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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  December 13, 2016 4:00am-5:01am EST

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good morning, everybody. welcome. you're now watching "street signs". i'm bolouisa bojesen. >> i'm nancy hungerford. >> making money in media. vivendi reveals its building a bigger stake. cash call bounce back. credit shares posted staggering turn around into positive territory after the italian lender launch as share issue of 13 billion euros.
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eastern european beer brands, helping the belgian beer giant inch closer to a take over. >> unexpected strength in second largest economy. chinese retail rising 11% in november while industrial outputs out performed. good morning and welcome to "street signs". we want to get to some data. now what a difference a year makes. that is the key headline from the iaea latest monthly report of 2016. having started the year with oil at $30 a barrel brent prices have rebounded almost 50%, boosted biopeck's first output cut since 2008. if the partners stick to their pledges the oil market should
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move into the deficit in the first half of 2017. tore more let's bring in neil atkinson. he joins us now from paris. good morning. a word there if all parties in the opec and non-opec deals stick to their deals. is that your base assumption? >> yes because opec has come out with an agreement and that's been fold up with an agreement with non-opec producers. we got some fairly clear number. we're not forecasting what they will produce. all we're saying is if they do produce at the targets that they set out and all the other factors in the supply and demand balance remain much the same then the oil market should move from the current surplus into deficit at some point during the first half of 2017, perhaps fairly early on. >> there's so much focus on the spy side of things, given the
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announcement we had yesterday over the weekend, i should say. what about demand because i noticed you upgraded your demand forecast. what's the big driver there? >> we're looking at demand numbers quite closely because obviously it's hugely important component and just a second ago your own introduction you mentioned stronger industrial production and numbers in china in retail sales in china and we've been looking at our chinese numbers. we got some better data in term of the independent refinery sector. we've nudged our numbers up a bit for china, more strength than we thought tin. we revised upwards our demand number for 2016 up to 1.4 million barrels a day and put our 2017 number up also by fairly modest number up to 1.3 million barrels a day. it's not just all supplies. >> neil, good morning, good to see you. is it a matter of the russians
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having mediated a deal between the saudis and the iranians where everybody kind of talks but nobody loses face? >> the main dynamic which is facing all of the producers whether they be opec or non-opec had the current market situation remain in place we would have gone into 2017 and probably through most of 2017 with the oil market still in considerable surplus supply over demand and that's the fourth year in a row where that situation prevailed. if that turned out to be the case then clearly pressure on prices is almost certain to go downwards because there's an ongoing surplus and we know the financial situation of many of the producers is fairly challenged whether they be opec or non-opec. it was in their mutual i want to be come together if their isn't it to put a floor on the prices and possibly see them rise in the media.
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>> neil, i was talking to a couple of fund managers who have long positions on oil at the moment. when does got it from an issue of there being too much supply in the market to there being a deficit in terms of actual production? >> well, depends how quickly the production cuts have been agreed are actually implemented. of course it isn't a simple thing as the first of january production falls by a certain amount. there's also logistical issues and contractual issues to be sorted out. as we go through january and the early months of 2017 it will become youobvious one would exp supply is lower and we should then see supply going down, demand growth remaining fairly robust. the market should move from being in a surplus into a deficit probably during the latter part of the first quarter but we can't be exactly sure of
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that. it's fairly certain if the production cuts are broad broadly adhered to it will change during 2017. >> always good to see you. let's show you what our european equity markets are doing. we're an hour into trade. we opened a little on the down side. we've reversed those slight losses. they go up, they come down. that's the nature of the beast. this morning we're seeing vast majority of europe trading slightly higher. we have a couple of markets, smaller markets trading in negative territory. when it comes to our main sectors out there and where the positioning is happening, food and beverage, media, household goods, off a little bit. >> to join us now with more on the market move is colin
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mcclain. colin, good morning. thank you for joining us. as we get closer to christmas a lot of investors are starting to wonder whether this rally we had at year end will move into the new year. what do you think? >> more often than not it does. investors often enter this period still worried about things again. there's worries around china, banks in europe, european politics. there's always those worries but they gradually ease and people realize new cash flow come in january and they better start investing. >> where do you think those cash floss will be going because when we talk about sector specific what sectors do you prefer. >> investors have for the last three months felt they are under weight in value stocks particularly ones driven by inflation uptick, commodity stocks, oil and banks. we're seeing a steepening of a yield curve, treasury a curve is steepening and rising and that's
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very good for banks. so i think investors are still going to feel the need to rebalance those portfolios back into those areas. >> we keep hitting new record highs. doesn't matter what happened, record high, record high. u.s. banks or european banks? >> i think some of the british ones, barclays and hsbc they are slightly better financial position not as good as the u.s. ones. but i think the european ones essentially national champions and that includes italy and they are going to be supported through any financing of support that's needed, and i think probably in the strongest position to take advantage of this pick up in yields. >> i'm not smart enough to see-through the end of this rally in terms of what's the switching position to move from and into. do you have any idea? what happens once we've run through this trump run or end of
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year run or we know what the fed is doing run whatever you want to call it. >> the bigger picture is inflationary pressures around the world. so i think that will reassert. to so extent the devaluations we're seeing, 100% talking earlier about currencies we're seeing this in malaysia, philippines, egypt, a lot of countries getting trashed. there's still pressure for devaluation from china and india. i think as we see more of that break out globally i think we'll see the disinflationary pressure reassess itself. >> one thing that caught us surprise how resilient the markets have been in the wake of political shock. going into next year, key elections in europe. could that be a wild card that changes all of this? >> i don't think the politics look like they are going to be a major problem at present. i would be much more worried about the european project in terms of the banks and financing
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than i am about the politics. at the moment it does look as if the politics won't throw up any nasty surprises. i'm not expecting that. >> interesting you suggest that the ecb could taper asset purchases in the second quarter. when you listen to mario draghi comments he seemed to suggest they were nowhere near talking about formal tinkering p.. why do you think think that's the case. >> they've run out of things to buy. i think it's getting a bit silly. i think in any event the european economy is picking up and good reason, i think to be able to as the yield progresses. >> colin thank you so much for joining us. lots of corporate news.
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it surprises you at the end of the year. you think it will be quiet. >> especially in big spend meetings. >> ab inbev shares rising. 7.3 billion euro sale is part of a commitment made to europe's regulators to get a take over of rival sb miller. this is the biggest take over for asahi. media shares are surging. vivendi announced over 3% of the italian broadcaster and targeting up to 20%. that prompted the largest investor to accuse vivendi of attempting to depress the share price. it was unaware of the vivendi share side until the announcement. these two companies are in a
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legal dispute because of a failed business deal. >> sheri redstone walked away from merging viacom and cbs. now is not the right time for a tie up according to source for the "wall street journal". one of the reasons for the reversal was redstone's faith in the strategy of the nuvi come ceo. and fox well only need 48% of sky shareholders to approve the deal. sky is set to keep their ceo. billionaire bill gates has
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launched a $1 billion fund called the break through energy intra fund. focusing on combatting climate change. don't miss an exclusive interview with mr. gates today on cnbc at 1400 cet. no stopping it. >> got toad mayor that. >> amazing. >> it will be interesting too coming at a time when people are worried about the goals not being followed through by the united states under a new administration. be very interesting to see how he wants to do that and what sectors. e-mail the show. get involved. good morning to all of you. the address "street signs" europe you can also follow us on twitter @"street signs" cnbc. >> find me at nancy cnbc.
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still to come out with the old and in with the old. geniloni introduces a government that resembles his predecessor. will it mean anything new for the banks?
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. good morning, everybody. happy tuesday. welcome back to "street signs". the latest chinese data has pointed to a pick up seen in economic activity and, indeed both factory output and retail sales have been growing faster than expected for the move november. we go singapore. good morning or good afternoon to you. >> yes, good afternoon here, good morning to you. yes, retail sales much better than expected up almost 11% but
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keep in mind that we had single day in november which had 17.7 billion worth of sales. so that was a huge chunk of that number. it was better than expected. investment also in line with expectations. there was this delayed reaction in the china markets because we saw the selloff continue for monday into the morning session. we got this data out and it wasn't until a couple of hours later we saw the markets turn around. is shanghai composite just barely getting over that hurdle. hang seng also the same picture there. now the property sector had a lot of pressure today and that's because property sales growth for the month of november slowed to 7.9% in terms of growth. that's a huge difference from that 26.4% growth that we saw in the month of october. this means that the housing curves in those top terrify cities in china are working. we saw pressure on developers there in the asian market.
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we saw some caution in the asian markets ahead of the fed meeting. the nikkei 225 still enjoying a weaker yen up one half of 1%. broader topix up by the same amount. kospi at 1.5 month high, .4 of 1%. that's a look at the picture right now as the nikkei continues to climb higher. that's a look at the markets here on this tuesday. back to you. >> thank you very much. the golden globe nominations have been made now. best performance by an actor in a motion picture, musical or comedy, colin farrell was nominated. just weird in a wonderful way. why people get-together and things they have in common. anyway get it on netflix or
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itunes. the incoming prime minister, gentiloni revealed his cabinet. economy minister was reconfirmed as he grapples with italy's looming banking crisis. the decision to retain much of the lineup of the government drew criticism from opposition parties. gentiloni facing his first defection losing the liberal popular alliance. european commission is willing to work with the italian government to address problems in the banking sector after italian treasury source said they are considering several openings. without directly referencing italy's third largest bank the commission is ready to discuss different solutions within our legal framework. and unicredit will raise 13
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billion in italy. >> carlos, let's start with unicredit, this 13 billion shares they are taking a fourth quarter loan of around 8.1 billion euros. is this enough for them? >> i think so. it's surprising the size of the increase. if you combine this, we're talking 1% of italian gdp. what surprised the analysts is the size of the correction of the mlp coverage that reaches almost 75% which is an unprecedented amount that sets
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the scene for the following operations in the coverage. what really scares is the expectation of revenues. there's a big bet that has done a terrific job in selling assets. we'll see whether we'll be able to execute the strategy as far as revenues and cost-cutting are concerned. >> when it comes to bmps and the expectations of capital that it needs people are asking what could possibly go wrong? there are a lot of thing that could go wrong. they raised money in the twice to the tune of 8 billion euros since 2014, they have none of that capital left. the ecb hasn't extended its deadline either for money raising they still have a deadline called december 31st. will they make it? we they get the capital they need by then? >> i think everything is in the
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hands of the european supervisory board and today with the new italian government easier for the european authorities to strike a deal within the regulatory framework. this is important. we're not talking about a bail in, we're talking about a preliminary recovery plan that probably will require the states intervention. so i think they will find a solution because it's a matter of signalling. it's the first important moment of demonstrating the authority of the european supervisory board and it must be used as a clear paradigm for the future restructuring of the european and namely italian ailing banks. >> when you mention it would be easier under the new government we heard from the european commission say they are willing
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to work on this rescue. does that signal to you that the retail investors who hold a lot of the junior debt that they will be protected? >> well, they will be protected because it's in everybody's interest not to send a signal of excessive turmoil. when i was mentioning it would be easier because the personality of renzi his own political stake has bean problem in tackling seriously the problem. gentiloni is a much more diplomatic and soft spoken role. it would be easier for the european authority to find a compromise with that. that's the protection of the retail bond holder will be found as a solution probably exposed not necessarily accented. all expect a complicated
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technical solution appearing before christmas. many have looked at the appointment of mr. gentiloni and the fact he kept on key members of renzi's cabinet as a signal that renzi is due to make a come back. is that your assumption? >> renzi is still in control but also a hostage. most of the people in the cabinet are his own choice. so it cannot release its support it controls the democratic party. it's involved not necessarily committed. so it's going to be a delicate under the supervision of the president of the republic. we shouldn't forget the role of his as the architect of this solution and i don't expect gentiloni to last only for six months. i think honestly it will be at
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least one year long government. >> thank you very much for your time this morning. there's around 700 banks in italy. >> shocking. even before this crisis came to fore more said more consolidation is necessary. >> we need to take a break. you can find us live on twitter @louisabojesen >> and @nancycnbc.
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. good morning and welcome back to "street signs". i'm nanny hungerford. >> i'm louisa bojesen. your headlines today -- >> making money in media. shares of italian broadcaster rallied more than 20% rival vivendi announced a take over. >> a staggering turn around into positive territory after italian lender launches 13 billion euro. >> inbev eastern european beer brands for more than 7 billion euros. helping the approval. >> donald trump taps another goldman guy picking ceo gary
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cohn to head the white house. hi, everybody. welcome back to "street signs" this morning. we want to get the latest data. tuck november inflation figures, 0.2% month on month. year-on-year plus 1.2%. that means that we're a little bit higher than the year-on-year polling that had been taking place. highest year-on-year rate since 2014 with regards to the cpi data. core cpix energy, food, alcohol and tobacco, 1.4% year-on-year and a little bit higher. all goods 0.2% year-on-year versus 2.2% year-on-year and we're looking at a high reading except for when it comes to
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housing prices 6.9% year-on-year versus 7% seen in september. london for the month of october 7.7% for the upside and at that time means it's the weakest london reading since july of 2013. >> let's take a look at how gilts are reacting. >> cpi being pushed up by clothing, recorrek recreation a culture. elsewhere, uk banks continue to show resilience but warned a broader economic concerns as uk gdp growth forecasts are weaker than before the eu referendum. uncertainty about the path of brexit and progress of negotiations will weigh on the
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uk economy. cost control will be a high priority until 2018 as uk banks seem to cope with economic pressure, structural change and materially weaker gdp growth. now the uk chancellor has backed a longer period to manage brexit arguing that an adjustment phase with the european union would help to reduce the risk of financial disruption. it's the first time he had suggested that britain may need beyond 2019 to break away from brussels. the european commission is angling for a shorter transition. now vernon hill joins us the founder and chairman of metro bank to talk a little bit about the health of the banking sector. good morning. you were last on cnbc at the end of october and at that point just taking us all back we saw
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you swing to your first quarterly profit. where are you now? >> we haven't released our fourth quarter but we're on the same track, we're growing at unbelievably fast rates, british public has tremendously accepted our model both commercial and consumer. it's great. >> i know that you read a lot as well and i'm sure you've seen a lot of reports written about the bank too. there's a piece where they were talking how the typical bank matches deposits liability with loans and asset and they say that you're doing something different you're buying bonds instead. how many bonds do you hold? >> well, i wouldn't rely too much on what they say how a bank runs. banks are in the business of accepting deposits, making loans. you keep excessive liquidity in a bond portfolio. we're about two-thirds of our deposits are deployed in lending
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now. the british banking tradition is a much higher what we call loan to deposit rate ratio than the american model. last quarter year to year our loans were 78%. that's a pretty good growth number. >> a lot of people say you're very exposed to rates both on the positive and negative if you're holding a lot of security and the value of security if rates go up. >> no truth to that whatsoever. is this fifth new bank i've done from scratch. all banks do better when the yield curve steepens. we're affected by the shape of the yield curve rather than the level of rates. we prospered in almost every rate environment over my career. when the british analysts write about metro bank they are looking through british banking eyes. metro bank is something completely different. it's a high growth retailing model that happens to be a bank.
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>> so where is the growth coming from now. >> are you looking at acquisitions. growing organically >> organically. so we'll end this quarter with assets of about 10 billion pounds and about 900,000 accounts. in a country where the press used to say brits won't switch banks about 900,000 people switched to us. we're really a market share take model. we care very little about the bigger environment. we have a small share of the market and we have a very large aim. >> we were just referring to the fitch report mentioning barngs will have to look at costs given the uncertainty how brexit negotiations will pan out. i understand you previously said that. some of the brexit economy worries have been kpajd. has that panned out in what you've seen or your concerned that this could take a turn? >> you asked me about three questions. let me get down to one of them. you have two kinds of bank models in britain.
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you have the big five. no growth models. metro started from scratch in a high growth model. we're into more market share take. we haven't been affected at all by brexit and frankly i've seen very little change in the market. you know, london particularly is one of the most dynamic growth cities in the world and i haven't seen any change. >> when you hear notes from french government officials say paris will be the new london what do you think about that? >> i have no idea what the pren french are doing. >> thank you. stay with us. so what will donald trump's presidency mean for the world's biggest corporations? we reached out to members of cnbc cfo council to gauge their response to his election victory. members think a trump presidency will be positive for economic growth.
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the united states is the only country where cfos on average see economic performance improving in the coming months. but when it comes to policy priorities the majority of cfos surveyed want president trump to concentrate first and foremost on reforming tax law. cfos of asian companies are keener to see the u.s. withdraw from the tpp than their american or european counterparts. and cfos of u.s. firms believe donald trump's plan to reform corporate tax is likely to be the policy which brings the greatest benefit to businesses. however, his proposal to build a wall at the u.s.-mexican board certificate a policy which cfos think is likely hurt to american corporations. well severe norngs we want to get your take on what a trump presidency means. not just for the banking sector but for the business environment in general. >> i've known him for a long, long time. donald is going to do pretty
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much what donald said. and this is going to be a change in direction in america much like reagan and maggie thatcher was in 1980. president-elect trump has promised to drain the swamp in washington. if you look at the people he's appointed to fill these senior positions almost every one of them is on the drain the swamp plan. so i think you're going to see dramatic change in america. >> leading the u.s. in what direction? we talk about protectionism. what else should we be anticipating? >> more free markets. less burden on the government. those are the two things. whether it's tax change or regulatory change, america has spoken that they are tired of american big government. they want reduced burden, reduced regulations, and certainly reduced tax burden. and i believe president-elect trump will deliver most of this. >> investors agree with you when you look at the reaction you see in the stock markets.
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you have to wonder the other side of trump's campaign pledge which is in some ways a reaction against globalization, pairing back some free trade policies as an international businessman. does that concern you at all? >> well we can't believe everything they all say during the campaign. of course. trump may be only trump could have won as a republican. maybe trump tapped into the angst of the middle class of america like we saw in britain. he carried states wisconsin and michigan that no republican has carried since reagan and i think there's going to be a very active program to bring jobs back to america. >> as a business leader, a founder yourself i'm cures what you think of donald trump's recent trend of calling out companies on twitter, sometimes it's a form of bullying, maybe shaming companies as well. how would you respond if m retrobank were called out in its country? >> that's a good question, nancy. it's too soon to tell about all
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of this. donald has never run a government, never had a position in government. he's looking at it from a private-sector view of life and i think we'll see him evolve and change, but i i had thinks core values are less government and more free markets. >> there's a part of you if you take off your business hat, is there a part of you that could fear for the gap, the inequality gap growing under the policies that have been laid out so far. so next four years might being a great but longer term it might become difficult and you might not able to finance really basic things for people that need basic things in order to make more sustainable society long term? >> that's what we've had for the last eight years with obama. i'm very optimistic about america. i'm very optimistic about the trump administration. i fundamentally believe that free market solve most problems. >> given that optimism would you
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bring metro bank to the u.s. any time soon? >> metro bank is the fifth new bank i've done from scratch. metro bank is my main focus. we're very happy about our progress in britain. >> vernon, thank you very much. vernon hill founder and chairman of metro bank. now of course, for the full details how our cfo council members see the currents business environment head to there's lots on there. >> as we were suggesting, donald trump has been taking to twitter and yesterday he was taking aim at lockheed martin tweeting the cost of the f-35 program is out of control and vowing that billions of dollars will be saved on military spending. president-elect tweet sent lockheed shares down as much as 4%, wiping 4 billion off the company's market value before they recovered before the end of the day. >> donald trump has picked goldman sachs president gary
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cohn to head the economic council. he'll be the third goldman veteran to join trump's administration. in a statement cohn called the position a great honor. the firm said they would miss him but the american people and president-elect is fortunate he's been chosen to serve. trump said he'll name his secretary of state today with nbc news confirming that the president-elect has picked exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson. let's get out to tracie potts who joins us from washington with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. he tweeted that he's going make that announcement later this morning and source have confirmed to nbc that it is tillerson despite concerns from democrats and republicans about tillerson's close ties with russia and specifically with russian president vladimir putin. despite that it seems like they floated his name out there early
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to sort of gauge what the reaction would be despite all of that it looks like he's going forward with tillerson, another corporate executive who will serve in this administration if confirmed. we confirmed through source he's naming a secretary of energy although that may or may not come today but it's a former governor of texas rick perry who interestingly when he ran and was asked which three government agencies he would eliminate he struggled to remember one, the department of energy that he will now oversee. a lot of meetings still going on, other positions that he's planning to fill or trying to fill with those interviews, and interestingly mr. trump has postponed a thursday news conference, a long awaited news conference. he hasn't done one, hasn't faced the media for questions and answers since last summer. he had promised to do a news conference on thursday to explain how he was separating himself from his business.
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now just a couple of days before he says he's too busy filling his cabinet, he tweeted about what his business plans are, his sons are going to run the business, no new deals while he's in office but that explanation and q and a not happening thursday they will reschedule it for sometime in january. >> we'll be awaiting those announcements in the cabinet later today. imf president has vowed to fight in her trial for negligence. lagarde is accused of misusing public funds for approving a rare private arbitration which cost french taxpayers more than 4 mun million euros. if convicted she could face a year in jail and a fine of 15,000 euros. trying to get home in russia hour and you have coats and bags and sweaters and hats and
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mittens and the rest. >> we've been lucky so far. >> we have. still rush hour is really rush hour. imagine then if you have a strike which is what's taking place because the british railway company southern rail is warning commuters not to travel today. around 300,000 passengers usually commute with southern, however all of its trains are cancelled because of industrial action. uk transport secretary said the train drivers union rejected off towers hold talks with the rail company over the weekend. maybe lot of people doing their christmas shopping. >> incredibly frustrating. you have your christmas shopping done? >> can you believe it? online. weeks ago. >> you can sit back, enjoy tv like the golden globe nominations. coming up golden globes and golden balls. it's happening in the awards
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world after this break.
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good morning and welcome back to "street signs" let's give you a check on how u.s. markets are called to open. looking at a fair value implied open and just a bit of softness on the s&p 500 but the dow jones and the nasdaq both called higher. we did see just a slight pair back in the major indices dessfiet dow yesterday another record high for the dow and an unusual trend in the markets yesterday were the financials lagging perhaps some looking as a sign to take some profit taking as we have the fed kick off today, that should steal focus and expect investors to keep an eye on energy prices. here in europe we're seeing green across the screen again a
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day after of softness. ftse 100 higher by .3 a 1%. german pushing higher. similar story for the french and ftse outperformer today higher by 1.7% getting strength from italian lenders. let's give you a check on forex. the euro weaker against the greenback. the dollar gaining against the yen in neighborhood of a quarter of a percent. sterling is pushing higher bio.3%. the aussie/dollar underperformer against the greenback 0.2%. yesterday a big focus on the uptick once again on u.s. treasury yield. two year treasury yield here hovering around 99.72. yield at 1.145. up considerably since the
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election. when you look at the five year yield, highest since 2011. it wasn't the five year alone with multi-year high. five year benchmark hitting its highest since 2014. expect investors could keep an eye on these yields as we get the fed kicking off their decision today and then, of course, the announcement tomorrow and you might argue that many more are interested in the press conference what will janet yellen say in terms of guidance if anything at all because markets are overwhelmingly pricing in, of course the rate action. be down to how many hikes. >> press conference, economic projections, morgan stanley are anticipating something like eight rate hikes by 2018, the end of 2018 they say. then it becomes an issue of do you take money off the table in terms of the equity that we've seen if and when the fed hikes or do you add on to the dollar long positions that are out there. >> how the dollar will react if, in fact, she's more dovish than
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many expect. many are looking at the last meeting with two hikes projected for next year saying no way. be very interesting to see. well something completely different going from fed to am. apple in talks to invest up to a billion in a new tech fund being set up by japan's soft bank. >> soft bank had announced back in october it will set up a fund of up to $100 billion jointly with saudi arabia's public investment fund. the soft bank will inject at least $25 billion while saudi arabia will pour in up to $45 billion. apple may join by inveflts $1 billion into the fund. the fund is expected to make large scale investments to concussion on promising technology start ups around the world. apple has long been secretive of
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where it puts its money and unusual for the company to collaborate with other firms. apple does have close ties with soft bank who used to be the exclusive distributor of iphones back in 2008. apple will be able to gain insight on emerging technologies. the fund has been making headlines as soft bank ceo met earlier this month with u.s. president-elect donald trump, pledging to invest $50 billion from the funding u.s. tech companies. that's all from the nikkei. back to you. the gooden globe nominations have been announced. attention is on the new players. julie boorstin has gone behind the scene to get the details. >> golden globe nominations announced netflix lagging and amazon on the rise. hbo and netflix brought home 24
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nomination big broad networks didn't see much love with cbs and fox failing to score a single tv nomination. abc and nbc together drew eight. no surprise that time warner's hbo cleaned up with the most nominations, 14 with the hollywood foreign press singling out west world and divorce. netflix had the most shows last year. they were shut out this year. amazon tied netflix with five tv nominations amazon winning acclaim for "mozart in the jungle," they produced "manchester by the sea" and joining growing commitment to produce original content. attention from these nominations and the awards themselves can be key to boost a film's box office or tv show's audience and most important can help studios boost
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their credibility and lure top talent. winners will be announced in a ceremony airing on january 8th on nbc. back to you. i haven't seen many of the movies nominate this year but on the tv series side quite a night manager fan. one of these almost spy thrillers. i don't want to give too much away. >> vaguely spooky? >> it is pretty intense. i watched on the plane. anyway speaking of the golden globes,le ronaldo won the award for the world's best football player. we'll have much more after this break. generosity is its own form of power.
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5:00 am
good morning. wait and see, global stores at a standstill on day one of the fed's most important meeting of the year. a trump transition, today is the day, president-elect donald trump says he will name a secretary of state. all the details straight ahead. hash tag asked snowden ceo of twitter goes screen to screen with the world's most famous whistle blower. it's tuesday, december 13th, 2016. "worldwide exchange" begins right now. ♪


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