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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  April 8, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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>> and we'll let you stay out of this one. >> thank you. >> we won't ask who you are putting on the ballot for 2016. that's it for "closing bell". "fast money" in just a moment. >> 7% today the and getting a grant for the ebola vaccine. we talk to them in an exclusive. we're looking new york city time swraeur. square. here's what's coming up on fast track tonight. the unofficial start to earnings season is here. alcoa shares falling after missing revenue hear from the ceo said about the quarter coming up. downgrading apple. making the move today. but most people are focusing on all the reviews of the apple watch. whether to buy the stock before the preorders start coming in. zynga announcing its founder is coming back to the helm. the stock is sinking.
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we've got the details. we start with our top story today. the china breakout. while the u.s. closed barely flat, china stocks were soaring today. is this the best place for growth right now. and we had some pretty sizable moves, particularly in the chinese stocks. >> well, today it was right out of the gate. stocks were up 10%. you couldn't figure out why. to me it's about the shanghai composite, what's going on there. i'm not going to sit here and tell you their stock market is in a bubble. but what is in a bubble is retail stock market. it isn't where they were in 2007, 2008. but up 60% since the end of december, they're going to be there quickly. when you see this sort of behavior, it's obviously going on there. when you see lifted shares acting that way across the board, 5%, 10% gains, i get a little bit nervous. if we're looking for kind of things to spot, unusual sort of interest in the stock market that could lead to people being
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skeptical about where we are, that's it right there. >> we have been focused on what's going on in the united states, europe versus the u.s. markets. but shanghai has been almost a double the past year. it is outperforming us also year to date. >> incredibly impressive. and the trade thing volume over there is really strong. that stands out to me. when you look here, the one thing that stands out here is the lack of trading volume. the last three, four, five trading sessions have been absolutely incredibly low. 3 million, 4 million off the option markets. steve can speak to the new york stock exchange volumes. i know it's spring break. i know there are a lot of excuses we can use. but the volumes are terrible here. they are strong over there. and over the average, china mobile is one name where i've been pounding the table a long time on that name. because of the apple. as the apple continues to roll out over there, i think it's absolutely in cell. the market share they have been able to gain. and china mobile, 59% of that
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margin. >> cross that off. >> i was never big on saying it's spring break. there's always a reason not trade. you can trade when you're away on vacation. you can trade away anyplace. that's never really an excuse for me. what is a problem, though, is the way people buy this market and sell it within 15 handle incrments. trades up to 1288. >> technically driven. >> technically driven. there's no conviction. low volume is a sign there is no conviction versus people that are away. that to me is a weak market. when dan talks about the outperformance of europe or asian markets, that's a huge short covering rally, in my opinion. so i'm sorry, just one little add-on. pdoc yesterday, dan, they came out and said we're either going to tighten or loosen -- >> peoples bank of china. >> i'm sorry. they are going to tighten or loosen. that for me, when people get
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nervous about the asian markets, they cover their coal positions and steel positions. do they come back to america or back to u.s. equities and do they think that's the best? >> china mobile, as pete mentioned, potential will affect the way to the way they play the home game here. it's the middle of 2009, it's been stuck in this range anywhere from 30 to 50. it vacillated a number of times. up 6%, pushing up against 50. it feels as if, and pete can probably speak to this, it wants to break to the up side. close to 50 will get you 15% to 18%. if you're look to go play, i think that's the simplest way to do it. >> i would just say it is the safest way. these are primarily state-owned enterprises. >> they're not the internet stocks. >> the speculation, when you see stocks up 15% like yoku and some of this stuff, it smacks of something we have seen before.
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and we know how it ends. i don't think buying something 15% is a great way to make money unless you're a short-term trader. >> joining us now is jonathan the managing director. we were just talk about the chinese internet stocks. tremendous gains in today's session. in your opinion, is this a bubble? >> so, we're very cautious on internet companies, especially those in shanghai, 200 times earnings. but as i listened to the comments from the panel, for us the really interesting factor is what's going on between shanghai hong kong connect and how that is being implemented slowly. and you kind of saw really big movements yesterday. what i mean by connect is the a share train that has been opened by liberalization on the financial services for china. for the first time really chinese retail investors can
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move money into hong kong. yesterday was a cataclysmic event. you saw roughly five times the volume coming down to hong kong, where you really haven't seen that before. the interesting piece about this, is this the first iteration of the chinese retail investor impacting the global equity markets. >> can you explain to me is there now an evaluation disconnect between how hong kong shares are valued and shanghai shares are valued? can you take advantage of that difference? >> so, yes. u.s. investors can take advantage of the difference. a shares, which are listed in shanghai and shin zen in hong kong as well as noninternet companies in the u.s. so there is an interesting opportunity by buying the a sharing. are the a shares overvalued? >> are they?
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>> from our perspective, we're bottoms up investors. we're book value buyers. we're conservative value, orientation. for us we had limited interest in the a shares. up until yesterday, the sentiment has been negative. for us yesterday was interesting to see the negative sentiment turn positive in a very short period of time. for us the eight shares are very interesting. >> wh group and china communication services, how are these valued and why do these stand out? >> so, for us we are less interested in the soes and the internet companies for a range of different reasons. we think the consumer area is very interesting in china. you are seeing wage growth. you're seeing the central government really promoting this idea of a better lifestyle and better environment. w.h. group is the largest downstream producer of pork in
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china via an a share company. this is the company that bought smithfield a number of years agoing off the u.s. markets. interestingly, the a share accounts for 100% of the market group. which means investors can buy smithfield for free. and we're instructing our advisers to do so. it builds infrastructure. it is very much related to the 4rollout in china that where you have limited penetration of around 10%, moving to 40%. that stock trades nine times earnings with 3% yield. >> jonathan, thanks so much for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> he agrees internet names are overvalued. is there a short in this? >> there's one internet name, pete just mentioned it. it is baidu.
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they are expected to grow sales of north of 35%. i have had my eye on this stock for a little while. it is over the 50 day here. we have an earnings report coming up. it did miss last quarter. if you see a stock like baidu guide down, the whole sector will get slayed. >> shares of alcoa falling after hours. let's get to morgan brennan with all the details. >> hey, melissa. alcoa, adjusted earnings 28 cents a share, which beat estimates by two cents. but the revenue came in light of $5.82 billion compared to estimates of $5.94 billion. in terms of other businesses, aluminum operating doubled from a year ago. primary metals posting better than expected results. mid dream and downstream, global
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world products, engineered products, falling shy of street estimates. still, alcoa ceo and chair telling cnbc the aluminum transfer into manufactured metals project is on track. downstream performance is still very good. and he's creating a two-pronged value engine. >> on the one hand, we are creating and well under way to create the multimaterials innovation powerhouse with organic growth and inorganic growth. and comparing the comparative of our commodities. >> al coqaa also reiterating that other global growth projections 9% to 10% aerospace sales. 5% to 7% in construction sales. so checking shares of alcoa in
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after hours down 3% on the mixed incomes. melissa, back over to you. >> morgan, thanks so much for that. there was a time we used to say alcoa is not a bellwether. everybody is looking for barometers. >> still fair to say it's not a bellwether friend. you look at aerospace. stocks are on fire. we are in the golden age. alcoa should be doing a lot better as a company and stock. it's not. but we had massive double tops at 17.75. i think 50% correction will come in $12.50. i think you get a shot to buy the stock anywhere between $12.50 and $13. on valuation, even though it wasn't a great report, it's pretty cheap. >> and the way the revenues came in, revenue growth still 7%. now, they did miss but they beat the earnings.
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the way klauss really spun things, on the previous program he was talking how things weren't as bad as everybody thought. >> of course he's going to say that. i mean, come on. >> this is disappointment after disappointment after disappointment. i think on the buyback, somewhere near 13. >> investors aren't happy about it. and the apple watch review. one firm dares to downgrade the stock. is this an opportunity before the watch is officially released >> and tesla model s stock hot. does this news change his opinion? find outcoming up on "fast."
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♪ zynga founder and chairman is returning as ceo. senior tech reporter ari has the details. hey, ari. >> hi. you're talking about a guy who
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doesn't have a lot of confidence from wall street. when he took this company public, it fell 66%, 67% the next couple of years. and he stepped aside. now mark pincus is coming back. they did say that the revenue forecast is still on track. it's not that the company is missing its own estimates for financials. but the stock hasn't moved much at all under matrick's tenure. the mobile strategy that he put in place, we haven't seen any of the fruits of that yet. mark pincus is back head of zynga. >> when don took over, the stock was up sharply. thinking an adult is in the house going to do something with the company. >> that's not a good sign, on down $10. it is a $2.60 stock. you think it's cheap. it's not cheap at $2.60.
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it is still risk. does it have further room on the down side? probably. a lot of people say it's an option. i get it. >> what do you think? >> have the market cap is in cash here. there is a floor in this thing. you know, again, i don't think that pincus is the answer. the stock rallied when he left. and matrick came in. they're doing a lot of the same. the problem is the business model. they're a one trick pony. it will probably trade back to cash, though. >> big day of gains for netflix. out with a cautious but optimistic note saying they expect it to come in above conservative. netflix took to twitter and reported that viewers matched 10 billion hours of netflix content last quarter. dan? >> it's interesting, right. people want to hate it because of the valuation. you think about it and the competition online.
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hbo now is starting. i think hbo now should be good for these guys. greater awareness. when you talk about the billions of hours being watched for streaming video, obviously netflix is well positioned. the only thing i would say, when we start to get numbers out of the hbo now, that's when the stock probably comes under pressure. you have this range, 400 to 500. sell it closer to 500. you know, you probably look to trade it off 400 on the down side. >> what is also interesting, michael patrick, long time bear in the stock. said for q2 he expects up side because the next season of orange is the new black is out. >> up 30% year to date. a level that dan likes to talk about, golden crass happened early march. it does seem to be running out of short-term momentum here. i would be hesitant to rush in now. i think longer term it is still
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streaming. >> deal talk in the drug space. mylan propose to go buy perrigo. meg joins us on set with more. meg, good to see you. mylan seems to need to buy. >> that's what a lot of people are saying, whether it's a place of need or opportunity. stock went up a lot. shareholders clearly continue to award buying. so it's interesting here about perrigo and mylan. maybe they don't make so much sense. they both sell generic drugs. but what perrigo is big in is over the counter health product that you see in walmart or walgreen's. they make the generic over the counter versions. there's another interesting angle. a lot of analysts were saying
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did mylan get some kind of offer? there was an ak for mylan just on april 3rd. questioning whether there's something else going on. here we don't know whether there was. this is total 4reu speculation from analysts right now. that had been out there for a while. they are still saying it's possible to come out with its own offer for mylan. and, again, saying if they don't come back in a week, you may see perrigo trade above the offer price. so it's really interesting dynamic here. >> usually you see some activity. >> actually, incredible. she brings up a potential suitor at some point in time. march 11th, we had huge up side buying. i think the interpretation would be if they did a deal with mylan that would be viewed as a positive as well.
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that was viewed as a positive. stock reaction was incredible. they came in and bought 10,000 of july 70 calls. the whole cost of the trade, 10 cents is what the cost for 10,000 of these to trade. today that ex paneled all the way over $5. so an incredible home run for those able to get in yesterday. >> and you were in. >> well, i was lucky enough to be one of those people. it just made sense to me. i like the space anyway. i think generics have been under the radar for some time. >> regardless of whether or not a mylan and perrigo deals goes through, they are both still in play? >> absolutely. all of these companies are. especially because they both inverted. they are both overseas. they have less than the u.s. corporate tax the rates. so they are appealing targets. >> meg, we will see you later in the show with an exclusive interview. >> we talked about mylan a lot. it has been parabolic.
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it is not ridiculously expensive. it is a great franchise. i hate to say buy when it's up 15%. if you take a step back, it is not that expensive. i still think it goes higher from here. apple catching a downgrade today. the reviews of the apple watch in. and tesla on the back of the model s upgrades. if you wanted to our own guy last week, you could have gotten in on today's big bounce. let me talk to you about retirement.
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welcome back to "fast
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money". a couple of earnings reports to tell you about. bed, bath & beyond matching statements from $1.80. that's up from $1.60 last year. the retailer joining the latest of a long line of retailers signaling it's lifting wages. 2015 earnings will be impacted by an increase in investments and compensation and benefits this year beyond those historically planned. and shares of pier 1 climbing in after-hours trading. 39 cents a share. $554 million as well. the company said it is planning to close 100 stores the next three years. melissa, back to you. >> thank you. bed bath and beyond or pier 1? >> the trade in bed, bath & beyond is lower from here. they were disa appointing comps. you double topped at 80 bucks. early 2014 and the end of 2014. valuation is reasonable.
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but it's 7% short interest. and they will lean into this tomorrow. i think it gets down to 72.5, 73. >> i think you do buy it there. i'm not so sure it will. >> may not. guy points out valuation. 14, 15 times. that's not expensive. >> now to our call of the day. big newsday from apple from a rare downgrade to the first reviews of the apple watch. the firm citing is concerns over future iphone sales and the importance of apple watch. and concerns over currency headwinds. the first reviews are in. and overall they're kind -- they're kind but not off the charts. the verge, 7 out of 10. saying it's the most capable smart watch available today, although the apple watch as reviewed is kind of slow. yahoo! with a positive take saying nobody needs a smart watch but the apple watch is, above all, a satisfying indulgence. and "the wall street journal",
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the body is bound to get thinner and soon we won't have to charge the battery every night. the software won't ever get stuttery. sounds like she's saying not this time but the next iteration could be great. overall, overall, they're not factoring the watch. >> people are expecting 10 million units. that's not going to move the needle for apple. it's not why you want the buy the stock here. the reviews weren't met. so that's not a a great review for the first product introduction in five years for this company. really the conversation is going to turn at some point to this summer when the iphone cycle slows a bit. what do we get in september? they have already updated the macbook. it's not the driver here. it's iphone. >> and the downgrade, the crux of it is, you know what, the watch is nice. it's an iphone company with when it companies to revenues. and the average selling price
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will come down they think because of the mix a away from the 128 gigabyte. >> i think like that upgrade cycle is still taking place and so many people need to upgrade. in a circle of business people and friends, people have not upgraded yet that plan on doing so. and i think the 128, they have to walk away from cloud. cloud has commodotized business. they have to let people store it on their phone. stop driving people towards cloud and you wind up getting better margins. >> oh, they're shooting themselves in the foot? >> i would think so. back to the the watch. if they have everyone a positive blip, people are counting it already. this is a situation where you could see the stock trade down on 118 or the capital return could trade at 145, 150. your risk is to the up side, not the down side. >> you liquidated everything at the end of the quarter? >> right. so waiting for that failure in the teams or after earnings come out to buyback momentum.
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maybe high 130s, 140s hopeful stpwhreu. >> i think too many analysts made too big of a deal. now they are all having to ratchet down. i think munster came out for jeffrey. he was negative on the watch from the get-go. i think that made a lot more sense. it isn't something going to move the needle from a revenue perspective. >> right. >> but apple still stands well. apple with music and tv, that's the catalyst. people are not factoring that in. that's going to be huge. >> stock went from 120, 130, pulled back to 110, flat lined and moved up to 135. you're seeing the exact same thing except at the 125 level. it wants to do the same thing as it did in the fall. after the break, trading tesla's car. and how traders are planning the latest move. and the biotech stock that's soaring today after receiving
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live from the nasdaq in times square. tesla upgrading the model s. the stock hot today. we have the guy who downgraded
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the stock a few weeks ago. has he changed his mind? >> and good news for qualcomm. we have the details in special options action. and ebola play. the company that just received the largest ever grant to treat ebola. it's a cnbc exclusive and that's coming up. we start can with tesla. the all wheel drive base level 70d comes with a large 6th battery pack and larger autopilot camability. it is about $5,000 more than the previous vision. joining you is andrew fung who downgraded a couple weeks ago. andrew, great to have you with us. >> thanks for having me on. >> it's got a better battery. it seems an upgraded version of the car. what can go wrong here? >> sure. and the teslad is a nice upgrade and more compelling product than the earlier version that the model is.
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you get the better range and the features that are standard that make it more expensive than the new model. this would be good for long-term volume. that being said, you know, consistent with the recent downgrade, the new 70 makes the upgrade to the 85d less compelling now. this would obviously weaken the mix this year, which concerns on the margin pressure and downward earnings revision that could happen in the second half of 2015. given the data around the ability to grow and potential for another capital raise, we believe these concerns will continue to pressure the stock this year. >> although they must have had said will not be dillutive to shares. you say disspite the better than expected numbers they release odd first quarter numbers, it is still a possibility that the company will in fact, miss and
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the honest answer, from the time you downgraded the stock to the time they released the delivery numbers for the first quarter, how much of that percentage probability of them missing has actually dwindled. >> it dwindled from watching somewhat. and certainly, you know, the beat on the volume will help with the first quarter numbers. that being said, you know, tesla's specific mention in the press release you need to consider the cost and other factors who calculating the financial results points again to just concerns around margin. and our concern is less on first quarter and more the back half of this year and the margins will decline sequentially. >> underperforming march 25th. the close of trade on march 24th it was 201. since then the stock is up 3%. in that time also tesla had its most recent although of 185. some would say your downgrade
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tom ticked the stock. it has traded fairly well recently. >> right. we still stand by our rating. in the end, investors breathed a sigh of relief on the first quarter results. there's a lot of short interest that maybe we could see is a short squeak on that. but we think given the operational performance which has been soft several quarters and the need to raise additional capital, our expectations are for investors to stay on the margins outlook. >> thanks for calling in. appreciate it. andrew fung. just last week, tesla could be poised for a breakout. take a listen. >> i think just play it for the long side. it did exactly what we thought it was. we don't always get it right. we got this right. >> tesla, i think it reversed -- >> wow. >> whoa. >> that was a nice call and nice
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final trade. tesla up more than 10% since that day. what is the trade now? >> collectively, we have done a decent job. traded down a level. last may was 187. 180 it traded down to march 30th. i think you flushed all the weak hands out. the momentum now is the upside. i think you can buy it again on the double. i think the momentum favors the long side. i think you stay with it. >> i feel like, and i'm not one to defend stocks, expanses rising. they are well-known already. >> i would say the company seems a bit desperate about how they are disseminating news. you actually sell rallies. there's two events. april 30th they will announce the new product. the stock is up 10% at least since they made that announcement. and then earnings. i know they came out with the delivery in q1. but let's see what the margins are. i'm actually skeptical.
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i'm looking to short q 15 back to below 200 at the back trend line. >> just, as you said, all the concerns are well-known does not mean they are not true. these are issues going to take place. >> what happened when it went down to 185? >> it was. but they were worried about production at that point. they were worried about production numbers. they already hit a good percentage of this year's production. i think they are setting the bar way too high at this point. >> big moves of the day. >> the big secondary, 10 million shares. took a lot of people by surprise. how do you trade the stock from here? i think it's pretty easy. you wait for it to recover the $32 level. otherwise, stay away. >> lululemon up 3%. >> 52-week high today. up 23% on the year. i don't see the growth. i see tons of competition from nike and under armour. i do not buy this here.
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i would much rather own nike or under armour for a breakout. >> originally goldman downgraded to a sell. it was erroneous. that was nuts. but at least you know how the stock is going to react. if it does get downgraded it will sell off 4%. you know your risk to the outside. trying to make it a little lemonade out of lemons. >> thank you, goldman sachs. pop for yahoo!? >> we started off with the strength of china. alibaba on huge vol. on the other hand, yahoo! was up. up on very low volume. i think based upon everything going on with a lot of these chinese internet names, rumors were swirling. >> let's get some unusual activity. pete is flagging the eem. >> we have seen so much paper recently in many of these
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different eetfs. we have seen india. and bgk. >> what is that? >> vanguard european. if you look at the eem, the paper was outrageous right out of the gate. they traded 125,000 options. 100,000 of those were actually on the call side. the focus was the may 44 calls. rolling up. we have seen a big number of. eem strong of late. they are look to go really break out to the up side. >> your final was epi. >> it was. >> so you like it? >> i'm getting more and more involved in many of those things. >> inovia, billions of to battle ebola.
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shares of inovia pharmaceutical jumping after a grant to develop drugs for the prevention and treatment of ebola. joining us in an exclusive interview and ceo and president dr. joseph kim. and biotech reporter megturrell.
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it is up in the after hours session. can you walk us through what this means in terms of the phase 1 study. if it will be through expedited approval and when it could be commercialized and sold? >> so the study will start later this month. we'll have data probably in the early second half of this year. when it can be marketed, you know, there are accelerated pathway for these emerging infectious disease products that the fda and other ranks have provided. it could be early as 2016. with all customers being the government and the world stockpile. >> the knock about vaccines and the reasons why a lot of companies had not gone into the vaccine business for diseases like ebola, they don't necessarily make money. you're selling to government agencies. what is your expectation in terms of how this will help you
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in your balance sheet. because the stock is up 7%. maybe it's not even profitable for you. >> well, i think all incentives that governments and other agencies can provide will be helpful as a gentle nudge to develop these important products. what this funding has provided emanated from the president's request for emergency authorization which resulted in congress approving $6 billion to fight and treat ebola. and this was a major part of that. in fact, the grant is one of the largest to treat and prevent ebola outbreaks. so we are very happy about this. >> treating and preventing right? so developing drugs and developing a vaccine potentially? >> right. >> because other vaccines are much farther along, merck, j&j.
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>> absolutely. and what this product funding is doing is two parts. when it is to fund the vaccine study that we have already started and will go into human testing later this month. but also to fund a new way of making monochromal antibodies based on the technology. we call it dna based monochromial antibodies. it will change the way it is made not just for ebola but greater applications against multiple cancer, infectious and inflammatory diseases. >> so walk us through. when you take a look at your pipeline and the thinking through your pathway to profitability, is ebola treatments and vaccines, is it part of this pathway to profitability? i asked because in your most recent quarter you reported cash long up to meet your working capital requirements excluding
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the phase three project. so i'm just curious. >> all of these fundings help. so this $45 million is a $70 million in grants and contracts we have received just since last september. that's on top of over $60 million previous five years. so all of these things will add to our top line. but we're a research and development company. so any money that we can use to develop and hone our technology and products and advance them through these clinical testing up to the market will be very helpful. >> i want to ask you about that program, the lead program. 3100. what is it, hpv, cancer caused by hpv. you reported out your phase two results of last year. you plan to start phase three early 2016. why a gap of a year and a half between these two things? >> it takes some time to
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manufacture these products at a phase three scale, actually commercial scale. in biological product manufacturing, we manufacture phase three is where you launch your commercialization manufacturing as well. so we have been spending a lot of efforts scaling up. we're also designing the phase three protocols. and we plan to meet with the fda later this summer to get the finalization of the phase three end points and the protocol in concurrence with the fda. i wish i could move faster too. and i'm very impatient. but we have a lot of active programs to move things along as soon as possible. >> dr. kim, thanks so much for coming by. we appreciate it. >> thanks so much. >> inovio pharmaceuticals. >> stocks went from 2 to 4 to 1 2 to 12, up to 8, 9 1/2. i think it's north of 10 bucks now. this is the deep end of the pool. how do you trade it? i don't know if pete can speak the options. i don't know if there are
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options. the only way to trade it is understand it's going to be volatile. there are four or five cancer drugs and maybe there is huge upside there. it becomes very binary. >> it is really great. >> it's done well. we know what the names are. that makes up a big part of that etf. here's the thing. it had that massive gap. it sold off 10%. again, these are the most stable, best valuation names in the entire space. i want to keep an eye on this. if you see a continued rotation and a massive day today, if you see it break that level against 335, you corrected me earlier, that's where you will probably want to get out of this trade. jamie dimon has his annual letter to shareholders. defending the size of the bank. despite the fact that he
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acknowledges here that the stock performance has not been particularly good over the last five years. he goes on to talk about limiting those legal costs over time. but he defends the size of the bank and the breadth of product offerings saying larger does not necessarily mean more risky. does not necessarily mean more complex. and that it is not a conglomerate. but the mix of businesses works for client. so defending the size even though it is attracting this legal and regulatory scrutiny he says has been weighing down the stock price the past few years. >> john, thanks for that. pete, what's your favorite bank right now? >> goldman sachs. >> giddyap.
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>> it keeps testing 192 -- >> are you mocking me? >> no. >> i do like the investment banks. asset managers, we all like them it seems like across the desk. everybody has regionals. i think goldman sachs is still the best. >> if we're all waiting for a steepening of the yield, we will get an inverted yield curve. go with bank of america. down 12 #%. goldman sachs basically flat on the year. still ahead, why traders are getting bullish on the beaten down chipmaker right after the break.
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5:54 pm
5:55 pm
qualcomm has been a big loser. traders are expecting to see up side by next year. dan nathan has the action. >> it has been a big loser. down 1.5 times of the year. when the stock was 67 1/2, it looked out to january expiration and traded 20,000 on the calls on the up side. they paid 80 cents for that. $1.6 million in premium. really what they have done is to find a range over the next 10 months where they would basically put the stock on january expiration at 60/80 to
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the down side, down 10%. or get long on the stock at 70/80 to the up side. what's interesting about that, when you look at the chart, one-year chart, look at the level. 60 is the support. 70 has been the resistance. they have long exposure to the up side and the down side we'll be right back. stay tuned. when the world moves, futures move first. learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. and trade with papermoney to test-drive the market. all on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom?
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should you bail ahead of the apple watch? "mad money" is next. time for the final transfer on the horn. pete? >> sticking with the health care field, abt, abbott. i like it. i think it's going higher. >> steve? >> in the theme of content is king. stick with the horse that got you here. disney still a buy. keep it on a short leash, though. >> sticking with consumer discretionary if you think the stocks will kick out, nike is ready to retake. >> speaking of horses, the best stable management anywhere, goldman sachs. peter is right. it's going to continue to rally on earnings april 16th. that's not my final trade. that's just important for me to get it out. yahoo!. watch this. giddyap. >> he's making fun of you. >> i did not -- >> the way you did it --
6:00 pm
>> it is a mocking tone. >> it is not. it's not a mocking tone. >> i'm melissa lee. see you back here tomorrow for more "fast money". "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. right now. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always work in. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to criamerica. i'm trying to make you money. my job is not to entertain. call me at 1800707 cnbc. here we go again. we have a huge 6% break in the price of oil. just when i was beginning to fret. th


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