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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  March 10, 2017 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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>> i'm not saying the 2.6 on the ten years. the bond market has not thrown up, excuse the phrase, all over it. >> we'll see. have a great weekend. thank you for joining us on "closing bell." "fast money" begins right now. live from the nasdaq market site overlooking new york city times square. tonight, a tough week for twitter just got even worse. we've got the details on a new study that says bots are taking over the social media he platform. plus, couldn't get a piece of the snap ipo? you are in luck. we'll tell you how you can get paid to buy it at a discount. who doesn't want that? later this tech sector hitting its best. we've got the details. first we start out with what
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could be a major warning sign for stocks. we've got crude oil lower for the fifth day in a row falling to the lowest level since november 29th. the ten-year wield also lower. what's wrong this picture? stocks still managed to tend day higher. how long can this last? is crude sending a warning sign to the market? could stocks start to follow oil lower? >> i don't think so. i think the dollar, and the treasury bond curve are reacting to numbers that looked on the headline that they're very good. you still have the same wage problems. you have job growth on confidence but the reality of there being any new impact on the numbers. this isn't a political statement. just the reality. the numbers the same old numbers. the labor market is getting tighter but people aren't earning more money. the dow is weaker because of the euro. at least there's some rumblings that they could begin tightening even before they start pulling back. to put that into the context of
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markets. lower dollars could be coming out of it. >> so the massive oil decline in your view is not a reflection of fundamentals. it's been pushed around. >> be clear. demand on oil is fine. it is a shale issue, opec saying they won't necessariory push the second half cut. >> i agree with tim. it is a supply issue. we've seen the accounts going up. that speaks to supply. i think opec, i think timmy is right. i don't believe it is a demand problem. i don't think we'll see significant changes in demand. a year ago at this time, this type of five-day move would have been a disaster. yet it is a secondary thought. we saw the oil drop or crash, the last time was to help the consumer out. we might get a little of that cushion. i think that's why the market is not reacting to it. i would say of all those things. watch the bond market. that's the biggest threat that we have to this rally. we were at 260.
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that's a 30-year down trend break. you break. that it depends on how fast it moves to. me, that's the big threat. >> i think that the markets are adjusting. they're rotating. everything with it markets, we're impressed with the jobs number profl growth policies or perspective. that's what keeps the market moving higher. oil, that's a problem. for the complex. for everything but service names. oil is going to be oversupply for quite some time. i think that saudi-iran deal. people talk about facebook being the top of the market. people talk about twitter being the top of the market. people talk about snap being the top of the market. i think saudi. >> rt saudi, this is likely the biggest deal that we've seen
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ever. and it forces to get this trade nicely. you have to think there will be a concerted huge effort which would mean some sort of floor on oil. >> i think that's the top in the market. i think the deal is the top in the market. >> so i think the opec cut. i think it's a problem for oil. but i think it is the idea of the deal. maybe people getting ahead of it already. >> the concept that it is a reason why oil markets have been supported right to. say that the politics of oil changed at all just because opec, if anything, we've established there's open everything and nonopec compliance. russia was probably one of the biggest producers with the most swing. when business u.s. shale, we're back near all time highs. we're 9.5 billion barrels a day.
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the shale, the delta, where all the growth is coming from. to say the market can flood rest of the world. >> why wouldn't russia have been on board? russia has a vested interest. the russian economy depends on it. >> you're telling never u.s. can blow out the entire oil market for the world. alone by their production. >> i think the saudis have potential to blow it out. of course. when you look at the deregulation, there will be drilling, fracking, digging, anything. >> opec has controlled the oil market forever. as far as i'm concerned they are obviously trying to hold market share. that was what was going on. now they're trying to hold prices. they're a disaster if they change on that policy right in mid stream. we expected the u.s. to come back. >> here's what i want to know. after a week in which energy stocks were the worst performing sector in the world and, after this big decline in oil, are you
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a buy? >> no. i don't think they're a buy. if you want the dividend. we might be down another $10 or so in oil. if you want a dividend, go with exxonmobil. that's likely still going. >> this is a lot of noise and we've been doing this a long time in the oil market. with cheaper oil prices, the spreads are getting better. the refine were already in play. >> if it's not crude that takes down market, it could be something else. today's he strong jobs number like you seal the rate like by the fed next week. let's bring in the head of the janet yellen fan club. peter? we have some audio sloos. >> he thought we disconnected him. >> been on purpose. we're working on it.
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we'll bring peter in in just a moment. what was interesting, we saw march is a slam-dunk. most people think that by now. a lot of firms have moved up the next rate like expectations or added another rate like to this year. >> as they should. i don't think she should put the brakes on the rally. not she, the economy is improving. home run all of that is supporting, that and hope of big regulation. >> so good news is good news for now. >> look. we're all concerned that we look back at the history, the fed has been squashing rallies for generations. >> peter is back. we did not disconnect you. >> we did but we didn't mean to. >> you're unofficial president of the janet yellen fan club. do you think a rate like next week will put the briakes on th rally? >> the first time in 2015, the
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blarkts given the all clear and then we tanked. we got off to the worst start in history. then fed backed off and didn't raise rates an entire year. when they raised rates last year, it was in the middle of trump mania. so they got a pass. this is a gigantic bubble. it has gotten a lot bigger since trump was elected. eventually the air will come out of bubble. so this rate like, if it's not this one it will be something else. you were talking about oil prices and the economy. look at atlanta fed is now looking for 1.2%, first quarter gdp. it was 3.4%. we are dangerously close to a recession in this country. demand for gas celioline is dow so you're reading the data, you're looking at oil prices and decline over the past few days as evidence that there is a slowdown in the u.s. economy?
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that is the result of a slow down? >> there's a lot of evidence. if you look below the window dressing, look what happened in retail sales. that can be the beginning of a huge trend why. are retailers laying off so many peel? because americans are shopped out. loaded with credit card debt. they're buried under auto debt and student loans. a lot of retailers are going bankrupt and these minimum wage likes we're getting around the country are going to expedite the job losses. >> you told me a couple years ago that rates were going to the moon. now you say we're going to go into recession. say what you banwant, manufactug jobs and goods prougs jobs are at their best levels this month since 2000. you get back to the pmis, the services sector, and you can't say this is an economy that's
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sputtering. if anything, the fed would not be making the noise they're making. too much at risk. >> well, we just frinltd highest trade deficit in five years. we have the highest inflation in five years. it doesn't sound like things are on track. janelett yell quleen is trying t a positive spin on everything. the economy has barely been growing. i think if the government were more bhohonest, we would have s we are already in a recession. that's why trump was elected. the economy was so weak, people voted for him. the markets will have to come to grimes with this. the fed wants to pretend the economy is doing well but look how long interest rates were at zero and look how long they barely raised them. >> where rates were and why they were is yesterday's story. the fact is, look around the world. global expansion. you can't deny it. the fact rates are moving higher
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is a function of that. not just the u.s., by the way. >> last quick word of. >> it's rising inflation. and inflation will go a lot higher and eventually that will push the interest rates up. that's not reflation. it is inflation. look at the dollar. >> that was the other -- >> and meanwhile, foreign stock markets, emerging stock markets are beating the markets this year and last year. foreign markets are beat the u.s. market every year of the trump presidency. >> we shall see. thank you. >> you're more in that camp. >> at some point you have rising rates. if the economy the is not improving as fast, yes, that concerns me. we could get a cascade where rates go toward 3%. and then the atlanta fed gdp.
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so there's a disconnect. ten-year rates supposed to match what the economy is doing so it concerns me. if we do get a much higher inflation than what we have, that will eat into corporate earnings. >> how many twitter followers do you have? it may be less than you think, or fewer, i should say. plus, speaking of social media, how would you like the get paid to buy shares of snap? who wouldn't? we'll explain how to do that later on. and later, the chart master is here and he has one stock that he says is about to come back to life.
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what are you doing? getting your quarter back. fountains don't earn interest, david. you know i work at ally. i was being romantic. you know what i find romantic? a robust annual percentage yield that's what i find romantic. this is literally throwing your money away. i think it's over there. that way? yeah, a little further up. what year was that quarter? what year is that one? '98 that's the one. you got it! nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. ally. do it right. let's get out of that water.
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welcome back. i'm eamon javers at the white house. preet, has been asked to resign by the trump administration. he was asked to resign this afternoon by the department of justice. there comes as part of a housecleaning of sorts by the department of justice for u.s. attorneys broadly, 46 presidentially appointed u.s. attorneys asked to resign today.
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this is a fairly standard operation when administrations turn over. but bharara had a meeting in november in trump tower. he emerged from the meeting at the time and said he was asked to stay on. he had met with jeff sessions. at the time, he said he asked that i stay on so i expect i will be continuing. something apparently has changed between november and today. it is not clear exactly what. it is possible he may be brought back in, reappointed by this administration or simply that the administration has changed its mind. we're doing a little more reporting to figure out what's going on behind the scenes. >> coincidentally, he started his personal twitter handle just last week. er if he had one as attorney general and then he starts a new one on his own, you have to wonder. >> i think it is more a product of maybe going out with obama's
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administration. >> even though he was asked twice to stay on? >> we don't know how this will turn out. he is a very well respected man. he has a great track record. if you look at the headlines, the man who terrifies wall street. there are a lot of headlines. will we don't know the details but i'm sure it is nothing unscrupulous. >> isn't that a great guy to have sflaunaround? he's been out there chasing people are breaking the law. i think he's done a great job. moving on. twitter could be face swhag, facing a bot take over. >> they could be bot from the university of southern california which found between 9 and 15% of twitter's 319 million monthly users could be bots, which means run by computers instead of by humans. at the high end of the estimates, that's with 20
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million more botts than twitter estimated in an s.e.c. file last month. which said up to 8.5% of all active accounts contacted twitter services without any user initiated action. twitter said not all bots are bad or fakts. they often have negative connotations but many are extremely beneficial like those that alert peep of natural disasters or from a customer service point of view. but they also point to the down side of bots say that some copy human behavior or some promote terrorist propaganda and recruitment. twitter made an attempt to take down illegal activity on twitter with a number of ways for users to report violations, including impersonation accounts and spam. >> thank you very much. is this really, i think some of us suspect there are some bots
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out there. not all of our followers are real followers. >> i actually have about three followers. >> when you take a look at the monthly active user, dput goesn that help? >> i think it is not that inconsistent from others. if they're doing it on twitter, they're doing it elsewhere. i think this is a nonevent from the investment thesis. >> can't a bot be be active daily? >> i think, you can't tell me people haven't been very skeptical about the total maus and mau growth. it doesn't change anything about it. >> the stock resilient. >> the brand is not helped and i'm still a holder of twitter but it does not help the story. >> breaking down below 16 is
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very important for the stock. this doesn't look good. it has been slipping. >> coming up, it is a bad day for bit coin. in the meantime, here's what else is coming up on "fast." >> lose money in snap? we have a way to get some of it back using options. we'll explain. plus, the worst performing dow stock in the past year. and here's a hint. ♪ i'd like the buy the world a home ♪ and furnish it with love >> and there's something in the trees that suggest now might be the time to buy. we'll tell you what that is.
5:21 pm
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we've got a market flash on b bitcoin. >> reporter: the s.e.c. rejected the rule change that would have faifd way for winklevos to trade. the decision throwers probability of the two other etfs looking to list on the stock exchange. now ahead of the decision, the virtual has been rallying. some skeptics said it was unlike i it would be approved given generally conservative approach. plus, unlike equities and bonds, bitcoin is still not subject to any regulatory body. >> thank you very much. does this tell me if i'm a
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person looking at the price action? >> you have to cut through all this. the reason the s.e.c. rejected it is they said bitcoin markets, the exchanges themselves are too immature to handle that. this is an emerging technology. a lot of trading volume takes place outside the and u.s. the s.e.c. felt they couldn't monitor itself on in situations like, there i'm honestly a big fan of bitcoin. has the investment thesis broken? and unequivocally, no. it has not broken on this. bitcoin has tremendous utility. so what they did say at the very end. we get some regulated exchanges. we would revisit this and it would like i get approved i'm a buyer of it here. >> remember, we had peter schiff on. that was a great debate. he was pro gold and you're pro
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bitcoin. >> another would you rather moment? >> yeah, yeah. given the pullback. >> i think the technology, no question there is a place for it in the world. i'm not investing in it right now of. >> i wonder if it is beneficial for gold. i wonder if you see the gold pop. >> let's shift gears. the days are getting longer. spring is around the corner despite what the calendar might suggest. we're picking stocks and spring ahead. get it? >> have you ever been down big. all the way to 213%. i think you can protect yourself at 18 and get long the rsx here. >> yes. in the beaten down, hope it comes out from under the dirt. dsw. the retail space, wait till spring, march 21. they're reporting next week, you
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might want to wait and see. >> so spring time is a time for renewals, fresh starts, new beginnings. viacom. they're going through new beginnings. >> i've been on this forever. pulte. stay on it. >> all right. "options action" on after this. your insurance company
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hey there. the guys are getting ready behind me. while they're dog doiing that, here'ses what coming up. >> they're here! >> yes, they are. snap options are finally here and we'll show you how to use them to get your money back. plus -- >> but coke investors haven't had much to smile about in the past year. there's something in the charts that suggests that might change. we'll explain. ♪


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