tv Squawk on the Street CNBC June 14, 2017 9:00am-11:01am EDT
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that point, we were able to calm the situation until victims were transported to the hospital. we won't get into any details in terms of the investigation this is very early on. we will -- i want to thank the alexandria police, the sheriff's office and the alexandria fire department for their rapid response to the request for assistance in the 911 calls. i appreciate their rapid response and certainly it saved lives. >> one shooter >> at this point, we're going to gather the investigators together and look at what we have and put this incident together again, it's very early on, there are a lot of witnesses to be interviewed. once we have more information we will certainly pass on whatever information we can to make sure that you have the information you need for your work. >> chief --
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>> thank you very much i'm going to turn it -- i'm going to turn it back over to the alexandria chief. >> thank you, chief. we're not not -- folk, we're not going to answer any questions at this point, because as the chief pointed out this is an active, ongoing investigation. we call the crime scene hot because we're collecting information and evidence and it would be premature for us to respond any further in an hour and a half we'll come back together and give you an update on what we can speak to and perhaps give you answers to some questions. >> but chief, any indication - >> we're done right now. >> any other shooters -- >> this is a stable situation, there's no additional threat we consider this to be about closed incident under investigation. thank you very much. we'll be back in an hour and half. >> that was michael brown there -- >> we continue to monitor this breaking news out of alexandria, virginia, this morning if you're just joining us, a gunman opening fire on a gop congressional baseball practice around 7:15 this morning, local time the latest information majority
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whip steve scalise shot, but in stable condition at least two other capitol police are shot. no fatalities. as you just heard alexandria police say the shooter's in custody, described by congressman brooks as a middle aged caucasian male. you just heard they consider this a closed incident interviewing witnesses and we do expect a press conference in about an hour and a half when hopefully, jim, we learn some more. >> yeah. obviously very jarring this is -- these are our leaders and it seems like that until something like this it was kind of -- we have heard from enough people to say that it was fun. and that there wouldn't be really the thought of additional security it's like, okay, here's an event. i know some people have said it won't change things, but i think it will change things that you will not have a group of congress people get together in open space and not think that there shouldn't be a lot more security just kind of an event that has occurred and that changes everything that's the way it is
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in this country. >> to that point, we are joined by congressman tom rooney of florida, who was on the scene. congressman, we appreciate your time today on a terrible day and a busy one for you i'm sure can you describe what you saw this morning >> well, i actually had to leave practice about four minutes before the shots -- they were at 7:09 i know i got in my car at 7:05 because i had to get my kids to school i know steve just finished doing batting practice and then went back out to second base. i play first base. and apparently from what moe brooks said, the gunman was along the fence line along third base there's a parking lot there. the detail sits in a black suv, and the only day that you can get on to the field is by -- space. his detail is there but it's a wide open space. so if somebody had a rifle, i mean, obviously they could have probably positioned themselves in a lot of different places
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it's just -- it's shocking to me that, you know, we have been practicing there for probably six years and i never felt unsafe, you know like was being said before, this is game for charity that we practice for a few weeks before at that location and then we play at that stadium tomorrow and i just -- i guess i'm in shock right now. i can't believe that i left four minutes before this all happened but i didn't see any people walking around -- i mean, there's dog park there that a lot of people that are walking their dogs and stuff but that early in the morning it's usually pretty sparsely populated. >> rand paul this morning on our sister network msnbc said had it not been for the presence of capitol police, there because of the presence of leadership, this may have been a massacre >> i -- i can't disagree with
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rand on that one i mean, you know, i know that that detail is there for steve i don't know that -- you know, formally when you have a lot of -- normally when you have a lot of congressmen gathered in one place like that, whether we go, you know, together on some retreat or something like that, we always have capitol hill police with me i'm not sure that they would be there anyway or not. but certainly that steve's detail that was there. like i said in their suvs blocking that gate and they're there every day. so, yeah, rand is probably right. >> do you believe that the protocol for protection of members of congress needs to change as a result of what happened this morning? >> i don't know. i mean, you know, like i said, it would never dawn on me in a million years us practicing in alexandria, virginia, at this baseball field at 6:30 in the morning, we're usually done at
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7:30 it never -- it never dawned on me that i ever had to fear for my life. i know that times are crazy and all that stuff, but this is a charity baseball game that we have been playing forever. i have never -- i never -- you know, in fact, sometimes when i walk by the suv and i see those guys in there, i'm glad that they're there but, you know, i almost think of them as there for steve and i'm just in shock right now. i mean, you know, the ironic thing is today is my kid's last day of school so normally i wouldn't have left early yeah i don't know if steve -- how he's doing, but he's a great guy. you know, like i said, he plays second, i play first i stand next to him. you know, it's pretty emotional
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right now. >> yeah. >> i don't know how he's doing >> representative, jim cramer here i think you said something that defines the time you said i know it's a crazy time, and at a crazy time baseball practices are different at a crazy time, gatherings among say half a dozen congress people may be different. i think that this is a bit of a wake-up call, don't you think? i mean, here's place where a few years ago that it wouldn't be an issue. maybe crazy times require a different kind of protection do you think i'm wrong about that >> yeah. jim, i can't deny what you're saying isn't true because of what just happened you know, maybe as we move forward, maybe there needs to be a bigger police presence while we practice. i mean, this is a charity baseball game that, you know, like said we have been practicing at that field for probably six years
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but i guess, yeah, maybe we need more people around the whole field just to practice a baseball game against the democrats which is one of the few fun things we do with each other for charity. and, you know, to think that we need to go out there at 6:30 in the morning an be completely surrounded by police is just never -- it's never something that dawned on me. but i'll tell you, jim, if next year we're surrounded by police i guess it won't surprise me now. >> congressman, thank you for your time. i appreciate it very much as we try to learn as much about the situation as we can. congressman rooney joining us. by the way, just now a message just now, they have deployed a robust police presence throughout the complex today, however, all buildings within the capitol complex are open and in accordance with routine
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operations >> i covered homicide for a number of years as a reporter and it is -- you get a situation -- i covered crime and you get a situation where you suddenly have something like this you recognize -- i have been at school shootings for instance, i covered serious school shootings. the next thing you know you have police in schools that you never would have dreamed my old high school, police at my old high school. of course you go to school do learn, you don't go to learn to be protected they go to practice to have fun, but it doesn't matter if you're having fun the world changes. it's changed for them this morning. >> yep the fact that they're practicing for this bipartisan game tomorrow, if it's still happening, is not lost on anyone. >> no, exactly thank heavens from what we have heard so far, anybody gets shot is bad, obviously, but the idea that -- i mean, i sat and listened, i said, geez, the republican congressmen thanks go
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there every year for six years anyone who googles something knows that they're there it's a different world you can google and find out where people practice and if you have -- if you're motivated it's different. nothing's really secret. people know where people go. we're at a crazy time i think the congressman really said it right. it's crazy time and everybody with insecurity has to amp. >> let's get to eamon javers who is covering this today he joins us on the telephone this morning eamon, after yesterday's brief change in the protocol of covering members of congress on the hill, here we are again. worried about the degree to which regular people, media or citizens can access members of congress. >> yeah. that's right, carl it is sort of an eternal debate up on capitol hill there have been proposals over the years to ramp up the security and the members of congress to their credit have
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always resisted that they have wanted to have the public have access to them, have access to the congressional buildings, the proposal you're talking about yesterday was the change -- to change the way the media can conduct interviews in the hallways that's a little bit different in the sense that all those people in the hallways will have gone through security already at the entrance to the congressional office building. so it's less a situation that you're trying to protect against an active shooter and just crowd control in the hallways that they're concerned with up there. this situation feels a little different, we have seen isis related attacks in england recently that have been focused on, you know, random terror. hitting people on the london bridge hitting people at a concert. this one feels less random and more targeted. and more reminiscent maybe of
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gabby giffords' shooting in 2011 in which case the congresswoman in tucson was shot in the head and six others were shot there that felt like there was somebody who knew that the congresswoman was going to be at that event, who went there expressly to do harm to her and to people around her this feels like somebody knew, like jim said, that this event was taking place, went there with some evil intent in mind. and we have to wait to fine out more about the motives of the shooter. but when you talk to members of congress, they do not want to wall themselves off from the rest of the world. they don't want that idea, as you just heard, of the battalion of police officers protecting them when they practice baseball for the charity game they want to be able to meet and greet, shake hands, talk to the constituents talk to all of the interest groups that they have to deal with on a day to day basis that's the job
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that's democracy in action and they want to be able to do it. and these times that we're in make that increasingly challenging as you guys were just discussing. >> yeah. eamon, we'll chat with you in a few moments. to your point though, congressman mark walker this morning on -- to nbc news said he believe the gunman was there to kill as many gop members as possible kayla tausche is on the scene. she joins us on the phone. for more intelligence about the shooter, we'll have to wait for that press conference ostensibly in about 90 minutes. >> yeah. we will see exactly what the police say, carl, but local residents here in alexandria echo the point that you and that eamon were just making that they believe that the shooter came to this location with a target in mind. i just spoke to a resident who was walking his dog, about 100 yards away from the baseball field when the shots started taking place he said it sounded like fireworks. and that people in this neighborhood, in this town know that this practice happens as he said, it's in the summer
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leading up to this charity baseball thing they're here almost every day, with summer break happening right now. a lot of lawmakers bring their children to this practice. that it's normally a genial event, but that they have -- even if a few of them, they have security details with them at this practice. but he says that the area that this baseball field is in, it's safe it's more mom and pop stores than big franchises and that the local community is very close. and that everyone was aware that this practice took place often, nearly every day as he said. and that he and other residents that he has spoken to this morning believe that it was someone coming here because they knew that it was lawmakers who were practicing on that field. >> indeed. what -- can you describe what you're seeing right now, kayla how close are you to that baseball field >> i'm at the fence, carl, looking right into the outfield. there's caution tape on nearly
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every side of the field. we were able to get fairly close, despite the fact that they -- that police are leading up to the front part of the field near the dugout and the bleacher, they're blocked off by police some of the areas on the side of the baseball field are blocked off with caution tape. but i'm looking at it right now. it is completely empty it's not swarmed with police at least on the field but there are cop cars that are assessing the situation over by the dugout and we'll see if they can string together any more details about how and why this took place this morning. >> and to the degree eyewitnesses have been able to reconstruct that scene, jim, rand paul again on msnbc this morning saying -- describing the scene of scalise shot and trying to crawl his way to the outfield to evade more fire is -- it can't get any more harrowing than that.
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>> no. sounds like another country. doesn't sound like our country the openness with which these leaders may want to be is i think going -- after an event like this is going to challenge them i know that our country has changed over time. what we have had to do to defend people what to do to defend presidents, but i think that there will not be groups of congress people getting together in a nice neighborhood and playing softball any more without -- with clearance you will need clearance to get near you will need people around it it is fact of life we changed things dramatically after 9/11 and no one would have thought -- remember, when we used to run on a plane thing is one of the events that says we can't do it. we can't have the people get together at a place where everybody knows they're going to get together and just think that we can have protection for the leader. i just think that's what
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happens. that's just what happens >> what's that's going to do to people's willingness to run for office f they're targets like this >> i think it's a new level of understanding, a level of risk look, the discourse in the country -- there was a fabulous piece not that long ago written by michael sembolis a senior analyst from jpmorgan. he said we have not had this level of partisanship since the civil war. and i read it and i thought for a moment that it was overstated. but then he kind of went through -- he's a fantastic thinker. we don't have -- we have a level of partisanship that i think is part of the equation now and a level of partisanship can breathe a different kind of behavior i think to dismiss this as a one
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off would be irresponsible by those in security. >> one question is how it affects the white house. today is the president's birthday sara eisen is at the white house. your day has changed as well >> absolutely. and now we are just monitoring the white house reactship -- reactions that are coming in the vice president and i are aware of the shooting incident in virginia and are monitoring developments closely we are deeply saddened by this tragedy. our thoughts and prayers are with the members of congress their staffs capitol police first responders and all others affected president trump also tweeting from his twitter account, representative steve scalise of louisiana, a true friend and patriot, was badly injured but will fully recover our thoughts and prayers are with him the vice president pence also tweeting, karen and i are
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praying for steve scalise. the capitol police and all for a speedy recovery. our hearts are with them and their loved ones you mentioned the schedule the vice president was scheduled to speak to home builders and that has been cancelled as far as the president's schedule, we are still awaiting word here's how it was supposed to go down he was set to have a listening session with medical and health officials at the white house no word on whether that will go as planned also happening here today, which is why we came, ceos are set to come to the white house as part of workforce development week to have a listening session with ivanka trump and reed cordish, the economic adviser, and that's set to be follow bade 3: -- followed by a 3:30 speech by the president. maybe make new announcements on the apprenticeship front we are awaiting for word from
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the white house, and of course we'll bring it to you as soon as we get it. >> kayla, just in this overall discussion of the way the discourse has deteriorated in washington, has anyone just in passing or off the record talked about the notion of boy, do we have to dial back the rhetoric, that the rhetoric -- the comedians have become too vicious. the discourse in the papers have become too vicious the way that people use -- the words that people choose are very inappropriate anyone talking about the idea that maybe this is a wake-up call just to make it so it's more civil did kayla drop us? >> sara? >> sorry, i thought that was for kayla. we just arrived in washington and of course this is going to change the conversation. we'll see what we get from president trump and some of the members of congress in terms of the communication. i think it's very shocking and
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we'll see what happens with the discourse. i didn't hear all you have question i thought it was for meant for kayla, sorry. >> my view, sa ra, is that when you have -- there's been a series of incidents involving people who are not directly involved in politics and i think we don't need to recount. comedians, actors, just overall a sense of -- i'm going use the word violence. there's more of a violent discord than i have ever seen in my career. i've covered a lot of crime in my life and i just think that when you look at the -- at what people say and do, some of it is -- it's inappropriate i think that the -- look, that's not necessarily cause and effect here this could be for all i know call of duty and, you know, grand theft auto we don't know what causes crazy people to shoot people but i just think that we all have to recognize that there's been -- there have been things said and done, people have been fired for it reprimanded for it that are just so different from
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the way that people used to talk about our leaders that it would be terrific if someone stood up and just said, you know what, let's dial everything back that we have been saying. >> your point is everybody needs to bring the temperature down. >> yeah. we have to stop using words that are -- that are -- that incite i mean, i'm not saying that we're putting people in a clear and present danger, but we hear things that actors say, that comedians say, that people just feel like they can say that are really inappropriate versus the fact that these are people's lives. not america. not the america that we grew up in it would be fantastic to say, this is bad, and our thoughts and prayers are with the people who have been shot, but maybe this is the time to get together to say, you know what, we have to stop using words that incite a different kind of behavior >> kayla tausche, i understand we now have you in front of the
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camera where you can show us a little of what you're seeing i want to draw some attention to the -- who how quickly the medical response came. the helicopters transporting the victims really within a few moments. amazing. >> that is -- that is one of the reasons, carl, why the injuries were limited to those that we now have reported as they are. apologies to jim for switching between phone and camera i just wanted to show you a little bit about where we are. so we are standing right here in the outfield you can see that there's some equipment that has been lain on the field. it looks like it was a field that was evacuated very quickly. there are baseballs, there are mitts and bats that were strewn near home plate. you can see where i was mentioning before, near the dugout where the police and the ambulances and the fire trucks are congregated right now. you mentioned the response to the reports of the firing that
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happened this morning. the incident took place around 7:09 a.m that's what police are saying, but within three minutes is when police were able to respond to those reports. one other resident we had spoken to, he said he has been in active combat and he said it sounded like a firefight as quiet as it was now, it was bustling before with people out and about in that 7:00 hour while this practice was taking place. certainly a very different scene right now. to jim's point earlier, there was a poll that was done a couple weeks ago that showed that members of each party, of each the democratic and republican party, citizens of this country, 40% of the respondents said they hated members of the other party that was up from 16% a few decades ago and it was highlighted here in washington as one data point of just how polarizing this conversation has become and perhaps an event like
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today will change the rhetoric and perhaps will bring some seriousness to what has been a very bitterly political conversation in this country >> some good context, kayla. thank you for that we will come back to you in a few moments. we want to talk to congressman brad winthrop, a doctor who was able to assist in part of what happened today on that ball field. congressman, good morning. can you describe what happened >> good morning, from where i was standing i was getting into the batting cage on the right field line and we heard a shot coming from -- the left field line. there was a shooter beyond the dugout on the left field line. and started firing shots i saw everyone out on the field start to get down. steve scalise was around second base and he was on the ground trying to get off. and stayed put fortunately there was a security
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detail there for steve scalise he's the only one who has a security detail that was out there and they were able to act and return fire. but this went on for quite a while. there was -- for about ten minutes. >> but you went out there to attend to scalise even as the gun fire was still live? >> no. no that would have been bad training as a doc. that's not what you do, but if you had enough cover, but the guy was moving he went from one end of the dugout to the other end of the dugout and kept firing the rifle. went behind a building on home plate and he was on the back end of the firing which was closer to me at that point. so i moved from laying on the ground to behind the building but could still see out. and then he went back behind the building and he came out with a pistol and that's when they were able to take him down. >> how would you describe the
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nature -- i'm sorry, how would you describe the nature of scalise's injury >> i don't want to comment on his medical condition until he does or his family does, but suffice to say we got him stable you know, he was clearly hit and we appropriately got a tourniquet on him and pressure on the wound and took down his -- to make sure that we weren't missing any other spots besides what was obvious to us. >> we just had a discussion a moment ago with congressman tom rooney about whether the nature of congressional security needs to change and change permanently. do you have an opinion on that >> well, i think we all have an opinion today. it's a change that we feel we have to -- it's a shame that we have to live with that type of security but america has to calm down, in my opinion, america has to understand you get the opportunity to live in the greatest country in the world and we're in a country that we try to mend our every flaw
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we don't do it with gun fire >> yeah. congressman, jim cramer. i want to follow-up on what you just said, which is this notion is there any chance that we can convene some leaders who just say, you know what, everybody has to calm down i'm not talking about challenging the first amendment rights of people to say anything but trying to get it so we don't repeat may 22, 1856, when we saw senator sumner kane on the floor of the senate. i mean, we're hearing things that we just can't imagine and we're seeing things we can't imagine from a simpler time and that there is a notion i think that the discourse has dissolved to the point where you can conceivably have something like this and say, well, you know, hey, things have gotten pretty rough around here and crazy. and the answer may not be just security the answer may be a notion that perhaps we don't talk to each other the way we should. and that the leaders don't and the people don't >> yeah, i'm going to take today
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and pray for those who have been wounded here and pray for their families and then we'll have to have some frank discussions. but right now, i do want to focus on the incident itself and those that were deeply affected by it today. i know you understand that but we'll have -- we have to have this conversation, you're right. >> of course no, i'm not minimizing that. i just think that sometimes you get an incident that occurs and you can say you know what, we can maybe stop this thing the way that people talk to each other and say things and make it so that we don't deteriorate further. obviously this is a terrible incident but it's an incident that might change not just security, but the way that we speak of - >> congressman, we thank you for your time. >> thank you have a good day. >> very much appreciate it,
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congressman, we applaud your heroism today in the face of unbelievable danger. we do want to do our job here. got to watch the markets we'll get to the opening bell, it's emerald exposition events, operator of trade shows. celebrating the recent ipo at the nasdaq, the rmr group alternative asset management company. on a less tragic day we would have already gotten to some of the data, jim. but let's get it on the record cpi and retail sales do come in weak ten year yield now 2.12. >> i know this is going to be a challenge, the fed meets today obviously you're getting inflation numbers that would be below whatever targets we have retail sales below what you think you would expect this is -- if there is to be rate increases and we know that there's certainly 96% predicted it's just done because things
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are fine enough not fine enough for the economy. if you didn't know any better you'd be thinking about cutting rates. not increasing rates based on the data but we still have rates that were based on systemic risk in our country. these are not numbers that indicate systemic risk they are numbers that certainly indicate a slowdown. >> right so you characterize this afternoon as a dovish hike is this going to change the outlook on what we hear from - >> you know it may do that the bank stocks from the get go were acting as that's the case one of the things that we have learned from the fed chairwoman she does not waffle in the wind, she's a thoughtful person. looks at the data. some of the retail data is weak. certainly some of the job increases are strong other than the last number so i think that they would do well to be able to say, you know what this is a hike and now we'll see how the summer goes.
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but three's not what -- but that's not what the bulls want they want a statement that says, you know what we are on target we are getting back to where we should be. before we evaluate how the economy is that's kind of the statement that she should use. she does of course have a press conference use that language says we're getting back to where we should be before we start evaluating weakness or strength of the economy. >> got a record high on the dow. art cashin yesterday pointed out it's not unusual to see the markets bleed up a little bit going into the announcement. >> that has happened. >> 48 hours ahead. >> makes it so difficult mine, you have the interest rates at 2.1 you always have the notion that the consumer loans -- i watch them very close. they have hit a wall we know that auto -- there isn't anyone who thinks that we're not at peak autos. at the same time, we're at peak autos at a number that if you saw it a few -- you know, eight years ago you would say why are
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rates so low relative to where they have been, i don't know if we want a hike if you look at before the great recession, and these are numbers that -- these are numbers that merit much higher fed funds rate i'm not as concerned about the fed funds rate affecting the economy, as the financials listen, we have to raise - >> to that point, the degree to which rates would affect equities, you're in the call me when it's 4% camp? >> let's say 3%. 3 is the magic number people are saying, why didn't i refinance this has become today, a johnson & johnson market the defensives are moving up j&j has creeped up i watch that, because it's the outstanding drug stock suddenly it takes a big boost. i want to point that out that we have to be very careful not to say that things are all bad. because i hear housing -- it's not bad.
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just not enough housing. you can talk to bob toll, we need more luxury housing average hourly earnings increased 0.3% in may. that's the motive to say, listen, we have a good economy where income growth is growing a little bit it's not a great economy, but it's not an economy that merits rates this low i'm watching the companies that people think do badly if the fed raises too quickly i say let's not freak out. about rates going higher a couple of times. just not bad enough to -- i don't want to encourage people to dump the financials but i have been looking at companies like a 3-m 60% overseas they're not a hostage as to whether or not nothing happens in washington.
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remember when we were wondering that chairwoman yellen said we'd do $500 billion in infrastructure and she didn't take the bait. can i just say how smart that was? she never once took the bait. >> you mentioned yellen. reports today that the journal on with a piece, says gary cohn is going to lead the effort to look for the successor should the white house need one. of course we asked gary cohn a few weeks ago point blank whether or not he wanted that job. >> he says he loves his job. i mean, i think the guessing game must be so annoying hat's off to gary cohn that he's always pleasant and funny about it doesn't do what i know i would do, which is like will you shut up asking me about that. i like my job. but gary he's dealt with these issues with a smile. gary at goldman would not be smiling so much if you kept bothering him about the position. >> what about gun lack saying raise -- the people who are buying now are buying high and crossing their fingers.
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>> right i think that these are big think guys you know, again if you want to take your hat off about gun lock, about the bonds. but i would point out, s&p, that's old style that's asset allocation by stock glass. the thing that's happened since the beginning of the year youn't do that. you can't say you have to get out of the market. if you get out of the market you'll sell procter & gamble at some price unimaginely low you'd be dumping 3m to get back at 198 are you saying that microsoft is not going to have a great quarter? individual stocks are acting much better and this notion of the broad brush, the sickle that takes through all of the hay, it's not right it's not working for people at home and this note that gundlach puts out this is a panic note that if you're in a hedge fund, bingo,
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wow, i have to get out but there's no bingo for people at home. you know, two weeks from now, when microsoft is at 67 we're going to pound the table you can't do that to people. >> to be fair to gundlach, he is talking about traders. if you're long term, you could weather whatever increase in volatility. >> when you read gundlach's notes i'll be very candid here you would be short heavily you would be short heavily coming in on day when the s&p hit at an all-time high and the dow at the all time high nobody has the money to be that short. you have to own the fact that he's dead right on the bonds but he's striking out going for this home run you know where there's no room for that in the equity markets. >> we are keeping our eye on developments out of alexandria we are on watch for a press conference, the alexandria police saying the shooter is in
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custody. no longer a threat in the meantime, trying to watch the movers here in the early going. h&r block, jim, 8% mover to lead the s&p. >> i went over that conference call good for bill cobb he said, jim, the ceo. he is buy the way, outgoing ceo. he said, look, we are putting it together this quarter. to do it yourselfers, we have offered a lot of things. he had said mea culpa. i promised that things are going to be good, but this time it's going to deliver i said this is not the kind of interview i like to give or receive and he said i'm up for it he was up for it good quarter now, a lot of it was in margins but he had a lot of initiatives that did well. not just intuit that's doing well you mentioned yesterday, i took it home and -- the death cross on oil at 10:30, we do get numbers if you remember last week we had
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this algorithmic crash of oil. so i think those who are selling the oil stocks right here ahead of oil only being down 34 cents are completely betting on the algorithmic sell-off death cross at 10:31 i wait to see if that's the case. >> we have to build on api you talk about the rig count coming out of every friday and into monday. we'll see what we get at 10:30. >> yeah, i'm doing the new york stock exchange seminar after this with rusty brazile from rb & g energy and he has been saying listen, we're going to not go up big but i don't think we can go down huge i'm not looking for the $38 twice. but we can tell some level, 33, 34 if the algos go crazy. >> right really quick, web bush kits -- cuts starbucks. >> yeah.
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the stock has rallied, here we go i say sometimes you just get to where you make the call and the sell-off has occurred. not a great call to me. >> target, div hike is now yielding 4.3. >> i'll tell you, i was out last night with a very good retail analyst and we talked about the whole notion of the idea that there's amazon, there's walmart and there's costco and there's everybody else and if you look there's a hit job note about kohl's not doing that well. i don't believe that's the case, but these others, the ancillaries, the targets, target went up big on nordstrom which is a little silly because they won't take themselves private. i don't have great data points other than amazon, costco and walmart. the big three. i'm starting to think that it's going to be a big three situation. we have some live film there that i'm not quite familiar with what's going on. maybe -- >> we're just getting word on what exactly this is.
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>> okay. but it does appear to be congressional baseball players returning to d.c. from alexandria if we get some sound out of this of course we'll bring it to you. can we take this full? >> big, fat guy, probably 5'8", t-shirt and shorts had a long gun and a pistol. there was a semiautomatic rifle and it looked like a 9 millimeter pistol. >> did police say anything -- >> i didn't get -- he was -- he went down into the field he have the only guy in the field that went down so i was off the field and behind the back stop. >> thank you, congressman. >> sure. >> so you were there >> i was i was. >> more descriptions of the horrific scene this morning in alexandria jeff flake described it as a scene in which 12 of us he says got in the dugout as capitol
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police returned fire the majority whip of course hit in the hip went on for about ten minutes. dozens of shots were fired i got a look at the shooter he says he came over behind the back stop he had a clear sight so we couldn't stay up for long. when we all got clear, he ran to scalise to put pressure on the wound. you said it earlier, jim sounds like a different country. >> yeah, it does i know when you even -- i'll tell you how bad it is when you talk about it and suddenly you look at twitter, it's not a different country, how dare you say that i'm tired of that too. maybe my wife is right, stop looking. right? we're all part of the discourse. when i hear the comedians ramp it up, sometimes it's painful. even if you are on their side or not on their side. because we -- behavior is dictated a lot by the norms of people who are on tv because tv is very powerful and i for one would like us to get back away from where the
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180s discourse was em perricly measured -- empirically measured by jpmorgan we are back to the worst partisansh partisanship and let this be a wake-up call whoever this shooter is let this be emblematic of what happened here. >> as a reminder, 2011, gabby giffords tweets my heart are with my former colleagues and their staff and the public servants and heroes today and every day. >> yeah. i mean, these people who put themselves in the line of fire that's something that not everybody is suited to do. you know, this was fun, we just get together for fun the shooter takes advantage of the fact that it was just together for fun because that's more of an open opportunity.
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i think these people have to recognize that with google i can find out where everybody is at any given time and that changes the equation if you can find it out from google, then you have to have more security security by the way -- the people who do security i had many instances that i had security they're ready. you know, it's a god send. the people who know how to do security are a god send. but unfortunately we don't want to put them between us and them, but this is a new world. i wish someone else would agree with me on the rhetoric thing because we see things in the news and we say, oh, man, that's dangerous. maybe that's going to inspire someone. >> majority whip's scalise office has released a statement. shot in the hip, quote, prior to entering surgery the whip was in good spirits and spoke to his wife by phone. he is grateful for the brave actions of u.s. capitol police first responders and colleagues. we ask that you keep the whip and others harmed in the
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incident in your thoughts and prayers. this office will release additional information as appropriate. thank goodness. >> yeah. it's shocking. but thank goodness -- he got lucky, huh anybody's shot is bad. but this could have been a completely different kind of story. and maybe that's the wake-up call that it could have been. nobody wants to put security between themselves and the voters, okay but we have a different society right now. and i think that if you don't do that, you're going to be -- you will now be reckless having -- one of the things that when you have security, one of the things they say, jim, why are you doing this and, you know, the answer is okay, i'll stop. i'll stop. they have to stop. the people who do security in this country marvelous and when they tell you not to do something, they do -- they tell you not to do something because they have seen things happen not because they're trying to to be cautious, but because they have seen it happen. that's the repercussion -- >> a good point.
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the natural tension is between the public officials and the security detail. they want to do more than they let you. they don't want to wall yourselves off. >> we're now in this time. well, jim, hold up, people said that at oswald, they said that -- no you're missing the point we have a heightened form of discourse in this country that's the opposite of the -- of what chris matthews used to talk about when at the end of the day, tip o'neill would get together and have a beer with the other side reagan - >> that's what this game was sort of about. >> but these days you have to do it, not in a bar you have to do on the grounds of congress just because i think that what's happened is that there are a lot of people who are emboldened i believe by the language. emboldened to take action that maybe they wouldn't have in
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time. >> you cite comedians but social media -- >> social media is really so brutal i have met with the people from twitter. believe me, they're not unaware of it. they don't want it either. but we all have experienced threats in social media who are these people who have a lot of followers. there are different kind of threat from what you used to get. much more menacing thank you to the various police people who protect med -- protected me over the years and many others. >> the dow again, record high. up about 12 points the financials lagging after that weak economic data this morning. we are expecting a press conference from the alexandria police at the top of the hour they said it would be about 90 minutes. it would place us around 10:30 a.m. eastern time. "squawk on the street" will be right back
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then i can focus on what i want to do. visit to see what adding futures can do for you. we continue to monitor developments out of alexandria, virginia, and the shooting this morning at that gop baseball practice our kayla tausche is in the area and has been talking to some eyewitnesses kayla, it appears that there were many out there this morning. >> there were.
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it is a very residential area, carl there were tons of people with their children out walking their dogs before school or before going to work this morning when that shooting took place it happened at 7:09 a.m. and around 7:30, alexandria police sent an e-mail that there was in fact a shooting going on i spoke with one resident who said after the very first shot and by the time he heard the second shot he was on the phone with 911 but had to wait a minute and a half to talk to the operator that almost everyone in the neighborhood heard it. and decided to call the operator at 911 because it was an anomaly of this neighborhood i asked him about the politics of the del ray part, and he said it was quite liberal, but it was inclusive. there were signs that said kindness and i said what would happen if there were a bunch of republican lawmakers playing
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baseball that people knew about, and he said that people would bring them doughnuts and coffee. he said this is as safe as it gets residents are shaken he wouldn't tell his children and he's not going to work today. on capitol hill a lot of business is being delayed as people await the status of their colleagues and friends who a are -- some in the hospital, some recovering. some whose aides were shot as well so we await the final status of exactly who beyond the majority whip steve scalise was injured in this shooting this morning but already there have been multiple delays, multiple cancellations of events on the hill including a press conference by democrats to announce a lawsuit against the president for alleged violation of the emollients clause for accepting foreign payments on behalf of his business since he took office this year. that's been cancelled entirely today is not the day for something like that to be
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announced. we're still awaiting that press conference by police it's going to happen on the other side of this baseball field in about 30 minutes' time. is as soon as we get more details, carl, we'll bring them to you. >> kayla tausche in alexandria, thank you for all that good information. of course we will await comment from the majority whip's office currently in surgery, but said to be in good spirits. spoke to his wife by phone and is grateful to the u.s. capitol police so getting some breaking news this morning as well from eamon javers. >> good morning, carl. i'm here at the white house and i can tell you that the president had spoke on the phone with the speaker of the house, paul ryan. he's also making calls up on capitol hill talking to members of congress about what's happened today, about the shooting and what their response will be. i can tell you also that my expectation is the schedule here going to change. we had a normal day planned throughout the day the president was going to go over to the department of labor, he was going to talk about apprenticeship i would imagine that some of the events get shift around. it would be typical for this
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president to make a public statement. i would expect we'll hear from the president at some point later on this morning or early afternoon about this incident. once he is fully briefed on what happened, who the shooter was, the condition of all all of the people involved and he's taking steps in terms of coordinating a federal response to this it would be safe to assume we'd hear from president trump later on today, carl. >> eamon, thank you for that we'll check back in with you in a little bit kayla, jim talks about lowering the temperature perhaps today on some of the policy disputes. does that last >> i think that it doesn't last without a change in the way the voters think i mean, the voters -- i obviously voted for more poll -- they voted for more polarization not less i think the media can play a very good role if it wants
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it's not the media's role to censor itself. when i say the media i mean entertainment too. when i say dial it back, people say that i have a problem with first amendment. when i grew up, there were these people you had the senate, you had the people -- the huge leaders. they always tried to make it so that there was a consensus that no matter what, we were civil. but of course there were always assassinations, always terrible things that have occurred. but it was not the normal -- the normal was not to make threatening comedy, threatening comedy i think is wrong. >> under the guise of art, right? >> yeah. >> a point of high profile examples in the last two weeks. >> i'm uncomfortable with that now. now, look, i'm old school. i grew up in the era where there were republicans that were the leaders of trying to reach across the aisle and democrats who were just -- who i thought were bigger than politics. i wish there were more people
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who were bigger than politics. >> congressman gilbert here. >> i thank the security detail because they saved our lives >> the security -- >> yeah. >> how long did it last? >> about five to ten minutes there were dozens if not hundreds of shots fired. it was scary. >> did you take cover? >> of course we did. >> where did you take cover? >> some of us went into the dugout some of us were on the ground. i was behind the dugout and my son got under an suv and he was very brave my other son was in the batting cage and he was very brave thank you, guys. >> thank you very much >> congressman gilbert there hundreds if not dozens -- hundreds of shots fired. >> amazing you asked me a question about whether i think that there would be a change because of social media, you get instant reaction from who knows who but immediately said if the democrats would stop, then people say if the republicans would stop
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that's why i say it's harder i'm not asking for lincoln there's only one lincoln in the history of the world but i do think that these are events that people can say, listen, don't blame it on the democrats. please don't blame it on the republicans. you can say -- people should feel a little more shame i think shame is a great thing because it makes us say things with more governors and i don't mean governors like the 50 i'm not saying that i haven't at times. i'm -- look, i wrote a book about how difficult i was to deal with. but i think this -- it's just a good thing to come of this, a good thing can come of a bad thing. i know that kayla is talking about the nice neighborhood. in my -- and my whole point is these are politicians. make the person didn't know what party, but they were politicians, and this is not a shooting gallery america is not a shooting
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gallery. we're just not we're not known for that we were in 1859. >> right we hope to learn more about motivations maybe later on today. thanks for helping us. >> oh, geez, carl, i hope you have an easy day and my heart -- you know, oh, mean this is horrible what can i say >> we'll follow the developments out of alexandria, wchat the markets, the fed this afternoon. the dow is up 13 points. don't go away. dynamic performance, so you can own the road. track-tuned handling, so you can conquer corners. aggressive-styling, so you can break away from everyone else. experience the exhilaration of the bold lexus is. experience amazing. steve, other than making me move stuff, i'm here at the td ameritrade trader offices. what are you working on? let me show you. okay. our thinkorswim trading platform
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live shot of alexandria, virginia, a shooting taking place this morning at a congressional baseball practice. majority whip steve scalise shot but in stable condition. currently undergoing surgery at least two other capitol police are shot, but expected to recover no fatalities have been reported they will update the situation in we think 30 minutes from now. i'm carl quintanilla with kelly evans and mike santoli at post 9. sara eisen is live outside the white house. a quick check on the markets we got an intraday on the fed today. we'll get a statement and a presser this afternoon and we seal whether some of -- we will seewhether some of the weak data alters their outlook
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first up, to kayla tausche at the scene of this morning's shooting what's the latest? >> well, carl, residents of this neighborhood are stunned that baseball game that -- the baseball practice that took place early this morning, while residents here were walking around with their dogs, with their children, the shooting was described as fireworks, construction that's what residents mistook it for early on then pretty clear it started to fire like a firefight two different residents used that term to describe it. within a minute, multiple residents had called 911 one i spoke with had to wait 90 seconds before he could speak to the operator, because he said this was an anomaly for this area the charity baseball game is supposed to take place at thursday at 7:00 p.m. and the republican team was out
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practicing they practice often in this neighborhood sometimes daily at this very park around this time of year in preparation for this game. although they do move around fields, that this is one place they come quite often. because it's summertime and many schools are out, some of the lawmakers had their children with them. representative joe barton that you just heard from a couple months ago had his 10-year-old son with him that was then moved into the dugout while that shooting took place. we're still awaiting word from alexandria police about exactly how this went down from their perspective. any updates that they have about who the shooter is, what his motivation was and any other identifying information that we have about who, how and why this event took place i mentioned congressman barton a few moments ago, i do believe that we have his comments on camera take a listen. >> when we were at batting practice, we have a congressional baseball game. we play every year a shooter came out to practice,
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started shooting he shot at trent kelly our third baseman, he shot at steve scalise our second baseman, he hit steve scalise. there scalise's security detail and capitol hill police immediately began -- to return fire >> it all happened very quickly as you can see on this baseball field, mitts, balls, bats were all strewn, left where they were as the lawmakers fled for cover. figure -- tried to figure out what was going on. we'll bring you any updates as we have them from alexandria that's the latest at this hour. >> kayla, thank you very much for that over on the hill, meantime t house convened at 10:00, immediately went into recess until noon all house members we understand have been summoned to an 11:15 a.m. meeting joining us on phone, south
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carolina congressman jeff duncan was at the scene this morning. and potentially, congressman, spoke to the shooter prior to the incident >> i believe so. ryan desantis -- congressman and i, he plays third base, i play shortstop. we had decided to leave early to make another meeting this is the last day of regular practice before the game tomorrow night we had taken enough infield, we had already batted for batting practice decided to leave early as we were walking through the parking lot to our car we were approached by a gentleman who asked if the team on the field was the republican or the democrat team. and we said that the republican team he said, okay, thanks. and there was nothing earth shattering about it. this is a park as you heard earlier, people are walking dogs they're exercising this is before work. this is a city recreation area,
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ymca right beside it for seven years that i have played congressional baseball, we have seen a lot of the citizens from alexandria come out there to exercise and some will stand at the fence and watch us practice. so it was not uncommon to see individuals out there watching us practice and that was not an uncommon question to be asked. >> congressman, at this point, the story that your colleague representative desantis told as well, the only evidence we have about what the shooter's motives or intentions might have been s that the only thing that he asked you is whether this was the republican or democratic team >> that's correct. and i said it's the republican team and he said, okay, thanks. as he turned around to walk away we drove off only to find out about the shooting after we got back to capitol hill so it seems like it was motivated toward the republicans. you know, based on his question and then how we answered it and then what happened afterwards.
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>> another colleague of yours mike bishop told wwj news 50 that many of you had run for cover. but it appeared as though when the shooting broke out -- the shooter saw that was happening and was heading -- he said quote, he was coming around the fence line and he was looking for all of us who had found cover in different spots if we didn't return fire right there we would have come up to each one of us and shot us point blank. does that jive with what you experienced as well? >> well, again, i had left we left early so after my interaction with the proposed shooter who i think was the shooter, i got in the car and left i had to make another meeting. i'm hearing the same stories that you're hearing. it's very disturbing that members of congress were targeted this way. and i just pray for my colleagues that were injured and everyone that experienced gun fire >> we talked to tom rooney earlier this morning, congressman. who said who would have thought you would need to be surrounded by police to practice baseball at 6:30 in the morning but then said if they practice
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this time next year and are surrounded by police that would not surprise him would it surprise you? >> yeah, i'm wondering what this going to do and how this going to change the dynamics around the decades long fund-raising tournament with the republicans and the democrats all in good fun, using america's sport, baseball the nationals -- the washington nationals are generous to let us plait their -- let us play at their stadium. 10,000 people are usually in the stands brings in $500,000 no, sir the boys and girls clubs and it's good fun. to be targeted in this way at a baseball practice at 6:30, 7:00 in the morning is just surreal to me. i don't know what it means going forward. >> congressman, how widely posted is the news about the practice sessions that you're holding? i ask only because there's one of two possibilities here. either the shooter had some personal inside information about this practice or he found it somewhere on the internet
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are you away of how widely disseminated or how in advance this information might have been put out there? >> yes this is game that's gone on for decades and the republicans have practiced for my seven years in practice i know the roll call magazine is one of the sponsors of the game and they write articles. whether those articles mention where we practice, the time of practice, i'm not sure but it's really a shame that we've got to go to this length to try to hide where members of congress are going to be practicing baseball for a charity event and i'm really not sure how widely publicized our location and time is. >> just one more question. do your democratic colleagues practice baseball on this field and around the same kind of times? >> not at this field they practice at another facility in the district and at the same time they practice early morning because the work they start is
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early around capitol hill. we usually are out there a little before 6:30, practice for an hour or less. and then head back to the capitol, due to traffic and just the workday. we try to get in and get cleaned up and get our day started just like every other american before 8:00 >> congressman, thank you for your time and helping our viewers understand what happened this morning we appreciate it very much. >> thank you thank you so much. god bless all the members and keep praying for them. >> congressman jeff duncan. let's get to eamon javers who is at the white house with new developments >> a couple of scheduling items to bring you up to speed on. the event at the department of labor has been officially cancelled. there's going to be a media availability for an event with gary cohn and an auto industry leaders, the media portion of that event has been cancelled as well i would expect we would hear from president trump personally and on camera. we're waiting for details on exactly when we'll see that.
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also up on capitol hill, we are told that all house members have been summoned to an 11:15 a.m. briefing on the shooting, this will be at the capitol center auditorium, it's a new facility. it's underground, very secure. there they can brief all of the members on what happened this morning. the details of it and importantly, what security will change up on capitol hill and what members of congress are expected to do to protect themselves, their staff and the people around them going forward. so events here at the white house changing schedule changes up on capitol hill we'll let you know when we hear from the president as soon as we have the details as well. >> hey, eamon, just as background for viewers who don't normally -- or haven't had to think about this kind of thing, what is standard security protocol for a group of congressmen out in the city? is it depending on whether leadership is present, is it 24/7 >> it is a pretty light package, i mean, these members of
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congress travel all over the city all over their home districts. they go on congressional delegations all over the world so depending on what they're doing you'll have a different level of security for each one but my assessment here is that this capitol baseball game you would have had a light presence if any at all, except for the leadership they're sort of a dig anytary -- dignitary protection division in the capitol police, a congressional version of the secret service those guys will go with the leadership wherever they go. sort of a body watch on those individuals wherever they are. you might have one or two capitol police officers as well, but traditionally off campus at a nonpublic, nonscheduled event, you wouldn't have a robust security presence at all and members of the public would be able to wander up to this baseball field and take a look at what's going on and members of congress historically have liked it that way. they don't with an to be inside
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that security bubble they don't want to wall themselves off from the world. they want to have access to their constituents, to people in washington to their colleagues across the aisle and their own party. that is sort of the necessary day to day movement of being a member of congress they don't want to be inside a heavy security package at all times. >> we're about to learn if that changes, eamon thank you very much. we'll talk to you soon eamon javers in washington we'll take a short break stocks in a limited range this morning. dow did hit an intraday high briefly up seven pntois. a lot still to come this afternoon including that fed statement. back in a minute trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that often reveals a better path forward.
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welcome back let's get back to eamon javers outside the white house with some more on the shooting this morning. >> yeah, good morning, again, kelly. nbc news has new some new report on what law enforcement knows about the shooter. multiple law enforcement officials are saying at this point there's no indication that the shooter has ties to international terrorism. that is isis or al qaeda so we'll wait and see what the motive was of this shooter but at this point they're saying no ties to international terrorism. that would mean or would suggest that they'll proceed on a criminal investigation tack. we'll see if this is a mental illness situation or what it was that drove this shooter to this baseball field but they're saying right now it's not isis, or al qaeda.
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>> thank you, eamon for now. market's expecting the fed to raise rates bay quarter per -- by a quarter point this morning. steve liesman has more. >> pretty disappointing data the market is reacting to the disappointing retail sales data we go both raising -- we got most economists think a fed rate hike is a forgone conclusion today, but over at pantheon, if this trend continues on in september then the next hike will be delayed. the unemployment sat a 16 year low, the inflation is declining. we will see more about that in a second the long rates are plummeting and stocks by the way are soaring if you haven't noticed here's the problem, four months in a row of declining core inflation. while the unemployment rate
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declines it hasn't been this low since november 10th, ten days after the election now, the fed remains on track to hike today in part because it's really normalizing rates more than it's tightening doesn't want to slow down the economy that means it's not quite as data dependent as it was. but today's data is going to put a note of caution in the guidance for future hikes that i think we'll hear from janet yellen in the press conference. >> we look forward to that a busy day for us. for more, we're joined by anastasia amoroso and a portfolio manager. anything change at 8:30? >> first of all, our prayers go out to congress and the victims. i think them fa isised what's -- i think them fa sized what's on
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in the marketplace i think the real question and what i would like to hear yellen explain to us why is the yield curve so flat? how is the federal reserve thinking about that? because we have seen interest rates come down on the curve as they have been raising rates >> i think we can explain why the yield curve is so flat as steve pointed out, the economic data has been disappointing. what i would love for janet yellen to explain, why there's a big disconnect between the fed fund futures for economic policy the fed funds futures market is pricing in one rate hike and the fed is looking for three so i guess to me, does the state of the economy today and the disappointing data that we have seen this morning, does it portend something else for the state of 2018? will they bring down that rates forecast for 2018? >> well, the markets have not been punished for essentially not taking the fed at its word, right, about the forward intentions so it will stick to that trade for a while now. i wonder if this changes the
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conversation about the reduction of the fed balance sheet if you look at things right now, okay, the long send a little too low in yield the world wants more of that maybe that can even help on the yield curve front if they want to move toward normalization. >> there's a big question about the fed balance sheet and you have a $5 trillion balance sheet, you have 19 plus trillion dollars of debt, you have a treasury department that's paying interest at low interest rates. so when the fed begins to normalize their balance sheet. begins to reduce their balance sheet through a runoff schedule, what does that do to interest rates and the fiscal side? i think the federal reserve cannot operate in a vacuum outside of the treasury and there's some thought given to the impact so we don't have a taper tantrum that causes a rapid rise in interest rates >> and we have to figure out what kind of stimulus is coming from washington, if any. how do you figure out how to price that in and how should the
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fed be thinking of that? >> we're thinking of rates because the combination of factors is interesting you can have a greater budget deficit when they're a reduced buyer, so that would be an interesting set-up. >> would that get you to 3 >> i think it would get you to 3. for now, i think we're definitely in a range between 2.10 and i think we can stay there for while. unless we see the inflation, the foreign buyers are in the market to get higher to that range we have to see better data. we have to see the ecb lifting the caps but carl to your point, to get over 3, we have to see that fiscal stimulus. >> the markets meanwhile are responding to this by saying, fine it's the high liquidity environment, we we're going to buy high yield bonds
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meantime, financial conditions remain very loose. does the fed have to incorporate that into the forward guidance to say that the party is going pretty hard right now? >> i think the question is this asset inflation, this asset price increase driven exclusively by interest rates or has there been a real turn in the economy? i think the job picture certainly tells you there's been a turn in the economy. going back to your first question, carl, the inflation numbers are weak and the fed has a dual mandate when you have low inflation numbers the federal reserve has to pause really has to ask themselves is it justified to continue to raise interest rates in this market environment >> we'll learn a lot more this afternoon. but that data today did take some people by surprise. >> thank you for having us coming up we'll go back to d.c. for more on the developing situation. the shooting at the congressional baseball practice this morning "squawk on the street" will be right back reaction...hain ...that's heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business,
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know but you believe you spoke to someone who at least had questions about who was practicing this morning? >> yeah, that's correct. i don't know if it was the same guy. i've provided the description, it was a middle aged caucasian male with darker hair that seems to be consistent with the description of the shooter, but i don't think we have made direct connection yet. the reason i mentioned it is because while this was all going on, i was -- right before the shots i was at third base, jeff duncan was at second base and -- osteve -- steve was at second and we wanted to beat the traffic. we saw this individual five minutes before this shooting started in the parking lot after he had talked with jeff and he was asking us questions, he went back to the field and then we drove off and then obviously we heard the news once we got back to the hill that there were shots but, you know, this park -- you guys are showing some of it.
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it's an open public ballpark you can go sit in the stands we typically don't have many people who care what's going on. people will be walking their dogs, doing things like that all of our activity with our equipment and everything is on the first base side. that's where kind of the coaches are. staff, everything. so that third base side is really just wide open. i mean there's never anybody over there so if you're going to do something like that, that would obviously be the place to do it. >> reportly, that's where the shooting happened. i wondered if you can tell us more about the individual. was he wearing or carrying anything unusual or did he have a dog? >> did not have a dog. i don't know if he was carrying anything because i only got him from kind of the shoulders up. i was in the back seat of the car and he kind of approached the passenger seat so i saw his face and his profile, but i didn't see if he was carrying anything and didn't notice it once we drove away
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>> what about his disposition? did he ask the question in any kind of aggressive or quick manner was he pleasant with you guys at all or was it very abrupt? >> it was more abrupt. i mean, it was just odd. we don't typically see many people out there so i think we kind of -- we kind of just shook it off, both jeff and i. but then as soon as we got the word, when we got back to capitol hill we immediately called each other and we said, hey, we have to provide this description. i called capitol police, here's what i saw, i don't know if it's the same individual. so they appreciated it i think it's pretty easy to identify this guy and figure out a motivation once they do that, i'll determine whether it's the same individual if i saw the picture i'd recognize it. >> yeah. again, just to reiterate the description, you said dark hair? >> yeah. i was -- it was darker either brown or dark brown
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>> we asked your colleague jeff as well if he could describe the question that was asked and whether it was known to the general public that the gop congressional baseball team would be practicing there. you know, how widely known is this kind of information and jeff said that the democratic team would have practiced at a different field entirely remind us again what the question was that this guy asked you. >> so it's not a secret, this is the place -- or i have been in congress since 2013 and this is the field that they have used. i haven't necessarily played every year, but when you do that's where you go. and i think they have been playing at this field for years before that too. so this is a pretty consistent practice facility and if you were just kind of walking by at a distance, would you know it's necessarily members of congress, not necessarily, but you would definitely know it's something a little bit different because you have guys in there -- i think one of the younger guys. you have guys in their 50s and 60s. the fact that steve scalise was participating meant that you had
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the security so you see the tinted suv. you see the capitol police officers for the average person, they look pretty similar to secret service agents i think the significant thing about the security is that had steve not come to practice this morning and that individual was there shooting, you have had zero defense there would have been no security at all and i think you have seen a major massacre so those capitol police obviously the fact that they were and the fact that they responded quickly, you know, they saved lives today no doubt about it. >> that's echoing what some of your colleagues at least rand paul on ms said this morning, said without the capitol police, your only defense would have been a baseball bat. it would not have been much of a contest. we are awaiting congressman, this press conference to begin i think we will probably take this live. this looks like --
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this looks like the police chief from the alexandria police department again, nbc reporting so far no indication that this is related to international terrorism. >> good morning, everybody i'm mike brown, chief of the alexandria police department it's b-r-o-w-n we're here to give you an update on the incident that occurred this morning let me repeat some of the facts that we do know at this point. before i start, i want to say that this is an incident, not an active incident. the city is safe we have an active investigation going on for the incident that took place this morning. but i want to reassure the community here in alexandria that this city is indeed safe. we will continue to work with the investigation as it moves forward. the facts as we have it this
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morning again, 0709, nine minutes after 7:00 we received a 911 call of an active shooter at simpson park here on monroe in alexandria our units responded and were on scene within three minutes the officers were received -- they received fire from a suspect and they returned fire and that in part of the investigation is ongoing as we speak. we came to find out that at this event was a practice session for a baseball team involving some representatives from congress or some employees from congress there were capitol police individuals -- contingent on scene. and they also engaged with the subject. i'll let the chief for the capitol police respond to that the emergency medical personnel from the alexandria fire department as well as officers from the alexandria police department provided treatment to a number of individuals on
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scene. we know that five were transported by public emergency medical sources to hospitals within the area they deal with a variety of injuries and treatment. at this point, the alexandria police department because this case involves the assault on a federal officer, the federal bureau of investigation will be taking over the investigation and we welcome our work with the fbi. we are embedded and are assisting the fbi along with other agencies that are trying to deal with this particular scene and this investigation of this incident. that said, i would also like to say our gratitude to the allied agencies that responded to this scene. we had those from the alexandria sheriff's office, the alexandria fire department and quite frankly i couldn't be more proud of the men and women that were involved from the alexandria police department. they did an outstanding job in
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my opinion from what i hear so far. at this point, i'd like to go ahead and introduce the chief from the capitol police to come up and talk about the -- their efforts in this area and what they're doing. chief? >> thank you, chief. i would like to first start out by thanking alexandria police, sheriff's office, the fire department, the fbi, atf and all of our federal law enforcement and local partners who assisted in this response certainly it's a very large response, it will take a while to sort through all of the details. my units of our dignitary protection division were on sight with the congressional protectee when the incident occurred they did engage in gunfire with the suspect. and were assisted by the alexandria police. the officers, the united states
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capitol police officers who were injured are in good condition and have not suffered any life threatening injuries at this point. as we get more information, we'll be working through the fbi and our local partners with the alexandria police to provide more details as they become available. but at this point, i'd like to turn it over to the fbi. >> good morning, tim slater, i'm the special agent in charge of the washington field office. i want to reiterate what the chiefs have said this is a secure community at this point it's an active investigation however, the security of the community is paramount and i want to assure you that's the case so we got involved around 9:30 this morning we initially responded with our national capitol response squad from the jttf per our protocol and they were assisting our
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state and local partners once it was confirmed that we had a member of congress that was involved in the incident, we have taken the lead. however, this is a joint command and this is a joint investigation with our state and local partners to include who's been at the microphone already and our partners from atf and alexandria county and alexandria city and capitol police as well. ly take a couple question -- i will take a couple questions in a second but i want to turn it over to the governor for a couple comments. >> thank you first of all, thoughts and prayers to everybody affected by today's incident i want to congratulate the effort of the state, local and federal. we're all here together. early this morning the state police were activated. i want to thank everybody's involvement and i want to thank the first responders the members of the community came out to be of assistance i also want to compliment the
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u.s. capitol police for their quick action and through their heroic efforts and others they saved a lot of lives today we do everything we can to keep our community safe and i once again want to thank all the law enforcement personnel and first responders who are involved today. thank you. >> can you step to the microphone what you see, number one, a deliberate planned attack and are you investigating this now on the basis it could be an act of terrorism by an individual? >> ma'am, it's too early to say. it's really raw at this moment we are at the initial part of the investigation. so it's too early to say we're working it both ways right now. >> so -- [ indiscernible ]. >> exploring and investigating it could be an act of terrorism? >> we are exploring all angles >> do you have any -- it's said there might be a tentative id. if you can't say the specifics
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are you beginning to narrow dow on the identity of the shooter >> yes we are. >> do you know - >> assassination attempt - >> no, not an assassination attempt. >> do you know who he is >> we're still working on it >> [ indiscernible ]. >> is he a former military >> will not confirm that, no, sir. >> certain members of congress were being targeted -- >> too early to tell if they were targeted or not. >> what can you tell us if anyone has suffered life threatening -- >> everybody was transported to the hospital just don't know about the life threatening. >> a member of congress said that the shooter asked -- are these republicans or democrats can you say yes, there's a political motivation - >> no, not aware of that at all. >> no information on the weapons. >> don't know yet. >> so you're saying this could have been random >> don't know. it's still early in the investigation. >> not an assassination attempt, how do you know that >> i don't know any of the facts. it's too early to say one way or
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the other. >> can you give us the condition of the suspect do you know his condition and also the general condition of the officers who were shoot. >> i think the officers are doing better i'm not sure about the suspect at this time >> is there -- >> is the suspect talking to the law enforcement? >> say again >> is there any -- [ indiscernible ]. >> no, ma'am, not at this point. >> how important is it that the capitol police officers, the security detail was here with congressman scalise in this incident give us a sense of the importance of the fact that there were armed officers on the scene when this started. >> members of a dignitary protection, they were here as a protection team. >> the difference it made? >> i'm sure it made a significant difference. >> sir, is that suspect talking at in point? is he cooperating? is he explaining >> i do not know the answer to. >> the security detail, were they secret service -- >> anyone -- >> we have secured the scene we are getting through the logical investigative steps at this point. >> you said you don't believe this is an assassination attempt and yet it would appear that
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members of congress were targeted >> no, what i said is we are not sure at this moment, it's still early on in the investigation. we're working through it. >> is your suspect a local man or from elsewhere? >> don't know yet. >> don't know if he's from the region >> no, ma'am. >> can you clarify -- [ indiscernible ]. >> say again. >> the suspect -- in the parking lot, asked whether or not -- >> i'm not aware of that, no, ma'am. >> you said that it wasn't an assassination attempt. can you clarify for us. >> if i said that, i misspoke. it's too early in the investigation to say one way or the other. >> can you confirm the appearance there are some reports that he had white hair, some he had dark hair. >> no i'm not aware of his appearance. >> given the fact that you have laid out obviously how much you don't know at this point, how much you're investigating, how with all due respect can you and the chief and the governor say that you don't know if this community or the area is safe.
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how can you rule out there is not a broader threat situation >> from early on in the investigation, we think we have a good handle on it. we just want to run out a couple of details before we confirm other additional stuff fair enough? >> can you talk about the weapon and if there was more than one. >> no, ma'am. >> can we -- >> what kind of weapon it was? >> i do not know. >> sir, how many - >> can we ask the capitol hill police chief -- we understand your officers were wounded in the line of duty can you give an update on how they're doing? >> sure. they're being treated at the local hospital and the injuries do not appear to be life threatening at this point. >> where were they hit, sir? >> -- when you listed their condition? >> i would categorize that they're in good condition. >> can you describe what they did? how they engaged the suspect >> well, we received reports of gunfire through our communications and then we coordinated with the alexandria police. so obviously from the early
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instance of this -- of this incident, it was shots were fired. >> but your officers engaged the suspect, yes >> it's my understanding. >> do -- [ indiscernible ] >> where were your officers at when they started to fire on the gunman >> this is too preliminary to go into the details of the investigation. suffice it to say that officers acted heroically today and they're in good condition. and we look for a rapid recovery so with that said, i'll turn it back over -- >> one officer, one male - >> i'm not going to comment on the names. numbers. until i'm reasonably sure that next of kin are notified >> what about of the investigation tells you about the motivation here and whether it was political >> we're not going into the motivation. >> any indication who he shot, what he was doing? there was some - >> again, too early on when the facts come to light, we'll share what question share, thanks. >> thank you
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>> is the fifth person the victim or the shooter? >> we're not going to comment on that like the chief said it's significantly early. and so - >> the police department - >> the four or five victims -- >> injured is the shooter -- >> i won't confirm that. >> but you can confirm there were five people injured >> >> i won't confirm that either >> there were five people transported by emergency medical personnel to hospitals >> was the suspect one of them >> i won't comment on that that's an ongoing investigation issue. but let me comment to the question about the save community piece. we have several things going on. the police department after we secured the scene here did an awful lot of work in the community. we walked the community, we looked for secondary issues. we brought in additional resources and assets so that we could deal with any possible secondary thing. the question that was directed about the investigation if in
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fact it reveals something else then we'll respond to that but right now every indication in this city is that this is an isolated incident, that the investigation will indeed be long long term. and let me also do a thank you to the agencies that assisted us as we canvassed the neighborhoods and looked around the community to make sure this was safe that would include the virginia state police, the alexandria sheriff's office and a lot of folks even in the neighborhood came out to make sure that we were doing the right thing. >> do you think -- >> [ indiscernible ]. >> there were five people transported by -- i won't go into that. >> being reported -- >> well, i can't speak to the information that the others are reporting, folks five people were transported. >> anybody treated - >> i can't speak to that i'll refer to the fbi on that information. >> governor -- governor -- >> [ indiscernible ] >> any of the injuries life threatening? >> from your point of view, from
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your knowledge about the national area, your view about the safety of the area do you have any information prior, any investigatory agency as the there might be a threat in this area a threat to congress how satisfied that you have a handle on what happened here and that there is no additional threat >> i can tell you from virginia's perspective, from my secretary of public safety, who is here, we had no prior information that this would occur. >> do you think anything needs to be done to protect politicians? >> let me say this i think we need to do more to protect our citizens we have long advocated -- this is not what today is about, but there's too many guns on the street we lose many americans a day shutting down the loopholes is not for today's discussion, but
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we worry about this every day for all of our citizens. >> -- criticize that you're bringing up gun control at this time >> well, i talking about this raefr single day -- every single day. we just buried one of our great state troopers a special agent with a wife and three young children needless, senseless. so we have to look at this but i'm not going to get anywhere near the investigation, the fbi is leading this. but this obviously with 93 million people a day, it's something -- >> 93 million a day is a big number did you see -- that's a big number. >> 93 million -- 93 individuals a day. >> 93 individuals. >> a day. >> how confident are you that -- >> planning anything throughout the day? >> i can just tell you from virginia's perspective, we monitor all this we had no threats before we're not concurring, looking at this as it relates to this this is up to the fbi.
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>> there's so much acrimony right now, so much back and forth and venomous discussion. are you concerned that climate in any way contributed to what we saw today or do you have thoughts about the climate we're in >> i can't answer on today the investigation is going on. i do think things have become very partisan, very hardened in this country today we have to begin to work together to get things done. there has been too much i believe raw discourse in this country today that's pulling people apart in general and we need to work together to bring people together to work together as governor i worry about education transportation, basic things that people want. that's what we need to focus our energies on. thank you. >> -- opening up a dialogue on - >> we do not have another breaking schedule at this time however we're communicating with the media to let you know we'll be providing another update later this afternoon so at this location. >> all right representatives from the
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alexandria police, the fbi special agent in charge, the capitol hill police chief, governor mcauliffe there reiterating a few points one, the city is safe. the capitol hill officers shot but in good condition. not sure about the suspect at this point and the fbi agent slater said too early to tell if the republican congressmen were targeted of not. eamon javers watching all this and how this will adjust or affects schedules on the hill today. >> that's right, carl. what you just saw there is the complexity of the law enforcement response and in the capitol hill region. overlapping here let me toss it back to you we see mitch mcconnell. >> we are concerned for those injured. we'll keep them in our prayers and send them every wish for a quick and full recovery. we're grateful for all of those who stepped in to help those practicing on the field. first responders and of course the capitol police officers on the scene.
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we're deeply indebted to their service. we again salute their continuing and unfailing bravery on behalf of the capitol community the congressional baseball game is a bipartisan charity event. i know the senate will embrace that spirit today as we come together and express both in our concern and our gratitude. >> i join with the majority leader in offering our prayers for those who are injured and i was absolutely shaken by the news of a shooting early this morning at the baseball field in alexandria many of my friends and colleagues were practicing for the annual congressional baseball game and an event that brings us together each year its been represented that
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representative scalise were attacked as were two brave members of the capitol police force and a staffer. let us pray that they and any others who are injured are able to recover quickly today is a sobering we should the service of the capitol police force who put their lives on the lines day in and day out for us to be safe. i could not be more grateful that capitol police were there at a time to prevent this attack from being any worse than it was. i was with senator paul in the gym who had been there he told me these two capitol police officers, who were part of congressman scalise' detail weren't there, it might have been a massacre. their bravery is exemplary of all capitol police force and we thank them the entire senate family sends its thoughts and prayers to those wounded and our gratitude to the police officers and first responders at the scene.
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yield the floor. >> watching the house -- the senate in in case. the house convened at 10:00 a.m. and resumes at noon. we have a suspect named, james t. hodgkinson is the suspect, in his late 60s we don't know how he is fairing. the special agent in charge of the fbi says the condition of the capitol hill officers that was shot is good >> they refused to elaborate whether he was one of the five transported to the hospital. we can tell you the name james hodgkin so hodgkinson, a 66-year-old illinois resident. so much is going to focus not only on who he is and why he might have acted that way. you heard several questions directed as to whether there
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might have been a motive as to whether the people were republican or democrat tim slater refusing to say whether that might have had anything to do with the motive when asked, could it have simply been random. he reiterated it is too early to know >> i believe we'll watch developments out of washington and alexandria a market check we have fresh lows for the year in rates, in the dollar and now oil, as inventories, bearish once again, mike santoli av it is slow, a disenflationary flor >> we'll take a quick break and keep you up to date on what's happening in washington and alexandria, virginia, in a moment ne? brian, i just had a quick question. brian? brian...
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latest headlines on the shooting at the gop baseball practice it happened at 7:09 local time the alexandria police got word of an active shooter response time, very quick. three minutes or so. the officers received fire, capitol hill officers shot are in good condition. no word about the suspect, which we are now learning is a james hodgkinson of illinois, bellview, illinois the fbi is saying it is too early to tell whether the gop baseball players were targeted or not >> it is not going to stop people from crawling all over the internet trying to figure out what they can about this guy. that's all nbc has been able to confirm. tragic event the baseball game was supposed to go on tomorrow evening. there has been some suggestion about whether instead of doing the traditional gop instead of
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democrats, should they do something different? east versus west some other way a lot of democratic colleagues had been praying and showing their support for what happened to republicans this morning. >> dollar and rates are weak, markets down the president will deliver a statement at the whiteou w hsee are told in about half an hour we will take a short break back in a minute i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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11:00 am
welcome back to "squawk alley. with me, kelly evans and mike santoli and sarah ivins at the white house. let's recap what we know about the shooting at an alexandria baseball field republicans were practicing for a charity baseball game. steve scalise, house majority republican whip was injured among five police say it is still too early to determine a motive. the suspect, 66-year-old james hodgkinson of bellville, illinois the president will have a statement at 11:30 eastern in just about a half hour
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