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tv   Options Action  CNBC  January 21, 2017 6:00am-6:31am EST

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we're taking a look at the trump at the viewing stands of the inaugural parade there. closest to us, jared kushner, ivanka, barron and the 45th president of the united states, as well as the vice president, the military salute as marching bands walk by. this is "options action". we are monitoring all of these events on this very historic day. so let's talk about this and the impact. you know, not surprising was on the floor of the new york stock exchange erupted in applause and cheers at the he was sworn in. >> exactly.
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everyone was glued to the television screen. and once you heard him get sworn into office, there was a thunderous roar of applause, which is not shocking. >> but hold on. it's kind of shocking. i'll tell you, steven, i don't mean to make it sound this way. their jobs may be going away. let's be very frank. i think there is a lot of people not cheering. i don't think pointing to the new york stock exchange is saying that wall street is overjoyed by this event today. he said they were tpwhraoud to it. glued to it.
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>> it may be in a couple months in dodd-frank. >> you said it wasn't indicative of the financial community. i'm asking you to back it up. >> i don't think it is. >> do you think they're happy with donald trump the last eight years than with barack obama? >> i don't know, steve. >> you can't cross the desk. that's all i'm saying. >> it is not the spaoeurt of the financial community. if you're a trader, you probably would be happy about. . >> had clinton been elected, we would have had more of the same. if anything would contribute to volatility and more money flows because it is changing. >> people are standing up and cheering. >> were you cheering here? do you understand what i'm saying? >> there were thousands. now there are hundreds. >> the ford plant -- >> what was going on? >> i think it was very mixed. we have a mix. people are just glued listening to the commentary because they
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were worried that something coming pout could have moved the markets. i know we can't run on fumes. we need fuel for this market to continue higher. dan made a good point. people aren't looking for a lot of up side or down side. >> no, no. >> i think in general, he said financial. >> i think in general, the market has taken off since his election, since he won the election. the market has performed well. so in general, i do believe the volatility, and you made the exact point. volatility within our business is what we thrive on. we want volatility. so you'll hear a cheer just from the fact we have increased volatility. >> did you hear a cheer? >> i didn't hear a cheer.
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>> on november 9, i knew a lot of people in this business who did not want a tax cut. they were happy for millions of americans that haven't had insurance. >> what i'm saying is to steve's point, i'm in the middle here. that i believe the financial community is super -- >> earnings. we've got more business. >> that's the point. >> hold. on all right. we're watching again the parade here. the inaugural parade in washington, d.c. let's go back to kelly evans and john harwood who are there. >> we're watching the tail end of this and loving the discussion back there as well. don't you think it is a small representation of what's happening around this country? >> no question about it. the basic idea of whether donald trump would be good for american business or bad for american business is unsettled. there are certain things, his
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regulation, lower taxes, a real potential for a boone. if you have a trade war, if you throw off immigration policies including a wall that seems to have the united states retreat from the rest of the world, that's not so good. >> by the way, i had maybe personally been hopeful or thinking, even though we got late started on the parade by 20 minutes, we might still finish at 5:00. and people are pointing out that it seems to be taking a while to go along the parade route. in fact it's been two hours. president trump is seated with his wife and son, along with ivanka and the pences. they seem to be taking it all in, looking probably more relaxed than we've seen all day. >> well, they're inside. it is warm in that reviewing stand and their work is essentially done. this is the moment for those young people in the marching bands to go by and have their
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moment. then pretty soon, the president and the first lady will be at the inaugural balls. as we discussed earlier. theon question will be does he sign any the presidential orders? and make policy news between this time of the day and the inaugural balls. >> he can do that right in the oval office. as i understand. >> he can turn right around from these reviewing stands and walk 100 yards or so, inside the white house, if he chooses to. >> so we've been following this from dawn until dusk. a lot of expectations with this day and in terms of some of the violence. overall, what are your reflections on how it played out from the crowds to the weather to the ceremonies that we witnessed, to the speech that's were given, to who showed up and who didn't? charles schumer, for example, introducing himself in a way that has garnered a lot of attention. it will take a while to be fully
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done. >> i would say overall my impression was that washington was more subdued than i expected. you did have that little pocket of violent protests and it made for spectacular pictures. the number of protesters was not very large. the number of people by certainly the standards of recent history, attending the inaugural, was also not that large. the president did inject a lot of emotion, pugnacity, emotion into that speech. if there was any surprise to me from the day, it is that the president did a speech that could have taken place during the campaign. it was much of the same material that he drew from the campaign. and he was unbowed in promoting a nationalist vision of america's future that reflects the desires of his chief strategist, steve bannon, a populist, nationalist view.
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everything do i will do for you. and now we fess against the reality of governing. >> pugnacious. that's a great word. we'll pick up right where you left off in materials of him saying buy american, hire american. can you have that sort attitude in this very globalized economy? you're talking to multinationals on the s&p 500. dow components. >> that's the big risk, right? if you want to talk about what people are looking for when they were glued to the screen, how protectionist will it be? what does it mean for the multinationals? what does it mean for walmart? walmart will be squeezed from multiple sides. probably a wage increase but also higher goods costs from china. so as an investor, that's what you're looking for. to me it is unclear whether that will be a positive or negative.
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i can make the argument for both sides. and all day long i wanted to see if could i get an edge on it. i didn't get anything out of the speech. maybe out of executive orders that come out of the 24 hours. >> it was interesting, the ceo of nissan was quoted saying, we're businessmen, very practical. if the u.s. president will say, hire people in the united states. that's what we're going to do. we're in business to make money. so this pragmatism that's hitting the sweep. this is the new reality of things. >> and i think once again, he is talking to his base. he is talking to middle america. this is what resonates, other than people who live on coastal cities. he is talking on middle america. this is what resonates with that population. i think where the rubber meets the road. when you look at the emerging market. i think his rhetoric will be a lot worse than the reality of it all.
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i think these sectors, spaces, can move. >> a quick opponent. point. >> a lot of time they are reinforcing things they were already doing. japanese car companies making bmws and accords here. you have bmw and mercedes manufacturing cars here. >> options action special coverage of the inauguration continues. we'll take a quick break. stay tuned. hey nicole. hey! i just wanted to thank your support team for walking me through my first options trade. well, i feel pretty smart. well, we're all about educating people on options strategies. well, don't worry, i won't let this accomplishment go to my head. i'm still the same old gary. wait, you forgot your french dictionary. oh, mucho gracias.
6:11 am
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6:12 am
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in-app chat on thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade. welcome back to "options action" special coverage of the inauguration. let's get to hampton pearson who is live in washington, d.c. you saw first hand, front row, some of the protests. >> absolutely. our situation is ongoing even as we speak. just blocks away from the presidential viewing stand, you can see behind me. number one, the security force, the police force has more than doubled since our last report. they actually a few minutes ago had a dry run where they moved us en masse down the street. then we moved back. it does look like the police are prepared to at least try take back more of the street, if you will, from these protesters. literally thousands gathered in
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the area. of course, it is becoming nightfall as well. this situation continues. the protesters have calmed down, basically walking up to the front lines and get in the face of the police officers. the force has doubled. some of the officers appear to be having tear gas. many of them, as a matter of fact. we will wait and see. the situation here continues to unfold. back to you. >> hampton, it is very dark there and it is hard to tell. can you give us an idea of the presence of the protesters versus the presence of the police? it seemed in earlier shots, the police outnumbered the protesters there. >> well, that's a hard number to get at in terms of a lot of the protesters, frankly, too, there are a significant number of media. i will say this.
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among the protesters, you can tell there are people calling the shots in terms of when they would escalate their movement toward the police. throwing bricks earlier, setting the fires we've been reporting on. and then they, too, will pull back, if you will. but again, the numbers of the uniformed police and frankly what they're armed with has really escalated in the last half-hour. >> all right. thank you. in washington, d.c., monitoring the protests that are just a few blocks away from the scene that you're seeing on the left side of your screen. the viewing stands where the president and his family, the vice president and his family are taking a look at the inaugural parade as it goes by and starts to wind down. as dusk falls on the nation's capital. scott walker talked to one of them earlier and asked the person, what are you protesting? and he said nothing. he just didn't say a word.
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>> i think is it, we happen to lives in a news cycle that we have cameras at every street corner and eyes on everything. is it symbolic of everything? no. but i will say this. the country is probably as polarized as its been over the last eight to ten years. i don't know if that's good or bad for markets. the markets don't seem to care. i think regardless -- >> we saw that flip in the mid-term. the country was really polarized with health care. >> but there is no mandate here. the dems won by the popular vote and in the swing states where they won, they won by 1%. a lot of people don't think it is a legitimate win. when you consider the knowledge of the russian hacking. >> we can go back and forth over
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that. >> look at california and new york. >> it doesn't matter. >> the founding fathers knew better than you do. >> and your guy thought it was rigged. your guy thought it was rigged. right until november 8. 9:00 p.m. >> i want to get beyond this. the guy is president now. this is the reality that we have. >> so the reality is when you talk about the country being divided, there is clearly something going on with the rise of bernie sanders, president trump being elected. you can say no matter what side your on, the electorate is unhappy with the economy, whatever they're unhappy about. that will change one way or the other. i think as an investor looking at that, you have to say where are the things that will change? what will have the biggest impact? and i think you saw it today with john deere, all these names going to new highs. >> up next, with president trump
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officially in the white house, is dow 20,000 back on? the traders weigh in after this break. hey gary, what'd you got here? this bad boy is a mobile trading desk so that i can take my trading platform wherever i go. you know that thinkorswim seamlessly syncs across all your devices, right? oh, so my custom studies will go with me? anywhere you want to go! the market's hot! sync your platform on any device with thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor.
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6:20 am
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from this day forward, it will be only america first. america first. every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit american workers and american families. we must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries, making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. >> that was president trump's inauguration speech. this is "options action." he was talking about putting america first. could this put dow 20 k back on the table? >> i don't know. i look at that, in my life, family first.
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family first isn't always necessarily the best financial situation. putting america first, we talk about import taxing. that will be a head wind. i don't know 20 k next week. unless we get something really specific from him, that's a wild card out of him this weekend. i think we hang here for a period of time until we get very specific things out of his administration on what will change. >> remember, during his address, we saw the dow up by about a half percent. we saw the gains almost exactly in half. by the end of the day, it closed close to session highs. these are small moves on a point basis. this was happening as he was addressing america as president for the first time. >> and as protectionist as some might think it was, if you look at the mexico peso, you might have thought would it lose some ground but it gained some ground. for me, what i said all week, you give me a stable to weaker dollar, a relatively stable bond market, slowly interest rates going higher.
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then you want to buy the dips. we haven't had much of a dip. give me that next week. i think dow 20 k is not hard to reach. >> and later on top of the action. you add in, the vix got crushed today. >> we're talking about economic data, greater business enthusiasm. i think you can't forget about the fed. the fed will have a meeting on february 1st. another on march 15th. let's see what the pace of rate increases is. we have a ten-year close to 2.5%. that's the highest it's been in a long time. in may have 2013 it got to 3%. it was much lower back then. maybe the markets can deal with this gradual rate increase if we would price in greater increases. >> already we heard janet yellen say the other night, a few increases every year. that's out there at this point. >> we talk about volatility. you look at the vix. to me, there's a potential for
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it to go to single digits. nobody is talking about it. everybody is talking about going back to 23. what about the fact it could go down from here? nobody is expecting it. to answer your original question, listen, the s&p 500 is less than 1 half of 1%. i think we will ratchet higher. this market seems impervious to just about everything. a preview of next week's earnings. much more ""options action" after this. [pony neighing] what? hey gary. oh. what's with the dog-sized horse? i'm crazy stressed trying to figure out this complex trade so i brought in my comfort pony, warren, to help me deal. isn't that right warren? well, you could get support from thinkorswim's in-app chat.
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it lets you chat and share your screen directly with a live person right from the app, so you don't need a comfort pony. oh, so what about my motivational meerkat? in-app chat on thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade.
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hthis bad boy is a mobile trading desk so that i can take my trading platform wherever i go. you know that thinkorswim seamlessly syncs across all your devices, right? oh, so my custom studies will go with me? anywhere you want to go! the market's hot! sync your platform on any device with thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade welcome back to "options action." a number of big earnings out next week. mcdonald's, starbucks, biogen.
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are you buying or selling any of these names? what are you looking at? >> i'm looking at caterpillar 26. the management has themselves been more skeptical about the coming years than investors have been and i'm looking to see whether they will see it again. >> you want to get to dow 20,000 and tphas the dak new highs every day for nasdaq. look at thursday. google, microsoft. that's 20% nearly of the nasdaq 100. they put up beaten raises and the stock market is going higher. >> if they don't, the market rolls over. do i believe that there will be a pull back to buy. mcdonald's reports monday morning. i think it was 130 before it goes to 110. made that bet last week, and i'm sticking with it. >> they have all those new big macs. mac grand. they all taste the same is the bottom line. >> qualcomm on wednesday. sold off late today. do they address the ftc thing? for me, that's the most interesting.
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>> semiconductors today were phenomenal. >> take lead and see what they do. but biogen will be interesting. even though it is not going to be big in obamacare, or the repeal of it, it will have a collateral effect. >> do they talk about it. ? >> i think they'll talk about biotech in general. >> lochhead monday, boeing tuesday. big defense names. >> trump trades. >> i want to listen to the conference call and see what they have to say about the meetings we have this the president and how they're handling this. that will set the tone for me. >> you have a trade on for next week? >> an options trade for next week, i would be fading the move in caterpillar. i would sell call spreads there. >> how about you? >> i think, them maybe the vix can go down. >> when was the last time? it just happened. >> 2007 and then 93. >> i would say the notion of big gains, the idea of buying call and to find a risk makes a lot
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of sense. >> that does it for us on this historic inauguration day. "mad money" starts right now. >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for maxiclimber. to get a full-body workout, you could spend hours at the gym doing separate cardio and weight-training exercise. but here's a machine that combines a calorie-burning cardio workout with muscle-toning moves to help deliver the lean, sculpted body you love. it's the maxiclimber system, the fitness-program breakthrough that lets you climb your way to toned, shapely arms, climb your way to a rock-hard, sexy 6 pack, climb your way to a beautiful booty, and climb your way to leaner, shapelier legs. one machine engages your upper body, your lower bod


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