tv Mad Money CNBC February 6, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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i think you should sell your coke. >> mike? >> spreads. they're inexpensive. >> if ford comes in 15 1/2, look at the may 16th calls. >> our time is expired. i'm melissa lee. thanks for . my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey i'm cramer. welcome to show"mad money." my job is not to just entertain you but to teach and educate you. call me. or tweet me@jimcramer. that week one has passed. thank heavens. the earnings season has been widely panned as disappointing
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by pretty much all by yours truly. i liked it because it set the barlow for the rest of the year. the vast majority of companies reported when the dollar was too strong. now we have a totally different scenario i see the dollar putting in the top, i see europe getting better than equity examined and i see order where others right now are gripped by chaos, the backdrop is changing. which means we will not be listening to hang dog executives whining about all the head winds out there and i like that. we will hear domestic companies that will be in refinance heaven and not only that, washington is off the front pages again. in short, we have a positive backdrop. approximate the-- now the unemployment events are in the rear view mirror. who is important next week? first we get the kind of company that i'm liking here.
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masco, the cabinet, plumbing and paint maker. does a lot of business in europe by the way. when i listen to the land of a thousand dances i spot the green shoots in europe and i come around and say it's masco's time the stock was up last year but it has not done jack this year. i like the risk reward here. companies have fabulous management, forward looking and doing all things right. you saw that yesterday, with snapon tools. how about done and brad street that is being brought in to the digital area. i think we are hearing good things. tuesday that two cramer favs. cvs and it's a terrific drug store chain and a pharmacy benefit manager. these are two of the great
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themes of our time. thanks consolidation of the drug stores and the pbms versus the drug companies, you have to hope that cvs goes down so you can get in ahead of the quarter. you may like a fine wine. i prefer a terrific merlot. namely larry merlot the ceo of cvs, could not resift. we hear from regeneron, earlier this week when they got hammered on the price reduction and the lucrative hepatitis-c franchise, it took the market down. i told you to sell. i did not do it for trade or the quarters. these stocks are investments, they do not trade on earnings they trade on fda approvals. if someone is not happy, you get one more chance to buy the stock ahead of a huge anti-cholesterol drug. this company led by the first
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ceo that appeared on "mad money," the always bankable, has so many irons in the fire that i would not be worried if they don't share any new information on the cholesterol drug. wednesday, a big four day. pepsico, tesla, cisco, and whole foods. the ceo is sending the stock higher. she has the major packaged good on erthd and it has one more terrific quarter. when pep talks, you are not looking for the earnings, you will be looking for the pace of organic growth. if it's in the high single digits the stock can break through 100. cisco, a terrific play on internet security. the growth of things and that europe is getting better. new cfo on the call i like cisco calls. because the ceo gives you a near term and long-term out look and he is articulate of what is
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going right and wrong. the numbers, that story is told by frank, never fear cramer is here. kelly cramer the new cfo and i bet they tell a darn good story about how cisco is at the heart of the revolution. don't forget with the good numbers on twitter, people are buzzing. whole foods feel like a company that is down so much that the risk is well defined skpimpt have to tell you, what irwin simon said last year on the show. business is strong i'm looking for an up side. and finally tesla. i keep thinking that tesla is part of a trica, that have truly caught fire after time with inventory. that is the same place that tesla has been spending time. you know i'm a demon about that
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natural and organic space, i'm urging you to use the price break in chipotle and buy. and they have got some european exposer too. but i think the stock is down down from the highs and it that is been punished enough. all right? instead of reporting next thursday, i wish white wave were required by one of the two other food companies reporting that same day. kellogg or kraft. both are desperate for a natural organic infusion. they won't do it. they have good yields in the quarter much it's their loss if they do not buy white wave. i would snare white wave before they come to their sentences and they end up paying 50 for it in the near couple of years. may favorite real estate trust, and fv corp the company by eric wiseman. it has become red hot.
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they yield around 4%. this is one where any time you can get it north of 4% you just buy. now, i know i'm seeing more and more of this canadian goose, these jackets around rather than norface, maybe that is thanks to kate upton. i think vf is not given to negative surprises. here is the bottom line. backdrop is easier bar is lower and the companies reporting are beaten down and ready for the picking. let's take questions. why don't we start with tom in virginia, tom? >> hey, jim, big if any of-- big fan of your show love your online stock screener. >> thank you very much. >> caller: the stock i'm talking about is cempra.
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>> it's working out super bugs. mike, in california please? >> caller: hey, jim, big fan of the show and you i have been talking about winners and losers and dhathat is the name of the game. my question is on vhi -- bhi, whether the fed approves it with or without break up. i was curious how you feel about it? >> i prefer hal burton. it's a better company. they will buy back a lot of stock. haliburton is a better buy. this earnings season has set the bar lower and the backdrops are easier, the companies that reported seem easy for the picking. i got the single best thing you can buy, even if you cannot own individual stocks.
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sleep ♪ ♪ ♪ anybody who has a high school diploma has taken a course in chemistry, course in geometry, and a host of history classes. and you can graduate from college speaking three languages and have a deep understanding of quantum physics, but you know what they don't let you touch? financial literacy. and i'm not talking about economics here. you can be an econ major and
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learn nothing about personal financial planning money is not talked about in education. it's like the third rail of the whole educational system. and that's why i'm on a constant mission to teach you about everies aspect of managing your money so you are a better investor when it comes to retirement investing and playing around with what i call your discretionary mad money portfolio. which is why i wrote get rich are carefully to begin wmp even if you do not own individual stocks directly. you have some exposer in the stock market. probably your 401 is k plan. for -- 401 ks are the main way that americans save. it's one of the best retirement vehicles out there. along with the ira, wait for
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those of you who are about to fall asleep or change the channel because the idea of saving for retirement puts you to sleep. here me out. you need to know this stuff and i will tell you some things that you won't hear from the so-called experts. this show is different. at this point, it's pretty much been conventional wisdom that you have to invest in your 401 k, and many experts ss ss say max it out if it's feesable. it's a serious chunk of change and that comes from your pretax income. however, i'm not one of those people that thinks you should max out on your 401 k and will sing the praises of it and say it's the key to financial salvation. it can be a mixed bag. with a couple of really great features and a lot of bad ones
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sdpoomp those bad futures eat away at your returns. sometimes through fees that are almost truly hidden from you that are quite upsetting to me. so, let me layout the good bad and ugly of the 401 k plans and then we will talk about if it's making sense to contribute more money to the 401 k or put it in a better place. the good it's a tax deferred investment vehicle, you pay no taxes on it and never pay capital gains the taxes on the profits of your 401 k, so so you have compounded earnings. text free until you withdraw. readser of my books and the viewers though i'm a fan of the power of compounding. if you invest $5,000 a year to 401 k, if you choose wisely you should be able to generate as
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much as 7% return you will contribute $150,000 to the ira, because it's compounding, by the time you are $60 that $5,000 could be worth over $511,000. if you had to pay taxes, believe me that number would be much -- a lot lower. perhaps as much as $110,000 lower. that is how important compounding is and avoiding -- well, let's take the tax deferred nature of the thing. you only have to pay taxes on the 401 k money once and that is when you withdraw it. that is when it's reported as ordinary incop. since you are retired you will play a lower rate than if you had paid taxes when you were first earning it when you had the higher rate levels. that is one reason to like them. the second many but not all employers will match it. for every dollar you invest,
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your employer may throw in up to $.50. that is free money. you never wnt to walk away from free money if you do not get free money from your employer it's a less compelling situation. there's things that can be bad, one is if you do notget a match, save via the ira, which has the sap tax favored status as a 401 k, you can only contribute $5500, you can change jobs and roll it over in to an ira, and that is what you should do every time. why i do think an ira is better? 401 k plans vary widely from company to company, some let you pick individual stocks and many more companies give you a plan with limited options. sometimes you only get to choose between a dozen maybe a couple
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can dozen at most different funds. so, for those of you who can't pick your own stocks in your 401 k, the number one rule is before you contribute money to that plan, you have to make sure it gives you the option to put your cash in something that is actually worth investing in. i will make it simple. if you cannot pick your own stocks then you want a nice low expense index fund. however, if your 401 k does not offer that, shame on your company can, go with a self directed ira, from a full service discount brother, like a fidelity so you have control over your money. within a 401 k, you have to pay the mutual fund fees. but your 401 k administrator the people your employer hires to run the plans, they will charge fees. meaning that all of the money that the 40 1 k saves you on
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taxes can be clawed back by fees. do you wonder why they are not increasing in value like they should be, fees are probably the reason. where does it leaf us? here is my bottom line on retirement investing. the company you work for, offers an employer match, then the you want the to put money in your 40 1 k is maximumed out. and then after that, put additional retirement savings in to an ira, if there's a match, but the 401 k does not give you options, skip it and go straight to an ira. immediately. debra in california debra? >> caller: hi, jim, thanks for taking my call. >> quite welcome. >> caller: i have a two-part question regarding the value of listening to a company's earnings conference call. >> okay. >> caller: the first part is how can we decide what we want to do in other words, what action we want to take based on the earnings report since the
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stock frequently will behave in a contradictory fashion to the report? for example, a company can report good earnings but guide lower on the revenue and earnings going forward and the stock will go up. the second where you might think that it should go down. right? the second part of my question is i'm on the west coast. so the calls frequently are at 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. eastern. so for me the value of listening to the call is diminishes i'm not going to get up at that time. so i'm not going really take any action on that call. >> here is the solution to this call. you have no gun to your head, unlike the hedge funds, you can listen in your leisure. i'm not getting anybody to buy a stock ahead of a quarter if i can help it. take a long-term view go listen to the call or read it go to yahoo finance, get the research
6:21 pm, cnbc get research, match the expectations with what was said and take a longer term view. that's the advantage of the individual investor you don't have to play that day. doug in nevada doug? >> caller: booyah mr. k! >> okay. >> caller: yeah my question is i have a 401, fairly substantial. would it be advisable for me to change that to self directed ira? >> okay well, what matters is the match. if you have -- if the employer is matching, no. okay, you want to get the max -- you want to get the max match so to speak and then after that yes. but if it's just a 6-1/2 and 1 have dozen of another, and it's not that good for you have to be
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in the 401 k, i want you in a seft directed ira, if your company matches the contribution, max it out. if you did not get a match, go straight to the ira, on mad tonight, you got your diploma, now what? don't miss my investing advice for college graduates. i there's many roads to a healthy retirement let's chart your course. stick with cramer.
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♪ we live in a world where you have more choices of where to invest your money than ever before. efts, mutual funds, you name it. more choice is not always better. sometimes it makes it impossible to decide what is right and wrong for you. and you never had more options when it comes to picking exchange traded funds and mutual funds than you do right now. they are everywhere. at this point, there's so many different kinds of of etfs, it can make your head spin. i hate the way that many of the sector based etfs, that they are warping the way the whole stock market trades. if you are in the etfs, i have to urge you to find out about them.
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but the important thing is this. you have all sorts of etfs and mutual funds out there, and they can advertise. they want your money. and one of the biggest mistakes you can make as an individual investor is to give it to them with the few significant exceptions. unfortunatelily, this is one of the most common money smasmistakes out there. and many equate investing with putting their money in. many people do not have a choice, a lot of you cannot pick individual stocks for your 401 ks. you have a mean out of mutual fund ss to choose from which is why i think a ira is better for you to invest in. what is bad about mutual funds? simple is, if you are investing in mutual funds you are going to to put it softly you are
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getting hosed. there's worthwhile mutual funds and i will tell you how to find them in a minute. but first you need to understand the problem with the mutual funding model. my main beef is that with actively managed mutual funds. where they are deciding which stocks or securities they are going to buy and sell we have a problem. they do not get paid for performance. they collect fees from the investors and the amount of money they make depends on the size of the assets under management. aum, we call it. which means the biggest incentive is not to do well. something that good performance can help with. but what we are really being paid to do is bring in more money from more investors. sales people for the funds. and that's part of the reason why in study after study, year after year, it has been shown that the vast majority of actively managed mutual funds under performed their benchmarks. library the s&p 500. if you invest in a large cap
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stock, the performance will fall short of the s&p 500, make matters worse, even though active thely managed funds consistently under perform in the market they have some of the highest fees in the business. how do you like that? they don't do as well as the benchmark and they charge more. so, even if your fund manages to beat the benchmarks it's odds are that it will be eaten up by fees. of course there's actively managed funds with fabulous managers who consistently deliver terrific results and i will tell you how to find them another time. the problem is when a mutual fund delivers great results for so long. if the manager is a good person he will put his foot down. when a fund gets too big, it's incredible difficult to beat the market. that's the law of the market. do you not want to be in an
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active thely managed one t fees are too high and the evidence of the bulk of them under perform is too staggering to keep going that way. you know i think your best strategy is to manage your own portfolio of stocks. that's what i talk about night after night "mad money," but for those of you who do not have time to manage them let me tell you the smart way to invest in mutual funds. a cheap low cost index the fund. that mirrors the market as a whole. one that mimics the s&p 500. index funds have low fees and is with an s&p 500 index fund, you have a vehicle that will allow you to participate in the strength of the stock market without having to participate in researching stocks. the point of putting your money in the fund is to safe you the time and money in investing the stock. by its nature a fund should be
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diversified. there's sector based funds but there's no reason for home growners to play individual consecutiver to er-- sectors. these stocks are for trading and not investing, so i do not like them. many etfs rebalance every day. and that takes a toll on the long-term performance. they are not set up for long-term performance. there's expectations, the gld, gold, if you are not a pro or managing a portfolio of individual stocks or day trading, you should not fool around with etfs either. at the end of the day. the index cheap fund is the best way to manage. it owns everything the good the bad and the ugly. and if you do have the time i feel you can beat the performance of an index fund by picking stocks yourself. which is the entire reason i do the show every night.
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if you do not have the time, don't over think it. just one cheap s&p 500 index fund is indeed the best way to go. mary in maryland mary? >> caller: booyah jim. >> hm-mm. >> caller: jim, i started listening to you a while back then i started buying stocks on your advice. >> thank you. >> caller: now i'm looking at my portfolio here and jim, jim, mine eyes have seen the glory. so i want to get fancier and perhaps buy china stocks. however, i'm curious about abrs and possible exposer to foreign currency exchange rates? so can you educate us on adrs and currency exchange rates? >> sure.
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if you want to own individual stocks and the businesses are good i don't care where they are, or the currenciry if the company is great, the stock will go higher. if you are buying an adr and it's a european company and the euro is being weakened you will not do well even if the stock does well. all things being neutral and you do not have a country or continent trying to debaser their currency i'm fine with it. other wise you have to take away. math you? >> caller: booyah jim. >> booyah back at you. >> caller: i'm 23 years old, recent college graduate and new to the workforce and i started to max out my ira realizing that time is on my side i want to go for aggressive allocation. is so i want on to get your suggestions for someone starting out in the retirement investing. how do you go about it?
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>> you want the fastest young growth stocks and those are -- tend to be found in technology sector. but also of course if bio-tech do not go too crazy. i can have one or two stocks that have companies that are not making money. if those are the most fertile areas, junior growth stocks companies that are worth a billion dollars or less, one of those two. these are all fine. you can do those, because if you lose money, you have the rest of your life to make it back. sorry, not so much mutual love here. picking stocks is still the best way to manage your money. if you the don't have time please, please please go with the cheap s&p 500 fund over most actively managed funds. now there's more mad ahead, including how to find the best pag on the healthy retirement protecting your children from student loan debt will put them in a better position for their future.
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let me tell the you about whether it makes sense to use a regular 401 is k or an ira or to on go with on roth, which is a term i am sure you heard countless times and do not understand. i know i've talked about the benefit of an ira, and a 401 k to invest for retirement. this is a subject that i get a ton of questions about. should i put my money in a roth account or a regular account. they contribute as long as they make less than $129,000 a year. i think that aside from the earned income tax credit the roth ira may be the single greatest thing that the government has done for our family s families families. the money compounds until you
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withdraw that money. a roth works different. with a roth you make contributions with after tax income. so in other words, unlike a regular ira, putting money in a roth will not decrease your tax bill. but once your money is in a roth ira, you will never pay taxes on it again. as long as your ksh is in the amount you do not pay capital gains taxes and you don't pay any income tax on your withdrawals. this is fabulous. in other words, with a roth you pay toxes now so that you do not have to pay taxes when you are retired. there's another positive point about a roth. after five years you can withdraw the money you invested not your gains. just the amount you contributed and you will not get hit with a 10% penalty. which is what happens when you withdraw from a regular ira, before you hit the age of 59-1/2. that is different from a regular
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ira, the gains do not get taxed in the account, but once you start the to withdrawal the money, every penny you out as taxes is ordinary income and it can be a high rate. when you are trying to decide the between a 401 k or an roth or ira, you have to figure out whether you are in the higher tax bracket after you retire or lower one. it's a complicated question and it has a lot to do with the specifics of your situation and how old you are. let me give you quick rule of thumb. if your tax rate is 25% or less. which is most of america. go with a roth. better to take the hit up front, than to allow it to compound tax free nor the rest of your life. for those of you that do not have the time to pick a diversified portfolio. park your retirement money in a low cost index fund that mirrors
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the s&p 500, as you get older, you can add bonds. but until you retire, stocks ss s should make up the investment. it's so necessary, but it's contrary to wisdom. i want stocks not bonds until later. how about a roth 401 k, you never pay taxes on that money again except because it's a 401 k plan it has a higher contribution limit. the 401 k contribution limit is $18,000. an ira is capped at $5500. and a roth ira, it does not have an income cap. you can advantage of them if your employer gives you the option. it depends on what you think the future will look like. if you think the taxes are going
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to go higher over the course of your lifetime. than a roth ira is so the way to go. even if you are making a lot of money in the present. but i think that belief is mistaken much for young people who have become politically conscious under the obama administration, it may seem that you cannot stop higher taxes but history says different. at the end of the day, this is both beyond our control and our ability to predict. the bottom line the lower your present income than the lower your tacks a roth 401 k and roth ira, allows you to pay the tax now, don't worry about what could go wrong 30 or 40 years in the future. just worry about making the best choices right now. "mad money" is back after the break.
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♪ ♪ we have been reading a lot of stores about the crushing burden of student loan debt, right now, ten thes of billions of americans owe student debt. that is a high figure. and it's not just that it stinks to graduate from college or graduate school and then realize it could take decades to pay back the loans, in study after study, kids that graduate with no debt are worth a lot more money than their classmates who have outstanding student loans.
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i'm a big believer in social mobility. that is why i teach you to use the stock market. for any of you who are parents or thinking of becoming parents. let me tell you right now, there'ses few things that you can do for your children than are better than paying for as much of their college education that you can afford. with we know they have a easier time getting jobs as a college graduate. especially with a country where unemployment is too high and they make more money. if i were to make a higher arcky of financial need, it's more important for you to save and invest for retirement. for those of you who are parents how could your own retirement be more important unanimous making sure your kids have the best future, simple is if you reach retirement age and you do not have enough money to pay for your kids who will support you
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some your kids. you don't want to be a burden on them, take care of yourselves first. after you saved enough money for retirement, then it's time to start thinking of college. even if your kid is a toddler. and even if your kid is a gleam in your eye so to speak and the best way to save for college is through a 529 plan. now these plans vary by state. but the general rule are true across the kuchbl for some states, they let you use a 529 to hedge against tuition inflation. by buying tuition credits today that could go up in the future. i want you to use a 529-c savings plan. the rules differ but a 529 does the not let you manage your own portfolio. you have to pick from different mutual funds. i prefer you to have control over your assets and the selection of what to buy and
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what instruments. okay in but 529s have so much going for them i will swallow this one flaw. remember, when you can only choose between funds go for a low-cost fund that mirrors the market. either the s&p 500 or something like the van gurd total market fund. which is, you will see in many of the 529 plans. it owns all the stocks but since it's weighted by market cap, it's performance will be close to the s&p 500. which contains the largest 500 companies. what is the rule for the plan? you had your first child, congratulations. if you can afford it start a 529 with your kid as the beneficiary. right then and there. well, maybe wait a couple of days. although, anyone who knows me i traded big stocks of alcoa through the birthing. not a finest moment. contributions are not tax deductible so you have paying for it after after tax income
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that is not great. but once the money is in there, you do not pay money on the gains. it's a lot like a roth ira, except for college rather than retirement. because a federal gift tax laws you can only contribute $14,000 if you are single and $28,000 if you are married and you file jointly. that's a lot of money. and your children's grandparents can contribute too. if you don't have the money, a grandparent can start a 529 with your kid as a beneficiary. but it's better to have a parent do it. let's say you or your parents are sitting on a huge is sum of moechblt one of the cool things you can front load five years of contributions without incurring the federal gift taxes as long as you do not write checks to the beneficiary over the next five years. a grandparent can invest from the start. or if you are married and file
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jointly, you can contribute $145,000. and then you cannot contribute anything over the next five years without getting hit with the gift tax. but once you drop that am of money, you do not have to contribute. you want to get the money in the 529 as early as possible. that is because the greatest of the plans is all about the power of compounding. you do not pay taxes within the 529 the. so if you can get $70,000 off the bat and you invest it in a low cost indux fund you will make an average of 8% per year. i know the stock market is more volatile than that. a as a thought spermtd. if a to be performs like they do historicallially. you can double your invest in nine years. by the time the child is 18 it will have doubled and doubled again. if you started with $70,000 and after 18 years, barring a
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catastrophy, you will have enough to pay for a good school. it's worth keeping in mind that front loading as much as possible is indeed the best strategy. and tore grandparents this could sound grim but your contributions will not count toward your estate tax. and last thing about saving for college and graduate school. any money in a 529 plan you do not use. you can transfer to a sibling. and if you save the money and the kid does not go to college, you can withdraw the money, but in the case, you have to pay taxes on the gains and a 10% penalty. no paying for your kids college education is not important as it is for saving for your retirement. putting money in a 529 college savings plan should be the next item on the agenda.
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that? it's recorded in my book. at jw green under score wants to know if following, why care about a short-term hit if you have long-term investment strategy? amen. how many times have i said i like x, y, z stock and it goes down that day and people want to burn me in oil. it does not have to be that day the. think longer term. particularly a one year get a better tax break. here we have@diego aside from your own, what other books should home investors have to help them trade/manage better? #get a plan. one up on wall street and beat the street. they are available on amazon. one up on wall street and beat the street. look at david dars book those are available on amazon. i read them to learn a great
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deal. up next. @dr. hoy tweets do you ever sleep or did one of your bioteches provide you with clones to assist? winkie face. i do not sleep. okay, now we answered that question. now, give me a heads up. b. w, which i think stands for by the way. i am now following your know what you own motto, or kwto clean my portfolio this week. you only live once so i agree with you. here is at crabo-44 i'm in the market because of you. give all the haters a big booyah keep teaching us what they want to grow. jim. let me give you a heads up. i love the haters. i would not be doing this if it were not for them. i would have gotten out years ago. i'm a spriteful driven guy to the haters and everyone in my personal life knows that.
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so haters you are why i'm in the game the. congratulations and stick with cramer! ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. attention investors! vectorvest mobile is here and it's free! make faster, smarter better trading decisions with vectorvest mobile. the most powerful app or managing your portfolio from the palm of your hand. only vectorvest mobile analyzes ranks and graphs...
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can provide even greater value. ok, so can it tell the doctor how long you have to wear this thing? the answer is yes, it can. so, the question your customers are really asking is can your business deliver? at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. i like to say there's a bull market somewhere, and i promise to find it just for you, right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer and i see you next time.
7:00 pm
>> male announcer: tonight on restaurant startup two small eateries want to grow their business by opening a second location. all they're missing is the money. a veteran chef ready for his big break. >> i don't want to be grinding along in my one little place. i want to take the next leap. >> narrator: a young entrepreneur looking to launch an empire. >> we are ready to capitalize on our momentum because our food has an opinion. >> nice. >> narrator: with hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, will one of them earn an investment from joe or tim? joe bastianich owns a portfolio of 30 restaurants along with eataly, a high-end italian market. tim love is a celebrity chef with six award-winning restaurants and a retail empire. they're both looking for the next food visionary,
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