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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  December 23, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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or gl, buy one of them. >> i'll take the other side. son corps has bounced. i think the bounce continue. >> i'm melissa lee, thanks for watching, merry christmas. see sflu find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money". welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you a little money. my job is not just to entertain you, but to educate and teach you, so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jim cramer. typically these big government statisticed, you know what, they don't mean anything to me. however, occasionally you get one that just blows you away.
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this morning's gross domestic product figure showing a 5% gain for the quarter. ♪ hallelujah >> that's one of the blow-away numbers that helped define today's trading where the industrials did well, and so did a lot of stocks that are benefit frgt huge decline in raw costs and very rapid increase in cheap gasoline fuelled consumer spending. that's why we jumped over the 18,000 hurdle. >> it's loaded with biotech stocks that got hammered again. let me find what appears to be the perfect stock for this moment because it had several winds at its back when you would at least expect this one to be working, and the stock is kimberly-clark. okay. i know this company's stock
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sounds counter intuitive, but listen, you would -- hear me out. kimberly is a gigantic intensely branded company, and when i say our country's gdp flying like this, i wonder if the consumer, which is the 70% of the gdp isn't trading up. trading up from cheap private labor products we always talk about to kleenex and huggies. it used to happen when things got better, but it's been so long since things got better, we've forgotten. maybe it's happening at last. yes, gdp growth means the wealth effect is back, and it makes people spend more on better name brand products. it's been so long. in the meantime, kimberly-clark has become much more focused again typical of what we like in this market having shed its halliard health division, which is a company i like.
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it's a pure consumer products play, and it's at a moment when companies like this should be doing well since that's what happened every other time oil prices collapsed. it's been among the three best performers. the stock has a 2.85% yield. much better than the ten-year treasury interest rates that the strong gross domestic product number generated today. that still makes it a solid bond market equivalent giving it a nice cushion just in case the gross domestic product number turns out to be too strong, which has happened before. it preserves them by avoiding the price wars that people fear right now that are happening in the drug biotech world, which is why it pulled huggies from central and western europe, exceeding proctor & gamble. most important, and this is what people aren't thinking about, but you've got to start thinking about oil in all the strange places. when you buy disposable diapers, what are you really buying? you're buying cloth? no, that's the old days.
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you're buying a ton of plastic. that means you're buying a ton of oil-based products. kimberly-clark -- not the price of -- that means the gross margins can go higher, given the massive decline, and oil. plus, it takes a tremendous amount of energy to make paper towels. it's a huge win for kimberly-clark. i know. it's not cyclical enough for some of you. it is the recipient of a lot of money that was rotating out of pure health care. it doesn't feel comfortable with or want to go all in when it comes to an economy that's very strong. hence, the stocks very noteworthy $1.54 gain today. color objection had a similar gain. this is what's happening, people. remember, someone who loves health care doesn't just dive into the steel or iron stocks. that manager looks for something with more economic sensitivity, but still has a degree of safety, which is why it went up today. now, let's say some money manager does want something with more exposure to consumer
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spending because of how much of the gross domestic product is tied to the consumer. i get that. what do they do? they return once again to retail. always cirquele back to the winners. what's the biggest wiber here? you want to own costco. i know. it's tiresome to keep buying the same winners all over again, but the last thing you want it earnings risk here, and we know that costco has good earnings so we don't have holiday downer of a story. the same goes for restoration hardware. rh. you just got that fabulous quarter. we know that the consumer, particularly the rich consumer, is spending. restoration had amazing numbers. this is not aberrant. so did tiffany. the stock is flying. so did walgreens. it's up $2 today. it's going international. a sexier story. that allows you to craft a terrific buy recommendation and, believe me, now that the numbers are finally up to snuff, you've got to understand the way wall
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street works. the doubting analysts that missed the romp in cvs who failed to spot rite-aid like we did aat five and four and three, will now get behind walgreens. you know what happens when winners win, i know it sounds silly, starbucks. it just reported an amazing number, and it can be bought -- buy, buy, buy -- because a stock that breaks out gains analysts' adhere ens. they want to be on board, especially if starbucks is letting it be known that things are pretty darn good. that's what i read between the lines when i look at their tweets. we like cracker barrel. why? because it's on the interstate.
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we just worked on denny's. it's cheap. these are natural buys. let's get down and dirty now. okay? it means you're going to have a return to nonresidential construction in this country. remember cranes? that means heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. that means honeywell for thermostats and eaton coming back. wow. that's been a dog. for electrical equipment. it's going to be more travel. you can buy disney. the stock is not done. we're tired of hearing about him, and of course you can buy boeing. ba. the airlines are flush with capital. these work when you get a gdp number that's this strong, and they give you a window of opportunity. why? because it just spoke a week ago. it doesn't start speaking again tomorrow. betting on low growth. that was a shocker to me. the banks are really a bet that the fed will take action
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shortly. pnc can take out their highs. it's hard to imagine a fed not raising rates. the five euros. what plummeted today in terms of the price. the banks can have some momentum, and maybe when they report their quarters, they can at last talk about rate increases. although that has been a buggaboo for a while. some people are so optimistic they believe, are you ready, ski-daddy, that energy can come back. wow. it does stay stubbornly above 55. they don't want to do anything too risky, so buying the ones with the strongest balance sheets that can prospect for oil on wall street. that's why chevron and exxonmobil act so well. the uso, that's the oil etf, it does look like it's trying to bottom. makes sense. last night we learned oxidental. we need both supply to go down and demand to pick up, and that
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may be too much for this moment. although we may be closer than we think, considering the scaleback of rig that is we keep hearing about. if those won't will work, what doesn't work. we have a remarkable run in health care. relentless rally. it's accomplished everything. cost containment, regular drug companies. thesis selling these stocks to raise money to buy the stocks i just told you about to give them the fuel to buy the heavier industrials, the big energy users, like kimberly-clark. remember, they're not comfortable going right over to cliff's natural. plus, you have a real negative catalyst out there. the owners of the biotechs and the drug companies, they are petrified. they're petrified about what scripts did to gilliad yesterday. when it chose to favor abvi for new hepatitis c drug. a big bargain over the price of gilliad's. this group has been immune to
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prices for ages. don't worry, these stocks will have their day again. please. as i said last night, you must respect the decline. you have to let them come in. oh, yeah, i like it. you know what i like -- let's just say i'm going to have a lot more to say about what could go wrong with the group later, if you stay tuned. how long can this rotation last? until the fed decides that it must take action and raise rates. that's going to cause a pause even though you think it shouldn't. that's because they have to do something. the economy is really hard. could it be an emergency meeting? i've seen those before. i think that's unlikely as the 5% gdp increase hasn't yet translated into more business formation. remember, he verified that. this is the impact of lower gasoline speaking, and it's not done going down. plenty of coverage to do nothing except the next meeting. the rotation stays in ernest.
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we have a meeting with dave cody, the ceo of honeywell, and he said until oil came down, you couldn't have that strong across the board rally based on the strengthed of the economy. it's finally happening now. you have to adjust if you want to make money, at least in the next few weeks. you request choose some pain now, but remember, we just got this 5% gdp number this morning, and it's going to turn heads for a while because it's such a stunner. it may even be on the front page. it's going to be on the today show. here's the bottom line. when you get this kind of gross domestic product activity, it's just too big to ignore. the fund managers take action. you now have their game plan. it's your call, but at least you know what the call is when you get a gang buster number that we haven't seen in ages. also, good times to come.
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karen in colorado. it's a great christmas present to get it to talk to you in person. >> very kind. >> if there's one more thing i could ask, you have a button that would transmit your energy and wisdom to me, over the phone, would you please press it now? >> you're very kind. believe me. there isn't a day where i wake up in the morning, and i don't feel insecure about what i have to do tonight, and everybody who is working on this show knows that's the truth. how can i help? a better percent pictured on the big picture, and what i want to ask you about today is metadata solutions. mdso. >> it's in a competitive group. what we have liked -- metadata, i'm going to be very honest here, this is an expensive stock
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for this environment. people want a little bit more cyclicality. we know they do a good job. they're doing clinical drug trials, but we have quintile so on. a much cheaper stock. you now have the fund managers game plan. it's your call whether you want to adopt it. "mad money" tonight. yes, it got crushed today, but breakthroughs in biotechs helped deliver robust returns. i'll see what is looking in the technicals. then the collapse and energy caused real carnage. i'm digging through the rubble for a diamond in the rough. plus, why don't you stick with cramer. >> don't miss ae second of "mad money". follow @jim cramer on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer. _#mad tweets. send jim an e-mail to "mad
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money" at or give us a call at 1- 00-743-cnbc. miss something? head to "mad money" ♪ there's confidence...
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when the stock market's leaders stumble or worse, when they get taken out back and shot in the head, these now former leaders can do immense damage to your portfolio. even as the dow and the s&p continue to surgery higher to records. it's worth noting that this market is going to experience a kudeta starting yesterday when one of 2014's strongest leaders, the biotech sector, was gee teebed. the approximate cost was the break-up of the virtual monopoly on effective cures for hepatitis c, as express scripts, the largest pharmacy in the country, bought 70% of the people who are involved in this chose to make the competitor avi, their exclusive supplier right after abvi got approved. gilead is crushed. it's fallen from $108 to $88. not in two months or two weeks, but in two days.
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it's the umbrella effect from gilead's pasting, and i'm really worried about it. the notion is the biotechs as a group may not have the pricing power that we thought and ruin its competition lurking around every corner. that's a terrible, terrible inaction swraigs situation. >> trying to figure out how much lower the biotechs can go before this group once again becomes safe to own, or have they bottomed already? the last two days the group is measured by the i shares nasdaq biotech etf. that's called the ibb, which a lot of people follow, for you home gamers. it's fallen more than 7%. the biotech etf, though, is
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still up 29% year-to-date, which means it still has a lot of room to give back some of those gains. fitzpatrick thinks the ibb at the close today is at a critical level, and what it does over the next few trading days could determine whether we see a nasty swoon or a nice rebound, so i want you to take a look at the biotech etf's daily chart. even after this latest decline in the rally in the biotechs over the last eight months, look at this. it's been nothing short of astonishing, right? market leaders fall from grace like the biotechs did this spring. take a look back here. okay. well, they rarely come right back to resume their leadership positions and roar higher, but this is exactly what happened. i mean, this is amazing. in fact, since the ibb's intra-day low, biotech has outperformed every single other sector by a mile. okay. by a mile. with the biotech etf rally, this is 42%, and that's after the
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declines of the past couple of days. the next best performing group has been the semiconductors. they're up 24% over the same period. not even close. however, fitzpatrick wonder if its most recent sell-off might be the beginning. maybe it's signalling the end of biotech's dominance. earlier today the ibb dropped below its 50-day moving average. that measures the index's short-term trajectory at $294. it closed roughly even with that level. in other words, as of today, the ibb has pulled back to its 50-day moving average. red line. okay. but the story of the biotech etf, but for fitzpatrick, it's a tale of not one, but two moving averages. the 50-day in red, and the longer term 200-day moving average which is currently around $261. why is this 200 day so important? because going all the way back to the big sell-off in april, it's provided a consistent floor
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of support for this ibb, the biotech index. since then the biotech etf has tested its 200-day moving affirm four times. each time that's caused the index to rebound. look at that. here's the problem. fitzpatrick points out that ever since the low back at april, the etf has been accelerating away from its 200-day. much longer, right? at this point that powerful floor support is roughly 11% below where the bioattorney general etf is trading. that's a lot to fitzpatrick. that means the ibb's 50-day moving average holds the key. it has a hold. the 50-day has always acted as the floor support when the biotech etf broke down below its 50-day moving average plunged to the 200 day. at the time the entire market was correcting, which is why the ibb managed rebound raptdly back to new highs because the rest of the market did too. in fats patrick's eyes, the
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intraday breakdown, the moving average was different. different from the last one. this was a shot across the bow for a biotech sector. it's a warning that the uptrend could be coming to an end. he says if the biotech etf can't hold above 294, trz your key level, everybody. the next stop could be of the 200-day moving average, which is 261. oh, man. that's an 11% hammering from these levels. let's check out the biotech's etf weekly chart going back to early 2012. this is a longer term view. here can you see that the ibb is only rarely pulled back to its 40-week moving average, which is the same as the 200-day moving average. fitz points out there have been three of the approximatelyback on a weekly basis since 2012. can you see the three. each one, terrific buying opportunity. long-term you have been rewarded handsomely for stepping in and buying biotech when it dips down. in short, fitzpatrick thinks this line represents a terrific safety net. the problem is the safety net is
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down 11% from a where the ibb is trading now. oh, man. here's how fitzpatrick would play. if the biotech etf holds above its 50-day moving average at 249 for several sessions that, tells you the 50-day is acting as a floor support. ibb can be safely bought. for me that you can buy. as long as the 50-day holds, he thinks we're dealing with a short-term hold-back that can easily be recovered from, but if biotech etf keeps falling from these levels like mr. t, fitzpatrick predicts nothing but pain until the ibb hits the safety net at 261 with a 200-day moving average finally resting up down 11%. here's the bottom line. for now there is no clear evidence in the charts as interpreted by dan fitzpatrick that the biotechs are before to give up their leadership position in the stock market. he thinks today's sell-off was indeed a shot across the bow for the group, and with biotech etf breaks down below 294, in other words, if it goes much lower than from right here, fitzpatrick thinks we could have another nasty leg down to 261.
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only then is it likely to rebound. however, if it can hold a 200-day moving average at 261, then fitz says the long biotech couldn't last. much more "mad money" ahead. including beaten up energy play that consume power much higher. you saw oil bounce today. freaking out that your flight stocks shooting you from streaming netflix. i got the solution. plus, congress is pumping the brakes on military spending. the rest of the world is not. i'll tell you what it means for defense stocks. why don't you stay with cramer.
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here's a question for you: if every u.s. household with a computer used sleep mode when they weren't using it, how much could we save on electricity each year? up to $1 billion? $3 billion? $4.5 billion? the answer is... up to $4.5 billion. using your computer's built-in energy-saving features can generate real household savings. take the energy quiz -- round 2. energy lives here. outside of the nasdaq, where we bring you live daily market updates. and today, we have a very special free gift for you. so many viewers e-mail us wanting to know our secrets on how we trade options. so we put our secrets into a new book. and if you're one of the first 250 people to call in right now and just cover shipping and handling, we'll send you a copy for free. look at the rate of return we've made
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i got a high quality problem right here. don't get me wrong, i love it when stocks go higher, but the averages roaring to record levels as we approach the end of the we're, you have to admit, it's getting harder and hardtory find genuine bargains. there aren't a lot of the cheap stocks. just a fact of life. okay? doesn't make my negative. just realistic. how do we search for value in this rip-snorting bull market? simple. we search among the rubble of the one who truly ehave is rated. the energy space. i think the time issing wrong to pick stocks that are actually full of exposure to oil. especially since the oil producers have been bound versus where they were a week ago. i don't want to you chase them. they come in a little.
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there could be real opportunities, which is why tonight i would like to introduce to you a stock that has been obliterated by the oil collapse, even though the business model of the underlying companies practically immune to swings in energy prices. i'm talking about one you may not have heard of. it's called navigator holdings. nvgs, a shipping company that's the owner and operator of the world's largest fleet of what's known as handy size liquified gas carriers. relatively small ships that transfer petroleum gas and other petrol gases over the world. navigator stock has fallen astounding 40%. investors panicked by following oil prices. wilbur ross, have you seen him on cnbc, brought navigator public last year, and had a massive stake in the company. he recently sold a sizable chunk. last month he resigned from the board. let me address these points one
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by one. >> they failed to understand that the value of the company shifts isn't exactly correlated with the energy price at all. what matters is that there's a huge global imbalance in the supply and demand for liquified petroleum gases. here in the united states we have a huge surplus of these gases, but across the ocean in europe and asia, massive deficit. a company like navigator can make a killing shipping liquified petroleum gas from the u.s. to the rest of the world. this imbillion is still very much in place. i know that because it's not budged during the period. as long as we have gas and the rest of the world has not enough, navigator holdings in good shape. what about the selling from genius investor wilbur ross. how about context. ross bought 44% of navigator holdings for a remnant of lehman brothers to a bankruptcy court in 2012. it was brilliant. at the time ross started selling roughly three months ago, he had a 200% gain for heaven sake.
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sounds like profit taking. navigator holdings has been crushed for all the wrong reasons. i think its stock deserves to head higher. lechl give you the specifics on why i like the business, though. here's a company with 26 handy size vessels that are either partially or fully refrigerated, which allows them to transport many kinds of gas. now, navr gator is the clear leader in this space. it's nearly 30% of the world's handy size carriers. next largest player owns 10%, and the numbers don't reflect an even larger thing to take out the ones owned by actual companies, not shippers. i think 2015 is going to be a fab loss year for this company. reason? there are five major propane export terminals coming line in
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the u.s. next year, which together will account for 684,000 of barrels equivalent per day. it trades at a discount to europe, and a 40% discount to propane in asia. let's consider one of these facilities. >> meanwhile, navigator is currently operating at nearly full capacity with five new vessels coming on-line over the next year. seven additional ships expected to hit the water through end of 2017. the gas carriers is experiencing supply growth in the low to mid teens while demand is growing even faster. plus, if you order a ship now, wait until 2017 before you get
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it. this stock trades at less than nine times next year's earning estimates, that's absurdly cheap. it gets its large ethane carrier, and they could earn $370 in 2017 which would mean the stock is trading at five times its nernkz the out years. let me give you the bottom line here. navigator holdings has been unjustly punished by the massive declines in oil prices. even though it's business has no real exposure to the price of oil. >> same back at you. how can i help? >> thank you. >> i am a physician. it's the -- i bought it just before the spin-off and off shores. it was pretty high.
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>> it's a contract driller. lots of laws selling. the stock is not where you want to be, and i know it does have cash flow that is stretched here. i can't tell you to buy more, but dow think the uso may be bottoming. you might get a little lift and then you can take some action. it's not my favorite. i don't like the contract drilling space. let's go to jack in arkansas. please, jack. >> mr. cramer. >> yes. >> tell us what you can about transocean. >> too hard. too hard. transocean after sea drill. my charitable trust owns csv. it has been other than valet, the worst stock we own. i don't want you trapped in what i regard as -- >> the house of pain. >> my house of pain. navigate or holdings can steer you right back to profits. it's been unfairly punished for heaven sakes. that's the buying opportunity. much more "mad" ahead, including what can stop you from your next
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midair meltdown. i'll talk to the man fighting for your right to stream. north korea picks fights against sony. itses neighbors are stocking its arsenals with serious firepower. i'll sole you what it means for your money. plus, i hope santa can steer amid the stock calls on the lightning round. special holiday edition. stick with cramer. [ male announcer ] approaching medicare eligibility?
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♪ other than today we knew the airlines had been lately on fire, and the whole group is going to be flush with cash. which makes for huge savings on their number one cost jet fuel. we have to wonder while the airlines, you know, are they going to spend on upgrading and will they upgrade their darn in flight wi-fi service? that's the question that pops into my head. bsat is the ground and space systems technology, and a particular provider satellite-based broadband services to airlines like jetblue and united continental. we've talked about the bare knuckle battle to control the in flight wi-fi space before. using its superior technology and faster download speeds to fight against market leader go
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go. for the moment i think that you need to know that vsat is up. and go go is down 34%. viasat has a gain since we last spoke with the ceo in may and liked the stock. i think they can go higher because the satellite-based service provides high speed inflight wi-fi that's worth using. most of its competitors offer -- they can give you download speeds that are fast as what you get at home. that's why it's the highest rate in the industry, approaching 40% on long flights. something like 6% for the competition. viasat's latest quarter was basically in line after backing out the gains from the company's big legal settlement with ssl. they had $499 million in orders bringing their backlog up to a million, and today is only the one-year anniversary of the launch of viasat's exceeding wi-fi service. i like the regular consumer and the government business which you have for find out more
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about. let's take a look with mark, the chairman and ceo of viasat. we'll learn more about his company and where it's headed. welcome back to "mad money". >> hey, thank you. thanks for having me again. >> the last time you were on, at&t was going to move into your business with terestal machines that will make it going faster. what happened? >> in the intel wi-fi business they decided they wouldn't do that. in the terrestrial business, i think they're still talking about providing lte-based broadband. that's okay. we can compete with that. >> i'm trying to figure out if i'm an airline and a ten-year contract with go go, but all my customers, they're on jetblue, and here saying, listen, i want to watch netflix, and whoever is using the system they got in that jetblue, i want that.
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>> i think in general if you look at something that's material for the airlines, it has an impact on their competitive posture within the industry that they'll find a way it work that out. that's exactly the situation that we're trying to create is to -- >> there's still plenty of airlines that are greenfield for you, right? >> yes. we support literally thousands of government aircraft with air ground, air-to-air communications and satellite communications. we also do business jets. what we are waiting for is to have the viasat one satellite and to van airline that really wanted to use wi-fi as a way to engage customers as opposed to just extract more money from them xshgs so that's what's
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happening. about a year ago. we think that's a really good ancillary market for us. >> one of the things i feel we don't talk enough about when we're on is the government business because the government business is big, and there's a moment in your conference call where you say that we experienced weaker demand than we've seen in a couple of areas, and you talked about the idea that the middle east may not have as much, but i'm looking at isis thinking that maybe isis makes it so they need more for the government, and then you mentioned cyber security. my thinking is that cyber security is so important. i want to know where viasat fits in both fighting ice and is in cyber security. >> okay. those are both good areas. sort of on the fighting in the middle east and all the insurgencies there, one of the main support service that is we offer is in flight and connectivity for aircraft, and they can use that for surveillance on the ground and for communications. especially when you have these types of insurgencies with lots
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of scattered action and you need good intelligence, that type of connectivity is really important. it has been growing for us pretty steadily. there was a moment in time where it looked like it might get less, whether it be less of a need for it, but that moment seems to have passed. one of certainly the sony issues brought that to everyone's attention. it's to cure infrastructure. that would be let utilities, power plants, and so one of the things that we're really proud of and excited about is we're bringing some. >> do we smend too much time talking about inflight, because
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it's not enough about this government and the cyber security and military stuff. >> well, we look at them as all being related. >> the things about connectivity in space, being able to secure things together, all those things are the things we've done on time that have helped us grew groh and have a really solid technical foundation for each of the businesses. the inflight one -- >> i'm sorry. go ahead. >> inflight -- inflight everybody is excited about that because everybody flies, and everybody is frustrated with connectivity. >> you i don't feel have had the better mousetrap. i want to thank the chairman and ceo of viasat. good to see you, sir. >> thanks for having me on. >> guys, last time the stock was down a lot, it's come right back, and i got to tell you, if you have the better technology overall, i think you have to win. mark daningburg, chairman and
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ceo of viasat. i like the story. stay with cramer.
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it is time, it is time for the lightning round. >> wait for this sound, and then the lightning round is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? time for the lightning round. cramer's "mad money". let's started with brian in rhode island. brian. >> caller: big boo-yah to you and your cnbc family. >> i love our family. thank you. right back to your family. how can i help? >> caller: i'm calling about gw pharma. >> very speculative play, but you have to have them for the long-term. it has these huge bounces. up 30, down 30, but i believe that it has this cannibus products that the doctors really want for a whole host of illnesses. jeff in illinois. jefr. >> caller: thanks for taking my call. >> of course. >> i would like to extend my family's condolences to you and yours for the loss of your father.
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i really appreciate that inspiring tribute. zoog kind of a tough time. thank you. >> no problem. happy holidays. my stock is a sun trust. >> this is an easy one. this is stephanie links's favorite bank stock, and she and i are co-portfolio managers of my charitable trust xshgs i think it's terrific. it's a great stock to buy if you think the economy is really coming back. i need keith in wisconsin. keith. >> yes. the stock is -- >> got a big yield. i think the yield is a red flag. it's very difficult to own these merchant banks. you're not sure what they're levered to. i'm taking a pass. let's go to bradley in tennessee. bradley. >> boo-yah, jim. happy holidays to you and "mad money". prospect capital. >> oh, here we go again. that's another one that i don't want to buy because i don't like these midlevel -- these capitals, these companies that are involved in a lot of
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difficult things that can't be figured out. many of them have oil exposure. >> i have aing big rose bowl boo-yah from pass dean yashgs california. >> it's fabulous. let me help you. >> i'm in the house of pane with rrc. >> yes. you know what, this is a levered oil company. i got to tell you, i think you can come down a little more, but it's probably going to bottom, and then you can have a reversal. just so you know, as i wrote in real money today, cabot is the one that i prefer because it's got the cheapest and new england is going to use a lot of natural gas, but understand, this one will be house of pain for some time. let's go to katab in illinois. >> caller: thank you for taking my call. >> all i know is it's up a lot, and i have to do a lot more work on it to figure out why it's up a lot. i have to take a pass and do the homework. i need to go to tom in florida. tom. >> hey, jim.
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>> yo-yo. >> merry christmas and a happy new year boo-yah. >> same to you. >> thank you. >> i'm calling today about a recent ipo november. finished trade of 24 in the opening day. around $11. the company is second sight medical products. >> yeah. you know, this is one -- this is -- look, i'll till what, this is the most speculative stock we've had in the lightning round in a week, and if you want to speculate, i'm going to bless it, but it's not my cup of tea in an environment where you have stocks like bristol myers coming in, and that is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade.
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♪ ♪ my baby drove up in a brand new cadillac ♪ ♪ ♪ my baby drove up in a brand new cadillac ♪ ♪ ♪ look here daddy, i'm never coming back ♪ ♪ discover the new spirit of cadillac and the best offers of the season. lease this 2015 standard collection srx for around $359 a month. hurry in. offer ends soon.
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lately it seems like the aero space and defense stocks can do no wrong despite the cutback from the order from 2017 that took a meat ax to the whole group. how is this possible? how can the defense contractors be doing so well? it's pretty simple, actually. the rest of the world is rearming now, and we are the arsenal to just about everyone. take a look at the most recent headlines. they're up yesterday because it won a $2.4 billion patriot missile order from qatar. that's a huge one. it represents -- we are considering a multibillion tlar order for this anti-missile
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defense system. northrop drummond. an order from jones from south korea recently. that's a big ticket. who knows if the united states -- this new united states has the gum shon to stand up to the north koreans. lockheed marten, nice pick-up the other day. $308 million from taiwan for new radar for the f-16 fighter planes that might help them with chinese adventurism. the u.s. government just gave egypt apache helicopters to attack the swarm foe at the moment. you see it's happening. the notion of the united states being the global policemen is breaking down right here right now. whether it be with the peace talks with iran or the pulse with afghanistan, iraq, or the recognition of the united states may not be there if china starts troubling. the orders from overseas are creating upsides surprises in this group, which we didn't think were possible not that long ago. this is a group that last year came under heavy fire after the sequestration or limited defensemen. while it's been more than two years since the deal that hit the military, but it hasn't been repealed, although washington
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wants to boost our own capabilities and placing huge orders like the $12.5 billion armored truck that general dynamics is buying for to replace the variety is occurring. >> head oh to russia and see the weapons that ukraine needs. add to them the weapons that the western block nations have to have if russia turns on them. you think that's far-fetched? go ask the polls. they go clear across the globe to asia. they're dealing with the usual rogue nation which seems more rogue than ever now that it's
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threaten bid a seth rogen movie of all things. >> who 9 to be the world's policemen when you can be the world's arms dealer? stick with cramer. >> mr. cramer, absolutely love the show. >> we really appreciate you out there, man. >> boo-yah to my kids. they're in elementary school learning so much from you. >> boo-yah, mr. cramer. >> i know you hear this all the time, jim, but thank you, thank you, thank you. so much. >> this has been my best year by far and away in the market. >> i just want to thank you for, you know, looking out for the regular guys out there. >> great to hear your voice, and know that you are there for us. >> from our family to yours.
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happy holidays, cramerica.
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a 5% increase in the gross domestic product is causing a rotation. it's natural to expect. you got to get a little more cyclical if you care about the short-term. there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money". i'm jim cramer. happy holidays. see you next time. lemonis: how are you doing?
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tonight, on "the profit"... -richard: what do you think? -lemonis: oh, my gosh. ...a progress report. this place looks great. over the past 18 months, i've traveled the country, trying to help small businesses, everything from pie shops to used-car lots... wow. look at this place. clothing stores. some were in desperate situations. michael: [ voice breaking ] do you think i like to stand next to a man like you and admit that i can't be successful? [ sighs ] lemonis: others just needed some guidance. come on. you're a smart guy. you do the math. and i offered my money and my expertise for a stake in the business. -do we have a deal? -hank: deal. -pete: yes. -alan: yes. lemonis: a few of the deals went south. you don't how to treat people.


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