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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  February 4, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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did he play for them? >> he did play for the falcons. texas instruments. >> i'm melissa lee. thank you so much for watching. see you back here tomorrow at 5:00. meantime, "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. ♪ hey, i'm cramer! welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. from cnbc 1 market. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you some money. my job is not just to entertain but to teach and to put it all in context. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer.
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hell hath no fury like a hedge fund manager caught out of position. that's what you're seeing today, is portfolio managers recognizing they don't have enough cyclical exposure. especially if the dollar has peaked. as the relatively placid performance of the averages, dow gaining 79 points, s&p advancing .15%, nasdaq climbing p-1.2%. masked some of the most dramatic action underneath i've seen in ages. you couldn't tell the tale of turmoil from the broader indices, but portfolio managers furiously dumped the high growth stocks that they loved just days ago. i'm talking facebook, alphabet, formerly google, the linkedin, latter disaster after the close. and they piled into the big industrial and commodity stocks that were despised for months on end. you want a perfect example of what the heck i'm talking about? why don't we talk about alcoa? aa. do you know that the stock of the giant aluminum company, which has been a total dog, earned more than 10% higher
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today? the second best performer in the s&p 500. even as nothing happened at alcoa. nothing to justify this move. other than this kind of rotational money management behavior that i like to chronicle for you. now, i think alcoa should have been climbing for ages because alcoa's splitting into two companies. one that's basically a commodity aluminum producer and another that's all about the proprietary use of aluminum. in trucks, in autos, and of course in aerospace. alcoa is the perfect metaphor for this moment. you have a very undervalued deep cyclical company that's been caught up in the tide of the hatred of commodities. then you have some changes in the broader what's known as macro landscape that read positive for the metals and portfolio managers are caught looking the wrong way. so they pivot. they pivot in the most cyclical stocks they can find and alcoa suddenly fits the bill perfectly. it's liquid. it's big, and it's a terrific break-up story. why the sudden love for commodities? first the dollar. after roaring high yer seemingl
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for ages do you know the dollar's finally done going higher, at least against the euro in and that's encouraging. it's encouraging managers to bite one thing that almost always goes up when the dollar goes south, and that's commodities. this actually makes sense because these commodities are priced in dollars and i have plenty of charts and graphs that i can show you that show this relationship is both real and investable. dollar down, commodities higher. of course all of this seems tountar intuitive to nij visitors who hear we could be headed to a recession perhaps. remember, money managers don't think about the now. they think about the future. and if the fed isn't going to raise rates anytime soon because the economy may be weaker than people think, then that means the fed may not be your enemy right now. and if the fed's not your enemy, the dollar, which has been going higher because people thought the fed was going to raise rates, can cool off. it's been a currency magnet. maybe it won't be now. there's no end to the number of high growth tech retail and health care stocks that are out
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there in the landscape. but you know there's actually a really distinct shortage in the number of commodity kcompanies that can still left standing. so these lemming-like companies reach for the same stocks. they reach for alcoa. fund managers also lapped up some of the big winners of the quarter so far. stocks like 3m and honeywell and general electric. they did rotate back to some of the cyclicals that reported weak quarters, namely caterpillar and cummins, which reported a number today that beat lowered expectations. it jumped more than 7%. how desperate were these managers to make the switch out of the high-growth stocks into commodities? get this. you know what the best performer in the s&p 500 was today? none other than the -- well, heretical freeport mcmoran, which rallied in the standings 17%. simply because it produces copper, gold, and oil. a trifecta of what was once hated, the commodities. but there's nothing good there except that freeport fits the mood of the moment. please, again, understand i'm simply chronicling how lots of money managers were either underexposed to this group or
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actually shorting it and had to scramble and cover. they needed more exposure to this group. however, i don't want you to play this game. no. not at home. in fact, i'm partial to buying the stocks of high-quality companies that are actually coming down because they've become pawns. pawns in the source of funds game these managers need. they need to raise money somewhere to go buy the cyclicals. i view rotations as opportunities for you at home to pick up stocks of high-quality companies that have suddenly fallen out of favor in the wall street fashion show and ton chase the stocks that are currently red hot. i don't mind you piling on into alcoa because it is cheap and i like the transformation. but to give up on all these drug companies, some of the best high growth retailers and restaurants, some of the finest internet plays, i don't know, to me it seems a tad silly and even forced. unfortunately, no one can pinpoint when a rotation has run its course. so if you see something for sale that you like and you want to buy, it please buy it slowly on the way down. as the viciousness of the sales
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is breathtaking and if you come in at the wrong level you will experience too much pain. here's the bottom line. i say be careful. these rotational moves are only for the most nimble. meaning for those who truly believe they can outrun the bears or at least outrun the other money managers who are trying their best to get away from the ursine clutches and for the most part failing to do so. and speaking of hideous rotations, have you seen the sell-off in the bank stocks of late? they've been brutal! a combination of concerns about oil and gas loans that might be going bad because oil's down to 30 bucks, lower interest rates. they need higher ones. and a slowdown in finance brokerage. we're out here in san francisco. there's no place or time like now, like the present, to find out what's going on with this incredibly important group, which has lost its way. and that's why i was thrilled to sit down with john stump. he's the chairman of the big dog, ceo wells fargo. find out what's really going on in banking in general and the company's stock in particular. take a look. >> now, it seems since we saw
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you last everyone's gotten so gloomy. your stock was going up. you had a great quarter. people are now talking about, wow, geez, oil and gas loans, it's got to be slowing down, there's not going to be the rate hikes that he needs. we don't think wells fargo can earn as much money. what do you say to the doubters? >> we've been in a low rate environment for a long time. we never base our business model on hoping rates move one way or the other. we're in the real company and we take in the process, we make loans, and we have been growing net interest income even though our margins have been falling. so those are really the things we look at. can we do more business with more customers and be more relevant to more americans? that's been the secret sauce as part of being a diversified business model. >> when i went over the conference calls, people just keep saying, well, wait a second, $17 billion in oil and gas loans, oil going through 30, how many of these have been criticized, so to speak. what do we do? is this the big short, that movie, except for this time it's oil and gas?
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>> well, no question that part of the industry is under dress. and at 16 point some billion it's less than 2% of our loans. and that's important. but let's put it in perspective. there's 98%, many of whom are benefiting from lower energy prices. so on balance last year was our lowest charge-off year in 34 years i've been at the company. will we see some extra stress and some losses in the energy portfolio? absolutely. but we'll also see benefits in real estate and other things. so we take a very balanced look at this. >> we sew conoco phillips, a real great company, cut its dividend by 2/3. it made me think i've got to ask john what's the collateral if someone's in the oil service business, what's the collateral if they're in the oil business? because you can't take their house necessarily. but what do you have to make yourself hedged so you don't lose money for your shareholders? >> there's a variety of loans within the whole moniker of oil and gas. enp. the expiration and production. you have proven reserves as collateral. then you have mid-stream, which is moving the oil and gas, those
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are pipelines and so forth. and the field services, which is the most stressed. you'd have things like supply and pipe and drilling rakes and so forth. so it's a variety of things. in most cases our loans are collateralized. some situations the collateral's worth less than we thought it was. surely in oil services. but we've been in this business a long time. we have 2k3wr5e9 people who've dealt with this over history with ups and downs in prices. >> let's talk about the economy in general because if the economy continues to get better in terms of the real world you talked about the real economy. >> correct. >> that's people getting jobs, people buying cars, people buying homes. that business is very good. >> it's actually stronger than a lot of people think it is. now, there are weaknesses also. but 2015 was the strongest auto year we've had in 15 years. i think 16 will also be a good year pf the age of the average used auto is still 11 years in the united states. house will go doo well.
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look to any city, there's construction going on. the private sector infrastructure spend. these are long dated projects. anybody that has energy as a raw product as far as costs. look at the airlines today. look at the consumer. consumers probably in the best shape they've been in in some time. not perfect. there's other parts of the economy that if you're an exp t exporter or in the strong dollar and in oil and gas those are challenging. but on balance i think '16 will look like '15 was. >> a lot of people have been reading these stories. $1.2 billion settlement with the government. i can look at it one of two ways. you vowed to fight it and you had to make a deal. i want to ask why that is. but second, is this it? i mean, is this the last of the housing price? >> well, i never want to say -- you can't say the end is the end. but we're happy we made this deal. when everything came together, it's an agreement in principle. we're going to work really hard and get into a definitive agreeme agreement. and in the meantime we're going to continue to lend money to our consumers and help them with home ownership. >> when we look at housing, we
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look at auto, we look at industrial, we say to ourselves, what's missing here? sales, trading, investment banking. i saw you made -- there was an announcement. i'm not sure if it's true. you had to lay off people. i know you're always proactive in investment banking trading. is that true? >> well, you know, because of volcker, there are certain businesses that we're out of and we've taken care of most of that. but from time to time we add people. other times we reduce. but we love our -- the folks that we have in the business that we have in what you would call invest banking. but most of our business is really about serving customers, whether they're wealth customers, corporate customers, consumer customers. we're always adding, subtracting. we like the investment banking business and the investment management business. it's a core part of serving customers. >> does it get you done a lot of banks are involved all over the world.
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you're not. european banks are hurting. why is that necessarily something that is bad? you took advantage -- ge wanted to get out of finance. you put a huge book. maybe this is an opportunity for you. >> oh, absolutely. in fact, as foreign banks have retreated back to their home countries, it's given us more opportunity to serve more customers. 97% of our revenues are in the u.s. now, what we do internationally is largely in support of our u.s.-based customers as they do business internationally. but we love having all of our chips in on the u.s. >> how's that $31 billion loan from ge? working? it's happening now. >> it's just happening. but we love it. ge was a -- was the head of that category for those categories for decades. and to be able to step in their shoes and take over those relationships and partnerships, we love that business. >> let me end with something that tells me that you believe. this buyback is the biggest of the banks. actually really kind of the only major buyback -- well, jpmorgan's got one.
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but the size of it is rather humongo humongous. are you trying to get back to how many shares you used to be? what's the plan with the buyback? >> well, there's not any particular share goal. >> okay. >> but we do want to return capital to our shareholders through dividends and stock repurchase. so as we do well we want them to do well. after all, it's their capital. we're the stewards of their capital. and we're always on the side of our shareholders. >> should more of that be put toward the oil and gas loans as a way to hedge against those? >> well, we took a big reserve in the fourth quarter that we believe to be adequate for the risk in those loans -- >> even if oil goes to 25? >> we don't know where oil's going to go. so -- but the reserve is adequate and we'll continue to look at that. we continue to refresh our numbers and so forth. but our whole reserves actually available for that, it's about $12 billion. our entire loan loss reserve. on the other hand, the earnings that we earn every year, that we want to make sure we use it for growth but also return to capital. to shareholders. >> it's the same wells fargo
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except for a cheaper stock. part of my charitable trust. that's john stumpf, chairman and ceo. plenty more from cnbc 1 market. yum brands, palo alto networks, new england patriots tight end rob gronkowski. not a niner. sorry. and a company that has been a household name for more than 100 years that's from here. stay with cramer. >> announcer: clorox has come a long way from corked bottles of bleach. from making clean a little more green to the science behind a well-seared steak, can new innovations continue to keep the stock in the clear? coming up on "mad money's" "invest in america." countdown to kickoff. don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter.
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have a question? tweet cramer. #madtweets. send jim an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something? head to
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all right. what the heck just happened to the stock of clorox? household name company.
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glad bags. hingston charcoal. fresh step kitty litter. burt's bees. talk about hot. and clorox bleach, which is doing pretty well. here's i company just this morning reported a solid earnings beat raised its full year guidance for 2016 but the stock got slammed down $6.38 or 4.87%. i think largely because of a broad rotation out of consumer products stocks into the commodity stocks. i'm wondering if this isn't the same kind of golden opportunity you got in kimberly clark when it got hammered last week. in other words, a terrific entry point for one of the highest-quality franchises out there. let's dig deeper with ben odour, the ceo of clorox, find out more about the quarter and his company's prospects. welcome back to "mad money." >> good to be back, jim. >> sometimes you're a victim of your own success. when i saw how well your company's stock has done versus the consumer product group i was worried this could happen. it's done so much better. maybe some of this is just profit-taking. >> look, i focus on the long-term fundamentals. shareholder return has been very solid over the last 12 months op our stock rose more than 20%.
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and fundamentally what i care about is are we delivering against the business? we just announced 18% earnings growth. sales are up very solidly in all of our u.s. segments. and in currency-neutral terms, also international, we're growing market share in the u.s. and international. and as you said, we've raised the outlook. so i feel good about where we are. and i'm optimistic about where we're going as a company. >> it's funny. in the conference call the analysts kept focusing on pricing and competition. you had pretty good gross margins. that would indicate that you can worry about competition. y >> we're focused on profitable growth. our margins were up very nicely. 210 basis points over the last quarter. we're going to use some of that quarter and we're going to invest in the business in the long run, in solid projects that deliver cost savings down the road but also more of that profitable growth that's made us
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is strong over the last 12 months. >> also the innovation here. since you came in -- great job innovating. but i'm looking at the splashless product for bleach. there hasn't been anything new in bleach in 100 years. but this is new and it's working. >> yes, it is. and it's very profitable for us. which leads to the margin expansion we've seen. we have a lot of innovation information out there now, jim, whereas others don't. it's really across the portfolio. is it in bleach, in burt's bees, in hidden valley. and we're investing behind that innovation to drive more of that profitable growth. >> sometimes people say wait a second, i don't get that pass teesh of grounds. you say you never know which one of them's going to be red hot. red hot, kingsford. >> kingsford is doing very well for two reasons. one, certainly over the last quarter we've seen weather a little warmer. people are now barbecuing the whole year. right now we're in san francisco
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and of course around the super bowl people are barbecuing very much these days. but importantly retailers are seeing this now as a year-round business and they're supporting it year-round. and that's really helping the business and we're seeing solid momentum behind kingsford. not just last quarter but we think that that will continue in 2016. >> that's terrific because when that business goes it has good gross margins. you have always been attendive -- you're familiar that my daughters are vegetarians, we care tremendous about natural and organic. burt's bees is a company that people recognize, particularly younger people, i can tell from your social media that this is truly natural oirng, it's not just new slapped on the side of it. >> no. we have the toughest natural standards in the industry on burt's bees and burts bees is doing particularly well. we've shown another quarter of double-digit sales growth in q2 on top of double-digit sales growth in the previous quarter. and it is because we're innovating, because we're investing in the brand and because it's very much on trend. >> i see more and more shelf
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space devoted. is that because of different iterations -- new iterations or are there a lot of things that could be burt's bees that we haven't seen yet? >> we definitely think based on what we know from consumers that burt's bees has the right to be in more categories and we're right now launching burtion bees natural lipsticks. that is an example of a new category that we're getting in. and we have high hopes based on customer but also initial consumer response that's going to be very successful. we're also getting into more and more segments in store, in line. so we will see burt's bees in more spaces in store, and that will continue to drive some of that growth that we've seen in the last quarter. >> it also seems a lot of -- some of that growth, don't know, maybe you can quantify, seems to be the younger people know about it and that means social media because they're not watching traditional media. they are watching facebook. and you are putting money there. >> yeah. we are following the consumer and the consumer increasingly is digital and digital changes the way we work. the way we innovate and the way
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we communicate with consumers. we engage them online. and we are spending more than 40% of our working media dollars this fiscal year in -- >> that's even higher than last time i talked pow. >> last time was 30% sflp pp. >> you've taken that up. >> we're doing that because we're seeing very, very strong r.o.i.s. 40% is at the leading edge of the industry and we like the returns so we'll keep going in digital. >> you bit the bullet on venezuela. a lot of people said you can't walk away from that country. in res retrospect one of the smartest things you've done? >> great choice for us. we were losing money and we couldn't see our way to generating shareholder returns so we're not afraid to make the tough choices if they're in the interest of the shareholders so today we're happy to be out of that country. >> a lot of it is just i think your company uniquely seems to recognize, you know what, it doesn't matter where you make the money, just make the money. >> we're certainly very shareholder focused. all i care about is driving profitable growth, turning that profit into strong cash flow and then put that cash flow to use
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for the benefit of our shareholders. >> one last thing. we're in san francisco. i hear you've got a new partnership. >> yes, we do. stephen curry is going to be our new partner on brita water filters. and stephen curry isn't just the hottest athlete in the world today but he's also a great dad and role model. so he's going to help us promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle towards families and kids and we'll have advertising on air as of march and i'm very excited about it. >> well, i think that's great. i know that's a brand that is near and dear because plastic bottles are not helping anyone. you've got to do it with a filter. bennon dorer, ceo of the clorox company. this company is reinvented and its stock is still cheap even after this run. stick with cramer. >> announcer: yum, yum, eat 'em up. spinning off from pepsico in 1997, yum brands has become the host of the most recognizable restaurants in your neighborhood. will issues abroad leave a bad taste in investors' mouths? or will refocused brands make
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the stock finger-licking good? coming up on "mad money's" "invest in america: countdown to kickoff."
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yesterday we got the first earnings report from yum brands, the parent of kfc, pizza hut, and taco bell since we found out that the company plans to break up. and i think that both the fast-growing chinese business and the more slow and steadier rest of the world company seemed
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like interesting opportunities. so let's take a closer look with greg creed, the ceo of yum brands, to learn more about the quarter and where this great company is headed. mr. creed, welcome to "mad money." >> jim, thanks for having me on the show. i appreciate it. >> greg, we often talk about the idea that there are different kinds of investments for different people. you are basically creating a company that has very fast capital appreciation and a company that also has a slower, plodding but maybe more capital preservative company. which one might be for each person who watches this show? >> well, first of all, i wouldn't say it was slow and plodding. i think what we're going to create is two powerful independent focused growth companies. on the one hand yum brands will be a global franchisor of three iconic brands. we're going to leverage up the balance sheet. we're going to reduce the capital expenditure. we're going to obviously be low volatile. but we're still going to target a 15% shareholder return which i think is a great number. and then with yum china we'll obviously have access to the fastest-growing economy in the world with a very dedicated team
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focused on running over 7,000 great restaurants with two industry-leading brands. so i think we've got great opportunities for all types of investors in either yum china or yum brands. >> all right. excellent. let's talk about yum china. it looks like kfc, which has had its problems, really has put those problems behind them and it's back on the solid growth track. but pizza hut seems a little bit slower. you talk about some macro issues. how quickly can you get pizza hut back on track and kfc, does it look like it's finally launching back to the old days? >> well, as you said, great kkfc comps in the furth quarter, plus 6%, which was sequential improvement from the third quarter. and we obviously feel good about kfc. we can take a lot of ideas from the kfc world, put those into china. the macros in china, they affect casual dining and it has affected pizza hut somewhat. remember, pizza hut's about 25% of our business in china. kfc is 75%. so what i'm excited is that the kfc business is back on track and obviously we've got work to
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do on pizza hut. >> i've got to tell you, if i didn't know about your break-up, i think the whole conversation might be focused on this incredible renaissance of taco bell, which has now become an incredibly fast-growing part of what will be the rest of world yum. how did you turn that around? and is it sustainable? >> well, the turnaround of taco bell's a great story. it starts with great people. it also starts with clear brand positioning, which i think we've taken over to now the kfc and the pizza hut brand. i think it's a brand that really resonates and connects with its customer base. it's done an amazing job in social media. i like to coin the phrase we don't do any marketing at taco bell, what we do is storytelling. we're like publishers. so i think we've really got a brand that is clearly positioned, has great product, great value, a great customer experience, and really resonates and is really just in tune with its customer base. and i think that's success we can build on not just in the united states but i think it's a huge opportunity for to us take that outside of the united
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states including china. >> kfc's gotten hot again. it's always been hot in america but there is an ad campaign that i think resonates with a lot of people. you've seen some uptick in kfc in the last few months in the united states, haven't you? >> yeah. the kfc business has just had its sixth quarter in the u.s. of positive same-store sales growth. 3% for the quarter on a two-year comp kfc delivered plus 8, which is a really great number. and there's no doubt we're making kfc much more relevant again. we've just launched nashville hot. that's off to a really good start. i think that's a breakthrough product that will not only resonate in the united states but it's a product that we'll be able to take on a global basis. i'm very excited about the progress and the performance of our u.s. business for kfc and i'm equally excited about the opportunity for kfc on a global scale. >> now, i know that most people who watch the show may not be familiar with this but it's really important that we talk about the amazing gross margin expansion. what you make after you've done some selling. this is an amazing gross margin story. just tell me how you're making a lot more, commodity costs going
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down, you'll be able to maintain price. >> yeah. so we've got really three things happening. obviously commodity costs are going down. what's also exciting for us is low gas prices, is driving customer and sales for us. there's no doubt that our customer likes low gas prices. so i think we've been able to tap into good same-store sales growth. obviously you can get margin expansion through good controls, a lot of productivity coming through. costs are under control. so it's a really great story. and i think if we can continue to drive same-store sales with same-store transactions, with commodity costs where they are, obviously we're going to see continued margin improvement. >> just want to go back to china for a moment. why is macro cutting in? i know that in the conference call today you talked about even in january you haven't seen that lift in pizza hut. is it that expensive for people? do they think about the stock market and think about going out for dinner? is that a relationship that we can quantify? >> well, i don't think they think about the stock market and whether they're going out to
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dinner. but obviously there's corporation that's sort of rein in costs when things are volatile. and we've seen not just in china but around the world that when the macros get volatile casual dining is a lot more impacted than qsr. and obviously we're the leading casual dining brand. macros are an issue. but ookly we've got to do a better job with our value story. we've got a number of things. we've got five different test ideas. and we're showing sales growth in those tests from 1% to 7%. so as i like to say a problem defines a problem half solved and i think we're looking at the right things to turn the pizza hut business around. >> well, that could be the opportunity. i know also you've got tons of opportunities. you've got a mystery combo. and i've got to press you a little bit on it because it is super bowl week. any tease. because i understand there's preordering on saturday. and if there's something you need to preorder, i would probably want that dish. >> well, what's really exciting is we've got over 10,000 people that have preordered a product that they don't even know what it is. here's the only tease i'll give you. it's a visual tease. here's my tease.
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that's my tease for the product that's going to get launched on sunday, on super bowl sunday by taco bell. >> all right. one last thing. 23 million shares bought back. you obviously think the stock represents a great value. >> yeah, we do. 23 million shares bought back. we're going to return $6.2 billion to shareholders between the announcement and the middle of this year. that's about $13 a share. $70 or low 70s i think that's a huge opportunity. so we'll continue to buy back shares. that's how we will return capital to shareholders. and i'm very excite we're going to return $6.2 billion to capital shareholders as we obviously leverage up the balance sheet and become this low volatile low capital high cash-producing business. couldn't be happier. >> i couldn't agree more. i think this is the best opportunity that i've seen. it really is great. and i can't believe that's where the stock is. greg creed, the ceo of yum brands. thank you so much for coming on the show. i've got to go preorder. it will be 10,001. stay with "mad money." >> announcer: sony, home depot,
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target. high-profile hacks have highlighted weakness that's put your data at risk. enter palo alto networks. the cybersecurity firm serves nearly 30,000 companies worldwide. as the digital dominance grows, will palo alto follow? coming up on "mad money's" "invest in america: countdown to kickoff." olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless.
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and try regenerist micro-sculpting eyeswirl. it instantly hydrates to plump and lift.
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watching tvs get sharper, you've had it tough. bigger, smugger. and you? rubbery buttons. enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says... show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back.
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the x1 voice remote is here. this has been a brutal market for formerly beloved high-flying growth stocks like cybersecurity plays. take palo alto networks, panw, which have long been considered best of breed in the group pf last year the stock went 40% higher but after peaking in early december palo alto's been plummeting, plummeting, plummeting. down roughly 25% in less than two months. even though the market has turned hostile, we need to remember this company has some of the best growth around. think longer term, people. so is palo alto worth buying at these levels? earlier today i got a chance to check in with mark mclaughlin, chairman and ceo of palo alto network. along with brent jones, three-time super bowl champion with the 49ers who is now a manager at northgate capital, which was an early investor in palo alto. take a look. >> there's a great paper, flipping the attack which you
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guys sponsored where they talk about whether the bad guys make more money than the good guys and where the bad guys are interested in attacking. it seems like if all of your doors are locked in a car they'll go after another car. is the same thing if someone sees that you have a palo alto sign on it maybe they go to the guy that doesn't have it? >> you know, i think the palo alto sign certainly is significant in the marketplace, becoming more significant. it's interesting. just because of the cyclicality of the market i think we're seeing some of the companies that have gotten a lot of press, they're being exposed as just features. and one of the things that people realize is a team isn't a platform like palo alto has and the product extension, the lines that they've developed and continue to develop really has turned away the bad guys, so to speak. >> it did say you guys pay more than the bad guys could pay. it's almost like crime doesn't pay. even though it seems like the punishment doesn't fit the crime. maybe some of these people should go to jail for a longer time because they're sticking up a 7-eleven in a lot of ways and
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not making just $140. >> yeah. well, in most of these cases it is a crime, what they're doing, right? but the study, the interesting thing about that study, what it showed is that the time that it takes for somebody to try to breach a defense, if it's a certain amount of time longer they will move on. >> they're trying to figure out how to make a living too. >> exactly. >> it's a criminal living. brent, you can invest in any trend. and we see certain trends really taking off. obviously the cloud is great. but in your -- like the vast panoply of what you want to invest in, is it still cybersecurity even though we know that the big headline home depot hacks are behind us? >> you know, i think there's variations, jim, of the marketplace that are still developing. and as you know, we don't know what the bad guys are coming up with next. that's@relationship with palo alto, mark, they certainly have their eyes on the ground and what's going on. and people are certainly aware. and we're looking at companies
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and the fundings and the potential of new cybersecurity companies. but do we believe that there is something on the horizon that's going to have the platform-like characteristics of palo alto? no. we think palo alto was that company here seven or eight years ago building that next-generation firewall while everybody else was still on the first generation dumb firewall landscape. so things have changed drastically. and now we believe that long-term palo alto continues to be the dominant player. and so for those new companies i'm sure mark on the m&a front is alwaysing keeping his eyes and ears open. and as you know, they a couple of years ago had made a real significant strategic investment. cyvera. it's been an outstanding acquisition, the integration. we just believe that they're going to be like cisco was in the '90s in the networking and sbichz. certainly not the security business because we're ripping them out and replacing them across the board. >> well, i think the important term i'm going to defer to a man
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who's been to a super bowl and won three times in the long term. a lot of people are losing hope. they're seeing the stock go from 190 to 140, think there's something wrong. from what i hear from you two gentlemen, that's just a mistake. >> what i'm seeing is we've seen people report in the security industry already, we're in our quiet period. but nobody's talked about declining demand. >> there you go. let's leave it at that because there's a lot of declining demand happening all over the country. mark mclaughlin, chairman, president and ceo of palo alto networks. and brent jones, three-time super bowl champ, managing director of northgate capital. think longer term. palo alto. stick with cramer. >> announcer: coming up, new england patriot rob gronkowski. >> it's not about your team this year. it's just not. so what do you make of it? the panthers -- >> i might take it out on you. rubbing it in my face right now. you know, you want to go?
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it is time. it is time for the "lightning round" on clrm's "mad money." calls one after the other you say the stock, my staff -- and then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? time for the "lightning round"
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on cramer's "mad money." let's start with matt in michigan. matt. >> caller: cramer, thanks for having me and go blue. i'd like your opinion on apollo education group. the stock's been getting pounded recently. >> no. well, it deserves the pounding because we're not going there. we do not care about these kinds of stocks. they've been disasters for a while. let's go to jim in north carolina. jim. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> what's happening? i like it. how can i help? >> las vegas sands. down around 40 would be a good entry point for this stock. >> i'm not going to disagree with you, but i do prefer mgm, which i think represents a cheaper call, not as much macau, and jim yorin is determined to bring out value. frefr in washington. >> caller: craminator. boo-boo-boo-yah.
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sirius. >> the technician at, which is in open house right now, said the chart is bad. believe it or not, that's driving the stock down. i like the business of a buyer. robert in colorado. robert. [ buzzer ] we're not done. i need robert. robert, robert, robert. >> caller: yes. >> hit me. go ahead, robert. you're up. it's jim. >> caller: realty income corp. buy, sell or hold right here. >> it's just had a monster move. there are so few stocks that have monster moves. i fear for a pullback. i want to be careful. let's go to bill in california. bill. >> caller: yes. jim. first of all, i'm a huge fan. first-time caller. huge fan. thank you for what you do. hey, ew popped up over 8% yesterday and it's up more today. does it still have room to run or is it time to ring the register? >> i've been a backer of this tok for ages ever since i realized they have a better device.
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you don't have to crack the chest cavity, be able to do the heart operation. they can do it right through. edwards life sciences still good. please let it pull back. the only stock i have on my list that's a 52-week high. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the "lightning round"! ing you did f. until the day it became something much more. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. ♪
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oh remotes, you've had it tough. watching tvs get... ...sharper... ...bigger... ...smugger. and you? rubbery buttons. enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says... show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back! the x1 voice remote is here.
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>> announcer: a man who needs no introduction but gets one anyway. the most touchdowns by a tight end in one season. the first tight end to lead the league in receiving touchdowns. the most receiving yards by a tight end in a single season. new england patriot rob gronkowski.
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given that we're out here in san francisco in anticipation of the super bowl how about we actually talk to some actual football players? a lot of people were amazed last summer when we learned that rob gronkowski, the terrific tight end for the patriots, revealed that he hasn't touched a dime of his nfl earnings, instead living off just his endorsement deals and personal business ventures. which is pretty incredible. especially considering how professional athletes tend to be notorious for burning through cash. all i can say is gronk's got horse sense. i'm also furious that i didn't pick him up for my "mad money" league. that's always next year. earlier this week we got a chance to talk to rob gronkowski. i want you to take a look. >> first of all, there's a lot of big ceos coming out there but then there's a guy i really want to see. how does it feel to be what we think is going to be everybody's top five fantasy pick next year? >> oh. fantasy football. >> yeah. because that's what we care about and you destroy a lot of people seasons who didn't go for you. >> the fans love fantasy football. if you have a great day, they
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are all about you. they give you so many compliments. if you have a terrible day -- >> are you telling me i they say thank you? >> yeah. wherever you go. you go outside. to the grocery store. everybody's like dude, you killed it for my fantasy team, thanks so much. but if you have a bad day, man, i don't think you want to go out where the fans are. man, what happened? but it's a team game. we won. it's all good. >> we just want you to go to the end zone. if they can go to anybody why not go to you? >> that would be nice. >> okay. how do you get a nation -- like i want a nation, like i want cramer nation, and my -- everybody wants a nation. how do you get a nation? >> you've got to be a gronk. that's the only way. gronk nation, baby. >> it's difficult for to us aspire to because we're not -- your brothers you see them in the ad but how did it happen? we know we had red sox nation. but most players done have a nation. brady doesn't have a nation. >> i don't know. when we were getting first into the nfl, my brothers why wr in the league, we had three of us playing at the same time. it just went well with us.
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gronk nation. just because we were all scattered across the nation at the time. my brothers and i. my oldest played professional baseball. he was playing over there. my other brother was playing in this see. my other brother was playing in this city. i was in new england. so it was just kind of scattered across the nation. just went super well with us, we're gronk nation, just goes well. >> visa is involved with gronk nation. how do those deals work? visa's going to be such a visible thing. and suddenly you're part of it. i know everybody wants a brand. the gronk -- they want to be affiliated with the gronk nation brand. >> yes. visa's a great company to work with. and we shot a commercial with my brother, went around boston and pretended he was me with my jersey on. if you ever saw the piece, it's unbelievable. it's a great segment. it just worked out well. but the great thing about it is it gave us ideas to have him pretend he's us now. so the other day we pretended that he was with me with -- >> does it work? >> putting his hoodie on. he went to autograph seekers. >> come on. did he really? >> and he was giving his
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autograph to them. and it worked. i got out to my car, perfect, fast, got into my car and got to where i needed to go next and he was signing these autographs. then they caught on. but it gave us the idea, the inspiration to pretend he's me, and it's a lot of fun doing it. >> that's hilarious. sorry to the people who got that. it was not gronk. >> it was gronk. and he played for the patriots at one point too. >> okay. playing for the patriots. look, you were in -- your team is an incredible team and everyone's jealous. i'm an eagles fan. we're incredibly jealous. but are you jealous, say -- i mean, this week in the end it's still about -- it's not about your team this year. it's just not. so what do you make of it? parn panthers -- >> i might take it out on you. rubbing it in my face right now. you know, you want to go? >> i wasn't -- >> i'm just messing. >> i can outrun you. >> no. definitely we worked hard. it's not like a disappointment. it's just -- it's just not a
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satisfying feeling. just not making it all the way. but it was a great season overall. we still have an unbelievable season with what we went through as a team. but just got to focus on next year now and do what we've got to do next year. >> i want to leave on a note that gronk nation to me stands for. you've been using gronk nation to raise money for charity. a lot of people think about the nfl and don't see it. you're not a guy who comes on, beats your chest about it, but i am going to give you a minute to talk about it. >> yes. the gronk nation youth foundation. i mean, i was always doing all these charity events, so i just decided to start my own to give back to the kids, the less fortunate out there, that want -- that needs access to like playgrounds or facilities so they can go out there and have the tools that they can do to grow up and be successful in sports. >> how do people, if they see it, they see you, they're watching, they totally love you, what do they -- how do they give money? >> you can go to our website, e-mail us there. we've got someone running that. but we also have parties to
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raise money up in boston. and it always goes super well. it's always a blast. we're having fun at the same time while raising money for kids. >> congratulations on all your success. if i draft in the top five next year i'm certainly going to pick you. >> appreciate that. >> no, i like to win. we have that in common. thank you so much. that's new england patriot all-pro tight end, one of the greats, founder of the gronk nation youth foundation. that's rob gronkowski. great to see you. >> announcer: tomorrow -- kick off the trading day with "squawk on the street." live from post 9 at the nyse. >> are you doing that thing i can't see? because i'm out here and you're going yeah, sure, jim. >> i miss having you next to me to do that to you. yes. i'm giving you my look. i'm sorry. >> announcer: it all starts at 9:00 a.m. eastern. pitch you investment opportunities. i've got a fantastic deal for you- gold!
6:57 pm
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i'm jim cramer. no, you're kidding me. is it really you? >> it is. you know, we're talking money and markets and all that stuff. you're fine, jim. >> okay. >> what about your eagles? your philadelphia eagles. >> you've taught me to be a fan means that you stick thick and thin. am i right? >> absolutely. my good friend doug peterson's coaching them. >> that's right. can you say boo-yah, please? >> boo-yah. >> see you tomorrow. >> this is the moment.
7:00 pm
for the first time, clinton, sanders, face to face. an exclusive. the msnbc democratic candidates the msnbc democratic candidates debate moderated by letonight on "the profit"...s. we head back to some of the business i've partnered with over the past year. -carolyn? -carolyn: i'm carolyn. -nice to meet you. -lemonis: when i make a deal, i come in with a plan and a check. man: thank you, marcus. woman: i was gonna work you a little bit more. lemonis: [ chuckles ] but what happens after the cameras shut down... michael: i've let it slide for three freakin' years! lemonis: ...may surprise you. one struggling novelty sporting good company has been totally transformed. wow. look at this place. but the owner is still making the same sort of short-sighted decisions that nearly brought them to the brink. i'm pissed that you bought the printer. i'm not gonna lie. if you were me, would you stop putting money in this business?


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