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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  June 25, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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[ laughter ] >> this is what's called skill, ladies and gentlemen. the co-founders of phunky dunk you'll see more as we approach the holidays. jon fortt, dan greenhouse a real pleasure. that does it for us on closing bell. "fast money" begins now. >> "fast money" starts now. live from the nasdaq site overlooking times square. good evening i'm simon in for melissa lee. for two big stories happening, one good one bad. nike on the bottom and top lines and sarah eisen will bring us the latest from the call and endless coverage throughout the hour. and the other big story is apple supply micron. the stock is tanking. that call underway. josh lipton hitting the headlines on that line. we'll start with nike the call
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kicking off. my good friend and colleague sarah eisen has the latest. what are the talk aways? >> another strong quarter for nike on the bottom line and top line. 5% sales growth for the quarter after the impact of the strong dollar. more the impact of curr the sales growth would have been 13%. nike who gets more than half of the sales overseas is feeling the impact of currency flux waxs but the profitability is the standout. 98 cents higher and the most optimistic driven by higher gross margins for nike which the company attributes to higher selling prices higher average selling prices. basically, nike continues to invite when it comes to basketball and sportswear and that continues to help drive this profit. that's what everyone looks for with nike future's orders.
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that's a snapshot of what they expect. those came in better 13%. analysts were looking for 11% but if you add in the impact of the strong dollar 2%. the biggest growth in terms of future's orders is being seen by nike in china, japan looked strong and western europe. it continues take share from adidas. solid, the only weak spot in geography was emerging markets but overall, another good quarter for nike. shares doing well in the after hours. that continues the hot streak when it comes to earnings. this is a company beaten analysts forecast 90% of the time over the last five years. >> tim, a victory lap for you. you've had the stock for how long? >> the real question is a company that continues to do what they are doginge doing hold on margins, premium and the question is on the multiple.
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in 2012 2013 when i was buying the stock, it was 20 times multiple. you'll see a lot of upgrades from the analyst community. what do you do with that? let these guys continue, continue to grow. they have pricing power and talked about adidas there is a major major major one. this is a great time for the sector and not everybody is doing this so as we look around the sector there are haves and not have notes but guys that don't have the growth and consistency and i'm talking about under armor and adidas. >> you don't feel under armor measures up? >> i'd rather be with nike. they have that growth with them. >> you mentioned evaluation. it's really a 15-year high for this company. it's a premium company. it's a premium brand and premium
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evallation. that is where you may start to say okay do i take some off and look for other places for growth. a lot of the future growth will come from emerging markets and we saw that number those future ex currency off the charts but at some point the stock probably discounts it. >> for more on nike let's bring in senior vice president karina friedman. >> we don't see anything concerning about the numbers. we held the stock and own it and continue to hold it but certainly earnings will come up on this print. we don't have a sense yet of what fiscal year '16 guidance. it does look possible. >> are you as buoyant as tim with the comparisons he makes?
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>> i prefer under armor to nike, but clearly, there is a secular trend in athletic and companies like fit bit and planet fitness are serving to elongate the healthy lifestyle trend. anything athletic is great right now. >> to a certain extent pushing the open door for adidas. >> adidas is coming back and i notice you're wearing a pair simon. >> don't say that loud enough for the boss. >> she noticed. >> she did. >> tim has been on this and steadfast the entire time. i get it 27 times earnings. it's expensive. look at the comps and the facts margins continue to improve, you have to say to yourself although it's trading like a very young company in terms of evaluation they have room for growth. the numbers out of japan for example were ridiculously good. 10% inventory build would concern me but they can sale it
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and not at a discount. you still got to stay with nike. >> i don't think you have to go out and buy nike tomorrow. we'll see at the end of the call to find out what the future's orders are. be worried about the dollar exposure although in nike's report, they did well. you have to take a little out for that. i think in terms of two stocks nike, under armor, there is more upside in the stock of under armor than in nike here just because its run so much. taking another approach to it this is bad news for gap stores again because remember they are trying to get into the athletic leisure wear. negative for gap stores and buy -- >> let's talk about lulu. they said they are looking to capture $2 billion in female athletic apparel over the next couple years. i think by the end of 2017 when you think about that is lulu's annual sales per year.
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if anyone takes a chunk from them it's nike. it's pushing up against those prior highs here, the. >> it sounds like you guys are leaning on retailers, even dick's. nike and hold onto the margin major recovery in european sales. take a big picture look. the european consumer is better for these guys. >> what about on a day we got good figures. >> i'm more encouraged with the economy with good consumer spending. i'm not worried about north america. the fx head winds, issues that are short term trends not long-term. >> karina nice to meet you. thanks for coming in. micron out with earnings moments ago and it's a relatively ugly
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report. what it could mean for the rest of the tech. plus ahead on the show one big biotech player that could be on the verge of a massive breakout ahead of an fda ruling next week. we will name names. could the bull market be looking a little tired if you think so we got three stocks to buy if a correction occurs. all that and more ahead on "fast" this thursday.
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an earnings alert on micron. the lows of the after low session, josh lipton is monitoring it and joins us now. josh, what are they saying? >> simon, you saw the sharp u-turn micron shares and guidance 24 sales, 3.5 and the street seems like 4.2 billion. of course that stock had been down very hard more than 30% heading into that print. concerns about pc demand pc prices down some 20 25% this year. the ceo on the call sounding a
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note of optimism take a listen. >> i believe micron did well in fiscal q 3 as we supported our customers across a brood broad range. my client is executing on key milestones and technology deployment and product introductions. we believe strongly on the future of the industry and our company company. >> the ceo trying to sound a note of confidence but investors focused and analysts pointing out the guidance we're getting on dram costs increasing that would imply lower gross margins quarter after quarter. back on the call and bring you more headlines as they cross. simon, back to you. >> thank you very much. guy, do you believe in the company like the ceo does? >> they might have served their customers well but served shareholders but this guidance is really awful. really awful. kudos to morgan stanley and goldman sachs, a week down
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golden price target 19. let's split the difference and say $20 is where the stock broke the upside from last year around early spring. that's where it has to hold tomorrow and it really feels like it wants to go there. when they lose pricing power, it becomes a company. >> for more on micron alex joins us. he has an out perform rating on the stock and a $40 price target. welcome to program. what do you say now? >> thank you, simon, it's no surprise that micron missed. you pointed out the initial pop in the stock and investors were relieved it isn't worse than it is. the scary thing about the guide, it is exceptionally weak and it does incorporate the launch of windows ten. with that as a catalyst micron obviously is not feeling very optimistic.
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what do you do with the stock here? again, we didn't think it was a surprise. the stock is off very attractively. i would agree that if the stock holds around the $20 level, this is a time you want think about buying it because there are irons in the fire for the back half of the year there are strong prospects, there is mixed improvement and there is still a good outlook for mobile. >> alex to keep everyone on board here, the comment about windows ten, did you think the launch would increase pc sales around the world? >> no j and p securities didn't really but there were statements made by intel, by micron that may have led us to believe we may have more of a catalyst. no real surprise on that front but disappointing nonetheless for those investors that listening to senior
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management. >> thank you for joining us. what is your take? >> alex said it wasn't a big surprise they missed. a stock down 10% -- >> the guidance was what he was talking about. >> the guidance was awful. the guidance was half of what they expected and building up invenn tomorrow torptor inventories. that is not good. you got a big stack of chips. hard to sell them and you can only sell in one place. for me you stay away from micron, maybe on a bounce off a 20 i agree with guy but this is concerning for intel. if that windows ten upgrade could take wind out. >> bonus points for anybody that links it to apple. >> this show bonus points related to apple, really? >> let's keep going. back to micron. everybody in their sector is increasing capacity and putting out inventory so you have
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heaviness. everyone else is trying to. guy talked about commodity. it's happening. i think intel is a little defensive here and i said this on this desk part of this is because the evaluation makes sense and diversified model makes sense. if you look at the pc space, everybody is getting hit. look a month ago, they also had a lot of pressure. that to me is the place this is a place you have seen evaluations that have been supported as opposed to micron. >> here is the thing, one-third they sell into smart phones and pcs. smart phone growth year over year is decelerating to 10 or so %. it's a mature market so to guy's point you have a massive commodity product. you do want to avoid it. talking about expectations yes people expected a weak quarter. the stock was down 31% in the year. i don't think you buy the stock until you see a massive one,
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when you think it's really over done. for intel, i think you have a $30 print coming prior to the point or right after when they report guidance in mid july and guidance for q is worse than expected. >> up next the biotech mega cap stock that could sore to new highs on a key ruling next week. our meg terrell has a special report of this break and in the meantime, here's what else is coming up tonight on "fast". >> are you looking to beat the market. one wall street heavy weight stumbled on a way to potentially beat the s&p. sally will reveal how later in the show. plus three wall street legends are warning that stocks could soon tumble but don't worry, we've got your three stocks to buy now on correction fears, that's all ahead on "fast."
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because of this law and because of today's decision, millions of americans who i hear from every single day will continue to receive the tax credits that have given about eight in ten people who buy insurance on the new market places the choice of a health care plan that costs less than $100 a month.
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>> that was president obama reacting today to the supreme court ruling 6-3 upholding one of the tenants of the health care law, obamacare, the ruling sent shares of hospital operators soaring. tim, would you buy here? >> i think you would. a lot of the guys on the street are jumping in because you removed the over hang but the business is something you see improve. the vagluations are getting better. aca seems to be the obvious choice. tenant is a case where the whole sector looks also like there could be consolation but the fundamentals are what is driving this. >> on a big day like this it's tough for me to go tomorrow and buy it but i agree with tim. of all the sectors, this looks somewhat defensive. you no longer have over hang regulatory over hang on the stocks and look how much they rally today. you know they will make money. they will continue to make
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money. on any pull back you buy a basket of them as a longer term secular play. >> the move in human that. the stock shoreoaring on reports of aetna, guy, you have been on this for sometime. >> we had a move in may, huemana said we're talking to goldman sachs, there could be acquisition opportunities for us. gave it back when it seemed like humana would be the last man standing. we said yesterday, round turn back to 180, best in breed and you saw today, up 7.5% which is a monster move and sets it up to move back to 220. >> kudos to aetna, one of the most vocal proponents. this deal is created to them. the track record that they can pull this off and again, the i think the stock goes higher, the whole sector.
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>> let's go to the annual health company late in the afternoon and reopening after volatile moves on reports of potential takeover approach by valience. >> there is tons of consolidation. these players up for grabs. i get nervous here. we spend more and more time on this program every night talking about potential suitors, potential -- to me it seems like a frenzy and i think when you talk about some of the worries we hear carl icahn yesterday, he's in the business of special situations here, and he's getting a little worried about the investment environment. i think things are getting froth though. ing. i don't know why you have to buy acquire at all-time highs. one biotech name could get
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approval on a drug soaring. stock therapy. biotech reporter and herself are qualified stock therapist. what company are you watching? >> vertex. we've talked a lot about cystic fibrosis drug. advisors to the fda and set to come down by july 5th and because july 5th is a sunday the fda comes in usually before that and we could expect this by thursday of next week. analysts are pegging the probability of approval at 90%. why this combination is so important is because it's a combination of approved drug and new drug. it could extend the patient population by four to five times. addressing maybe 8500 patients with this drug compared to 2,000 for the first drug alone. analysts say this could bring in $5 billion in peak annual revenue and vertex is
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unprofitable, they had profitability in one year. we can show you some of that history of profitability there. analysts say it could turn it back to profitability as soon as next year. the key question that could move the stock is the price of this drug. we were talking about the consolidation going on among health insurers this gives them more leverage. the first drug on the market is priced at $300,000 per year per patient because it addresses so few patients. analysts are expecting this to come in underneath that. if the drug is priced higher than consensus expectations, it could go up. >> forgive my ignorance, does the fda price the drug or company? >> the company. that's a debate on its own. the company sets the price and a matter of gaining reimbursement and they get more power to push
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back against high drug prices. >> tim, it would seem strange this probability at least was not already in the price. >> the question is with the whole sector. what i'm seeing in the whole biotech sector different than hospital and health care which to me are blocking and tackling versus the hail mary pass. you see it in the ibb. short interest is growing. we said this many times on the show, meg came in and talked about fantastic companies and the ibb goes higher. i play ibb in a cross portfolio way. there is a lot of places there to be nervous. >> vertex went from 60 to 130 in about a year period. meg mentioned they ended up profitable. it's about the pricing for the cystic fibrosis drug. meg mentioned, i hate to say it you got to stay with the name. this could be a huge drug for these guys. evaluation is extreme but i get this will be a game changer.
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as much of a run you stay with it. >> look at the chart spent the last couple months between 120 and 130. the july 10th options, the weekly options are suggesting a 7% move in either direction which would be a massive move considering how tight the consolidation has been. depending how you think about it it could make sense to define your risk obviously a breakout above 135. no overhead resistance. >> for me, i'm a seller of biotech. i said we can get this one more last leg up and take your profits. these are frot trksfrothy. the take your profits and stay away from the sector for awhile. >> dr. meg terrell, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> nice to meet your mother, as well. >> she's an actual doctor, phd.
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pretty big hint what they have in common they voiced concern about the market runup. so we're giving you three stocks to buy now if they are correct and if stocks are about to tank. and as we head into the break, take a look at nike now at the highs after hours. we'll hear from the nike ceo on the first quarter in just a few.
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welcome back to "fast money." two big stories, tanking on an earning earning's miss and nike moving higher after hours following a big beat. micron's call wrapping up new and nike's conference call is half way through. we'll hear what the ceo of mikenike had to say on that call shortly. the secret but obvious way to beat the market. former wall street heavy weight sallie krawcheck, it's controversial. she'll explain in an exclusive interview. but first, could the bull market run out of steam. take a listen to what robert
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shiller, jeffrey and carl icahn have said recently. >> seems to me that new normal culture could last but then it could crest. it's a risky time to invest. >> most think corporate bondingss are going to save you. >> i'm very concerned about the market and i think the market is over heated especially the high yield market. >> if the their warnings are correct, two of them about the bond market one about the equity market well what do you do? do you do in the event of a market sell off on either side. dominic chu is back at hq with that. >> if you're worried about the possibility of a larger pull back, one of the things you want to do is look at some of the names again you look towards is one of the names out there, a number of things you'll want to watch overall that could potentially be a leader.
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if you take a look at investments that perform well when the market drops, data analysts firm partners look at criteria back to 2009 and found eight 30-day periods when the s&p fell by 5% or more. they found the stocks and exchange rate funds that had a higher positive of percentage of outcomes. among the picks, family dollar stores on the discount retailer side up 1.5% and then hershey foods up 2.5%. it posted 90% of the time not surprise that these treasury bond funds do well. tlt is one, that tracks the long longer maturity bonds. those are some of the names, part of the story. our cnbc prosubscriber can go to bond type funds, so we'll see if
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that happens this time around if the markets do have a significant pull back, guys. >> okay let's trade those results. something of a mixed salad. >> you had a big sell off in hershey. started at $115 and trading at $87 now. that's a significant move to the downside on what could have been a broader market. if my friends are correct, maybe the time now is to buy hsy. for me not so good. >> isn't that fitting stocks into a hole? to me to talk about an individual stock that will perform well and has performed well during corrections and that will be the way you play the next corrections season and the only name that made sense there was tlt. we know u.s. treasures are one of the true safe havens when things hit the fan a little bit. >> hang on. my argument is these guys are talking about the bond market because we're getting near a fed hike and i know historically, this may not be the time but the economy is getting better. you shouldn't be running from stocks because people are
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worried about the bond market. >> there is a connection. we talked about it in the past. we talk about hyg, it's very, very e liquid. they are using s&p foots and hedges. that creates a dangerous link. you get ill liquidity event that could bring stocks down. >> the bigger issue here is you had a federal reserve pumped up all asset markets. they may fall tonight. it's not that ying and yang. >> we seen the bond be record. 10.3 billion last week from bonds into stocks. we don't see that kind of move. i don't think you see that when the market is about the to trash. >> the reason why, it's not that i know the future, i can predict it or ken's show can predict the future there is historical precedence but the one thing that traders kind of key on that
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at this point, it's been like likelike 1,000 plus trading sessions since we've seen 10 or 15% pull back. look at that, april to october 2011 that's the last time that we saw 17 19% pull back in the s&p 500 and we saw a correction. it's not to say it's not going to pull back or go forward but we seen the 4 to 5% move and it's been a long time since we've seen a significant one. maybe that's the reason why the fundamentals are there and economy is going well. it's been a long time. >> no question dom, no question. looking at history relative to where we are now, these numbers are scary. i think volatility is compressed and i would just make an argument calling for stocks to do one thing and bond wills do another, if all assets are pumped up maybe they come down
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together. i think there is rotation from bonds into equities. >> just to pick up what the fed is scared of is they will cause another temper tantrum. if we get that a big shootup in rates. that's got to knock the stock market. >> of course it will on the first run. we're saying the stock, if the s&p pulls back 5% it's not a disaster. if it pulls back 10% it's not a disaster. if you think what we have to go through, we'll get there. time for pops and drops, the big movers of the day. a drop for netflix down 2%. >> another downgrade today after carl icahn comes out. i am still in the camp you take your profits on this one. again, this is similar to the biotech biotech. too much competition. >> mobile i up 4%. >> the auto space is headed these guys dominate. huge evaluation. i get it. clsa initiated a 15% short interest. feels like the stock can get there.
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>> a and a drop for avis budget down 5%. >> a stock that's in free fall at this point. pricing power and credit for the downgrade today, not a stock you jump into even though people are pricing more power than they have. >> a drop for bed bath and beyond, down 2%. >> they gave bad guidance, stock down 4%. now 52-week low. the stock actually recovered a bit here and kind of found footing, which is very very necessary here. 70 is going to be a big technical resistance level. i think you sell it on that if you're a trader and 65 to the downside target but you want to keep a tight 70 stop on the upside. >> still ahead, nike moving higher after its report. we'll hear from the ceo on what drove the quarter right after the break. plus reaction from top retail analysts that say there is a better way to buy the space than nickke. she'll reveal what that is,
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"fast money" ahead. within a few city blocks. working with ibm they're combining micro weather forecasts with detailed data from local sensors. to predict where outages are likely to occur. and send crews exactly where they're needed, when they're needed. ibm analytics from the internet of things is making energy smarter every day.
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welcome back to "fast money." check out shares of vertex moving higher by 4%. [ laughter ] >> hold on a second, folks,
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because this is important. simon has been an anchor for how long? >> 17 years. >> turn your phone off, man. [ laughter ] >> it's still going, by the way. >> they tend to be persistent once they got the number. >> vertex is up 4%. >> who? >> don't you dare. [ laughter ] >> yes, thank you so much dan. vertex is doing well. are we claiming credit in dr. meg terrell's analysis? >> the stock is up 3.5, 4%. stay long. they can grow into it. it's a ridiculous evaluation. the cf drug could be a game changer for them and despite the run, i think you stay long vertex. >> another big story of the evening is nike the earnings about to wrap up. sarah eisen has been listening in. a long day at the stock exchange. >> and for you over at the nasdaq. good to see you. executives are taking questions, obviously a strong quarter for nike on the bottom line and on
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the top line. ceo mark parker opened the call talking about the strength of the business and that's really what it's about. this is a company getting hit by the stronger dollar sales growth would have been 13% without the impacts of a dollar. it's 5% because of the impacts of those currencies which the c cfo blamed on the other currencies. there was a chance to talk about under lying businesses driving the strong growth. here is what he said. >> we have great momentum and we will continue to drive it by growing our largest categories such as running, basketball football and our geography such as north america, western europe and china and by unlocking the area with the greatest potential for growth such as women's young athletes and apparel, and also by accelerating new opportunities such as breakthrough technologies and
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products in advanced manufacturing and digital. >> and that really gives you a snapshot where they think the growth lies ahead and where they are spending on some of the initiatives, women's digital and e commerce. that's where they put the money behind the brand. the only weak spots were in golf and global football. everything else was pretty much strong across the board in terms of basketball, sportswear women's. the really key points of strength around the world, north america, western europe interestingly, home turf of adidas and china, which has been going, very very strong. a solid quarter with the future future's orders up better than last quarter. >> thank you. let's get thoughts from bbnt's karina friedman. she's been listening from the
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red phone. what do you make of what has been said and does it change the views you have about nike? >> we view the brand favorably. talked about invasions but didn't give specifics. number two, they said that brazil is having a little slow down and that's probably going to take the wind out of the sails that thinks the olympics will be a catalyst for the allegations. the guidance just getting into it but it does seem like not light but it's compared to some of the other athletic plays up low double digits while very healthy and strong is you know not as strong compared to under armyor armor. >> karina friedman from bbnt. still very bullish. >> if you think about 2016 will this stock grow into a multiple?
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you could see people are probably around four maybe upgrading from $4 a share, when you talk about china's future 21% this is part of the excitement and thing but the entire apparel and technology part of the business is as strong as anybody's. everybody talks about under armor but nike is doing it too and that's exciting. >> you know if there is one thing you want if they come with guidance that's light, lighter than what people expect. watch footlocker tomorrow morning. that's the u.s. domestic play on the athletic footwear. that's what i would look at at 9:30. shares of zotis. we'll explain how they did it. and former wall street heavy weight sallie krawcheck will reveal an unusual technique for investing that some others believe can clearly beat the market, the gender gap ahead on
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is this a way to invest? elevate network chairman and former citi group cfo sallie krawcheck is behind it and joins us for a cnbc exclusive from the morning stock conference where top industry leaders are convening. great to have you on the show. what is the main purpose of the fund? to change the world or to make money? [ laughter ] >> well you know it's funny that you ask it that way because do those two things have to be mutually exclusive? i don't think they do. so, you know i came to the fund from the view of doing all the research from when i was a baby research analyst and i used to cover big shot money managers like guy and every time i would go meet with a guy, he would at the end of the meeting say is management any good? i would never have a great answer besides my own personal opinion, so i dug into the research over time and from my
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own experience as well what actually drives great management teams is thought, perspective and gender and that was one of the journeys of this which is how do you figure out if a management team and diversity is a driver of that. >> there is big-shot money managers. my push there are great and nobody talks about them. that's a good thing. la liquid martin. a great management team. aren't we passed the point of saying women ceo, man ceo? that would be my hope. >> it's different than that because you hope we are but the truth is that senior leadership teams globally boards globally today have 11% women on the boards whereas in the fund today, our leadership teams, our
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management teams have 25% women on the leadership team and one-third in the board. you wished we were past it but we're not. you're seeing those companies that have greater gender diversity leadership, tend to have higher roes, greater long-term focus that this coming together of the different types, it's not women is better than man, man is better than woman. it's the diversity that makes a difference. >> sally it's tim, thanks for joining us. how about bisector. are they doing a better job? seems to be you're getting more high profile stories where women are getting ahead and doing fantastic things. seems to be what we're hearing about. >> look, we've got a lot of work to do regardless of the industry. you can look at venture capital funding for today coming from silicon valley still
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disproportion anytimely goes to leader teams. crowd funding is where women led teams are dog as well or better than men-led teams. the research interestingly holds a cross sector that diversity, gender diversity works across sector. i think it's hard when you compare wall street or silicon valley to say which one is doing a better or not better job between those two. >> you know sadly, we have to leave it there, sally. and karen sends her regards, as well. wish we could talk for me. >> hello, karen. >> thank you. nice to see you. the elevate network chair sallie krawcheck krawcheck. what do you think? >> when you talk about google and morgan stanley, when we have this move it was more about a cfo who knew what she was doing in terms of capital allegation and giving back to investors, that's why people think google may be more focused on the whole capital structure process. >> listen i think what sally is trying to say, it's very
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important to have a very good management team and one of the criterias of that is having diversity of opinion. whether so many women and so many men, that's one factor but just having a bunch of people being able to attack an issue is what is going to drive performance. >> and yet there are many companies not doing well that have prominent companies, particularly tech that have women at the helm and there was a piece where he drew attention to the fact many activists investors are after companies at the helm. >> obviously ibm and yahoo, those come to mind. again, sally is doing a great job forwarding this. it's important work and she's at the forefront of the whole thing. >> okay, shares on reports of a potential take over. dan, walk us through it. >> buying red hot at the end of the day. call volume two types and two
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times over average daily value. a trade here saw that headline bought about 300 of the june 26 weekly tomorrow expiration 50 calls paying about 34 cents for those and here is the date chart here the stock had been trading at a tight range below 50 and went straight up closed above 55. those calls appreciated dramatically. they went out offered at 480 and paid 34 cents, about 10,000 premium for those 300 calls and went out worth about 144,000 and here is the one-year chart. this is what we were talking about before people with this m&a, urge to merge here. i mean where are these guys when the stock was 40% lower? to me it seems like a frenzy. this is not something you want to go out and run out and buy calls for every stock that you hear is going to be taking over or rumor is floated. >> thank you very much dan, nathan. for more options action check out the show tomorrow every friday at 5:30 east were on
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cnbc. we've got your first move tomorrow when we return, more "fast" after this. i'm here at the td ameritrade trader offices. ahh... steve, other than making me move stuff, what are you working on? let me show you. okay. our thinkorswim trading platform aggregates all the options data you need in one place that lets you visualize that information for any options series. okay, cool. hang on a second. you can even see the anticipated range of a stock expecting earnings. impressive... what's up, tim? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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coming up on money," the man behind marijuana stock. shares have doubled year to date. final trades this thursday evening. around the horn, tim? >> simon, thank you for joining us and even with the cell phone incident, very good night. [ laughter ] >> nike stay with this name. it's like disney and starbucks. until they disappoint they are clicking on all cylinders. you don't have to buy tomorrow. one or two is a good level. you may not get that. >> you may not get it but at some point it will be back at 102, pal. i want to take the other side of tim's intel trade. >> again? we do this every final trade. >> i think you see, i don't think the d ram pricing has much to do but you'll see intel back at 30. >> like cramer all over again. >> oil was out weak today. again, it's time to pull the rip cord and sell it where there is smoke there is fire simon,
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great having you on board. >> is that it? >> that's it. read it man. read it. >> read what? that? i ain't got enough words. i'm simon hobbs, catch fast money >> my mission is simple -- to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now! hey, i'm cramer welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends, i just want to make you some money. i gas i can make a bit of an exception for my guests today
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