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tv   Squawk Alley  CNBC  October 5, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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welcome to "squawk alley" for a monday morning. on a day full tech news. start with the markets. dow's up 171 after that big reversal upside on friday. market taking some solace and some data today. stocks still rallying. all the major averages up 1%. twitter naming jack dorsey their permanent ceo. dorsey will remain ceo of square which is set to file for that ipo later this year. dor dorsey talked about his commitment to twitter. >> this is a really exciting day for me. i'm honored to continue to lead
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twitter. my commitment runs deep. no one is more determined than i am to see this company achieve its promise. >> roger williams, one of the co-founders of the company. helped lead this search. just posted a blog saying, i honestly didn't think we'd land on jack when we started unless he could step away from square. but ultimately we decided it was worth it. fascinating process the board's been through. >> i think the really important question here is how does it get -- how do the employees greet this. i don't think the issue is whether dorsey's full time or part time. it's really this is a great business opportunity. i think that you have the most important news product in the world right now. and there are issues that users are having. they have to resolve them i think in two ways. first, they have to make the product more accessible. i think dorsey understands that
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issue really well. i think it's poimportant to diversify the revenues away from advertising. i believe there's a business opportunity dorsey can pursue like bloomberg where they really package the tweet stream in ways very specifically targeted at marketers and investers that give them lots more value added and people pay subscriptions for that. if the team is motivated enough, it won't matter he's only there a few days a week. >> even the most talented executive only had 24 hours in a day. jack dorsey doesn't get more. how do you reconcile that? >> the issue i think here is, remember, twitter has already solved the hardest problem you can have in technology, which is building a huge global audience. the challenge for the company, i think, really can be resolved by a good night's sleep. they need to look at the business differently than they've looked at it historically. it's not just a place for
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celebrities to tell you about what they had for breakfast. it's an incredibly important news service. it has value not just in the moment but over time. we just haven't had the tools to manage that. i think if the team is given the right direction. that literally is something you can do in an hour. the problem is not building twitter, it's making it into something valuable to the -- >> i don't know, i push back on that, saying look at where twitter is trading. it's near all-time lows. they've already said everything they've tried recently in terms of product has not worked to spark growth. they need to grow. the most interesting thing i saw out of this announcement was jack's tweet they're looking at changing the composition of the board. all the explanations as to why they landed on jack, the employees love him. it's very po et ik.
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but it's a sort thing you look back on two years from now and sometimes it just doesn't make much sense. like jerry gang returning to yahoo! for example. i'm just not sure -- >> i think the market is right to be cautious about this. the company's gone seven years without being able to fix a problem that was there the first day. and so i look at this and go, the opportunity for jack dorsey, because he doesn't have 24 hours in the day, he's got to have one or two good ideas. and candidly, this is a product that i think will respond really well to one or two good ideas. that's why i think it's -- you know, i don't own the stock personally but i'm really interested by what he does here. if all he does is the same old stuff faster, well, that's not going to work. if he has some new ideas, there really is an opportunity to make twitter into something incredibly valuable. >> interesting. i am struck by his emphasis this morning, at least in the tweets he posted on speed, he talks
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about twitter being powerful, showing everything the world is saying 10 to 15 minutes before anything else. it's called project lightning. i wonder how much you think they're going to lever this idea that it gets you things first. maybe not in complete context but first. >> i think first really matters. the thing to remember, if you have data that shows what was first over long periods of time, there are huge applications to that as well. i think there's a lot that nobody's been able to capture. >> they have to leverage over time. is it different from yesterday? and they've never gone after that opportunity. i think that's one of the thing these can do even with a
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part-time ceo. again, i think it's a failure of imagination that has held them back rather than, you know, deep underlying flaws, you know, in the opportunity. >> certainly a lot of wood to chop. as john points out. next up, roger, google's reorganization into alphabet takes effect today. the biggest change is google class a and class c shares are now trading as alphabet on the nasdaq. under alphabet, google's businesses will include of course search, job line ads, android and youtube. alphabet itself will include those moon shot programs like life licenses, nest and driverless cars. roger, all that cash is going to help support some of these pie in the sky ideas. what interests you now about google? do you see it as being marketedly different from before? >> i don't think it's different in any way that matters until there are tracking stocks for the two pieces. you know, once the financial returns are directly tied to those two pieces, that unlocks
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an enormous amount of shareholder value. this may allow google's management team to do a better job with the moon shots. i don't know. time will tell. i know for investors to get the full value, they've got to be able to see the the two pieces separately. my presumption is that will come eventually. i think it will be a really good thing for the moon shots to have that market test in there. among other thing, it would free the more mature part of the business to be valued at what it's really worth. and not be dragged down. >> roger, i'm not sure we ever reconciled this idea that was out there, that google was -- maybe they're going to start offering a dividend. to me, when they made this alphabet announcement, it killed that. what they're offering is an information dividend. we're going to tell you more about google. my gut says maybe they're going to spend more on these outside projects. look, they've got all the page, drummond, they're with alphabet now. are they really going to move
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that team to alphabet and spend less on the noncore stuff? >> i suspect you're correct, which is why the tracking stock thing will actually increase the value so much. because if they do focus a lot of energy there, i think two things are likely to come from it. yes, spend rate will go up. but the probability of a success coming out of there also goes up. and if those things are something investors are something that can be priced separately, there's large incremental value from that. because the old google, the mature part of it, still has a lot of value. it may not grow at rates that are even remotely interesting in comparison to the past. but from a cash flow perspective, that thing is gold. and it will continue to be so for quite a while. if you let the market price that in, there will be some substantial growth for investors. >> roger, before we move on to a new topic, one change that did catch the eye of many reporters is this change in the eye of
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conduct. don't be evil. trade it in for do the right thing. a material difference or just cosmetic? >> i have no idea but the fact they thought it was important to do it is symbolic. google is a company in my mind pioneered a form of human resources management relative to employees that was not only refreshing. i think it's really important. most of the economy employers are being beaten down. at google, i think they treat employees in a very special way. i think the notion, don't be ea evil had become a joke. i think do the right thing is a much clearer guideline. at the margin, it may have a positive impact. i really admire the google founders for caring about stuff like that. i think they're mocked frequently over it. but i think this stuff really does matter. i really tip my hat to them. >> yeah, it does drive culture in some marginal way, no doubt. >> yeah, no question. by the way, doing the right thing would be a refresh thing
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for companies to do across the whole economy. >> some might argue that, yes. finally today marks the fourth anniversary of the death of steve jobs. remembering steve for who he was and who he stood for. we honor him by continuing the work he loves so much. the debate over jobs' legacy stronger than ever due to the upcoming release the film "steve jobs." the group originally tried to kill the fill because it supposedly played down his accomplishments and portrayed him as cruel and inhumane. it does sound like the narrative structure is really, roger, built around three product introductions. it doesn't really talk about his life in a broad scope. >> you know what, i really couldn't care less. and the reason i couldn't is that steve jobs was one of the most important people in our economy and, frankly, in our culture over the last 100 years. that's an indisputable thing. nothing hollywood does is going to change that. to me, the really profound
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insight the last four years is that tim cook has turned out to be an amazing ceo for apple. the world has changed in some ways that would not have necessarily played to steve jobs' strength. and they have played to tim cooks'. i think china is a particularly important one and apple's new entry into the banking world. places where tim cook's personality has really helped apple enormously. having cook as the right-hand man and the handpicked successor is one of those things you look back on and go, wow, nice call, man, that was really great. >> the thing that strikes me about looking back now four years ago on what's happened to the legacy of steve jobs is the products that steve jobs' apple came out with, they were so singular, you look at the ipod, you know what it is. you understand.
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same with the phone. same with the original i-mac. now we're looking at steve jobs and different people from different portions of his life, whether it's his work life and the executives, his home life and his widow. those of us in the press who interacted with him. he's like that proverbial elephant, where everybody touching a different part has a different idea of what it was. for someone who had such a clear impact through his work, it is so odd to me that four years later, we're talking about steve jobs as if he's constantine. nobody understands exactly what motivated him. was he a good guy. was he a bad guy. that's just weird. >> well, what difference does it make. he has a huge, incredibly positive impact on our culture, on our country. you know, i was lucky enough to have interacted with hem over the years. you know, some days good, some days bad. but you cannot dispute the amazingly positive impact he had. to me, you know, hollywood can go out and run us around the
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block a few times, sell a few tickets. at the end the day, if you look at the products, i think you're exactly right. the products speak for themselves. without steve jobs, it's inconceivable those products would have come out. >> roger, it's always good to see you. until next time. >> take care. >> now that google is under the alphabet umbrella, are major changes in store? the creator of google wallet. plus, a lot of buzz about the movie which hits theaters soon. we'll talk to a couple of stars from the film about the legacy of jobs himself. this is just about session highs. we're up 197. just a couple points below the highs of the day.
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it is several days past the deadline and new chip cards are beginning to emerge. how long will it take to be fully migrated? this is the ceo of payment terminal point, also the creator of google wallet and former pay pal executive. this new emv situation that we're in, these new readers that have, that read the chip cards, the liability shifts now. if there's fraud, it's now on the retailer, not on the bank. how long is it going to take
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before everybody is fully adjusted to this? is it going to happen after this holiday season? is it going to take some huge breach that a retailer's on the hook for? what do you think? >> so, well, first, thanks for having me back. i actually think it's going to happen pretty quickly. in fact, i believe about a third of all readers have already upgraded over the last year. and the reason is simple. we're about $10 billion of card loss in 2015. and it's growing out of control. so these chip cards are a lot harder to copy. and now the liability shift, what it does, unless the retailer upgrades their reader, they take on the liability of that card fraud. so the largest retailers who of course have the most to lose and gain if they upgrade. so they're upgrading the fastest. the smaller retailers, a lot of them haven't heard about it yet. they're starting to hear about it now. and of course the banks are reacting by issuing chip cards
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as fast as they can. because liability shifts to the bank if the retailer upgrades. and then the liability balances again when the card issuer issues a chip card. >> is this accelerating your business? is this making retailers move faster towards some of these mobile friendly and digital solutions? since it all tends to be packaged together? >> well, definitely accelerating our business. i think it's accelerating anyone who's creating a card reader. one that reads chip cards that is. you can't really find a mag stripe only card reader any more. more importantly, accelerating technology in retail environments. we're kind of leapfrogging the world. we're the last to adopt chip card technology in the u.s. unfortunately but now we have the opportunity to leapfrog. for example, there are no terminals that don't accept apple pay and android pay anymore.
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you're also buying an nfc reader. i expect us to get to 95% of all readers everywhere have both chip card reading as well as nfc or the ability to accept apple pay or android pay. >> at the time though -- >> go ahead. >> while we're mitt gigating so of the risks, the risks are multiplying. all my cards are chip cards because all of those cards have been defrauded at some point in the last year. i wonder how we go about making the experience safer for the consumer online proekt tecting retailer databases. there just seem to be so many different ways beyond chips your information is at risk. >> absolutely. i think you make a good point. if we have chip cards in the physical world, doesn't that push fraud online where i just have to enter numbers again?
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yes, that is a problem. the good news is, around a year and a half ago, the industry also started adopting tokens or the idea you don't have to share your actual card number online. and, in fact, when integrated into google wallet or apple pay, the apple pay but tton on the phone, you're not sharing your actual card number anymore, you're sharing a token. i expect now that chip cards are becoming the standard, emv is the underlying technology. it makes way for tokens to be used online. and i think that will reduce online fraud significantly. >> google wallet, would the alphabet structure you think allowed you to move faster at google? >> that's a great question. i actually like the alphabet structure. i think it makes a lot of sense. as your brand gets big are as a company, it's hard to innovate and take risks that may end in failure. and so big companies are often tentative about those risks. changing the structure so you
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can innovate under not the biggest brand but, you know, some other part of the company allows you to take those risks. so yes, in that way, i do. >> all right. we, we'll see if they're able to do it. osama badeer, ceo of point. thank you. the stars are out in force for the premiere of "steve jobs." highlights from some of the biggest names on the red carpet.
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we're just days away from the premiere of hollywood's latest attempt at steve jobs' legacy. we caught up with a few of the actors for their thoughts on the late steve jobs who passed away four years ago today. >> i don't think anybody has ever changed the way everyone
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communicates like steve jobs. i think that's why everyone's so fascinated with him. you can't pull out your phone or going on your computer without being reminded of this guy's brilliance. >> a very charismatic person. besides that, he changed the world. >> we also caught up with seth rogen who plays apple co-founder steve wazniak in the film. >> he's very funny. he invented the dial a joke hot line and you call it and it would tell you a joke. in real life, it was very good. they got along well. in the movie it's much more tumultuous i would say. >> tumultuous indeed, john. we know jobs was a galvanizing figure. says they are chasing the essence of what is truthful rather than the exactness of the facts. >> that's hard for me to swallow
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because it's only been four years. i mean, essence, if it's been 100 years, maybe even 50, maybe essence is a little easier to swallow. part of the steve jobs i don't think gets captured is here's a guy who sent his kids to public school for a long time. so a regular guy, despite -- or maybe because of his intensity in other areas. he was determined to make thing easy to use for people. his house was open to trick or treaters right there in the neighborhood in palo alto. yes, he was very mercuryial. he would blow up at people. there was also something down to earth about the guy. as somebody who interacted with hip it pains me a bit that maybe that isn't captured. >> i do like the tidbit he called aaron sorkin asking for help with the commencement speech and then wrote it himself.
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europe's about to close. let's get to simon here at post nine. >> this is a strong rally. they're catching the tail of that snapback we had here on friday. if you look at the oils, a lot of the rally on friday afternoon. the huge move on the s&p. you see that on the oils. that was reflecting what was happening here. this is very broad based. all sectors essentially are higher. we had an upgrade from kepler on deutsche banc. glen corps, the mining giant, remains extremely active after its stock surged over 7% on the asian section having to release a statement saying it doesn't know why it should be moving this way but the tale telegraph over the weekend suggesting it was open to potential takeovers, were one to materialize. the shorts being knocked out there. luxury goods. saying it's going to book a one
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offer counting gain as a result of the merger. you see those are luxury good stocks doing extremely good as well. it's an important day for the greek. in brussels, they will be given milestones by the rest of the eurozone and tonight there is a no confident vote in parliament in athens on the new measures. it could be within a month you start seeing money flowing in to recapitalize the banks. i'm reluctant to show you the greece banks because there's so little cap left there but what is left is rallying. from charles dde gaulle paris. where managers had to flee a meeting as a result of staff flowing in with banners shortly after the ceo detailed the job cuts coming in 2017. that's a picture of the head of human resources who had his shirt ripped off, his tie hanging from his neck, as he battled to escape away from the
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crowds. the pressure has really been on the air france pilots in particular to move. they're considered by many people in france to be a privileged select few. it's the old insider/outsider argument. this is a works council. they have legal authority for staff, the management in europe to try to promote industrial harmony. back to you. >> those pictures lighting up the internet, that's for sure. she's one of the most feared regulators of silicon valley taking on companies like google. the eu's top antitrust cop. there's a difference when you trade with fidelity. one you won't find anywhere else. one-second trade execution. guaranteed. did you see it? in one second, he made a trade, we looked for the best price, and the trade went through.
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do the other guys guarantee that? didn't think so. open an account and find more of the expertise you need to be a better investor. so what's your news? i got a job! i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. (friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i'll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle)
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i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs... you name it. i'm going to transform the way the world works. (proudly) i programmed that hat. and i can do casaba melons. i'll be helping turbines power cities. i put a turbine on a cat. (friends ooh and ahh) i can make hospitals run more efficiently...
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good morning, everyone. i'm sue herrera. three scientists from ireland, japan and china winning the nobel prize for medicine. winning for their discoveries that help doctors fight malaria and infections caused by round warm parasites. a new york university student has been released by north korea after six months in detention. he had been arested for crossing the chinese board near north korea. he has permanent resident status in the u.s. the supreme court declining to hear an appeal by vick tips of bernie madoff's ponzi scheme
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seeking inflation adjustments on the money they lost. it ends litigation that has delayed $1.25 billion being dispersed to his former customers. this week is the time to book your holiday flights. according to the annual insiders survey. it says the best day to book a flight if you want to fly around thanksgiving is tomorrow. the best day to book for christmas, friday. new year's eve, book on saturday. forewarned is forearmed. that's your cnbc news update at this hour. >> one of the most feared regulators in silicon valley is in europe. sat down with the european union's antitrust commissioner. >> she's gone after giants like google, amazon and apple. we're talking about vestager. stopped by the new york stock exchange to talk about her high-profile investigations including the biggie google which you'll recall she brought charges against for abusing its
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dominance in search to favor its own shopping. >> shortly google has answered our statement of objection where we sort of put in writing what we thought could be wrongdoings. now they have answered. substantially. and now we start to analyze their answers. >> there's a report -- i mean, there are a few reports that google is not going to settle this, they're going to fight this pretty hard. a report in the "new york post" saying they believe there are inaccuracies in the commission's complaint. can you confirm that? >> well, of course not. we tried to do our best in the fact it is sort of the basics of our statement of objection. and of course we have, you know, due process. we have the right to defense. and now we analyze the answers that google has given us and then we take it from there. >> are you bracing for a pretty prolonged legal battle here? >> well, it's very, very difficult to say.
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because this is a new phase. and we'll see. probably we'll know more the next time we talk. but no, it is still pretty open by now. >> you've got a number of other investigations going. some of the more high-profile ones here are the tax cases. you're looking into apple. looking into amazon. starbucks. what are you finding? >> well, also european company. and the broad scheme in belgium we're looking into. basically what we're looking at is if one company is given benefits that are not available to the the other company. because that's not a level playing field. and that's what we're aiming at. i think one business expect the other business also to pay their fair share of taxes in order to be able to compete. and that's what we're looking at. if someone is given a selective benefit or preference that are not available for others. >> another case i wanted to ask
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you about in the news lately is this idea -- it's only been a letter of intent and there's no formal deal on the table. the idea that they could together control a third of the world's beer production. have you started looking into this at all, even though it is premature? >> well, i should say, i'm not even sure they know themselves at this point in time what they want to do. and i think they should get saddled because they are the ones to take the crucial decision and the rest of us will try to keep pace. >> that's such a behemoth, i'm wondering if you are preparing to have to look into that. >> no, actually, i think we're in sort of the good situation that we have more and more mergers and acquisitions. as a sign the economy's now picking up. basically, we have enough to do without starting to prepare for something we do not know yet. >> is that a good thing we're seeing more morningers? >> yes, i think so. i think it's a sign that all the
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money in the market, there's a lot of liquidity. it's actually, it's starting to work. i think it's good that you have mergers. i think it shows you should invest, get the business going. >> we also talked about this idea that some folks say she has a bias against u.s. companies, specifically u.s. technology companies. obviously, she said that's not true at all. that's one reason she's been meeting with a lot of u.s. media. she's becoming very well known. "vanity fair" listed her as part of the new establishment. not every day you see a european commissioner on that list. she's not afraid to go after some of the biggest most influential names of silicon valley. >> also, the new york stock exchange is not the backdrop you usually see for her. >> she's usually in brussels but she's becoming very well known. she wants to make the case she's
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not against these companies. they want to give european companies a fair shot at it as well. >> nice interview, thank you. let's get back to twitter. near session highs now. 26 bucks a share for the first time in more than a week after jack dorsey officially named the ceo. julia boorstin. >> the expected news of dorsey's appointment, jpmorgan's doug anmuth writing, we believe the transition could lead to acceleration in the cadence of product execution. and baird's analyst saying he believes dorsey has the organizational clout to address some of twitter's major challenges. twitter's co-founder posted he's
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glad jack is back, saying he's already demonstrated the ability to think boldly about the next phase of twitter. dorsey saying he's confident in his ability to run both twitter and square at the same time and confident change is in the works. >> the product teams have also been plotting out ambitious road maps that will see dramatic evolutions across twitter, periscope and vine. they're both plans and i can't wait for everyone to see them implemented. >> dorsey isn't getting any additional salary. the filing today saying there's currently no plans to provide mr. dorsey with direct compensation for his role as ceo. we have to remember, he is being compensated as a director and he does own a significant stake in the company. >> significant might be an understatement there. thanks for that. one stock we are also watching is spark therapeutics rallying more than 20% in trading today.
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>> that's right, spark up quite a bit, on a down day on trial tech. on beg trial results on its gene therapy to work for inherited forms of blindness. the company says based on these data, it plans to file for approval within the united states next year. if it's successful, it will be the first gene therapy on the market in the u.s. which would be a huge milestone. gene therapy aims to cure or improve disease with just one administration. hence, sparks ticker symbol once or once. the news driving up the stocks of other companies working in gene therapy including bluebird and regenx bio. now, spark's drug treats a very
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rare form of blindness. they say that there are more twee treatments in the pipeline to follow. pretty exciting day for spark therapeutics. coming up, apple, the most valuable brand in the world for the third year in a row. we'll tell you who else made the list. first, rick santelli, what's caught your eye today? >> what's caught my eye is squawk box's wonderful time with ben bernanke. everybody's talking about it. especially about his book and the title the courage to act. sometimes it's the courage not to act or to meddle and that's what we're going to talk about after the break. without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck.
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suffering from ringing in their ears, there's no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid,
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the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid. coming up on the halftime show today, we are live from harlem rbi second annual celebrity golf classic. a great event helping provide educational and sports for harlem's youth. coming up on our show today, $2 trillion worth of advice. we have an exclusive interview today with greg fleming. he is morgan stanley's wealth management president. so much to talk about the markets with greg today. also, targeting ge. hedge fund giant trion making an investment in general electric. we're going to talk about the strategy and of course the trade on ge. plus, do not miss our sit-down with florida senator and gop presidential candidate marco rubio. we'll see you at the top of the hour from beautiful liberty
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national golf club. kay la, back to you. >> the green is a good look for you, scott, we'll see you soon. interbrand is out with the best global brands list. apple and google topping the list once again at one and two, followed by coca-cola and microsoft. a newcomer to the top ten, amazon, which was 15th last year. moving up to the tenth spot. you have to go all the way to number 33 to find a company from wall street and that is jpmorgan chase. >> how about microsoft there at number four, john? >> yes, that's strong. number five and could of takes away from microsoft. ibm still has a great brand and everything. yes. >> fascinating list. >> let's check in with rick santelli this morning. >> good morning. squawk box had a coup this morning, their exclusive interview with former head of the federal reserve ben bernanke, book coming out. we always at cnbc think about
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the crisis because we're still living through much of what happened pre during and post crisis. the title of his book, "the courage to act." i look at it a little different. i think precrisis, there was a total failure to act. there were many times, many times, in the lead-up to '07, '08, where many in the fixed income market were looking at the cost of credit being way too cheap. the derivatives market, too toxic. the over the counter derivati derivatives. it wasn't that difficult, truly it wasn't. now, the notion of the catalyst being subprime. it may be that. if it wasn't that, it would have been something. i really do thing it was the courage not to act. not to act. there's a yin and yang to the economy. to the free market. the more mr. greenspan tried to
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pull out recessions and ben bettrnanke tried to pick winner and losers, the deeper and deeper into these meddlesome chapters that we get the bureaucratic reach of the government. and then post-crisis, a total failure. a total lack of courage to act. i'll give you a real good example. i've had many friends in the last seven months that are buying real estate. and the one thing that all of them told me that was rather enlightening is that the gse issue is just not on anybody's mind anymore. no courage to go into the gses like freddie and fanny and try to figure out how we're going to privatize the securitization process. i'll tell you what they all said. many of these friends of mine come from financial backgrounds. so they get it. here's what they said. banks now have been regullegateo being clerk es of the
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government-sponsored enterprises. the paperwork, everything, a clerical part of the banks that are originating these mortgages. they don't really want to hold the paper. the paper has to be stamped by one of the gses. and that's the process. and it seems to be on some level working. but is that it the way we really want it? do we want the government in charge of housing forever? i think in that regard, there's a litmus test. i can pick others. that in particular, especially the time we're about ready to raise rates, maybe it's the last chance to even talk about it. if we can't repatriate money ordeal with corporate taxes, it's probably a pretty good stretch we're not going to be dealing with the gses. no courage to act. kayla, back to you. coming up, the way you pay to attend a disney theme park could see a potentially expensive change. here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time.
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extracurricular activities help provide a sense of identity
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and a path to success. joining the soccer team... getting help with math... going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal... ...when you can't do the normal things. [announceto help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that for most kids are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. major averages still in the green, building off that reversal friday in training. s&p 500 eyes its first five-day winning streak since last december. despite the fact that ism nonmanufacturing came in a bit light. most of the gains thanks to a 2.7% rise in crude oil today. >> the bulls will take it. youtube beauty mogul and ipsy
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founder michelle fong joined us last week. hot on the heels of their $100 million round of funding led by tpg and sherpa ventures. here's what they had to say on their audience, funding and how they're going to invest that money back into the business. >> we want to heavily infest more in the creators and content and that's why we want to expand. we have 10,000 members now. >> over 2 billion viewers. 52 countries. so it's really taking off. >> for people who are outside of the beauty ecosystem like me, i mean, obviously. >> natural beauty. >> what is it that you're creating here, michelle? i mean, who's the target demographic? how often are they visiting you? is this kind a new media channel? >> absolutely. what's happening is that the whole world of beauty is changing. the influencers in beauty are changing. before it was the makeup counters and it was magazines. now it's these beauty influencers like michelle. michelle was a trail blazer.
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there's tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of other people falling in michelle's foot steps and we really want to invest in this new generation of influencers. the beauty industry is a $500 billion industry with very attractive margins. it's a very competitive industry. so we think it's a very worthwhile thing to invest in these creators who are going to be the new voices of beauty. if we can continue to build affinity with them, it's just good business for us. that takes a lot of money because there's a lot of them out there and we want to provide good services for them. >> michelle, are you eventually going to create your own product? >> not just my own product, but help other creators launch their own products too and really have them focus on their target audience. this is why we really want them to help grow their numbers. just help get a better content strategy. >> we talked about facebook video, the growth there.
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they haven't build out the ways to monetize that as thoroughly as they might. tell me what kind traction you're seeing there and how that compares to youtube and maybe touch on over the top. because now we've got apple tv with an open platform. a big screen is potentially an attractive place to see exactly how to apply some of those. >> i think chrome cast is coming out with a new one soon. everyone knowing on demand is where it's at. the millennial, they want to watch content now. that's why facebook is an attractive market for those who want to post videos. i think youtube and facebook will have their own separate audience and they can grow in a more meaningful way, but content i think will differ on each platform. i'm surely you can agree, i always share videos with marcelo i find on facebook. but youtube videos are something i discover myself. so it's a different type of way of discovering content. >> it's definitely an interesting space.
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attracting lots of invest dollars. sherpa invested in a skin care start-up called curology right around the same time. so some of these tech dollars flowing in nontraditional directions lately. >> i sort of like our beauty beat reporter. >> congratulations, you're going to be great. >> i'm going to do my best. >> disney taking a page out of uber's playbook.
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maybe it's because the west coast is waking up but twitter accelerating its gains here. this is touching the 50-day moving average for the first time since july. we'll see if it can hold that level. >> nice welcome present for jack there. bought shares not long ago. >> we're going to watch today's action. in the meantime, it's not just uber using surge pricing. the journal reporting disney is considering demand-based pricing for theme parks. tickets would cost less on slow days or more on busy days. disney's parks and resorts chairman saying, we have to look at ways to spread out our attendance throughout the year so we can accommodate demand and
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avoid bursting at the seams. the "l.a. times" reporting disney was considering is up a move earlier this year. they did raise prices in general on their annual and their seasonal passes. even on things like how much it costs to park your car. >> it's brilliant, carl. >> we were just there a couple months ago. a month ago. i forget. but there's already a surge experience. if you plan well, you have a much better time there. you use your time much better. why not add a financial component. >> do you see this as an effective crowd control tool? >> oh, yeah, money talks. >> meantime, money is talking in the markets. dow still down about 200 points. this is being led by micron, which got lost yesterday. things like a lot of the energy names. if you believe that a fed rate hike really has been pushed back until next year or even to the latter half of next year. called it rocket fuel for the kerry train. that's what we're seeing. >> and not only that and twitter
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doing well. rack space up nearly 8%. some of the recent losers like groupon also up. we'll see how long this lasts. >> dow's up 600 points from the lows on friday. if you can believe that. let's get to the halves. scott wapner in jersey city today. >> all right, guys, thanks so much. welcome to a special halftime show. live today from the liberty national golf club. we're here for the second annual harlem rbi charity event. a day that supports the organization's youth development program and charter school which serves 1,500 kids and young ah dults adults with year round sports, educational programs and other services all free of charge. a perfect person to hear from. greg fleming is with us to


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