tv Squawk Alley CNBC November 14, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm EST
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good to have you back. the dow trading at yet another record high this morning, before trading into the red just now. the nasdaq largely left out of the rally last week, added to its losses this morning, but it's not just stocks. the dollar trading near 13-month highs, the ten-year lead at its highest level since january, and, roger, a lot of people unprepared not just for the political outcome, but the market response to that outcome. clearly, if the last few sessions are any indication, we're in for more chop. >> i have no idea where this is going to shape out, but seems the one thing that had to happen, the surprise was so great, there were two or three industries, like banking and other regulated places, where essentially we saw 180-degree shift that moved from clinton to trump meant you were going to go from heavier regulation to essentially much less regulation, and for bank stocks in particular, that caused a
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massive increase in enthusiasm. which is understandable. >> so, as that repricing takes shape, do you believe the markets will start to bet in the longer term on pro growth policies that they think will happen on trade, infrastructure, energy? >> well, i think if pro growth policies happen, yes, of course they will. you know, i think the core question is, where will the priorities in the new administration be, and i think especially of the new congress, you know, the new congress has some agendas, you know, related to social security, medicare, and dismantling the safety net. and, you know, that will be good for some industries, and i think bad for a lot of people. and we'll have to see how that turns out in the market, because, you know, it's not clear how much is going to get done. i don't know which priorities are going to turn out. >> carl, kayla, here's the problem, if you look at what's done really poorly over the last week, look at netflix down 10%
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over the last week, amazon down 8, google down seven, facebook down six, apple down 5%, microsoft also down about 5%. i mean, these are the things if innovation is sleeding, if you're expecting a growth economy, that you would hope to be growing. we're talking mobile, cloud, american companies that are exporting innovation around the world. if you're looking at major indexes being up, i think you've also got to question where are these stocks down? >> well, actually, john, i think that's a poor point, because i think that the big moves have been in stocks with, as i say, that were expected to be heavily regulated. think about energy stocks, think about banking stocks, and those are not the growth sectors of the economy. those are, you know, obviously old economy businesses that would likely, you know, people expect them to prosper under a republican congressional control. >> well, a lot of the legislation, roger, would not only be new legislation, but it
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would require something else to be repealed. financials would require some roll back of dodd/frank, health care would require some rollback of the affordable care act, but it seems that tack reform and infrastructure spending are the two things you don't need something else that's already in existence to go away for that to happen, so how do you expect that to actually play out, and how long is the time period before we get those done. is it a first 100 days type thing? >> kayla -- you know, i would be shocked if anybody who claimed they had a clue really did have one, you know, i think that it's been a long time since we've had one party controlling all three branches of government, and, you know, that's clearly where we're going to wind up here. and it seems to me that in that environment, you know, the republicans are going to have to make some choices, because they can pretty much do whatever they want and there's an awful lot that they've promised people and
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i don't know there's time to get it all done, so they are going to have make choices, which ones go first is not something i have any clue about. >> yeah, tough one to read. meanwhile, roger, we switch to social media and the election. mark zuckerberg continues to defend the network amid reports fake news stories helped sway the election in trump's favor. "this is an area where i believe we must proceed very carefully, though, identifying the truth is complicated. we must be extremely cautious about becoming arbiters of truth ourselves, adding it's extremely unlikely hoaxes changed the outcome of the election in one direction or the other." it's not just facebook and it's not just leading up to the election now, roger. lots of examples even today of a search about the popular vote and different things that even google will give you right now. >> so, i think that facebook is in a really difficult situation right now. you know, i think that the problem we're looking at has
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more than one level. the fake news thing, so the story's actually been dug into pretty well. there was a report last week about a little community in macedonia where there are 46 or 47 businesses generating fake political news in the united states, and they initially tried to appeal to both left and right, so sanders, as well as trump. what they discovered was that actually it didn't pay to focus on the left, that all the economics were on the right, and i think that's partly because you had fox re-enforcing all the negative stories, but the net of it was they built real businesses doing this, and it was asymmetric, only on the right. and i think from facebook's point of view, you know, they sit there and go oh, my gosh, this is an unintended consequence of something we did that was meant to make people happy, not unhappy. >> facebook isn't blameless, roger. >> sorry -- >> part of the problem seems to be how facebook surfaces related
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stories. they have the people also shared underneath and there's no vetting, it seems, based on what the source of what people shared or why they shared it. >> carl, i actually think it's quite a lot worse than that. this is an absolutely predictable result of a set of choices facebook's been making for years. and essentially it was discovered i want to say five or six years ago there was a ted talk given by a guy named eli who created a site called upworthy and noticed in both google and facebook they had what he called filter bubbles, where by surfacing things they thought you were interested in, they would wind up re-enforcing preconceptions, and what i think nobody thought about at the time was that could be exploited politically to produce really negative outcomes. in this election, the outcome that the republicans were trying to produce was to lower turnout. and if you want to lower turnout politically, the simple way is
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discuss people, make them feel like the process is broken, and so all of this negative stuff that was generated, which was phony and a lot of it coming from outside the u.s., had a tremendous affect at dampening enthusiasm and it was asimilar etic and no way facebook can duck this. i think they didn't do it on purpose, right, and i think they have that in their favor. when you have 1.8 million -- sorry, 1.8 billion members globally, you don't get a free ride op unintended consequences. you do have to address them, and i think they made an important move last week in response to a story about the ability to use facebook tools to essentially exclude people based on race or religion or any other demographic characteristic. facebook stopped that out relative to housing and other places where it's illegal. but again, inherent nature of the network causes this problem. >> doesn't facebook have to question whether it should
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consider funding, incorporating something like snoeps into its platform? you have to go and check with some source and see if the facts are legitimate and there's also the issue facebook itself, just the way it's laid out and structured is grounded in the idea that people are vetted by their connections, that the people are real. that's why, arguably, they've succeeded, friendster didn't, twitter struggles with that. the question is, should facts be vetted on facebook going forward now that you've got this built out network of people, do facts matter at all? facebook seems to be struggling with that. >> well, i do think they are struggling, and i think the key thing to understand is, i've really tried to dig into this and i believe the people of facebook recognize this as a huge problem. it's super hard to admit this, to say, yeah, we really screwed up, but i think there are a lot of people in there who are deeply concerned about the problem. and it is not easy to solve, because as you pointed out, carl, it is essentially inherent in the way that the algorithm
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manages your news feed that re-enforces your preconceptions, so breaking that risks breaking the entire model. i do think there are things, as you say, like a snoeps like system that would be really, really helpful, but you can anticipate where failures are going to occur and i would say the ad tools that allow people to discriminate based on various demographic characteristics, including race and religion, are obviously open for exploitation by people with bad political intent and we live in a time where bad political intent is epidemic, not just in the united states, but throughout western europe and other parts. >> absolutely. by the way, just to be cleared, john was asking you that prior line of questioning, i'll add my own, and that is whether or not you see maus at risk here. out of frustration at facebook, farhad manjoo writing in the times maybe it's time to detox from twitter. are you thinking about that? >> i've already detoxed from twitter. i went off of twitter about a
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year ago simply for the reasons everybody is doing it now, just the signal to noise was unacceptably low. facebook serves multiple functions in the economy right now, and i looked at it in my own life and i would like to radically reduce my exposure to it for political things, but it's an incredibly useful service, so i don't want to cut it off, because it does so much that's good. and i honestly do think they can make enormous progress on this and for a lot of people inside the company are committed to that, but i do think we have to sit there and help them get there by pointing out, look, this is really unacceptable behavior and trying to pretend, you know, i understand why from their point of view they don't want to admit they've made a horrible mistake here, but it is really important to accept that a terrible thing has happened and they are at least partially accountable for it, and that their system is set up now that it can happen again if they aren't really, really careful. we live in a time where for
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whatever reason there's a tremendous amount of intolerance, a lot of intolerance for people who are different from us, and it's not right, it's not fair, and facebook can, if it chooses, find a way to, you know, maybe reduce the ability of people with bad intent to harm others, and i think it's really important that they do so. >> roger, i do see some activity on your twitter feed earlier this week, not trying to split hairs here, but on the engagement question, even for people who enjoy the engagement during the election, who did not end up jaded, disillusioned by the type of content that they were seeing, do you think just the fact the election is now in the rearview mirror will have a negative affect on engagement for facebook, twitter, other platforms that are reliant on those clicks? >> it's hard to imagine that it won't. by the way, not just for facebook and twitter, i would expect cable news to really be affected by this. and, you know, i think everything, because people got
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into a, you know, this compulsive check, check, check, what's going on, what's going on mode, and, you know, i think, obviously, on one side the disappointment is going to cause some kind of backlash, and i think for the folks who are really happy about the outcome, you know, now you've got a different situation. now there's nobody to blame, right, they've got, you know, the dog bought the car, now what are you going to do? it's like, i look at this and i go, you know, i think it's going to be very hard to govern right now. i think the country is, obviously, deeply divided. it looks like the popular vote's going to wind up between 2 or 3 million in favor of secretary crameric clinton and that's a gap that suggests no mandate. i think the sarkt is going to have to sort this out, it's going to be tricky. it's been caught by surprise and i'm not sure where any of this comes down. >> all we can do is sit back and wait for these dislocations, roger, to right themselves.
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it's good to see you, thanks again. >> i think it's going to be a wild ride. >> yeah. roger mcnamee. >> look out for your neighbors. look out for your neighbors. there's a lot of intolerance. i'm wearing this pin right now, listen, if you need a friend, right, we're out there. >> yeah. >> not everybody's -- >> there's a movement afoot on that front, as well, especially in new york city. roger, thank you so much. when we come back, samsung making a multibillion dollar bet on car tech. details on that deal. then aol cofounder will join the show, how a donald trump white house will affect silicon valley. later on, she slammed trump's economic policies during the campaign, saying they'd add trillioning to the national debt. committee for a responsible federal budget president will weigh in on his win later this hour. we're drowning in informa. where, in all of this,
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samsung electronics is acquiring u.s.-based audio and video electronics supplier, the deal is valued $112 per share in cash or about $8 million. that's a 28% premium. this is samsung's biggest acquisition in its history. the south korean electronics giant says harman will operate as a stand alone and plans to keep the headquarters and facilities. given everything samsung has been through with the galaxy
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note 7 recall, this is a particularly interesting buy. the connected car is a space a lot of people are excited about. look at what qualcomm just did as far as its acquisition. i guess the question is, do you get into that in a powerful way with a legacy purchase? which is what harman is as innovative as it is. do you get it doing that, or is it more of a software move where samsung should have done something on its own? >> is this a shot across the bow at car play? >> yes and no. in a way it puts them in position to do something in the car, but i'm not sure it puts them in the position to do something samsung specific, because harman plays so broadly, especially in the premium space against so many brands. >> and they are going to keep it separate. >> they are. >> which is not traditional when you do a deal that big. >> but samsung's got so many separate subsidiaries, whether it's heavy industry -- if you look at samsung as a whole, there's that. >> and the ceo will be on mad
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bob and shan mad money tonight, as well. interesting to see what he has to say and how this will fit into that gargantuan samsung corporate structure. >> indeed. still to come, aol co-founder steve case on donald trump and how the win will affect investing in the valley. and we speak to maya macguineas. she's worried trump's policies could add trillions to the national debt. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. (bing)
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. let's get a quick market flash here, go back to headquarters and check in with meg. >> looking at shares of puma buys as shares are plunging at data coming out ahead of the san antonio breast cancer in september as these data show worse gastric side effects of their breast cancer drug as we have seen from previous studies. this is a side effect that's plagued this drug.
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they are trying to control it, but folks telling me the data today look to be worse in the side effect profile, so shares down at least 26% in pugh machlt. >> to politics now, silicon valley leaders, peter teal not withstanding, but just how are entrepreneurs, investors, and the tech sector at large prepping for the now president-elect? joining us now aol cofounder and chairman and ceo of revolution, steve case, also author of "the third wave." steve, you argue that this is a textbook case of disruption coming to washington. president-elect donald trump is not ham strung by a party's ideology, so what do you think is the policy outcome from his administration? >> well, i hope it's really two things. i hope he really does bring the country together and work together here in washington, d.c., in a bipartisan way to get things done, and i also hope he
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builds more of a bridge between innovators in places like silicon valley and people all across the country. we call it the rise of the west. we need to make sure the job creation, innovation energy of this economy is broadly dispersed and part of the frustration we saw last week with the election, a lot of people feeling left behind, left out, and they need to be part of the economy, we need a more inclusive economy, so hopefully -- i was not a supporter of trump, to be honest, i was supporting hillary clinton, but the american people have spoken. now we need to move forward in a bipartisan way to make sure he remains the most innovative nation. we can only do that if people are focusing what's happening across the country. >> you know, the outreach to silicon valley, steve, was a hallmark of at least the early part of the obama administration before issues like encryption and cyber security became a bit more tenuous. donald trump vilified a lot of those companies, amazon, apple, companies for either as he said
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dodging taxes or shipping jobs abroad. can he bring them back into the fold now? >> i suspect he can. we'll see how -- i think the key thing in the next few weeks, obviously, the team he picks is about execution. execution, they talked about it in the book "the third wave," about the priorities people set, so i think a real focus will be on the team he assembles at the white house, the key cabinet positions, but i think it has to go both ways. it's not just president-elect trump reaching out to silicon valley. it's silicon valley reconnecting with the rest of the country, because this has been an area of frustration. i've done five of these bus tours across the country, 6,000 miles, dozens of different citizens and they do feel left out and left behind, like people are talking past them, calling the flyover country, but the next wave, the third wave of innovation will be in sectors like agriculture and health care and education, so we need to get silicon valley reconnected with the rest of the country and also
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d.c. reconnected with the rest of the country and do that in a bipartisan way. hopefully, we can do that. >> steve, if you're looking for bridge building, though, we haven't spent any time today talking about steve bannon, but that's not a centrist appointment. and a lot of people losing their minds about it today. does that suggest to you he's interested in that -- in those bridges, and what do you envision, a collection of silicon valley executives volunteering to work for the white house? >> well, i don't know. i don't personally know steve bannon. i've heard concerns expressed, priebus pick seemed like a good pick on the chief of staff side, but it's still early. this election happened a few days ago, i think by all accounts trump was not spending a lot of time focusing on the transition, so now it's really the focus, so really the next people he puts in place, i think, are going to be critically important, but hopefully they'll reach out, his acceptance speech tried to reach out, "60 minutes," i watched, he
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tried to reach out. he has to find a way to bridge what got him here because he was tapping into a populist outrage and sentiment. at the same time, he needs to hold out that hand to the other side and really figure out ways to build bipartisan coalitions to get things, taxes or infrastructure, regulatory policy, immigration policy, it's going to require, you know, some support. >> digging deeper on that, incentivewise for the rise of the west to take hold the way it needs to, are there a couple of specific policies that you believe would drive investment in, i don't know if you want to call it the heartland, rust belt, many of these rural areas that voted for trump that feel left out and have not seen the technology presence and level of investment that's needed? >> absolutely. one of the things i mentioned, last year 78% of venture capital went to three states, california, new york, and massachusetts. 78%. the other 47 states bought over 22%. if you're an entrepreneur in detroit, des moines, madison,
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it's harder than if you're in san francisco or new york, so they, too, feel left out. because they create the jobs, getting more entrepreneurs in more places focused on more problems, seizing more opportunities will then create the jobs in those communities, more hope in those communities and more opportunity in those communities. that is what we need to do. whether president-elect trump got elected or hillary clinton got lektsed, we need to focus on the rise and create jobs everywhere and there are also things to be done on tax policies, incentives around jobs specifically, incentives around investing in some of these sectors and other places such as agriculture and the third wave sectors, so i think there's a number of things that can be done to move this forward and start building bridges all across the country. >> we're writing a long to do list. steve, it's always good to see you. >> thank you, great to be with you. >> steve case from the revolution. still to come this morning, $19 trillion and going strong. how donald trump's economic
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policies will affect the national debt. committee for a responsible federal budget president maya macguineas is with us next. plus, we'll countdown to the european close. more "squawk alley" returns in a moment. h the dog-sized horse? i'm stressed trying to figure out this complex trade so i brought in my comfort pony. well, you could get support from thinkorswim's in-app chat. so you don't need a comfort pony. so what about my motivational meerkat? in-app chat on thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade.
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the 7.8-magnitude quake pummelled central new zealand, killing at least two people, damaging roads, and setting off strong aftershocks. footage has been released showing the arrest of an isis militant by kurdish forces. the offensive to reclaim the town is part of a broader push to drive isis out of mosul, which is iraq's second largest city. toyota will pay up to $3.4 billion to settle a class action lawsuit by pickup and suv truck owners in the u.s. it's because their vehicles lacked adequate rust protection. it covers 1.5 million vehicles from the years 2005 to 2010. and it's that time of the year. the postal service says it's ready to deliver roughly 16 billion pieces of mail this holiday season. that includes 750 million packages, that's 12% increase from a year ago. the busiest day, mark your calendars, monday, december 19th. it's hiring more than 35,000 seasonal workers to help the
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demand. that's the news update this hour. back downtown to "squawk alley." carl, back to you. >> sue, thanks so much. we're going to get the european close here in the uk and across europe. seema is at hq. hey, seema. >> the post election rally is holding in most parts of europe, but we are off session highs as oil prices fall on the recent oversupply concerns, pushing some of the major indexes, in fact, into negative territory, but outside reaction in bond yields as goldman sachs says this morning is the biggest discussion among traders with the yield in germany, the german tenure hitting a nine-month high. is this move overdone and what are the implications for the european central bank and its policy around quantitative easing? that's something investors continue to deliberate. on the topic of u.s.-european relations, foreign ministers continue to meet after last night's dinner did not go as planned. it was supposed to be a post election aftermath deliberation, but france and the uk refused to attend, highlighting a contrasting view on trump's
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victory and the lack of the unifying tone from the european bloc as it enters untested waters with washington. on the mna front, a deal to acquire u.s.-based firm mentor graphics, which makes computer chip design software. meantime, as investors try to make sense of a trump administration for global stocks, the surge in the dollar continues to push the euro down trading at december lows. that's, of course, a boon for european exporters. and the turkish lira has hit a low. turkey also dealing with its own political turmoil. guys, back over to you at the new york stock exchange. >> seema, thank you very much at hq. bond markets selling off, yields rising on expectations on increased stimulus in a trump presidency. the president-elect was asked about foreign policy on "60 minutes" last night and linked
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it to the nation's infrastructure. take a listen. >> we've spent $6 trillion in the middle east. $6 trillion. we could have rebuilt our country twice. you look at our roads and bridges and tunnels, our airports are like obsolete, and i think it was just a repudiation of what's been taking place over a longer period of time than that. >> for more on a potential deficit spending in a trump administration, we turn to the president of the committee for a responsibility federal budget, maya macguineas, good to have you back, good morning. >> nice to be with you. >> your number before the election was $5.3 trillion over a decade. have you heard anything since the election that would make you want to revise the number? >> there are some changes in terms of as he's starting to back away from some of the proposals, but we've also seen the infrastructure numbers potentially becoming larger, so i think the question now is, given his promises and proposals would add about $5 trillion to the debt or more, is -- are the
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political leaders he's working with, mcconnell and paul ryan, going to go along with that, given republicans have put forth a very important objective of their own, which is to balance the budget over ten years, or is there going to be negotiation within the republican party about how to scale back the borrowing and think about ways to talk about things like tax reform and infrastructure in a way that would be more fiscally responsible. >> any doubt in your mind the bond market is reacting to the prospect of higher deficits and all the credit ratings that go along with that? >> i think there's no question they are absolutely linked, and one of the interesting things when you think about the budget deficit, is the timing of the issues matter. so when you think about short-term deficits that could stimulate the economy, there tends to be some positive feeling about that until you look out farther along and you see that if that stimulus is actually more permanent spending or tax cuts, and would continue to grow the debt from its near record levels where it already
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is, that growing debt starts to harm the economic growth, so short-term stimulus could give the economy a boost, but it won't work if it's actually having long-term debt increases. so i think what would be the best plan and where you see the best responses would be if there's actually a more sustained economic growth plan, and that again needs to think about taxes, spending public investment, but also bringing the debt as a share of the gdp back down to a sustainable level, otherwise that's what underpins everything and that can undermine any growth plan. >> maya, doesn't it come down to entitlement spending and cutting that if you're going to come anywhere close to balancing this? i mean, i hear the arguments about you cut taxes, you get growth, kind of that perspective, and there's been lots of argument, but bottom line, unless you get some crazy explosion of growth, the likes of which we haven't seen, unless you deal with entitlements, this thing is going off the rails,
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isn't it? >> absolutely, and that is the issue we just did not hear about this election in any kind of a realistic or responsible way. so when it comes to growth, we want to pursue growth policies, but let's be realistic, our economy is not going to grow in some crazy gang buster way all of a sudden, and it's certainly not going to reborrow, for one reason, we have a demographic shift where baby boomers are retiring, so we need realistic growth assumptions, but one of the keys to fixing this entire problem, and again, nobody from either political party was willing to address it realistically is, we have an aging population. we have health care costs that continue to grow faster than the economy. we have to do something about social security and medicare. there are plenty of ways to make changes that would protect the people that depend on them, but kicking the can year after year, which is what we have done, hurts our budget and it will hurt the economy. and those changes will be phased in gradually, so they are not going to have an immediate
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affect, and they also would be great for people who are participating in these programs to actually know we could meet the promises that we've made, because right now, you do nothing on social security, which is, in fact, what donald trump has said he would do, there will be an across the board 20% spending cut for everybody, from the oldest widow on down. that's not how we should be running this program, so it matters for the people who participate, matters for the budget, and it matters for the economy and we'll need real political leadership to address those issues. >> which is why it's pretty astonishing entitlement spending was almost completely absent from the campaign trail, but maya, when you look at donald trump's economic plan, $6 trillion over the next decade is going to come specifically from the energy industry and from new projects getting green lighted there and from new federal reven revenues. is that a bird in the hand or do you discount that in your math? >> i have real concerns about the projections the trump campaign depended on. they had very aggressive
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assumptions about what we'd be able to generate from changes in energy, trade, immigration, and the growth from tax cuts. and they did nothing to sort of look at some of the negative effects you might have from trade changes or the growing debt. i think those assumptions on energy are too aggressive, but whether we're right or wrong, here's the lesson we need to follow as we're looking forward. don't be -- don't use rosy scenarios. let's have policies that help try to grow the economy, but you cannot count on them in your projections until the growth starts to materialize, so be cautious, we're assuming, so we don't spend away money and then realize we're even farther in the deficit hole than we're projected to be. >> maya, we look forward to talking with you a lot more over the next couple hundred days. maya macguineas for the committee of a responsible federal budget. >> thank you. still to come on "squawk alley," the conversation over the national debt continues with our rick santelli speaking with
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one company. it's our call of the day. and walmart, home depot, lowes, we'll talk about those trades coming up top of the hour on the half-time report. see you in about 15. >> all right, scott, see you then. meanwhile, let's get to washington college where rick santelli is live with a special edition of the santelli exchange. >> absolutely, special edition, carl. you see this? this is a mop, and all the generations, including mine, are giving young people a real mess. i want to know who's going to end up mopping it all up. we have some young people here. audrey, what's your greatest fear regarding the situation fiscally, all the debt, what are you worried about? >> i'm really worried, rick, when i turn 65 i won't get a portion of the social security i've been contributing to for my entire time in the professional world. >> we didn't hear much on entitlements from either candidate, did we? >> no, we didn't, and i'm really scared for it. >> graham, what's the thing that keeps you up at night? >> well, like all college students, my job prospects.
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our economy is going through a transition period, the global economy is weak right now and we know high debt to gdp ratio can cause slow gdp growth and i'm worried that's going to affect my job prospects. >> what keeps you up at night? >> i'm not sure what the new election is going to do for the national debt, but i know everybody is going to need to make sacrifices, tighten the belt a little. >> you bring up a good point. we always talk about changing programs and the minute we do, the newspapers, the magazines, the tv channels, this group's going to get harmed, this group's going to benefit. samson, if there was change, somebody's going to pay a price. is there any way around it? >> no, it's inevitable, everybody is going to have to make changes. >> all right, we have three students that haven't graduated yet and we have preston here. he's the man, he's in the real world, he's landed safely. any observations from the real world, preston? >> i've been in the real world 18 months. let me tell you, it's not just the $20 trillion debt that worried me, it's the $200
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trillion from the taxes we'll take in and spending we have scheduled. that's what really scares me. >> young people aren't happy, i completely understand. this particular campus seems like they are okay with the way things are, or at least dealing with it how it is. any final comments for fellow students around the country as they try to get used to the fact they may have a president they didn't necessarily back, support, or vote for? >> well, i have to say, you know, whether you supported donald trump or hillary clinton or a third party candidate, you know, the success of the president right now is all of our successes, so we should vote for successful administration. >> samson? >> it happened, we got to move forward, whatever happens, we got to support the president. >> quick, anything you want to tell students, the both of you? >> make sure to keep saving. it's up to you to make sure you have a good future. >> boy, these are smart young people. you know what, i think there's a place in government for them somewhere. john ford, back to you. >> all right, thank you, rick santelli, and thank you to the students.
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names like uber and dow chemical to do just that. joining us now, founder and ceo of fiscal note. thanks for joining us at post 9. first question, i have to ask, as bad as the polls and the data crunchers were at >> the funny thing about politicians they're predictable. >> well, they were. >> it's the dream i think of every mathematician and economist to have in type of data, right? the great thing about congress is that legislators vote their preferences hundreds of times of week, and that data is incredibly valuable at predicting outcomes. on the legislative side and regulatory side. >> when i look at your cyber
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security is something everybody is taking a look at across the board. on the president-elect's policy agenda, there isn't that much from the technology perspective and so i think the status quo right now is that a lot of state and municipal organizations are going to try to push for their policy agendas, but the reality is we don't have a lot of data to go off of right now where. >> he himself has no policy votes. what data do you use? those of his advisors or key allies on the hill? >> take a look at the policy -- taking a look at the fwiter account. he tweets a lot about fed policy and what not. the reality is that, you know, the policy agenda has been changing pretty constantly over the last couple of weeks.
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>> you help businesses take a look at the policy in congress and let's take a look at the legislative calendar next year. >> we still have a lot of stuff to do this session. congress is going back into session today to fauk about a lot of different issues. you have to fund the budget. obviously for the rest of the year. we have to talk about things like rule 41. the fbi has pretty much unlimited access to legally hack computers across the country. you know, we have to talk about the innovation that congress is going for right now. congress has essentially said that they want to revitalize the way in which the fda approves drugs and medical devices. that needs to pass through. you know, moving forward into the next couple of months, the first two years of the president's agenda is incredibly important, right? we're taking a look at particularly things in energy. a lot of the things that president obama has proposed in the last couple of months, the power plan, clean water account and what not, most of these things will most likely get
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reversed. department of labor has come out with a lot of rules around the fiduciary rule. >> if you are bullish on electric vehicles, should you be worried here given that the auto industry is already lobbying for a reduction in fuel economy standards and, you know, not likely to perhaps see the same level of subsidies for green power that we have for the past few years? >> there are a couple of bills in congress that most likely will get passed in the next year or so. i do think if you are one of these companies, you should be worried. >> you know, we saw this over the weekend with the "new york times." if you are a particular company that is not particularly aligned with the trump agenda, i do think that that is something that you need to worry about right now. >> i notice amazon is a client,
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and we have -- we have a going list of trump grudges against amazon, macy's, ford, apple. do you believe there is such a thing as a trump grudge trade? >> absolutely. i think there's some retribution that's probably going to happen, but the reality is that is probably the way the politics is moving forward. again, we saw this with the "new york times" over the last couple of days or so. everything from boycotts to the way in which the culture and organization changes and shifts with the political climate. >> when we come back, larry david and company are coming back to hbo after a five-year hiatus. talk about that in just a moment. ♪ ♪
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is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. (bing) [and her new business: i do, to jeanetgo. jeanette was excellent at marrying people. but had trouble getting paid. not a good time, jeanette. even worse. now i'm uncomfortable. but here's the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. send that invoice, jeanette. looks like they viewed it. and, ta-da! paid twice as fast. oh, she's an efficient officiant. way to grow, jeanette. get paid twice as fast. visit quickbooks-dot-com. we heard you got a job as a developer!!!!! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines
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>> everybody cannot wait for the new season of "curb your enthusiasm." >> after a five-year break, larry david and the whole cast coming back for season nine of "curb your enthusiasm." hbo put out a teaser trailer on twitter over the weekend saying production has begun for a release sometime next year. of course, we know from "snl" he
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is certainly not out of practice. >> i hear the season will be pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. >> and it seems appropriate for left-leaning hollywood, right? you know, "curb your enthusiasm." after the election. >> absolutely. meanwhile, other tv news, nbc announcing last night's broadcast of seahawks-patriots scored an overnight rating of 14.3. that is the highest rated week ten sunday night football telecast in about five years. game had a 23 share, meaning about 23% of tvs being viewed were tuned to the game. it's a good matchup. former super bowl matchup. others, though, may want to build in the narrative that election over a week and things can get back to sports. >> that was programming directly against the president-elect on "60 minutes" which also drew extremely high ratings of about 34%. even sew, nfl, higher draw. hard to believe. >> yeah. >> easy to believe. i mean, come on.
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which would you rather watch at this point? >> the leader of the free world. >> one of live, and you got to see it then with your friends. the other, you know, you could wait and dvr it and catch it later. it makes sense to me. >> highlights either way. that's a big part of the world we live in. as for the week ahead, we talked a lot this morning about the fed speech that's headed our way. 14 fed speakers, including yellen and fisher. cpi, ppi, and then more retail data from home depot, target, wal-mart, abercrombie & fitch. it's jam packed. >> and it is the week before, of course are, this big retail week coming up. i mean, it's hard to believe thanksgiving and black friday and then cyber monday after that are drawing so close. indeed, they are. >> a lot of christmas decorations are already out there. normally you wait until thanksgiving for that, but clearly retailers are trying to drum up the momentum. >> i think what might be one of the more interesting data points of the week, mortgage apps it. they normally come and go.
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we don't pay it that much attention usually, but about the 30 year back to 3 and the ten-year at 2.30. it will be interesting to see if people are trying to re-fi, lock it in, avoid mortgages altogether. who knows? we'll have to find out. see you later on. let's get back to heatdquarters. scott wapner and "the half." >> all right, guys. thanks so much. welcome to "the halftime report." i'm scott wapner. our top trade this hour. the post-election tech route and whether it is safe to buy some of the most beaten down names now. with us for the hour today joe, jim, steve weiss, aaron brown with us as well. she is with ub -- steve called this the trump repositioning trade. facebook down 4% today. amazon 2, google 2.5. netflix more than 2. what's going on? why do the stocks keep going down? >> well, a couple of things. i think they're worried
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