tv Squawk Alley CNBC April 10, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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carl, over to you. >> it is 8:00 a.m. at netflix headquarters in california, and 11:00 a.m. on wall street, "squawk alley" is live. ♪ ♪ >> that was our tribute to "game of thrones" that premiers sunday on hbo. joining us for the hour jon steinberg ceo of the daily mail north america. call la out today. jon fortt live at an apple store in new york city where the company is previewing the new watch. we will begin, of course, with general electric shares rising after the company said it will sell most of its assets related to ge capital and put the bulk of the proceeds towards a $50
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billion share buyback tied for the biggest buyback in history. david faber spoke to jeff immelt who joins us with more. >> thanks, carl. the stock as you said is up sharply today but the stock has been something of a hindrance certainly for many and a great disappointment for those who have been long-term investors in ge at this point. jeff im melt has been repositioning this company's portfolio for some time. he has sold off nbc, appliances, insurance, plastics, today the announcement most of ge capital will also be sold over the next couple of years. all of it, of course, in an effort to focus the company on its industrials business. now i asked him if he has been frustrated with the market's reaction thus far to the changing portfolio at ge? so are you frustrated that you haven't been rewarded for that? >> no. >> in the stock market? >> i love where we are today. >> you've got to be -- come on. you've got to be unhappy with
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the fact that the stock is still 25. >> i just think that's not the way you can, you know -- what i feel is different than where i would say this is the day, this is the great time. i love where the company is today and looking forward. that is the absolute truth and that's the only way you can run a company like ge. i like where we are today. i like where we're going in the future. i think this is a great stock to invest in right now. >> and, of course, that stock is having one of the best days its seen in many years. i also asked immelt about the financial crisis, how it impacted the strategy for ge capital's future. >> i think the world for financial services has changed dramatically. precrisis it was eight to one leverage, it was, you know, just a different world. i think as we plug into the world today with wholesale funding, you know, bigness is at
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ability to get a good return is difficult today and as at the end of the day our primary job is capital allocation and if you've got a side of the company that's con -- that can generate 15 or 17% return and a side that feels like it's going to be hard to even return our cost to capital it's an easy capital allocation trade. look, you've been doing this a long time, you know markets change and i think to a certain extent financial services, this isn't -- this isn't a cycle. this is a generational move. this is a long-term change in terms of how people view size and liquidity and things like that. >> of course there had been thoughts about doing this for years, but it is now that the company is doing it, in part because of the reasons cited by mr. immelt and a feeling that the market is very receptive to the assets within ge capital. whether it is businesses that can be sold at a multiple to their earnings or at a price to
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book, or simply the assets on its balance sheet, both of which are all going or going to be sold, ge believes the environment is good right now to get deals done quickly and get them done at very high prices. so carl, they certainly are being rewarded today in the stock market for this move. the $50 billion buyback that will be funded by the sale of most of these assets, does seem to be grabbing the attention of many investors in a positive way, many of whom have communicated as i've reported to ge that this is what they wanted. they wanted the big buyback as opposed to an allocation of capital in a different way. >> right. quarter looks to be on track on an operating basis even though the charge will be one of the biggest we've seen, a net loss, since the crisis for any big american company. >> it's true. i remember $99 billion for aig. >> yeah. >> 16 looks -- >> but you're right, $16 billion, $12 billion is noncash, interesting choice on the part of ge to repatriate assets that they're going to have to pay
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significant tax on. not waiting for tax reform there. that is going to cost them as much as $6 billion. but yeah, $16 billion, that will take place this quarter. they are reporting next friday. we'll get a read on all of the company's businesses that mr. immelt lauding as the portfolio they likes. 90% of the company's earnings will come from industrial businesses by 2018. >> still leading the s&p, which does not happen every day. >> no. >> quite a story. thanks a lot, david faber. back to apple this morning. today, of course, the first day you can walk into a store and actually put on an apple watch. if you can get to one. jon fortt is live at the apple store on fifth avenue in manhattan. what's the reaction so far? >> well, carl, mostly positive. the people who come out on a day like this are going to be the people a lot of them have already preordered and want to actually get a chance to touch what they're not going to get in the mail for several weeks. i did run into a guy in here, though, from north michigan, salt of the earth, he was checking out the watch and said it's not enough for me.
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i wasn't really impressed enough with it. i said to him, i bet within 18 months, a couple years, price will go down to 199, he goes yeah, then everybody will get it. why are we here on day like this when it's not on sale? there are only a couple companies in technology with the size, with the clout, the brand, to launch an entirely new category. we saw google try to do it with google glass. they failed. we've seen samsung and sony and others try to do it with smart watches. they haven't taken off. now is apple's chance. they've got the infrastructure in retail. besides the brand of the iphone to take a different kind of a run at it. here's our chance to see real people's reaction to this product. apple created hundreds of billions of dollars in value for itself with the iphone, hundreds of billions more for the software industry after that. can they do it again. if so the implication for the technology world are huge. right now, the store is filling up. more and more people taking a look not just at that but the mac book in there, continuing to get their reactions as more
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people try it on. and it turns out there are more slots for appointments to try on than you might see if you just go on-line. i was able to find out they would have been able to sneak me in at 10:00 even know the on-line ordering system said there were no appointments before 3:00 p.m. i think you will see a few people come in and try to try on a watch even if the on-line system says they can't. back to you. >> jon, keep us posted on what's turning into an interesting logistics and distribution story. bring in kara swisher, co-executive editor at re/code. happy friday to you. jon steinberg joins us on set. kara, we know the preorders are sold out. today we have raymond james actually downgrading apple suggesting that the watch will fall short of what they're calling this insanely great benchmark. at least in the first version. what is the metric by which we judge the response? >> well, i think it's interesting. i think the reviews were not as good as they -- i think the reviews were in the middle. a lot of people said it's a
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great watch and yet there are some problems with it. that might have affected things. it's not going to be the same kind of a rollout as an iphone or anything else. you will not see the crowds in line at the stores. will people look at it and admire it and maybe not buy it until the price drops or buy it immediately. probably the first is probably what's going to be happening as people are look and see. it is an entirely new product line for apple. >> i got up at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, on the store, launched late. what was amazing how quickly the 42 millimeter larger size one sold out. there was some around in the 38 millimeter for another ten minutes. by ten minutes all the shipping dates had moved back to the second dates in may. you couldn't get it in april at all. gene munster has a note out saying it must have been unbelievably supply constrained by him being up at 3:00 in the morning as well. i think that's why the stock is not moving much this morning. it clearly sold out quickly but seems like there was very few of them. >> yeah. jon, somebody wrote you look at the delivery times and it's almost as if these are being
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made to order. what's a reasonable expectation, jon? >> well, i think apple has a challenge they've never had before. with the iphone after years of experience building this thing now they have two sizes. they've got the three different colors and they've got the three different capacities. with this watch, they're launching for the first time with three sizes, different finishes, and all these different bands and the issue of not knowing how the watch is going to be accepted around the world. they're trying to launch in seven different countries, seven big countries, right off the bat. tim cook is a logistics guy at heart. he wants to see, i'm sure, where people are going to want this versus leather versus the sport. where the sizes are going to fall and figure out how many to make and where to ship them. historically he openly said he hates inventory. he doesn't want watches sitting in amsterdam when they should be in new york.
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so apple has all of it to figure out and how to train the workers in the stores to actually sell this thing and show people the futures they want to see. they're learning all of this in real time. the retail stores send the information back to headquarters throughout the day so this is a learning process for apple right now. it's not so much about selling units, moving units as it is about figuring out how to most efficiently move units later in the year when they have the inventory i believe. >> kara, i wonder, are you hearing anything from software developers about the short supply constrain, about the fact that we saw april 24th and may 13th and june, everybody waiting six weeks, people on twitter seem upset. are people leaned to developing software for this a little annoyed right now. >> it's a difficult product and i think the issues are going to be every apple product has issues if you've noticed it. little while agos the iphone 6 plus had its [ inaudible ] and went nowhere. it's a super popular phone. the question is, are people going to find these things easy to use. they are an extension of apple
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products and it is an extension of the iphone. you need your iphone to use it. the question is, is it a little too expensive, can they get it in their hands, do they like it when they use it. it's a higher learning curve. they've got to get it in people's hands people will evangelize if they have it if they like it. that's the issue, getting people wearing it and using it and not being a faddish kind of thing. that's their biggest challenge, is getting people to like it and know it. >> jon made the point earlier this morning, kara, go back to the 5, the phone, 5, 450 units sold -- 450 million units sold. sell to 1% of them, that's 4.5 million right there. do you have -- is there a guessing game in the valley as to how many of these things they do in calendar '15? >> i think it was 8 million, wasn't it? some number like that was in there for selling them. i think they have to show a strength and that this is not a side product, sort of you mentioned google glass. that was sort of a faddish
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product, really. certain people had it and everyone had it for a little bit and took it off. that's i think the issue with all these wearables. are you going to keep it on the wrist. keep going with it. a lot of these wrist things you use them and don't use them anymore and the question is, is it going to be useful enough to keep on your wrist and keep using on daily basis? they're making a big play here and a lot of features on these watches, it is not as easy to use, not as simple -- a simple premise the way other apple products are and they will have a big learning curve. learning curve is important with these devices. >> the other thing, every time they do an ordering process now, it's broken to some extent, right. so last night at 3:00 a.m., the store was not live on the website, it was live in the apple store. while they're in the [ inaudible ] and everybody loves and is a fan boy it's fine. should there come a day where they have to sell this product this is a broken process. still not live and then sold out in five minutes. people's shipping dates changing
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in real time. >> john, nobody ultimately -- >> john -- >> i'm saying nobody cares about those things later. every single time they sell a product they have this issue. so i mean it's kind of a silly thing to worry about at this moment. it's the long term of people buying these things, the prices coming down and it becoming a popular item. these glitches on opening days, we've written those stories 100 times, i think, every time they announce a product. >> jon? >> we got to keep in mind the scale of what they are trying to do is kind of ridiculous. i mean only about a million smart watches have sold total up to this point. that's being generous. apple is probably doing close to that within a few minutes, all at once, to people who have never really bought this before, they don't know what to expect. they don't want to screw up their logistics process to do it. the bar is very high. but this is important. i've got to emphasize on a
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number of different levels. it could potentially create a market for other rivals in the sphere. amazon seems to have dropped the price on moto's 360, arrival of android wear watch to 179, open up possibility for people with android phones who want to get watches, also software developers who want to expand their availability, guys? >> all right. let's move on to netflix this morning. seeing a nice gain on this upgrade out of citi going to a buy, upping their price target, the upside scenario. they see $750 saying investors are overlooking the opportunity internationally, it comes as the new show "daredevil" premiered overnight. meantime new seasons of "game of thron thrones" and "silicon valley" on hbo. part of the citi call is about the reviews for the new content on netflix and what that might mean for subgrowth down the road. >> it's become the company that has something for everybody. i was at the gym this morning talking about "daredevil," i might be into or not be, "house
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of cards" where my loyalty lies. others say i don't care, i'm ready for "daredevil." the other thing i'll point out in the citi note which is great they're raising their price target from 450 to 550 on revenue multiple expansion on international from 1.8 to 5.6. the company does a very nice job in my opinion of showing profitable segments and showing unprofitable segments. it's not that these losses are piling up. we're investing in a new rear. look at the areas that are steady it's profitable. >> kara, a pushback they're being overwhelmed with competition. do you agree? >> they put out great content. i think "daredevil" is fantastic. i spent last night watching a multiple "house of cards" and "orange is the new black" had its trailer coming out. they're making great content and john is right for everybody. one of the things is hollywood is really beginning to pay a lot of attention to all of these companies. transparent on amazon was terrific, and i think you just -- like any hollywood
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business you to have the hits and i think they show a lot of taste in picking hits that are great for their audience and something that's infectious. it's not to say the networks don't have that, but it's still -- it's doing a great job in that regard. >> jon, the last word on this. pretty interesting call out of citi today. >> there are shows that people don't mention like the unbreakable kim my schmidt, people forget about. jon, what do you think? >> i think if you're looking at netflix and its potential going forward you to consider things like 4k and whether they are able to increase their average revenue per user. i think about the new shows that are hits, what are the deals like, how much influence do they have, get that in 4k, able to continue to make money on that character or on that story line over time. i'm not sure about "daredevil" in particular, but their track record to this point has been pretty good, certainly on their originals which is a different category. >> guys, good to see all of you. kara, good weekend to you. jon, talk to you in a little
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bit. kara swisher of re/code out west and john, stick around for a while. the markets, interesting day shaping up. dow up 65, we're actually flirting with nasdaq 5,000 once again. dow is above 18k and s&p almost 2100. we got all of those levels back pretty much to late march, march 25th or so. we'll keep an eye on that. our coverage of the apple watch will continue. we're live at apple stores around the globe. all throughout the hour. speaking of apple, popular note taking app evernote among the featured apps at the app store. the ceo is with us. we talked about "daredevil" on netflix a few moments ago. is it worth watching? jason lynch from quartz will give us his official review when "squawk alley" continues. there's a difference when you trade with fidelity. one you won't find anywhere else.
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with the launch of the apple watch comes an entirely new ecosystem, third-party apps created for the smart watch experience. developers have been designing their apps since november in preparation for the debut and among the apps featured on the app store is from the popular note taking company evernote. joining us this morning exclusively phil libin the ceo of evernote. good to have you back. good morning. >> great to be here. >> how long have you been working on this and has it been a challenge relative to developing for any other product? >> well, we've been working on wearables forever. we've had versions of evernote
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for every single watch and glass and wearable device before, but all of that just felt like practice. you know, we were building for android stuff and for previous watches, it felt like we were building for people like me, nerds, and building for apple watch is building for the mainstream. it's been pretty great. >> phil, are you guys on too many platforms? i've been a long-time user and reading off evernote, you had a lot of bugs about a year back, the application seems more stable. is there a risk you're stretching yourself too thin going on all these different platforms? >> no. i think we're on the right number of platforms. our mission is to be your second brain, to be a unified work space, we want to be on every viable device because wherever -- whatever device you reach for we want people to know evernote is there. >> walk us through the application for the watch. what can you do that you couldn't ordinarily do, competitive advantages, what works that's specific to this device? >> well, the great thing about the watch is it's the screen
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that you always see. and watch apps for apple watch are really their iphone apps. they're just extensions of the current iphone apps for things you can do in a few seconds easier to do on your wrist. anything that involves a couple of seconds, you reach for your watch. anything that takes a few minutes or longer take your phone out of your pocket. >> example? >> glanceble information, alerts, taking quick notes becomes smoother and easier and a little bit more magic. >> phil, you guys are quote/unquote unicorn, billion dollar plus start-up. you've raised money from t. row price and talked about wanting to build 100-year company, 100 years, right. when are you going public? you have t. rowe price in there, why not be public? >> i think we'll be public when we deserve to be. we're still probably a couple years out. we need to figure out more predictable business, we need to get our structure correct. i think we have kind of a moral obligation to be a public
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company but in no rush to do it. it's a couple years out. >> your expectations for -- let's separate the -- say watches in general as a wearable category. >> yeah. >> people argue they don't understand yet the future of that product and how it might be material to apple or anybody else making them. what do you think it's going to be? >> i think it's going to be very material. i think the apple watch will make this category mainstream. i think it itself is a great product that they will sell tons of them and it's going to elevate the industry. the wearables industry will go right now basically this year from being a niche industry to being something that is high impact. i think the estimates are conservative about how much they will sell. i'm bullish on it. >> people have said that siri actually works on the apple watch, that it's much improved. the way that people take notes in evernote be voice dictation largely? have but yn able to experiment with it yet and is it working much better? >> yeah. i think for quick notes if you want to remind yourself of
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something then dictating something into your watch actually make as lot of sense. for anything longer, you would get your phone out or your mac book or whatever. but the experiences work really well. the way to think about it is, the more you have things like the apple watch succeed the more you'll get other wearables or connected devices the more that experiences will become less about a particular device and more about the person. the more devices on you the less you'll notice separate devices and the more you'll have an experience based around the human being. this is a real transformation in how i think software will be designed to go from device specific to user specific and the apple watch will be the first major step in that direction. >> we'll be coming up on wwdc later in the summer. is it your sense that the number of apps developed for this will track better than the iphone did in the early days? >> yeah. i think you'll have a ton of apps. they're not separate apps developed for the watch. they're iphone apps you build watch extensions into.
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that's a crucial point i think a lot of people are still missing at this point but it will become clear once you start using it. the feeling isn't meant to be you have the other device strapped to your wrist that you run apps on. you have your iphone and running apps in your iphone and when it makes sense to do something quickly the apps on your phone know that you have a watch and know how to talk to the watch and give you this experience in the watch. so the fact that it's so easy for any developer who has an iphone app to start supporting the watch will mean you see a really explosion of apps that offer apple watch support right off the bat. >> forgive people for not completely understanding that but they have to try it on first. good to talk to you. thanks again. >> thank you. when we come back a big story in college football. will usc refuse to travel to notre dame because of indiana's new religious freedom law. we will talk to athletic director pat haden later on. as we go to break, back on ge shares, rallying in a way they rarely do. up 7.5% to levels we've not seen
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since january of 2014 on that ge capital disposition. we'll be right back. let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on so how are we going to sweeten this deal? floor mats... clear coats... >>you're getting warmer... leather seats... >>and this... my wife bought me that. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. if yand you're talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms.
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europe and here in the states, simon here to wrap up the week on the continent. >> we're -- we extended our highs during the course of the european session and looked like we would close out at 15 year highs. something is going on at the banks. qe is still doing its job. euro under pressure for the fifth session. one-fifth of german bunds are negative that the ecb can't buy them. the pharma stocks or health care stocks accurately have done well through the session, potential acquirers within dialysis or shire, which here in this country the fda has got good news on its dry eye drug. we should get some sort of resolution on that in october. it's a billion dollar drug potentially doubling the sales, of course, is the target.
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check out the banks around europe. you'll see a lot of them in the eurozone at least have gone negative during the course of the session. alpha value had a sell recommendation on bank of ireland but some of the guys have fallen heavily and one reason spain as you saw is negative. in the meantime it looks like we may be getting close to some sort of resolution on greece. it would appear at a working group meeting on wednesday according to reuters the rest of europe basically gave greece six days to sort themselves out. in other words, they've got to put firm proposals on the table by thursday that is agreeable to the rest of europe. they had a 26 page document which basically was thrown out. citigroup says it's clear after months of wrangling, that you now have a minimum requirement understood by both sides. interestingly, the greeks are talking about putting a vat stroke tax bill through the european parliament on april 21st and the finance minister of greece has said in paris last night he now thinks there will be a deal with the rest of the
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euro group by april 24, when they meet, which is basically two weeks from today, so two weeks friday the 24th, is when we should have we hope finally some sort of deal for the greeks who desperately need the money and that really is the stick that is pushing them along. in the meantime it is the greek orthodox easter this weekend. i guess some will not be ob serving it as they might otherwise have done. >> got that right. thank you. simon hobbs. when we come back, we showed you what demand looked like for the apple watch in new york city but what about the rest of the world? we're going to check across the pond. out west. plus inside the netflix war room as its show "daredevil" launches across the globe. some pretty cool video you will want to see with the dow up 88 points. we will be right back. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪
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i'm courtney reagan. here's your news update at this hour. secretary of state john kerry and cuban foreign minister rodriguez held talks at a panama city hotel last night paving the way for president obama and cuban president raul castro to get together later today at the summit of america's meeting. the leaders have not had any significant meetings since the cuban revolution in 1959. hillary clinton is expected to announce on sunday via video and social media her intention to run for president. this according to multiple reports. following the announcement she will travel to the key primary states of iowa and new hampshire.
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about 150 dolphins breached themselves and became stranded on japan's north eastern coast. frantic rescue efforts saved just a few of them. dozens of rescuers carried buckets and poured sea water over the mammals to keep them from drying up. a study involving 2 million people over the age of 50 suggests carrying extra weight in middle age could actually lower the risk of dementia later in life. experts however have no idea why. and that's our cnbc news update for this hour. back to "squawk alley." we talked about it at the top of the hour. today is the first day you wan walk into an apple store and actually try on an apple watch. live at three different apple stores across the globe today. jon fortt in new york city, josh lip torn in palo alto and seema moody is in london. seema, let's start with you?
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>> hey, carl. it's this location in london that apple has chosen to unveil its watch that is generating a lot of buzz here. this is selfridge's high-end luxury player located on oxford street that houses the top fashion brands inside the apple watch in the same vicinity as tag, rolex and carter. highlighting apple's attempt to market its wearable as a luxury device as opposed to a tech product. now, it's late afternoon in london, no line behind me, but still, several people inside mix of millennial, young professionals and a lot of apple fans that have invested in the apple ecosystem want to see if they should buy an apple watch. now over to josh lipton in palo alto. >> well, uknow, seema, apple shelled out a good chunk of change marketing this watch and it does seem to be paying off. the tech giant reportedly spent $38 million on a television
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campaign and, of course, we remember those ads in vogue which were meant to convey the message this product was really hip, it was cool and it was aspirational. we also see celebrities spreading the worz as well. katy perry sporting a themed watch on instagram. the rapper drake wearing a watch at coachella and the marketsing whether viral or paid is generating buzz. more than 30,000 tweets on apple watch in just the past 24 hours alone. jon fortt, over to you. >> well, one of the most trafficked retail destinations in the world here on fifth avenue, so what are real people, new york,ers, and visitors to new york, saying about the watch. take a listen. >> i don't have to pull the six plus phone out of my pocket while i'm going to the hotel or going through the airport. it's just all right there. >> it's pretty cool. the only problem i have is you have to have your phone nearby to receive a call, that's the
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only -- kind of almost you wish there was completely free of having to have your phone. >> i think some people are skeptical now, but i think in time everyone will have one, like the phone. >> now, people seemed generally impressed by it. i rap into an 11-year-old who preordered one of the black sport watches. another kid who looked like he was in middle school walked by wanted to talk about it. he also got the black sport watch. tim cook's goal of getting the younger generation interested in wearing watches from the unscientific poll seems to be working, guys. back to you. >> one question for you, looking at i raymond james downgrade, there was a bunch of articles out this morning saying on the street there wasn't that much exauto cited. granted they're on sale but do you have any negative sentiment you're sensing? >> the watch itself has little to do with the fundamentals of the stock right now, even if they sell 10 million units. it's the iphone comps from last
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year to this year. they expanded their target inventory range from 7 to 10 weeks from where it was before. maybe 7 to 11 weeks. from 6 to 10. in any case that extra week of inventory that they got a benefit from that they shipped in that they didn't have to sell through that's not going to be there at the end of the year and some analysts are starting to factor that in now, jon. >> two downgraded this week, raymond james talking about the slowdown in the iphone cycle. thanks john. when we come back, could usc refuse to play a home game at notre dame this year? athletic director pat haden has been vocal about indiana's religious freedom law and with us in an exclusive with the dow up 90 points. don't go away.
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coming up, former medtronics ceo bill george blasting nelson peltz and activists like him saying they're putting american companies at risk. mr. george will join us live to discuss his scathing op-ed. sour on apple the tech giant seeing the second stock downgrade this week. should investors be worried? fina of our halftime energy summit. paul sen ki joins us with his top players. see you in 15 or so. >> thanks. one of the biggest names in college sports speaking out against indiana's religious freedom act. jane wells is at usc to talk to pat haden. good morning, jane.
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>> hey, carl. thanks, pat. fight on. >> fight on. >> we have so much to talk about. never been afraid to put yourself out there. you tweeted to stand up for your son and not go to the indiana for the college football players selection meeting. could the trojans not go to south bend and play notre dame in the fall. >> we will be playing in the fall. this was just a gesture of love and support for my son whom, indeed, i love a lot and talk to him about the trip to indiana. he would appreciate it if i didn't go and i said in my tweet in honor of him i didn't. >> they've tweaked the law. will you attend future ncaa meetings? >> yeah. absolutely. i'm not going to change -- i'm not mother teresa here. this was an act of support of my son and i'm not going to change my life. i have to travel all over the country. there's lots of laws or lots of states with similar religious freedom laws. many of them have
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anti-discrimination statutes that go parallel with those as well and you said indiana has tweaked them. i've been to indiana many times and plan to be there when the trojans take on the fighting irish. >> and beat them? >> we certainly hope so. they're a formidable team, believe me. >> speaking of the ncaa, these e-mails have come out suggesting that they had it in for the school when they penalized it over among other things inappropriate benefits to reggie bush and his family. you can't give back all that scholarship money you lost or bowl games you missed but victories vacated, a bcs championship. did they have a vendetta against usc and what will you do about it? >> i have auto' said it many times over the years we certainly believe the penalties that imposed were disproportionate to the crime. i think more recently with the revelation of some of these e-mails and there's many more to come, that maybe the process wasn't appropriate or tainted as well. there's more to come out.
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the mcnair lawsuit is working through the courts. we are closely watching that. we may have some appropriate response at the correct time. >> jc penney statpenn state whe were being raped in the locker room got its victories restored. should reggie bush be welcomed back on the campus and his heisman put back? >> there are a lot of questions there. i think all we have asked for all along is to be treated fairly and equally and impartially and with transparency. i think every ncaa member school asks the same if if they have to go through this process. as i've said many, many times we don't think we were treated fairly, certainly in the punishment phase. and as we're learning more about the process we have concerns there as well. >> should reggie bush be welcomed back on campus? >> absolutely. reggie bush is one of the greatest football players in the history of usc football and kids
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today who even come and play football still remember they were first introduced to usc through matt line hart and reggie bush and the teams that were so suck ceaseful during the pete carol run. >> you played for the rams for a long time. will we see the rams in l.a. this year, next year, somebody from the nfl? >> seems like somebody is coming to los angeles in 2016 and we would welcome them. obviously a ram fan. love to see the rams come back. that's for roger goodell and others to figure out. i certainly believe there's going to be an nfl team here in 2016. >> what will that do to ticket sales at the coliseum on saturday. when i go to usc games it's a lot of raider and other fans that don't have anywhere else to go. could a pro team hurt tickets? >> i don't think so. we have a loyal and distinct fan base from professional football. professional football, i think they'll get some good early buzz and we could have many usc tickets season ticket holders wanting to buy professional tickets as well. but i mean we've been playing in the coliseum since 1923 and
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we've had an incredibly loyal fan base and they will continue to come. >> one last question, troy polamalu a great pro jan player, announcing he's retiring. he's hit people hard over the years. are we going to see more early retirements do you think and are we going to see changes in college football because of head injuries? >> it wasn't an early retirement. troy played a long time, incredibly high level. i think it is a clearly an issue. high school par pes participation rates in football were down 7%, a sign of mothers not wanting their kids to play football. an issue on top of everybody's mind here at usc, on our mind and in our conference. we have we believe some of the best concussion protocols at usc and in our conference. it should be thought of and we should be doing things to do the best we can to prevent those things from happening. >> pat haden thank you. >> we will continue the conversation on on-line and talk about the draft and recruiting class and what he thinks of the
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stock market which he was in private equity for a long time and follows closely. back to you. >> good stuff, jane. thanks so much. >> beat the bruins in baseball this afternoon. beat the bruins. you got it. >> jane wells at usc. thanks to pat as well. when we come back, netflix and marvel teaming up on "daredevil" released today on netflix, big question, is it worth watching? jason lynch will give us his review when we come right back. ♪ if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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really special and i know as well as anybody there's a lot of comic book series out there with three more on tap next year. it takes a lot to break out the clutter and this one does that. it's gritty, it's aimed at adults not really at kids, it keeps the stakes low, it's not about saving the world, just about saving one neighborhood.
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>> jason, looking at the review in tv guide, most of everybody's reviews are positive. she says the pacing is dreadfully self-indulgent. when i looked at the trailers it felt slow as well. is there any of that to it? >> it feels different in that and in part because of the way people are going to watch it on netflix. you're not going to sit down to watch one episode. watch 13 at once. you'll probably watch a few. it's deliberately paced. most comic book series start off with the kind of chunky origin store that takes time. this goes back and forth. he's in a fight scene within the first five minutes and because of the way that netflix shows go, you can sprinkle that origin in. i would watches the first five episodes and we still haven't gotten into the nuts and bolts of how he developed his other powers after going blind. how he developed his other senses. i thought it was a refreshing change to the other comic books out there. other comic book shows.
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>> people always try to draw the line between what broadcast television can do and streaming or premium channels can do. gotham an example of the superhero mold. i mean does netflix have liberties that make this a more rewarding experience. >> they do. as i said before, it's aimed at adults. my son likes to watch the netflix animated shows. he's not going to go near there. there are some pretty kind of gory scenes. a decapitation. it's not quite "walking dead" level gore but grittier and more visceral than you see in most comic book shows and that's what netflix brings to the table. you couldn't have the show on abc where the other marvel shows are. you couldn't have this probably even on, you know, something like fx. i think, you know, netflix is about the only place you can have a show like this. >> it seems like he's balanced too. we see a side where there's a
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endearing shakesperean type. than what we would typically see on network television. >> i believe so. this speaks to the rollout we were talking about before. doesn't appear in the first episode and as the big bad usually that's a given for these type of shows. and they're really developing a different side of a romantic side to him that obviously he and "daredevil" will cross paths by the end of the series but the first season is kind of taking its time and it's building him up as a person rather than just quote/unquote a bad guy. we're seeing a lot more layers which is great especially givens to who's playing. >> it's going to be an interesting chapter to see how this works for them. behind some of the upgrades today. jason, good to talk to you. jason lynch joining us from quartz ad week. speaking of "daredevil," one of the stars rosario dawson will join us. that is coming up next week. when we come back linkedin's ceo on the purchase of more on that in a moment. eeep b
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11:58 am for $1.5 billion. last night on cnbc asia julia boorstin sat down with linkedin ceo jeff winer. >> at heart we're trying to connect our members to opportunity whether finding a job or advancing throughout your career and learning the skills you need to take that next step. and that's exactly what is all about, it's really a world-class organization when it comes to building consistent, high quality content, that we believe our members are going to benefit from tremendously. >> interesting action on the stock. not quite 5-week high but awfully close. >> went from 249 to 264. when we were on yesterday morning the stock was relatively flat. we were wondering if investors didn't like the price. in the past two days they've gotten their few percentage points on the content centric acquisition. >> i think it's been a week where we've been talking nonstop about m&a and energy. m&a and pharma. obviously there's going to be m&a in financial services.
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is tech poised to be doing this, at least among companies that have high growth like a linkedin? >> when you look at the nasdaq half of the gains from year to date came in the past week. it's very much one of the flip flop type markets where investors are not sure what to make. some of the companies like a google have a slowing growth, some like a facebook, the sky seems like the limit. a whole new set of data on engagement and growth with earnings. coming out of earnings we'll have a sense of where we're headed. >> faber had news the talk about twitter being acquired not as hot as a lot assumed or thought. >> we discussed it earlier, seemed hard to believe to see google doing something like that. google does not throw down tens of billions for acquisitions like facebook does. certainly possible with the $100 billion in cash they will have on the balance sheet by the end of '16. i don't see it. >> finally we often get accused of overcovering apple probably guilty to some degree. the watch a new category and that doesn't happen all the time. elicits more coverage than we're
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used to. >> most valuable company on earth, a cultural phenomenon and mixed opinions. mostly positive but questions about supply constraint, questions about the next iteration of the phones and how many they'll sell. i think the coverage is due. >> we'll see what they break out in terms of units. >> good to be here. >> jon steinberg. to headquarters, wapner and the half. ♪ all right. thanks so much. welcome to the halftime show. let's meet our starting lineup for this friday. stephen weiss, managing partner of short hills capital, jim lebenthal, president of lebenthal asset management, jon najarian the co-founder of optionmonster, and christine short is director of media and pr at estimize. former met tronnics ceo bill george blasting the billionaire and activist investors saying they're putting american companies at risk. he's going to join us live to explain. biting apple, another downgrade
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