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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  June 22, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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space. >> that was part of jim cramer's interview with mondelez ceo irene rosenfeld. you can catch the whole thing tonight on "mad money" starting at 6:00. be sure not to miss that coming up, as well, financier steve schwartzman rolling the dice on a unique one-year all expenses paid program in china for extraordinarily young people that he hopes will change the world. "billionaire's bet" 10:00 p.m. eastern here on cnbc time now for "fast money". "fast money" starts right now live from the nasdaq market site overlooking new york city's times square tonight on "fast," oldie but goody. oracle blowing past its dot com bubble levels and there are two other '90s tech darlings that could soon follow to new highs we'll explain. plus, no stress. what the results mean for the rally in financials. and later, dennis garthman says there's something investors are
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missing about the mood in crude oil and it could have huge implications for your portfolio. he'll be here to break it down first, one huge move in the markets today, that's in health care stocks. the sector hitting another all-time high for a second consecutive day after the gop unveiled its new health care bill in the senate cnbc's kayla tausche is in d.c. with the details kayla? >> reporter: it was unveiled a few hours ago, but senate leadership is already in sell mode democrats predictably opposed to it, but even republican senators, not one said they were vehemently in support of it. the most bullish would only say they opposed the proceeding legislation, but then there was a group of four senators, double the amount the gop can afford to lose in this battle, four senators that came out and say they are open to changes and willing to make concessions, but that they are opposed to the bill in its current form senator lindsey graham today noted it wasn't just those four who want changes >> there are 52 of us, all of us
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have leverage, and the question for us is, you know, are we going to deliver or not? so, i don't know what they want changed in the bill. this is an opening offer, not the final deal, so time will tell >> they don't have much time they just have a week and the cbo score that comes out in a matter of days is going to make the debate even more delicate. lawmakers are going to have a hard time standing behind a bill that sees tens of millions of americans lose coverage and premiums that don't fall substantially for consumers. and then there is this, former president obama weighing in in a lengthy facebook post, attempting to appeal to senators' conscience here. "i still hope there are enough republicans in congress who remember that a public service is not about sport or notching a political win, that there's a reason we all chose to serve in the first place and that hopefully it's to make people's lives better, not worse. of course, that's a move to preserve his legacy, to preserve the signature legislation that he put forth during his
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presidency, but senator mitch mcconnell and his leadership team in the senate, melissa, are going to work over the next week to put something in place of that >> kayla, i know the bill's very long, what, 140 pages or so, but what are some of the clauses, the parts of the bill that might be most subject to horse trading? >> well, there are quite a few, melissa. the issue is that those 52 senators that lindsey graham was just mentioning, they all sort of want something different. they all want to be able to bring something back to their state that is a unique need that they have right now. senator rob portman, for instance, from ohio, even though the bill allocated about $2 billion for opioid addiction, which is something that he had been very vocal about, he really wants there to be more provisions in medicaid he doesn't want the spending cuts to be as steep as they are. ted cruz, for instance, wants premiums to be lowered across the board. but, of course, that's something that will require the cbo score to come out. overall, there are tweaks that they can make to the structure
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of the tax credit, to how long the sunset horizon is on the medicaid expansion, but it just depends on what certain senators are willing to give up and what actually gets their vote here, melissa. >> kayla, thank you. kayla tausche on capitol hill. let's trade this, because health care stocks, we saw distinctive moves within the group, steve, so how do you sort of interpret the moves? >> hmos have been strong ibb's up 11% in the last six days i think when you look at this it's less onerous. all the things that we thought were going to be the case on drug pricing, less onerous on the companies, so is it closure? no, because the bill has to pass, but i think even if it does get passed, a lot less people are going to be a lot less worried >> if i look at the stock reaction, the market is telling me this thing is going to pass >> i think the market voted and said this thing's going to pass. four senators are the swing votes, one they know they have leverage, two, they'll likely
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negotiate something away we know this is the sausage making process that happens when bills occur, and the market voted. so you look at what were the sectors impacted within health care, hospitals. that was the biggest surprise to me, right, because they've been in the down trend for a long period of time here. the idea is that now it's less bad in the short term. it might be worse in the longer term, but it's the medicaid expansion or contraction that's going to matter. what's interesting, look at health care, it's looking like it's bottoming in the long run this might not be as bad as we thought prior to election >> would you really chase today's news >> that's the question >> when you think about it, you have collins also holding back support and, you know, this deal was done secretively and they say they want to get it passed and want to get a chance to be pitched not in the public spotlight, but bottom line, nothing different here than what we've heard about. i hear on hospitals. it has nowhere else to go but to
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see short covering, but is this a day you want to follow it back in bottle tech rally is different commentary coming out of trump and some of that administration, it's less about whether you're going to see anything positive in terms of that sector. it's about, again, taking the target off their back. i don't think there's going to be real drug legislation that's very bullish for biotech. that can continue to rally a sector that's right now looks ridiculously cheap >> i agree with tim. i do think you can chase hospitals in the short term. health care is not an expensive stock, bottomed out around 14.5, 15, end of last year, middle of this year, seems to be bouncing off the level now. i don't think people want to be shortening like this into the next couple weeks. stock could close at $19 i could see it with a low 20 handle that's a significant move. i do agree on biotech, though. the bulls eye everybody thought on big cap pharma and biotech i think has been a lot of smoke
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and mirrors and talk evaluations are reasonable the science works. look at clovis recently and you have a space that wants to break out. not just saying that today, by the way. we've been saying that the last three months >> after a big move, do you wake up tomorrow morning and buy into this as a trader i want to wait for a pull back, but we have been talking about how it wants to break out. if you're wrong, nothing wrong with taking profits. i agree with you, psychologically the $20 level, if you get some kind of breakout beyond that, yeah, i would chase that i would go with the momentum >> how about valium? tim, myself, karen, i don't know if b.k. is long, you're not -- >> did it go up? i'll say yes >> you should be there it's up 50%. i'm playing this thing for a move to 20 not a move to 15 i'm playing this because this was something that was going out of business. it was a very expensive option, but i'm playing for a move to 20
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or 30. >> you think that's impacted by the health care? i feel that's just kind of an individual store >> this is dragged higher. >> dragged higher. >> dragged higher. >> in a less predatory regulatory environment there's possibly a lot of litigation that could have come against this company i'm not saying it won't, but it relieves a lot of the burden on a company that i think this is still a stock story and this is why i own it and made the call on the power lunch stock draft >> yeah. >> which could have me winning it running away, although it's a long season. it's because ultimately you have a case where is it debt profile you've alleviated a lot of the pain bausch and loam, real brands in the company, real cash flow generation paulson is on the board, they've moved things around. >> here's my question, a lot of passive money in etfs. ibb we've seen extraordinary volume for a couple of days
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straight now would you take profits or vice versa? >> if you ask me to pick, i would be -- >> that's what we do here, guys. >> you just said the most trusted eye brand in canada and i didn't even flinch >> that was convincing, wasn't it very compelling. >> i let that go you're coming at me now. with that said, i'd rather be an ibb right now. you saw it today i don't know if it was the fact ibb is breaking out, gilead to the upside in a long time. you got to hope that this lasts. if it does, ibb is heading much higher >> why do you believe this is the breakout what was the catalyst for the breakout in biotech? a story around ten days ago? it's regulatory. >> it's all regulatory >> still haven't seen the executive order. >> you had the original impact from hillary clinton way before the election results, and where biotech fell off 20 or 22%
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then you had trump saying it was a bipartisan issue about drug pricing. now you have him coming in saying, you know what, we're going to support these companies. it's a lot less of headwinds on a regulatory front that's why they are moving >> now you also have xlv and bigger names in the space rallying think about it, now they have capital in a currency that's more value to go out and buy some of the smaller tech biotechs >> xlv ran 4% in the same amount of time it took ibb to run 11% you're talking about an outsize move if you -- i think they both have to move in the same direction. i don't think you can have the xlv trade lower and the ibb higher i don't think that's going to happen >> you're exposed to all sorts of the other parts of health care, not just the ibb, so in this environment where we've seen these hospital and sort of health care bills move higher -- >> i don't know if i want
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hospitals here i think they have a target on their back, but united health care, which continues to run higher, i'm going to -- >> butultimately the ibb trade at a massive discount to the s&p. gilead's maybe 11 times 2018, but you get to a place where some of the health care stocks that have been defensive, and they should be united health care's business model is largely intact in either scenario. coming up, oldies but goodies. oracle hitting an all-time high today and a number of other '90s tech darlings that could follow suit plus, tesla reportedly making a move into music streaming. what it could mean to apple and spotify. later, solar stocks soaring after president trump suggesting a border wall could include solar panels solar suddenly a trump tdera we'll weigh in much more "fast money" after this [vo] when it comes to investing,
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. welcome back to "fast money. tesla surging nearly 2% and hitting yet another all-time high and this as reports of the company is in works to create its own music streaming service. this would compete with apple music and spotify. spotify reportedly has 50
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million subscribers, while apple has fewer than 30 million. >> yeah, i mean, that's in the happy days parlance, that's potentially jumping the old shark. i don't know if that's in the business model of tesla, but whatever >> tesla does this then it's jumping the shark? >> i don't know. i really don't know where their head is at with this what i do know a couple days ago they announced they might start to manufacture cars in china, saw the after hours moving that day. now you see what do you do with the stock here, and i'll say it again, i still think you stay with this name the path of least resistance continues to be higher, a lot of doubters in the name we can have all the reasons why the stock continues to go lower, but they've existed for the last two years. you say to yourself maybe there's something more to the story than we give it credit for. >> technology company, auto company, now a music streaming company. >> does it matter? this is what they say about that they want to provide the best in-car experience for the customer to maximize their happiness. >> one thing, though, what it is, it's a stock with a 24%
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shortage guys flag this, as long as that short interest stays in the 20s, it's very difficult. very difficult >> short interest is not enough to keep a stock here >> 80% we could have said this all along the way. >> i have not been in favor of the stock in any way, so my view is that the reason that the stock trades here is because, as adam jones says, this is a case where it's a $10 trillion transportation disruption story with, by the way, a bit of an energy play to it, and this is all the reason why you want to own it and the fact they are going with the streaming service, in-car experience, means they are trying to cement that whole autonomous driving and the operating system much in the way apple is if i wanted to give one of the two companies the edge in terms of who's going to be there in the end, i think it's going to be apple, but in terms of what tesla is doing to develop the technology, i think other people can copy cat or doing themselves, that's my view on tesla. >> that's a holder to tesla knowing they are going to have a
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streaming service doesn't necessarily excite me. i didn't buy any more because of it i'm in it because of the disruptive factor, not only in the auto industry, but the energy industry. going back to the decarbonization of the u.s. electric grid. to me that's the story with tesla and why people are long-term holders. like guy pointed out the holders of the stock are in it for the next several years. >> decarbonization, this is like a wish list -- >> not a wish list they already -- they are doing it today today. today. >> you're going to -- >> let's take -- >> go to work for an oil company and see how long you last there. it's already happening >> they can also be much more disru disruptive in logistics. >> this is a company that's burning cash like it's their job. >> it is their job they are a start-up. >> there's a lot of things they can be there's 10 trillion things they can be >> negative cash flow is north of a billion dollars the problem is, they do a
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secondary, theyraise money, an the stock trades higher into the secondary. >> there's one thing we haven't talked about there used to be when oil was coming down, tesla used to come down, as well. oil has been collapsing and tesla still maintains this ability to rally, up 80% i would say don't fix it if it ain't broke. this is a company that can give you software updates so much competition. >> do you have the stock today >> in and out multiple times >> i believe that. >> fully allocated i have to sell something, i'm fully allocated. i'm hoping to figure out what i can sell and it's a good place to be in >> let's get to our move of the day right now. check out the solar stocks etfs surging 3% today for its best session of the year and this reports president trump says the border wall could include solar panels to, quote, pay for itself these stocks initially sold off after the election, so is solar suddenly a trump trade >> well, you know what's interesting about this, this is not the first time this has come
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up all of a sudden we get a 3% move but it's been talked about, the idea you can put solar panels on the wall if it ever gets built i'm not necessarily buying solar companies because of this one move here. i would not chase it tomorrow. the chances of the solar panels getting on a wall, that may or may not be built, may or may not be built, i don't think that's a solid investment >> one, by the way, more leverage commercial installations. >> why isn't there any more buy in tesla this is a decarbonization plan >> i'm not buying -- >> i know you're not what i would say is, solar has provided so many opportunities for people to chase things like this you don't chase this news. a lot of these companies have trouble making their bottom line, making money >> are you short them? >> no, but these are stocks where i would be scared to death by that squeeze. we got a news alert on american airlines. phil lebeau has more phil >> melissa, just had a conversation with american
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airlines ceo doug carter indicating qatar airlines would like to buy up to 10% of american shares. the conversation was on the record but would not be recorded, they asked we not record it. here's a couple of comments from doug parker on the issue of his reaction to qatar saying they wanted to own 10% of american. he said, "i found it confusing by the way, the first conversation was two weeks ago in cancun, mexico. i was a little bewildered why an airline we were aggressively fighting would want to take a stake in us. makes no sense." then the question of, well, is it the possibility qatar is trying to soften up america's resistance to the gulf carriers expanding in the united states on that point, doug parker says, "if that is their motivation, it is misguided and ill conceived all this is doing is strengthening our resolve to defend our airline, which we will continue doing vigorously." bottom line is this, melissa,
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doug parker is not saying if he's going to vote against qatar airlines taking a greater stake because it needs board approval. he's not going to indicate what he's going to do, but read between the lines, they don't want qatar airlines's investment in american airlines and they are going to be aggressive to continue to fight the open skies agreement and having washington push -- or pushing washington to stop the expansion of these airlines in the u.s. >> has parker talked to anybody at qatar airlines since the filing >> no. he has not and i asked him today, do you understand, have they given you a reason he said, nothing other than what we saw from the filing today where they say they are going to be a passive investor if they can make the investment. >> phil, thank you phil lebeau with an update on the american airlines story. >> i think american airlines trades about nine times forward earnings we've had discussions on this numerous times extraordinarily reasonable i think this is a stock that can make it up to the 2015 high, which i think was north of 55, so i still think there's room to
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go nothing we haven't said before if you need sort of a bogey for the entire space, the transports measure than the iyt, stay that way along 160. >> i'm a shareholder, these are the places to play, opposed to united >> what do you make of this news >> i think this news are not going to happen. i think they are fearful of isolation with their neighbors in the gulf and they don't want a cancellation of the open skies agreement, buy some boeing planes, you have some insulation i don't think this is going to happen certainly not a reason to buy the stock. >> actually, i think this could be bullish for american airlines because of exactly what tim said, they are now -- they've showed their cards we know they do not want any changes over there and this is a move to stop those changes, so now it's out in the open everybody knows about it, and i would buy american airlines on this all right, still ahead, dennis gartman says there's something crucial investors are missing about the relationship of oil and stocks.
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he'll be here to explain what that is. i'm melissa lee, you're watching "fast money" on cnbc meantime, here's what else is coming up on "fast." >> god, the pressure, i can't take it. >> round one of the bank stress reports are in what it could mean for financials and rally at large. plus, missing the '90s don't, because a number of '90s classic tech stocks are surging, and a few of them look ready to recapture their old highs. the names when "fast money" returns. the power of innovative thinking. the power of 100 of the world's top companies. the power of an etf. the power of qqq. the thinking we put in, clients get out. power your client's portfolio at before investing, consider the fund's
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welcome back to "fast money. let's take a look at themove i oracle today it was a stunning one. the stock surging 10%, almost to an all time high after earnings last night definitely a 52-week high and that has us feeling nostalgic for the four horsemen of the '90s, oracle, microsoft, cisco, intel. oracle and microsoft trading at or near all-time highs, both up double digits this year. cisco and intel both have a way to go, but cisco hit a high last month and intel did earlier this year stocks are trading much lower multiples than they did back in their heyday in the late '90s. you remember the a'90s, grunge was in making regular trips to canada >> yes, i was. whenever i can >> check this out, back in the dot com double, cisco was 274, now at 16. last time oracle was at these
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levels, 88, it's now 23. microsoft was at 78 in '99 fast forward nearly 20 years and it's around 31 then there's intel, more than 50, now supports a multiple of 15 is old tech your best bet at this point should you play catchup in some of these names >> oracle, yes we talked about it last night. we think they've kbn bullish on oracle apply a 5% move, but what did oracle show you? they've made the turn to cloud almost as fast as any other company out there. used to be about new software licenses, nothing to do with it now. it's about the growth in cloud this is the question, you said 23 times, that's trailing. it's 17 times forward multiple if you like sales force, which by the way i still do at close to 60 times forward, you have to love oracle at 17 times forward earnings, so i think you could chase it here. >> these are companies making the turn s.a.p., friend of the show, bill
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mcdermott, that stock is up year to date. these are big companies. i don't think this translates to an ibm to an old, old hardware based tech i don't think they can make the switch, but those people that didn't think they could make the turn to cloud, this is a huge bet that you're making on these companies right now. crm were the cool kids on the block. the lust for them is fading. >> i don't know. you know, oracle up 8%, 9%, 10% in a day, to me, that's a sell not to say the company's not going to do well, but we've seen a massive move here. if i'm long, i'm selling certainly not buying >> if you had a basket of these stocks, what would you choose right now? >> good point. some people want to throw microsoft in the fang group. >> no, no, no, microsoft goes in the oldies >> i know that i'm saying i feel you're getting new age tech with microsoft, which is one of the reasons why it's been rerating >> oracle, as well, because of the move to the cloud. >> i'd split it in half between
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both i think you have a case here, this is the point we're making, the oracle found itself in a software space crm is getting a multiple 50 times what their multiple is. cisco is moving to a recurring subscription and software platform this is not the cisco of back in that era that's a higher multiple stock than here. i think cisco's the one you buy. >> good point there. we're talking about the old tech names, but they are in this era. ibm, old tech name, which is struggling >> steve mentioned the size of ibm. market cap wise, ibm is smaller than oracle. oracle is north of $200 billion. ibm is $150 billion company. the reality is, ibm is so far behind the curve now they don't deserve the multiple they currently have >> i don't know if that's true >> the watson? >> watson, a.i., block chain >> small part of the business. >> what are you looking for, something that's really going to
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ramp up and where the growth area is? >> ibm over the old? >> absolutely. ibm over all those >> our next guest says if history is any indication, tech could have a lot more room to run. let's find out why hey, chris >> hey, melissa, great to be here when we talk about tech, we need to remember for as good as they've been in 2017, the move has really not been as exceptional as a lot of people believe at this point. this is the combined weight of the ten largest stocks in the s&p. most of which are fang and tech stocks only 19 right now compared to 27 at the peak in 1999. barely a fifth of the market today, almost a third of the market in '99. we're not even close to how narrow the market can get, and if you look at 2015 as an example, if you look at the stocks' contribution to the overall return, the ten largest stocks in the s&p were responsible for all of the years gained in 2015 that's a narrow market
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so, 2017 so far, the ten largest stocks thus far, only responsible for a third of the year's gain. this is a broader advance in 2017, certainly, than 2009 or even 2015. i'll give you two names that we like here, the first of which we just talked about, oracle, but let's put it in some context this is three years of indifference, three years of purgatory, just beginning to break out. getting up through 50 today, it counts for 62 in our work. we think to stay long. and lastly we're going to talk about a stock that's been in the bear market for the better part of the last several years. ddd systems. from 100 to six. basing now for two years, 3d printing, starting to act better now trending up. we think this is a $30 stock it's 22 today. oracle, ddd systems, two ways to play this, but broadly, this move not as narrow as people think. >> we invite chris over? come on over, chris.
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do you remember the longer the base, the higher the space >> spinal tap. >> luigi matta that's what i was reminded of with oracle and 3d systems >> let's talk about oracle this is not just a three-year reference point. these are levels we haven't seen since '#99 this is trading at the fifth of the evaluation in '99. this is an impressive move any pullback to the upper 40s you have to buy the stock. 60 is our target >> you mention this is a broader rally than even 2015 what impact do you think etfs have on that and passive investing where everybody's buying across the board? >> what i think is interesting, certainly there's a lot of unnatural bids for stocks, but the correlation among stocks and the s&p right now is near a 15-year low, so if anything you have a lot of stocks moving independent of one another this has been a rotational market lose a group, gain a group health care is the latest,
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right? equally weighted basis, health care is doing better than tech this year. health care is the best performing sector this year when you equally weigh the stocks that was impressive. >> chris, when you talk about following accounts and looking for the rotation, when you see guys buying tech and when you look for the next 10%, is the next 10% when you're talking about it in tech year or next 10% for them going to be in energy, because they need to make up a lot of ground in the back half of the year. >> i'm not convinced it's energy for a couple reasons last time we were on we talked about this we need to remember with energy it's behaving a lot like tech did in 2003, 2004. tech went down from the highs, running off the lows in '02 and no one made money for a decade, frustration on both sides. banks are familiar, right? banks went down 80% from '06 to '09. in 12 weeks they double off the low, no one made money until last year. these things take a while to repair themselves.
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i'm not sure energy's done it yet. >> chris, thank you. all right, buy, sell, or hold, chris' two picks, oracle and 3d >> 3d i'm -- i don't like to be on the fence, but i am oracle spot-on if you do -- >> why are you on the fence? >> that's a bk -- >> back in the box >> i love it, i love it. >> put it in the top drawer at one point. >> i did, back in 2014-'15, that was painful. these things had a painful dod here, but i think if you're looking for growth and now you have price action, that's changed. what's changed recently? well, hp's talking about coming out, ramping up 3d printing division, which could be viewed as competition, but if it's also successful, you have a real market here and maybe 3d systems becomes an acquisition >> i feel i heard that when you put it in the drawer >> still in the drawer, keep it in there >> socks, paper clippings.
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>> nothing wrong with old socks. 3d systems and, granted, it's had a breakout and there's a reason for the breakout, but this is to me like the phase i think we're going back there look at the sphere without making any money until everyone thought it was the flavor of the day. in oracle's case, first of all, they outperform, benefit, but more than anything, people are complaining about the only thing about the evaluation we're seeing that's not the reason still ahead, bed bath getting crushed, sinking 7%. how much worse it could get. plus, dennis gartman says there's something investors are missing about the move in oil that could have implications for 'lbeertoxpint?, so what is i hel he ela just imagine if all the machines at work
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(upbeat dance music) (dance music abruptly stopping) (dance music starting then stopping)
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welcome back to "fast money. don't stress that's what the fed is telling the banks, at least for now. news alert >> 34 u.s. banks all faired well in the stress test no big red flags the fed said all the 34 banks under the severely adverse scenarios could continue lending to businesses and households thanks to the capital built up by the sector following the financial crisis under that stress scenario, all
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the banks have a minimum cet 1 ratio above the 4.5% level, big six banks comfortably above that level. improved this year compared to last and so did trading losses, apart from goldman sachs, where it worsened fractionally citi and jpmorgan have done better than the brokers. both of whom have seen a year-on-year decline in preprovision net revenue, which means lower revenue generation under stress this year versus last the newly included slr, or supplementary leverage ratio, also hurt the trading banks more than the money centers morgan stanley in particular, closely followed by goldman sachs. all in all, results bode well for passing the quantitative fo shareholders next wednesday. melissa? >> in terms of next wednesday, which banks in particular are
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under watch? it does look like across the board maybe they'll pass, but i thought wells fargo perhaps could be under scrutiny. >> wells fargo people will be looking at the qualitative part of the test, given the issues they've faced over the last year or so. that said, they've clearly already made a lot of changes to the way they do things and that's what will be under review goldman sachs, for example, on wells fargo thinks they will pass that test and get around to 2% share price jump when they do in terms of increasing capital returns, coming into this, a lot of focus on morgan stanley and citi, who have a big ability to increase their payout ratio relative to last year, and because of that slr point i just made, perhaps morgan stanley will have less scope to do that than citigroup, but if we get lots of banks paying out more than 100% of earnings, does show a seat change from a couple years ago, because banks will be using built-up capital to return to shareholders.
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>> thank you do we position ahead of this event next week? >> i think you're going to need to finish up the quarter end a lot of window dressing guys want to show they are long, bio tech want to show they are long, technology, energy, financials, not long >> why would you not want to show you're long financially >> because when you look at a performance basis, they are only up 4% year to date, so guys want to show they are long, technology up double digits, mid double digits, they want to show they are really long and then they have to make up that performance, so come the new quarter you're going to see guys buy energy and buy financials. >> at the same time this is a group that has shown in terms of banks some momentum in the past month. i would think that would be an area >> this guy wants to show. is he long i think that's one way to play you can play xlf we mentioned morgan stanley, too. relative to the decline of a kre, morgan stanley has held up well moving on, crude making a small comeback today, but still
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in a bear market is opec, responsible for the world's oil of production losing its grip on the market jackie is in the newsroom breaking it down hey, jackie. >> good to see you, melissa. when opec's cut went into effect in january, many investors thought the member nations would break their promises and pump more oil, but that did not happen and oil prices remain steady when the cartel announced in may it would extend cuts another nine more months, investors were still skeptical and now it appears they had good reason proving the old adage once a cheater always a cheater, even if briefly reformed. member countries like libya, nigeria, iraq, and iran are upping production, even the saudis saw a boost last month. the bottom line is, certain countries cannot afford not to pump and even saudi arabia, who presumably can withstand a break is concerned of giving up market share to the shale players, who, by the way, have taken them all and run here right now this is a simple
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supply and demand story. output continues to rise and demand isn't moving up to beat it, but market tells me don't count opec out yesterday's elevation of the saudi crown prince, i.e. heir to the throne, probably not a coincidence after this oil price dropped close to $40 the new crowned prince worked closely with the energy minister and is known to be the engineer around the ipo opec may have lost this battle, but the jury's still out if it lost the war melissa? >> jackie, thank you so, with u.s. production in high year and member nations pumping at furious rates, is opec losing this war for oil dennis gartman's got the answer for us dennis, what do you think? oil's trading at levels pre all these recent opec cuts >> well, there's obviously good reason as jackie just said, libya is producing more crude oil, you've got nigeria producing a lot more crude oil.
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we are clearly producing more than we have ever have and will be producing more six months from now and a year from now than we are producing now and the problem will be with the fact the new saudi crown prince, a very smart guy and fellow we need to keep our eye on, because i think he's going to be one of the most important people over the next 20 years, has been in the past told you that he understands that crude oil over the course of the next 20 to 40 years is going to be a worthless commodity. it will be supplanted by something else, a new technology, and he continues to supply crude as he can, so opec as a force to be reckoned can. i think its era is passed. crude is a little oversold -- yeah, go ahead >> just on that point, all right, this is also the crowned prince who is in charge of the aramco ipo, so he has a good incentive to keep the price of oil higher, no
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he'd like to keep the price of oil higher he wants to sell to somebody else because he understands 40 years from now aramco is probably worthless there's a reason why he's going to be selling aramco people don't take something public because they think it's going to go higher people take something public because they want to cash out, and i think too many people misunderstood what's going on there. this is a very smart young man he understands what's happening. crude oil on balance is a demons trabl bear market. we took too much out of the price in the course of the past two weeks, but if you get a $4 bounce from the intraday lows to highs, you have to be a seller this is still a protractive bear market, and what people don't understand, what i find amusing, is everybody seems to think we crude oil prices are detrimental to stock place prices. it's absolutely the other way around weak crude oil prices are beneficial to the economy and stock prices >> dennis, you say crude could move -- aside from the
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short-term bounce, it could move egregiously lower. i'm not sure what you mean by egregiously, but could that become a credit event which could spook the markets? >> in another two to three to four, five years, of course, there will be a credit event not a question what do i mean by egregiously lower? 25 years ago i shall be long dead, obviously, by then, but crude oil will be less than $10. it will be worthless for all intents and purposes and the crowned prince understands that. technology will give us some other commodity, fuel, some other method of driving our cars, driving electricity, whether it's fusion, whether it's fission, a combination of wind, whether it's solar, something will supplant fossil fuel he knows that. >> dennis, good to see you thank you. >> thanks, melissa >> dennis gartman. >> sounds like dennis believes in decarbonization >> and not just from canada. >> how would you play that >> go to canada. >> you would >> no, i'm kidding >> anyway. >> what i think is actually the
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current environment towards oil is i think people are way too bearish, a place where the economy if you have gdp 1.6 or where we are, i think the supply balance is not where opec said it was going to be, but you get to a place here where actually i think the risk is the upside at a minimum this egregious move lower is not going to happen >> lower than ever right now the xle is down 14%. you're going to see guys start to nibble in the xle in the next two to three weeks it's getting to that point of critical mass. >> guy, would you nibble >> not yet, i don't think. i'll say it again, bk has been on deutsche bank, if you think crude bottomed, i think the play is get along deutsche bank if crude rallies 10% to 15%, if you think crude bottomed, buy deutsche bank. still ahead, $2.2 million, one is betting costco could plunge nearly 30% in the next
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money. bed bath and beyond taking 8% in the after hour session after reporting earnings guy? >> people have been trying to buy this stock because of evaluation, it's been cheap now for a long time, but it's a value trap the stock from 2015 has been basically cut in half. evaluation is still compelling, but first quarter is historically their best quarter and this was a disaster. plus, they said they are not going to update full year 2018 guidance what's that mean stay away. >> you're not buying enough scented candles. >> i am. >> anyway, speaking of retail. look who decided to crash the party tonight. >> who oh >> nathan is at the plaza with a special options action hi, dan. >> since last friday when amazon made that surprise whole foods bid, cross hairs of investors now 10% in the last week you know, today options buying ran really high, about three times the average daily volume one large trade that caught my eye for a couple of reasons, really how far out it was and the size of it, today when the
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stock was trading at 160, remember the stock was just at 180 about a week ago there was a buyer of the january 2019 120, puts 5,000 times paying $4.35 that's about $2.2 million in premium, if that is an outright bearish bet, it seems peculiar given how far out the money is, the break even would be down, you have 18, 19 months, but to me that depends what's going on. if you're loving the stock, that's not particularly a great hedge either let's look at the chart. we talked about the price action over the last week look at what's going on here, obviously, 120 was this really nice -- excuse me, 170 was a nice breakout level, consolidated, there was a couple gaps there look at that bang last friday, that was the big gap and i just want to kind of go out to five years, kind of with that 120 strike in mind here, look at the move over the last five years. i think we have a five-year chart right here this was that breakdown level. huge gap on big volume
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here's the long-term up trend here so to me i think this has room down to 150 at that point, maybe investors who are worried about trading at 30 times where it was last week near the highs, maybe get more comfortable when it's trading about 25 times earning >> should we invite dan over >> no. >> are you kidding >> why would we? >> nope, nope. we're not inviting you over. >> doesn't work that way, dan. >> we're just out of time. thanks >> see you, guys >> for more, check out the show tomorrow 5:30 eastern time poor dan
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>> typical now, look at the turn in macy's today. i know you were watching it. seven-year low reverse, goes higher letter m, first time in a while. >> i'm melissa lee, thanks so much for watching. see you back tomorrow at 5:00 for more "fast money." meantime, jim cramer starts rig now. my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now i'm cramer welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica i happen to have some friends here with me today my job is not just to entertain you, but to teach you. tweet me @jim cramer at any given time the market can be gripped by fear


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