getting a little frustrated with the oil ranch trying to steal our santa claus rally and i'm especially concerned about one of my stocks, it's memorial
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production partners, memt. >> nervous, nervous about it. mature legacy partnerships are not working here. i'm nervous about that distribution. when i say i'm nervous about it, that is not a positive. jana in pennsylvania, jana? >> caller: hey, jim, your brilliance earned me some money. >> thank you, thank you very much ca much. >> caller: would you talk about twitter? i watched the stock go down -- >> i think twitter -- sorry. i think twitter, you should buy it. here is why. the travel trust is buying it. why? it's under managed and needs a great property and if it got great management, it would be a huge stock. that said, it's not going upright now but i do believe that twitter represents a value maybe 37, next up 34. we're holding on to it. regan in montana, regan. >> caller: hey, jim, thanks for taking my call. >> you're quite welcome.
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>> caller: my stock is proctor and gamble. i bought it and it's gone up 10%. i'm holding it for the long-term but i'm wondering what price you think would be good to add more. >> you're holding it long term and wait down five to eight percent and buy more. i think proctor is an exceptional stox ack and perfec for this environment. mid 80s and that's the conclusion of the lightning round.
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do you have a yacht? i got says yes to a yacht, that is it. he's out. man. >> pouring it on today. >> yeah, yeah, i am. >> hey, jim, you're the aaron rogers of the stock market. >> no, really? hey, i lost some weight lately, man. it's good to lose weight. my pants are falling off. my pants are falling off. >> aaron rogers. >> oh, aaron rogers, okay. yes, definitely aaron rogers. how can someone confuse me with aaron rogers, man. if i picked aaron rogers in fantasy, i would still be in the hunt. since we're in the thick of play-off hunt, you have to view this market like the nfl.
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what can i say about merck other than through the equivalent of a pick six right into richard sermon's arms? in honor of the touchdown and there is mcdonalds. when i say mcdonalds, it's going down. i'm yelling chamber. you better move, you better danc dance. >> ooooo, ooooo, oooo i'm going down. that song? >> got it. >> exactly. >> how did you know that? >> i got kids. >> holy cow. >> probably did finally get into your head.
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before we get to your tweets, time for homework. jeremy in new york called about xon. i said i would get back to him. it's a biotech who is a leader in synthetic diverse n markets including health care, food, energy and environmental science and can grow at a rapid 78% compound rate through 2018 plus the company is run by a proven management team with a track record of building and commercializing r and d driven businesses including new river pharmaceuticals sold for 2.6 billion and clinical data sold for 1.2 billion. i bet they can do the same.
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i think the stock sounds good. maybe a little weakness from oil. buy it. next up on november 5th. jeff in michigan asked about rock well medical rmti. i said i would do homework. i knew this was controversial. it's a bcompany that has treatment for iron deficiency, hyper thyroids and hemo dialysis. baxter agreed to distribute and invest in the dialysis business. that sured up any balance sheet concerns. there are two new drugs, a generic vitamin d drug and a drug that changes the way iron is delivered and saves health care provider as bundle on drugs
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used on amenemia patients. some people bet against these and they are smart. you're playing fda roulette if you own rock wet medical but while i hate to endorse battle ground stocks, i side with the bulls here. company's drugs have too much potentialme potential. i'm willing to endorse this one for speculation because it's not for the faint of heart. november 5th. gary in florida asked what i thought about liberty broadband, i said man, i have to do work on that. it was fully spun off from liberty media in november. the assets are 26% stake in charter communications and 2.4 million shares of timewarner cable and true position sky hook which a wireless location services company. the biggest catalyst is if charter is in a reverse trust transaction with liberty in which case liberty is the better way to play charter
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communications. while that seems like a descent opportunity, we're not that. you want to own charter, buy charter. let's take tweets. heart throb is in a predicament. he says i adhere to the don't buy stocks above the basis but are isis pharmaceuticals exceptions? they would be because they have nothing to do with the economy but they were brought down today by oil, too. so you know what? i think that we have to be disciplined. oil is taking these stocks down. we'll get better prices. up next, an aj says i love the show. having trouble with pai. wouldn't it benefit from lower oil? i agree with you. i think that when they make the snowmobiles when they have the terrific motorcycles, i think that pi, is good to buy. however, remember even though oil down low is good for pii, customers it's taking oil stocks
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down. better levels await. stick with cramer. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪
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get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. >> it's all oil all the time and if oil is down sunday night, we'll be down monday. what can i say? i wish there was more to it. there isn't. that's just how it's playing out between oil and the s&p. there is always homework so i'll find it for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer and i'll see you monday.
7:00 pm
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