tv Fast Money CNBC March 20, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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not much to gain except his reputation. >> and the definition of insider trading has been fluctuating. it is going to stick around as an area for the prosecutors. >> we continue to follow the story and play more bohemian rhapsody. "fast money" begins right now. "fast money" starts right now. welcome. overlooking new york city's times square. tonight on "fast," the all time high today for apple ask that's great news. plus, car trouble. a number of auto and auto related stocks going reverse. could this be the first major track in the trump trade? and later the retail investors in full force even as the market hovers at near all time highs. first, we start off with a drama in d.c. fbi director james comey took
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stand for the first time discuss the connection between russia and the election. eamon? >> for the first time today fbi director james comey said there is in fact a law enforcement investigation into russian meddling in the 2016er campaign into whether or not there was any coordination by anybody inside the trump campaign with that russian meddling. here's what the fbi director had to say earlier today. >> our expert investigators will conclude that work as quickly as they can but they will always do it well no matter how long that takes. i can promise you, we will follow the facts wherever they lead. >> we also had nsa director mike rodgers testifying on capitol hill. he did his best to squash this suggestion that donald trump had made over twitter that president obama had had trump wire attempted. and then the suggestion sean
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spicer made from the podium that somehow the british intelligence service might have been involved in that. here's what admiral rogers said today. >> our relationship with british intelligence is one of the closest we have with any foreign services. isn't that true? >> yes, sir. >> the british allies have called the president's spugs they wire attempted him for obama nonsense and utterly ridiculous. would you agree? >> yes, sir. >> so there you heard mike rogers there agreeing with congressman schiff that this is nonsense and utterly ridiculous to suggest that somehow u.s. intelligence clothesed with british intelligence to wiretap candidate trump at trump tower. this leaves the white house with some political explaining to do. sean spicer very frustrated with the way this is being covered saying there hasn't been enough coverage of hillary clinton and also dismissing some of the people who have been named in the hearing today as mere hangers on to the campaign and not central campaign figures in the trump world last year.
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so a lot here to unpack and we're going to hear a lot more about this tonight into tomorrow morning. >> certainly are. thank you very much. eamon javers in washington. this kicks off a very big week with the hearings on the election-russian connection. there will be a first vote on thursday and this all as trump's approval rating gets a new low. this matters to the market because take look at this chart. since the election when trump's favorability was on the rise, so were stocks. now that we've had a timering off, we've seen stock tapering off as well. so should investors be worried that the hurdles this administration is facing right now? >> sure. i do believe the trump agenda has fueled the rallies so i believe it is in jeopardy. he can't pass tax reform. it was passed as a tax. he can't free up the dollars. he can't get anything done. that's why the market ran. two things. taxes, deregulation.
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you can throw infrastructure but that's not the primary reason why the market ran. if any of those two are in jeopardy, so is he the rally. but 27 handles from the top in the s&p. i would not declare tragedy just yet. but do i agree that if he cannot get -- definitely concerning. this isn't trump's thing on get through. this is the republican party. maybe parts of it will stick and i think they have no choice but to get this thing done. so i think the markets are treating it as such. right now there's an spumings the chaos we see, i'll call it that, it is something we've been willing to overlooked. if they don't get this through, the laugh will be on them of and if you take look at some of the other moves in the market, i don't want to blow it out of
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proportion. we have gold two week highs here. >> the market is concerned and rightly so. so you see people positioning for a sulloff. perhaps some volatility. if you're saying, what do i do? i look at s&p 2350. that's my line in the sand. if we break below that, eye want to be protected. you can do it now when the vix still relatively low. the narrative has been since december that not only, and i think he hit it right on the head. not just trump. it was that the republicans the swept everything. so we'll get this done. the market priced it all in. the instant you get a hit he this won't happen. >> i have heard, you will admit that i have heard that it is not all of trump. this rally was not all of trump. so whatever it was, you have to decide on your portfolio, what was trump and what was just the overall sense of, okay, we're
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moving forward. you have to know what's coming. >> it is all going to sell off. you're telling me -- you said trump trades specifically. >> the rate rise, the rate rise was going to have the biggest impact on stocks yoflt want to put words in your mouth. >> you've already done that so keep going. >> that's my biggest concern. >> i was half right. i think i'm 100% right. if rising rates the biggest concern, why are you so concerned with trump? >> didn't i just say there is a republican issue? i'm not pointing at your boy. >> i like pro growth. >> we haven't seen it. the fed is the most important thing right now. last week the fed gave markets the ability to put comfortable. the central bank put, if it is not there, they'll run over this market just when it is at a very unstable state. >> the long term, i'm talking, when i'm talking about a fundamental problem with this market, it is rising rates.
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it always is, always has been, always will be. that's what is concerning. this kind of political wrangling is good for, let's call it a 3 to 5% correction. then we have to see how the dust settles. if the fed comes out, and they're not doing this. if the fed says we're going to raise rates every meeting in year and probably into 2018, then i get very concerned. >> the vix suggests, whatever word you want to use. the vix didn't move today. 1134 on. a day where, despite the s&p 500, whatever it did. the vix should have been higher because of all the things we talked about in the last five minutes. i've been a bull on financials. goldman sachs is trading 242. now 3% below the number i flagged a number of times as important to stay above. financials are starting to show me concern i think because ear not seeing the commence ratted
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move like you are in the front. so there are concerns. with that said, i'll say it again. iwm. transports. >> if you're worried that this rally because you're worried about the trump agenda be getting done, not getting done. shouldn't you be worried? >> except for the fact no matter what happens with health care, there will be, i think, an alleviated burden on small businesses. no matter what happens with deregulation. banks welcome inclined to lend to small businesses. it is a business friendly agenda. there are parts of trump trade that have been shot in the head. look at gm, ford, the transports. they're through 50 and they're really hanging in there. >> i own airlines because the valuations give me support and i think they're playing on their own ability to manage their businesses. what i think is important about the rally.
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tim said all the things were shot in the head. that's true. there are others that pick up the slack. >> so the defensive areas. when utilities lead in a rising rate environment, they're not a defensive trade anymore of they're leading the market. the market is not concerned. it is pricing higher growth. >> i wouldn't say they're defensive or not. i think for people investing on a long term basis are making that call. they were so oversold from the election. if anything, it was a catalyst for them. may be it shouldn't have been. i wouldn't say they're a defensive trade. >> i want to go back to financials though. at what point do you say i pull the report? >> i thought they ten higher. i asked him. he thought they were rolling over. i said is there a chance they're building a base?
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and he said there's a chance. goldman has not traded well. a couple more days of this, i'm going to have to come back on the show and say maybe we lost the financials. >> i have a problem with that. the xlf, they're not rallying on interest rates. they're rallying. >> the banks are lending. >> there's not a target on the bank's bank ask that's an effect on the administration. >> tim, the biggest thing. i understand you on fundamentals. the biggest twle efgest thing o deregulation. we can quibble over it but that's 90% of the trade. >> the yield curve at 120 is where banks have made a ton of dough in the past. this has been about deregulation. it is a housing market getting stronger. earnings potential for banks. they were tunneled gun of everybody in the house.
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>> for me, i looked outside u.s. there was a breakout in china. fxi. a symbol for the china etf. i brought it on the breakout. that's fine. i'll use it as my stop. you want to look outside. you want to look at things that the haven't rallied necessarily to all time highs. >> emerging markets have rallied and they'll rally more. they're about 4 1/2%. er if you look at the dollar. stay in this trade. >> what did you do? >> ibb tens to show resilience and in my opinion, it has broken out. north of 320 at a certain point. and nails like netflix which i think again will continue to move higher. >> a can you please of trades that were working for me. mon tsant
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monsanto. pu pulty. what i did run in and buy was valleyeant. i'm keep that on a short leash. >> coming up, snap getting its first buy rating. plus a major crack in the car trade. that could spell trouble. and google versus facebook. can guy adami continue his winning streak? he's never faced the italian stallion. you will decide the winner. at fidelity, trades are now just $4.95.
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we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. bp engineered a fleet of 32 brand new ships with advanced technology, so we can make sure oil and gas get where they need to go safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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shares of apple hitting a new all type high and that go kibs off our top trade. having quite the run. up more than 20% and the chip stocks joining as well. nvidia breaking up 2%. >> i thought apple would rally in earnings. i thought it would fail. i got two-thirds of it right. now we're about $7 through the level.
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the price target is $160. it appears that's firmly in the cross hairs. i understand that i missed it. i would get out if it broke down through 134. >> and where could you stand the oh? >> for me, up until the iphone ty or the ocho, the 8, whatever they're going to call it. >> wait, wait. >> that's the anticipation. that's why you buy apple from now until september. after that, they'll be likely able to sell the news. if you're not in it today, don't buy it today but buy it on a dip. >> i've been long mike ron. it is very correlated to the prices. but if you look, it is up 20% year to date. i've been long. it was universally loved and universally hated.
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i think it has a lot more legs. >> it's funny of if nurl one of the rounds of "fast money" madness, we had a pairing of apple versus nvidia. >> who won? >> nvidia won. >> clearly i lost to guy. >> i need to do a better job. >> i think there are other ways to decide the outcome. >> hold on a second. you brought it up. nvidia has traded extraordinarily well. right now i'm looking good. >> shares of snap up 2% after getting the first buy rating. >> what they're not really talking about is the potential on increase the average revenue per user. you talk about the comparison.
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less than 10% is monetizing. if you manning that growth within a couple years. you can have a position where the company's ref new base goes up 10 x within three years from where we were in 2016. >> i think the people aren't looking at the big picture here and that's why we're going long. >> it may be the first rating. it is just $25, a dollar above the debut price. none of the ipos have weighed in. >> so snap headed for a snap back or should investors keep their distance. >> i think you need to see a couple quarters of numbers. that's the debate. is it twitter? facebook? you can't tell me with the user base they have, that it so undervalued that we're missing the inflection point.
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it is a concern for a demographic that i don't think has the most money. so in that demographic, it doesn't get me excited. >> do you remember that snap is a camera company. the contention is that instead of having your camera on your phone, you'll go directly through snap. every picture will be through snap app. >> snap, i would say, here's the bullish case. two things. trading wise, 17, 17 1/2. that's where all the big players are likely going to come in and support it. on the longer run, to me, the only reason you guy stock. it is like a tesla. you have to look at it different than an auto company. it is the only way to play it. to me, the only reason why you
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buy. everybody will rush in. >> why did you sell it? >> it is a little too kitchy to me. is it possible this thing turns out to be the next facebook? >> none of russ part of demographic. maybe we don't understand the prevalence against the demographic. >> i think it is a transitory demographic until next thing. could you have said that about facebook? >> yeah. >> a certain thing. this is a company that is probably advised it has any revenue if it ever will have any revenue. they've talked it down already. >> i feel like we can get something quirky up here. >> let's do it. >> whoa! >> i was snapping my face off.
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i mean, i am the demographic. that's what the kids are saying there. >> you don't understand. you're getting upset. >> first of all, ansel ad aps sl rolling over in his grave thinking that snap is a photoapp. you're, what do you call it? an application? that they are not spending money in droes which is a problem. and i think it will test 17. >> that valuation means nothing. >> still ahead, with stocks on record highs, retail investors are piling into the market. we'll tell you where. first in business worldwide. in the meantime, here's what else is coming up. >> here's an example. 1973 cadillac coop deville for
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6299. that price is too high. >> used prices are tumbling. we'll explain and tell you how to profit. >> plus, guy adami is sick. taking four straight maxes in the "fast money" tournament. watch the match and join in our poll. cnbc "fast money." i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e*trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the...
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around. she'll bring us those comments. plus, hitting the hardwood. which will make it to the next round of "fast money" madness? first, fiat and ford. a growing problem for the auto makers with used car prices dropping. growing auto loan defaults. could this finally be the peak in auto sales in let's get to phil. >> most people think we're close to the peak in materials of new vehicle auto sales. but the note today really focused on the captive finance arms of the auto makers and in particular ford. why ford? when you look at the finance services coil, relative to the market cap, it is the largest of the original automakers. and as that financial services
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coil becomes bigger, in the used market or the new market, that would really hit ford. that's at the heart of this call. take a look at new vehicle sales. when you look at used vehicles, the prices, yes, they are down in march or february and he in january, and there's some concern about whether or not they continue to slide. will prices come down and will that hurt sales? we're close to that 17.6 million mark where the auto industry was last year. a lot of people are saying, that's about as high as we'll be the next couple years. if we see new satisfies come down, if you see used prices continue to be lower, then it bears to extrapolate this out. you will see some pressure on the financial services wings of the automakers and that's why the call was made. one last thing. take a look at shares of ford
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versus fiat chrysler. not all auto makers are the same. look at fiat chrysler. up maybe 1, 1 1/2% to a little over 2%. the difference being, fiat chrysler has great exercise poesh you are under policies that will be promoting lower gas cafe standards. and there's the prospect you might have some kind of a merger acquisition in the future. so melissa, i know a lot of people want to say is this the end of the great bull run in auto sales? a little too soon to call it but certainly there are signs people are focused on. >> it is not peeve auto sales are peaking. more people he are within that broad camp of thought. this is, car prices are feeling the pressure. the context of that is the
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incentive environments. haven't automakers been keeping up with incentives in. >> correct. what you want to focus is the incentives relative to the transition price. it is still relatively in the range where it's been in that 10, 11, 12% range. if it spikes higher because they have to throw more cash on the hood. that's when you hear people say wait a second. >> all right. thank you. that special report. all right. people on wall street here. are you starting to get worried now? >> i've been worried that the autos for quite a while. tim and i have discussed with it auto nation. >> i have to check on it every day. >> do you. you see the auto dealers like auto nation. you see the auto companies is that delinquencies going up. remember at the top of the show.
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oh, bonds are crazy. this is why. this is why. if rates go up, it will be more for the cars. >> the whole attack on the click the we the, the dlink wednesdayies in the you a over space. the same time economists are talking about how bullish they are, household leverage bottomed in 2015. nowhere near these peaks. gm on a price to sales, even cheaper. so you have to look at the valuations. which real sales? >> they are ones that missed the housing crisis? >> the same ones calling for the huge uptick. >> housing prices too.
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>> economists a great record for forecasting. >> it was pent up demand. i think the real worrisome event, if you have peak autos, if you see rates are rising, this is a recipe for disaster for profits for these automakers. i do believe this is a sell. >> i think double trouble for the automakers. the issue of rising rates. that could be a problem with the delinquincies. the other problem is if new prices are falling, profitability is falling. if you believe in both, that's awful. >> if you look at the last three or four years, you can say that auto dealers have never been in
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a better spot. ford has been in a pretty significant down trend. i thought that was earlier this year. false breakout. how do you trade ford letter f which valuationwise is ridiculously cheap. i think you trade it in the double bottoms. you buy it on a breakout. right now in my opinion, you're in no man's lands. >> as autos get hit, operators think there's one name ahead. >> so targeting the levels that guy was talking about, which saw two and a half tons the daily put. paying about 55 cents, around 12,000 traded. those we the most active option traded. below 11.45.
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and again, that is testing essentially that 2016 below guy was talking about. although they look very cheap. you look back 10, 15, 20 years, you have to remind yourself. this is a highly cyclical industry. if you take a look at it. in basis, there is reason to think maybe it isn't quite as cheap. >> all right. thank you. for more options action. still ahead, retail investors are rushing in even as stocks are at record highs. and later, a battle alphabet versus facebook often one can be deemed the better buy right now. who will it be? it is a battle of the italian -- i didn't write that. you've have a chance to vote on the winner. to go twitter.
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welcome back to "fast money." stocks are near record highs and it looks like the trader is a comeback in full force. there's been some evidence that retail investors, they listed several factors supporting the idea including the simplest one of all. how about searches for buy stock? so is the search term, sell stocks. the interest in buying outpaces that for selling by almost 9-1. and they mention my favorite retail interest, daily average revenue trades or darts, as we call them. that's good news and it is real sign the retailer is back. next, a proprietary index of
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client trading and ownership patterns which hit an all time high in february 2017. we've noted it many times. but they note even combined inflows into mutual funds have been positive this year. $27 billion positive through march 8 as compared to outflows for both through this point in the year 2015 and 2016. the conclusion is very simple. they are more engaged with the current leg of the eight-year old bull market since at least 2010. before you announce this to be the top of the market, consider this is a worldwide phenomenon. india is also reporting a surge in mutual fund inflows. there have been inflows into emerging market funds as well. so has the global phenomenon.
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that's all i'm saying. >> thank you very much. i hate to be a debbie downer here. the retail investor is in. does this mean it is the top? >> with all due respect, i'm not sure they're going into the market. the way we've seen the sideways trade action, some of this is rotation out of bonds into equities. is that happening? yes. is it going to continue? yes. >> this could really apply to this type. the retail investor from 2008 through a number of these runs in the next four or five years i think trades differently. and i think there's a more kiss minuted approach. there are always people whipping it around. this has actually broadened. i think you're seeing a global rally. not just one. >> i think it is. i've been saying it is about rotation. not just valuation.
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that's the roost issue. why this market has run. i don't think this is a sign of the types. i don't think the retail investor is a sign. as many reasons it has rallied and may be they're better off with risk. >> you don't see retail investors piling in at the bottom. this happens all the time. the absolute top today? i don't know. you see people pile in at the bloot run. >> the last person to buy is the retail investor. that's what we're starting to see. that's somewhere near the top. >> they're not the same people
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thinking they're better off with risk assets. >> i see the retail. they noticed there's a change. right? i hope they noticed a change in leadership and they're trying to get their piece of the pie and they want to be involved in the market they hear about on the news. i get that. to use that as scene of the top, the market is rotating on much bigger issues. if you're googling what to buy, hey, chris. >> we brought along three names. the first one everyone knows. this is nike. the big news is that the bear market in nike is over. it went down 20% three time over the last year. down 20 and down 20 again and down 20 again. that's over. this has turned. we've broken a multiyear down trend. we're getting here through 56
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and that 57. i think 65 is the target on nike. they report tomorrow so we'll know very soon. the second name is pay pal. this has been basement for two years since it went public. all along making higher low, higher low. we think this is on its way to 50. on the verge of breaking out. and then lastly, ffiv. longer term chart about six years. it stalled at 140 three times toe last six years. failed here, failed here, didn't fail here. so three names. good looking pictures here. >> guy, which would you buy? >> at five. i think that's the most interesting. the ford chart looks like the nike chart.
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i would say you're seeing a false break out of nike just like you saw in the beginning of this year. so more enclind to wait. see what they report tomorrow than jump in. i think nike is on the verge of a reversal back down. >> i really like nike and i really like pay pal. their north america sales, they're starting to take back market share. nike has got at least that. i think if they're taking basketball share. the margins are better. has the duopoly. all those reasons we were buying at athleisure. >> for me, it is pay pal. payments are changing in general. payment pay pal is at the forefront. particularly will venmo. if you go nike and underarmour, underarmour is down 27%. nike is up 3%.
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i expect them to reverse. >> so you came with your own choice of. >> no. >> underarmour. >> a variation on the theme. >> target shares, the company is struggling to keep up with trends. plus, the moment we've all been waiting for. steve grasso is going up against guy adami in the battle of facebook versus google comfortable grasso dethrone guy and take crown? we're asking you to pick the winner. at one point, did not work. you had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors that were just tally pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world,
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but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strengtto help us go to the credit markets and raise thmoney. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks. young people are moving back in to. kids are feeling safer while theyalk to school. and folks are maki investments and the community is moving forward. 40% of the lights were o, but they're not out for long. they're coming back. i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about tding.
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courtney reagan sat down moments ago. what's the latest? >> reporter: hi there. i was here just at the shop talk conference with brian cornell, the ceo of target. we had a lot to talk about. we had to start with the news this morning of that new small format show in herald square in new york city. i asked him directly. is this about competing with
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macy's flagship store? he said bits grabbing market share wherever we can. he wants to introduce target to new neighbors and he thinks it will be one of his top performers. he is leaning into stores as many others are cutting locations. one top pick has been notably absence is any discussion about politics or president trump. you know that i couldn't let brian go without asking hill. he said he's had 27 meetings in washington about the border adjustment tax. here's what he had to say. >> if this goes forward as currently proposed, i think the consume per will pay for it. they'll pay for it because there will be higher prices for apairing and home goods and other things they buy. that i think you reported on so accurately. for a company like ours, and many other retailers. if we can't deduct all the items
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we import, it puts us in a really difficult position. >> and that moves the tax rate from 35% to 75%. i had a chance to talk to kevin winnik and he had a lot to say. he thinks the death of the store might be overstated but he thinks that we're at a key inflekt point. take a listen. >> the fourth quarter, the last holiday season was a really important moment. i think it was an inflekt point. that was the end of retail as we know it. and i think the restructuring will happen faster than a lot of people think. >> we have a lot of questions still to ask many folks here. wee be speaking with the kohl'ser ceo tomorrow.
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he's never been on cnbc. s ealso not cutting stores. there's a lot to talk about. >> that's a great get. looking forward to that. the interesting thing about this whole retail border adjustment tax issue. they're saying the consumer will pay for it. the retailers will probably feel the pain. if they cut jobs, that's the other side of the trump agenda. this is one of the biggest employers out there. >> i do believe it sounds as if it will be a lot worse than it will be if reality. and they have a vested interest in it spounld way so they can incrementally cut around the edges. or maybing sure that it never happens. these stocks should rally. if you think that he's not going on pass health care, if you think that he's not going to pass tax reform. i think you have to worry about
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that later. they're not fighting the sail secular wars. at this price, yes. >> let's shift gears to our special "fast money" madness. you out there will get on clues the winner. head over to twitter. vote in our poll. we'll give you the results in the next block of the show. go there now. you're the reigning champ. you get to go first. 45 seconds on the clock. make your case for alphabet. >> i appreciate. that great to be back here. a worthy opponent. so is facebook. i would have been inclined the take facebook. i watched homeland last night.
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at the end of the show, they showed a scene where all this propaganda going out there on different websites. facebook is the most at risk for that because that's going on right now. google definitely at risk but it has a much bigger moat. look at the last quarter. paid clicks up 36%. operating margins north of 33% and they're trading 15 times x cash. a nice ride last quarter. a little pullback. right back toward all time highs. i think valuation is compelling. i think youtube is a huge story and they have more to leverage to make their stock go higher. close. i'll take google. >> all right. sometime up. . grasso gets 45 seconds on the clo clock. had guy did a great job with his side of the story.
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but profits. this is a profit show. how you make profits. so what is alphabet up this year? how is it getting outperformed by facebook? it's getting outperformed by 13%. it got outperformed by 23%. if you go back three years. it got outperformed by 64%. now, is this going to be different going forward? maybe. double alphabet from facebook. this is not about feel. this is about fact. faeb has outperformed and will continue to do that. that simple. >> all right. so the task for you is very simple. you guys get on choose the winner. normally we have our traders here. some of you on twitter who are still sore from the loss last week and think the competition
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various: (shouting) heigh! ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go! woman: on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. and each job created by the energy industry supports two others in the community. altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. these are jobs that natural gas is helping make happen, all while reducing america's emissions. energy lives here.
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we asked you at home to vote on who had the best one. the winner is alphabet. that means guy is now 5 for 5. so there you go. >> i thought he came in kind of arrogant. overhe confident. i tell you, what he showed it out on the field. whatever. >> final trade time. >> the same reasons you're buying banks three years ago are the same reasons the own bank of america at 23 of. >> for me i want to look at stuff outside the market round. herbal life. >> grasso.
6:00 pm
>> i think micron. >> i want to know if you think it is rigged. >>er you know the expression. >> five in a row? final trade. >> netflix will get you done. >> i'm melissa lee. see you here tomorrow. "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you a little money. my job is not just to entan but to kaech and coach you. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. nobody. i repeat nobody likes to be disciplined. they don't like to be
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