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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  May 21, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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urban outfitters i thought we saw it bottom 23 million shares. we talked about 23.5. >> meantime "mad money" with jim cramer starts now. my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a market somewhere. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey. i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramer. people want to make friends, just trying to make you money. my job is to educate and teach you. call me or tweet me @jimcramer. making snap judgments is a great way to lose money yet people keep doing it daily. this market is littered with
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snap judgments going arieh. it's beginning to drive me crazy. or at least crazier. on days like today where the dow inched up .34 points s&p 500 advanced .23, nasdaq gained. i feel like buying and selling stocks has become a lost art. lost because it requires tedious homework not headline reading and false assumptions from those that take their queue from the action. in the last 24 hours i've seen so many stupid, off the cuff decision i need to call them out if only to help you understand how to do things the right way. not long ago i introduced to those that trade off the s&p 500 futures. those that fled in and out of all stocks, based on silly news reports all hours of the day,
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europe, asia -- doesn't matter. did you go to college to get stupid? you are really stupid. wrong about the marines of course. if michael had been talking about trading off s&p 500, sunni would have been right. now this applyies to anyone that trades the stock before listening to the company's conference call and finding out the real skinny not just the headlines which are misleading or just plain wrong. it stems from a key scene in "shaw shank redemption" where he talks to norton about the obvious need for a new trial if the real killer of his wife reveals himself. the ward disagrees. he says how can you be so
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obtuse? he says is it deliberate? that's how i feel about the moronic snap judgments. cvs, dollar tree and shake shack. that's a diverse group which shows how the obtuse tend to be obtuse about everything. let's take them in alphabet kal order. reactions are so stupid i don't want to discriminate. advanced auto parts belongs to one of my favorites the car part business. they need to be fixed with regularity after the pothole season we've just gone through. advanced o riley and most importantly auto zone have been the most reliable out there. i've relentlessly pushed them because of this aging car tail wind. the reported number was immediately panned as a big miss. boo. by the headline writers out there. i don't blame the headline
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writers. they've got a job to do. that's to publish first no matter what. what do guys do? look at a chart they have. it's a clipboard. they say i see what a company is supposed to report top and bottom line. look at press release, match them and draw instant conclusions without waiting to hear the company's explanations of numbers they're staring at. that can cause serious misdirection. again, i don't blame the headline writers. that's their job. shame on any investor who takes action based on these uninformed snip ets. they're violating the core alert. they're plain darn obtuse. it's almost as if they're deliberately trueing to lose money. >> boo. >> why? because the conference calls on advanced auto parts -- what happened? management probably no more than two minutes in explained there were still integration issues from the acquisition of car quest last year.
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if you look at this difficult merger of so many systems, you would have noticed aap was a screaming buy not a nasty sell is. stock down $6 this morning to be up $7.60 at the close. that's a nearly $13 swing you could have had. you had to do the homework. that pesky duty that keeps you from losing money. huge missed opportunity. how about symrex? in order to take advantage of the chaos many oil patch, what did they do yesterday? offered 6 million shares in spot secondary in $109 down a couple parts. obtuse immediately panicked when they saw this stock offered. they figured something had to be wrong.
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cimarex thought they could get more stocks. you need to do the work rather than freaking out as so many did. it was a good thing not a bad thing. hence why the stock has almost ripped 11 points from the pricing just yesterday morning. i want those 11 points. how about you? >> i don't know if you saw the panic this morning. one of my favorites, cvs decided to shell out $7.6 billion buying a company calmed omnicare. we'll talk more about this later. all i heard was the obtuse frantically tried to shed cvs knocking it down a point and a half. colossal overpay to hurt earnings from now till kingdom come. oh well. had you waited for conference
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call and listened to cvs ceo larry monroe you would have heard the deal was strategic and that it's bountiful. the buyback remains in place. it was a total home run. the stock immediately rebounds. i always say cvs is led by a fine merlot. obtuse acts as if they were drinking thunderbird or night train. next up donald tree. four cents below expectations. stock quoted down as much as 3 bucks. a few minutes after the conference call started, we learned this nagging west coast port strike crushed dollar tree spree. they couldn't get the right goods on time no kidding. you can't buy a lot of merchandise made in the usa,
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sell for 1 dollars a piece and make money. it's holiday doo dads that may be stuck on the boat in the san francisco for all they though. you would have heard the explanation and also the beautiful back of a merger with family dollars ahead of schedule making this a must. finally for the last 50 straight points, what have i told you? i have been telling you shake shack is a cold stock you cannot bet against. it's the tesla of hamburger stock. these are tending to be heavily sorted. last night, this hamburger joint may open a chicken sandwich division. wow. that tender morsel caused another panic.
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because, well let's look at numbers. after this rally today, eight shake shack locations worth 30 times the value of a store most publicly trade adddtraded. i don't know if it's that good. they think how do you lose? they're being obtuse. i could use a good chicken sandwich from shake shack. trade off the headlines and make snap judgments. all these in the last 24 hours should convince you that you might as well be burning money. keep in mind you might end up shooting yourself when you could be sipping a corona in your boat under the sun in that beautiful beach. allen in california. allen -- >> caller: jim, booya to you.
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want to congratulate you on your recent marriage. >> thank you. >> thank you for introduces me to four. thanks to your time i have shared purchases a couple years ago and riding on the house with 100% profit on both. >> it went up again today. that is ever ending battery. doesn't quit at all. what's going on? >> caller: on the chinese discount retail stock that had negative story about the numbers reported by this company and potential 90% down side for stock which the company defended itself on recently. today it announced it's filed a class action lawsuit regarding this matter which sent the stock tumbling 10% on high volume before rebounding. i own shares of this stock. purchased additional shares between 28 and 25 a before pull
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back of recent $30 -- >> allen, i'm not recommending chinese stock now. that market is too high. they opened up 14 million individual accounts in china. it's steaming over there. i don't want to touch anything. fib shop fraud allegation. doesn't matter. i'm out of there. how about scott in utah? scott scott. >> caller: yes my stocks win. i just got questions about it. earnings tumbling over the last year. what do you see a the future -- >> i hate betting against steve wynn. he's one of the great american business people. this situation in china is getting real ugly. almost if the chinese communist have woken up and set you know what? we're chinese communist. we're not going to allow people to be consumers and gamble. i say gm but not crazy about that anymore. make snap judgments, you lose. might as well be burning money.
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"mad money" tonight, my exclusive soccer stock in the game. up nearly 40% this year. i got the ceo. cvs got the headlines today. there are many more moves to be made in this group. you want my list plus ebay and pay pal about to split. should you put this in the friend zone? stick with cramer. send jim an e-mail to madmoney madmoney @cnbc.
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bulldog: mattress discounters memorial day sale ends monday? oh boy! a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! well i'll be... up to $300 off tempur-pedic breeze. and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! better hurry! the memorial day sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪
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just yesterday we learned care first, blue cross blue shield health care plan has been hacked. that's the third major health insurer this year to announce it's been hacked. three in the single industry. that's ones we know about. no wonder cyber security has been one of the hottest things around. that brings me to fire eye. this is real time threat protection to enterprises and governments against cyber attacks. they're the guy you call in after you've been hacked to figure out what happened. in fact they were the ones that detected the threat. first day of trading.
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after six months t lockup on inside cell inspired. stock got crushed by tsunami of old supplies. fire eye has been rising nicely. stocks up 35% year to date. that's totally given because the company has red hot 65% growth. the company is growing like crazy and one of the hottest group tloutss out there. former ceo of mcafee made a killing in 2007. welcome to "mad money". >> thanks for having me. >> absolutely. please have a seat. well obviously got to be fire eye. it was. tell me your role. what did you do? >> we've been helping a lot of companies with cyber breaches
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over the last few years. we acquired a year ago and been dealing with hundreds of incident responses. care first like you mentioned. they're having challenges of late because hackers are interested in health care information. this involved over a million consumers. we helped them. today and yesterday they announced the breach. we're there to help them as a trusted advisor. >> retailers? >> same way. target and home depot? >> health care is one, retail is another. media industry has been another. financial services. across the board, sony. >> these are all fireeye involvement. i'm thinking we're to the point if i want insurance, i have to have a fireeye in. people are presuming you've got
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to be involved before they'll protect you from the insurance perspective. >> that's what we've been doing lately. we've been partnering with the industry. it's about time. we needed this. the industry is looking at target and all the ones you mentioned. this is a problem. we've got to figure how to identify them, underwrite them. for the first time cyber security company has partnered and soon to be more to underwrite the risk for cyber attacking. >> you were the first to be anointed by homeland security. what does that mean for you? >> we won the prestigious certification. this post 9/11 we had the safety act. that was there are from homeland security to help protect critical infrastructure and consumers. we're the first company to get the highest level of
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certification. it allows companies who use our product to basically be against legal costs to being breached. if you use fireeye, you're prevented from being sued in the justice system in america. >> none of the other guys have that. >> none of the others have it. took us 18 months to get it. a lot of checking. we're pleased and honored to have it. >> obviously you guys are pulling in business left and right. every time there's a breach you get it. talking profitability, you're talking a couple years out before you're profitable. operating cash flow was negative this quarter. are these things that are planning so to speak because you're growing revenue so fast you can't think about it or you want to be faster but don't have the opportunity yet? >> we see a huge opportunity. you can see how hot the cyber community is. everything is connected, more and more online more mobile
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devices, more end points. this company went from less than 50 million of business ten x less than three years. seven quarters in a row of growth and acceleration. we're getting to profitability and working on that. to your point last quarter we were $3 million negative cash flow. the one before that $200,000. we're driving toward profitability, pretty certain. >> the other day on cisco call a, john was asked were you in talks with fire eye. why are you always in talks with someone? why is fire eye not viewed as entity to itself? >> i'm not sure why those rumors are there. we're an important company jim. as the next generation leader in security and how fast we're
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growing and how fast we're disrupting the market. there's a lot of interest in fire eye. that's a good thing. i see a great path for this company to grow organically. got to do what's best for the shareholders. we are. we're growing like crazy. >> is there some new form of cyber threat on your radar threat we don't know yet? new warfare? >> we have seen a lot. over the last year activism crime, heavy espyionageespionage. companies are trying to hurt and embarrass people. as the geo climate changes and chess is going on we're finding america is getting attacked. >> companies got to step up and take this more seriously.
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that's chairman and ceo of fire eye. boy, they have a ton of business. unfortunately they have a ton of business. there's nothing we see stopping. maybe a they can offer prevention. we'll be right back. they can offer prevention. we'll be right back. they can offer prevention. we'll be right back.
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we're seeing something amazing. massive consolidation. pretty much a huge deal every single week. this morning's acquisition cvs bought omni care. it's one more transaction of what's going on. we're in the early innings of these mergers. it provides care to senior citizens particularly in assisted living facilities. this is going to be more massed as baby boomers keep getting older. less of a drugstore chain and more of a health care provider.
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this is like more brick and morter. cvs rallied $2.42. rallied. that's amazing. shows the market loves deals like this at any price. how many bankers got calls from this industry saying give me a shopping list. i want my stock higher like cvs. earlier, that too was greeted positively. that will catalyst 2016 growth. i think it's the term of blue alliance. former partner of walgreens. i see no problem they merge. walgreens merger is not that long ago. that was different management. i think this wants to make a deal as soon as possible. it wouldn't surprise me to see more consolidation in the world
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of health. do we really need sigma and united health? i see a world five becomes three. now a rampart talk of mergers in the drug companies. yesterday suggesting pfizer may be merging. there was a time no major would put something like that. now it's a give got to do it. think of combinations. we've come to expect value is always about pouncing on some company in the industry. stock is going up a lot. even after the biggest deal in 2014, we hear ceo sand areas is queuing up another deal. why is this happening? too many bashing in each other's heads in the health care sector. second, many consumers like hospitals and doctors don't want many providers calling. they want two or three.
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third, government has gotten stingy. many companies can't make the long term profit forecast. i reiterate i like rite aid. i'm asked about it more than any other on twitter and cramer. any deal it makes will be viewed positive just like omni care that cvs did. i think you must own a bio tech or pharmacy manager. it's all i hear. that's only involving the players i've just reeled off. here's the bottom line. every time there's a deal many this sector the whole health care moves higher. own one of these. health care is the single best group in town. i think it's going to get better as the year rolls along. why don't we go to francis in florida? >> caller: i just wanted to say i believe in you and your staff. you're all so talented. thank you for all your help.
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>> i've got the best staff in the world. >> absolutely. no question about it. i would like your opinion on the united health care. >> okay. when i look at the landscape of hmo, anthem sigma, united health united is probably the most expensive dow stock. if i put in position now and it came down that would be brilliant idea. i want to go to mac in south carolina. >> caller: booya from the low country. >> how's it going? >> watch your program all the time. think you do a great public service. i've been watching it for a long time. the question is visa. i bought visa back in march before it split. >> right. >> i love reading about what they're doing. always on the go with something. i'm not crazy about the dividend. i'm wondering what do you
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consider short and long? what is 18 months? this is the story first of all. thank you for kind comments. visa charlie runs this company. there are people -- i wrote a book called "get rich carefully." people came on the show i like. if it had been people i met and talked to in certain industries charlie would have been on that list. that guy is bankable. he's made visa into a growth company. it's inexpensive and should be owned. after that split, i was grateful. people weren't willing to pay high dollar. visa is for me. joint profits, seeing big moves in health care. owning a drug or bio tech is must for you. much more ahead including my take on pay pal spin off. you don't want to miss this. time to check your portfolios. haven't done this late. it's time to play am i diversified. we have the always electric lightning round.
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stick with cramer. tomorrow kick off the trading day with "squawk in the street." it all starts at 9:00 a.m. eastern.
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last september ebay did the right thing and announced it would be breaking up spinning off the pay pal division as a separate company. we continue have the specific date for the spin-off. i want to get ready and want you to be ready for it. when ebay expected a month ago, they expected it sometime in the third quarter. we're talking the near future. why do we care about this ebay breakup? i'm not at all enthused with the smaller online market business i adore paypal online paying business. ebay says this breakup quote maximizes strategic focus for r
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ebay and paypal capabilities. it's basically wall street for right now paypal doesn't get enough credit because it's buried in slowly growing ebay. once set free, we expect it to get higher evaluations. i agree. everyone knows i love breakups two businesses that do not belong under the same roof. ebay found itself in that situation. ebay never wanted to spin-off paypal. carl icon wanted ebay to spin off paypal. management was able to spin it off giving him a board seat. at that moment seemed ebay was not break off value. ebay's core business started to
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stagnate and decelerate rapidly. by last september, ebay's management was willing to change its mine and admit carl was right announcing the breakup. since then the paypal has gotten stronger. you can see a while both are growing, paypal has seen sustained growth in the high teens. online marketplace business has been slowing. 18.5 revenue growth. that's good actually fantastic. ebay marketplace 12.6 both in 2013 followed by 6.5 growth in 2014. once you get to latest quart their ebay reported the end of april, disparity is so big, paypal has surpassed ebay to become a larger part of the company. in part because the revenue growth turned negative.
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2.1 billion dollars in revenues as a opposed to marketplace business ebay has. paypal carried the growth in most recent quarter. paypal is growing faster and also bringing in more money. at this point, there's no one that could argue seriously, pay pal, the king of online payments is not able to stand on its own. i'm looking at transactions on paypal and those on ebay. this is startling. paypal is a business buried in a stagnated company. once paypal is trading on its own, you better believe that division will get a dramatically higher evaluation as a stand alone entity. i'm not much of an ebay fan. i definitely want you to get a
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piece of paypal itself as long as the evaluation isn't too crazy when they take it public. what will paypal look like on its own two feet? they have more than 165 active accounts which grew 11% in the latest quarter and fully localized in 26 currencies in markets worldwide. last year paypal took billions of in payments $46 billion in mobile transactions. do you know every $6 spent on the internet in a given day, one of those goes to paypal? dan who's been president of the enterprise growth will take over as paypal spin-off ceo. he was in charge of payment system as well as pay paid
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credit card business. this morning we laid out the mission statement. >> we are moving from being more than just a button on a website and really trying to aspire to be the world's largest open digital payments platform. >> that's exactly the kind of ceo paypal needs. apple pay are getting serious about this. when the cfo spoke minutes ago, he said paypal would be sent off with $5 billion in cash to insure a smooth transition. wall street will go gaga over this. if it has a big pile of cash a, investors will go nuts for it. paypal will get credit for being a terrific story rather than a part of a dwindling giant.
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even though it's spunoff, it will have the arm's length operating agreement with the new ebay. remember how big a deal it was when master kard poached costco business? ebay is way bigger than costco. you have to believe the ceo sl will have a relationship with former partner. he worked at at&t. i bet the relationships prove him helpful. basically paypal will be a new ipo with a huge book of business. it will be able to partner with anybody. a huge opportunity in the form of paypal credit.
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paypal interest rate is 19.99%. just as vicious as any credit card company. here's the bottom line. i cannot wait for ebay to spin-off paypal. i believe it will be terrific and stock will become a core holding for tons of money managers. if you can get a piece for a reasonable evaluation when we get closer to the spin-off i'm telling you to grab some. "mad money" is back after the break.
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it is time for "lightning
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round." then the lightning round is over. are you ready ski daddy? time for the lightning round. time for les in pennsylvania. >> how's it going? what's going on? >> great. i bought pdli couple months ago for 9% dividend and low pe. i'm wondering what you think of the stock. >> i've seen that as a one way ticket down. i don't like the yields at 9%. that's a red flag. let me do more work. otherwise, maybe that's something we should be. jason in virginia. >> jim, booya. >> lci. >> i'm think ofg stocks in health care. thinking about that one. like your call. michael in florida. >> booya.
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thank you for your help man. >> booya. >> what do you think of kyth? >> another i've been looking at. now that botox has been acquired by activists, i'm looking for a replacement. not for myself but stocks. that has the next botox feel. getting very interested in it. wally in colorado. >> booya. >> hi jim. dad need he needs to ask you a question. >> wow. normally i would not recommend this stock because i'm smart and blessed. i'm thinking about waivering. i like martin marrieta merl materials. thank you for the compliment. i wish my staff would listen. marleen in nevada.
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>> hi there. >> thank you. >> i'm calling about alcoa. i'm 80 years old, owned it quite some time. it doesn't do anything except go sideways. i'm down 11%. should i sell it? keep it? buy more? >> can you wait. alcoa can wait. here's the problem. we need to see this deal close. i've been saying that on twitter. the deal needs to close so it's more diversified. i said six months from now it's going to look different. that's what you're waiting for, not the near term. james in connecticut. >> jim, my question is about tdx as a buy or hold. >> it's a buy. jeff what can i say, great american to deliver the numbers. joe many in new jersey. >> yes, hi cramer. >> you sound like a neighbor of mine. >> yes, i am. look, i really enjoy watching your show.
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>> thank you. >> thanks for signing "get rich carefully" at costco a year ago. >> terrific. was that -- you're in my route 10 costco? >> i love it there. >> best samples they've got. don't eat within a day. fast before you go to my costco. >> you wrote rite aid goes to $8. it's doing well. my stock is hershey. >> i think it's played out. we are buyers of white way particularly because the tax situation gets better next month. and ladies and gentlemen, that was the "lightning round." rently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions.
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look. like i told you earlier,
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sometimes wall street can be a bit obtuse. you don't want stock moving a sector on the market. that's why we play am i diversified? maybe you mix it up a little. let's begin with a tweet, shall we? am i diversified. #am i diversified. oh #io cramer america. >> we like that. yahoo we think is the way to play alleyibabaalibaba. dow trades with oil even though it shouldn't necessarily. we're going to keep dow chemical. we're going to substract this put in bristol mars.
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and the pipeline. i'm saying going to trade too much with dow. a lot of people talking about the spin-off of united technology. let's put that in get industrial. that would make me feel good. we ought to go to jim in florida. jim? >> caller: good evening mr. cramer. >> how are you jim? >> caller: it's a beautiful day here. i'll tell you that. >> beautiful day to be alive. >> caller: i think philadelphia should have signed you for a contact to try you out for baseball. >> you know what -- i could just -- this thing i could throw 440 feet and nail the guy at home plate. that's what i'm practicing after the early 50 foot expansion. what's going on? >> caller: all right. i want to see if i'm diversified in your opinion. first time caller watch your show all the time. >> thank you. >> caller: i have procter & gamble apple, smuckers,
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berkshire, ibm. >> i can't. berkshire we know that's warren buffett, terrific. schmuck smuckers food business. app and will ibm are too much alike. what do we need? i've been doing work on lock keed martin. it will give you dividend and growth. make that change. i like ibm. we know that but there's too much commonality. barbara in illinois? >> caller: hi jim. thank you for the call. >> of course. >> caller: now my stocks are sky works, visa eleanor, messo
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electronics and vf carp. >> really interesting group of stocks. we had the moment of stock at five. it's a rocket ship. visa is charlie, i keep praising him. yoid you think he would have come on the show. a technology company. i think we should swap out the electronics. i hear the music. we need bristol mars. stick with it.
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hewlett packard reports. i didn't think the quarter was that good. people like it. it's all about the split up into two companies. hp businesslike my pc here. old cash cow and much faster growing business. we'll talk tomorrow on "squawk on the street" to find out the real deal. it's not like the deal with ebay and paypal. another split up i like. i'm trying to tell you there will be a health care deal in the nooexext couple weeks. right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer. i'll see you tomorrow.
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>> all: cheers. tonight on the profit, amazing grapes is a wine bar and retail shop, the brainchild of a real estate developer who seems more interested in sipping than selling. this is ridiculous. even with more than $3.5 million in sales this past year, amazing grapes is operating at a loss and still can't pay down their mounting debt. this is a business without leadership or direction. i wish that you had passion for the business. you wouldn't be losing money. if i can't find somebody from within to take over amazing grapes and manage its assets this business will be crushed. >> are you the grim reaper, or-- >> sometimes. my name is marcus lemonis, and i fix failing businesses. >> we're out of business. >> we were out of business before, we just didn't know it.


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