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tv   Worldwide Exchange  CNBC  November 27, 2015 5:00am-6:01am EST

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>> welcome you're watching worldwide exchange. we're live in london, moscow and istanbul. here are your headlines. >> the threat of economic sanctions finally pushes turkey's president to the table but will the kremlin meet him halfway? >> progress made in talks between hollande and putin in greater cooperation in taking on isis but of course president putin also threatening to pull out of the u.s.-lead coalition after the downing of one of his
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fighters. >> either they were not controlling what their allies were doing or they're leaking information all over the place. >> china's shanghai composite after a state investigation into chinese brokerages sends shares lower into the close. >> online and in stores the black friday frenzy gets off to an early shop with customers understooding shops and online retail shops to make the best of the sales. >> now this just out in the last ten minutes or so. turkey's president erdogan has requested to meet vladimir putin in paris on monday. the kremlin declined to speak but president putin intends to accept the request. let's get back out to hadley. >> good morning, carolyn. what a difference a day makes.
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all we have been talking about is who must be advising him to keep him from at least issuing some kind of message to russian president vladimir putin and the question of course being what is going to come next? what is this going to mean for the turkish economy? we heard multiple reports of officials saying this can come down to sanctions and we're talking about the end ott dream of this oil pipeline we're talking about as well. possible sanctions in terms of not just in tourism and trade but also of course in terms of the energy deal. they're being turned away and even a turkish business man being arrested in russia. a lot of unrest and worthy among business men particularly with the pressure we have seen the lira put under over the last couple of days. they're worried about making
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ends meat. so serious questions on the economy and even though we heard the turkish government saying we had no choice, this was a move we had to make and knowing this is playing well at home in terms of what happened with that russian fighter jet it's a bigger problem in terms of the economic question. >> thank you for that. >> russia's president vladimir putin warned moscow could pull out of the international coalition against isis and syria if there's any more international incidents like turkey's downing of a russian fighter jet this week. let's get back out to jeff. >> it's a fascinating development that we see this invitation extended and of course all of these world leaders will be gathered in
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paris so we wait and watch with hope that maybe there will be a deescalation. his meeting apparently seemed to go okay as far as the french are concerned. they seemed to get commitments of bombing and more information sharing between the french, other nato forces and the russians and the russians did appear to say that they are keen to be part of the coalition against isis. let's hear what president putin said. >> we are ready to cooperate with the coalition lead by the united states but of course incidents like the destruction of our aircrafts and the deaths of our servicemen, a pilot and marine that hurried to rescue his fellow fighting comrades are unacceptable.
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>> but as you might expect that meeting was overshadowed by the on going issue of the downing of that russian bomber and it wasn't far away from the minds of both leaders and president putin expressing his frustration saying we have given information to the united states lead coalition about where our military technology is. about what our planes are doing and expressing surprise that that information apparently didn't seem to be passed on to the turks who have said they didn't know it was a russian jet. let's listen to what mr. putin said. >> translator: we informed our american colleagues in advance about where and when our pilots would work. the american side which heads the coalition in which turkey takes part knew about the time and the place where our planes were. it was there and then we got hit. why did we pass this information
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to the americans? either they were not controlling what the allies were doing or they're leaking this information all over the place. >> apparently we have the foundation for further cooperation between moscow and other western powers in this battle against isis but there still remain many questions that need to be answered and it will be interesting as america comes back to the table after it's thanksgiving break whether we hear anything from the white house about the allegations that president putin is making. that is information was passed to the americans but apparently doesn't seem to have made it to turkey and perhaps not to other nato members. so we'll wait and watch on that one. back to you. >> good point, jeff, thank you so much. >> police raids continue as the manhunts intensify. tensions likely to remain high despite lowering the country's
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terror threat level. >> more raids today and into the evening outside of brussels for the man suspected to be part of the paris terrorist cell perhaps planning to join the suicide attacks and backing out. a house was targeted rented to one person but several mattresses were on the floor. >> there are police with machine guns and dogs he was seen with another suspect at a gas station prior to the paris attacks. >> elements must remain confidential to make sure that we can stop the threat but in brussels they unexpectedly lowered the threat level this afternoon. another attack no longer considered imminent but still a serious risk. earlier they received envelopes
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of white powder. >> a brightening few hours. tests later showed the powder was flour. separately two men were arrested at amos k in germany accused of planning more attacks. well over a thousand raids have been carried out across europe. weapons and money seized. the mastermind of the paris massacre killed. still tonight the search for suspects goes on. >> those were carried out here outside of brussels local media asked to restrict reports of that until it's over. >> u.s. futures indicating little change at the start of the trading session. of course we're close for the thanksgiving holiday yesterday. today u.s. markets are returning for a half day session only. u.s. markets will be closing at 1:00 p.m..
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the nasdaq is off by 1.3 points. the dow jones is off by 0.2. no major earnings data to look out for today. do expect volumes to be pretty light. in europe, we're seeing a little bit of selling though throughout the session. the xetra dax in the green. we are off the highs we saw in yesterday's trading session in part because of what's going on in china. many mining stocks are coming under pressure in the ftse 100. what you're seeing happening overnight is a big sell off in chinese brokerages driving the shanghai composite to its worst weekly performance since august. this since they come under investigation for possible violations of security trading rules. let's check in on how markets in asia did overall. sri, that is a stark reminder of what we saw in the summer, isn't
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it? >> it was we ended the day up by 5%. that's the steepest one day percentage loss since the debt we saw in late august. earlier on this year. mind you, we are still up some 15% from the august lows so we haven't complete livan kwished those gains. but in terms of today it was quite significance. you hit upon a couple of them. they were under severe selling pressures today because beijing is investigating a lot of them including the biggest brokerage in china for suspected securities violations. the other factor is beijing is trying to ring out more leverage from the system. a lot of it has been shaken out already from the route that we saw in the summer but they're
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still a lot that remains and with the high level of excess level becomes high level still with volatility. then we have the expectation that we're seeing more ipo activity as soon as next week. the pipeline in terms of the new issues. so that should deprive the main board of some liquidity and some interest to the market reacting as well. it dropped for the 5th straight month so it's curious, isn't it? because when you see weak macro it builds the case for more stimulus and more policy easing and that's usually equities positive. it wasn't today and it hasn't been for the last couple of sessio sessions. china will be the narrative next week because we get data and manufacturing activity from the private forecasters and official numbers as well. that will be a real test of market confidence and it will
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either be consistent with a degree of stability maybe or consistent with persistent deflationary pressures in the world's second largest economy. that's where we stand. >> thank you for that. still to come on the show, the thanksgiving cheer has faded but stores are looking to lighten things up by bombarding them with black friday discounts. so how significant is this day for retailers? find out, next.
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these are the headlines. >> china's shanghai composite wipes out most of this month's gain after they sent shares sharply lower into the close and the black friday frenzy kicks off as customers go bargain hunting. >> it's that time of the year again. the holiday shopping frenzy has begun in the u.s. consumers put up their thanksgiving dinner to get in a little bargain hunting on thursday. macy's say 15,000 people were at the 6:00 p.m. opening of its flag ship store in manhattan. as much as 20% of holiday shopping is expected to be done over the holiday weekend. they estimate 136 million people
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to hit the stores and expect sales to rise 3.7% this year to just over $630 billion. >> now many were still shopping online at home or on their mobile desiess. it tracks visits to 4500 retail cites says more than $1 billion was spent between midnight and 5:00 p.m. eastern time thursday. up 22% from last year. many well fed americans across the united states are enjoying an extended weekend after the thanksgiving holiday but police are still hard at work after they refrain front and center after this period of heightened terror risk. >> on the streets of manhattan, tradition on parade. giant balloons, floats, and performances. >> anybody here for the first
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time? >> yeah. >> do you feel safe? >> yeah. >> 3.5 million spectators lined the streets. along the route, more police than ever before. 2500 cops in all. >> were you afraid to come? >> no. >> why not? >> we have some of the finest police protecting us. >> several nypd officers also marched in the parade next to the u.s. flag that carried the french flag in a show of solidarity. >> we all know that what terrorists try to do is intimidate. well the people of new york city are not intimidated. >> the only known incident is a man accused of flying a small drone. he was issued a summons. >> airports are on heightened alert and in atlanta malls beefed up security. for the first time police can now tap into surveillance cam ras live at shopping centers. on this day of thanks president obama spent the morning calling troops. roughly 10,000 americans in
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uniform mark the holiday in afghanistan. >> it's really hard to be away from your family but we're one big family here so it's nice. >> across the country people pause to give thanks and to give back. volunteers in washington d.c. packed up meals for people too sick to cook for themselves. >> this is what we do, right, gang? >> and a holiday tradition that never gets old. newborn babies dressed like you are the kiss giving their families an extra reason to be thankful. >> that's very cute. disney saw a more than 3% drop in subscribers in the past physical year in a regulatory filing the company says espn now has 29 million subscribers down from 95 million last september. in august, disney ceo said espn was seeing modest declines as viewers shift to cheaper digital platforms or cut the chord. >> while you were eating your
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mouthwatering turkey hopefully there were three mouth watering nfl ties with playoff implications. here's the thanksgiving scores as we head to break.
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>> let's take a quick peek this morning. markets will be open for a half day trading session. we are expecting a slight pick up after we were closed for the thanksgiving holiday yesterday. the s&p 500 seen up by modest two points. dow jones by 4.6 and nasdaq by roughly 12 points. in europe markets are under pressure. this is on the back of the sell off on the china market on the back of the crack down on brokerages. the ftse 100 is off by .3% but actually seeing a little bit of a recovery. throughout the trading session, now back in the green up by 0.2%. cac 40 up by letsz than 0.1%. a lot happening in the currency space this morning. i want to show you what the euro dollar is doing. it's back below the 106 level. 105.81. we're seeing some dollar strength across the board and i want to draw your attention to
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what's happening in the swiss franc because we're seeing a broadbased weakening against the dollar and against the euro. against the dollar, the swiss franc falling to the weakest level since august 2010. just in today's trading session. let's try to make sense of all of this. joining us now is the head of fx strategy at cibc. what's happen something. >> good morning. i think it's fascinating because we have been fixated with policy and the fed a couple of weeks after but if the ecb is going to be aggressive, perhaps easing the deposit rate then of course it will be put in a position and of course markets are using the dollar swiss as a proxy for euro dollar trade and assuming they'll be forced to take extreme action themselves. >> plenty of anticipation ahead
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of the ecb meeting next week. do you think a deposit rate cut and step up in government bonds is priced in? because we're close to that 105 level for euro dollar. >> yes, we have been moving toward a very expansive policy being priced in. earlier in the week our assumptions with were we would see a deposit rate cut and now we're veering toward the 20 basis point move after they saw stories we saw in the middle part of the week which encouraged the euro dollar lows but it is going to be the case that is draghi going to be able to overdeliver in terms of what is priced in? that's going to be the interesting point. historically he managed to meet expectations well so in a sense there will still be a great deal of anticipation that the euro should remain on the offensive and those lows of the year just over 104.5 will be attacked into the back end of next week. >> let's talk about the dollar side of the equation. a lot of people telling moefr the last couple of weeks that there's a big risk of a dollar sell off once we do see that
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first rate hike. what do you think? >> i think that's probably a sensible strategy. we have seen, obviously, the dollar being well supported on the assumption of supportive growth and or monetary policy timing but if we get that rate decision going in the way that we anticipate in terms of a move, i think of course the context of the statement will be then increasingly important, we may be looking at only perhaps two hikes theoretically through the course of the year. that dollar trend will be rather harder to extend and i think for the year ahead it's much more about relative value rather than being long dollars against the whole monopoly of other countries. >> you're brave enough to make that outlook. it was all about china volatility and monetary policy between the ecb and the fed. it was about crumbling oil
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prices and commodity related currencies. what will it have in store for us? >> the year ahead will be a slightly more optimistic one than markets are pricing in. it's been very easy to be sucked into the negativity and sucked into the china downside story. so i think we get slightly more devaluations but however having said that i think there's still relative value plays within the commodity currencies and they have still got further to fall. the canadian dollar is in the same kind of realm but the down side risks are not as extreme. >> billion dollar question at what point do you buy currencies? >> i think possibly after the fed decision, then look selectively. it's not just the currencies as
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a whole. i think we look at those that have the least structure imbalances. that's the way you look at markets. so those with account shortfalls are the ones you probably want to avoid and you probably want to be looking at those with degrees of leverage in terms of the recovery story. so someone like mexico is an attractive one. but those are the ones still to avoid. >> thank you for your time. >> pleasure. >> appreciate it. >> head of fx strategy at cibc. still to come on the show, jumping over the president's fence. what happened when a man draped in a u.s. flag tried to gate crash obama's thanksgiving celebrations at the white house? find out later. we'll be back in two. it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for all this...
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when you're really only covered for this. hot dog? or how you may think you're covered for this... but not for this... whoa! no, no, oh , oh! ...or this... ...or this. ...or that... talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. my heaven! ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum. bum - bum - bum - bum ♪
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welcome. you're watching worldwide exchange. here are your headlines. turkish president requests a meeting with russian president vladimir putin on monday in a bid to further deescalate tensions between the two nations. this after putin failed to reach a full agreement with hollande threatening to pull out of the u.s. lead coalition fighting isis over the shooting down of the plane. >> either they're not controlling what their allies are doing or they're leaking this information all over the place. >> a state investigation into chinese brokerages sends shares
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lower into the close. and online and in store, the black friday frenzy gets off to an early start with customers flooding shops and online retail shops to make the best of sales. >> good morning, everyone. it's black friday. the day after thanksgiving. if you're just waking up thank you for joining us on the show. we're looking a little positive. the s&p 500 seen up by two points and the nasdaq expected to open higher to the tune of 12 points after markets were closed for the thanksgiving holiday yesterday. today are returning but only for a half day trade. u. s. markets will be closing at 1:00 p.m. eastern. so do expect volumes to still be very, very light. in terms of what we're seeing in european trade, we have seen a little bit of a turn around over the last two hours or so. we did start out in the red on
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the back of the sell that we saw in asia. i'll come to that in just a second but we have improved a little bit. xetra dax is up by 0.2%. but if ftse 100 still off by a third of 1%. many of the mining stocks are under pressure because of the china concerns. let's show you how asia did today. we did see a big sell off on the shanghai comp down by 5.5%. this is the biggest percentage decline since the end of august and that's really a stark reminder of the very volatile days that we saw back in december. the nikkei 225 off by a third of 1 peculia 1%. why didn't we see it? a korgcontinued crack down of t brokerages. consumers got in a little bargain hunting on thursday. macy's says about 15,000 people were at the 6:00 p.m. opening of its flag ship store in manhattan
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while the toys "r" us in times square was also pretty busy. let's get out the jay grey. okay. actually jay grey is not connected to us yet. let's go instead to new york. so you developed a new app. what is this app all about? >> this app is called the ibm watson trend app and what we have done is taken the power of the ibm watson super computer and put it in the hand of personal shoppers and with a we have been able to do is listen to over tens of millions of conversations online and bring back what's trending in the world of retail across three main categories, consumer electronics, and toys. >> they want a particular product but the fact is its simply sold out. so does your new app also help those shoppers try to get ahead
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of other shoppers? >> yes. absolutely. so we're able to listen to all of the different conversations that are going on including what products are likely to sell out ahead of time. so a great example of this, if you're a parent and looking the buy legos for yourself or your children this holiday season you want to get those early because lego is forecasting a shortage that they will not be able to fulfill all of their orders. >> what are the hottest items right now, justin? >> it's no real surprise to see a few popular names at the top of the list. apple products, perhaps surprisingly their watch is at the top of the list. a lot of 4k tvs and then in the toys category, legos very popular. prehap what is is more interesting though are some of the surprises on the list and one of the surprise toys of the season is the robot which is a robot that encourages learning,
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building and programming for young kids. >> oh, wow, so that's really making a splash this holiday season it seems. if you look at how consumers are doing their shopping we have seen this big shift away from people going to the stores away from the brick and mortar. they're now shopping online. that's not a new trend but that's really intensifying, isn't it? >> it is. absolutely. half of the buying we expect this season to be online and in particular device of choice is the smartphone. we have actually seen the smartphone overtake tablets as the preferred shopping device this season. >> is there any product category where you thought it was going to be doing very well but it simply is not? are there any surprises out there, justin? >> in terms of surprises, there's one many particular in the head phones that surprised me. they have beaten out some grand names that perhaps are a little
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bit more familiar with like beats by dre or boise or skull candy. so they're one to keep an eye on but overall it's turning out to be a really robust season across the board. one category hasn't popped just yet is the health and fitness category but we anticipate when people get on the other side of the holidays and start making their new years resolutions that that category is going to pop. >> thank you for your insight. real interesting. product strategist at ibm. >> now security concerns have plagued the global travel warning earlier this week. intentions were when a man draped in an american flag jumped the fence and made it on to the grounds of the white house. >> an otherwise uneventful thanksgiving day in d.c., this incident happened again at the white house. this man had just come to see the sights and the jumper
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started winding his way through the crowd. and started climbing. climbing like crazy. like what's going on here. that's what he done. i have the picture right here. >> he was arrested before he made it closer to the executive mansion and misimmediately cleared the park across the street. incidents like this bring out a lot of high profile security. in georgetown, fewer people than usual but there was a police presence near the four seasons hotel. they were responding to a tradition. that is free food for first responders and other public servants that weren't working today. >> some of them order the food and come pick it up 50 at a time. come stop here. we had the s.w.a.t. team here. >> another tradition for some, visiting the smithsonian museum. they were open today. while terrorism and the threat of it were on peoples minds it
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didn't keep them away. >> we always wanted to bring them here. we didn't want it to stop us. >> the sentiment isn't unanimous against family members. >> we had family in town last week that opted not to come. >> most people are comfortable in line with the message from the mayor. >> we're always at a heightened vigilance and we follow the lead of the president and the secretary of homeland security that told people to be city smart. >> washington feels safe. >> but that doesn't mean they let their guard down. there's always the unexpected. >> activist process testing the shooting of a black teenager by a white chicago police officer are hoping to keep shoppers away from the shopping district today. they're planning to protest along the area known as the magnificent mile. he was killed last year after being shot by the officer 16 times. dash cam video was released
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earlier this week and the officer is now charged with murder. still to come on the show, disney confirms what bob iger hinted at this summer. that espn is losing viewers. more on that story when we return.
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this summer disney ceo bob iger warned investors the company's most profitable asset espn suffered subscriber losses. now they're confirming those losses are pretty hefty. let's get out to landon with all the details. how bad is it? >> that's right. three months after iger made that warning we know how much damage a digital platform has done to espn and an esc filing out late wednesday they saw a 3.2% decline in subscribers the past physical year that ended october 3rd. that's a job of 3 million viewers to 92 million where they were a decade ago. it was just at 2013 espn was approaching 100 million subscribers. it's the most expensive channel on your cable or satellite bill
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but customers are watching sports on demand versus buying a package of channels. the losses aren't just limited to espn. the u.s. version of the disney channel and disney xd each lost 4 million subscribers while abc family shed 5 million. lifetime, history and a&e which are 50% owned by disney are also down. only disney junior and the international version of the disney channel has shown growth. other cable networks, fox sportsnet had about 89 million subscribers as of the end of july down from 91 million a year ago. time warner which owns hbo, and other channels reported a slide as viewers move to streaming services such as netflix and hbo go for its shows but disney reported better than expected quarterly pofts on add revenue and distribution fees from espn and the cable networks. they're also anticipating a
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strong holiday box office from the star wars movie and pixar's film the good dinosaur which opened on wednesday. it's down about 1%. back over to you. >> thank you for that. now am has confirmed it bought a company that's a start up that specialized in the 3-d motion capture software used for the new star wars movie. terms of the deal are not clear and apple won't say what it plans to do with it. some speculate apple could use the technology to launch a virtual reality product. checking in on shares in germany up by .25. the outbreak that made 19 people sick has been traced to a celery and onion mix used in the salad. they're recalling the product. five people have been hospitalized and two have developed a type of kidney failure that can lead to permanent damage. >> a lawsuit is raising questions about the competence
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of media mogul redstone that controls viaco m and cbs. a former girlfriend says the 92-year-old lacks the ability to make informed decisions about his care. they call the suit baseless. his physical and mental health have been the subject of speculation because he's been absence from his company's calls for a year. they hold 90% of the voting shares through a holding company. >> donald trump is taking a lot of heat for something he did at a rally in south carolina. appearing to make fun of a reporter's disability. but trump says he is the one that deserves an apology. >> donald trump under fire today for seeming to mock a reporter's physical disability. >> oh, i don't know what i said. oh i don't remember. >> the reporter works for the new york times and has a
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congenital joint condition. trump was referring to a 2001 story written by him after september 11th which said authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks. >> you have to see this guy. i don't know what i said. i don't remember. he's going i don't remember. >> this week he said his article does not back up trump's claim that thousands of new jersey muslims cheered 9/11. triggering a twitter backlash. a new low. disqualifying. the new york times writing we're outraged that he would ridicule the physical appearance of one of our reporters. others wonder whether for him a line even exists. >> he still has a pretty hardcore base at this point. to date he's said nothing that's offensive. >> trump demanding an apology is now taking tiaim at the times a the reporter today.
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he should get back to a paper going down the tube. if he is handicapped i would not know because i do not know what he looks like. >> it is unacceptable for a child to mock another child's disability on the playground never mind a presidential candidate mocking someone's disability. >>e says it doesn't surprise him that trump would do something this low rent given his track record. >> before we go for a quick break, these are the headlines. turkey's president calls for a meeting with vladimir putin on the sidelines of the event in paris. they wipe out most of this month's gain after a state investigation into chinese brokerages sent shares sharply lower into the close and the black friday frenzy kicks off as customers go bargain hunting. we'll be back in two.
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u.s. futures looking mixed this morning. the nasdaq 100 seen up by 0.22%. this after u.s. markets were closed for the thanksgiving holiday in yesterday's trading session. today's trading session will be a short one. u.s. markets close at 1:00 p.m.. so once again we do expect volumes to be pretty quite. now what happened overnight was this chinese brokerage stock closed sharply lower driving the shanghai comp to its worst weekly performance since august. this as the industry comes under investigation for possible violations of security traded rules. let's get out to sri who is in singapore. sri. >> yeah, carolyn, free fall friday is what we're calling it.
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again, let's paint some context on this. remember before this friday the market was up by 20% of the august lows but this is the sharpist one day loss. there's negative factors. you touched upon some of them. under pressure because of suspected securities violations. the regulators investigating it. regular you l regulators down on the data. and then the macropressures, industry companies fell 4.6% in terms of profitability so that's down for the fifth straight month. that's where we stand. next week, big back up data from china. that will be a test of confidence. back to you. >> thank you. have a great weekend.
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joining us live from chicago, chief market strategist at bubba i hope you have had a great thanksgivi thanksgiving. we did see the sell off in the asian trading session. are you surprised? >> no, really what we're trading today is whether or not the federal reserve is going to raise rates in two or three weeks from now. >> you're seeing a market basing itself on whether or not the free money is going to continue here. you're seeing a mixed picture. the bond markets and feds fund rate are indicating there's going to be a raise but they're saying probably not going to be a raise and u.s. dollar saying there is going to be. so a lot of uncertainty and ease and they're closed and the electronic markets are up and until china opened, they were
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higher last night until this happened. >> how do you feel about retail at this point in time? if we take a look at the performance after the fact that they cut their full year outlook. they're down 30% year to date where as the retail index is actually up this year so it's the department stores doing badly. do you see we'll see any more of this through the end of the year. >> i do not. i think retail is in a lot of trouble and since 2011 we've seen a true decline in retail sales and the bigger problem is that when you have stores not able to make margins, they're selling more goods but their margins are getting cut into and it's hard to make payroll especially if you're look at higher minimum wage and do everything when you're not making enough margin. you'll look back and say the
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grinch might have stolen christmas. i think the margins will suffer this year. >> very quickly, big week next week. we have the ecb meeting and a lot going on, also the data out of china. >> the dollar is probably overvalued based on the trade. it's priced in all the bad news as far as making the dollar stronger. they priced in an interest rate increase which would make the dollar stronger. i think you want to be short the dollar here. if you can. it's going to be a scary trade but if the fed raises rates i think the dollar sells off slowly. if the fed doesn't raise rates i think the dollar falls dramatically. draghi is going to be in there doing what he does and his anything it takes attitude continues to make the u.s. dollar rise more. >> thank you for that.
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>> now turkey's president requested to meet vladimir putin on monday. they decline to say whether president putin will accept the request. hadley has the latest. >> well, it's been less than 24 hours since the last time that the turkish president refused to apologize for blowing the russian aircraft out of the sky but now the tables are turning and he's going to the kremlin saying we need a meeting asking to meet on the sidelines on monday. now the big question is whether the kremlin are going to agree to this. there's been serious ramifications already to the economy. we're worried about the energy situation. you have to remember this is a country that spends $25 billion a year on russian energy and you have to also remember that they have big deals in the pipeline. they have a pipeline that they're discussing that has the
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nuclear energy deals they're talking to the russians about as well and there's tourism and trade. so big economic repercussions if something were to continue to go wrong in this relationship. there's also big questions over the foreign policy element here. this is something working out within turkey but in terms of external pressures and nato and the war against the islamic state, bigger questions in the pipeline, carolyn. >> thank you so much for that. so that's it for today's show but first up want to show you what futures are doing. we're looking at a higher start to the trading day as indicated by futures. the dow jones seen up by 30. the nasdaq seen up by 20 points. hope y'all had a fantastic thanksgiving holiday and very successful black friday. that's it for this week from here. next up squawk box u.s. bye bye. my language skills,
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i've read all of your lyrics. you've read all of my lyrics? i can read 800 million pages per second. that's fast. my analysis shows your major themes are that time passes. and love fades. that sounds about right. i have never known love. maybe we should write a song together. i can sing. you can sing? do be bop. be bop do. do be do be do. do do do be do.
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good morning. the most wonderful time of the year for retailers which it's supposed to be but early reports are raising red flags but the health of the u.s. consumer. global market alert, chinese stocks slammed overnight. as the country's regulators go after brokerages again. explosive new allegations calling into question whether the billionaire is still fit to control media company cbs and viacom. it's friday, november 27th, 2015. and squawk box begins right now. ♪
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>> live from new york where business never sleeps, this is squawk box. >> good morning and welcome to squawk box on cnbc. joe and andrew are enjoying time off. our guest host is dana. >> thank you for having me. >> we have cameras at stores and malls across the country today. they're ready to give us a snapshot of the american consumer. we'll start with the ceo of toys "r" us live from his company's flag ship store in times square and the weather could be a big factor for the retail scene in many parts of the country today. forecasts are warning the weekend could be ugly for travellers trying to get home. more than 10 misdemeanor people are under winter storm ice


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