tv Mad Money CNBC April 12, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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intact. 1980. pre buy. >> stocks tonight, mel. >> anchor hocking. >> thc. >> never ending season. i'm melissa lee, see you tomorrow at 5:00. "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer, welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. others want to make friends, i just want to educate and teach you. call me, tweet me @jimcramer. what exactly is ailing this market. on a day when the dow lost 59
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points, nasdaq declined .52%. for staters, let's stipulate that anything can change beginning tomorrow, when we have the official kickoff for earnings season as citi group and jpmorgan report their earnings. you have to understand that we have had many bullish moves over the market in the last 36 years, but every big move, every move that had really any impact, always had the bank as one of the major leadership groups, the banks are really the reason that the trump trade had such power. jpmorgan stock rocketed from 67 at the time of the election, up to 73. these are huge almost unprecedented moves and they have been rolled back rather
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substantially in the last month. the first part of the bank rally was pretty easy to figure out. going into the election season, pretty much everybody thought hillary clinton would in. she wasn't what anyone would call a pro banking candidate. so i think the defeat of the democrats in november, was responsible for at least half the movement back. add president trump's deregulation and optimism that suggested we could be in economic expansion mode. now we're seeing that deregulation can only get us so far, despite the that is correct that a real anti-banking tyrant has retired, despite the fact that the president wants to be un unrelenting, the narrative has
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changed in the last few months. the outlook on the economy is weaker. second, while wall street was initially very positive about the president's economic plans, we got a rude awakening, a rude awakening when speaker of the house paul ryan, self-styled intellectual, derailed trump's entire economic agenda, but first taking up health care, instead of giving the new administration a quick win, perhaps on a tax cut, or maybe a plan to help companies repatriates s assets from overs. i know that republicans have been promising to repeal obamacare for ages, but health care is about as divisive as it gets. people want to turn back the clock, make it legal for people to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions again. finally, some of these guys would vote to repeal medicare if they got the chance.
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so even though ryan had seven years to mull it over, he ended up with a half baked health care bill in a secret room basically overnight. spectacular failure. ryan made trump look indecisive, even if love him or hate him, decisive was always his general nature. at first he thought trump was the swamp fox, like the legendary guerrilla war fighter, frances marion. the truth is it was always going to take forever to get anything from congress, i mean that's how our system works, but once people got their mind around that the president's agenda was coming slower if at all, i think
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that directly contributed to a decrease in lending, and yes, jimmy carter malaise. that's also the moments when interest rates stop soaring and instead begin to plummet, another sign of a very, very slow economy, rates hit another low for the year today, 2.2% tenure, certainly wasn't in the trump trade scenario. so the slowdown ruined the chief reason to buy the ban stocks. a notion that we could add 3 billion to the back stockses. in short, the first thing that's ailing this bull is the fact that we have lost the bank leadership almost entirely. thanks for nothing, washington. what business can really make a plan for the future if it doesn't even know what health care is going to cost them, let alone repatriation or corporate tax rates.
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what company wants to make hiring plans with all these issues unresolved. what about foreign policy? out of nowhere, we got russia lying it's darn fool head off over syria's use of sarin gas, just when we thought that russia might not be a hindrance to peace. same goes with the situation in north korea. suddenly after going after isis, we're going after assad, and we end up asking china for their help with a neurotic north korean government. these are frightening issues, but if you take one look at the feel stocks, or any materials, any of those stocks today, they were all crushed. you know why? because washington's now convinced that we're going to try to please the chinese, so that they'll help with north
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korea. no one in u.s. steele saw that coming. foreign policy seems to be trumping america first, even if trump did say earlier in the day, the dollar is too strong. no matter, damage done, whoever thought that foreign policy would make it so that these companies would be slaughtered on the altar of peace and perhaps the downfall of the north korean government. third this market has moved up so far so fast without any earnings reports and the guidance is near perfect, we may be on insecure nothing. because stocks are pretty inexpensive, they're priced to reach multiples. now the good news here is that our multinational companies can be saved by a worldwide economic expansion, even if the united states is slowing, bad news, domestically a lot of trouble, brick and mortar stores are in a lot of trouble.
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which means pretty much everything we buy at retail. the new stay at home economy, when you look at your facebook account or your instagram and you snap around with video game console, order pizza, you get that. it's taken root. autos, oh, my, what a parade of horribles, unsold new cars are piling up, too many cars, discounts are draining profits, loans are getting easier. final thing is that's in the market, too much stock supply, the endless initial public offerings, created more sellers than buyers. now again if the banks report amazing numbers tomorrow, the whole dialogue could change and be a terrific boost to the tape. if we get anything accomplished in washington, oh, forget that, but the bottom line is that for the moment, we're at a level where things need to go very
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right for stocks to move higher and those long odds make for a, yes, suboptimal start to earnings season. i'm starting with rita in new york. rita? >> caller: i listen to you every morning at 9:00 and every night at 6:00. i have learned a lot so thank you for that. >> that's why i do that. i wish my wife would listen, this is why i do it. >> caller: my question is lulu lemon, my daughter and granddaughter only wear lulu lemon and the stores in new hampshire are lined up around the corner to pay, the last quarter gave great earnings, given what my kids say about the soft fabric, i bought lulu lemon, and now it's down, down, down. >> the ceo came on the show and said, listen, he missed the mark, he didn't have the right
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apparel, he didn't have the right look, he didn't have the good e commerce, he got a upkbreed today. i think it's too low to sell, do not sell united airlines, who know what is could happen. >> bernard in florida. >> caller: i enjoy your program immen immensely, i would like your opinion on the steels, with the prices staying so strong and trump, you know, with the infrastructure, it's going to be use of bridges, rails, pipelines, et cetera, it seems to me that earnings are going to be great for years to come for the steel industry. >> people now seem to think they're going to be able to deal with the chinese to get rid of the north korean government we have to sacrifice our steel companies, that's why i say only own new corps, people did not think that america would come second when it came to north korean deals, that's what the
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sellers are saying, i don't think it's happening, but these stocks are for sale when the narrative that said that the key thing was hiring has been sidetracked by north korea. plenty of things have changed in the marks, all that could change tomorrow. everything's got to be perfect. i know jamie dimon is perfect. you do not want to miss what i have to say about this company delivering drugs and products. and the semiconductor moves up, i'm going to tell you whether it's time to reconsider amd video. and you might know that international flavors and fragrances, but chances are you have sniffed, and could innovate ty new products cause the stock to go even higher? stick with cramer. don't miss a second of "mad money," follow @jimcramer on
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some stories are so power line that they keep on generating tremendous gains month after month after month. regardless of what's going on with the rest of the sector. take insight. the incredibly sexy biotech company that finds ways to target and manipulate particular enzymes so they fight cancer sell, that comes on the heels of a truly magnificent move, with the stock up over 80% over the past 12 months, including a moderate 30% gain since the beginning of 2017. what's behind insight's spectacular rally? could insight be the next
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biotech play or the next big takeout of bristol myers, or other companies hungry for growth. let's start by explaining why this thing has been roaring. first of all, insight is a cancer immunotherapy play. this is not a company with no therapies or products on the market. we have talked about this before, maybe you forget, the company has two more drugs that are very close to commercialization here in the u.s., with an extremely robust pipeline of anti-cancer compounds and development. the latest drug only got approved in 2011, but it racked up $1.4 billion in sales. a jak inhibitor plays a big role
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in preventing cancer cells from expanding like crazy. jakify has already gotten approval for two different cancers, both of which originate in the bone marrow. plus incyte is studying graph versus host disease, when you get an organ plans trant and the trance plant immune cells start attacking your body like some kind of foreign invader. while there are other biotechs trying to develop similar therapies but keep screwing it up. gill yad for example, so starved for products, such a natural buyer of incyte.
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but as awesome as jakify might be, incyte has been working with ely lily to develop a rheumatoid arthritis drug and it comes up for approval many just five days, it already got approved in europe five months ago. the drug's got strong efficacy, but a better safety profile than the current standard of care, but there are already a number of jak inhibits on the market, so it's not like this product is a game changer. the company's big drug candidate is a cancer immunotherapy play that's designed to work with it's own huge im -- a treatment for metal static melanoma,
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although we probably won't get the result from this study until next year. but merck pushed this into trials for a noncell drug cancer. bladder cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. then two weeks ago we learned that merck and incyte -- combinations, bristol myers already has their own combo on the market. but so far merck's proven to be a better drug than any drug you care to name. and the merck combination therapy seems to work better than the bristol myers combo. although since incyte is studying the same drug as a combo study, including
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astrazeneca and roche as well. everybody may not want a piece of incyte, they may need it to make their own numbers. the company is working on another jak inhibitor for enkolg and other immune diseases, there's still one more jak inhibitor that's in phase two of trials and it's also working on a bunch of different b-cell lymphomas that are also in phase two. merck's had a monster run, but it has a number of call lists coming up that could dive their price higher. the at the beginning of june, we'll be getting data on the anti-canner therapy that the company is developing with merck, at the american association of clinical oncology. one serious overhang here, a
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month ago, the company filed for more shares of stock from its existing shareholders. when it comes, it might give you the kind of buyable pull back that we're hoping for here. when you consider that in cyte has an anti-cancer drug that's exploding, along with a very valuable pipeline, it's no surprise that the company is been the subject of takeover chatter. i'm sure there's biotech firms that would love to get their hands on that pipeline i mentioned. the stock just keeps climbing. my view? even at 138, i think there are companies that would happily buy this business and incyte would be worth 230 a share. if it gets acquired, icing on the cake. i know cancer immunimmunotherap already been studied.
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i don't think we have missed it all. incyte has so much going for it that the up side could be enormous. buy a little now, and wait for that second dare offering just in case the stock pulls back and it gives you a better entry point. my take on the changing of the guard of the semiconductor space. is it time to look past amd? and has international flavors captured the sweet smell of success? and with uncertainties in the oil patch, i'll tell you where to look for investments in that space. stick with cramer.
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semiconductor industry got slammed today. still, they have had a nearly 20% gain over the last six months, nearly a 50% move over the last year. but something funny happened that many of you have noticed. while the semiconductor group keeps climbing as a whole, the stocks leading the charge have change d dramatically. amd, the best performer last year, two companies that make graphics chips for becaming, growing exposure to the video center. and in the case of amd, personal computers and -- longer term stocks have made you a huge amount of money, amd is up 362%. however, after peaking in february, both in companies have seem to lost their mojo, a
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technical term for losing their mojo with a 14% down from its lowest highs. just as these two former leaderings started to stumble, they passed the baton to the semiconductor industry, they started making cell phones. so on a day where the whole semiconductor group was obliterat obliterated, especially china, the trump trade, trump stock, sell, sell, sell. i think it's worth to asking what has happened in both companies. first of all, both companies are rocking powerful growth, we know the video game business is on fire, these two companies effectively have a duopoly with the highest tech graphics games. at the same time, both companies have embraced the cloud and the
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data center and video has become a major player in artificial intelligence, they are in the car. i would say very little if anything has changed at either company since the stocks have gone down. but the stocks themselves, that's a different story. what gives? why the heck did these red hot stocks fall off? what's happening here has much less to do with the business, than it does with money management. the perception of what's a bargain versus what's expensive in the portfolio managers' eyes. they gave us some incredible triple digit rallies, and if you need to understand, if there's one thing that money managers flat out need to misout on. if you're running a hedge fund, it's hard to explain how you let a double for a triple mover into a single or less. there are a ton of investors out there who are looking for any
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excuse whatsoever to ring the register. take some profits, i can't blame them, it was the responsible thing to do. so there were a lot of a plethora of money managers that felt like unloading amd and these kinds of investors head for the hills whenever you get anything even remotely resembling bad newses. a bunch of sell side analysts saying you should dump envidia. and then an outright sell of amd. some of these downgrades recited worries about demand, but there really wasn't much to them, the main logic was that these stocks had run too much and were to become a lot less favorable. it's hard to own an expensive high flying stock that keeps getting downgrades. especially when hedge funds were already full up with these. one more factor, last year the
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chipmakers were out of favor with the wall street fashion show. you didn't have a lot of options. but lately sky works solutions, corvo, and broad come have come back into vogue and all of these stocks remained way, way cheaper than envideo and amd, let me explain, these days you can divide the whole semiconductor space into two companies, the ones relying on apple and those is that don't. it's great when apple's doing well, when apple's not doing well, as it was a little while ago, then those companies are in the doghouse. that was the situation for most of last year. ceo tim cook actually had to come on this show and reassure investors there was nothing to worry about. of course if you took his advice, you're up more than 50%. apple supplies come right back and run with it. after it became clear that the
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iphone was in excellent shape, particular which the iphone 8. this means that both companies are no longer the only game in town, so their pizzazz has been deluded. so should you throw your money into qualcomm and amd? i do like broad come very much, plummeted more than eight points today, kind of an interesting entry point. the thing about these apple suppliers is that they're all effectively hostage to apple. a british chipmaker that's long been a supplier of power management tips, yesterday we got a piece of research that suggested that apple's developing it's own in house porch management chips and probably hopes to replace dialogue's semis. we have seen the same thing with imagine tech, it's another british chipmaker, seeing stock fall more than 50% last month
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when apple cut them off. ran a terrific piece like eric johnson, about how apple is looking to design more and more of its chips to keep its costs down. that's not good, it's live by apple, die by apple. first i still like broad come, which i think -- perfect record when it comes to making deals. second you can go with intel, finally you can go with the arms dealers, the semiconductor c capital equipment makers, all the chipmakers stocks remain darn cheap and there's strong demand for all kinds of semis. sometimes the market turns against the company through no
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fault of its own, and that is what has anded to your nvidia and your amd stocks, that's right, investors flocking toward the apple invested stocks. nothing wrong with either company, on the contrary, they're doing great, but portfolio managers want to play the apple cycle now, provided apple doesn't crush it's supplierings and they're using their big wins in amd and nvidia to do that. >> caller: jim, you're a rock em, sock em robot, but me, i'm just trying to get rich carefully. which brings me to my question, this hewlett packer enterprises which formed vxe technology, i'm
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holding the hp shares. >> i'm talked with scott berman, i have been waiting for hp to dropback to 17 where we would pull the trigger and buy more, but dxc never comes in, we kept the position, 52 high today, what a monster that is. no, do nothing, but thank you for the kind words, frank. sometimes the market could turn without being the particular stock's fault. if you're in nvidia or amd, don't worry, the companies are doing fine. then with oil back at $53 a barrel, there could be something looming on the horizon for crude, may not be what thaw think. rapid fire, "the lightning round" stick with kram ever. think again.
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i like to describe iff has kind of a stealth technology play, a company that invents proprietary flavors for the health care and personal products industries. these players are constantly duking it out for market share. they're selling fragrances that can give these companies an edge and advantage over the competition. over a month ago, international flavors reported a very strong fourth quarter. then last week we learned that they're buying powderer pure, that's a leading fruit and vegetable drying company that will help with the natural business. so can the stock keep climbing? let's check in with the chairman and ceo of international flavor and fragrances to find out how the company is doing and where it's headed. welcome back to "mad money," good to see you, sir. your company is driven by innovation and in the last couple of quarters it is the
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innovation that's driving your profits. we talked a lot about smells last time, what about flavors. >> what i brought you today, because it's become kind of a habit to bring something, i brought you a grape future gin fizz. it's made with natural ingredients, we have natural lavender to turn it, we have natural grapefruit in it. >> how can you have natural grapefruit and it keep? >> what you see is, we have grapefruit in it, grapefruit taste, we mimic the taste and that's 100% natural. and that's important because grapefruit, many of these citrus fruits, they have the breeding disease so it's really important
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to come up with a sustainable solution. >> is this something that's available? >> just for you. we made it for you. >> thank you very much. look at that, this is cramer's cocktails, you have to get a little closer. >> absolutely, it's for you. >> tell me how it works, because i read in your documents that the price, say, of orange has gone up tremendously. what can you do to save these company, all these companies with packaged goods, they're saying they don't have enough money to develop these thing. >> you have to look at alternatives and take this example, for example, the grapefruit we have in here is not real grapefruit. as i said the breeding disease, there's less grapefruit available, and we're mimicking with natural ingredients the same taste. and that helps us to innovate and come up with new tastes,
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there's grapefruit drinks in north america up 10%. and it's a new trend to go to low alcohol, so it's just 5% alcohol. >> i have two kids who are vegetarians, when we get together we have this mock turkey, can you make us something that tastes the same? >> let me tell you something, just a few weeks ago we were quizzing our r & d labs, they did a -- pastromi sandwich. it's not sustainable that we all eat beef and chicken all the time, because that's not available. many of the young people, they like to be flexatarians. >> there's all kinds of stuff i like to eat they won't eat, this
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would be a terrific compromise. you've got sun care, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, provides hair care, fuller thicker -- it's probably too late for hechlt theme. but this is a new line of business. >> if you're look at the five acquisitions in the last few years, the new line of business we're having here is active cosmetic ingredients and you just described it very well, it's a good, good market. skin care is something which is growing, even in the emerging markets, in asia for example, and powder pure is natural ingredients, there's a patent on technology to drive from waste streams from food. >> stuff that's thrown away? >> yes, and i think it's so great especially from sustainability. and it's 100% natural. >> people misinterpret what kids want. they want to hear there's less
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packaging, they love fruit that looks bad in the supermarket, because that's good. this is right up, this is what the millennials really want, not what the older people think they want. >> absolutely, that's why the reason why we think it will be a very good business for us, that's the reason why we went into that kind of technology. and what everybody wants now in the u.s. is a clean label. so not too many chemicals on the label. and that's something that helps us to facilitate that market trend. >> and what people don't understand it's patents that drive this business. >> we're in the business of science and art, we're certainly an artistic piece of taste and smell, but our pipeline particularly on fragrance materials. >> the chairman and ceo of international flavors and fragrances. in a rocky market, this might be a great place to be. "mad money" is back after the next break. take control of your
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financial future, with the new, full interviews, analysis, even your own sound board, plus special access to "mad money" 101, with rules and techniques to put down the market to all investors. >> the red flag to stop a stock immediately -- >> everything you need right when you need it. the new who wants a donut? it use to be everyone had to be in the office. we lacked the technology to be flexible and productive. then cdw orchestrated a collaboration solution for us. using the lenovo x1 carbon. powered by intel core processor technology. now we can access our network and work together from anywhere. hey! hey everybody. you coming back for the team building? mobility by lenovo. no? it orchestration by cdw.
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pistrami. it is time. it is time for "the lightning round." [ buzzer ] and then "the lightning round" is over. we start with curtis. >> caller: hello, jim, thanks so much for taking my call today. i'm still confident that camping world was going up, and now it's declined. >> i hesitate to say once again,
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because i said at 31, 32 to buy the stock, but there was nothing wrong two quarter, retail was certainly weak. john in texas, john. >> caller: jim, a big boo-yah from the lone star state. >> good to have you. >> caller: i have a question about smg, scotts miracle grow. >> i thought people would buy scotts miracle grow, and that's a sign of great strength. they think it's about growing pot. it's not big enough to move the needle, but it's certainly why people buy the stock when it's down. some of these places will light up three plants in your house. don in massachusetts, don? >> caller: a patriots boo-yah toa. . >> tomorrow, susie welch has got a big interview with belichick.
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>> caller: i'm looking forward to. >> yeah, me too. >> caller: okay, my portfolio is currently overweight industrials and tech. >> yeah. >> caller: so i was wondering, i was thinking of going to a defensive stock and i was wondering what you think of buying amn health care services? >> well, susan salka has done a great josh. there's been two declines in the stock. it's been refuted when she reported amazing numbers, i am with you, she's good. let's go to mark in wisconsin. mark? >> caller: jim, i've got a company in the energy sector, it's a midstream provider from canada down to mexico, the name of the company semg. >> it's a good company, it fits
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the profile, it's a very good company, i got a good call. [ buzzer ] >> i'm not done, what is that about? i'm going to bill in florida, bill? >> caller: boo-yah, mr. cramer. i subscribe to your action alerts and i really appreciate your daily commentary. >> thank you, man, i've been really pumping it out lately. what's up? >> caller: my stock today is mylan, i've been in this stock for two years and it's like bleeding to death. >> it's a death of 1,000 cuts and i can't go there. express grips has got a lot of power over that. i just this the drug group is weak and this stock is weaker, i have no appetite for it. it's cheap on a multiple basis, not with a lot of drug stocks being thrown away like this. let's go to jay in new york. jay? >> caller: hey, jim, i'm in the media industry, i'm looking at
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amcx, amc networks what, do you think? >> it's kind of an interesting level, and it's good, and these content companies become king again, i'm glad that's your choice. and that's the end of "the lightning round." le trading des so that i can take my trading platform wherever i go. you know that thinkorswim seamlessly syncs across all your devices, right? oh, so my custom studies will go with me? anywhere you want to go! the market's hot! sync your platform on any device with thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade
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$53 a barrel again. i think we need to worry that crude can't push through this ceiling. that is bad implications for your oil stocks. the u.s. is still pumping oil like it's going out of style. that is not good for the price of oil. why is our production screaming? because at these levels, so many oil companies, particularly in the permian basis get about 100% profit, so they're going to keep pumping like mad, and selling aggressively, once again putting a lid on the commodity's price. and saudi arabia is talking about the need for opec to keep hits price in place for longer than they thought. but there's no making up for the new production in america, thanks to new technology that makes it much easier and shaper to pull oil out of the ground. what do you do if you own oil stocks? we have been telling club stocks, it's time to trim some of your oil exposure here,
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because nothing can counter act the relentless increases in production we're seeing in this country. plus there's no international crisis that can move the needle. nothing is going to offset our new oil production. the only gaining factor here is that there isn't enough pipe to take this oil to market, and shipping by truck or rail eats into your markets. the mops, the mass limited partnerships and the transport companies that transport our oil particularly from the permian in texas to the gulf. nlp, nustar energy. terrific news, nustar energy stock got slammed, but i'm still concerned about it's gigantic red strike, but the addition of all this stock will help
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immensely, and it will help with any potential short natural. nustar energy becomes good. one of the reasons why the club has been buying magellan midstream partners, but there's some others here too. we're not going to run out of demand, the oil producers are sitting on more crude and they're happy to pump it anywhere, which is like i like win bridge, one oak, enterprise, any of these will work, trans to pipe. the president's economic agenda has been derailed bring the swamp of congress and the spectacular failure of paul ryan's health care bill. but trump is moving fast on deregulation, something the president can do without any help from congress, that is going to help these pipeline companies immensely, far more than any other industry in america except for banks and
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coal. although let's withhold judgment until we see earnings tomorrow. with the pipeline companies, at this point the pipeline operators, i am telling you they are the biggest winner fls the trump administration. so the bottom line is, i think $53 is a very difficult level f for oil to power through, given the current dynamics, so if you own any oil producers, trim back, but the pipeline stocks, as more and more oil gets discovered, these are the remaining trump stocks out there, i would buy them aggressively. stick with cramer. this bell ri. starts a chain reaction... ...that's heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business, from the largest financial markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyber-attacks in near real time
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