tv Power Lunch CNBC July 20, 2017 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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service? >> i happen to like this more. >> i'm on the other side from mario. i'm short the knicks >> we have ten seconds. >> discovery is going after scripps. does that deal happen? >> forget that the family wants to sell them. you have to buy ssp as well as discovery. that whole ecosystem including sony. >> thank you "power" starts now. i'm tyler mathisen welcome to "power lunch. it's been exactly six months since president trump took office stocks hitting record highs. unemployment at historic lows. and confidence is pretty doggone good amazon to the rescue sears soaring on news it will begin selling kenmore appliances on amazon. what this move means for the
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struggling department store and its competitors. and is trading and business about to come to a grinding halt o.j. simpson's parole hearing is set to start will the world are watching just like they did when the verdict in his murder trial came down? "power lunch" starts right now >> six months. feels like yesterday welcome to "power lunch. stocks carving out small gains s&p and nasdaq and russell 2000 setting intraday highs even though the moves are small nasdaq trying for a tenth straight day of gains. we'll explain home depot coming up. plus, a ton of big names hitting new all-time highs amazon over and over again, there they are carnival, priceline, royal caribbean among them
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melissa? >> here is what is happening at this hour. the justice department is dropping a penalty against harley davidson for not selling illegal after-market devices that causes vehicles to emit too much pollution different story for exxon. they are charged with violating charges against russia while rex tillerson was the ceo. and 74% earnings have become above estimates and 18% have not. michelle >> the latest news coming from comments president made in "the new york times" interview yesterday. eamon javers is covering it all for us eamon? >> reporter: it's made in america week here at the white house. the president is focused on another issue. that is attacking his attorney general jeff sessions who he says in an interview with "the
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new york times" yesterday he regrets hiring because of the attorney general's decision to recuse himself from the russia investigation. here's how the president put it to "the new york times" in an interview that took place yesterday afternoon. >> sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and i would have picked somebody else >> reporter: that's tough criticism from the president of the united states to an attorney general. some experts in town say they've never seen anything like that between a president and attorney general. that set up a drama-filled press conference at the department of justice at 10:00 eastern time this morning, which sessions was scheduled to give on an entirely different subject but he was peppered by questions about the president's comments he said he's not going to resign despite the president's criticism. here's what the attorney general said at the department of justice. >> i have the honor of serving as attorney general. it's something that goes beyond
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any thought i would have had for myself we love this job we love this department. and i plan to continue to do so as long as that is appropriate. >> reporter: so sessions did not explain what he means by "as long as that is appropriate" but for now, not resigning despite the criticism from the president of the united states and then this morning you had jeff sessions and acting director of fbi standing in place of the fired director fbi and the deputy attorney general all standing there, all three men criticized harshly by the president of the united states all three of them trying to do their jobs today, trying to focus on a press conference about cybersecurity when much of the media wanted to get their reaction to the criticism that the president has been leveling against them >> thank you from the white house. senator john mccain has been diagnosed with brain cancer.
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kayla tausche has more. >> reporter: the congressional budget office released the score for the third version of the senate health care bill saying that it will reduce the deficit by $420 billion because of reduced expenses for medicaid which will see a 26% cut in funding over the next ten years. the number of people covered in that time frame will fallby 22 million. and after a near term bump in premiums, they are expected to fall by 30%. the covers number is closely watched here without a replacement, it would cut the number of people insured here by 32 million the replacement is a slight improvement but the cbo knocks down a popular republican talking point because people aren't required to sign up this report says 15 million people would lose insurance through medicaid alone, double the rate from the exchanges or employer mandate only one republican can oppose
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the bill for it to move forward with the absence of john mccain now protracted with his diagnosis of brain cancer. mccain is in good spirits, though, tweeting, "i greatly appreciate the outpouring of support. unfortunatelily, for my sparring congress, stand by i'll be back soon. he's been called a hero and a lot of rally around his recovery he will more than likely not be able to participate in this specific debate. tyler? >> kayla, thank you. we're joined by sarah. great to have you here >> hi, tyler. >> i hardly know where to begin. i just don't know where to begin. let's start with health care, which seemed dead a couple of days ago and then live and then dead and now maybe back in congress' court.
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is there any sense that something will come out of this by way of repeal and replace >> well, we hear it from larry kudlow all the time that necessity is the mother of invention and in the case of republicans, getting something passed on health care, i think it's a necessary see i don't think they can put themselves forward on a ballot in 2018 after having campaigned for seven years to repeal and replace obamacare and then not deliver and everybody knows that and that's why i think they keep coming back to the together. this unfortunate news about senator mccain has made it more difficult to get anything passed. >> when i listened to president trump imploring the senate republicans to come together and get something done before he talked to the fake news "new york times" later in the afternoon, i found myself thinking, this guy's pretty good he's a good salesman where's he been? >> it's a great question, tyler. he is a great salesman that is one of the things i think many of us thought that
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donald trump would be really strong at. health care is a complicated topic. where perhaps he's fallen down some is the reports out of his meetings with members of congress are that he doesn't have the details i don't know if that's fair or not but that's what is being reported many members of congress don't take his views on this as strongly as -- particularly in the senate where a lot of these guys like rob portman, for example, from ohio, they are real policy wonks. he's going to have to get into the weeds of these to have an impact. >> would he have changed any of these senators' minds, susan collins mind, even if he had a grasp of the policy? it seems there are holdout republicans who are republican in name but when it comes to voting are not acting like it, sara
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>> there are two issues that you've identified. there are members of the republican party and she's certainly on the moderate side he could have had his own plan and campaign for that plan and show up in people's districts and in their states and campaign heavily and get an outpouring support of voters to support his plan that's the way previous presidents have done this, particularly in their last year in office. president obama, my former boss, president bush, did this perhaps we'll see it on tax reform. >> in other words, if he had gone to maine and campaigned and made it uncomfortable for susan collins, maybe susan collins would have been less opposed than she has been. >> yeah. i think that's right an example of that would be rob
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portman, a real reformer he could have shown up in ohio, for example, where he did win and win pretty handedly and move someone like rob portman to be someone vocal in support of this that's what i would have expected from this president and i think ultimately he's going to need to do that on tax reform to get something substantive done. >> sara, thanks so much. always good to see you today marks six months since president trump took office. president trump has had the fourth best performance of any president of 8.4%. let's bring in christina hooper and the chief investment officer with greenwich wealth management christina, it seems like this is the rally that everyone loves to hate or tries to hate. we've marched to record highs
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here and according to the latest survey, u.s. fund managers are the underweight u.s. equities since '08. their cash balances on hand are higher than the ten-year average. where do you stand on whether you can get behind an unstoppable rally at this point? >> i think you need to have exposure to this rally but simply need to hedge your bets as much as possible. i think we're seeing some of that to have exposure to a wide array of risk assets makes sense it's absolutely true that we are in a teflon market nothing is sticking and stocks are going up that can continue for a while because there's behavioral fi mans. >> what kinds of behavior are you talking about? >> there's a bias which is an event can become emotionally charged and sometimes that charge can last a long time.
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americans woke up on november 9th to a different scenario they expected a congress and a president, all of the same party, for the first time in many years and there was this assumption that there would be a huge pro growth agenda that would be achieved. i think there's a lot that has kept stocks quite buoyant. >> the pro growth sort of environment and at the same time if you peel back what has driven the markets higher since trump took office and beyond that when he was actually elected, what led the initial rally has fallen off to the wayside and now the mentality seems to be it's sort of an economy that is going to including along. and you're skeptical of that playbook >> we did expect to see a rally
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and less and so far we haven't really seen one that delivered the market has rallied a lot on expectations of things to come and speaking of behavioral finance, investors put more weight on what has been in the past so they see the markets rally and there's a momentum effect and they continue with that rally. >> thank you we've got to cut it short. >> we've got to cut it short because o.j. simpson's parole hearing is under way the markets and ears of commerce may grind to a halt like they did on the day of the verdict in his murder trial years ago as the world again fixated on the trials and tribulations of the former athlete and hall of famer o.j. simpson speaking now in
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lovelock, nevada. >> my sister and my daughter and another lawyer as part of this wedding party. i said i discussed with him and they told me that i can't do this if we're going to their home or even to their storage, o.j., you cannot go in there because if they ask to you leave, you've got to leave i said, you've got to get him to bring it to a public place you see, well, let's see what i can do all of this has been testified to so i'm not just going, you know. all right. he told him to bring it to his room and he's going to have it brought to his hotel and would i come and get it. i said, of course i'll come and get it he said, it's a lot of stuff, o.j. you better bring some friends. i had a couple of friends there at the wedding that were going to go with me. he said, you should also bring
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security i said, i know these guys. i don't think i need security. it turns out that one of the guys, bruce here, i didn't know it was him i thought it was another friend of his, mike, an ex-partner of his. i said i don't need any security later that day when they arrived at his hotel and spread out my property, he called and he said, they're here, you come here, i'll meet you in the lobby and you need security, o.j this guy -- big guy. and a little -- you know, i think anybody that knows him knows he's a little different. i still said this guy's not dangerous, man, but he said, man, bring some security during the day that he was there, he met people from the wedding and mcclinton said he did security in las vegas and it would help his business if he could have me as a client. i told him i didn't need him but after he insisted that i bring
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security, i said, i can use your help i went to the hotel, i met him in the lobby, the two guys, they also met us there, which was a big mistake, obviously, i realize that quite soon after this and he led us to his room, put the key in the door and let us in i know i've seen the media say we broke into the room we were brought into that room when i came into that room, i noticed spread out everywhere was my personal property, you know the only thing that i saw on display that wasn't mine was some baseballs and i made clear to everybody, those are not mine all i want is my property and i think there's a tape of it you hear me on three or four occasions say, i just want my property go forward and try to make it a little quicker, at some point we
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started -- when we were leaving the room -- i was actually pushed out of the room by the security guys because while i was in there and i recognize bruce was there, i was surprised to see him, as he testified. i was shocked really to see him. bruce has been a friend of mine. he's traveled with me and we've done a lot of business together over the years and i said, man, what are you doing here? you know, he explained to me why he was there and why he had my property there and i told him but, geez, you should have told me i accepted -- i understood why it was '06, '07. people were losing their homes a guy owed him money, couldn't pay him the money, gave him my property to sell i told him i understood that but you still should have told me. we had a chance to talk about this at a later date and he apologized i accepted his apology i apologized for these two guys that pointed a gun at him. he's traveling with me
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he's known me when i've had security he's known me when a venue has supplied security and there were times that he had to have security for me. he knows i would never, ever direct anybody to point a gun at him or even threaten him i've never done this in my life. you mentioned all those gun charges. bruce and alfred, they made it clear that i didn't threaten him. it was the other two security guys that did that and i haven't made any excuses in the nine years that i've been here and i'm not trying to make an excuse now. they were there because of me. but in no way, shape or form did i wish him any harm. as i was leaving the room, and this is only tape two, bruce says, o.j., hey, man, there's a box that's with that stuff, the
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montana prints, those don't belong to you. those are mine, man. he told me that because he recognized everything else i took out of that room was mine you know and he also recognized that i wasn't there to steal his stuff and knew i would do. we didn't know at the time that this security guy had stolen his blackberry the men i saw that, i made him send it back and gave some kstor in the trial why he didn't take it back. in any event, i'm no danger to pull a gun on anybody. i never have in my life. i've never been accused of it in my life. nobody has accused me of pulling any weapon on them and bruce knows that i would never do that i want to also as a postscript, you know, when i got to
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lovelock, the state of california took up the issue of whose property it was. they did an investigation and came to the conclusion that it was my property. they turned it over to me. i have it now, you know. so it's kind of mind boggling that they turned over to me property that i'm in jail for for trying to retrieve, you know it was my property i wasn't there to steal from anybody and i would never, ever pull a weapon on anybody >> so you believed that the property is yours? >> it's been ruled legally by the state of california that it's my property and they've given it to me i have it. >> well, my question is, that's why you went into -- because you believed that the property was yours? >> yes whenever he was just telling me -- when riccio was calling me telling me this, i wasn't interested it wasn't until he got pictures of what they supposedly had and
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family photos and stuff, that's when i got interested in going there and i only went there to retrieve my own property >> what were you thinking when the guns were being brandished >> well, i didn't see the guns brandished you say guns, as i understand it, one guy who's behind me, i never saw him brandish the gun when i left there i called back to the room and said to bruce, you said there were some pictures and i asked walter alexander to return the cell phone and he said it wasn't cool that the gun was pointed at me i said what gun and he described what it was. to be honest, i didn't really believe him at the time. i asked the three guys i was with, they all said they didn't see him do it. i got back to my hotel we waited for these two security guys to show up and the minute
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they drove up, i said, man, did you pull a gun in that room? he swore to high heaven he didn't and i asked walter alexander for the cell phone and he kind of threw it to me. but -- i wasn't aware until i was in the car driving back to our hotel that this guy had actually pointed a gun at him. now, earlier in the day when he was talking to me trying to get me to let him come, he said it was for free and he did show me -- i didn't know this guy i knew the alexander guy but i didn't know this guy he showed me his license and his ccr. i assume that the state gives a guy a ccr and stuff, they vetted him. i should have vetted him i didn't really need him i knew these guys weren't dangerous. so that was on me. >> your version of the events
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differ a little from the original record, mr. simpson, but moving forward here, considering the fact that what we have on record, weapons were brandished, you were there and property was taken. >> oh, i was there. >> so my next question is for you, what do you think was the impact on your victims >> well, i know what the impact was. i mean, we've talked about it. i mean, mr. beardsley, we had long talks back then, he told me that he had tried to call my lawyer and testified in court that he had called my lawyers and tried to tell them in the months previous that guys had my property and they were trying to sell them but my lawyer never called him back. he actually testified for me, i'm sure you know, during the trial. bruce and i talked and bruce was traumatized by it.
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fortunately, as i said, we talked it out. he knew that i would have never condoned what happened he accepted my apology and i told him that these guys should be put in jail if they did that, you know, i wasn't going to defend them. unfortunately, they got a get out of free jail card when they said o.j. told me. nothing i could do about that. but i want to point out that, you know, bruce -- i know his family his mother was terminally ill. i would call her and sing to her. the night before or the night of my -- the jury's verdict, his son actually called me and tried to give me a head up on something to do with memorabilia and told me that he and his mother was cheering for me this family knows that i wouldn't wish any harm on these guys, ever and i'd like to think we're
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friends again. >> thank you >> thank you >> good morning, mr. simpson. >> good morning, ma'am >> i conducted your last hearing in 2013. >> yes. >> do you recall that hearing? >> yes, i do. >> all right at the time, we asked you what your plan would be if we were to commute your second sentence and you said you were going to commit to change have you done that >> no. at one point i couldn't take the course you know, i took two courses that i guess you guys don't give much credit to it's called alternative to violence i think it's the most important course anybody in this prison can take because it teaches you how to deal with conflict through conversation i've been asked many, many times here to mediate conflicts between individuals and groups
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and it gave me so many tools on how to use it, you know, to try to walk these guys through, you know, and not throwing punches at one another also, at one point, a couple of guys came to me and said, o.j., i understand you are baptist we're baptist and we have no baptist service here can you help us get a bap cyst service here i worked with them we now have an ongoing baptist service that is well attended and i attended religiously and i have realized in my nine years here, i was a good guy i'm sure bruce will tell you, i was always a good guy but i could have been a better christian and my commitment to change was to be a better christian. >> all right thank you. we know that you have completed victim empathy alternative violence, both basic and advance and computer application
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i'd like you to tell us a little bit more about victim empathy and how it will benefit you in the future. >> the alternative to violence course, i've always thought i've been pretty good with people and i've basically spent a conflict-free life, you know i'm not a guy that ever got in fights on the street with the public and everybody but that said, they give you a bunch of little tools about how to talk to people instead of fighting, instead of throwing punches, tools that i've used here it's how you talk to people, the tone that you use. the victim empathy was, once again, i didn't really see that in this case i didn't really see that alfred beasley was affected by it but i
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would have done anything not to have that -- if for no other reason, i regret this because he had to have this guy point a gun at him and he told me, man, the guy put a gun in my face and i said, i didn't -- as i said at the beginning i didn't believe it but i knew it to be a fact now so, you know, and that empathy course, it pretty much tells the guys who's all there, talk to your victim and what would you say to them and -- if you were to see them now and take responsibility for what you did and to recognize how it affected their lives, as i said bruce expressed to me how it affected him and as i told him, i couldn't be more apologetic for going -- for him going through that >> have you addressed this issue
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as you stated you would? >> well, you know, i think i made it clear back then, i've never had an alcohol problem and if i took that alcohol course, it would have been more for my children in case they ended up having a problem my kids don't have a problem no one has ever accused me of having an alcohol problem or substance abuse problem. of course on that day, i had drinks on that day but it was a wedding celebration. but i've never had a substance problem at all so i didn't. >> okay. you told us in the last hearing that you were going to attend aa and that's the reason for my question had you been drinking that day >> yes as i said, we were celebrating a wedding thing. i felt that the alternative to violence course and my involvement with the church, i
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also recently became the commissioner of the softball league, 18-team league my primary -- my primary responsibility was rules enforcement and, you know, player deportment. you know, guys are hot, they play, they argue my job is if they get surly with one another to remove them from the game and go to the coach and suspend them they know i've done the best that i can and i'm just trying to keep them out of trouble. so my agenda was full here i've been active -- totally active in all the years that i've been here i don't have much time to sit around and do anything i don't know if that answers your question, but -- >> so the programs that you had
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an opportunity to complete, what do you believe is the most significant for you personally >> for me personally, it was the alternative to violence. that should be mandatory for every inmate here. you know, once again, guys get hot here and we've had our share of fights here and, as i said, i've been called in sometimes to try to keep guys from fighting and you have groups, you know. the scenarios, fighting, the north town boys, they are all -- i mean, it's crazy and most of the time it's over somethingreally, really stupid you know in a basketball game, somebody will say something to somebody or somebody will go to them to complain about it and it's how they complain to them about it that initiated the conflict and the fights so i don't understand why that is not mandatory course for everybody here
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excuse me. my mind is trying to think of other things but that's the course that i would recommend to everybody i mean, i took a computer course not because i was computer illiterate but i took a computer course because sometimes i could never get my kids on the phone but if you text them or send something to them on the computer i could get them. i took that course so i could better communicate with my children >> all right and have these programs prepared you to return to the community setting? >> i believe so. you know, look, i've missed a lot of time, like 36 birthdays with my children and i've spent 12 years leading up to this incident in vegas raising two kids in l.a. i'm sorry. in miami and with all the media stuff and we've got these guys like
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jeffrey felix making up stories and stuff, that was happening on the street, also but i was able to keep the eye on the ball, grades, college of their choice and i ended up missing their graduations because of it. trust me, i wish it would have neverhappened but as i said, the courses that i have taken, i hope it helps me more if i run into those conflicts with my kids i'm not a guy that has conflicts on the street. i don't expect to have any when i leave here but i feel that i'm much better prepared but more so my commitment to being a better christian because i thought i was a good guy i had some problems with fidelity in my life, but i've always been a guy that pretty much got along with anybody.
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>> this incarceration? >> yes i wish it never happened i didn't know how we were going to do this by apologizing to the people of nevada because i wish this would have never happened i apologized to them at my sentencing you know, there's nothing that i can do about this media circus going on right now but i could do something about the whole thing in the beginning if i would have made a better judgment back then, none of this would have happened and i take full responsibility because i should have never -- you know, i haven't made any excuses in nine years here, but i should have never allowed these alleged security guys to help me because it turned out they were only trying to help themselves. if they weren't there, bruce and i, we tried to do this we tried to sit down in the room and call this guy mike gilbert and discuss it all but these
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guys took over and we were unable to do that. if we were able to do that, you would have never heard about this none of us would be here today >> okay. and lastly, i'd like you to know that we received hundreds of letters of support and opposition and while we always encourage public input, the majority of the opposition letters are asking us to consider your 1995 acquittal and subsequent civil judgment however, these items will not be considered in this case. >> thank you >> thank you >> when we grant offender's parole, we will impose to pay court-ordered restitution to the victims of the crime you and your co-defendants were ordered to pay $3,500 in restitution and return 12 montana lithograms
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can you tell us the status >> well, one i was unaware of the restitution. i do know about the prints when i was talking to bruce on the phone and asking him was there anything else that should be yours, he said the cell phone. so i said, do you want to come and meet us with that? or how do you want to do it? another guy i did know, a mr. cashmore said, hey, i've got to go by that hotel i'll drop it off right? he testified to this, too. this is not an allegation from me mr. cashmore testified to it so i said, hey, this guy's going to come back and drop it off at the hotel. his testimony later was that he didn't remember the name of who he was supposed to drop it off
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to and that they had decided to screw o.j., we're going to keep this stuff this is his testimony in court the last thing i heard is that he actually tried to use those prints as, you know -- the word -- i can't find the word -- to get his bail, about his bail bondsman i can't think of the word. >> restitution >> for the bail bond so the last i know about this lithograph, is that cashmore had it and he testified in court that he had them >> let me ask you this -- >> the restitution was paid by my lawyer. >> and so the restitution has been paid and there is no pending -- >> yes. >> the property has been turned, the lithographs as well?
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>> he never had them. >> yeah, he says that they have been returned to him bruce told me that they have been returned to him. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> all right parole as opposed to completing your sentence in prison, you'll be under supervision in the community. why is it better to be in the community than in the prison >> well, you know, i do have four kids. i've missed a lot of time with those kids i think i am a guy who has always been a giving guy even on the street, people have always come to me. my reputation has always been that i'm open to the public, i'm open to everybody, you know? you know, right now i'm at a point in my life where all i want to do is spend as much time as i can with my children and my
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friends and i'm not looking to be involved with the media i've had so many offers for interviews when i've been here in lovelock and i've turned them all down i'm not interested in any of that i've done my time. you know, i've done it as well and as respectfully as i think anybody can. i think if you talk to the wardens, they'll tell you i've been -- i gave them my word. i believe in the jury system i've honored their verdict i have not complained for nine years. all i've done is tried to be helpful and encourage the guys around there, hey, do your time, fight in court and don't do anything that's going to extend your time. and that's the life i've tried to live because i want to get back to my kids. >> do you realize if you're granted parole you could be returned to prison for any violation of your conditions of parole >> yes, sir, i do.
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>> it could be easily as not drinking alcohol to excess, associating with ex-felons, leaving the state without permission, being subject to search and seizure so there's going to be a whole slew of conditions you're going to have to follow and do you think you can be successful with the terms of parole? >> oh, beyond a doubt. i haven't drank in nine years and i haven't missed it. most of my life i could be stopped and searched whenever -- i'm not a guy who lived a criminal life. you know, i'm a pretty straight shooter. i've always tried to be a good soldier. and i have no problem, none whatsoever in living with those conditions >> here's the other side of that as an easily recognized person in the community, if you're granted parole, how will you handle public scrutiny in the community? >> well, i've been recognized ever since i was 19 years old.
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i'm sure bruce will tell you, wherever we've been, it's always a crowd. this is not new to me. rarely have i seen, in the last 20 years, rarely have i even had any person give me any negative stuff in the street. people give you looks and everything, but i'm pretty easily approachable. i've dealt with it my whole life and i really don't foresee any problem dealing with the public now at all >> okay. mr. simpson, we've been -- since we've been made aware that you're requesting to live in florida, i've asked captain shawna reevy to come here and explain the process for us captain is the interstate compact commissioner for the state of nevada so i'm going to
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ask him to come forward and, again, these are things that would happen behind the scenes with any hearing that we would have but because you have a crowd of people asking questions, we thought it would be best to have the captain present to explain it to everyone >> thank you i could easily stay in nevada but i don't think you guys want me here. >> no comment, sir >> good morning, captain from the department of public safety. as chairman bisbee shared with you, i'm a captain with the division of parole and probation for headquarters and also serve as the commissioner for the nevada for the interstate compact. when it comes to the interstate compact, the things that are looked at is what is your support system in that other
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state, are you a resident of the other state as defined by the compact, meaning that you were living there for at least a year prior to the date that you committed the offense or do you have resident family there that can serve as your support system and resident family is fairly specific but adult siblings and adult children can serve as your resident family sponsor to provide you with that tied to the other state that would allow you to qualify for a transfer. but that's just the first part of it. first we have to establish what your support system is and whether or not you qualify for that transfer and then we make the determination if it's in your best interest to request that transfer for you. once we make that decision, there's an offender application for transfer, which includes, say, waiver of extradition, which is required to be signed before anyone is allowed to submit a request for transfer to
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another state. what that does is outlines to you what the requirements of the compact are, that you're subject to terms and conditions not only by the sending state, which in this case would be nevada, but also by the receiving state. if you were looking to join your family in florida, that florida would be able to impose conditions on you that would be consistent in the same manner that they would treat one of their own offenders in a like circumstance from the -- once that offender application for transfer with the waiver of extradition, the waiver of extradition serves the purpose that if for some reason you violate the terms and conditions of your supervision, you understand that nevada has the authority to come and return you to nevada to answer for those violations once we obtain that signed defender application, we process that along with the other paperwork and documents that we need to submit to the other
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state and they will then have up to 45 days to conduct their investigation on whether or not you qualify for the transfer and whether or not you have a valid plan of supervision. once they determine that, their caseworkers will forward that through their compact office back to the nevada compact office and once we have a decision by that other state, then that would be provided to you through your case manager at the department of corrections. that's how the interstate compact part works on prerelease side, the prerelease we have specialists who work closely with the caseworkers and the nevada department of corrections and they develop -- they help to develop that valid plan of supervision we were talking about. what is your plan of release, where do you want to go to, who's your support system. once they make that determination, they process the information that's necessary and
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in this case, if you were to apply for an interstate compact, our prerelease specialist would forward those documents to their state for their consideration. once a determination was made and once a valid plan was developed, then they would work with your caseworker to set up your release and your caseworker would then manage the release through the nevada department of corrections. >> does the panel have any questions for the captain? >> i do not. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you >> now, mr. laverne, i'm going to defer to the two of you, you and mr. simpson. we'd like mr. simpson to tell us anything else he'd like to tell us and we'd like to hear from one of the supporters and we'd like to hear your statement, mr.
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laverne. what order do you want those three things to happen >> we're going to hear from mr. simpson's daughter first and then i'll make closing remarks. >> okay. and officer batista, you will make that switch for us, please? >> thank you >> good morning. if you will give us your name and for the record your relationship to mr. simpson. >> yes, i am ornel simpson, my dad's oldest child of four. >> thank you feel free to speak. >> thank you i'm a little nervous, so bear with me. >> so are we
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>> i know it's a lot >> as you know, i'm here on behalf of my family for the purpose of expressing what we believe is the true character of my father. no one really knows how much we have been through, this ordeal in the last nine years excuse me. my experience is that he's like my best friend and my rock and as a family, we recognize that he is not the perfect man, but he's clearly a man and a
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father who has done his best to behave in a way that speaks to his overall nature and character, which is always to be positive no matter what. he has spent the last nine years in lovelock, as we all know, and has been a perfect inmate following all of the rules and making the best of the situation. which is truly amazing to me under the circumstances. the choice that he made nine years ago, that resulted and was clearly inappropriate and wrong and counterproductive to what he was trying to achieve. as a family, we were all there to celebrate a wedding of a very good friend. as his daughter, i can honestly say, my dad recognizes that he took the wrong approach and could not handle the situation -- he could have
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handled the situation differently. my siblings and i and family know that he didn't make the right did not make the right decision on that day but we know his intentions were not to go in and to make the wrong decision at the wrong time we have remained closed and we have stayed strong and i for myself are grateful to god forgiving us the strengths to get us through the last nine years and stay positive, always no matter what a lot of that is because of him so on behalf of my family and my brother and sister and aunts and
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uncles and his friends, we just want him to come home. we really do, we really want him to come home i know in hi heart that he's humbled throughout the situation. this has been hard, to be honest, this has been really truly hard there is no right or wrong way to explain how to handle this. we do know that and i know that he's remorseful. he's truly is remorseful. we just want him to come home so we can move forward for us quietly, quietly, to move forward. i think to be here this morning --
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>> thank you miss simpson, we appreciate you being present and appreciate your comment. officer batista, can you bring mr. laverne and mr. simpson back to the table, please >> yes, ma'am. >> mr. laverne, and mr. simpson, this is the time for you to make closing remarks. >> do you have any letter that i provided, it is an undated letter that was provided to you. >> yes, sir, we do have that on the record give me two seconds to get started here that's where i am going to start. >> did you take the letter i cannot find it now
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the letter you can see is very short. it is appropriate to read it into the record if the submission would allow me to >> that would be fine. >> okay, the first thing i have to do is find it here it is by way of setting this letter up, by the way, the most important part of the letter is, this was not a letter that mr. simpson provided to me, okay mr. simpson at some point wanted me to communicate of the individual he's still an attorney and in the interest of full disclosure, since that time oswaldo, he's a friend of mine, too.
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he became an assembly line of the nevada legislature after that, mr. simpson sin since -- i found out the letter not through mr. simpson. i found out the letter through mr. fuma when i advised to thank ozzie fuma presenting books to the lovelock county of nevada. >> i did not produce this to him this morning when i got to see him prior to this hearing. he did indicate that he wrote this letter. it was sent to ozzie within the last nine months or so >> dear legislature, fuma, first of all, allow me to say how happy i was to hear about your new position i must admit that i have taken
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my exposure to education for granted partly due to my proudest as an athlete, i have been forwarded to opportunities of higher education. it was not until i got to prison that i realized how many people did not have the exposures to set education. in part because of their circumstances, gangs and bad neighborhoods and poverty and etc. ozzie, i cannot tell you how inspiring it is to see how inmates have taken advantage of the educational department and advantages that it offers. i have seen a change in some inmates as far as their self esteem goes, that's amazing. they come to me to talk about subjects that they would never, would never thought about before their exposure to education. they talked to me about things that way want to do when they are released and never would have thought about they were capable of before. they say quote, "you cannot
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teach an old dog new tricks. i can tell you that it is not true i am taking a computer course that shows me even i am capable of learning new skills i work in the athletic department here at lovelock and i fully enjoy what i do and can tell you that this is very important for the inmates for the release for their energy and recreation in closing, i want to tell you how much i look forward to following your political career and your participation in what i know is a successful educational
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program. gratefully yours and signed by mr. simpson. >> the reason i wanted to read this to you because and just kind of surprise mr. simpson, this is what i consider one of mr. simpson's first opportunity to have -- he has an end at that point. he had fuma with an attorney/client relationship and now ozzie is in the assembly and in the position of power what does mr. simpson do does he say ozzie, can i have a better bed or does hesay ozzie can you pull some strings and get me out of here earlier no, he does not do any of that he uses that clout in the state of nevada, he uses that clout to obtain funding for books and education in this prison
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can some of those mr. simpson says they're going to get out and have a decent and better life for themselves as a result of mr. simpson's effort through mr. fumo i think that's a definition of character. frankly, if it is me being in prison for nine years and forget nine years, nine days if i have someone in the position of power mary can do something for me like this, i would say get me out of jail. he does not do that. it is very, very, self leless ad he's thinking of the people here it shows a genuine form of humility that he has the capabilities to think of people here who are not as empowered and not as privileged as he has been and when he gets out, he will continue to be in society >> that's the first part of my closing remarks.
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the second part of my closing remarks is deal with other individuals in this case, that's mr. beasley, i am sure you are aware that he's no longer with us, he passed away in th the last time i recalled speaking with him was september of 2011. this is not that long after i maybe representing mr. simpson for a couple of years. i was uncomfortable that he was a victim in a case and my client is considered the person victimizing him and i did explain to him that i wanted to report the conversation and he consented and i asked him if he wanted a an attornn attorney ans
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fine that was from 2011 as i stated before since he's no longer here, i can speak from someone that speaks from the dead, he indicated in that conversation that he cleared up this matter with mr. simpson. he was trying his hardest to do whatever he want to give mr. simpson out of prison. they just made right mr. simpson apologized to him and he basically made it right and he sent letters to mr. simpson and mr. simpson responded and that was on the advise o advise of the council at the time mr. simpson raised the issue and i want to emphasize this again, he had a set of photos mr. simpson, if he did not make his point already, he could carele careless of some signed football
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photos those that was not the truth of what happened here it was intimate family photos that were taken from him, literally stolen and there is no dispute that this would be any type of judgment or collections, these are just intimate family photos mr. simpson had a former family and a second family, there is pictures of his mother and famous celebrities and they were not subjected to be taken and no value to most people but they have all the values who owned mr. simpson. they're not football and that's what set him off mr. bersly had these photos. it was all that mr. simpson wanted in the first place. whatever happened he is never able to get those to me. he explained he had them and i
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tried to make every effort to get those from him at some point along the line we lost contact and i discovered he passed away. i will speak from his behalf from the phone call conversation that september, 2011, him and mr. simpson had made things right. having multiple conversations with them, i have also had mr. fermont sittinghere on my left who testified in my office but, he recently called again and he called me on july 3rd, and he called me on july 14th and both times i missed the calls but i called him back.
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i can hear the mr. fermont and mr. simpson have made things right with each other and he accepts mr. simpson's apology wholeheartedly >> he seems to be a good guy and fallen on hard times he told he will be coming into testify favorably for mr. simpson. i made sure i told him probably 15 or 20 times -- mr. simpson attorney is talking to victims, it can be interpreting in the wrong way. say whatever you want to say and nobody is telling you how to testify here one of the things that we did and i did inform the parole and probations on both of the conversations on july 3rd and july 14th. one of the things i did spend a lot of times and that was a small portions of the conversation was the reforce on
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mr. simpson. we were talking about other things that's happening with mr. fermont. there were some litigations that went on. this was against one of the primarily, against one of the uncharged code defense in this case he addressed the concerns with me and i told him that i would look into it and i explained to him that he should talk to his lawyers in that litigation to making that judgment do whatever he wanted to do and it was unfortunate. i believe that it is an tou opportunity to show you that in this criminal case, he's
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completely the victim and the jury found fermont liable for what happened here it was unique to say the least he's going to testify but i did feel that i needed to note and i don't have a point to prove other than he did represent he's going to testify he did understand. he was hoping that mr. simpson could take care of for him >> mr. simpson, did you have any remarks? >> i would come here and spent nine years making no excuses anything i am sorry that things turned out the way they did i have no intent of committing a crime. i came here and i tell inmates all the time that i don't want
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to hear about your crime, arguing in court hereand i am convict, do your time and don't do anything to extend your time. when i got here mr. lagrange and mr. carpenter, i believe in the jury's system and honor what the jury said and i would be no problem and i think i kept my word i have done my time and i just would like to get back to my family and friends and believe it or not, i do have some real friends. i don't think i could have represented this prison, i don't think any inmates represented better than i have i did my time and as i said bruce, i made up with him years ago, you know? so, i am sorry it happened and i
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am sorry to nevada, i wished bruce would never have called me i thought i was glad to get my stuff back it was not worth it, nine years away from your family, it is not walter sco worth it and i am sorry. thank you. >> thank you, just one more thing for the record, your expiration as of today is 9/29/22. good behaviors can be up to a 50% reduction up to your sentence i want to put that on the record and at this point, i will ask officer batista if you will move mr. lavergne and mr. simpson
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again and we'll invite mr. fermont into the table, please >> thank you >> thank you all right, we are going to take a quick break here and get some analysis on the cnbc news line co-ho co-host of "did he do it." what do you make so far of this parole hearing and what do you think of the odds that oj simpson is allowed the record that's been made, specifically about disregarding or acquittal of the murder case and the civil judgment against
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him which of members of the public opinion, expressing their own desires of the desire of this case and outraged by and those are relevant to these proceedings. he's talking about somebody of your average criminal joe smith rather than the jews, it would be a slam dunk that somebody with his record and so forth and would be granted parole. this maybe a case of reverse celebrity justice if he's denied and we have seen that happened in some of the notorious cases as well. >> in your experience, i understand legally those matters, the civil judgment against him in the acquittal cannot be considered here. but, in your experience, do the people who are sitting on that panel making the decisions, do they really rule oit out in thei
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heads, can they? >> it is a great question. the people who are making the decision are people and not computers just running some program and algorithmically spitting out answers just like emergency room doctors and trained themselves not to be triggered by the trauma they encountered on a regular basis and frankly, reading the tea leaves on this, lets remember that these are the same four individuals that have previously granted parole to o.j. simpson on other matters he was eligible earlier. this is a body indicated there
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is willingness to be resceptive to those arguments >> what is your opinion of the notion that he will have a web cast, did you think that won over or check the box of the parole board or rub them the wrong way? >> it is a light moment in the room because there is a look on his face that realized that would be unwise. i thought it was a brilliant move by oj's lawyer to read a letter that was written in a time that's an authentic glimpse of the mind of jio.j. simpson ad frankly as a criminal defense lawyer, i would remind people as they say over and over again the right to remain silence only helps if you exercise it and
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they can only tell you a number of time as an attorney when a client has the right to speak and i wish they would just shut up because they undo all that good work. i think o.j. simpson served himself in some areas and came off as a little arrogant than others and the left, he speaks the better >> darren, if i was going write a headline for t"the new york post" tomorrow, i would write i have i have written a conflict free life. he was acquitted it was clear of the large percentage of the nation thought he did it and that's not going to sit well with those people. what the committee is doing is an excellent job of explaining what they are considering and what they are not. lets remember if the context of a parole here and what where he looking at is to major categories of information,
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factors relating to the crime and factors relating to the defendant. and in terms of the factors relating to the crime, it is the crime for which he was convicted and not unconvicted crime or civil justice in the past. it is important to make that record and scrupulously honor that promise how many times do we see it plays out? we had the case of paris hilton if you remember years back was released from a jail cell due to over crowding and then when the court of public opinion got winded and it was halted back to do several weeks of jail that your average citizens would be required to do the wonder is whether the eyes of the world will work to o.j. simpson's favor honoring the law
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or they too will fall in the same notion of hey, lets punish him not for this crime but for the generalization that he got away with murder >> you think o.j. simpson granted parole that he will go into the sunset of florida that he wants to resettle >> i think that would be smart if he would do i can also tell you that i have seen people time and time again commit themselves to demonstrating poor judgment and all their affairs. >> reality tv show, absolutely >> remember, he comment tated on football >> he had a tv show on cnn >> i would not be surprised that somebody trying to leverage this somehow. you cannot turn away from a train wreck or car accident and you know it is probably a sad
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commentary but you know there is people that could not turn away from that. love him or hate him, he's certainly a polarizing host. >> mr. kavinoky, thank you for joining us >> defense attorney. after all these years, o.j. simpson, still is captivating the tv landscape of the fixuation of parole, joining us now to talk about this and othe possible media deals of all networks we had you hear talking about those deals. lets talk about this o.j. simpson, are we right about this the rights of power of live events every network is live on o.j. simpson. >> it is funny and it was march
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1994, we were number one we were not because i thought it was all about o.j. simpson the important to live is people are always there and people go on with their lives and we'll see what happens i am not waiting for more o.j. simpson and i think the two specials on espn and fx did a good mini series i think we rehashed a lot of that >> there is an appetite and people are still obsessed about him. the fellow on before got it right. it is a little bit of a train wreck and people continue to go back and look at that accident hopefully, not a whole lot of accidents that are happening >> a lot of media deals are talking about the merging of contents and we are talking about yesterday of the cliche that the content mattis king. and sometimes it is more content
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than king. >> yes >> live of what you are watching now of more pulling power than sponge bob >> my song will be watching "spongebob." [ laughter ] >> there is going to be a moment of are you tuning in now or are you tuning in now but it lives forever, for before or for worse. >> the one of the knox's have been i have a lot of live events you are talking about similar kind of programming which is passive and people liked it. there is no much see tv on hgtv something where you turn on and you know what you are going to get and you like it and shark week there is no live events. does this prove that is a problem? >> i think live is a category by itself clearly of the nature of sports
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writ rights and people are willing to pay for that and everybody wants some of that the thing of hgtv and the description, it is pretty special, they are the original idea of cable, do one thing and do it well and mtv wallas that y and the scripts networks was that way >> hold on one second, we want to tell the audience why he's walking out. they're going to deliberate now and we'll know whether o.j. simpson will be paroled. he was he will be released on october 1st. >> we'll get a decision here within the next 25 or 30 minutes from lovelock correctional center jane welsh is in that hearing. we'll take her live as soon as we get it. is there producers lining up to get to o.j. simpson, do you think? >> no doubt. somebody is going to see a big
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fat rating i guarantee you there are journalists lining up the get the first interview who want it. >> what would you do >> well -- [ laughter ] >> i feel like i am counter program right now. [ laughter ] look, you know, i just think and there is so much of this, and the best thing to do is go other way. the news network have this going on all the time and you know i would just -- i just add and -- >> back to, sorry, we'll go to melissa. >> are we going to go to jane? >> reporter: hey, guys, what's happening now is the parole commissioners will deliberate for 20 or 30 minutes all four of them have to unanimously agree whether or not to parole o.j. simpson, if they don't come to an unanimous
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agreement, there are two board members that are listening by phones and they'll join in a conversation until they have a majority who can decide to whether or not parole him. it was a slimmer from the last time we saw him. he looks to be incredible shape. he's 70-year-old and you heard him talking about the commissioner of the softball team inside. it was interesting too, while he apologized, he also blamed the alleged security guys with him for those of you who don't know o.j. simpson and spent much time with him he's a talker. when they asked him to retell his side of the story, that's what he did. at one point, one of the commissioners said your story is different from the record and he got testy and he said i was there and before he returned back to being remorseful the courses he took included
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computers and a baptist course i have asked many times of conflicts and that course gave me so many tools to walk these guys through that. i realized that of my nine years here that i am a good guy but i could have been a better christian. he misses his kids and he apologized to the state of nevada, i basically lived a conflict free life and he said earlier that he never pulled a weapon on anyone and no one accused of him pulling a weapon. first he said gun but later he said weapon. of course, the lapd accused him of doing just that when he was accused but never convicted of murdering nicole brown and ron goldman with a knife i am a pretty straight shooter and he has paid the restitutions to the victims of this crime of $3,200 and he talked about whether or not they'll let him move to
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florida. he joked i can stay in nevada but i don't think you would want me here. at which point one of the parole commissioners said no comment. it was not worth it. nine years away from your family and i am sorry bruce, the one surviving victim who's still alive of the robbery inside las vegas said, this is a good man he made a mistake and if he called me tomorrow and said bruce, i am getting out, will you pick me up juice, i will be there are for you, i mean that for you >> o.j. simpson shook his head and wiped away tears at that point. we'll be standing by >> you have covered james from the beginning and the bronco chase and i mean you have covered the guy so long and it made you so famous and you ended up on the final episode of "seinfield" because of that.
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tell me why do you think every outlet is covering o.j. simpson live today, why? >> reporter: last year fx decided to make a dramatized version called "the people verses o.j. simpson,"it captured a new season and espn followed the most successful 30 documentary it ever made of "o.j. simpson made in america. for people in kindergarten when this happened, they came to know that story again and how it was born out of the rodney king rights when racial tensions remaining so high between the lapd and the black community it is a little deja vu right now. >> people are watching these documentaries and the series, wow, that's not so far from today. >> reporter: i am having a little trouble hearing you melissa.
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it does resonate today of the fact that most of o.j. simpson's life, he was never going to get pulled over for driving while black. he did grow up poor. he did grow up in a housing project but he was so successful and at least according to espn documentary, worked very hard to distance himself from the black community once he did become successful >> one of the things that stood out was when they began to talk about a post in pris prison lif florida, how are you going to react when somebody on the streets come up to you and pick a fight with you he said he's a peacemaker and a mellow guy, that's where i lived a conflict-free life >> reporter: yeah. >> that's going to be a challenge if unless it seems to be would be a challenge unless he lives a life which is not
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what he was doing after the goldman's trial years ago. >> reporter: well, when he did move to florida the first time, it was a quiet life and things would pop up once in a while and there were some encounters and altercations of him temperament flaring a little bit >> that's what i remember. >> reporter: yeah, there was a road rage incident but he credits his alternatives of violence with giving him tools, although he was a little bit of never needy and was not outlooking for a fight again, lets remember nobody has been convicted in killing nicole brown and ron goldman. he was only been found liable in the civil courts we'll have to go forward if he does go back to florida and allowed to live there. it is interesting, both of his
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children by nicole of sidney and justin, sidney who's now 31-year-old. she graduated from college she owns a property and her younger brother who was five when his mother is murdered, he's 28-year-old he's a successful realtor in st. petersburg he's social media saavy and open and he does not hide he has a facebook page where he posts aftsayings and links to or things and how to sell a house of course, he's only five and all that he had to live through the last 20 plus years and he's out there, i am going to live my life and be a reality to >> thank you very much, we'll be back with you as news warrants we expect to hear something here >> still ahead, we are talking to one of the lawyers of the defense team that represented
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mr. simpson at the las vegas case we are waiting for that right now as soon as the decisions come down, we'll bring it right to you, stay tuned i enjoy the fresher things in life. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor's freshest, lowest prices. so if you're anything like me...'ll want to check tripadvisor. we now instantly compare prices from over 200 booking sites... find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. go on, try something fresh. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. we invited real homeowners to participate in a blind challenge comparing two home equity line of credit products: a traditional home equity line of credit, and a reverse mortgage line of credit. we called this the home equity line of credit challenge. our groups learned that while both products let you tap into the equity in your home to help you fund your retirement,
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we are waiting on the boar's decision on whether or not o.j. simpson will be granted parole lets bring in the defense team that represented mr. simpson in the casino case. good to you hhave you hear, canu hear me? >> yes, can you hear me? >> yes, i can. >> what do you think, are they going to grant him parole? >> i watched some of that, i was on a flight from miami to atlanta. i am at the airport now. i have a case in wichita tomorrow i can tell you that i did not feel that he was prepared very well for the parole hearing at all. he basically broke every rule that you can break and when you are asked by the parole commissioner how you feel a bout this or what you should be doing or whatever, he went back into
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his -- what i called his denial mode and that's what you can do. i am not still say that they won't grant parole i think the commission are maybe sick and tired of o.j. simpson and they'll do it. the defense is everybody else is a problem and not me, i didn't know about guns or this or this is going to happen or this is all just sort of a misunderstanding that may have been good in front of the jury at trial time. >> he was trying to relitigate his own innocence in this case >> exactly >> do you believe his story of what happened of the las vegas hotel room >> i am having represented him that argued the jury what he's saying is correct. what he's saying is that he's basically being led around by the other guy, he did not have
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any other specific leadership and control of what's happening. he was planning a whole thing so he can make a bunch of money he wanted to video tape it first. this was was all a big screw ball thing both of these guys, both of the victims in the case were friends with oj. it is a big -- it was a big craziness and miss understanding. it did not work out that way at trial. >> gabriel, it is interesting, we are talking to a defense attorney that there is a possibility that o.j. simpson can experience reverse celebrity biassed and in a favorable way in this case, yours specifically was saying that they just wanted to get rid of him and that's perhaps why they would parole
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him. >> is ththere is a lot of things here it is not just that. it is the fact that o.j. simpson, you know, it is true and he has done everything he had to do as a prisoner to do things the right way and he has not gotten any right ups or done everything he's devoted and everything that parole board expects somebody that's speaking parole, he's done it so there is those reasons. there is a lot of things in his favor and he has no prior convictions and the fact that, you know, he has family to support on the outside and the fact that they don't have any concerns that he won't be able to support himself and the fact that he's paying restitutions. those things are all in his favor. your question regarding whether o.j. simpson, whether they're going to release him because they're sick and tired of him
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i think there is a feedback or of that that t, that the parole want to get this whole thing over with. >> let me ask you, do you believe this whole thing was a case gone wrong, the crime itself, do you believe that if he was not o.j. simpson, with all of the baggage that came along of him being o.j. simpson at the time of the trial of this las vega las vegas assault and robbery that he would have been convicted. >> if he was not o.j. simpson, they would not have charged him 13 different felonies and would not try to go -- guns blazing and every single allegations, they would not have worked as
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hard to prepare the trial, the da of clark county would not have been involved in trying the case with the most, you know experienced defense. there is a lot of factors going into play had it not been o.j. simps simpson. i was struck by how are you going to hand it if you are released on parole and people come up to you and talk to you and he said --sp he's 70-year-old and i have been in the public eye since i was 19 earlier. that's the year that he won the heisman trophy what do you think if he's released, what is going to be like and will he be able to handle it and you have been around him when you are defending him. what is it like to be with o.j. simpson? >> well, i can tell you that everything else aside what
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people and a lot of people never met o.j. simpson and don't know him who has a lot of things to say about him. me having known him and by the way, i had not had any contact with o.j. simpson since i represented him back in 2008 once the case is over and going in there, i did not have any contact with oj. the guy that i knew, he was a friendly person and a very fun guy to hang out with my thing is that he's too trusty people, there is a lot of people who are making a buck out of o.j. simpson he just trust me and that's what
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i think and he need to avoid that the celebrity attorney really came of age in a big way of o.j. simpson from his trial not just all the names we still remember who represented him during the original trial but i think of star jones and jeff toobin and all of those people went on of having much big career covering the o.j. simpson's trial. do you think of the bigger fact of your industry because of him. >> well, there are people who have been at the right place and the right time the people you mentioned and etcetera, for me, i can tell you it was another case. i never lost many people over it and i was never worried about what was going to happen the next day i handled many cases where people have been looking at life at death sometimes in prison and
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i handled a ton of death penalty cases. i never bothered me that much and never thought of written a book i was surpri it was another client and we did our best and that was the end of it apart from once in a while where o.j. simpson's case reared its ugly head and people called me to comment, i never really dealed with ideal with it. >> thank you gabriel grasso. the defense attorney who represented o.j. simpson in the case that was in front of this parole board right now >> lets bring in our editor robert frank to talk about the money behind of where it tends to o.j. simpson. he's got money >> not much, he does not have a job if he gets released and he does not have a house because it
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was foreclosed on and it is now for sale for $1.3 million. i guess he will move with near his kids this is the guy in the early 1990s worth more than $10 million. >> the big thing hanging over him is the judgment from the goldman and brown's case which is $33.5 million he's paid less than 1% of that so there will be a lot of money making opportunities for o.j. simpson if and when he's released until he pays that 30 plus million dollars judgment against him. all the money that he makes from now on goes towards that judgment he does have a $5 million screen actor pension and his nfl pension which is $20,000 a month and $100,000 a year. >> jane welsh reports that they cannot go against the pension.
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5 million pension is touchable by the judge so he does have that >> if he does a reality show and web cast and all of those endorsements if you can find them >> exactly any non-pensions income. he could pay it off and have some after that but it is going to take a lot to pay off the 30 plus millions. >> pensions are not bad if you move to florida. >> exactly >> will he get that as al lump sum? >> he has to make that decision. he will have a personal finance guy. >> exactly >> the reason why there is so much disparity, some people say his nfl pension is $25,000 a month. it is very complex form of how many yaears you played or when you start drawing it down in your life. he probably does not know how much per year that pension will
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be but it is off lichmits to th j judge. >> he's 70 since he can be accruing that right now. >> well, he's been accruing it since he's been in prison so that's building up he will be okay from those pensions the question is, everyone is going to say he's making money from new books or interviews or something. >> well, none of that. >> all right, ron, thank you very much. >> again, we are awaiting for the decision of the parole board in nevada. whether or not he will grant the decision of parole, that could
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we want to get a check of the market right now of the dow of an all time high, s&p 500 is up by one point and and take a look at some of the -- here is the leader verizon and nike as well as united he will >> all right, shares of polaris is getting a nice bump here is our "power lunch" exclusive is scott wine. i think he knows how to have fun because he makes interesting and nice toys for folks. take us through your results if you would not mind what was working well and where was some of the things that did not measure up as well >> you know tyler, overall it is a good quarter for us and sales are up 20% and organic sales up at 7 and it is nice to get back
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to growth in the business. the entire player team executed well and international business are up 12% side by side which is of our largest segment offics quarters in a row. the operation team driving productivity across our business were able to cover a lot of additional head winds that we had. we are feeling better of the second half of the year which gave us confidence to raise your sales. >> side by side means what for those of us who are not? >> we got a recreational that's called the razor that's used in trails predominantly for recreati recreational we got a large market share leads in both segsegments. those are important to our
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success. motorcycle business, up 17% was a really good contributor to improve results. >> so motorcycles are doing well competitors have reported some problems >> well, you know obviously, there are large companies with a lot of sales the industry is a little bit weak we got exciting new products and really good distribution and we introduced six new bikes and wanted a few more this week. not only in the u.s., it is only globally >> do you have any other brands? >> we have victory for motorcycles for 17 years we have great run in high qualities making motorcycles. we discontinued that brand earlier this year. we are whining that down as we speak. that process is going quite well and shifting all of our
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resources to drive growth and we are having good success. sales are down for the quarter but we got new products and better incentives. >> you get to have a good time, thr three-wheel vehicles and all of that >> what are the success that you have right now telling you of the spirit of the economy? >> you know we have talked of the allusive trump bump that some are looking for demand in our economy. we do rely on the oil and agriculture economy, both are weak we see consumers in our segment are starting to come back and foot traffic in our dealerships and there are a lot of competitions and products in there. we believe that innovations are going back and we expect to see better growth.
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>> thanks for joining us michelle is here, you are the ultimate consumer discretionary product. you dependeon't ever need a slit if you are doing well, that means the economy is doing well. >> well, there is certainly a tremendous aspect and that's a key driver of our success. there is a great deal of work and utility in my of our vehicles more of a broad barometer of economy. there is a large consumer d discretionary aspect of business as well. scott wine, thank you and good luck to you and we appreciate you being with us. >> some of those products looking so snazzy. >> we are less than two-minutes away from getting a decision whether or not o.j. simpson will be paroled he's back in the courtroom as we
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you have complied with the rules of the prison. you have programmed in an acceptable manner. you have no prior conviction of criminal activity. you are a low risk to reoffend our our guidelines have you community support and steve will release plans we've heard from you and from your victim. the question here is, as with all parole hearings, is whether or not you have served enough time in prison in this case. considering all of these factors my vote is to grant your paroleefecti paroleefective -- parole
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effective when eligible. >> and i concur and grant parole, and in addition our decision, although difficult, is fair and just. >> i concur with commissioner korda and agree to grant parole. >> mr. simpson, before i cast my vote, i want to let you know that we believe that we're a fair board we believe that we're a consistent board i will let you know that consistency also goes to parole and we do not look kindly upon parole violations and if i cast my vote to grant and it concludes the hearing, our expectation would be that you not violate even the simplest condition of parole. having said that, i am prepared
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to cast a vote i am prepared to ask the commissioners to set conditions. if that happens, we will produce an order sometime in the next 15 or 20 minutes that will be faxed tore or presented to you at institution and it will become a public record, so based on all of that, mr. simpson, i do vote to grant parole when eligible, and that will conclude this hearing. >> thank you thank you.
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>> you're holding up good, too, man, all these years >> there it is o.j. simpson will be a freeman and granted parole we assume he's going to move to florida like he said typical conditions of parole got to check in with your parole officer, no use of controlled substances got to make sure that he sticks with all of those or else he ends up back in jail or prison, but after all of that, he'll be back -- >> serving basically the minimum of nine years on the charges he had been voted for parole of some of the charges four years ago but the remainder waited until now at 2017. he's been in prison roughly nine years for the armed robbery and assault in a las vegas hotel room jane wells is with us now. jane covered the original o.j.
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simpson trials in los angeles and is at the prison now jane >> yes as you heard the parole commissioner say they will come back -- they will fax in about 15 or 20 minutes the conditions of parole and that will become public record and then we'll have a better idea at that point if he'll in fact be allowed to move to florida. i would be surprise federal that was not the case as you can see, o.j. dropped his head, seemed to become emotional and teary-eyed a different reaction than the stunned reaction on his face back in 1995 when he was acquitted and found not guilty of murder, although even then -- this was more of a -- i know this is going to come but after nine years of actually being in prison it was emotional for him to hear that news. now we'll have to find out if he does in fact -- as soon as he could walk out of here at lovelock correctional facility will be october 1st. bruce fromong, as you heard there, one of the victims of the
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robbery in las vegas said if you need me to pick you up, juice, i'll be there. we were told from a pool reporter on the inside that his friend who lives in florida is willing to let o.j. move in with him there, and one of the interesting things, and i don't know if you heard this, but o.j.'s mike was hot before the commissioners came back into the room, and during that time he was talking about a former guard here named jeffrey felix who he called a complete fraud. felix made some accusations in the tabloids that o.j. had broken rules and o.j. was going off on this guy before he got the mike and gave a shout-out to everybody who he wasn't able to call everyone sat up and said who was the his favorite lady. but i'm sure she was monitoring
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the story. >> any speculation on what o.j. could do when he's out >> well, anything he does to make a living, that money can be taken by the goldmans and the brown family to go towards their -- what was originally a claar 33.5 million judgment but when hi talked to kim goldman, just the goldman part of it with interest was over $40 million and we're talking $880 million and anything he does including selling any memorabilia or even owning memorabilia they can try and attach that and sell it. what they cannot touch is his pension. that cannot be attached to a civil judgment by law, and from what we know, at least as of 1997, that pension plan which was from orenthal productions. there was also a stipend coming from the nfl, from the screen actor's guild, back then it was worth over $4 million and back then he was collecting $25,000 a month gross, netting about 16
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grand. that he can still live on. nobody can take that from him in -- in the civil judgment, in the original case, which happened in california he did pay restitution to the case in nevada, the armed robbery, $3,200 and something and he had to return some joe montana lithographs. >> thank you, jane wells, covering that live let's bring back the host of "deadly sin" on discovery and host of "did he do it? you're right they granted him parole. your thoughts as you saw it all unfold. >> well, not shocking. i think the board made an excellent record and regardless of what people think in the court of public opinion about o.j. simpson, the man, i think if we respect the integrity of the justice systemit was the legally correct outcome in this particular matter. whether there's a special place in hell reserved for mr. simpson is a matter of personal debate but from a legal standpoint the right call was made.
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>> nevada going to let him move to florida >> i think so. it would unusual if they didn't. they will probably be happier if he's out of state. the record was quite clear that any transgression is going to land him in hot water, and let's remember any kind of criminal offense, whether it's a misdemeanor or felony, anything beyond a mere traffic infraction, can be a violation of probation or parole. >> right. >> it's typically a condition to obey all laws so he better take a page from the casey anthony playbook and go gently. >> will we learn anything about the bias of the parole board granted they granted parole but will we learn anything behind their feelings behind the decision from the faxed list of conditions for parole? >> i think we will, and there should be a decision but frankly i wouldn't also be surprised to see it be fairly boiler plate and simply that he met the conditions let's face it, if weer
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