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tv   Closing Bell  CNBC  September 26, 2017 3:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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underwire wiretaps fbi had moles. this is going to rock college sports adidas may have answering to do. it's a big company that's involved et even though it's only one guy. lot of evidence in these fbi -- >> thank you for watching "power lunch. >> "law and order" -- excuse me, "closing bell" starts right now. yes, welcome to this episode of "the closing bell," everybody, i'm kelly evans at the new york stock exchange. >> i'm wilfred frost in for bill griffeth no vote this week on the graham/cassidy health care bill, instead they're going to move on to tax reform. we got all the details. plus colorado governor john hickenlooper will join us with his plans to stabilize obamacare. also breaking today is the major college basketball bribery scandal brian just mentioned involving coaches and an executive at adidas, we'll have
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all the latest details for you. after the bell, nike will report earnings. we got a debate on whether the stock is a buy ahead of that release. we begin with all of the news how ut of washington. cnbc's john harwood is in d.c. with developments on the effort to repeal and replace obamacare. ylan muil has the latest on the tax reform eamon javers, details on the press conference with the prime minister of jane janet yellen's speech this afternoon. john, let's begin with you. >> wilfred, today it became official what was obvious yesterday when susan collins became the third republican to oppose that graham/cassidy block grant bill to repeal and replace obamacare. turned tout be three republicans who caused them to pull the plug rand paul of kentucky, john mccain of arizona, susan collins of maine other opponents as well. many states including the states of these three senators lost money under that plan.
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remember, this is a plan in 2026 would have taken away $215 billion that the government is on track to spend now on health care now we saw that announcement, lindsey graham and bill cassidy, the two sponsors they're not giving up. mitch mcconnell said we are now moving on to health care that's the top priority agenda for president trump and republicans. and now we see if they can pull that off >> all right, john, thank you. let's bring in ylan mui now with the latest on the plan for tax reform as it stands for all that we know about it right now, ylan. >> reporter: kelly, i just spoke with two senior administration officials and they insisted that president trump is all in on tax reform remember, trump had been criticized for not knowing the details of health care and not doing more to stump for it, but on tax reform, i'm told he does support the framework, and that the big six will unveil tomorrow and he's been particularly focused on lowering rates for corporation corporations trump will be making a big speech on tax reform tomorrow in
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indiana. i've learned he's also inviting that state's democratic senator, joe donnelly, to join him. saw the president meeting earlier today with both republican and democratic members of the tax writing committee in the house, show trump is still hoping to win over at least a few democrats on this issue but for republicans, house speaker paul ryan said today this is a must-win for the party. >> tax reform is the most important thing we can do to restore confidence to this country, to get jobs and prosperity and that is why we're so singularly focused on getting this done this year. >> reporter: guys, house republicans are holding a tax reform retreat tomorrow. we're ex%ing a big reveal on the tax plan to happen after that. back over to you. >> ylan, thank you very much for that let's go to eamon javers at the white house for more on president trump's joint news conference with the prime minister of spain. eamon? >> reporter: hi, wilfred, the press conference wrapped up a few minutes ago at the white house, talking about a number of topics but especially north
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korea. he said once again the united states is prepared to use the mill their option against north korea if it come that president. he says if it does that will be devastating for north korea. frustration. you could really hear in it his voice when he talked -- >> to me, the nfl situation is a very important situation i heard that before about was i preoccupied? not at all not at all i have plenty of time on my hands. all i do is work to be honest with you, that's an important function of working. it's called respect for our country. and for people to disrespect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem, i think is disgraceful >> all right eamon, thank you now steve liesman joins us from cnbc headquarters with a wrap-up of, oh, yes, fed chair janet yellen's comments this afternoon, too. >> some business news. fed chair janet yellen went further than she has in the past, guys, in acknowledging the fed may not fully understand the inflation die nynamidynamic.
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ultimately she ends up in her speech before economists today, backing the fed's current policy of gradual rate hikes and removal of easy monetary policy. the reason, she says there's substantial drawbacks to the fed going too slow >> without further modest increases in the federal funds rate over time, there's risk that the labor market could eventually become overheated, potentially creating an inflationary problem down the road that might be difficult to overcome without triggering a recession. >> that was the conclusion of the speech, but she spent most of the time before that speculating about the possibility the fed might have inflation and the job dynamic wrong. >> if these sorts of favorable supply-type shocks continue, achieving our 2% inflation goal over the medium term may require a more accommodative stance of monetary policy than might otherwise be appropriate >> i know what you care about,
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was it hawkish or dovish is a little bit of both. hawkish in that she concluded in the face of uncertainty the fed should plow ahead with rate hikes. it was dovish for the fed chair to openly speculate the fed may have inflation wrong and speculate also about policy changes, guys, in it does. >> i like the line from peter where he said i had to splash water on my face because i thinktime hethin i'm hearing a more hawkish janet yellen -- >> that was the end of it. >> dovish is the default. >> you know what the markets did, if you can put up intraday, the two year, it goes straight up and right back down it ends up i thenk even lower on the two-year yield than it was before the speech. so they had this whole sort of hawkish idea and then maybe not. >> all right >> and the dollar gave up a little bit of its gains. >> right. >> today as well. >> kparkt exactly. >> by the end of it. thanks very much. >> my pleasure. >> we're going to discuss this further with our "closing bell" exchange, mike, president of
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portfolio family of funds. and rick santelli from the cme rick, let's start with you off the back of janet yellen's comments talk us through what you think the bond market did in reaction to it. >> very ittle. i mean, i know steve's looking at a basis point or two, but, you know, 143 is where we're at. we settle at 142 we could argue about a few base points we also happen to have a had a two-year note action which might have given it a speck more volatility even that auction was just average, considering the last two-year note auction we had about four weeks ago when the yield was 132 instead of 142 that didn't go much better so there's an issue there. maybe it's the topic janet chose. traders on this floor, they don't care about the reasons day like the normalization going on even if that's the right word. slightly higher rates. they've been too low for too long let's balance sheet. it's been too big for too long exactly between the last fed meeting and the long press conference, where there was a lot of head scratching by the
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group regarding why inflation has been so tame, it seems like all of a sudden, in just a couple weeks, there's so much more knowledge about the future being more highly inflationary didn't really make sense to any. i splash water on my face, too, just because i don't understand how in a couple weeks so many things could change, but at the end of the day, the timing's right, they're doing the right thing. the pace isn't bad let's leave it at that >> and keith, the markets mixed still this afternoon the russell still continuing its march higher for those small caps and we still have to think about why names like facebook were down 5% yesterday. a lot of big-picture themes today. movement out of d.c. or maybe the lack thereof where does that leave you. >> kind of remipnds me of janet yellen's speech. definite maybe maybe it will go higher, maybe it won't listen, what we see in the markets now is pretty much just a churn. it's certainly taken on the behavior of a momentum trade
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from industry to industry, sector to sector two recent examples, run-up in the energy complex really since june sure, some has to do with the commodity price lifting up but a lot has to do with the money chasing after the bullish septemberme sentiment. the tech sector that sold off massively. looking at another potential tech wreck part 2 like we had over the summer. it's what the market has become, momentum play from industry to industry, you do have larger theme ideas going on as you're pointing out i think until we get out of this month, get out of this third quarter, really start to try to understand and ascertain what the fundamental drivers will be, maybe it will be third quarter earnings, maybe it will be the tax package, maybe something to do with north korea. i think we're doomed to be stuck in a rut for the foreseeable future so even though the macro things are overlaying the market, we do think about those on a day-to-day trade, you're going to continue to see this churn for the next couple weeks. >> michael, the market hasn't really been rocked by the decision not to hold a vote on
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the graham/cassidy health care bill it's the same eventuality met tax reform, would the market be knocked sideways >> yeah, i think with health care, everybody expected that not much was going to happen, so it isn't a surprise. i think the expectations for tax reform are a little bit better but, again, watching the sausage being made on all this legislative action, there's still a big degree of uncertainty as to whether we're going to get anything, and if it's going to be anywhere near what was maybe hoped for or promised earlier in the year so i think there's a lot of uncertainty. with respect to janet yellen's speech today, i mean, maybe we will, maybe we won't i'm not sure it really moved the needle at all. i think the fact remains there's a lot happening in october that may drive the fed's rate decision in december and thereafter corporate earnings being one of them, we're about to come on the year anniversary of sort of an earnings reboot where earnings have been stronger this will be the fourth quarter in a row but the comps are going to get more difficult and so it's -- you know, are we still going to get that same degree of earnings growth that
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we've had the last several quarters and to what extent has gdp been impacted by the hurricanes and the storms if those reflect slowdowns in any other data points, then it's not a fore gone conclusion that the fed will raise in december or two, three, four times in '18. so there's still a lot to look forward to here. >> keith, briefly, just because you're talking a lot about inflation, some inputs include o oil there. doing well lately. taking a pause today what do you make of the energy space lately >> remarkably, the jawboning from o fopec and saudis have started to work on the market and maybe some of the production cuts latched into the story and narrative as well. i maintain oil will be stuck in a pretty tight range even though it's expanded a little bit i can't see the brent or wti t getting much above 60. it got overbought in our work. pulling back a little today.
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every time it goat gets up to 6 basins, $27, $28 these days and still have a lot of debt to pay off down there as long as oil stays up here, they're going to pump until they're blue in the face and put a lid on prices. i'm not sure that's a play that will get extended to the upside for very long. it's going to come back in here i think in the next couple weeks. >> michael, you own facebook were you topping out today after yesterday's big selloff? >> we're long-term investors, so, no, we really didn't do anything over the last couple days i think the reasons for the selloff, you know, some of them were facebook-specific, some were more broad eer anti-tech feelings yesterday the net result is it's a great long-term growth story it's not cheap trading at a mid 30s p/e we think hoeover time it demonstrated it can grow into the multiple we expect it to continue to do that. >> if you guys like it long term, why not take it at 5%, or for if you go back to its peaks in the selloff that we've seen >> potentially true although we've got a full weighting in it right now so it's not necessarily -- the decline wasn't that substantial where it was a screaming buy due to
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yesterday. when you have a position like we have, that's pretty full, there's no need to add to it we certainly weren't selling it yesterday. >> still up 30% this year. >> exactly >> the tech rebounded today but not to the same extent thank you very much. michael, keith and rick. we have about 45 minutes or so to go before the bell just over that we are high by around about a third of a percent for the nasdaq that was down almost a percent yesterday. about a tenth of a percent for the other two indices. coming up, the five largest hedge funds in the world are now primarily computer driven. what happens jo s when you remoh human touch from trading show one fund is using algos with a mind of their own. later the play-by-play on today's bombshell ncaa corruption allegations that have an adidas exec and a number of coaches in the cross hairs of investigators. and we want to hear from you. reach out to the show. tell us your thoughts. use twitter, facebook, or send us an e-mail,
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welcome back to "the closing bell." let's check in on today's market movers darden restaurants one of the worst performing stocks in the s&p 500 today after reporting lower than expected same-store sales last quarter owner of olive garden blaming hurricane harvey for the shortfall. down some 5.86%. shares of boston beer are hopping higher after credit suisse upgraded the maker of sad adam s citing strong growth in its alcoholic iced tea and seltzer brands the analyst also says the stock, plunged 25% over the past it years, continues to decline, it could become an attractive takeover target. meanwhile, call it the rise of the machine, trading at all five of the hedge funds primarily driven by computers. it that includes london-based -- leslie picker is in london with a look another what happened. >> reporter: hey, kelly, that's right, it's just past 58 p.m. here in london and the trading
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floor has cleared out but the machines are still hard at work. this screen behind me is just a small subsoeet of the millions pieces of data that the computers are sifting through and trading. mangroup manages about $40 billion this way it's been a so-called quant fund for 30 years over the past three years, machine learning, to help support its trading. yesterday we spoke with the cio who told us that machine learning has produced alpha beyond that of traditional quant. >> we view it as a way of finding pat teterns where we dot direct the machine exactly where to look, a good example might be if you want machines to buy on dips, then it's sometimes quite hard to describe a dip perfectly, but the machine learning will just look for patterns of what dips look like and what happened next. >> reporter: he wouldn't be surprised if in five years half
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of man's hls assets or training was supported by machine learning guys >> there are so many things to talk about what was that box that you guys were looking at with the -- what was that contraption, leslie, with the silver and the -- looked like green and red numbers in there or something. >> reporter: the cube, exactly, they call it the light cube. it shows performance of each individual strategy, market, fund, within man ahl here in london so people here who work on the floor can see realtime fmp performance. one of the benefits of quant, a selling point, there's a much more transparent process when it comes to returns than, say, traditional fundamental hedge funds which, of course, don't have a by the minute tabulation of those sorts of profit and losses >> it looks like a little bit of a gimmick to wow -- >> it would be really transparent if they told how they were doing the trades.
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>> leslie, we spoke earlier about some of the risks that the cio is aware of in terms of the threats to algo trading. one of them being leverage what about momentum? clearly we are late stage of what's been a very long bull market many people, many critics of robotic trading, et cetera, quant trading say it can only work during an up trend or down trend but can't pick when it's going to change direction. >> reporter: exactly that's one thing they're hoping machine learning will be able to solve, when the exact turn will happen as of right now, the science makes it very difficult to actually predict a downturn, as you mentioned in momentum, of course, is a huge issue that took place in 2007 when there was a squo-called quantquake, everybody was in crowded trades and a few that happened to unwind caused a huge ripple
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effect scared away a lot of investors for almost a decade. we're starting to see a resurgence as well of those concerns, guys. >> yeah, sauch huge part of the strategies, leslie good to get a look at it thank you very much. have fun tonight. >> reporter: thanks, guys. >> leslie picker in london >> do you see anyone in the office -- >> no, because it's machine driven no, i'm joking it was very busy they have a lot of employees at mangroup. 40 minutes to go until the close. dow's up 22. s&p up four. nasdaq also up 22. russell, outperforming again, up 7 1/2 points. we have an expert who says under armour's pain could be nike's gain. we'll break down a bull and bear case. also coming up, the equifax fallout, a major shakeup today at the company following that massive data breach which exposed private information of nearly 150 million people. we've got the latest on the boardroom changes when "closing bell" returns.
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welcome back we've got a news alert on saudi arabia jackie deangelis at the details. >> reporter: good afternoon to you. the king of saudi arabia issued a decree allowing women to drive apparently this will go into effect in about ten months' time it seems to be part of a little bit more of a modern vision for the kingdom. remember, deputy crown prince issuing that 2030 vision, setting the stage for a
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longer-term process of transformation, but certainly within the region and saudi arabia allowing women to take to the streets and drive cars definitely sets the tone for that giving them a little bit more freedom within the kingdom. back over to you >> a huge deal, obviously. it's part of -- they're remaking -- the vision 20 -- >> reporter: 2030. >> 2030. thank you. there were concerns they were back tracking on that over the last couple weeks when they said they were worried about the oil money and people being able to keep government jobs these social measures are a key part of remaking their economy, right? >> reporter: absolutely. it's part of how they're presenting themselves to the world. i don't want to connect two things, but i will remind you they talked about the ipo saying it will take place in 2018 some people said saudis' efforts to keep opec prices up has been part of that, the broader vision as well of how they're perceived could potentially be linked as well. >> jackie, thank you very much
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for that i mean, kelly, it is a big deal, reminder of extraordinarily how far they still have to come. >> i can't believe how much they've done in the last couple years, though, and the kinds of moves for the crown prince to become crown prince -- >> the power struggle -- yeah. before this decision, they were the only country still in the world that didn't allow women to drive. >> well, yeah, and there were also thoughts one of the reasons they wanted uber and lyft to move along was to not address that problem at all. >> yes anyway, a long way to come. news alert on secretary of state rex tillerson. let's get over to eamon javers with that one. >> reporter: hi, kelly, the state department announcing in the last couple minutes that secretary of state rex tillerson is going be visiting china september 28th through september 30th he's going to talk about north korea and trade while in china that's a potentially encouraging sign on the negotiations over north korea. we just heard the president in the rose garden a few moments ago praising chinese leader xi jinping for putting out that notice to chinese banks saying
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that they ought to not be doing business with north korean entities so perhaps a bit of a warming here between washington and beijing, as the secretary of state now expected to head to beijing for talks september 28th through the 30th kelly. >> eamon, do we have a date yet for the president's own visit to beijing? >> reporter: i don't believe we do i'll have to check that. don't have that detail right in front of me here. >> mr. tillerson going first, then, in seems thanks very much, eamon. >> reporter: you bet. still to come, corruption on the court. u.s. authorities handing down charges of bribery, widespread conspiracy, people connected to a college basketball scandal including coaches and an adidas executive. >> adidas. >> i meant -- it's wrong no, no, 'sit -- >> very good. >> adidas. german company we got all the details on the ncaa bombshell coming up is the monolithic view of emerging markets obsolete?
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welcome back time for a cnbc news update with sue herera. >> here's what's happening at this hour, everyone. president trump says he'll travel to puerto rico next tuesday to visit the hurricane-battered island. he made the announcement during the meeting this morning on tax reform with lawmakers from the house ways & means committee. >> puerto rico is very important to me and puerto rico, the people are fantastic people. i grew up in new york, so i know
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many people from puerto rico i know many puerto ricans. and these are great people, and we have to help them alabama gop senator luther strange accompanied by his wife voting in that state's senate runoff despite being backed by president trump, he is lagging in the polls to his opponent, ray moore, who has been endorsed by steve bannon. strange was appointed to the senate seat left vacant by jeff sessions. the dallas cowboys along with owner jerry jones taking a knee while linking arms prior to the national anthem. before their game with the phoenix cardinals last night they then stood together for the star spangled banner the game was the most watched monday night game this season. monday night football is up 63% over last year that is the news update this hour wilfred, i'll send it back downtown to you. >> sue, thank cryou very much f that. executive with adidas along with ten college -- i've done it again, adidas -- along with ten
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coaches indicted today in a corruption scandal rocking the sport and business world cnbc's contessa brewer at the manhattan courthouse with the details. contessa, good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon. arraignments are happening here this afternoon for a sports agent and financial adviser at the center of two separate corruption and bribery schemes in college basketball. federal prosecutors are charging ten people in total, four of them coaches, at top universities, and in a news conference today, they laid out the diagrams of how these schemes worked one involves thesports agent, christian dawkins, financial adviser munish sood bribing coaches to then push student athletes toward their services when they leave college for the nba. >> the coaches charged today cast aside that responsibility, choosinginstead to use their influence to benefit themselves, without regard to the players' own genuine interests. all of those charged tote
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contributed to a pay-to-play culture that has no business in college basketball. >> reporter: the other scheme involves a top adidas executive funneling money through sood and dawkins to get the players to attend adidas-sponsored schools. either to the playe erers or thr families then they'd go on, the idea was, to become sponsored professional players in the nba fbi says this was an undercover investigation that still continues now out in the open and will proceed looking into corruption and misconduct. we should mention both adidas and the more than seven universities involved here have come out and said that they would cooperate fully with the investigation. wi ln j fr w wilfred, kelly >> on the heels of that sports news, nike set to report earnings after the bell tonight. up 6% this year. nike's competitor, adidas, topped the brand in being the second biggest sports footwear seller. >> is nike still worth a buy for
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investors? joining us to debate guys, very good afternoon to you both you are a bull on nike, but not so much because of what you expect them to report this evening, but long term, you think that the challenges have had their time and it's time for nike to fight back. >> right, i think whatever they report this evening will not change my view on them i think they're a strong, great brand. i think the adidas, adidas, which we want to call them, run into market share, is going to slow we already see the throwback starting to slow down. so i think that big gain they've been making will slow. i don't think this news today will help them, either, so i do think nike is the winner in the space. i think they're the premier guy with tech. under armour who i thought was going to be the premier guy in tech has really faded. i think this leafs pretty much an open road for nike. they'll have to fight it out
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with adidas. i think they're the winner in the space. >> sam, you have a hold, neutral rating on the company, why >> look, nike is the big kahuna, no doubt about that whatsoever they talked for years about their pull model too much inventory in the marketplace. they're facing growing at amazon and so on. they have to return back to that pull model so while maybe -- >> they're on amazon now, so what do you mean >> they're on amazon -- we haven't seen it sold directly yet. they're on amazon through thi third-party sellers but don't have control of it it's a matter of what they choose to sell there the problem i have, you're trying to $180, $200 sneakers oversupply in market they didn't anticipate when they guided for the year at the end of the fourth yaquarter. we think they're going to have to do a major reset.
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that's going to take some time we're looking at a visibility here more than anything else. >> nike, of course, heavily involved with the nfl. do you expect them to comment on the recent issues tonight? what would you like to hear them say or you want them to stay clear of it? >> from what i understand, they already said they support the players, i think they staid what they're going to say i don't think fundamentally that has anything to do with their business you just say we're standing with the athletes, done, say nothing else, people get in trouble. >> you don't think it will affect their sales >> no, i mean, when you're talking about the nfl, you're talking about the football players, you're not necessarily talking about the fashion part of the business which is where, you know, the majority of the business is. if you go to a foot locker, finish line, any of those guys, a basketball shoe, you know, maybe 5% of the people buying that basketball shoe ever play basketball in the shoe so this is a fashion business. that's where they've been slow to sort of catch up with that. that's where adidas has really stepped up the -- >> exactly so, jan, i understand why
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you're, you know, excited about nike here, but you have to admit that adidas has kind of been the leader in the footwear category, and that's been nike's biggest business traditionally so -- >> they haven't been -- they haven't been the leader in the footwear category. they've been the biggest share gainer in the footwear category. nike is still the leader in the footwear category, they're going to be for a very, very long time i still believe these gains adidas saw, adidas saw, are going to slow down i think the throwback is not going to be as important i think we see nike take some share back i think nike going on amazon is a really, really good idea it will help their business, not hurt it. the least said about the nfl the better >> just on the point about basketball sneakers for a second, though, i mean, so is there an opportunity here for nike with -- these revelations, these allegations against the adidas executive working with ncaa basketball coaches to bu d build, engrain that brand arguably if that's coming out the way it
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is and gets pushed back on quite a bit, is that an opportunity for nike to kind of remain dominant, to kind of start to fight back that share that it's lost there >> absolutely. if these colleges don't run the other way as fast as they can, i'll be surprised. sure hoping we don't see anything come out about nike on this same format, but if this doesn't hurt adidas with their college promotion, it certainly should >> sam, just quickly as well, we got earnings, obviously, coming out in about 22 minutes. what numbers are you looking for, key factors >> the main thing we're looking -- look, the numbers we think don't really maestter we think what's going to g is what they say about what's happening going forward and how credible that is and what they're going to tell us now versus what they're going to tell us in a month at their analyst day. i think that we're -- i don't think we're going to get the full story of what's going on at nike in the long-term plan until we get to october 25th at their analyst day. >> okay, gents, thank you for joining us inings come out after the bell
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we'll have all of that as it comes. we got 21 minutes to go. we're a little higher but not too meaningfully tech is enjoying a bounceback. nothing near the size of its selloff yesterday. all three indices on the greenwigreen which will snap a three-day losing streak for the dow. ceo of ek equifax is out before he's set to testify. up next, colorado governor john hickenlooper with his ohio counterfar john kasich have been leading the charge on bipartisan health care reform t gl find out what the demise ofheop plan in the senate today means for their efforts after this
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welcome back home builder, lenar, hoping to lure in millennial home buyers starting today, eagle home mortgage will offer a mortgage program with a feature to help pay off outstanding student loans. up to $13,000 worth. depending on the home's sale price. lennar is up about 1.25% on the news it's wilf's favorite story of the day. >> i've read a lot about it, compared to the uk off the back of this. i think this is the key takeaway on this is 3% i think is the maximum, 3%, $13,000, whatever is the smaller of the two. is that in addition out of nowhere or is it a sort of
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shifting of who the individual is now paying off interests toward it sounds like it's additional this is sort of a gift as opposed to a gimmick that's pretty impressive i'm not surprised to see a jump in the share price it's not a huge cost, snesly, 3% if it can drive a cohort currently aren't buying homes at all. >> i think you're right. a psychological impact we'll see if it gets people comfortable with the idea. a lot of people say having student debt is a lot of reasons they don't buy a house. >> by the way, it reminds me how much -- >> i think 6% to 7%. >> the size of debts people are left with, enormous. anyway, moments ago senate republicans announced that there will be no vote this week to repeal and replace obamacare, as planned, they're moving on to tax reform they're vowing tole to back to health care, saying they have learned exactly what needs to be done senator lindsey graham, co-author of the shelved bill, promised a triumphant return for the proposal >> with a process that gives
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more attention and time, we will repeal and replace obamacare with a block grant called graham/cassidy/heller/johnson. now we have something to talk about that makes sense the 50 republican senators, a lot of governors and i hope the american people. >> joining us now is a governor, not one senator graham was likely referring to, we welcome john hickenlooper, democrat from colorado who's begun working on a bipartisan health plan with ohio governor and 2020 running partner john kasich. am i a little ahead of -- yeah, what are you guys up to? >> no, new york we'o, trying toe republican and democrat can work together, not that they can run together >> i don't know, we've seen crazy things happen already. >> yeah. the name on the ticket would just be too long it would be impocket impossible. >> it would be kasich --
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>> means you can't run with anyone ever. >> probably true that's probably not bad advice >> that's not my advice. >> on the point of the health bill, governor, you know, now that it looks like the gop won't have a vote this week, senator graham still tried to say that the block grant process is the way to go. do you disagree with him >> well, i think it's worth looking at i thnk the key, what governor kasich and i have been talking about, and a bunch of other governors, all right, we had ten governors who signed that last letter to mitch mcconnell in the senate, the real focus is what is the -- how do we make the these -- the turbulence and how do we stabilize those private markets? that's a first step. so, you know, the cost-sharing reductions, extend them through 2019, let's look at some sort of reinsurance, but now i think at a certain point, and i talked to john kasich last week about this, we have to begin looking at how do we control costs going forward? what's it look like to really take on health care and the affordable care act, and whether
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that involves block grants or other aspects, you know, if you're going to have block grants, you got to make sure that you're not cutting, you know, allocating resources away from states. right? it's got to be -- there's got to be some fairness in this >> governor, i mean, clearly you didn't like the graham/cassidy bill, itself, but where do you think we're headed now with obamacare, say in six months' time, if nothing is done on the republican side, whilst they focus on tax reform, will small changes be made or will we just see things worsen on the current track? and is president trump right when he says it will implode >> well, i think that i'm hopeful that senator lamar alexander and senator patty murray continue what they're working on in the health care committee in the senate and look at short term what are things we can all agree on to improve and strengthen the health care program of the united states, and once we get that, then i
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think it's time to roll up our sleeves, republicans and democrats, and say, all right, is it block grants, do we need guardrails on that, low do we make sure if that's the preferred direction, how do we make sure they work? i think the time has come now to try and get everyone in the same room and have some governors, you know, the ones who have to implement these rules and regulations, laws that come out of washington. let's get us some governors in there as well, say, what can work, what can we really look at i mean, none of us -- we all agree we want to control this ridiculous medical inflation that we've been seeing for the last 30 years long before the affordable care act. >> you know, i'm looking at some of the recommendations here and, you know, from the governors, you know, they want the trump administration to make the cost-sharing reduction payments, keep premiums from going up, temporary stability fund for states to create reinsurance programs, could reduce premiums. keep the individual mandate. try to get young people -- i mean, a lot of this -- i got to be honest, i don't see great ideas in here.
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it sounds like it either just fiddles with the status quo, throws more money at the problem or -- does health care in this country still need a great idea? >> i think it needs several great ideas and if you look through a little further, you'll see woucone of the big pushes ts layered in is this notion thof transparency i'm a believer, long term, if we allow consumers especially as the co-pay goes up and up and up which most people are seeing with insurance plans, they want to see before they go to get their broken leg fixed or before -- i'm talking not about an emergency broken leg, but when they're going to get a medical procedure of any type, they're going to want to know what it costs in the whole, and then what it's going to cost them i think that transparency between, you know, hospitals and clinics and other met call pdic providers, if we get transparency out there, consumers will begin shopping and get more comp missietition w medical care is priced and get
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quality and -- >> kelly joked at the top about the possibility of running alongside governor kasich in 2020 that aside, do you think the party system is a lot weaker than it used to be in terms of having that sort of structure that would keep it very clear, republicans will always vote together, democrats will always vote together, and they'll always oppose each other >> yeah, you know, it is -- the partisanship has gotten worse and worse. you know, i've been in -- i never ran for student council. i ran for mayor of denver in 2003 i've been in politics for 14 years ander year has gotten wore i think part of it is the election process and the attack ads. you know, you never see coke and pepsi doing attacks to each other. it would depress the product category of soft drinks. they work, but they'd attack each other and counterattack each other and the whole category would go down we're depressing the product category of democracy. i think part of that is getting people away from, you know, winning at all costs the election, and really looking at
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long term maybe compromises will pay a better dividend than just always trying to be right. >> we'll see we're always trying to be right. that's a joke. governor, thank you very much for joining us. >> is always a pleasure. thank you. >> governor hickenlooper. all right. after reporting a massive data breach, the ceo of equifax is out. we'll have the details on that "c" suite shakeup, next. (baby crying) (slow jazz music) ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ and let me play (bell ring) i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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welcome back shares of equifax on the rebound slightly today after news the company's ceo is leaving aditi roy has the details. aditi? >> reporter: hi, kelly, reaction from lawmakers have been pouring in since the announcement was made this morning. the release says richard smith is retiring as chairman and ce of effective immediately the board of directors appointed current board member mark feidler to serve as chairman paulino do rego barros jr. named interim ceo, a seven-year veteran of the company and most recently served as president of the asia pacific region. the company says it's starting a search for a permanent ceo feidler, a partner and co-founder of private equity firm msouth said speaking for everyone on the board, i sincerely apologize. we have formed a special committee of the board to focus
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on the issues arising from the incident and ensure that all appropriate actions are taken. smith who will stay on as an unpaid adviser to ex-fax was supposed to testify in front of the house commerce committee next tuesday and banking committee next wednesday a slew of lawmakers are speaking out saying they still expect smith to testify in front of congress next week we did just hear from the company if we asked them if smith, would indeed, testify, and the company said smith is scheduled to testify before congress, kelly, and that they have cooperated with congress. back to you guys >> yeah, people still want a lot of answers aditi, thank you >> hate that they fram retirement. >> i think no one is talking about it like that. >> just a cop-out. take responsibility or don't, but it's -- stuck in between. >> speaking of retirement, we have a news alert on senator corker john harwood, what's happening there? kelly, this is a legit retirement it's bad news for republicans. bob corker, popular republican
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senator from tennessee, announced he's not going to seek a third term i just got off the phone with his chief of staff and senator corker's put out a statement y saying that he had always planned to serve two terms, but he had not confirmed until today that he's not going to run next time that had been a safe seat for republicans. republicans going into 2018 don't want the playing field expanded this does expand that playing field. interestingly, we're going to watch even more closely tonight to the results from that alabama runoff between roy moore and luther strange for the possibility that a roy moore victory could put that state in play as well and expand the possibility, it's a long shot still, that democrats could win back the senate in 2018 >> john, thank you very much for that john harwood for us in washington another market flash this time, josh lipton has the details. >> that's right. check out shares of twilio, they're dropping hard after news hit that amazon is going to be
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launching a new two-way text messaging product and that is having impact on twilio's shares of course, its software is used by companies to create secure messaging between employees and customers, but twilio dropping hard on that headline. guys, back to you. >> yeah, that's ha tough one thank you, josh. up next, we're coming right back with the closing countdown. starting with advanced manufacturing that brings big ideas to life. and cutting-edge transportation development to connect those ideas to the world. along with urban redevelopment projects worthy of the world's top talent. here and all across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in the southern tier, visit
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to grow your business with us (slow jazz music)ier, ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ and let me play (bell ring)
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just over a minute to go, we turned negative in the last five or ten minutes for the dow and the s&p, at least the dow was set to break a three-day losing streak doesn't look like it will do that quite s&p just above positive. the nasdaq still does lead the rebound, but really given up a lot of the gains we look at s&p sector pfs performance, tech is at the top. it's given up a lot of the gains. tech up 0.4% only meaningfully positive one a quick look at the dollar because the dollar has held onto its gains today whereas equities have given up. dollar up half a percent against the euro and yen bob? >> four down days in a row for the dow. you want to see more highs, though, take a look, we got them in the transports. new high russell 2000 dow industrials -- excuse me, s&p industrial sector, new highs. one thing i want to say, nike, they're going to be reporting
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after the bell they announced earlier they're not going to report futures orders anymore that was a key metric for a lot of analysts. they say it's not relevant i beg to differ. i think it's important. >> nike up just shy a percent. it was up. 1.5% in the final hour or so of trade. ringing the bell here is flowers food inc at the nasdaq is the options industry council h that's it for the first hour of "the closing bell." kelly has the second thank you, wilf, welcome to "the closing bell," everybody, i'm kelly evans. we have a record high for the russell 2000 small caps, add five points today, 1,456 the new high close for the russell up from 1,451. different story for the other major averages nasdaq, s&p managed to add a few points today s&p up to 2,497. the dow lower on the bell. art cashin said there was about
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$500 million to sell we tried to stay positive throughout much of the session started to sell off after remarks from fed chair janet yellen this afternoon. on the bell, dow down eight or nine points to 2,287 for the blue ships. we turn our attention to earnings after the bell, nike, also micorn releasing their results. we'll bring you to those as soon as they're out. plus corruption charges against ncaa division 1 coaches and adidas executive those are rocking the college basketball world today a college a.d., athletic director, and former reebok executive along with a former nba player will join us with more on that later. joining me on the panel today, we have cnbc's senior markets commentator michael santoli, dan clifton in the flesh. and neil hennessy in the flesh he's portfolio manager and chief investment officer of hennessy funds. results are already starting to cross. >> overall market holds in pretty nicely around the highs more stocks up than down
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nasdaq can't put together two straight down days probably a net positive all around not a really kind of sharp takeaway from the action today except that market refuses to buckle. >> neil, what would you add in terms of the action we're seeing >> i wouldn't add anything except that we're continuing on in the bull market and there's a lot of room still to continually grow going forward. >> all right very hopeful this afternoon. >> i would say also no momentum behind this move so we're just hovering but that's not so terrible after what we've done. >> let's hit these earnings real quickly. some say it could be a tech bellwether here. josh lipton has the results. >> kelly, micon reporting eps of $2.02, expectations of $1.83 revenue, $6.14 billion that's also a beat street was looking for -- gross margins clocking in at 51.3% in the release they say sales volumes, 5% higher, nan sales volumes 3% higher.
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dram and nam averaged sale prices for the quarter increased 8% and 5% respectively heading into this sprint, kelly, this stock was up near ll lly 6% year to date i was talking to betsy of luke capital, she has a buy on the name on this call. she wants to hear more about that gross margin guidance demand for what is seasonally that strong q4 also this company's cap-x plans looking ahead. that call starts at 4:30 eastern and we'll be on it kelly, back to you >> josh, thank you mike, as i mentioned, there were some doubts actually on the street of whether micron could live up to expectations. up 60% this year up call it 3%. i wonder what apple shares are doing in response, too the pricing -- >> it has. apple would be a buyer, not a seller of these pruroducts it's amazing the stock hit a high of 36 and change in 2014, down to 10 and now back up to 36. so it's basically made this tremendous round trip. that's what it does. it goes on these huge runs because the commodity, itself,
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that it deals in goes on these runs and, you know, the earnings estimate had been ramped up higher in recent months and it's still vaulted. that's kind of happens in these pricing environments. >> neil, apple was frakal lfracy lower there. they're going to have a healthy margin on the phones given the prices they're charging. >> apple's apple for god's sake. they're sitting on billions of dollars of cash. would be nice if we had some of that back to the united states, only $247 billion overseas the real question with apple is do you really need anymore on your cell phone? that's the real question i mean, i can't work my tv let alone the phone. >> i can't work the remote to get the tv -- once the tv's on, i'm okay. >> isn't the first premise of capitalism is you can exhaust human desires and needs? you can always kind of get in. >> let's bring dan in here major developments this afternoon. the senate is not going to have a vote on the health plan after all. mcconnell said there's been a budget agreement, rumors from axios they might try to combine all of these into some kind of
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budget deal. what are you guys thinking >> first, let me say if they try and combine health care into tax reform, i'm the biggest bull for a tax bill getting done. i'll start dropping my probability very quickly. >> i was going to say, you're the bilggest bull if they combine it, you say no way. >> no way. susan collins, lisa murkowski, telling you no on health care. don't even try it. you want to go try it, try it separately i think this is a good development. when john mccain killed health care, our tax reform baskets fell the market was extrapolating health care to tax reform. our tax baskets are all holding up in the last couple of days because now it can stand on its own. tomorrow will be a very big day when we get this tax -- >> the "journal" had an interesting point today, said basically the problem for republicans is they're trying to squeeze more than $5 trillion worth of tax cuts into a $1.5 trillion box, referring to some of the budget process there. >> this is the classic washington 10 pounds of tax cuts, a 5-pound bag. jo when you get to the bottom of
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this, they'll start playing around with the timing of the provisions in tomorrow te's report, it won be permanent, because that's too expensive. let them play with the rubik's cube now, my experience with this is when we see the release tomorrow, this tax framework, it may disappoint a few people but the process is moving. health care's out of the way it's tax reform, tax reform, tax reform i think that's a good development for the market. >> i was going to ask, where else where the lines being drawn where the rubik's cube is going to be moving around? is it the 20% corporate tax rate, is it the top individual rate, 35 versus 39 where's the play in all that >> we think the corporate rate is going to end up when the bill's signs at 23%, we think the top income tax rate is going to go down a point or two to 37%. let's get back to neil's point we're going to repatriate $1 trillion of cash, reform our international tax code, have small businesses pay the same tax rate as boeing these are all positive g
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developments i tend to believe as we get into this process, people see show growth ore yeiented this is, th market is going to start -- >> you want to comment on that, neil >> the corporate tax rate coming down, that would be very, very good, for a couple reasons number one, say you make an extra $2 billion take that into earnings now or take $1 billion and high more people and go and take a chance on building your business. because you still got $1 billion sitting in your pocket for the future if it doesn't work out in three or five years, you close it down and get another $1 billion in earnings this could be really, really good for the economy, for jobs, for the market. >> and we talked a lot when the president was first coming into office about how much the runup in the stock market was predicated on that coming through. do you think at this point that's priced -- in other words, if what dan's describing doesn't come to pass, are we talking about a major selloff or no? >> no. i think you're going to get a selloff of 5% or 10%, that's only going to quick and short, a week or two weeks. etfs that are market driven own the exact same companies in the
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exact same percentage. if there's any scare, they're going to sell it off they can't do limit orders they're just going to sell at the market that would be getting more selling but it would be over quickly. this market, to me, is exact same as '82 to 2000 where the market was up each and every year for 18 years with the exception of the 1990 when 837 banks and savings and loans went broke. >> yeah. >> it was down one-half of one percent. >> i don't know what everybody is talking about. >> up 40, down 25. >> lost 25% in one day. >> we can hope >> hold that thought, everybody. we have breaking news on the ncaa bribery scandal here. we have those details. >> reporter: that's right, kelly, the ncaa put out its statement, said the nature of the charges brought by the federal government are deeply disturbing the ncaa continued to say we have no tolerance whatsoever for this alleged behavior. coaches hold a unique position of trust with student athletes and their families and these bribery allegations, if true, suggest an extraordinary and despicable breach of that trust.
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they learned of these charges just this morning. of course, the ncaa says it will support the ongoing criminal, federal investigation and kelly, that statement is from ncaa president mark emert obviously going to be more to come here. >> we'll be following if throughout the hour, eric, thank you. guys, pivoting back to what we were discussing, ichi was gog to ask you, dan, what are the pay fors if they're able to get the big picture stuff you're talking about done i'm looking at state and local tax deduction, king and others are steadfastly against. >> yep, yep. >> be else is this going to come are these maybes or are these very likely? >> so first the probability of tax reform has increased in the last week because the senate said they'll increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion they made it that much easier in that respect there's $500 billion of corporate deductions nobody's talking about. the section 199 manufacturing deduction, wind and solar tax credits, they're going to be put on the table without it. you got repatriation, $160
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billion. move to territorial tax system is going to generate money the corporate side is generally paid for $1 trillion in, $1 trillion out. the individual side, it gets harder because you got 28 house republicans from new york, new jersey and california. i can tell you those republican members don't want to take away the state and local tax deduction. that's going to be a real grind on finding those -- the retirement savings committee, they're going no go crazy if you take away the ira deduction. >> you're talking about contributing after tax dollars instead of pre tax dollars that's a big difference in terms of how far that's going to go. i was going to ask neil and mike, quickly, if the individual tax cuts, let's say, don't happen, or the changes don't happen, how big of a deal is that is. >> my view, not a terribly big deal honestly, i don't necessarily think we're on pins and needles about that aspect of it. probably maybe on sentiment it won't be that great in terms of the way individual investors might feel about things, but in general, i don't think that's the linchpin. >> mike, i agree if you take your gross what you make and take what you met after
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paying -- taking your deducti deductions, everybody s's in th 15% range. you know that's -- i mean, just -- steve forbes was right, in my opinion, go to a flat tax, take the money out, and maybe put a value adde tax in in. >> you want to put a likelihood on that happening? >> i'm trying to get a tax cut through first quarter of 2018. >> i want to see your vat tax basket >> that's right. that's right. >> i think there was one for a while. >> we had a vat tax basket try to create baskets on everything our tax baskets are saying one-third is priced in plenty of upside if this takes off. >> speaking again about the individual tax -- let's throw this out, if that doesn't happen, if they get corporate tax done, nothing on the individual side, where does that leave you on the economy, what does that 3450emean for the pard the president? >> the corporate changes are pro-growth have to cut taxes for people in wisconsin, pennsylvania, if you want to do corporate the president gets excited, talked about delivering tax cuts to low-moderate income households we see a scenario where you do
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the 2003 tax cut, very similar on the individual side, and add the corporate, it's on steroids. kelly, we grew 4% in the 12 months following that 2003 tax cut. if they're going to drop money out of a helicopter, thooirey'r going to get growth higher and stocks higher. >> i was going to bring up some janet yellen's comments this afternoon, neil, she talked about actually for the first time elaborating on risks of an inflation overshoot and said we'll be looking at labeler market data for any more strength, anticipate, waiting for the risks of further tightening it's a litmus test whenever janet yellen makes her remarks but is all of the potential stimulus that dan is talking about going to be offset by what's happening with the fed or how do you read this >> you know, i look at janet and raise an interest rate slowly, everybody knows itst goi's goin happen people forget abouthistory, it tends to repeat itself i took my first mortgage at
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14.5%, people are whining about 3% housing is doing so well because you're paying less to own a house than rechnting an farmtap. it's not going to crush the housing market, not going to crush anybody. >> what do you think the implications are if we start talking about helicopter money from the fiscal side instead of the monetary side? >> i think it would be probably a little bit of a net positive the marnket wants to think in those terms. who knows what's go ing to all come out you know, after the 2003 tax cuts, you know, you're not that far removed from a recession you're kind of ramping out of it i don't know if you're going to replicate that scenario. >> what are your best ideas for the market >> there are plenty of companies out there you can actually buy -- i'll give you one, thor, we talk about all the malls, they're going broke, you're not going to buy an airstream without seeing it, right you're not just going to buy that online. >> that's not coming from
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amazon >> if you're going to move money, you're going to probably use brinks probably not going have mom down the street move it through the alleys so there's plenty of value out there in the marketplace, just that the headlines are all saying we need a correction. why? >> all right real quickly, dan, we just heard senator corker is not going to have a third term. big alabama race tonight implications of the midterms still looking bad for you? >> you're seeing the anti-establishment side of the republicans, roy moore is slykely going to see tonight, going to see more challenges in states like tennessee. bob corker getting out on top. you're going to see more anti-establishment republican, makes it harder to govern. tax reform politically is what they need to get done to survive in 20178. i think they'll punch it through. >> thank you very much when we come back, nike is set to report its earnings the stock has actually been significantly underperforming the dow this year. we'll get instant analysis of the results, talk about whether it could be set to bounce back.
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welcome back these nike earnings are out. sarah eisen has the numbers are. >> reporter: nike reporting earnings per share, 57 cents a 9 cent beat. total revenues coming in in line with expectations. nike reporting $9.1 billion, analysts looking for $9.08 billion. gross margin, in line with what's expected, marked decline from last quarter, 43.7% this is an interesting quarter for nike because they broke down the geographic sales a little bit differently than we're used to getting they condensed it from six regions to tower here's what i can tell you north america, key market, everyone was watching this this is a weak spot. down 3% revenues in north america. that's what analysts were expecting and it does show the vulnerability of nike right now versus competitors like adidas, especially in the home market.
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we also got pretty good readthroughs from finish line and foot locker over the summer that suggested that this was going be a weak number as for the rest of the world, though, very strong, europe and the region there, africa, up 5%. greater china, up 12%, actually double what analysts were looking for. and asia overall, up 6%. so total nike brand sales up 2%. what i can tell you is the sentiment was low going in this is a stock that has underperformed both competitors like adidas and the overall s&p this year and over the past 12 months. overall, it's a pretty solid report especially that bottom line i'm going to dig through and figure out what that is exactly ac about. some people were looking for expense s to contribute to that bottom line. going to look about guidance nike had a pretty optimistic second half of the year view on its business coming back and, of course, any commentary on what's going on in the competitive space, especially
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with adidas, we just got that word recently from npd group that adidas is now the second most popular brand in terms of market share in the u.s. overtaking the jordan brand. so what's going on with some of the recent weakness in the jordan brand that sort of thing of course, any comments on the nfl protests there's a lot in the news not to mention the bribery allegations involving a competitor's executi executi executive, alleged bribery and kickbacks that you guys is been talking about today in college basketball >> can't believe they didn't lead with that in the press release. >> yeah, right. >> i'm sure they'll get some questions on the call. sarah, stay right there. michael, what do you make of it, real quick >> you know, right along with sarah, expectations were low and not only that, by the way, 73 cents a share was supposed to be the earnings as of may 31st for this quarter the estimate got down, you know, to 48 cent. >> you. >> then they beat it into 57 it shows you how people were really downgrading their expectations for this quarter. also the stock has been sideways for two years. really, two years-plus it seems as if there's a little
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bit of relief, even saw it at the end of the trading day when people started to bet an a beat. >> started to see it lift into the close. let's bring in this issta in stw retail partners. >> as sarah nailed it here, expect faations were low going o the quarter and it's really a back half story here i would certainly point out as i came on your show last quarter as the much abused bear here that, you know, we've heard from just about everybody in the space from finish line to foot locker, to hibbetts that things have decelerated in in the footwear space, what does that mean that means wholesale is going to be incredibly promotional this q4 all of these retailers have said that and yes, nike is doing its best to pull out of the unhealthy channel, but, you know, three quarters of their business is still exposed to wholesale here, so i'm still, you know, a bit cautious into q4 and of course nike, as sarah said, has doubled its market share over the past year
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>> and sarah, nike shares popped 3%, up less than 1% now. interestingly enough, finish line is getting a boost on this it looks like, little more than 1% boost. >> reporter: yeah, the problem with the finish line and foot lockers, good tell on the north american business for nike, nike is a company in transition where it's focusing more on the direct to consumer part of its business, selling online directly,, selling into stores and essentially all of the growth right now in this athleticwear category is happening direct to consumer nike still gets the benefit but companies like finish line and foot locker are really getting hurt by it right now so you've got a mix and got a company like nike in transition that's why the commentary on the call, especially around direct to consumer, is going to be so important to see how nike is really pivoting its strategy away from the foot lockers and the finish lines of the world. keep in mind, foot locker is 70% exposed to nike so it's getting hurt not just on the direct to consumer but on the amazing
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surge in market share we're seeing in adidas in this country. >> michael, i imagine they're going to talk a little bit more about that i mean, if fashion is such a big part of this, versus people actually wearing the sneakers to play basketball, run around in them, whatever, how can nike be cool again made me laugh when i was reading some person interviewed about the air jordans, said the kid didn't know who jordan was. >> yeah, i mean -- >> they go, how do you not know who jordan is? >> just in general, as you say performance as opposed to fashion has been the two ends of the spectrum and it's been fashion for a long time it's been more lifestyle so, talk about a basketball shoe glut, you hear that thrown around a lot so i think just being levered to different parts of the business has been hampering them. i've been looking for them to say anything about foreign exchange to see if that was an influence on the bottom line or not. who knows. you often hear these "x" currency type numbers being thrown around. perhaps not when the dollar has been weak. >> all right, guys, thank you very much, sarah, appreciate it, sarah eisen staying later for us stacey, late night in london,
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too. thank you both. >> thanks. >> nike shares still up. pinterest, meanwhile, is raising funds but has yet to tip its hands about any plans to go public is the ipo in the cards or is the company trying to a vovoid mike santoli is so excited for this interview, he's been for this interview, he's been putting his together he already has a follower. the big disclose after this. oh, that's really attached. that's why i rent from national. where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. which makes me one smooth operator. ah! still a little tender. (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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exclusive partnership with target, integrates the lens tool into target apps consumers will be able to take a picture in h the target store and discover similar products available to buy at target what does it mean for pinterest's advertising strategy joining us is julia boorstin along with the ceo of pinterest, ben silbermann. >> ben, thanks so much for joining us at ad week. you announced this partnership with target. what does this mean for revenue and growth prospect? >> we've been really excited target was an early advertiser on the platform. they've seen really good results. we helped them identify new customers and people come to pinterest to discover new things they're excited as a way to sell more products. >> they're going to advertise more on pinterest? >> going to this more, going to work with them to share trends
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we see with consumers, help with merchandising efforts. we're going to integrate lens, computer vision technology, into their app. >> announced 40%, 200 million monthly active users how much is your revenue growing? >> happy with our revenue growth not going to give any figures today. deals like the target deal are a good sign for us they've been advertising with us for a while na saw really strong results. we were able to sign a great partnership with them for the next couple years. >> your company is valued north of $12 billion what can you tell us about ipo plans? >> we don't have anything to announce today the company is focused on two things, one, growing the user base we've been excited pinterest grew 40% over the last year 200 million users all over the world. the second is creating an advertising product that works to bring in new customers, very measurable lets people see emerging consumer trends and merchandise. >> kelly, you want to jump in here you're a big pinterest user. >> the biggest
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we -- mike might be even bigger. you should see the cat gifs. it's a little weird. >> all these people are going to go looking for that account. >> they're going to find it. >> i'm going to have to actually put one up. >> there it vigt there ben, it's kelly here we thank you very much for joining us i was going to ask you since i use pinterest a lot, i noticed a lot more political content in there lately, gifs and memes and things like that i really -- i don't like seeing it what are your thoughts about that kind of content on your platform >> most people use pinterest to get ready for things in their life people do things like plan what their living room's going to look like, plan what kind of recipes they want to cook, plan a special event slyke a wlike ag that's been a major focus. it's pretty minimal compared to a lot of other platforms. >> is is there a way that you could intentionally minimize it if you decided to? that's exactly what i'm doing. i'm looking -- planning wedding stuff, planning home stuff, looking up, you know, chip and jojo's home line or whatever and it's hard to avoid those
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sometimes. what are your thoughts >> well, we've always really cared about making sure you're seeing things that are relevant for you. so we invest a lot to look at what you pin, recommend things you might like as well. hopefully as you continue to pin more things for your wedding, more things for your home, you'll 23450i7find things that represent your taste. >> as kelly mentioned, a lot less political content on pinterest than facebook and google facebook and google have been plagued with negative headlines. have y are you trying to take advantage of the opportunity to become a bigger alternative to them, are you reaching out to the companies? what are the conversations like? >> we're focused on making the environment great for the users. great means it's relevant content, positive and inspiring place to plan things out big impact on advertisers as well, advertisers want to advertise in a space that feels safe, high quality and positive. it's been one of the reasons why we've been able to make progress with advertisers over the last
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couple years. >> i have to ask about amazon, at ad week everyone is talking about how amazon is going to be the third big player in advertising in addition to facebook and google. amazon is an advertiser on pinterest. seems in a lot of ways it could be a rival as an ad giant in that space or maybe a potential buyer. how do you feel about amazon >> amazon's obviously a big retailer but we work across a whole range of different retailers, target, folks like walmart. the reason retailers are excited about pinterest is they're looking for new ways to help people discover product they haven't heard before when someone plans what their home is going to look like, that i have intent, they're going to buy furniture but haven't narrowed down on to a specific product line or brand. a lot of retailers see big opportunity in that. >> they search on pinterest and buy on amazon? >> they buy wherever the pin takes them, could be amazon, could be somewhere else. >> great fascinating times. keep us posted on your ipo plans. ben silbermann, ceo of
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pinterest. kelly, back over to you. >> good stuff. thank you very much. i look at the pins and buy on amazon you have weird -- >> it's eclectic i wouldn't say weird it's a very good test of what our crew thinks of me right there. so it's interesting. what i wonder about, slightly more seriously, if it's so project-based, oh, i'm planning to decorate a home, planning a wedding, is the membership of the users lumpy? >> when something happens that i get all excited about, i spend a solid -- almost like i'm binge pinteresting, then dormant the next three months. sometimes i'm dormant for three years, i go back, man, i can get on pinterest again and look at all this stuff you're absolutely right. >> maybe a problem down the road if somebody cares about the lumpiness of their results or user attrition. >> i steadiness. that's why i wonder about the politics. anyhow, time for a cnbc update let's get over to sue herera. >> thanks very much, kelly, mike here's what's happening at this
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hour, everyone attorney general jeff sessions says the justice department will intervene on behalf of people who sue colleges claiming their free speech rights were violated he spoke before an audience at georgetown law school. >> freedom of thought and speech on american campus are under attack the american university was once the center of academic freedom a place of robust debate, a forum for the competition of ideas. but it is transforming into an ecochamber of political correctness and homogeneous thought. a shelter for fragile egos a fast-moving wildfire in southern california has burned 2,000 acres and forced hundreds to evacuate. it's the canyon fire it started on monday afternoon and it is only 5% contained. no word on what caused that blaze. former white house communications director anthony scaramucci and estranged wife arriving for their divorce hearing today.
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according to a report, ball filed for divorce when she was nine months pregnant in july it was later reported that scaramucci wanted a paternity test for the newborn we'll keep you posted on that one. that's the news update this hour kelly, back downtown. >> or don't. >> or don't. i know. >> you don't have to. >> it's a little messy messy, messy. >> thank you very much. >> you got it. >> sue herera. let's send it to meg tirrell for a quick market flash. >> we're looking at shares of parker hanifan under pressure this afternoon on news of a department of justice antitrust lawsuit that's been filed here essentially over its acquisition of clark, they are challenging that $4.3 billion deal that closed in february the department of justice essentially saying this creates a monopoly and they are asking parker hannifin to divest in aviation fuel business, sufficient to replace clark, competitive significance in the narcotic place you are seeing parker hannifin down 1.7% on this news, kelly. >> they look at every corner airline -- what -- i don't know
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what that industry you described was but they're all over it. >> aviation fuel filtration busine business that's right. >> we don't want a monopoly there. >> sure don't. >> a lot of the industrial rollup companies, i mean, that's what they're trying to do is corner little segments of the wholesale market >> interesting one. bribery scandal rocking college basketball world up next we'll hear from a former sneaker exec turned college athletic director and a former nba star on the reverberations that may be felt by athletic footwear company and throughout college basketball. plus the president announcing he'll travel to puerto rico next week to view the devastation from hurricane maria. ahead, we will get the latest on those recovery efforts hey gary. oh. what's with the dog-sized horse? i'm crazy stressed trying to figure out this complex trade so i brought in my comfort pony, warren, to help me deal. isn't that right warren? well, you could get support from thinkorswim's in-app chat. it lets you chat and share your screen directly with a live person right from the app, so you don't need a comfort pony. oh, so what about my motivational meerkat?
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welcome back remarks by fed chair janet yellen this afternoon may have helped push the dow negative dropped 20 points on the bell. the other averages stayed po eed positive the nasdaq up. the russell up to close at a record high of 1,456. let's check on movers after hours. after reporting results, nike is now negative popped 3% initially. top and bottom line beat look for more information on the call micron, holding on to a gain of
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3.5% also after a double beat. ten people including four college basketball coaches and adidas executive were charged with accepting bribes involving agents, financial advisers, and apparel executives just moments ago, the ncaa put out its statement saying in part, "we learned of these charges this morning and, of course, we'll support the ongoing criminal federal investigation. acting u.s. attorney joon kim also addressing this in a news conference earlier today >> fraud, abuse, and corruption of the time alleged in the charges brought today contaminates all that is good and pure around it and it has no place in college sports >> joining us now, peter roby, at let hletic director at northwestern university. here with us on set, former nba star, charles d. smith, on the san antonio spurs with chuck person who's one of the coaches who was indicted today we thank you both for being here charles, to begin with you, were
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you shocked to hear this about somebody you used to know and play with? >> i'm shocked to hear habit it, period i know chuck personally. he's a great guy always been caring of other individuals. i think the whole thing is a shock overall. >> why, though i think a lot of people almost reacted the opposite way which is to say the culture has gotten so out of hand it was a matter of time. >> i agree it was a matter of time the ones who get hurt in all this is the kids and their fami family when you look over the last two, three years when all the shoe companies began to have summer games and control their own teams, you got about each of the top three shoe companies that have 40 teams, 30 kids on each team there's 1,200 players on each shoe company's team. so they're competing against one another. you got -- they're paying for clothing, paying for travel, hotels, gear so these kids are getting everything some kids have never been in a hotel before some have never traveled before. it's just become this systemic problem, it's been pervasive for a long time but it's really
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gotten out of hand. >> peter, do you also think it's gotten worse today relative to when you were at reebok? what kind of pressure did you feel then or do you imagine people are feeling today to put a name like adidas on the top tier of brands who are going to support and turn into the next generation of stars to support their brands >> yeah, this kind of thing has been going on for almost 40 years. i mean, sonny started it at mikmiknike many, many years ago many of the shoe companies jumped onboard with it when i was at reebok, i tried my hardest not to get us involved in all the aau stuff because i thought it was going to compromise people's values and it was sending a wrong message about the right way to do this and i was -- it was a lot of pressure i think a lot of people felt like the way we were going to sell footwear is if we got our footwear on young kids and then started to connect with them at an early age i just never agreed with that. and i'm glad that we never did so this has been going on a long time it's -- there's been a nexus
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between the aau footwear companies and college teams for the last almost 40 years people have known that it's been going on for a long time and people just couldn't prove it until now and so now the cows are coming home and this is just the tip of the iceberg and there's a lot of people that are nervous right now in college athletics >> charles, aside from indictments and arrests, which, of course, maybe would have some kind of deterrent effect down the road, what in terms of policies do you think might have to be implemented, whether it's the relationships between the shoe companies and the college teams, or these club teams or anything else? >> i don't know whether you can put any policies on corporations that are involved in recruiting and dealing with children. i think there needs to be an education and services provided to the parents and to the kids at a young age to know it's a fine line between being unethical in success and they walk that fine line so much that it's very -- it's very
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difficult. i mean, you had government and legislation put sugar bands on coca cola, 7-up and sprite, but are the kids obese because of that no not at all so it's very difficult to see how they're going to come to some solutions, but i look at it from the children's standpoint, because they're the ones that get hurt the shoe companies are not regulated but all the regulations are on the children and the colleges are the brokers. >> so peter, let me ask you, though, i mean, is it that this behavior needs to be fully cracked down i mean, what we're describing is basically a model of companies saying these kids are so important, we're going to throw whatever we can at them, and then in these cases, going too far. but even behind that line, they're going pretty far as it is i mean, what do you think needs to be done at this point what can be changed about it >> well, i mean, we've added rules to whether it's in the ncaa or in corporations around finance reform or reporting. you're always going to have
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people that are looking for an edge, the winning is more important than the values. and so they're going to break the rules and cheat. so the only thing that you can really do to try to make it stop is put the people that are cheating in jail you know arrest people, indict them, let them go to prison, expose it for what it is put people on probation. throw the death penalty at folks if they are habitual in terms of their breaking ncaa rules. >> wow. >> that's the only way you're going to send a message that's that it's not tolerated. we've been having this conversation since the early 1900s. from when the ncaa and all those things started, people have been breaking rules, putting ringers on their teams to compete in order to win >> yeah. >> and so -- >> speaking of which -- >> nothing has changed nothing has changed. >> let's just take a quick look. we actually have video of one of the defendants in this case, this is christian dawkins, former nba agent, just leaving the courthouse in downtown manhattan. charles, you also agree there
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needs to be some pretty severe penalties on these guys to send a message? and does there need to be something more systemic done. >> look, i probably know every agent out there. i know a lot of guys who were agents, derek brooks who got on the other sfid thid side. it's a test of your moral fiber at some point. so much pressure to sign guys, generate revenue if question look at this purely from a business perspective, you look at all these kids, you can look at them as startup companies. and i'm a venture capitalist i'm going to invest in ten startup companies and if one of them hits, i'm going to make my investment back. >> is there any way to make that -- what you're describing sounds pretty transparent. is there any way to make that a better outcome for the kids? is it because of the one and done model mike francesca mentioned earlier. why is it that concept turns out to poorly for the companies and kids being invested in >> well, it's a double-edged sword on the talking about the one and done model because there's no other industry that puts constraints on anyone who
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has professional attributes that can become a pro or can become an executive we just looked at the young ceo of pinterest. >> right. >> so you want to put these economic models and sanctions on kids and that's a challenge because you shouldn't be doing that and if it was not done, we wouldn't have a lot of these problems >> all right guys, thank you, both. appreciate you joining us today. charles smith and peter robey. president trump announcing he will head to puerto rico a week from today to survey hurricane maria's damage to the island after tweeting that the island is in deep trouble we're going to g tethe latest on the recovery efforts that are under way there right after this
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shares of insurance and reinsurance companies getting hit hard today look at sss down 5%. estimate of damage in puerto rico from hurricane maria keep climbing the president announced he'll be heading to puerto rico next tuesday to survey the storm's devastation. nbc's gabe gutierrez is in san juan, puerto rico, with the latest >> reporter: as president trump announces he'll visit puerto rico next week, there's now a desperate scramble to leave this island a group behind me wait do get on a charter flight today this morning, we saw many more travelers trying to secure a commercial flight out of here. there are only about ten a day san juan's airport, there is no ac, the backup generators have kicked in but only go so far
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we saw mothers sleeping on the ground with their children some of them waiting for days for a flight meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of pounds of humanitarian aid is flooding in. the national guard is son the move and the dallas mavericks today came and helped deliver some of that aid. aid. puerto rico's governor is urging the federal government to bring in more federal assistance as puerto rico struggles to recover, there's no telling how long the recovery will last but the infrastructure is decimated. gabe gutierrez, nbc news, san juan, puerto rico. >> thank you very much next, we'll get a behind the scenes look at a company building an amusement park to entertain and promote the sciences i know that retail expert, liz dunn on why she sees more pain ahead for the athletic company
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one company is looking to blur the line between the physical and the digital. kate rogers has the story. kate >> reporter: hey there, kelly, that's right, two bit circus is taking the traditional amusement park model and turning it on its head in a los angeles warehouse, two self proclaimed mad scientists are blending engineering, computer science, and robotics to create interactive games for children and adults alike. they met ten years ago while working as engineers in los angeles. they bonded over a shared passion for games and technology >> you want to see how it's
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done >> yeah. >> we're s.t.e.m. nerds. >> reporter: the business started as a consulting agency, building high tech activations for clients like google and intel. >> we said, let's do our own event. >> reporter: they've raised $21 million to build a high tech amusement park >> inside our amusement park, you'll find the future of fun. to us that looks like augmented reality. we'll have a ton of midway games made awesome by technology >> reporter: the park opens early next year. >> experiential, immersive, getting people really hands on, they are the character >> reporter: two bit circus is hoping to inspire more dreamers like themselves to think big and maybe even a little crazy. and of course we're out here in
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beautiful l.a. for cnbc and ink magazine's iconic tour it's our second time here, we've got a lineup of iconic entrepreneurs, including tony robbins and so much more on day tomorrow on cnbc >> i don't know if that looked like fun or just chaos >> it was intense. >> i don't know if i could handle it. kate, thank you very much. hedge fund legend julian robertson sees opportunities in big tech he'll have specific names when we come back t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network.
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at this year's delivering alpha conference, julian robertson warned investors the market feels like it's heading towards a bubble with the exception of a few big tech stocks >> the apples, the facebooks, the googles, those great growth companies, are priced cheaper than they would have ever been in the '60s, '70s, and '80s. >> drum roll, please the full interview with mr. robertson was just posted. head over to
4:59 pm the parent company of the nyse is launching a website to trade tech it has the big five names but also highly liquid names like tesla and nvidia >> probably about a dozen, if i'm not mistaken, 10, 12, something like that. nothing's real until it becomes an index based product, nothing in the market actually happens >> is this a sign, though? >> it's a sign that it's become a handy way to talk about big growth stocks. it's interesting in the sense that a lot of people tried to recreate it in some kind of bespoke way. >> another bellwether for you, people watching micron after hours. the last time we checked, shares sold up 3.5% it's up 2% after hours is that enough to get some life back in? >> certainly it will support the
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idea that semi conductors are going to be relative outperformers. they were bouncing yesterday micron has always been a fast moving quicksilver animal in the stock market >> it has the same consistency as people using pinterest. >> yes, those little burst >> we'll hand it over to "fast money" for more coverage starting right now "fast money" starts right now. live from the nasdaq overlooking new york city's times square i'm melissa lee. tonight on "fast," mikey just taking a big led lower we'll tell you what sent the stock moving we'll have full coverage throughout the hour, sara eisen at the stock exchange is all over it. plus a major biotech bust, one stock falling 70% off a failed drug trial. the ceo says he would do it all again. what's gotten into


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