tv Fast Money CNBC August 21, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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in the -- >> there's nothing -- >> maybe it's a reminder -- >> unless they hand ld it poorly, said, look, they didn't handle it well, then i'd understand. >> i don't think it's a utility where they have to go out and buy power on the open market in order to deliver to their customers. maybe i'm wrong about that. >> i don't think you are thank you very much. that does it for "closing bell." "fast money" starts right now. >> thank you, kelly and mike that's right, "fast money" start right now. i'm brian sullivan in for melissa lee. traders on the desk tonight, pete najarian, tim seymour, steve grasso, guy adami. energy stocks sinking again today, on pace for the worse month since december of 20 is15 as a group down 18% this year. with venezuela's problems heating up, are oil stocks finally a reel bual buy plus, chinese tech stocks are soaring, play the ultimate game of investing would you
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rather you may have heard about this eclipse. >> no, what happened today, brian? >> amazing americans across the nation now comes the hard part. the trips home and the cleanup we'll show you some of the aftermath. so much to do. let us begin with your money it was a mixed monday for the market the dow and the s&p finishing fractionally higher. the nasdaq slipped just a skosh, i believe they call it in minnesota. >> you betcha. >> if we stay weak, guy adami, is it a buy the dip market >> we stay weak. i would push back and say today was an encouraging day by the way, great having you onboard, great to have you here. thanks for helping out. >> established that earlier. >> we talked about 2410 being an important level in the s&p i think it got down to 2417 today. pete can speak the vix, down 7.5% today the ibm, as long as that stays
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above 130, we're okay. doesn't feel like the worst is over, but at least today gave you the glimpse of levels it needed to hold and it did. >> you know, we have a dynamic where there's been two things driving price action this year central banks and it's been earnings if you think about where we are, after almost 13% earnings growth in the second quarter, central banks bought another $2 trillion of debt, going into a period where i think central banks are really about to tell us, possibly jackson hole in a couple days, that's the getting is not going to be so good so to me, means you think fundamentals are fine. >> what are you saying you think that means they're going to tighten the market is saying they're not going to tighten. >> i think central banks are not as dovish as people believe they are. i look at global tate to i think they should not be as dove dovish. >> we're going to get to jackson hole in a minute >> sorry. >> no worries. pete najarian, there's two ways to look at it which is we've had two triple-digit declines for the dow in the past three weeks
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which normally is not a big deal at all the reason we're making a big deal about it isbecause we haven't seen any volatility for about six months you think we're seeing cracks in the foundation >> i think there are some cracks in the foundation, it's about cataly catalysts. we've gotten through earnings season, what is the next c catalyst in front of us? a lot is is going to be political, some economical l as well a lot of it is political. >> what about technical? >> yeah, there might be a little bit on that side of things i tell you what, you talk about buy the dip. on these pullbacks, i think there are opportunities out there. if we already know the facts and fundamentals, gifs tauy was talg about facts, fundamentals. home depot, it got into the mid 140s today it had a fairly strong day back why is that? look at the actual numbers that they put up. that's a company that i still want to buy, because they are doing it on the e-commerce side of it. necessarily amazon-proof but can
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compete with amazon. >> a lot of stuff you're going to buy at home depot you're not going to buy at amazon bags of gravel $300 a shipment. >> look at the sales numbers, up 6%, people are selling it, why because it's a little stretch, they're nervous. everybody hears amazon, amazon, amazon not everything is something that amazon can absolutely disem bl absolutely right this moment >> also the home improvement space is not growing floor space. they're not competing in the same way that walmart is competing with target, costco, sam's, the europeans, all the guys that are there. the fact of the matter is you have a housing market that's a tailwind there are parts of retail that make a lot of skeense. >> there's housing related and everything else. look at the amount of people buying homes, what to you do when you buy a house you buy paint, redo your yard, buy a catch. ethan allen, hooker furniture, stanley furniture. >> what? >> those stocks are all up this year. >> i don't know who's remodeling his house. >> putting a down payment on your home, whatever it might be, not going to macy's to get jeans
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because you're more worried about the curb. >> bring up an important thing, pulte homes up 30%, k.b. homes up 30% year to date. you know what's hidden utility space up 12% year to date third best performing sector. >> is that the new bond market >> exactly could be in the last month, it's up 4%. the other thing -- >> the rest of the market got killed and utilities actually wound up buying in, but technical basis, 2417 is your support right now. >> on the s&p 500. >> on the s&p cash exactly the 100 day moving average which is only 2 1/3% off the all-time highs which is nothing. >> i don't think you're saying chase utilities, you're identifying that utilities are up i would say at 219, 218 on the ten year, look at what happened today in copper. i think if anything, you've got this trade, the bottom of a range on yields. i think the trade is alive and well, copper above 3 bucks the last time we were here, felt like it was the last solar eclipse. this is a very important dynamic for this market.
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>> this didn't just happen in copper >> i agree. >> the last month and a half, look at freeport mac, some names you like as well some of these other names. huge upside call buying in freeport tsh. >> stay macro here, tim, let's go back to your point with guy a ad adami, the fed a lot of people forget this is the biggest meeting of the year of central bank officials. hear jackson hole, people going skiing, trout fishing, they're doing the latter but talking about fed policy mario draghi giving a speech is this the next catalyst, jackson hole >> tim said for quite some time that people are underestimating the importance of the federal reserve in the back half of this year happen to agree with him have no idea what they're going to do. you have to believe they'll continue to assuage the markets of fears they're going to tighten quicker than people want them to. i'm not sure but i think if you're looking for something that could derail this, it comes in the form of central banks, specifically our fed. >> do. you think that's the biggest
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risk >> i persisteonally do, yes. >> maybe, because that's all that's in front of us. a little bit on the politics side and the other side is whatever the fed's going to be doing. i mean, you look at these big spikes in volatility, sully, we've had three this year, we've had four since the president was elected. the night of the -- the next day when he was elected, with got 22 we've had big spikes had one in february. you go back and start actually april, may, now again in august. volatility is back, but it's sustainability is not there. look how fast -- >> i love you, you're smart and you're bigger than i am, but you're wrong. >> is that right >> yeah, notice how i -- >> how can that be the only -- >> i think you're incorrect on most of that statement, by the way. >> how can that be the only thing ahead of us? we've got war games in north korea, pete, we've got -- >> market doesn't care >> i know. i'm saying those things are going on. >> when have -- >> how can the fed -- >> when terrorist -- >> let him answer. >> go ahead. >> well, i -- >> i'm not saying they are, it's not the only thing in front of us. >> the market that we've had for the last two or three years has
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dealt with a lot of horrendous events. >> of course. >> in terms of global terrorism. >> yeah. some point they won't. >> well, they won't when they lead to populist measures. in europe, you're closer to populism than people think because you had a couple election cycles. i believe we're at a place, got through a fantastic earnings season two quarters ago, there was no bar. you itchy. >> you're going like this. >> trying to get pete to respond to my question. >> here's one last one, sully. how long can they sustain themselves, right? i'll give you one great example. go back a couple years ago, how about brexit how long did that truly last in the market steve was saying the same thing. >> six hours. >> he's an old floor trader, i'm a floor trader what happens can they sustain that kind of volatility the answer's been no, no, no, no. >> they're getting more shallow and smorthorter in duration whee
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you pick it. tim started off this conversation with earnings earnings have been great we're in a summer doll drue drum september, october, this market should be bouncing and be higher by -- >> i'm pushing back on pete's point that the fed is the, quote, only thing ahead of us. tony dwyer, our featured fest, has been sitting hire patiently. >> he is -- >> i'm about to take -- >> sorry about that, i didn't mean to do that. >> seymour here in between us. >> reis heighe's right next to u careful, pal. >> global economy in the back half of the year in a synchronized global recovery, economic improvement domestically, you're seeing an improvement. how do you know that the surprise index is bouncing a off a real extreme low it saw at a minus 80 level a few months ago. you're getting the atlanta now fed gdp number, that has bounced up to almost 4% growth
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the trend in iron ore, lumber, copper -- >> those are good things you're referencing? >> the peak in the market, this is the most important point i can ever talk about, the viewers are sick of me saying it, you have to have an inversion of the yield curve to have the peak in the market everything other than that is a buying opportunity that's not my opinion. that's is the history of my career think of any single correction we have withstood, and is it sustainable? and does it last a long time and the answer is no, without a shutdown in credit we're in a totally different environment that we were in the end of 2015 and end of '16 because you have a global synchronized recovery even with the ecb may be tightening, and the u.s. tightening. >> so, tony, when you talk about that, they always say, traders always say ever ring the bell at the top of the bottom, what type of a lag time do you start to get worried about equities, when do you ring the bell when you think it's too toppy
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there's a lag time in your opinion, i believe. >> the mean inversion of the yield curve is 15 months, steve. you can wait, let's call it -- the market peaks, i'm going to say this really, try not to it too quickly. peaks an average 7.2 months prior to recession okay the mean inversion is 15 curve you don't go into a recession until it comes o ut of the inversion. so the idea with a global synchronized recovery, that because the fed and the ecb might tighten a little bit more with a still steep yield curve, that it's time to get out and run for the hills. if you're good traders, maybe. i am awful at it all i know is that you want to buy weakness when it presents itself at a good fundamental -- >> this is important to frame this because running for the hills, i'm not -- i know i wouldn't be running for the hills even if we got a pullback. i do think you have a dynamic where a very vocal fed, and a big if, could cause a lot of
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trading action, and i mean trading action that could last with us through the fall with an s&p at levels that are there and very quiet passive equity investors that might get spooked. >> on the show, we wrote a piece in early august called "that nagging feeling. we got the nagging feeling, too. everything was at an optimistic extreme, over 60% bulls in i. vmt. there was no signs of any cracks the a.d. line, advanced decline lines making a new hype. all the tactical stuff was good. earnings were fantastic. it honestly, timg, i think we're going to have another push lower. you haven't gotten the indicators. >> how long and how steep? >> i think you could have another few percent and either be a day or couple weeks. depends how it plays out there's indicators we use. the vix over 20. okay oka percentage of stocks, the ten-day moving average, below 20 better is below t lolow 10 s&p, below 30. still in the 50s
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just had bulls on the i.i. -- >> the bears would say, tony, everybody is too complacent. >> that's fantastic, that's been true for seven years. >> been saying that, what, seven years? >> i don't mean to make fun of them listen, the bears will be right. this will end so badly, you cannot fix debt with debt. >> not many bears left >> well, everybody tends to get bearish when prices get weak funny how that works corrections are only natural, normal and healthy until they actually happen then they're, uh-oh, this is fundamental right now because the yield curve, because of the fundamental backdrop, there isn't anything -- in my opinion, think of the two corrections we've had over 10% this cycle. the european crisis, and we've had the chinese slowdown crisis that caused commodity price collapse those were two things that made investors think, okay, we're going to go into a fundamental recession. what is that now outside of a bomb going off in korea? >> it is totally easy to forget that last january, a year and a
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half ago, was the worst start to a year we've ever had. that the average -- >> right. >> the s&p 500 stock fell 20%. maybe that was the big correction >> it was. >> everybody's been -- >> look at how -- >> the bottom on emerging mar t markets, put a bottom under commodities, a bottom under europe. >> it made the ecb buy corporate debt the pure genius -- well, someday -- the pure genius move of all-time because that stimulated continental europe. look at the pmis and the manufacturing and services of europe and asia, they have improved since the ecb made that plan >> tony dwyer, always a pleasure to hear your views. >> great to be here, thanks, guys >> all right let's go around the horn what did everybody buy today, guy? >> target was interesting. we talked about it last week especially was interesting because the day that walmart got sold off, a pretty meaningful way from walmart, target actually held in there up, against, say a percent and a half-ish on a tepid tape, a nine
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tape i think target has room to the upside. >> target. >> to stay in the retail space, oddly enough, jcpenney, bid long, got longer in the last week or so seems to be providing an opportunity, if you believe that this thing is going out of business, you know what your stop is, you're going to lose $3.50. if you think it's going to trade higher -- >> is this an investment or bet? >> it's a bet for me it's a bet for me. it's an expensive option for me. people have been talking about retail brick and mortar going out of business. sears holdings has been going out of business for a long time and presented itself with a hell of a lot of trading ideas and opportunities going forward. >> the investment is definitely in banks financials been taking it on the chins. got down to 218. we're near the bottom i think of this point on rates. i think you actually have been looking for reasons to buy financials a lot of people have been looking for reasons to buy them. >> we haven't seen options in there. we've seen it in some of the material space we saw the huge upside buying.
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i think that thing is ready to break out, get over 11, 12 possibly gilead, i sold it friday, got back into it today because of the options. >> gilead, banks, jcpenney, a big bet here, guy adami, target. after a tough few weeks, nike getting hit again on a downgrade. one trader said he might be ready to tip his toes into the nike wreckage. we'll explain. plus, more than half the stocks in the energy sector are now officially in a correction or bear market down 10% or more from their highs. some down 20% 30rk, 30%. is it finally time to go bargain hunting in energy and oil? we're going to talk more about it later on. the infamous, you know, f.a.n.g. stocks those names. they've all been in the gutter in the past month except for one of them. why are chinese stocks outperforming as well? a lot more to do you're watching "fast money. stick around hey.
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technology giant spends big money on media and entertainment assets this is most of the big-name tech stocks here have been weak, with only facebook and internet stocks, that's a beta play on that market. so, if you -- i'm long alibaba, 92%. year to date it outshines everything. >> why not take some profit? >> because i do believe when you have a company that's guiding up 45% on revenue, in 2018, we're scratching the surface >> not only that, you know, i'm long baba a long time. what's happened to baba in the last couple quarters is not only is there core commerce business growing, but their cloud business is growing a lot faster than amazon's for example. theflowing
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on amazon is a web multiple. not a brick and mortar which is what they're selling at low margin stuff giving them the benefit of the cloud. essentially alicloud, alipay, all different kinds of pieces. meanwhile, these guys trade at 25 times next year, where does amazon trade where does tencent trade, also to own and long it trades it around 34, 35. i would take thissing a nich ia the way, i would make it -- s.t.a.b., seen thina is inconsequential. samsung. add in taiwan semi got an asia tech play that competes with f.a.n. fwvmt. >> focus on internet, 50% penetration in china, versus 80% penetration in f.a.n.g. stocks here there's your upside. when you say buy them, running out of gas, sounds like they have a hell of a lot of run left. >> there are a lot of smart people out there
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who they say alibaba's not what -- >> house of cards. >> could be. could be. >> they're not saying that's little overvalued or that it's slowing. they're saying basically it's a house of cards. ards. >> i can't speak to whether it is i have no idea i mean, the stocks suggest that it is not. jim is a smart guy been saying that for quite some time d push back and say if you're looking for valuation now, alphabet, google is giving you an opportunity now with 23 times forward earnings, traded down to 920 today. same level we bounced from i believe in early july. i think that's pretty interesting to me. >> i guess, steve, my point with jim, sometimes he's way early. he may be totally wrong here why invest now in a company that's so -- smart people say they don't believe the balance sheet. they don't believe the numbers. >> if you don't believe the numbers, then you're assuming that china -- that all these companies are able to perform at the pleasure of the government which means that there's a mote around them which means amazon
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can't compete there, which means that google can't compete there. so if he's right, that's an even better reason to buy the internet stocks. >> well, i would risk quickly, people have been betting against china. a lot of people have bet against china and it's been the wrong move ultimately, baba's biggest issue, if anything, is big brother in china it's not the government's in cahoots. they're probably their and issue. all right. moving away from that, next up, nike getting kicked when it is already down the stock getting a downgrade today falling more than 2% it is now down about 11% in the past month jeffries cutting its rating saying nike is at risk of losing share and margins among increased competition primarily from adeese daadidas pete, buy nike >> and web traffic some on the desk like it, i don't. the reason, when i see a company finally start to go into cl
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decline, i believe in the fact they're a great brand. foot locker, sells 5%, 6% of the sales of nike. they said they were not selling the air jordans. there's a real problem that is the brand. within the brand, that's the brand. that's the problem i see right now. if there's enough weakness there, that's what foot locker points out, finish line, you look at all these numbers and start to look at dick's sports, dissect, hey, how does this affect nike, affect under ar armour >> no, no, jim cramer this morning on "squawk on the street," the thing that's worrying is the lowdown in air jordans, foot locker hit, what you referred to, he said web traffic. i believe jeffries noted that google searches led people toward adidas more mept sort of that may be the future sales trend. >> by the way, this relative value trade, adidas/nike, is six months old adidas has been eating their lunch. >> is it overdone?
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>> it's way overdone the reason for nike's weakness, finish line seems to be going out of business. foot locker may be not far behind them. i don't think that's happening we know nike with dtc orders, 52 pu bucks on nike is a place i'll start nibbling to me, this pullback is great. adidas and nike, duopoly both have margin power and pricing pressure they can exert on all their vendors i buy nike. >> buy nike. tim. pete says no. still ahead, the president getting ready to address the nation tonight about his plan in afghanist afghanistan. we're going to bing you the latest details on what we can expect from president trump coming up. more "fast money" coming up. in the meantime, here's what else we have. energy stocks on track for their worst month since december of 2015. and we'll tell you what it could mean for the markets plus -- ♪ i'm going to soak up the sun >> -- the total eclipse is over and the sun is back.
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is crucial to keeping our community safe and our firefighters safe. together, we're building a better california. all right. welcome back to "fast money. here's what's coming up in the second half of the show. president trump will address america tonight about his strategy for afghanistan the first time we will hear from the president since the rather infamous press conference last week we're going to let you know wha to expect tonight. plus the solar eclipse captivating americans across the country today. we'll take you to madras, oregon, with more than 100,000 people gathered to watch that historic event but first, we start with energy that sector sinking 7% so far this month it is tracking for its worst
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month since december of 2015 let's get to bob pisani at the new york stock exchange for more on energy. bob? >> reporter: hello, buy wrriabr. another ugly day for big energy with many of the biggest names again at or near 5 2-week lows what's going on? another epic miss on oil prices is causing traders to push down their earnings expectations for oil. they're not done yet back in january analysts predicted oil would be close to $60 by the third quarter instead, it's been mired in the $45 to $50 trading range, with oil well below expectations, analysts have been aggressively taking down third-quarter estimates. so, at the beginning of april, energy earnings were expected to be up a whopping 222%. not a typo 222% for the period ending september 30th now they're expecting to be up only a little more than half that at 131%, that's a huge cut. you got two problems now with the energy complex first problem, despite the price drops, there's still not a
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compelling valuation for oil companiy ies because no one knos where oil is going to go, up or down they can't get the direction right. how can you get anyone interested in the energy story even with stocks at new lows why can traders get interested when tech is still performing well who cares at energy? hope springs eternal over the weekend, strategists out cdonald, again, argued that oil stocks should be considered for a buying opportunity again, the argument is simple. in recent earnings reports, companies have implied they would be spending less to look for oil. that's true due to lower price that should reduce supply and help oil stocks. the fed tightening could also help that means less easy money ash around which would also make it tougher to raise money for more drilling still, so far, no one has done anything but lose on the long energy trade this year brian, back to you. >> that is very well said, bob pisani, thank withdryou very mu. guys, let's trade this listen, bob makes excellent
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points larry mcdonald, a smart guy. libya. a pipeline you have venezuela, their tanker traffic is down. everybody who's been going long oil has been burned, burned, burned. >> being long oil -- hold on a second being long oil -- >> not all oil stocks, forgive me. >> long the oil sector, you're down 25% from the highs. people are underestimating these companies are never better run this isn't aefb, they're cutting capbacks they're paying down debt there's very good balance sheets eog, i mean, some of the better names that are opportunistic i still think it's about positioning and, therefore, i do think it's interesting to own energy here. i think people are so far on the other side of the boat. >> unsuccessfully in times this year i've said you got to play leftered na ere lef levered names. one thing we've been consistent on, takes your cues, in my opinion, from exxonmobil, a stock that made its all-time high in the middle 20614 we're getting toward the end of '17.
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$70 or was so the low in mid 2015 i still think it's probably expensive at close to 20 times forward earnings so, for me, until exxon turns which it hasn't done for -- >> two numbers, steve grasso, 44%, 41%, percentaging off 52-week highs for marathon these are not small cap wild -- these are massive corporations down 40% from the recent highs. >> right, the problem is the xle is down, was down 12%, now it's down 17% when the market goes up, these lag aggressively when the market goes down, they get sold off aggressively. i do think you need crude to be above 5 1 1/2, technically, in order to buy any of these names. i would stay out of them still. >> it's been a widow maker we've all tried, everybody on the desk talked about, if it can hold here, we have a shot. no one can catch this falling knife. everybody's tried it seems like, including me many times. i missed out on the financials
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i tried in exxon, i've been in everything i've been going more for the beta names because of the fact we start to see that turn, those beta names will be the fastest move to the upside. >> if you go back long term, we've been above 100 bucks twice in the last ten years so maybe there's recency buys look back 30, 40 years the average inflation adjusted price for a barrel of crude oil is $47 a barrel in today's terms. maybe this is just where oil prices want to live. >> well, that's fine, if you think about it, if we were having this conversation 15 years ago, the long-term oil bryce was actually 20 to 22 bucks a barrel, so i think as everyone's talked about, even bob pointed this out, people are trying to figure out where the natural place and resting place for oil is a company like exxon down almost 5% in the last week or so, that's a major move for exxon. people wonder, exxon's old profitability plateau -- >> it continues to fall to the downside, i'm talking about the
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stocks, not talking about oil. as they decline, we watch this decline, how many have tried to buy it the problem is, we haven't seen a sustained move to the upside that's been more than a couple days atstarted to see some rota into the laggers this one has definitely been the widow maker. as guy said. >> if you're going to be -- talking about the big caps guy, if you're going to be -- if you want to bet, you're sitzing sitting at home, believe oil is going to two go up, you don't buy exxon. you buy -- >> as i started out the conversation, that's one of the thing s i've said. i said it's been mostly unsuccessful to that this year as levered a name out there which should do very well if you see a spike in crude is basically around a 52-week low, so you can try all you want. i think to pete's point, though, you haven't -- nothing has indicated they're turning yet, in my opinion. >> it's also emphasized by the fact that look at where yields have gone, they've gone way lower.
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exxon, look at also where the dollar has been. should be very supportive, the oil, should be very support if the dollar, dividend dollar. >> that's been the widow maker a lot of people, not you, as oil has come down, exxon, chevron, it's great dividend. that dividend is long gone because they've dropped well past what the yield tsh. >> your point, 52-week lows today, apache, whiting petroleum and a few others the traders are betting on more pain ahead for the beaten down sector. just heard that? what about on the options side mike joining us from austin to break down the action. mike, some of the names are based in austin. you're probably around the men and women that run the companies. in the options market, what kind of bets are we seeing being placed >> reporter: yeah, i think it's interesting here the xle, the etf that tracks the biggest energy plays on the equity side, we've seen the put open interest double since late january. we've been seeing a lot of bearish bets
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september and december, the 62 and 60 strike puts are the ones that have the greatest open interest so basically bets for more pain to come. look f you're long energy stock, to buy the stocks portfolio, th would probably work. on the crude side, just in the futures, seeing a little bit -- be the widow maker bullish play here. >> all right, mike, hey, thanks very much for joining us from texas. for more mike and "options action" check out the full show every friday at 5:30 p.m. eastern time 30-minute version of "fast money "", of course, right ahead of that. still ahead, get this. adp ceo carlos rodriguez sat down with jim cramer moments ago, they wrapped the interview. you may not believe what he just said was wrong with bill ackman's presentation about his company. we're going to bring you those comments. plus, our very own guy adami today taking to the wild streets
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of times square during the eclipses to see how new yorkers were viewing it all po cinpeal very guy-like sci rertomg up right after the break. [pony neighing] what? hey gary. oh. what's with the dog-sized horse? i'm crazy stressed trying to figure out this complex trade so i brought in my comfort pony, warren, to help me deal. isn't that right warren? well, you could get support from thinkorswim's in-app chat. it lets you chat and share your screen directly with a live person right from the app, so you don't need a comfort pony. oh, so what about my motivational meerkat? in-app chat on thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade.
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all right back payment processing company adp rejecting bill ackman's three board member candidates earlier today. ceo carlos rodriguez told our own jim cramer what ackman got wrong in his presentation about the company, moments ago >> one of the things that i think was a central thesis to his presentation was our sales results were overstated, which as you just mentioned around s.e.c. disclosure, we kind of take offense to the implication that we are, i guess, playing with numbers or not disclosing information that we should be disclosing >> basically, he got everything right except for everything. all right. ackman who owns a more than 8% stake in adp called for rodriguez to be replaced this is an odd play by ackman. not only -- the stock has done great, it's outperformed its peers. >> right. >> what do you make of this battle >> so the problem is, he has an uphill battle on ackman's side to, with a stock that has performed well and even by ackman's own words, he says that if this company is
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run the proper way, within five years it's going to be a double. so, i think it would get a lot more eyeballs on the name that has been performing well as of late and ultimately this is a buying opportunity in my opinion. >> are you saying that, steve, because you're sort of piggybacking on bill ackman or thing the company -- >> no, i thcink it was a buying opportunity for ackman got involved and picked the wrong one to pick on because it had been per stoforming so well. i think this is a gift -- >> not to criticize the company, in fact, their multiple i think is high because it's been so well run, because, in fact, they've done everything to squeeze as much profitability out of this company but 27 times, i mean, that's the big issue. i don't -- it's surprising choice not because the company's in bad straits, it's in great straits and it's in the price. >> the ceo does not back down. catch the full interview with jim cramer and the very outspoken adp ceo tonight on "mad money." not going to want to miss that at the top of the 6:00 p.m.
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eastern time hour. moving on. the president will address tonight the nation with a new afghanistan strategy this is one of wall street's biggest names singles him out after a tough week for the commander in chief eamon javers is in d.c. with more >> reporter: hi, brian, i guess you can say fwoegoldman sachs c lloyd blankfein was throwing shade, saying "wish the moon wasn't the only thing casting a shadow across the country. we got through one, we'll get through the other, #solareclipse yo other, #solareclipse2017." not clear whether that's directed at gary cohn, or the president, himself indicates white house officials here have no comment on that particular tweet another thing they're not talking all that much about here at the white house is the specifics of what the president's going to announce today and his address to the nation we to know he's speaking at 9:00 p.m. at ft. myer, virginia, going to talk about the strategy for afghanistan that he's decided on with his aides. we know that at camp david last
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week on friday, they came to some decisions about how to proceed in afghanistan the president tweeting this last week saying, "important day spent at camp david with our very talented generals and military leaders. many decisions made including on afghanistan. so the president will reveal that decision tonight. it's expected that it's going to include some form of troop increase in afghanistan which would be a switch for this president. take a look at this other fwetw the president put out way back in 2013, gave you a sense of where he was on the afghanistan issue at that time he said "we should leave afghanistan immediately, no more wasted lives if we have to go back in, go in hard and quick, rebuild the u.s. first. so, brian, this is a president who very much campaigned as somebody who would bring the boys home, so to speak, somebody who was more of an isolationist in terms of his geopolitical world view tonight we'll see if that remains the case or if the president decided to two go in different direction. >> eamon javers, lloyd blankfein
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might have a wicked sense of humor, month or two ago, it was infrastructure week. the president had all these problems blankfein was in china, comes back, lands, said, just landed back in the states, how's infrastructure week going? it's clear it had not gone well. >> reporter: he's the master of the subtweet among other things. >> you're the master of much eamon javers guy works literally 4:30 a.m. to midnight every single day. eamon javers all right. let's trade this, guys i mean, is there a way to trade this >> i know. tonight specifically, no,s w the way to trade this, though, since president-elect trump went after lockheed martin for the f-35 cost overruns, what have you, is to be in the defense sector. regardless of whether or not he talks about defense, increased defense spending, defense stocks specifically lockheed martin is where you want to be. >> it's interesting, guy has been totally right on these names and to me, those valuations, again, defy gravity. i mean, you're out of place here boeing on top of all them, which
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has really been a cash flow machine over the last couple quarters i think that the trades really are strangely enough in infrastructure, where i don't think we get a whole lot done. i think you've got a lot of just global cyclicality behind all this we've seen what's gone on with copper, seen what's gone on with the housing industry, and by the way, great to see ceos emboldened again the question, it seems like they don't have -- they sound like their confidence is somewhere where it was about 18 months ago which is not a great place to be. >> cash flows in boeing are so extraordinarily strong if you're looking at that versus where the stock is trading rather than the p/es right now, those cash flows are unbelievable >> okay. you like boeing. okay there you go, a little boeing love. still ahead -- literally in case youi were living under a rock, today marked the first coast-to-coast solar eclipse in nearly a century jane wells in oregon are she witnessed it all. >> reporter: twitter tells us over 6 million tweets have been tweeted related to the eclipse, but it's gone.
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the aftermath continues. up next, we have some really cool timelapse video to show you as the country has its sort of woodstock for nerds. when "fast money" returns. duncan just protected his family with a $500,000 life insurance policy. how much do you think it cost him? $100 a month? $75? $50? actually, duncan got his $500,000 for under $28 a month. less than $1 a day! his secret? selectquote. in just minutes a selectquote agent will comparison shop
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the historic solar eclipse that we've all witnessed live or on television for many of us. jane wells has emerged from the dark in oregon join us for the details. jane >> reporter: brian, it was really amazing and what's amazing still is how long it's takiing for everybody to get out of here. millions of people flocked to the zone where they could see the total eclipse today across the country. madris, population of 6,200, saw 100,000 people 20,000 just in this campground traffic is still outrageous. trying to get out of here. nobody's complaining so what was all fuss about was it worth it? we're going to show you two time lapse videos, first this one from gopro which we set up during the e clipsclipse becaus gives you a sense of how it was gradually getting darker when all of a sudden it dropped down to pitch blackness at 10:19 and shortly after, two minutes later, wow, the lights came back on now i want to show you a second video, the perspective of what we saw, what i saw again, as i was there watching
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the eclipse starting at a little after 9:00, then after 10:00, pfs stait was starting to gradually get darker the temperature was dropping boom, at 10:19, darkness, temperature drops, black as night. everybody waiting. then about two minutes later, the sun starts to peek out again and it's like the light came back on. people were cheering and applauding it was something to think about for once that was positive going on in the country. i think that is one reason why as people are leaving here today, no one is complaining and another reason, you know, they really did -- i have to give a shout-out to the folks here they did a fabulous job with this this could have been really ugly the porta-potty guys, they are not paid enough. they were working overtime and what could have been a disaster was not so, cheers to the often unrewarded overlooked, put down porta-potty guys, you have a fan. back to you. >> jane, you just crushed it as usual. i mean, you know, as you know, jane, you come out from time to time, new yorkers aren't
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impressed by a lot of things, so i went out in times square to find out what people thought about this whole, what is it, the solar eclipse, right so check out this little tidbit. hey, it's guy. unless you've been living under a rock, you know that today is the first continental solar eclipse since 1918 long time ago. but you know what the next one's going to be in 2045, so we came out to times square to ask people what the world's going to look like 28 years from now. check it out ♪ what will the world look like in 2045 >> i think it will be polluted it will be run down. >> i honestly believe it's going to look like flying cars and the jetson age is going to come to place. >> kurt russell in "escape from new york." >> co >> alienation. >> planes, ubers that pick you up. >> you can hope for a bills championship for sure, maybe one
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or two. >> what will morgan brennan be doing in the year 2045 >> working for cnbc, naturally. >> will "fast money" be here in 254 2045. >> it will be, you won't. >> ouch. that's hurtful where are you? >> over here you really cannot see. let's get to stocks. next eclipse, 2024, april 8th. i already requested the day off. no one else is getting it. stocks for the next 28 hours, pete najarian? >> look at the camera. >> where is it >> i'll continue to own it, likely, unless something major changes, apple i love the company they continue to innovate, go the right direction. augmented reality will be the next step. listen to gene munster he's right. >> these glasses, it's tim seyless. >> brian, goog the is the one that sticks around a company that has their operating at margins up to almost as high as they've ever been multiple billion-dollar businesses within the company
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we're going to hear about over the next 20 years. >> unless the internet is a fad. steve grasso >> look at alibaba i don't know about the next 28 years, the next 2 to 8 years alibaba is following in amazon's footsteps. alibaba. >> guy >> one of the greatest companies domiciled down by me, honeywell, doing everything right, three, four, major business components. they're not basically -- they're not hostage to anyone's specific business so honeywell, 25 years from now, i think will be significantly > nt,urin t >>upex o falrade what did you have in mind? i don't know. $4.95 per trade? uhhh and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we're not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what's with all the questions? ask your broker if they're offering $4.95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee.
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