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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  January 6, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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good afternoon, everybody. i'm tyler mathisen. welcome to "power lunch." the big story and the big question today is volatility. what do i do with my money? volatility spiking up right now. the dow, the s&p, the nasdaq and the russell. you see the numbers modest losses at least compared with yesterday. the russell moving down about 1.35%. we will take a special look at the transports. despite low energy prices transports are down 5% in a month. is this an opportunity to get in
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on planes trains and truckers? it's cold, baby it's cold and getting colder. snow hitting east and midwest today. we have the forecast and we have sue standing by out from the elements at the new york stock exchange. >> hi, let's take a look at the ten year note. everybody is talking about that right now. it dipped below the 2% mark. right now we are trading at 1.937% in terms of the yield. lowest we have seen obviously in the new year and actually in the ten year since october. we have bertha coombs at the nasdaq. russell and nasdaq getting hammered today. bob pisani is here with me at the new york stock exchange. we were down about 180 points or so. we have come back a tiny bit but the market is under a lot of pressure today. >> the three lows the low euro low bond yields and low oil all weighing on things. i want to show you major indexes
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right now. tyler is right. good time to hit on transports. they are getting hit. russell 2000 small caps weak. under performing the s&p 500. i want to show you some other stocks here. the industrial getting particularly hard hit. united rentals hit hard in the last few days slower construction. and tyler mentioned the railroads and transports and delta down 3%. those were heavy moves. big mining company weak on slower concerns over slower global demands. volume today is heavy. we haven't seen that in a while. i want to show you heavy volume. the russell 3,000 and russell 2000 right across the board these are very big widely owned etfs, have very heavy volume today. there are a number of bond etfs that have very heavy volume as well.
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statistically significant volume. i watch the flows here. if you put heavy volume bond etfs. there is the 20 year bond and the corporate bond the one everybody owns. what is going on? i see a lot of movement of people who are owning stock etfs pulling them out and putting them into the bond etf. i want to point out what is going on. the strong dollar and weak euro is a double whammy for frontier markets. it owns a lot of middle eastern stocks and african stocks called frontier markets. that is getting hit on the strong dollar and the weak oil. nigeria you can own stocks and etfs. there is a classic one getting hit on oil and emerging market concerns. >> the financials have just been whacked since the beginning of the trading year. they had a fantastic 2014. 2015 is not looking good right
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now. with the bond yield especially dipping below 2%. >> they have been anticipating a steeper yield curve. that has not been happening. it has been a flatter yield curve. and we are still waiting to have significant loan growth. we did have some in 2014 but i think they are looking for a better economy. >> i am still hoping the economy is improving in the united states and regional banks might reflect that in the comments. >> i will see you in a little bit. bertha coombs in the nasdaq at times square. >> we have apple off of the lows. went positive right at the top of the hour but has fallen back. apple on pace to be down for the sixth straight day and down about 7% over the course of that. now it's down about 12% from its most recent all-time high trending at about two-month lows as apple continues to move lower. cisco has been pulling weight to the upside. that has been keeping tha nasdaq
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afloat but not enough. we have had about nine out of ten stocks on the nasdaq 100 to the positive, a few that bucked the trend today include monster beverage among the handful that are still positive for the year. we have seen this big pullback and it's really been across the board. some of the areas that continue to shine include bio tech gilead with news from cvs using its as premiere formulary when it comes to hepatitis c. reaching a new high after reporting positive results on a depression drug. this stock has really been on a comeback putting in new highs. successively day after day. one of the areas getting hard hit after having closed out the year at all-time highs are the small caps down the most for the year and one of the areas we are seeing there that is taking a
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hard hit not surprising are small cap energy names, small cap banking names particularly those with exposure to energy companies but are seeing a pullback bio techs. they are among the most volatile players. they move up the highest and often are down the lowest when there is a pullback. we are not in correction territory yet, far from it. if we move in that direction what should you do? dominic chu with ideas. >> let's pick up on themes we have been speaking about. here at cnbc we are launching the cnbc pro, a place for unique and exclusive content. right now we have the story on what performs well during pullbacks in the stock market. these are some instruments that you will want to watch as hedges or protection against a down draft for stocks. the exchange traded funds,
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talked about this a few moments ago. a lot outperformed. the 10 to 20 year fund tlh tracks prices in that part of the treasury curve. between september 19 and october 15 last year remember we saw the correction, it was almost a 10% drop for the stock market. this fund actually rose by around 4% to 5%. a similar story with the tlt, a fund that tracks treasuries, this one rose by over 8% during the last pullback that we saw. then there is the volatility related to etfs. during the last pullback the short term fund was up 45%. it fell though, very quickly after volatility faded. it is seen as an instrument that needs daily and perhaps intraday risk management and if you want stock exposure one way to play
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it might be with dividend strategies. one fund that tracks real estate investment trusts outperformed. this is the reit etf. it rose 3%. for more on this story and other picks and other plays go to you can check out this free trial. you put in your e-mail address and check out strategies and articles that we have. really interesting plays. >> thank you very much. let's check in with you. let's bring in chief investment strategist at brown brothers banking and art hogan joins us. welcome gentlemen. what do you make of the market? yesterday's down draft scared a lot of people. we are down almost 190 points. >> i take a little bit of perspective. i don't know if i read too much into the first three days of trading.
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one of the reasons i say that is the beginning of 2014 looked identical to this. we opened with three down days in a row. we ended january with a negative month which had no impact on the full performance of the year. >> yesterday the momentum to the down side was pretty swift. >> ufrlthis is very much a de ja vu moment. last year we looked like this in the first week. very much like the conversation we are having now. the causes are different. we are concerned about europe and what happens if greece has to exit the eurozone or if you look at the price per barrel of oil. we are getting opportunity. the interesting thing is what we are doing right now is throwing the baby out with the bath water, selling all things that
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are stocks. when you think about what would benefit you certainly would think restaurants and consumer discretionary names, transports. certainly technology stocks shouldn't be sold here because energy has been cut in half. we are seeing a similar pattern to last year. >> we have gotten art's picks. scott, where would you put money to work in this market? >> a lot of what is going on today has an impact on price as opposed to value. we are finding most value opportunities in energy-related stocks that oversold off on what is going on. also certain emerging markets, as well. >> thank you. art, thank you. appreciate it. thanks very much. this video is from sioux falls, south dakota. they are getting hammered by winter weather as they often do out there. 4 degrees below 0, wind chill 20 below. problems extend far beyond
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dakotas. >> the arctic express coming down across the u.s. it's all brought to you by this massive high pressure system that is going to settle down across a good part of the eastern u.s. and all the way down towards the panhandle of florida. take a look at the advisories and warnings out for wind chills. if you are in these areas you better bundle up in layered clothing. lows tomorrow down to 6 below in chicago. 9 degrees in st. louis. take a look when you combine the temperatures with the winds, a large area of wind chills that are 40 below 0 or greater tomorrow morning. on thursday it does work down into charleston and nashville, places that aren't used to these lows at this time of the year. even into the panhandle of florida with the teens. this is a rough arctic outbreak. stay tuned and stay bundled up if you are in this region.
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the temps may be down but so is energy. that is not usually how it works. >> that is exactly right. when we get the coldest week on recordtypically we see gnatnat gas prices go up. a couple of reasons for this that i want to highlight. the first would be it hasn't been that cold so far. so that is giving producers a little bit of a chance to play catchup. also analysts are saying nat gas companies are more efficient in getting the product out of the ground and through the pipe and where it needs to go. they are not expecting to see the $6 nat gas we saw last year. in fact saying today december saw its highest production on record. meantime, overall savings to the consumer, the news is not so good here. forecasting 5% savings even though commodity prices are down more than 26% in three months.
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the reason for that is the yooult utilities have certain fix costs and have that out in advance. however, if you are a heating oil user or propane user you are saving substantially more as you can see from the chart there. all over when all is said and done consumers are saving on energy costs and anything is something when you are pinching pennies. back to you. >> often when energy falls transports pick up steam but not recently. the djt, the index that tracks them down 5.5% in just a week. let's take a look at the transports with morgan brennan. >> so far 2015 has been a rough ride for the transports. that is a real sharp contrast to last year when the dow jones transportation average doubled the s&p's gain. experts say two reasons for the change. first investors selling stock winners to defer capital gains
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taxes until next year. second reason oil's ongoing plunge what is slowing production could mean for transport companies that are most exposed to it. an industry to approach with more caution, railroad operators, those guys feel the pressure. those carting coal especially with natural gas so cheap, that's why also downgraded csx to neutral just a week ahead of earnings. both have come off just recently. analysts note there are still buying opportunities among transports. a stronger consumer, consumer facing transports. names like jet blue which is down 5% this year after a huge run up in 2014 gained about 85% last year. the consensus rating outperform with 14% upside on the current
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price. in general the airlines are looking good. parcel carriers names like fed ex which was upgraded to buy from neutral. also, trucking companies with domestic exposure. citi analyst likes names like swift transportation and knight transportation. in general overall analysts expect another decent year for the transports. oil is potentially going to have a big impact on more of the industrial facing needs. >> fed ex package raising prices, as well. >> fed ex and ups raising prices because they can. this is a capacity story for all of the transports especially the consumer ones this year. >> thank you very much. good to see you. tyler, one sector that is talking today is downward trend. here are the utility stocks. you can see there the best performing one in the entire s&p 500 up by about half a percent. leading the way higher, duke energy southern company,
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american electric power and con ed. the utilities standouts in today's market. a new low in the dow we just dropped to a negative 208 on the trading session. sony's ceo speaking out for the first time about the massive hack attack. hear what is saying. julia boorstin is in vegas with the big media interview of the day for us. >> this company is notorious for making a big news and turning heads and now the ceo has a totally new plan to transform the way people pay for television. dish stock is up 18% in a year. the ceo is joining me coming up. financial noise financial noise
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financial noise financial noise
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the dow is taking it on the chin once again pressured by lower oil prices. the dow down by about 207 points. leading the way to the down side jp morgan shares united technologies, big blue. check out what is happening with general electric. deutsche bank downgrading from hold to buy rating and cut price target from $28 to prior $30 citing head winds.
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ge down more than 11% just over the last 12 months. back over to you. >> it has been more than a month now since sony was hacked and had private files leaked online. last night sony's ceo who cancelled an appearance on "power lunch" in the aftermath of the hack broke his silence at the consumer electronics show. >> sony pictures entertainment, former employees and certainly current employees were unfortunately the victim of one of the most vicious and malicious cyber attacks that we have known certainly in recent history. i have to say that i'm very proud of all of the employees and certainly the partners that we have worked with, as well who stood up against some of the extortionist activities of the criminals. >> breaking news right now.
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with eamon javers in washington. >> just a few moments ago white house press secretary was briefing reporters at the white house and issued veto threat against the keystone pipeline bill. there had been doubt about whether or not the president would sign a keystone pipeline bill if passed by congress. josh earnest saying if it is passed the president will not sign it. that is going to be one of the first orders of business of the new republican united states senate which is being sworn in today. clearly the white house has decided it is in their political best interest not to sign this bill. part of the calculation that will go into that of course is the crash that was seen in oil and gas prices. that boosts the president's political position here in making the calculation shat he would veto the pipeline. >> that is going to be an interesting fight down on the hill. ford is pushing investment in connectivity with new
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platforms that will keep not only ford drivers connected behind the wheel. phil lebeau is live in las vegas with details on that. >> you know it's not only about connectivity but the ability to take your life in a vehicle. ford believes that is happening quicker. ford ceo believes that we will see a rapid advancement when it comes to autonomous drive vehicles. we have to receive some in vehicles. he says within the next five years expect that to increase dramatically. >> as you look at the technology advances around censors, cameras, software and algorithms i believe there will be in the industry a fully autonomous vehicle. in our case at ford we have semi autonomous vehicles on the road today for people to purchase. as we from ford in the future you will see a fully autonomous
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vehicle. >> what is a fully autonomous vehicle? that means you will be able to get in your vehicle, program a destination and it will drive you there without you having to hold the steering wheel or control the gas or brake. this is a big advancement. we are seeing a number of features added into existing models. over the next couple of years as you saw yesterday when i was in the audi a 7 test car they are coming quickly with the advancements. almost all said the same thing. it is not a matter of if we see autonomous drive vehicles but a matter of when. many saying it is coming much faster than previously thought it will. we will stay in las vegas and move to julia boorstin who is with the ceo of dish. hi julia. >> hi tyler. thanks so much. dish ceo joe clayton thanks for joining us here from your booth.
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you made big news by announcing slim tv streaming video service $20 for live television including espn. are you worried this will kill your core business? >> i don't think so. i'm not in the 18 to 35-year-old age group which we are targeting but i have five kids at home. they are well educated. they are not geeg to pay for pay tv unless i pay for it for them. they are an ideal market. so we don't think it will lead to cannibalization of our core business. >> are you paying -- espn the crown jewel of the service. are you paying $5 to $6 that espn gets paid by traditional cable and satellite tv providers? >> they don't do it for free but we don't give out particulars of our contracts. suffice it to say that espn, the
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abc family and disney are the anchor. espn is the most watched station or channel in the 18 to 35-year-old age group. we are pretty excited about them being the anchor. >> we understand your partners like espn would have rights to raise prices or yank channels if the service gets too many subscribers. is that true? >> every different programming contract is different. quite honestly the more you sell or the happier people are going to be not only for ourselves but our partners. >> do you see this becoming bigger than your core bundle? >> who is to say what the future may bring? we know the pay tv industry as it exists today is in a decline. we saw it with last year's numbers. so what are you going to do? we have to invest in growth initiatives. we see internet video as one. we see satellite radio as one and wireless as one.
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>> negotiating impasse with fox. no access to fox channels. what is holding this up? is it over fees or the hopper? i know there has been a lawsuit over ad skipping technology. >> i would say a combination of the above. normally it comes down to economics and how much we can pass on to consumers. we try to stand for the rights of the consumers whether technology that makes it easier for them to use products or in terms of fighting programmers and broadcasters who want to raise the price 200% to 300%. >> we are out of time. are you willing to have no fox channels on your bundle? >> i believe sling tv or dish? >> dish. >> minds will come together. this is all about business. we will arrive at an economic and aminable solution for both parties. >> we look forward to see how it settles.
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thanks for joining us. back to you. >> we are now down 230 points on the dow jones industrial average. there you see the sectors at the big wall almost all of them in the red with the exception of utilities. and that's only hanging on to a fractional point. more "power lunch" coming up in two.
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"power lunch" check out nps
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farmpharmaceutical pharmaceuticals. oon monday reported the company seeking a possible buyer. today saying bids are due on friday. the shares up by about 4% in response to the report. >> thank you very much. a lot of the money for the second day running has been moving in to the dollar and also into the bond market. rick santelli is in chicago with some of the details on that. over to you. >> maybe it isn't the money so much as it is a lot of traders just seeing a big green go light on treasuries as they look at the red lights in other areas of the market place, but let's start one day before october 15. let's look at charts. let's look why october 15? you see the five-year? look at the spike on the left. that is a settlement of 1.35. we are currently at 1.45. the intraday low on the 5s was
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1.11. you see the spike on october 15 that settlement was 2.17. we trade 1.88 intraday today. the 30-year. look at the left side and right side. this is your yield curve in action after the capitulation wednesday. we settled at 2.92. here we sit at 2.51. now, if we look to look at the euro currency only a one-month chart. that currency lost almost 5%. mario draghi you have a big day on january 22. i don't know how you please this market place considering you are zeroing in close to 40 basis points on ten-year yield. >> he is in a very difficult position. we have seen inflows into
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the gold market with gold up better than 1% a few moments ago at 1220.1. let's take a look at silver copper platinum and palladium. palladium continues to lead in today's trading session as does the silver market now up about 2% plus. you are up to date on the metals market. let's go to dom. the stocks themselves gold stocks soaring on the backs of the rising prices. all bucking today's downward trend. the gdx, the miners etf up by about 5% plus. earnings season kicks into gear here in a couple of days. one way to pick a winner a company that will outperform may be by looking at the spread between an earnings announcement, in other words when the company says we are going to report earnings and
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then the actual reporting date. steve liesman here with the details. this is a complicated one but interesting. >> i am just back from the american economics. guys present this weird paper looking not here but come here when did they tell us they will release it? on average a company gives ten days notice called the advanced notice period. one from paris or france and one from toronto. what they find is this. some give more time than last time. that is associated with an earnings upside surprise. if they give less time in other words, the time between the earnings announcement and the actual earnings release, that is associated with a down side surprise. let's take a look at their data. what they find is if on average -- let's come over here. if eight or more days earlier than it was last time it is associated with a 0.6 cents per
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share upside surprise. if they give less time come to this side here eight days or less time it is associated with a 1.4 cents down side surprise per share. why would this be? it is all about literature which is competition for investors' attention. and what they have is take advantage of investors attention, more investors on the conference call more chance of being the stocks to watch and higher trading volumes. there is also greater likelihood of being in stocks to watch there. it works with less visible firms with low analyst coverage and small caps. the bill company can't get away from it. >> it is the companies that want to tell you early that earnings are going to come out. >> you have a big wedding coming up a bar mitzvah, christening. you send a save the date. you want to make sure you
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maximize attendance. this is like a save the date. >> i want to get your reaction to news that we have apparently just confirmed that mr. obama, the president, obviously, has a new nomination for a fed board seat first reported i gather by dow jones but we independently confirmed it. >> it looks like the dow jones report bank of hawaii ceo. there has been a lot of talk that the fed needs community banker on the board. something community bankers have been lobbying for and the idea that they need banken expertise. the reason is because there is a lot of these new rules out there from the dodd-frank reform bill and that has affected bigger banks with community bankers saying this hurts us for no reason at all. we do not represent systemic risk. this is an answer for president
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obama. >> educate me a little bit on the structure of the fed. this is a nomination to the fed's board not a nomination to be the president of one of the fed regional banks? >> 12 regional banks and those nominations come up through the boards of directors of the regional banks. there are 12 around the country. there are seven board of governors from which the chair and the vice chair come. those are nominated by the president and approved by the senate. >> this is a nomination board of governors. only some fed bank governors are on the committee. >> they have a rotation. >> fed 101. thank you, sir. >> that was 201. >> i got promoted there. >> excellent analysis. jim iuorio and jeff killburg founder and ceo of kkm financial. jim, i start with you.
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what are you doing in today's market? how do you play the drown draft? >> i think the couple key things one the destruction of the euro. the other is rates going so much lower here in the united states. when rates go real low things that were popular last year become popular again. unfortunately, it is utilities and health care and things that pay you a yield. i hate to recommend those things. a week ago i thought this year would be a year of risk. right now it doesn't look that way. if we have a ten year that hovers around 2% utilities and health care do well. >> jeff you get the final word. what are you doing today? how do you protect yourself? >> emotions are high. we talked about this on "power lunch." when you see volatility in the asset class specific to crude oil that has to bleed into other classes. we saw the vix ramp up and now seeing a 5% jog in the s&p 500. i want to put my hunting cap on. look at the integrated energy
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firm like chevron thrown to the side. look at cvx, opportunity to perform long term. >> thanks guys. appreciate it. thanks sue. mercedes-benz taking a bold step into the future unveiling the new luxury self-driving car at the consumer electronics show in las vegas. phil lebeau is on site with a first on cnbc interview. >> reporter: thank you very much. i'm here with the ceo of mercedes-benz in front of what is really the talk of the show. the fo 15 luxury in motion concept car. we are going to roll video when we had a chance to go for a ride in this. what were you thinking in this video? >> we are trying for the future. this is fully autonomous car which gives you the opportunity to use that as a third space between home and office and do
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what you want later working, relaxing entertaining, whatever or driving if you prefer so that's a totally new world. >> you have touchscreen panels on each of the doors, literally acting like a computer. you can stream video, surf internet. do you look at this and say it is possible? >> this is a prototype which works. none of this is fake. it is working. this will be in the show room next decade. >> is autonomous vehicle technology moving faster than you expected it to? >> i would say yes at least than i expected five years ago. today our cars in the show room are autonomous up to 18 miles per hour and we are waiting for the regulator to allow us to do more. technically we are there. >> you are there. the regulators may not be there. do we have fully autonomous
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vehicles driving around on the roads in the u.s. within five years? >> i don't think this will be allowed by that time. we have to think about snowy conditions wet conditions. under normal conditions we are technically there but we have to address specific issues that will take some time as well. >> there are a lot of people saying when i buy a mercedes i am buying it for the driving experience, for the thrill of driving that luxury automobile. i don't want autonomous. do you hear customers saying if they can take the wheel i don't mind? >> i am one of the guys who likes driving and you still have the choice. so when you have time and traffic, you drive the car. but when you are sitting in a jam it is so fun at all and you have to work or listen to a great concert or whatever you want to do. this is just more choices, more independence. >> ceo of mercedes-benz on a very big day here at ces.
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this car is the talk. a lot of people commenting on the video we took driving in it. it is a functioning car. >> that is really fascinating how the consumer electronic show is so auto dominated. phil lebeau reporting from las vegas. a lot of red today. not very much green. that would indicate that about i would say 75 of the s&p 500 stocks are in positive territory right now as the s&p 500 dips below 2,000. where do we go from here? what is your next move? tomorrow squawk box starting its 20th year from a brand new home across the river in new york city. that begins tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. got quite a batting order. bill acman may be the most successful hedgefund manager last year. he will be on alt 7:00 a.m. eastern time.
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lloyd blankfein at 8:00 a.m. very special day for squawk box. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything for all your help. through all life's milestones our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can.
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another rough day for the s&p 500 running a five-day losing streak down about 3% for the first three days of the new year. you can see down by a little over a percent. down by 10%. avon trip adviser and genuine parts pressuring the index. this is the first time we traded below 2,000 on the s&p since last year. >> stocks down here on the dow jones industrial average continue their decline to the down side. we are off lows of the trading session but the dow is down 205 points the s&p down 24 and nasdaq down 73. joining me here bob pisani. you think this is autonomous trading. computerized programs. >> i think there is absolutely a lot of that. a lot of these trading systems
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are based on technical levels and when you break the technical levels it automatically generates auto types. people that think this is a opportunity. other ones are more conservative. i think part of it is very autonomous computer driven. >> people even if you have somebody put in a sell at a technical level it is a human being putting it in. you are implying that sky net has taken over and the machines are acting independently. people are putting in levels and doing things with them. what is interesting about today we are seeing enormous volume in exchange traded funds around stocks and bonds. around bond etfs hitting new highs. corporate bond etfs, jenny may is hitting a 52-week high. we have been so wrong on this. that is the amazing thing. the humans haven't gotten it
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right. >> it is worrisome. >> did you not see the story you guys did two days ago about the automated hedge funds, robotic automated hedge funds which blew it out of the water apparently. >> i am more concerned about the fact that the market believes long term treasury yields are not going anywhere fast and acting on the information, buying bond funds in a heavy way. that is not a machine. those are humans making bets. >> understood. i'm not saying it is 100% machines. trading is very different than it was five and ten years ago and who is interacting and how they are interacting plays a key role. >> absolutely. we have to go on that note. you make my job very easy. i throw a question out and you guys go. >> love when that happens. that's when i do my best work when i'm silent. s&p 500 and nasdaq on track now for the fifth straight daily
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drops. we haven't seen that kind of move in a long long time. there are still gainers, always are. the top s&p winners right now. simon property and monster beverage. we call them some momentum stocks beutthey happen to be negative at this point. we'll be right back.
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the numbers tell the story. look at the note yield for the ten year off the lows of the day but piercing 2% at 1.93 1.94%. dow transports serious move lower by about 2%. the russell by about 2%. volatility up 11%. s&p energy stocks tracking oil price down about 1.2%. to dominic chu for a "market flash." >> we have the dow industrials down by about 181 points. we are off our lows. if you take a look at what is happening you have deere, home
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depot moving to the down side. with the dow now off of its lows we see if some of the stocks can find footing in today's session. back to you. thank you very much. let's take another look at the dow heat map. the index having the worst two-day loss since february and there is a lot of red, a little bit of green, though. we are back in two minutes time to talk a little more about the markets.
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have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out!
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in this hour of power, energy the biggest s&p sector loser on the day. the dow hitting session lows on pace for the worst two-day loss in nearly a year. as market uncertainty grows gold futures surging hitting three-week highs today as gold miners benefit early in the new year. as the white house reportedly set to nominate former bank of hawaii ceo allen landon to a seat on the federal reserve board later today according to numerous sources. in our finance question of the day we asked you how you were best protecting yourself from a possible correction. it looks like more cash is on the sidelines. 53% say holding more cash.
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6% said buying bonds. 35% said buying dividend stocks and 7% said buying some options. red hot rental market for apartments may finally be cooling off. let's see what is coming up on "street signs." >> talk about a weak start to the year. we are all over this market. in particular remember during our show we had oil settlement. a couple of big guests live from the consumer electronics show and something really good is about to be unleashed on the american consumer. guess what it is all the way from my home country of australia. it all comes to you top of the hour in about five minutes time from now. "power lunch" returns after this quick break.
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the nasdaq just off of session lows down by about 63 points or off by 1.5%. trip adviser applied materials as dish networks. those are the big losers off. let's -- we have breaking news out of washington, d.c. over to john. >> john boehner just reelected to a third term as house speaker. there was a rebellion against
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john boehner and got a significant number of votes. john boehner got 216 which was more than the 50% of those present and voting in the house of representatives. he will begin to try out his agenda immediately as the new house speaker, working with mitch mcconnell on the senate side. >> thank you john. more on that as the day develops certainly. more on the markets. we have come well off of our worse levels of the trading session. the dow jones industrial average down 158 points. nasdaq down 59. the russell is the biggest percentage loser on the day down almost 2%. transports also lower by about 157 points down better than 200.
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the ten year note below the 2% mark. we are really watching interest rates in today's trading session. >> down to a session low earlier but the ten year back off of the oil basically flat today. here comes "street signs." see you tomorrow. stocks tumble oil down again and now ten year yields breaking back below 2%. happy new year. welcome to "street signs." i'm brian sullivan. it is all about the markets as the oil shock continues to shock the markets and the world. >> it really is a shock. very few on the street predicted a fall of this magnitude and so fast talking of which stocks have been sinking fast although off the worst levels. the dow suffering its worst two-day loss since june of 2013. as you were saying money is fleeing stocks and going into trea


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