tv Street Signs CNBC September 15, 2017 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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welcome to "street signs." i'm carolin roth >> i'm sri jegarajah sirens in japan as another north korean missile flies over the country. japanese prime minister shinzo abe calls the test absolutely unacceptable stock markets in asia and europe seem unfazed by the move while safe haven assets only briefly catch a bid. london police and ambulance services are at scene of an incident at parsons green touche station amid unconfirmed reports
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of an explosion on a train renault-nissan targets annual sales of 14 million vehicles, by 2022 as the automaker lays out its bullish six-year strategy. and ceo carlos ghosn tells cnbc he is confident in the french government's plans to sell down its stake. >> they said they want to do it at the moment where the market is more favorable, which i understand, which i understand yes, i have no doubt on the fact that they will do it because they said so good morning, it's friday. we have more bad news to deal with when it comes to another missile launch over japan coming from north korea and the unfortunate news coming out of the london underground before that, let's get to the stoxx 600. we are lower to the tune of 0.2%, despite the fact that european stocks are set for the best week since july investors by in large shrugging
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off the latest news out of north korea. for the week, we have done well. seems like we're finally recovering from this summer dip we have seen in large part because of the strength of the euro when we look at the european markets, this is the picture ftse 100 off by 0.4% the xetra dax off. the cac 40 off by a fraction as well when it comes to the sectors, some cyclical seshgts undctor s underperforming. let's get back to one of our top stories, british police are investigating an incident at london's parsons green underground station following various reports of an explosion on a train london ambulance is at scene we'll keep you updated throughout the show on any updates. we have a statement from the metropolitan police, they're saying we're aware of the
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reports on social media regarding parsons green, we will release facts when we an our information must be accurate moving to the international stage, north korea has fired a missile that flew over japan the latest move that is increasing tensions after pyongyang's most haven't nuclear test japanese officials say the missile landed in the pacific about 2,000 kilometers east of who ca hokkaido south korea responded to the test by conducting a live-fire drill that included a missile launch investors initially fled to safe havens on the news with the yen, swiss franc and gold making gains as the news came out nbc's matt bradley has the latest from tokyo. >> reporter: it's just been a few hours since the north koreans launched a missile over the japanese archipelago
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it landed east of hokkaido it reached an altitude of about 500 miles and went about 2300 miles, that's quite a long distance now, the u.s. government, the u.s. pacific command has come out and said that this looks like an intermediate range bl s ballistic missile. that's similar to the style that was launched over hokkaido two woo weeks ago. still compared to the trajectory that was launched this morning and the one two weeks ago this was quite a bit longer this is a range that looks more like an intercontinental ballistic missile, the kind that the north koreans launched back in july that caused so much worry in the united states and here in japan and in south korea. now, the japanese did alert their population to this launch. they activated their j.-alert system which sent text messages
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to japanese citizens and flash warnings on television so far the north koreans say they can shrink a thermonuclear device to fit on top of an intercontinental ballistic missile, but there's no evidence that they can make that stride quite yet. back to you. >> china's foreign ministry said they did not hold the key to the korean peninsula issue let's get out to eunice yoon, who can bring us the chinese reaction to that the chinese find it very tough to find a balancing act here >> absolutely. we're seeing that pressure is mounting on china to take further action from within the international community, including by the u.s. secretary of state, rex tillerson, who also made comments to that effect china has responded. the foreign ministry said that china is not the center of the conflict china is not a driver of the
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escalation of the tensions, and china does not hold the key to solving the korean peninsula issue. again, china really digging in its heels, not wanting to change its stance reacting to the u.s. secretary of state's rex tillerson's comments when he said that because the u.s. had been pushing for an oil embargo, later that the united nations ended up watering down some sanctions he hoped that china would take within its own hands to look into reigning in its oil supply rex tillerson china and russia must indicate their intolerance for these reckless missile launches by taking direct actions of their own china not willing to do that and also making further comments, the foreign ministry said we think that the relevant parties should take responsibility for their duties and fulfill their obligations.
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so by those relevant parties, what china has been saying all week in various editorials in the state press is that the u.s. and south korea and then the north koreans on the other side are the ones who are the relevant parties, not the chinese. in fact, the chinese have been putting more pressure and more blame on the u.s. and south korea arguing that the u.s. and south korea need to end their military exercises because north korea from china's perspective needs a reason to feel as though it should join the international community. it needs to feel as though it doesn't have a security problem. however from china's perspective, they believe the u.s. and south korea, because of all the military drills, that all of these drills are being interpreted as a military threat which is impeding dialogue from china's perspective and getting the north koreans on board we saw that again reflected just in the past few hours in another editorial by the global times,
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which is entitled the international community should not panic, and again reiterated that the u.s. and south korea are the ones that hold the power to change the korean peninsula situation. over to you. >> thank you very much for that. let's continue this conversation on north korea with the principle asia analyst at veris maple croft. bay ying can do more to control the dprk but it doesn't want to push them to the brink of collapse >> yes good morning i think this diplomatic engagement between the u.s., south korea and china shows, you know, there's still a gulf of difference in terms of a strategic stance between beijing and washington in respect of the
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north korean policies. ultimately, as you said, china -- we believe china will not accept any measures that may lead to a clash of the kingdom with beijing without concrete compromise from the u.s. about military in the region the clash with north korea will bring a flurry of issues, for example refugee and potentially having u.s. ally and u.s. military stations across the border >> guo, we'll probably see another security council meeting, another one where we don't see compromise on sanctions. last week, we saw the major sanctions being watered down, given the insistence from china and russia unless we agree on tougher sanctions, those including the all-important oil exports coming from china going to north korea, do you think there will be a
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discernible impact or improvement here >> i think looking at the whole picture, we think tightening sanctions further is getting smaller and smaller, as you said we already ban a lot of north korea exports, seafood, textiles and have installed a cap on oil imports. the reason for china not insisting on this watered-down sanctions is because of the strategic standpoint i alluded to they believe they need to maintain the essential lifeline to the north korea economy, otherwise they fear it might collapse >> guo, u.s./china relations are
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strained, we know that that's the back drop the u.s. can conceivably put more pressure indirectly on pyongyang by possibly sanctioning more chinese companies, probably chinese financial institutions it can do that, put more pressure on the dprk, but it will be counterproductive, yes >> well, when talking about china/u.s. relations, we need to take a step back and look at all elements in china/u.s. relations. north korea being one of the key elements, at this moment in time the sticking point in u.s./china relations. so if u.s. has more on chinese firms, especially those permanent companies, bigger companies, then we believe it
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will potentially lead to a deterioration of relations because beijing wouldn't be happy to see that. >> guo, thank you very much for that guo yu it's really interesting to look at market reaction you see,ya, initi es, initiallya spike, now they're brushing it off. i wonder why we've seen quite a big reaction to the previous missile tests, the icbms, the missile launches over the past couple weeks, why now are the markets more sanguine >> depends on the severity, the severity of the headline, but it will be sporadic for the markets. >> coming up, after difficult couple years, is the tide starting to turn for the hedge fund industry? we'll discuss the outlook of the sector coming up
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let's bring you up to speed with a developing story. british police are investigating an incident at london's parseon green underground following reports of an explosion on a train. we'll keep you updated on further developments president trump is likely to end 2017 without having implemented any of his major campaign pledges that's according to the business leaders surveyed as part of the cnbc cfo council the cfos of some of the largest firms are pessimistic about the likelihood of the american president taking swift action on legislative issues like corporate tax rates and
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obamacare. cfos may be increasingly skeptical about donald trump's ability to execute his reform agenda but remain upbeat on the u.s. economy the chief financial officers surveyed believe the outlook in america and the eurozone is improving while they rate the economic situation in the uk, japan and china as stable. i think there's a quandary here, when you look at the findings of this survey, most cfos are not confident of meaningful tax reform this year, yet they believe the economy is on a fairly sustainable improving glide path the problem i have with all of this is an inconsistency if you are in business, then you cannot really have spending decisions in place, and do your forward planning if you do not know what terrain in terms of the tax process looks like whether you will get tax cuts or not. >> unless you think the economy in itself is strong enough to
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withstand any delay in the ftax reform that speaks to the point of who gets recredit for this. since the election, the dow is up 18%, 20%. 51 respondents in the cfo council surveyed said not donald trump is going to be taking credit for this. that means this recovery has been self-sustaining maybe it's obama, the business cycle, butprobably not donald trump. >> the other way to look at it is this low volatility environment is symptomatic of an incredible amount of complacency. and now may be the best time to de-risk some portfolios. >> or have a point >> and that as well. >> that's my segue >> but the pub is always a good place in good times and bad for celebrationness and celebrationness and to drowned your story. shares in the pub chain
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whetherspoons has hit a record high after it reported a 28% jump in annual profit. the company attributed its strong performance to a pick up in demand over the summer months however they cautioned the uptick is likely to be a short-term phenomenon rather than a long-term trend. today marks the final opportunity for companies to submit proposals for air berlin. the german carrier pushed back its deadline for who will buy id assets to the 25th of september. other airlines are expected to stake their claim include lufthansa and easyjet. >> can doubt sound effect for the plane. >> there's formula one in singapore as well. >> you are going to be back in time >> i hope so stock picking seems to be outperforming any other strategy this year, according to the
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financial times, sectors in the u.s. market are no longer moving together favoring stock pickers over passive investors let's get an overview of the hedge fund industry. equities has done well stock picking is back in vogue what has not done well >> the hedge funds are recovering, we find it more difficult in global macro systematic strategies, more difficult period this year it's dispersed. that goes along in line with what you said, compression, historically low levels of volatility when we do have an event, the market spikes up, and that makes it fairly difficult to trade >> just to your point of rising dispersion, does that mean that equity long short strategy will continue to be the go-to favored
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strategy amongst the hedge funds? >> equity long short benefits massively for any direction on the team in the equity markets we have seen quite a recovery this year continuing, positive view on the equity markets, even the last couple of weeks depending on what your view is, that can be a decision to be allocated in equity long short, but keep in mind, we've seen in 2008 when we have a correction, when you want to take risk off, the diversifying aspect of that strategy is unlimited. it's sometimes very hard to find the right balance between getting this insurance component, this crisis, and fully participating. >> do you think the correction is coming in global stock markets? what will be the catalyst in is now a good time to start de-risking portfolios? >> i do think the geopolitical risk is not appropriately priced in we can see that with any news flow coming from north korea
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when it's substantiated that markets react quite heavily to it that shows how complacent the markets are to this. as far as the fundamentals go, equity markets are not overpriced, because the economy is healthy the economy is solid it's not overleveraged, which is true for real assets i tonight think that's driving the correction geopolitical instabilities, you know, could certainly cause some moresubstantiated selloffs >> let me take you back to the hedge fund world what we've seen this morning, big headline overnight saying hugh hendry is closing his funds. he was the star of 2008, even though later on his portfolio shrank quite a bit do big names still work in the hedge fund industry? is it about whether you have an ai-trained person on deck? >> one ai-trained person will not cut it i wish it would. you have to find -- it's challenging. you have to be nimble enough to be flexible and venture into the
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new areas. that's the challenge with a larger organization, new ideas find it harder to make it through. it's also a question of budget that makes it harder for smaller companies to continue to push for these innovations. it's becoming more and more costly so you do have to have a certain size but at the same time the organization has to be flexible and nimble enough to venture into the areas you were just pointing out ai is one area that has advancements that takes place i think it's necessary to go into these and look into these approaches and use them eventually and funs organizations are not willing to do that they will face great difficulties going forward >> as you say, it's a question of size and your financial fire power. if you're a small fund, if you have less than 100 million under assets, under management, then you won't be able to afford all that infrastructure. bigger is better still on the hedge fund industry? >> it's a continuing
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consolidation, smaller fund also ha find it harder to survive. i think a billion is the new 100 million in the game. >> okay. >> i will bring you live pictures from north london and parsons green underground station where, as we have been reporting this is a developing story, the station is closed, as i understand it. that's according to the latest reports on the wires british transport police are investigating an incident at the station. so those are live pictures, as you can see. reports that there are armed police on the scene. london ambulance service, according to reuters, sent a hazardous area response team to the incident at parsons green. reportedly there is a package, there was a package, rather, on one of the trains there with -- that was suspected to be an
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explosive device we don't really know it's still a fluid situation they're trying to get more clarity on this. but we are bringing you some live coverage from the scene there, as you saw earlier. >> all right let's get back to politics in germany, support for the social democrats has hit its lowest level in a decade this according to the latest poll ten days before the election, support for angela merkel's party remains at 37% with her main rival at 20%. let's get back kospin. the question is not whether angela merkel will be the chancellor once again. i think that's a sure thing as of this point. the question is what will the coalition look like? jamaica or a grand coalition again? >> i think there's a fair chance to go for jamaica. fdp has been the favored party with merkel leading so much in
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advance over the spd, i think there's a real potential that the liberals can get strong enough again with lintner to be the coalition partner. >> we are running out of time. great to see you maybe we'll see you next week in berlin coming up on the program, deal or no deal for daca we'll fill you in on the latest from the white house
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welcome back to "street signs. i'm sri jegarajah. >> i'm carolin roth. here are the headlines sirens in japan as another north korean missile flies over the country. japanese prime minister shinzo abe calls the test absolutely unacceptable stock markets in asia and europe seem unfazed by the move while safe haven assets only briefly catch a bid. london police and ambulance services are on the scene of an incident at parsons green
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station amid unconfirmed reports of an explosion on a train renault-nissan targets annual sales of 14 million vehicles, by 2022 as the automaker lays out its bullish six-year strategy. and ceo carlos ghosn tells cnbc he is confident in the french government's plans to sell down its stake. >> they said they want to do it at the moment where the market is more favorable, which i understand, which i understand yes, i have no doubt on the fact that they will do it because they said so >> let's take you back to the markets. want to take you straight to u.s. futures initially they were lower than this after we heard the news that north korea fired another missile over japan they have since recovered. the dow jones seen up by 15 points, extending its recent run it has been up for the fifth straight session yesterday they had a record close for the do you yesterday, up by 45 points or so the s&p 500 seen up yesterday,
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the implied open down 2 points the xetra dax is holding on to the flat line. we see the basic resources and some banks are underperforming as are other cyclicals when it comes to the fx markets, initially we saw safe haven flows into the yen and swiss, but that reversed quickly. we're still seeing the pound against the u.s. dollar close to a one-year high, 1.3437, up by 0.3%, a day after the boe sent a hawkish signal about a rate hike potentially coming over the next couple of months let's bring you back to those live pictures of west london where british police are investigating an incident at parsons green underground station following various unconfirmed reports of an explosion on a train london ambulance service is at the scene. we will continue to keep you updated throughout the show of any developments back to business now, the bosses of the world's top
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carmakers have this week warned that the race to electrify their fleets will put pressure on their business models. that's not stopping one of the biggest names. carlos ghosn laid out his vision, his targets are ambitious and his thoughts on all things electric are bullish. ghosn sat down to outline his business plan. this was really all about -- >> we are talking about more than doubling the synergies which in 2016 reached 5 billion euro between renault-nissan, doubling them to more than 10 billion euro by the end of the plan, but this time with three companies, between renaul t
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renault-nissan and mitsubishi. our forecast for this year is 10.5 million cars, we will be reaching that by the end of the plan 14 million cars by this effect will you be growing synergies from one side, plus adding new area of syner synergies. for example we announced we will have one electric vehicle platform that will be shared by this company we announced also more than 12 new electric vehicles that will be launched by the alliance under the different brands before the end of the plan we also announced the fact that on all the technology coming in terms of autonomous cars, in terms of connected cars, the work will be done in common between the three companies. >> preserving their own
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preserving their own identity, strong brands, having their own focus, but always using common platforms, common power trains and common technologies to make sure each company in an advance on competition if you look at global fields last year, out of a total of 90 million cars, 0.5% were electric vehicles what gives you confidence this number will increase in the future >> today one of the limitations to the development of electric cars is anxiety about range. we have announced that by -- during this plan and before the end of the plan, the range will be increased to 600 kilometers, but there is significant increase in the range of the car. second the cost of the car will go down. the batteries we announced that
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the battery costs will go down by more than 30% during the midterm plan plus the fact many governments are making bold statements about the transportation of the future, and the fact that zero emission, it is at the center of the preoccupation. >> all right we are joined around the desk now. it was a wide-ranging interview, you touched on the xlomarket outlook. >> he said the u.s., canada, mexicoareas of focus for them where they see growth is in china, they will be looking to build and produce electric cars there. they are focused on southeast asia, now that mitsubishi is part of the alliance that will continue to be a focus of theirs
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india, penetration levels are low. and also focused on the resurgence of the middle east, iran so, yes, to rephrase it, they do see opportunities of growth, smor more so in developing economies than the traditional consumer economies like europe and the u.s. >> when i look at some targets 14 million cars by 2022, that's an increase of 40% from current levels seems ambitious. carlos ghosn likes to make those big announcements, and have big targets. i wonder for the industry do you have to have a certain scale to make it and ride on that wave of electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles is bigger better for the industry >> he would say scale is something that works in their favor. what they're looking to do is develop this common platform, so that all members of the alliance can have access to that platform
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and produce the 40%, 50% of the car and things that really can be standardized and not differentiated on a brand level so that scale gives them the opportunity to do that they're also introducing one electric vehicle platform for all electric vehicles that will be produced by the company the second thing we touched on in the interview is what infrastructure needs to be around the electric vehicle environment. you can't just launch electric vehicles without having the charging stations, governments weighing in and encouraging people to trade in emission cars so i think it's going to be the automakers working in conjunction with governments to get to those targets >> it's all about future proofing the business. thank you very much for that. >> of course jes staley hailed the completion of the bank's restructuring following
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barclay's interim results. speaking to the bank's chairman, nancy hungerford asked if he had full confidence in jes staley to turn around the lender >> the restructuring of barclays is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. are rbs in 2007 and 2008, barclays was the largest bank in the world by assets. and of course that was way over done we ballooned the balance sheet and restructured that restructure hag been ding n difficult. at this point we halved that, that's largely been done in the period that jes has been ceo that's getting rid of a very large non-core division which cost several billion pounds to move out at the same time we have legacy items from the past that we need
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to roll out. we have to create a bank in the uk that doesn't exist. and we have to create a holding company in the u.s we have brexit this is a very big job he's tackled that incredibly well getting the runs on the board is more tricky. that's medium-term thing we're focused on '19 and '18, not really focused on this year. i'm confident we'll get there. >> jes staley, does he have your confidence to make bark lis the bank y barclays the bank you want it to be >> he does he has done stabilizing the organization, and that's what a good ceo should do. >> on the whistle blowing situation, i know when jes staley was made ceo, you talked about his enormous integrity
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when this situation took place, did you feel personally let down >> he's made mistakes here the question is how serious is that mistake we expect leaders not to make these mistakes we were surprised it happened. we hit him hard. he's been subject to criticism by the board and we dealt with it so, we have dealt with it firmly but there's some uncertainty about the investigation. we need to get that over with. so yes we were surprised that has not stopped him doing what he needs to do. he's very resilient. he's come back strongly. >> it doesn't stop there our coverage from the singapore summit will continue on monday with our exclusive interview with deutsche bank ceo john cryan. tune in for that still coming up, we will bring you the latest on the
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developing incident out of west london more after this short break. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again.
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let's bring you back to live pictures of west london where british police are investigating an incident at parsons green underground station following various unconfirmed reports of an explosion on a train. eyewitnesss heard a blast which prompted a stampede towards the doors. if we can just dip back into those live pictures. i believe you're seeing there a fairly orderly evacuation of the london underground train, helped by fire brigade personnel and police personnel and staff at
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parsons green station. also i might note that there is a fairly reasonably heavy res sense of armed police, too so clearly the police force are taking this incident seriously indeed sky news says british counterterroism police are monitoring the events at parsons green station as well. at this stage, it's not really clear, is it, what exactly has gone on. there are some unconfirmed reports that there was an explosion. i was monitoring the twitter feeds on this, social media, and there were some pictures circulating of what looked to be a white plastic container, looked like a bucket within a plastic bag. there are some picture there's from social media from some passengers who posted it online, it was smoldering. you can see the flames emerging from the top of that container whether it blew up or whether
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it -- i think it's enough to scare anybody. there was something of stampede out of that train. as we can see now, it seems to be fehr fairly orderly evacuatif those folks on the train >> absolutely. no one wants to use the "t" word,s t the terrorism word, wh people think about in london at this point we don't know. we have more eyewitness reports of flames engulfing one carriage and racing along the train on this west london route to parsons green. that forced passengers to trample over each other as they rushed for an exit that's according to an eyewitness speaking to reuters this does not matter too much, but this company has come under fire for its policies post any terrorism attack or any incident in the uk. that's uber. they say in a tweet we are aware of an incident at parsons green.
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we have turned off dynamic pricing and will refund all journeys from the affected area, this after they were criticized for the surcharges they charged after the westminster and the london bridge attacks. >> clearly they learned their lesson from this they are trying to help to a certain degree we will continue to follow this story. shares in maersk are under pressure after a bank of america merrill lynch downgrade. the downgrade was to underperform speaking to cnbc earlier, the former maersk ceo acknowledged the share price performance has lagged in recent months but believes the firm is heading in the right direction. >> it's been an effort over many years to refocus the company more on its goal which is shipping, transportation, logistics. and that is the trend that is become followed. also with the acquisition of the
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humboldt >> nestle has bought a majority stake in blue bottle coffee. the deal gives the maker of chocolate a 60% stake in the coffeemaker. the price tag is between 425 million and 5$500 million the acquisition is one of several recent purchasing marking nestle's foray into specialty foods and drinks as it seeks to appeal to consumers turning away from more mass market brands. they're turning away from those mass market brands because they want to be healthier, lose weight, lead a healthier lifestyle, what's en vogue is hipster stuff like coffee. but also plant foods i don't know if you're into this everything organic -- i certainly am i'm one of those -- >> to a certain extent it's a bit faddish, but i like
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my farmer's market we don't get many of them in singapore. it's a nascent stage >> you have a big scene of plant-based foods in london. this is a big story for london because they have come under fire from investors. one investor is dan loeb of third point who bought that stake in june, he has been pushing for the company to accelerate its drive, improve returns, improve growth. this is because the company maybe has become too big, too immobile, too much of a tanker that didn't quite adapt to the new trends in -- >> it looks like they're trying to go for yield as opposed to the mass market. >> very much so. what puzzles me, yes, i get it it makes sense to go into a high-end market, high-end coffee, posh coffee, call it what you want. i'm more of a $1.20 man. >> you're more of a regular
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coffee person. >> yes, i am i don't get why they're going into the foray in the u.s. market they say this is the third wave coffeemaker. i would have thought the prospects were big neger in asi, with their competitive gourmet coffee >> they are doing everything, branching out into the emerging markets which they say will account for 50% of overall sales. in the u.s. we still have a highly profitable very, very active coffee market you have starbucks, the likes of keurig that they're trying to compete with but we're seeing the nespresso capsules, and nestle is still biggest seller of coffee in the u.s. >> you only drink it because of george clooney >> i never look at those ads
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>> good old george >> i'm told to move on >> he's such a distraction. google has been hit by a lawsuit accusing the tech giant of discrimination against women in pay and promotions. three former employees of alphabet filed the class action lawsuit in a state court in san francisco. the first of its kind against the company. google is already under investigation by the u.s. department of labor which is looking into pay practices several technology firms in the silicon file have come under fire of discrimination. shares of oracle slumped after the business softwaremaker forecast slower growth for its cloud business the firm said total cloud revenue would rise 39% to 43% next quarter, down from 51% in the current quarter. on an adjusted basis oracle earned 62 cents a share in the first quarter, topping estimates. let's get back to u.s. polit politics deal or no deal. president trump delivered mixed
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messages over whether he reached an agreement with democrats on daca which deals with illegal immigrants brought to the u.s. as children. hallie jackson reports from washington today political ping-pong and caught in the middle, nearly 800,000 young immigrants brought here by their parents who could be deported if congress can't cut a deal for a few hours, it sounded like maybe they had, after democratic leaders dined with the president. >> no, there's no done deal. >> sounds like a deal to make a deal. >> all i can say is there's a deal to be made. >> we all agreed on a framework. >> there is no agreement. >> reporter: are you confused? so is congress after a whirlwind 24 hours that started in the blue room nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, the president and his team around the table. two hours later, the democrats announced they'd agreed to save
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the daca immigration program and work toward more border security, but not money for the border wall. within minutes, overnight outrage from the president's base who felt sold out laura ingram scoffing at what she called the art of the steal. breitbart dubbing the president amnesty don. at 6:00 this morning, the walk back "no deal" tweeted the president. and no citizenship either. >> we're not looking at citizenship. we're not looking at amnesty. >> reporter: at almost the same time -- >> there's an eventual path to citizenship in the d.r.e.a.m. act. >> reporter: bottom line, even the president says they are fairly close to a deal, but as always, devil's in the details, like whether conservatives will accept delaying the fight about money for that border wall. >> they can't obstruct the wall whether it's in a budget or something else when we're ready. >> reporter: for now, no sign the president will stop dealing with democrats, like schumer, caught on a hot mike today saying what a lot of lawmakers might be thinking. >> he likes us he likes me, anyway. >> reporter: hallie jackson, nbc news, the white house. breaking news from bank of
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england, he said we may these to raise interest rates in the coming months, doubling down on the message from the boe yesterday. look at the market reaction. up by 0.8% for the sterling/dollar after yesterday's 1.4% jump. and i guess gilt yields are doing the same, jumping across the curve after those comments those are notable comments being that he was a dovish member of the mpc. i guess those sprepresents you' bringing back for your boys will be more extensipensiveexpensive >> i spend two weeks here and the pound rises. these comments are interesting you have to appreciate what that will do to the dove hawk bias in the mpc. >> good news for inflation inflation might come down. 1.3515 now, the highest since june 2016. okay let's get back to one of our
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developing stories that is the closure of parsons green tube station on the underground. you're watching live pictures there of west london where british police are investigating an incident at parsons green station. this following various unconf m unconfirmed reports of an explosion on a train eyewitnesss heard a blast that prompted a stampede towards the tube doors before we wrap up the show, quick look at u.s. futures they were more negative than this post the latest news out of north korea. they have now recovered. the dow jones looking to maybe close at another record today. the fourth in a row. we wish you a wonderful weekend. that's it for today's show i'm carolin roth "worldwide exchange" is up next.
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north korea launches another missile over japan despite harsh warnings from the united states. deal or no deal. president trump gives mixed messages on immigration. and ridesharing wars a former uber backer is about to make a billion dollar bet on lyft it's friday, september 15, 2017. "worldwide exchange" begins right now. ♪ good morning a warm welcome to "worldwide exchange" on cnbc. i'm wilfred frost. >> i'm seema mody in for sara
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