tv Squawk Alley CNBC December 18, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EST
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good morning. "squawk alley" is live. swe have a brand new rally. 500 points in a couple of days. john steinberg. jon fortt, and kayla tausche. before that bob pisani on the floor. >> the leadership has changed notably since the open. the you look at the board in terms of sectors which is the right by a way to look at the market quickly. tech, healthcare, industrial,
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fms, hey these are the rigight names to lead the rally. and certainly good they are holding close to where they were in the highs. all ten sectors in the s&p 500 are on the upside. when i started here at 9:30 on the air energy was far and away the leader. look at the xle. the energy etf. the simple way to own the s&p energy sector. 's been straight down seanince open. the problem as you might guess is oil. oil has been just all over the place the last two days. up and down and up and down. we started on the upside and it's been straight down. hitting the lows for the day right now skma haes what's been pulling energy down. ask anybody down here what would help the stock market other than the dovish fed and they will tell you some stability in oil please. so you saw oil back in october. 55, 56. better than 40% drop.
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this doesn't lend a lot of confidence to people who are trying to pick bottoms particularly in energy stocks. in the meantime modest rallies in another sector that's been beaten up and that is the commodity names. a simple way to play this there are a number of etfs associated with them. mxi has a lot of big names in it. that is trying to rally as well. and you can see the big drop that had. $60 down to like low 50s as one point in the last month and a half. that is another sector a lot of over sold groups trying to rally but the conviction is not high. we need days and days where oil has to stay in the mid 50s to have a clear idea that we are finally in some sort of bottoming process. >> i see exxon and chevron are now in the red. so we'll watch crude.
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in the meantime sony has officially canceled the release of the interview. after the day we saw the five largest theaters say they were pulling all scholl showings. after not only the hacks but the threats of if safety on the theaters. the government's assessment is that north korea is indeed behind the attack. i think they are talking 99% certainty. something beexpected would come along. >> and there are a lot of doubts on the time line. but regardless. a lot of criticism coming out towards sony for canceling this. but you have social security and health numbers but oh my gosh. they are not going to release the movie, now there is outrage. sony don't forget we got into this in the first place because of their inability to accurately gauge threats and response. so if there is the possibility of actual threat to employees or
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customers at locations, this is different from a government response. this is a business response. >> and i would say disclosure, sony is an advertiser. with that said they didn't have an option here. one the theaters said they weren't going to show it there wasn't much they could do. in the press row lease they said no further release plans that. leaves the option open down the road. but the losses have already been estimated $84 million. tech crunch had an article saying that the company is stuck in 1992 according to an employee. this is devastating. >> we had the debate yesterday. why not just ink a very quick deal with netflix to put it out. why not ink a deal to have consumers have a way to pay for the movie but not have to go tot the theater to see it. but you are saying they are basically banking on being able to release it at a later date. >> it only cost 44 million to make. it is not that big a movie.
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let things chill out and don't put more bad money and more risk after good. >> if you are a the film hollywood producer and you have an offer from sony and a an offer with warner do you go with warner. >> i think this is an outland pish case. they literally made a movie about murdering a world leader. i think you know that sony would have tried to to have done it but it got to the point where the company was so devastated they couldn't deep doing it. >> i might announce the streaming deal on december 23rd. no upside to announcing it now and giving hackers who might, you know, still be after you and in your system an extra number of days to prepare to go after you. and then have rogan and franco do a funny video to announce it and then boom. >> there was so much pressure for sony to do something other than just cancel it. why not have that conversation and announce something.
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>> i just think they can't win in the position. >> -- they don't want to get into another fight. why would you want to risk in the hacking attack at this point in time. if it cools off down the road, maybe he's no longer the leader at that point, then you can release the movie. >> do it on the 23rd. but don't telegraph and give the forces against -- >> people who say seth rogen and franco are now the heroes it have ranks. >> i don't know why they canceled all their press releases. >> you don't want to put them in more and more situation where is they have to answer very sensitive questions about that. >> yes. this isn't gandhi. it is supposed to be a funny movie. when promoting it you're supposed to be cracking jokes it. would be hard to crack jokes at this point. >> after the multiple profit warnings and now this. it's just amazing what they have
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been through. >> and and the stock up 3.3%. the best it's done. the market likes they cut bait on this thing. >> the in the meantime a another splash shi rollout for amazon. follows on -- you are watching the promotional video they put it for it. it's only in select areas of the manhattan. only available in one zip code so far. reached out to amazon, a spokesperson says they will adding new zip codes very quickly. are you impressed with how quick they have been able to do that. >> i went on line and tried to order to the office and then to the set as well. it's only one zip code. it's only available to 17 residential units right now. he was checking with the company. i don't know why they won't give us a the time line. >> the most interesting people
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from the press release i don't think a lot of people have picked up is this is going to be the first use of the 34th street retail location as the distribution facility. that is why you're t no going to see it rolled out en masse because the to get this location ready. >> free for two hours. free if you get it within two hours. i don't know why they are doing these things now that are not even available. echo, i tried to buy it the speaker that you can talk to. i sign up. another service not available. they are not even doing betas anymore. they are doing alphas. pre alphas now. >> amazon down today. >> yeah which i find a little odd. normally in the past companies haven't been hurt by this vapor wear. with e have google glass can the driverless cars which is have
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all sorts of the practical bare ye iers. amazon with the drones. and i think the same day thing is something that will actually happen pretty soon in a place like manhattan. it's probably not broadly applicable. this isn't like sunday delivery which they were able to pull off with the postal service which i think will have a is significant impact in season. but in an urban area like this where you have that high concentration of people who want items quickly and willing to pay it makes some sense. >> with that said you are you have to be worried this is koz --. can't possibly be cost efficient for them. >> you know new yorkers. come on. seemless. grub hub. >> available -- >> for those 17 residential buildings i want's fantastic for them. >> lastly john you have some
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news on daily mail north america. >> we switched the url in the u.s. to daily a new mast head. the name everybody had always known the site by. never was really something the americans got their hands around. back to the legacy. daily as of told. >> will the content be different? >> we right now have a u.s. home page and a u.k. home page. australian. as we go into different market wes spin up an editorial team and personalize it to the market. but the dotcom is we needed global appeal. even though we have 69 million uniques in the use. they just for some reason couldn't it get it through that you are heads that americans go to the dot uk. -- >> a little party tonight.
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>> yeah. jenny mccarthy. and mccoy djing. it should be a lot of fun. >> the huge news we're still following of course president obama announcing the u.s. is reestablishing diplomatic relations with cuba. after more than half a century. it a move that could include easing the trade embargo. live in havana with the latest on the ground. amazing michelle how quickly you could get there as soon as this news was announced. >> yeah that is historically very different than what we've had to deal with in the past. getting here in the past has takesen extraordinarily long amount of time. getting visas if they would even give us one. this was made yesterday and here we are with far less bureaucratic paperwork than we've seen in the past. as far as the reaction here we haven't seen a big government sponsored event in the main square like in events in the past. for example when the pope came.
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it is a pretty subdued reaction. there were about 200 student, some spontaneous reaction from them in support of the government and also to celebrate the return of what's called the cuban five. there were three cuban spies still remaining in the united states and returned as part of this prisoner exchange. so that is some of the reaction we've seen here. i wanted to bring where you some stats. this is "squawk alley." you are so tech forward. i'm going to bring you stats that i know are just going to boggle your mind. less than 5 million cell phones in cuba right now. in a population of 12 million people. 2010 they had 1 million. 2013, 2 million. and hoping they are going to have 5 million by the end of 2018. broad band, it is the lead wired country in the western hemisphere. i told you last hour it's lower per person per capita than in haiti and sudan.
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there are 118 places across the island where you can access the internet if you want to just access cuban government only websites it costs roughly a dollar per hour. a international e-mail it's 1.50 an hour. and surfing the net is 4.50 an hour. the average cuban makes 19.50 a month. they had promised and were hoping to give broad band to the home by the end of the year. that hasn't happened yet. but one of the intentions to allow more telecom equipment. already based on changes u.s. companies could be doing deals here when it comes to telecom but so far none have because still the cuban government has to figure out where they can attract and make companies want to invest here. they haven't yet. >> and the degree to which cap
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we think we can be number one in the cloud. and we will be very quickly. >> bold word on the conference call last night from oracle executive chairman larry ellison. came in at 9.6 billion in revenue. 69 cents non gap eps. and the quarter was really solid. cloud revenue growth was strong, up 45%. that is important to watch. traditional software a little weaker than some expected but hardware also strong. bottom line here i think is that auricle is diversified in a way that you don't wii a wholesale emersion in margins. they are growing rather quickly.
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pushing on platform as a service which with with their database and java they have advantages. and have a show down coming one the microsoft in 2015 i think. >> -- he went through the conference call eight times they talked about sales force by name and how they are crushing them in every category. >> it's hard to parse these things. the term "cloud" doesn't mean much of anything. i've hated it for years but it's become a thing people say. there are applications as a service. platform as a service, infrastructure as a service. they are all very different whence it comes to revenue and profit potential. infrastructure, things like storage, there is no profit in that. oracle is trying to push on platform. >> the revenue, the stock getting close to 2,000 levels f
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frs. revenues versus that time have quadrupled. basically a new business. >> the key is to be able to push areas of the differentiateiation. they have to squeeze for performance. they have to be able to leverage java and have to deal with this microsoft threat. because microsoft has got a lot of asset, including office, including the dot net stuff on asher they can leverage too. >> we're going to be talk about this for a while. ten analysts upgrading oracle today. a stunning move and helping the nasdaq up about 65 points a in the hour. let's talk about the markets with the all major averages in a post fed rally this morning. we are slightly off the session highs though we have been climbing off lows today. art hogan is joining us now. good to see you. >> nice so tee you kayla. >> we've been watching the markets move in tandem with oil. which is something that larry somers said surprised him that the economy would be interpreting a decline in oil as
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something bad for stocks and bad for the economy. do you agree? >> i think it's interesting. no. when you talk that larry somers and a lot of investors out there it is a head scratcher to think that in an economy that is two third consumption, the consumers 70% of what we do in terms of gdp that we are as concerned as lower energy price as we are. i think the problem is we've gone through such a selloff that you get trepidation about all asset classes when that haes happening. if we get stabilization even on the 50s and low 6 0s, i think you have a significant snap back like we've seen. that is exactly what's lining up right now. we're completely over sold in things like technology n consumer names. things that, you know, should be unrelate order positively correlated to lower energy prices. >> and bob pisani pointing out the s&p tech sector is now leading the rally. when you think about the snap
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back you were juts mention, seasonals are extremely positive. do you see it lasting. >> it's nice to see these positive days with better than expected or better than average daily volumes. that is a very good sign. but, you know, even with the last two day,ive yesterday was the best day for the dow in a year. another positive day today. this just gets us back to last thursday. we've had a lot of volatility and we're trying to find stable zwags? energy and end the year on a positive note. as we head into 2015 and look forward i certainly think there are three significant tail wind, especially for the consumer. lower energy price, high employment and the highest consumer confidence since 2007. so once we get stabilization in the commodity kbleerks looking at better things in 15. >> in the home stretch of the 2014 of course everyone is going to want to start talking about
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the what fourth quarter of 14 looks like. we have low oil and still in a good rate environment. good for consumers, but bad for the banks. good for retail and logistics but bad for energy too. where are you putting your money given that these effect different sectors very differently. >> extremely correct. and when you look at the breakdown i think you nailed it and the market has done a good job effectively pricing that. in bad for the energy complex and as they are well priced in. a certain sensitivity for the financials. not sure if it's overpriced just yet. but on the upside when you think about restaurants the fist derivative of lower energy prices. buffalo wild wings or a jack in the box as we look at in 2015 lower commodity prices across the board help because their margins go up and more consumer cessionary spending. the first thing you do when saving at the pump is head together restaurant. the second derivative is
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consumer facing names, like deckers and wolverine worldwide or a steve madden shoe. and the third thick we think as you look at -- the technology. and the technology names that haven't moved. a big name in oracle today and old name techs but when you lock at yelp, a retail me not or a shutter fly. there are names out there that are not just going to be growing revenues at 20% in 2015 but will consistently be able to do that over the next selve years and a lot of m and a activity that happens in 2015 in technology. it's very bifurcated as you look at this. consumer facing names and technology probably will be the leaders as we look ahead into 15. >> art good to see you. have a great holiday. of wunderlich securities. >> thank you. >> the executive director of the iea.
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and we're counting down to the close in europe. can the rally last. we're just hearing about the cheapest gas in the country. springfield, missouri, 2.01. the volkswagen golf was just named motor trend's 2015 car of the year. so was the 100% electric e-golf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. and last but not least, the high performance gti. looks like we're gonna need a bigger podium. the volkswagen golf family. motor trend's 2015 "cars" of the year. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my
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big rally for stocks but not participating in today's rally is dunkin' donuts. getting dunked after weak earnings and sales guidance. also expects u.s. same store sales to grow about 1 ppt 4% below its previous guidance. duncan chairs down and simon say also say see continued pressure on the consumer. >> let's check on the close in europe. this is the power of central banks. catchup clearly from the fed. and 19% have gained. even athens gained today.
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brent still above 60 and you have had these comments from the saudis suggesting the fall in the price of oil may be temporary. but the russia plays have bounced back today. and let me show you on the bank. a good rally on the bankings today. the german survey of business sense, the efo has risen for the second straight month. and the benoit has given this interview to the "wall street journal" yesterday suggesting he sees broad consensus around the table of that council of the need to do more. so the euro is down a second straight day. actually quite a big move for the s the session overall. very strong data out of u.k. retail sales growing at their fastest rate in ten years. partly because of course they have adopted this black friday
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pricing which we were reporting a couple weeks ago. discounts are driving people in. though the london market is a actually a real bad performer so far this year. not as bad as portugal and greece which are the other two on the screen there. but because of the heavyweighting they have in for example charge and commodity stocks, london has had a bad run. so the price of crude here is now down again. from where it was trading this time last week. just before they cut the demand outlook for next year. we're joined by maria vand hoven. maria, welcome to the program. >> thank you. >> prices keep falling. when do you think woe might bottom here? what can you say to people
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searching for relief. >> it is a very difficult question. we don't have a crystal ball so i i can't give you a real very firm answer to that. we do see the market is very well supplied. many would say oversupplied and this of course has effect on prices. as usual the market is market fundamentals. markets will come back. there will be a reaction there. but we don't expect prices will come very very soon to a more higher level. >> why is that? >> it has to do with the fact that the demand growth is slowing down. for next year for instance we expect a demand of about 93.3 million barrels a day which is less than predicted before. and it has to do with demand in some countries like the former soviet union like china, like some other oil producing country, demand slows down. you can see economic recovery is not as fast as expected. and of course this has effect on prices. and then as i mentioned before the market is extremely well
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supplied. >> but the fall in the price of oil is roughly 50%. that is huge -- in any market, to halve the price of what's being traded on that market, to actually cut it in half, should have a bigger response shouldn't it on demand and supply. why is that not happening. >> it will happen the response but not immediately. and we've seen this before. this is not new to the oil market. volatility has been there more than once and the market will respond to that. what we can see now is for instance a number of investment decisions are being postponed and shelved. at this moment. the market is already responding in some way. but how was it will respond in a way that there is a knew balance, that is up to the market. >> i know that you are very careful not to forecast what opec will produce i assume for political reasons but we did have the saudi oil minister in reported comments out of riad
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today suggesting the fall that we've had t dislocation is temporary. does that spike your interest with your experience? do you think that saudi at some point will turn down or reduce the output at its pumps? >> that is a very speculative thing. i'm going to meet next saturday and ask the same question. but the other thing what we can see now is opec and saudi arabia, they do not want to lose their market share. so i'm very anxious to hear what he's going to answer me to the same question. >> you are a dutch politician and you have some courage. i understand that you are in d.c. to basically lobby american lawmakers that now is the time to increase taxes on gas and are to start pricing carbon emissionings as they do in europe. that takes some courage because there are not many politicianings that would stand
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up in this country at the moment and suggest that the tax on gas should actually rise. where yare you getting any traction. >> the point is if the low prices are, use the opportunity. there are quite a few countries who have fossil fuel subsidies. phase them out now. because you can do it with less economic harm. and why not use this opportunity and put a price on carbon. tle's been a lot of debate. if you don't do it now, why shouldn't you do it then. now you have an opportunity at the same time you can really use this opportunity to extend all the measures you do in investing in renewables and the efficient energy. that is the background of my remark. >> good to see you. thank you for joining us. breaking news from the new york financial superintendent on bit coin. >> talking about the
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superintendent of the new york's dfs. he's making a speech now and basically proposing changes to the regulatory framework that he proposed for not only bit coin but other virtual currencies. among the changes he's recommending, software developers will not need to register for a bit license. virtual minors will not -- miners will not be a bit license. start-ups will have two years to become compliant. along with consumer protection regulation attached to it. and lastly recordkeeping will be shortened to seven years from ten years. now, this is in response to the 3700 comments he received from the original proposal for the bit license. so once again the proposed changes will be put out for public comment for 30 days. let's take a quick check at bit coin. a tough year, down just about
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58%. but losky was proposing all those things and actually among the first introduced regulation for virtual currencies. now just e tweaking a bit in response to public comments. >> when we come back the future of sony's "the interview." now that it's been pulled from theaters. and we've been asking you to choose the o crowd funding project that deserves to be our next leader. dragon fly a three in one mobile device that functions as expandable smart phone, tablet and dual screen laptop. that company is up against t band which turns nearly any analog watch into a smart watch. vote crowd. tomorrow we'll reveal the winner. dow is up 200 and we'll be right back. act i. scene 3.
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open port twenty-two-oh-one-seven on the firewall for customer db access. install version two-point-three of db connector and ensure verbose flag is set in case of problems. (clapping sound) isn't the cloud supposed to make business easier? get the one that can connect to the systems that you already have.
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dow and s&p seeing their best two-day run since january 20 2013. let's get to kate rogers at the nasdaq with more. >> well the rally continues here at the nasdaq. we're up close to 1 and a half percent after closing up 2% yesterday in the post fed rally. small caps continue to line up near 1%, following a 3% pop yesterday. on the nasdaq 100. the biggest gainers are
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technology. western digital, sea gate. net app. cognizant all up today. on the downside we're seeing consumer names, starbuck's and bed bath and beyond getting hit. amazon down 1 and a third percent on the nasdaq today. biggest loser. after they rolled out adams pri -- amazon prime now. and microsoft, up over 2 and a half percent today. it is not apple guys. back to you. >> kate rodgers at the nasdaq. speaking of the amazon, amazon expanding its prime now 1 hour delivery service telling us in a statement quote we'll be expanding and growing throughout the day to additional members in manhattan. prime members with download the app and be notified when it's
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available in their area. >> a weird way to roll out a service. maybe they are getting demand forecasting based on people unsuccessfully trying to get something delivered. >> ike a beta we're all apart of the. >> very liberal use of the word expansion starting with such a small area. >> and sony pulling the release of the "the interview." hollywood has done neville chamberlain proud today. good morning guys. julia, any sense of where the story turns now? >> well i think the big shocker here is less they pulled the movie out of theaters in light of that threat and more that they decided not to release it on video in demand or in
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streaming in any capacity. i think now the question is just what does this mean for the rest of hollywood. i know the other studio executives are going through their slates. fox and regency pull their film about north korea. so the question is what's next in terms of the fallout? >> have they decided not to release it on streaming or have they not announced a decision either way. >> they have announced they are not planning to do any type of release. not video on demand. . no dvd. they are entirely canceling the movie. and that is from sony as of yesterday afternoon. >> do you think that holds? or is that going to change. >> no i think that holds. i think what they are doing right now is they have a realized it probably will be more financially advantageous for them to take this and do the insurance writeoff and just take a loss. even though this film would have been probably been the biggest premium on demand title in history, it still wouldn't have covered the 44 million they
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spent and the 10s of millions of dollars they spent to promote the film. no way they are going to recoup that. they figured best to let it die. >> he not only stars but he was also wasn't of the writers of the movie and earlier stephen colbert asked him. did you ever think about changing the name, kim john whatever and worry about offending whom? at what point should you be worried about defending leaders -- >> well sony was advised to make it a fictitious country because of the leaked e-mails we can see that there were concerns on the part of the studio that maybe this comedy was pushing too many boundaries, was going a little bit too far. >> smart viewer asks, how can you voluntarily ice a movie and still take the insurance? >> i'm not an insurance expert nor am i a lawyer.
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but you better believe that the best legal mind in hollywood are working on this right now. >> hopefully they are better than the best security minds in hollywood who should have been working on this after those population hacks in a couple of years ago. >> is this a story more about technology? because north korea was not happy about what was it team america, world police, we didn't have twitter back then. it would have been really hard to distribute information derived from the hack in the same way they can now. is this a new era because of that? >> i think it is. and technology is a wonderful thing that connects us and allows us to spread our culture and our information in ways we never dared imagine. but also poses new challenges and threats. and even a country like north korea, an extraordinarily isolated country still has some limited access to the internet. especially among elites and they are becoming more aware of how they are perceived in the world.
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and more willing to act on that perception. >> julia, are you getting a sense as to how this is effecting development of future projects? >> well i think we've already seen that one film, the steve carroll film pyongyang being totally canceled as a result of this. but this is the start of a new era. people in hollywood are really upset. they don't want to feel like their creative products are going to be muzzled because of a threat from a foreign government. of course no one wants any thing dangerous happening in theaters or discouraging people. but i think there is a lot of concern that the terrorists have won. that's a line i've heard over and over. i do think people are going through their slates. i heard from a couple of executives that everyone is asking meetings about security. one thing every is very concerned about making sure that all the corporate security is really up to the task and
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fighting off any potential hack attacks but also that they are really concerned. they are both going through their slate of upcoming films and they are also trying to figure out what they want to do as a statement that they are not going to be muzzled. >> and we know there is a lot of data left still to be unveiled if they want. brent, thank you. and julia. when we come back, dow is up 218 and a lot pivots around what oil does at any moment. rick santelli, big day for the markets and the fed. what is on your mind. >> it is a big day for the markets and the fed. but one nice thing about having the exchange is that we can go into real time issues and i don't know about you. i can tell that the world wants to talk about the interview. and i want to talk about the interview. we're going to have a real time santelli exchange. who ensures the american people for their loss of freedom? i have an idea. after the break.
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location opens today. and we sent josh brown and stephanie link for a little test. a high intensity class if you will. it's tv gold. i don't think you want to miss it. >> i hear they have been training for it for a long time. so we'll definitely tune? >> i don't know if it helped. but we'll see. >> it's thursday and that means it's time to throw it back. amazon's move to bring one hour delivery to parts of new york city. the move coming as the company continues to test its delivery drone system. all to make delivery quicker and faster. nothing has been more influential there than the beginning of flight. yesterday was the 111th anniversary of the wright brothers historic flight. lasting 12 seconds covering 150 feet off a sand do you know in kitty hawk, north carolina. but the first passenger flight didn't take place until about
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five years later but it's fascinating to see how far we've come. >> think of all the money investors lost after that up until today. let's get to rick santelli and the santelli exchange. >> i was going to talk about a o couple thissive of things. feeder cat. five limit days in a row. why not expanded limits innage emergency meeting yesterday the exchange did expand limits. feeder kalt are trading. it's important to clear out the zone. second topic we need to hit on. down gradys venezuela's idrs to triple c. that's important. think oil. but being a real time show i want to talk about what's going on with sony and what's going on with the int view. i'm not a big fan that government can do everything and i think yesterday's fed meeting really does show us central
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banks are one of the most important fundamentals for equities and i just don't think that is the way it is supposed to be. the government does have a role in personal freedom. it needs to protect our personal liberties and i don't know about what eowhat happens with sony and "the interview"takes our rights away. we're not going to have a right to see things that express other freedoms on free speech and see things that are a little dicey or a little dark. that is the way it is. other countries don't have that right but now we're going to have less of it. but i have a solution. the government certainly has an obligation here. we have no insurance. sony can get insurance to recoup their money. how do we get insurance to recoup our loss of freedom. stress tests. if you are a company doing business with the public, thinkty government should have a right to make sure that what you deal with on the internet and social media is safe. if they could do it to banks they should do to it corporations. they should carve out which ones
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are systemically important, how is that for anab alg and should make it if you don't comply with protecting information you don't do business. that is my solution. back to you. >> when we come back, still watching the rally. dow up 220. back to back 200 points, last time was december 2008. "squawk alley" will be right back. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. which means it's timeson for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event.
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2.4. glaxosmithkline moving higher. after meeting a shingles study. also could be a strong exert of merck's vaccine which is currently the only product on the market. market cap of 225 million dollars. four times its normal volume. check out that trading action. back to you do. >> dow close to session highs here. about ten points away. we were at 279 at the top. social stocks on the move. groupon shlg pandora, linkedin seeing some love. >> microsoft having a nice pop today. oracle itself up better than 8% still today. >> linkedin of course moving on the back of a wells fargo upgrade. outperform is where they
12:00 pm
initiated coverage. good international growth especially in china but early in the space risk is on. >> yes. of course the following the fed day, can't forget too it is an expiration week. and if cashin were here he would say december expiration tend to be one of the more favorable for the bulls. let's get to scott wapner and the half. ♪ welcome to the halftime show. let's meet the starting lineup. stephanie link, josh brown, jon najarian, and robert sechan is with us from ubs, private wealth management. and a baron's top 100 financial advisers and ben willis is on the floor of the new york stock exchange today.
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