tv Mad Money CNBC February 2, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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not a long stint fighting with ralph lauren himself. i think there's something there but let it shake out a little bit. >> take this opportunity to buy weakness in financials citibank. go get it. >> see you for watching. "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain but to teach. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or s tweet me @jimcramer. how do you weigh the risk of volatility versus the reward of profitable investing? do you need to avoid the stock
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market altogether? >> sell, sell, sell. >> because we have a president with a different, more emphatic, and dare i say less predictable leadership style? or can you find a way to manage your portfolio despite the white house-inspired turbulence? that debate's become totally front and center now, hasn't it? all kinds of investors thinking about t. they're playing it out every day, including this day where the averages were all over the place. dow ultimately dipping six points. s&p declining 0.06%. nasdaq losing 0.11%. just consider this setup, people. let's say like me you want to own apple, not trade it in order to capture that $40 billion one-day gain pe had just in tuesday night's blowout quarter. bam, the president calls the australian prime minister, one of our closest allies, hangs up on him disgusted about a deal his predecessors struck to take in refugees. anything that distracts from
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trump's agenda makes apple and every stock that might benefit from the repatriation and lower corporate taxes less attractive. rough stuff. not for the squeamish. suppose you want to be in the semiconductors that are part and parcel of the internet of things, like nvidia or amd. such a fabulous theme. bam! the president talks about the nuclear option to ram through a supreme court nominee, there by pretty much assuring no democrat is going to join in and support his economic program. you want to own boeing because it had one of the best quarters of any stock in the dow. bam, the president tweets, iran was on the last legs and ready to collapse until the u.s. came along and gave it a lifeline in the form of the iran deal. hmm, that iran deal is what got boeing $16 billion worth of orders. that's a monumental piece of business. it's going to be big for the earnings. you got to ask yourself, is it
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even worth it to try to find a stock in this market? shouldn't you dump the stock exposure you have in your 401(k) and i.r.a., maybe put that money into cash? can you still even risk picking a winner in this market? my answer is no and yes. no, you shouldn't go to all cash with that retirement money unless you're on the version of needing it, in which case of course you can take some out. and, yes, you can still pick stocks, but they have to be part of a broader theme, a theme solid enough that it can trump, well, trump. otherwise, you'll just jet i son the stock when the tweeter in chief frightens you into selling, that will no doubt be atten inopportune time. why bother risking your retirement money? first, i'm a huge believer in knowing thiy self-. in 2000, i wasn't shy in telling you to get out of the market because i thought there was a fire burning in the theater.
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i made it very clear back in the dark days that if you needed money for any time in the next five years, issue just put it into cash. fortunately the late mark keynes convinced me the worst was over after we'd fallen about 5,000 dow points from my sell call. no one was ever better at spotting a crescendo bottom than hanes. his bottom calls were few and far between, his record impeccable. if you got out and got back in, up side stepped one of the worst declines in history. >> hallelujah. >> let's compare these critical moments to that one. a lot of people are scared here. back in 2008 i was worried about the possibility of what? a tweet? a couple of tweets? no, of an economic collapse of the whole nation, and there was a real reason to believe we might be on the verge of a financial apocalypse. atms not working, no money coming out, businesses collapsing. that's why they called it the great recession. now, though, the economy is
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doing just fine. maybe better than fine. employment is pretty good. we'll find out more tomorrow morning, but the risk here is political. you sell a stock off trump's australian phone call and then you get an explanation later, kind of a bit of an apology and suddenly you won zero what was i thinking about selling off that australian call. yes, his tweeting are jarring, but maybe it's just a style we got to get used to, just like we had to get used to the internet 20 years ago. i do think the possibility of big tariffs with our trading partners slash competitors can be viewed as suboptimal because, remember, our nation -- remember, think who we are. we're a net import nation, so we would end up paying a lot more for goods in return for some new manufacturing jobs. how many jobs? hard to quantify. jobs are great, but paying more is not great. both the math and the history indicate that across the board tariffs hurt our economy. that's not debatable. but targeted tariffs, when there's dumping like the one's president obama put on the chinese to save our still l steel industry, those make sense to me. same for those countries who
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manipulate those currencies lower. plus all these worries are weighed against the extremely positive possibility of an economic acceleration thanks to trump's agenda of deregulation, lower corporate taxes, repate re ax and large infrastructure spending that cuts in favor of investing. we're going to go over some of those themes with our guests tonight. so i come out here and say that as dangerous as it may seem to some of you, it's not like 2008-2009. political risk must never be confused with systemic risk. you want to raise some cash because we've had a big run, nobody ever got hurt taking a profit. you know that's one of our themes. however, i think a low-cost s&p 500 index fund, and please, when you go on twitter, which one, which one? they are pretty similar, but i don't think that should be abandoned here. that would be a mistake versus taking a longer term view. how about these individual stocks that we talk about? let's go back to the themes that can trump trump. in other words, things that are, in their own way -- >> trump stock, trump stock. >> because they can't be hurt by trump.
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first, you can't abandon the idea of buying high quality stocks with good fundamentals when they're cheaper than they should be because of wall street's blind spots. without this principle, you'd end up trading like a lunatic. selling apple when was down at 893. everyone hated it. then buying it back at 128. that's what happens when you abandon your core discipline and let emotion rule. second, we know the internet of things is not going away. in fact, it's accelerating thanks to the plethora of gadgets and devices from amazon's alexa to autonomous cars to the connected house. stick with it. don't flit in and out of an nvidia, a broadcom, an nxp semi. you believe in the social, you believe in the mobile, the cloud, artificial intelligence, machine learning. you think those are going away? no. then own an alphabet or an amazon or a facebook and don't bend with the wind like traders who dumbed facebook furiously
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today or an amazon tonight with the stock down big because of a lighter than expected forecast. you know what, people, these are chances to get in. yes, you got to let them come in a little bit, but not get out. don't be deterred with facebook just because snap file to go public today. you think there's room for only one? do you have any kids? how about one of my favorite things out there, the humanization of pets. i know because i got two dogs. they rule the roost. americans keep spending more and more money taking care of their cats and dogs, and that won't be impacted by an incendiary presidential tweeter executive order. idexx labs, the veterinary diagnostic play that we have talked about endlessly on this show rocketed up 13% today on a sharply better than expected quarter. if you sold this one because of politics, you're out of your mind. regardless of how you feel about our new president, this pet theme is powerful enough to trump trump. now, that doesn't mean you can go on the retailers or health
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care companies because you think his bark will be worse than his bite when it comes to a border tax that could crush retail profitability or reining in drug prices. plus retail is going against the dominance of amazon. no, this quarter didn't say it was over for amazon. not to mention how the iphone and its apps have made it so much easier to stay at home and get food delivered or pick it up for that matter, order ahead as we see when we speak to wing stop later this evening. the bottom line is we're investing in companies, not politics. plenty of companies are so profitable and so in control of their own destiny that you may have to just strap yourself to the mast so as to ignore the sirens of selling or the presidential tweets. sure, takes some profits now. if you can't take the pain, i get that. know thy self. even if it's a real gone zoe time out there, a total hunter s. thompson moment. you might want to google that
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one if you don't get the reference. it's just way too apt for me not to use it tonight. emily in arkansas, emily. >> caller: jim, your great staff makes it a pleasure to call in. >> they are great. they're on the phones all day. it's like they're selling insurance, they're so strong. they're just working for me. >> hallelujah. >> what's up? >> caller: i know you've been a fan of verizon and at&t. about a year ago, i bought verizon for the growth and dividend. after this last quarter, you seemed to be more concerned about verizon losing revenue to other companies. i have a small loss now and wanted your take on whether to keep my long term and give it more time or look for an opportunity to get into at&t or something else. >> i'm not going to flit in and out of verizon but i have to admit that john lezure at t-mobile and sprint, they've come on very strong and verizon needs to address that. they need to accelerate their growth. they need to take back what they're losing and not ruin
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their margins. but that yield is fine. it's not their time right now. they got to step up their game. verizon has got to get stronger. andy in california, andy. >> caller: hey, jimmy, how you doing? >> i am having a good day. how about you, partner? >> caller: excellent, thank you. hey, i'm a little concerned about starbucks stock prices. it's been taking a beating about the last ten days or so, and i understand it's a through put issue. however, everstar bucks i've ever been to, there's only so much space in the serving area, and cramming more employees isn't going to solve this problem. do you have confidence that the company is going to be able to figure this out? >> i think this is a great question because you're absolutely right. this thing is weighing on me like a millstone. my charitable trust owns it. we've been writing club members action alerts that we're okay with it. but i've got to tell you they have got to fix this problem of through put. they've got to make it so there's not some mosh pit when i go pick up my drink.
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that has to be fixed and it's got toing fixed now. it can't be fixed in the third quarter or the stock is going to go to the high 40s from the low 50s. you're right to be concerned. i'm not pounding the table right now. starbucks. mike in north carolina, mike. >> caller: big booyah to ya from a tar heel kra maniac. >> wow, i like both of those. nothing against the wolf pack. you got to be careful. what's going on? >> caller: my stock is raytheon. right after the election it had a nice pop to about 150. since that time it's trading mid-to high 140s. products really look like something this administration is going to utilize. is it time to take some profits and -- >> it was not a blowout quarter. it was not a blowout quarter. it was not a fantastic quarter like general dynamics had. general dynamics is now numero uno in that space. raytheon is okay. i'm not going to urge anyone to
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sell it. but general dynamics is my fave for new money. all right. it's all about the companies, baby, not the politics. there are plenty of solid ones out there but you've got to know thy self. you need to be able to strap yourself to the mast. on "mad money," we have the story of the today. we're not talking snap, no. not the app on your phone. one of the top brands in your toolbox put together an earnings beat today, but the stock took a huge hit. is it time to get your hands dirty with snap on or snap off. then beyonce's pregnancy announcement shattered the record for most liked instagram posts. but what does the hot content mean for parent company facebook, which was so hated today? i'm breaking down the numbers. and from the cup keeping your coffee hot to those boxes on the front porch from amazon, international papers behind the package. is today's decline the time to buy the stock? why don't you stick around and we'll find out. why don't you stick with cramer.
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ouch. did you see what just happened to the stock of snap-on, the maker of high end tools and diagnostic equipment for auto repair shops? this is a stock i've been recommending for years, but today snap-on traded more like snap-off, shares falling $13, 7% in the wake of the results the company reported earlier this morning. what makes this really bizarre to me is that when you look at the numbers, this certainly didn't seem like a disappointing quarter at all. if anything, i thought it looked pretty darn good. snap-on delivered a six cent earnings beat off a 2.41 basis, higher than expected revenue, expanding gross margins, up 150 base points.
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terrific organic growth. what's going on? when you see a stock down this badly you presume it's because they missed and missed badly. no. in the case of snap-on, you have to remember this stock tends to sell off after earnings regardless of how strong the results are. the other part of the pattern, eventually investors realize this is a great american company, the kind that could have the potential to thrive under the trump administration and the stock starts making its comeback. is this simply snap-on following its usual trajectory or should we be more concerned? let's check in with the chairman and ceo get a better sense of the quarter. welcome back to "mad money." >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> we detected the pattern. the stock had a big run. it did. it sells off. let's go over some of the things that i read in the conference call. >> sure. >> you mentioned that your repair systems and information, very key important line. >> right. >> the division, registered low single digit organic increase and you said that, well, perhaps this is mixed results across north america.
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was that some people didn't like? >> well, no, i don't think so. i think the thing about that business is there was mixed results in the undercar equipment business, the aligner business and the tire balancer business and so on. but if you actually focus on the diagnostic business, which everybody is talking about the future of car repair, we were up more than double digits. we were up double digits. >> that's important because the business we focus on here. >> one of the cool things about this quarter, we were very encouraged by this quarter. everybody knows that snap-on hand tools is the best. >> right. >> every wants them. but people wonder if the new product, the torque or diagnostics are going to -- we're going to win that battle as that becomes more important. well, diagnostics was up double digits. >> that's what matters. you're a transparent company. for instance, you say commercial industrial group, missed but overall positive. i mean you're not a hype artist. you tell it as it is. >> no. >> and we just count the things that you say are mixed. we say, maybe he thinks it's a mixed quarter.
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>> well, commercial industrial is the industrial business. in the industrial business, military was up, power generation was up. heavy duty truck was up. the education, the seed corn was up. aerospace was down, and you know, oil and gas was down. but on balance, that business was up -- grew began 2.5%. better than a poke in the eye with a stick. >> dollar a little strong. obviously hurt the results. you mentioned that. >> exactly. >> dollar's been down now for a while. >> you talked about the e.p.s. the e.p.s. was up 11%. we're been beating by double digits for more than a dog's age, and that had five cents of currency headwinds. another thing you talked about, you see everything on this table? made in america. >> let's talk about that. >> what does trump mean for snap-on if he gets his agenda of taxes? what does it mean for -- i got a good one for you -- deregulation. the e.p.a. put this small inat the time compliance guide, h. your customers have been killed.
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>> exactly. our small businesses, are garages are being killed. that will help. the whole idea -- see, snap-on is all about the pride and dignity of the american worker. that's what we celebrate, and that's what's at the base of our mojo. >> right. >> our businesses are really based in america sales. >> he was with harley-davidson today, which is a great american company that's been hurt by dumping. you guys have not been hurt by dumping. no one is in your category. i wish you would speak to him and tell him because you have the panoply of small business. people need capital to become a franchise. they need capital to have one of these small outlets. >> exactly. >> and yours is someone i have to believe that can thrive in this environment. >> right, the small businesses are all very positive about this. the whole idea is whether you're talking about president trump or any other president, the fact that a president would pay attention to the welfare of business and equate the welfare
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of business to the welfare of the american people is an important thing. >> it's fresh, isn't it? >> it is fresh. it is fresh. it's an old concept but it's really true. when that happens, our people get excited. that's why we believe small business in general and auto repair in particular is booming in this period. >> it's really always important. we're doing a lot of stuff about the internet of things, more and more technology in cars. impossible for a guy to just go in and open up a shop without your kind of diagnostics. that's why it's double-digit. >> exactly. that's the thing. we have a range here from the most -- this is the most expensive and the most sophisticated. you can fix anything. the intermittent stuff down to the technician stuff, the little small stuff. >> not made in china. >> not made in china. some right here in the united states. and we added a new category. the thermal imageer. i talked about it the last time. this thing sold out. sold out again. >> and these aren't cheap. >> they aren't cheap. the list price is like 1,400
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bucks. >> right. >> and yet it's a very, very big aid. for example, the diagnostic will tell you that one of the engine cylinders is off, but you don't know which one. you put this baby on and you see which one is heating up. you fix that one and you don't have to go through and hunt for it. it sold out because it's a great new category. >> okay. >> so people wonder whether snap-on can be ascended in diagnostics and torque, the products of the future. double-digit in the quarter. >> my feeling is that you've given repeated double-digit gains every time you've been on, and it's gotten hit and this time will be no different. snap-on tools, they just gave you an opportunity. i think you should take it. "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, when it comes to packaging and paper, it pays to think outside the box. but even after besting estimates, shares of international paper are getting shredded. is this reaction warranted? cramer asks the ceo when "mad money" returns. se
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. look, it's no skin off my back if you want to go sell the stock of facebook like everybody else seemed to do today. i just want you to hear why we tell members of the club, which follows my charitable trust, to own it, because facebook has perhaps the best business model i've ever seen. what defines a good business model to me? when you have an amazing product that's beloved and in demand worldwide, and it costs very little to produce and has no serious competition. that, my friend, is facebook. why do i say that? first, quality content you want to look at costs fortunes to develop. i know this. i'm in the content business, have been for decades. the single biggest worry investors seem to have about anyone in the content game is
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runaway costs. facebook, though, you cover the cost of content. you. the paradigm's upside down. they simply distribute it and make money off it. what a business. in fact, the more content you make, the more the advertisers clamor for it. facebook's biggest issue if you ask me, i wonder if they have enough salespeople to handle all the business coming their way. talk about a high-quality problem. how much business? for this quarter, they had advertising revenues of $8.63 billion, up 53%. much better than the number wall street was looking for. they have an extraordinary 64% gross margin, what they make after the cost of goods. a phenomenal figure. why do advertisers love it so much? one word. engagement. facebook has 1.23 billion daily active users, daus, including the coveted younger demographic of 40 million daily active users on instagram. i know that beyonce announcement was blowing up on my feed. in case you're wondering if snap
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can take them on -- and we'll will sell facebook to buy snap. that's what they do. they got 158 million daily actives. this is not a zero sum game. pie growing like mad. here's what steams me. when you see earnings like facebook delivered last night, you can extrapolate that company might earn about six bucks a share this year, maybe seven next year. this is a company with revenues that are growing at 53%, and it sells at just 19 times next year's earnings. even if you gave the stock a ridiculously low prices earnings multiple of just half its growth rate, the stock would be worth $175, up $45 from where it's currently trading. so what's the deal? why isn't it doing what i'm saying? how come investors aren't paying that now? three reasons. first, they don't think it's sustainable because it's all based on ad spend. second, the company raises forecast for how much it's going to spend to handle all its customers and user demand, and some investors hate that kind of thing. third, a lot of people seem to
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view this hard nosed company and some hippy outfit run by dreamers. let me refute each. first, remember when apple was viewed as a one product company, just some device. oh, well, it turns out that product has a lot more revenue away from the device. so will facebook. two, spending to meet demand as they're doing, that's what you want. you want them to spend. you want them to meet demand. three, these are the smartest guys in the room. i'm sorry, they are. they're firing the puck not at where the man is but where he's going to be. they know video is where it's at and cell phones will soon be running on 5g networks. when that happens, advertisers will go nuts for what zuckerberg and company are going for. they just don't know it yet. don't believe me? please go ask your kids. see what they want. so feel free to sell one of the cheapest stocks in the market. please, do it. pleads, get out of the darn stock. go dump one of the great stories. i don't give a darn. my charitable trust sure isn't selling and so many others have
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been spooked out or tried to spook me out of it since it was the 20s. facebook is the rare company with incredible prospects that still sells a a pretty low valuation. there aren't many of those, and as it goes down in the next couple of days, which it will -- that's been the pattern -- i think you'd be nults to pass it up. austin in new jersey, austin. >> caller: hey, jim, booyah. >> booyah. >> caller: my question is about a holding that i have in microsoft. i was just wondering what you thought of future potential of this stock after the earnings beat last week. >> i thought that was a monster good quarter. they need salesforce. that would be game, set, match. i thought that was a great quarter. it's been overlooked because of the selloff in tech. i was even thinking about it for the charitable trust. stephanie in new jersey, stephanie. >> caller: hey, jim, booyah. i have a question about -- is now a time to invest or should i
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wait to hear about earnings? >> you know what, i actually think it is. we had to avoid it because the shorts were pressing it down. they're still there. they're still there. 27% short position. here's what you do. when they report, they'll be down there, and they're going to hit it and hit it and hit it. that's your moment. facebook, one of the greatest stories of all time. it's that simple. you can look at the action and say, oh, must be bad. that's what jokers do. do you know any other company that future's bright? much more "mad money." if it's packed and shimmed, chances are it's from international paper. the stock took a hit. nobody likes that one either. opportunity? don't mice my exclusive. then 1.3 billion chicken wings will be devoured during this week's big game. i got one company that can help curb usual appetite and your hunger for profits. and all your calls rapid fire in tonight he aedition of the lightning round. so stick with cramer! rs uunderw.
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in the aftermath of the election, the cyclical stocks caught fire as investors anticipated that a trump white house in combination with republican congress could really get the economy growing sustainably again. take international paper, ip, the number one maker of corrugated packaging in north america as well as coated paper board. here's a stock that ran from $44 on election day up to nearly $58 last week. things were so good that even when international paper announced an explosion of one of its mills in florida, no one got hurt, thank haefngs, the caught stock two upgrades.
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that's what strength looks like and it makes perfect sense. nothing is more cyclical in paper, and international paper is doubling down with its $2.2 billion access of ware housers pulp division. at first it was because people started realing there were political risks to the president's agenda. i think it's likely to pass. but it might take longer than we thought a couple weeks ago. then international paper reported this morning and the stock got slammed. it fell three bucks, more than 5%. why? hard to tell frankly. first glance, the company posted a two cent earnings beat off a 71 cent basis, higher than expected revenues although underneath it was less couraging, 16.5% decline in consumer packaging sales. management listed a whole number of things that could hurt their performance in 2017, including rising input costs. this was a beat. so we need to wonder is this something to be concerned about, 0 is this a buying opportunity for a pretty high quality cyclical. let's take a closer look with mark sutton, the chairman and ceo of international paper, to
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find out more about the company and where his company is headed. mr. sutton, welcome back to "mad money." >> hi, jim. thanks for having us on. happy to be here. >> i have to admit i was baffled. you got the price increase. you might have another. business is pretty darn good around the world, and yet at the same time, some people worried about input costs. other people worried about some business lines being a little slower. could you perhaps put it in a better context so that we don't fear that something is really wrong at international paper with the stock down three today. >> that's a great question. i think you kind of mentioned it in your opening comments. really the reset of the 2017 expectations, bottom line is we're just coming off of a lower spot than i think most people had in their models from 2016, and it has to do with this margin squeeze that occurred in the second half of the year. we had input costs rising. we were able to -- so what we talked about this morning was several catalysts in the company
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that we see line in sight. i think it's off of a lower base than what was in the prior models. the quarter was a beat as you mentioned. generated strong cash flow last year. seven years in a row of returns above our cost to capital. second year with our returns 200 basis points above our cost to capital. so it's a strong company. we're very positive on our future. i think we had a little level setting to do with the forward look. >> as someone who used to trade stocks for a living, you quote a couple of upgrades right before the quarter. if you read them, they weren't saying this was going to be a blowout. they were talking about how 2017 is a clear road map of price increases. i think people got too bulled up so to speak thinking they were trying to signal an upside prize, but you were never signaling that from the presentations that i've read. >> obviously we look at our business on the long term and what really matters in i.p. is
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the fundamentals of our american consumer for our box business. for the new business you mentioned, which is the fluff pulp business that we doubled the size of our business with the acquisition of ware howser. that's a global market and that has to do with the gdp capita around the world and as people can afford those products, their lifestyle products that help make people's lives better. all the fundamentals for boxes in the u.s., fluff pulp growing at 5% is very positive for our business in the long term. that's how we see it. >> how about the input costs? you did say several time it could be a little higher than people think. >> what's happening on input costs, jim, it's two major areas and it's mostly a judgment issue. in the area of energy, we saw energy prices rise. natural gas went up toward the end of the year. and for us, a little unique input material for our industry, recovered fiber, old boxes we bring back into the stream, which is a huge part of sustainability story.
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90% of boxes are recycled back into the stream. that's a commodity, and the price for that commodity has started to rise relatively quickly, partially on a demand pull from china. so when you have that happen, it can squeeze margins until price increases flow through. >> how about that decline in consumer packaging? i know it's been under pressure for years, but that seemed like a big dropoff. >> the biggest issue we had with our consumer packaging business is we make a high-end paper board for the really high-end packages for pharmaceuticals and perfumes and things like that. we also had a huge export position. that export position partly due to the strong dollar, partly due to product substitution, has been under pressure for a few years. so our core business that we do in the u.s., for example, cups, coffee cups and food containers, still doing very well and growing very nicely. the biggest issue we have is we got a little bit of pressure on the product that we export. >> let's talk about the new president. lower corporate taxes perhaps.
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really kind of focused on trying to get it so american companies hire again. what's your impression? will it matter ? how much can the government do to help you? >> i think there's two things that matter for international paper. a strong u.s. economy because we're such a consumer-driven economy, will mean good business for our customers, which then means good business for us because their products need to be packaged. i think a lower corporate tax rate, we're for that. we believe it needs to be comprehensive, and we think that would help the competitiveness of a number of manufacturing industries. again, many of whom are our customers. then as far as regulatory environment, every industry has its own set of issues of regulations that are issues for them to expand and hire more people. an example for our industry is the fact that we generate 70% of our energy by burning wood biomass, a by-product from the
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wood processing. we need that to be declared carbon neutral. we're not buying energy in a big way from the fossil fuel grid. those are the kinds of things we get hung up with the epa and other areas and we need to move on. >> did you tell that to president trump? >> absolutely. very directly in the meeting i was in a week and a half ago. i was encouraged that there was a lot of engagement on some of these issues and we'll see what the follow-up looks like. >>. are you happy with the weyerhaeuser acquisition at this point? >> absolutely. we got 2,000 fantastic people. several of the products that are on your set, really innovate products that are taking renewable natural resources, making products that are obvious like baby diapers and some not so obvious like products that help make garments and other items as well as high-tech materials and fibers that go into the auto industry. so very good patent portfolio. super assets.
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most importantly, a tremendously talented team of people. >> last question comes from my daughter, wants to know anyone that would use styrofoam? why are they not switching to paper instead of plastic? >> so it's a great question, and i can't speak for the people that are using styrofoam. i can speak for the fact that the value proposition of fiber-based products, especially for the convenience items, is a tremendous value proposition, jim. if you just think about it, we start with a renewable natural resource, wood fiber, recovered and free fiber. trees that are planted for that purpose. we make the product. in making the product, we generate most of our own energy. and in many cases, the end us product is recycled back into the stream. it's a tremendous value proposition, and i think we should see people using more of it. >> i think it's going to happen because that's the way of the future. mark sutton, chairman and ceo of international paper. thank you. >> thank you, jim. >> you're getting an opportunity. what can i say?
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it is time! it is time for the lightning round on cramer's "mad money." that's where i take your calls rapid fire. you tell me the name of the stock. i tell you to buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. we'll play this sound -- [ buzzer ] -- and then the lightning round is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? it's time for the lightning round on cramer's "mad money." let's start with michael in illinois, michael. >> caller: booyah from chicago. >> nice. >> caller: my stock is dominion resources, down over 5% yesterday. >> they did pre-announce a not as good quarter. i was quite surprised. it was not a good omen. that said, i think they have been consistent enough to give them a benefit of the doubt. a 4.21% yield, buy, buy, buy. let's go to bernard in my home state of new jersey, bernard. >> caller: hey, booyah, jim. >> booyah. >> caller: first of all, i just want to thank you for all that valuable information and insight you gave us this evening. >> thank you. >> caller: information we can stand. >> that's what i want.
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context. >> caller: my question is about -- >> huh? >> caller: it seems to be jumping up and down. >> oh, die link, you can do it on earnings or do it on takeover. what can i say? i like both. i'm going to ian in pennsylvania, ian. >> caller: thanks for taking my question. >> of course. >> caller: hey, jim, i'm 25. i have some traditional retirement investments. a few infrastructure stocks. i wanted to ask you specifically about your opinion on the value of titan international. >> titan is a good stock here. that does fit the depiction. now, remember, you're picking up on a spike. it reminds me of international paper. you got to let that thing come down a little, a couple percent. get a little of the fluff out of it. let's go to troy in california, troy. >> caller: hey, jim, looking at california resource corporation. >> no, that one's done.
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won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount,
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sauce to go long in the food space, or will the jam-packed sector fry their ambitions? the last couple months have been very rough time for restaurants, especially the casual dining cohort. i got to wonder is there anything that can help them beat the gravitational pull of this market? consider wing stop, the chain with more than 1,000 locations that is all about quicken wings and sports. with the super bowl coming up this weekend, you expect these guys to put up some strong numbers. it's one of the fastest growers around. this stock has had a short but tumultuous history. it came public a year and a half ago. the stock needed to come down a bit before i get interested. over the next six months, that's what happened. ultimately in 2016, they rallied 45% after a big dip. lately it's been under pressure. can the big game snap wing stop out of the funk or does the
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consumer just hate dining out these days or taking it in even? let's dig deeper with charlie morrison, the president and ceo. mr. morrison, welcome back to "mad money." >> great to be back, jim. >> charlie, i got to tell you, there was a presentation you gave. it's called the icr conference where i was kind of thinking when i finished it, what i want to do is stop doing this and own a bunch of wing stops. can you explain the economics of why people want to own a wing stop and how that drives your earnings? >> sure, you bet. as you know, we're a company that's almost all franchise, 98% of our restaurants are franchised. for our franchisees, we've developed what we believe is one of the best unit economic mods mz in the industry. our sales to investment ratio is three to one, and our average unit volumes exceed $1.1 million. in a 1,700 square foot restaurant footprint, that yields fantastic margins for our franchisees, great returns on their investment, between 35%
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and 40% unlevered cash on cash returns. so they keep growing. that's exactly how we've green. >> because of that, you just crossed a thousand, and you have ambitions to do 2,500. when i hear those economics, which means a very quick big payback, it seems likely that you can meet those goals. >> yeah, i think we can. as you mentioned, we just cleared 1,000 restaurants. in 23 years in our history. there are only 42 chains that we know of that have achieved this milestone of 1,000 restaurants and only a handful as quickly as we have. that is a great testament to the unit economic model. i think it also says we have a very portable brand. we're not just in one part of the country. we're all over in 40 different states across the u.s. plus five countries around the world. we've got a long way ahead of us. >> you have been very creative in your digital advertising. are you start going to doing national? you're in 40 states after the super bowl. is it a gimmick that you're also on alexa, or has that been working? amazon reported tonight, and i
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think amazon has got a lot of things they're doing right. tell us what that means. >> well, i think it means a lot to not only to our brand but for the industry. it's an opportunity for us to really engage in voice activated technologies. we're just getting started. we just rolled this out, and as we noted when we rolled this out, our offering allows the customer to use the entire menu, not just a set product or something you've ordered before. but you can actually navigate the entire wing stop men grew and place your order. we believe that's where the future is, and we're always going to try and stay ahead of the game to make sure we're bringing relevant technologies to consumers. this is just one example. >> let's talk about the category of wings. this seems to be a still growing category with many different -- very ethnically diverse group of people like wings, and it also seems to me that you have captured the zeitgeist. people really want to not be at a restaurant. they want to take it out. they want to be at home. they want the whole idea of having -- you know, having the wings, watching the game, watching netflix. you fit into that new paradigm.
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>> we do. that's how we've built our brand. 75% of our business is takeout. it's executed out of a very small footprint but very efficient for not only our business but also for our guest. so development of new technologies, the advent of online ordering into our business is really driving our business. we noted that at the end of the third quarter, we exited the quarter at 19% of our revenue coming in through an online channel, and that's continued to grow year in and year out, and we expect that number to grow continuously in the future. >> i think it's also important that you tell our viewers, because i really like this story, how committed you are to shareholders and one of the ways you show that is the special dividend. >> we do. last year we demonstrated that. in fact, it's been about every five quarters in our history that we've been able to provide a special dividend to our shareholders. we returned roughly 10% of the market cap of the company back to our shareholders last year, and with a concept like ours,
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which is asset-like, we generate a lot of cash, our primary objective right now is to return that capital back to the shareholder. >> well, you got a great story. i mean i have to tell you, you had a big private equity. you had a lot of stock concentrated with one guy. that's all gone. this is just the kind of stock to own in this market. you're a good man. charlie morrison, president and ceo of wingstop. great to see you, sir. >> thank you, jim. appreciate it. >> i like this business model very much. it does feel like dominoes a few years. ago. wingstop. sting with cramer.
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here's some advice. let them sell amazon down. let them hit it big. let them hit facebook down. these are the guys who told you to sell apple at 93, 95, right? what did that do for you? was that a good call? yeah. i like to say there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer, and i will see you tomorrow!
7:00 pm
narrator: on this episode of "secret lives of the super rich"... get a serving of luxury inside a tequila magnate's $50 million mansion that holds a seriously lavish subterranean surprise. there's a man cave right underneath our feet? ed: yes, sir. then raise the bar with this whiskey that's so unique, it goes for $35,000 a bottle. next, party on down to the florida keys in a multimillion-dollar speed boat that's been custom-designed to look like a lamborghini. i wanted to do something that was a little over-the-top. narrator: and check out how the current owners of cher's favorite former home have turned it into an over-the-top $85 million estate.
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