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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  October 9, 2017 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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hello and welcome to "street signs. i'm carolyn ross and these are your headlines catalonia's president says he will address parliament on tuesday. hundreds of thousands take to the street calling for unity. spanish stocks hit the highest level in a week as other sectors announce out of the
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cat catalon region an american diplomat is being arrested in istanbul german production surges in the month of august posing its biggest increase in more than six years. good morning, everyone welcome to the show once again the start of a brand-new week. let's look at the stock 600 map looks like this. we are modestly higher to the tune of 1/3 of a percent this comes after the fourth straight week of gains the dax hitting a new record high and we're seeing a little bit of a rebound in the spanish stocks the eibex up. let's look at the indices one by one. the vix 100 is off a slight recovery trade for the
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pound sterling the xetra dax is up by 1/4 of 1% up by 29 points and we don't have the ibex on there what i do see is up by a bit that will surely continue this week there is still a lot of nervousness around when independence will formally be declared let's also have a look at the spanish stocks and how they're trading today. once again it seems like investors are going back into these beaten down stocks some of the banks which have done pretty well because some of them have announced that they will be moving their headquarters out of the embattled region, catalonia, continuing their upward trend up by 2.1%.
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let's get back to our top story. it is catalonia. demonstrators waiving spanish and catalon flags. they praise the actions taken by the spanish government and criticized local poll tisch thanes who have encouraged a secession. several companies have announced they will be moving their headquarters out of catalonia to spain. the fifth largest bank said it will be relocating while the third largest bank announced a move to valencia two other companies have announced a move to madrid we're joined from barcelona.
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it is incredible to see the turnout for this pro unity rally. that shows you how divided that region is, doesn't it? >> absolutely right. according to the authorities, there were 350,000 people. the streets of barcelona packed yesterday in stark contrast to some of the pro independence rallies we saw following sunday's referendum. we had a chance to speak to poll tisch thanes over the weekend. his name is raul ramira. we asked him what he thought about pushing for declaration of independence to dialogue. >> for six, seven years in a row we are talking about millions of people in the street i'm not talking about government, i'm talking about the people i think the people have earned
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the light to be listened obviously from that perspective we have been trying to have that dialogue to engage ourselves with the spanish government, unfortunately, we are along that table. in order to have a dialogue, you need a counterpart so far we are alone at the table but you need two parties from that perspective, any attempt, any possibility that will help our spanish counterpart to go to the table, i think for us it will be acknowledged. >> that's raul romeva. he is ministerial level. that's a line you hear from catalon politicians. they've sought dialogue. they've refused to give them dialogue a lot of people talking about the need for these conversations
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to happen as opposed to discussions of declaration of independence today was supposed to be the day they were meeting here in barcelona. there was some indication from the pro fiscal separatist parties that they would launch the declaration of independence today. that has been suspended by the spanish constitutional court today. we are expecting there will be a meeting of the catalon assembly tomorrow the referendum rules from early september that were promulgated by the catalon assembly indicated that within 48 hours of a final vote tally being presented by parliament, that announcement will have to be made there has not been a final vote. many polling stations were shut down that does give the catalon authorities some wiggle room we spoke to the spanish
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ministers here she's the health secretary she's catalon. we asked her during a busy rally what she thought of people speaking about spain. >> today we're going to put a stop to indefinite we want to be with all of the spanish people altogether, like always like 40 years ago that we build altogether this nation with spain with catalonia and the rest of the people of spain. >> that is delores montserrat. she's echoing a lot of members we've heard about spain's unity, about the silent majority in catalonia who do not want to separate from the west of spain. this is a discussion that will play out over the next few days.
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we heard marion rahoy say he will use any means to stop this. >> unfortunately, we've lost the line there i think you got the gist of what willem was saying. a lot of uncertainty as we head into this week to see whether we are going to see the catalon leader declare independence in parliament tomorrow given that he wasn't allowed to do that today. to recap some of what we've heard them say the spanish prime minister rajoy said they can prevent them from declaring independence the catalon leader said they will require a referendum law that requires a declaration of independence the law could be applied if it shows a majority in favor of splitting from spain this issue, obviously, also on the agenda not the official one in luxembourg where the latest
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group is meeting jomana >> reporter: good morning, carolyn. yes, indeed. i'm joined by mr. felix. the secretary of finance from portugal portugal is one of the parts of the genda. sir, i have to ask you first how worried are you about the developments in catalonia and a possible spillover into portugal given some of the trading links. >> thank you for having me we are following the situation in catalonia quite closely spain is one of our main trading partners so anything -- any events that unfold in spain are quite important for portugal we think that the situation will evolve in a positive manner and a solution will come but it's not only a problem for
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portugal, it's an issue for europe as a whole. they believe in the european project and that's a concern to have the monitoring supported by all of the countries. >> do you think that perhaps the spanish government responds and perhaps the lack of response from the eu is compromising some of the democratic principles of the eu at this point in time >> i think that european institutions are following the governments, the situation quite closely. these type of discussions are made in a very careful manner and this time i think it's time to speak it's time to discuss and to find a solution. >> let's talk about portugal it is one of the topics of the agenda for today
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portugal is a success story. turn around of the deficit, posting a primary surplus. most recently you got upgraded by standard & poor's are you expecting others to join suit >> we have done the best we can to move forward and to change the country. standard & poor's was not the first. they all the met in portugal s&p was the first of the three big rating agencies to move to investment grade and after the developments by moody's and fitch and since we are very committed to continue this process of fiscal consolidation and grow the job consolidation, i think we'll have an upgrade by the other ratings agencies over the next month.
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>> one other debate, expectation that the ecb may start tapering. do you think the pgb, portugal bond market can see less growing? >> after that raid of standard & poor's and after the positive outlooks and the work that has been done in order to bring that down for the next few years, i think that we are in a much better position to face tapering than what we are two years ago that said, in terms of the portuguese bonds, we have seen more liquidity now given that the standard & poor's upgrade was very important as soon as they move to investment grade, we'll expect more liquidity we think we are quite well positioned to face it in a successful manner.
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>> let's talk with the banking system in portugal do you think the portuguese banking system is well positioned for any new regulations that may come out of the ecb and also to withstand any future financial shocks if they happen? >> the portuguese financial system is much more stabilized after the stabilization of the new investor and dcp i think the big banks are in a better position. they should be finished in the next few days. that said i think we are much better positioned and any regulations that are discussed should come in order to bring more robustness to the financial system and in europe under the portuguese banks with a systemic bank related with a more robust
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banking system today is wolfgang's last year. he once referred to mariano as the cristiano reinaldo of the european finance ministers how will you remember him? >> he's been a very important person in europe and we have a very constructive discussions with him and i think that not only he but other ministers recognize the efforts and success of the current government in managing the financial stabilization in port two gall so we have a very good relationship now the seat, who will replace wolfgang, but definitely it's somebody that has been a very important character in the euro group.
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>> thank you very much, mr. felix. so there you have it, carolyn. we'll be back reporting live from the euro group in half an hour's time and with more interviews later on in the day back to you in the studio. >> thank you very much for that riveting interview. in other news, the dollar has hit a high against the turkish lira the move comes as authorities arrested a u.s. mission employee for alleged links to a cleric blamed for last year's failed coup attempt the u.s. said the allegations were faceless. they suspended all non-visa services it's surging straight up by 2.2% changing hands at 3.69 you can head online to read more about the diplomatic spat between turkey and the u.s you can also follow us on
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twitter @streetsignscnbc you can tweet me @carolinecnbc we'll continue to talk about the crisis in cat at that lone yeah. we'll go back out to barcelona after this short break for your heart... your joints... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember.
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welcome back to the show you're still watching "street signs. show you what's happening in the spanish equity markets we're seeing a bit of a rebound. these are some of the better performing stocks. it's still up by 2.23% this morning. that's bco de sabadell now this is the latest spanish
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prime minister rajoy said they could use the powers to suspend the cat at that lan autonomy they will call for a declaration of independence. puigdemont said they could stop it we have the senior eurozone economist. the big question is will mr. rajoy use the option and vote article 155? >> that's unclear. it depends what the catalan department does. the next step of that process was to do a session of the catalan parliament
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they suspended that session. now we'll have a session tomorrow we may or may not see a declaration of independence. >> at that point all bets are off. this is unchartered territory. we've never been here before what would happen in such a scenario does that mean that the spanish catalan government loses all authority? loses all autonomy new elections are held >> you are correct it's unchartered territory the wording of the article is quite vague. it's not really clear how far this goes in practical terms the most likely scenario is if the government declares, you know -- if they invoke the article 155, they would probably dissolve the catalan parliament. that would buy us time and stabilize the situation in a bit. in my view, it would not
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probably solve much because the new parliament will have similar composition of the current one. >> no, absolutely. i guess it would continue in another stalemate and deadlocked position my question to you is there's been a lot of pressure about mr. puidegmont calling for a vote. not immediately but in the next couple of months could this diffusion tenses for a little bit would this smooth out the autonomy >> it depends on the situation if the central governmentsees this as a conciliatory sign, they might decide it's best not to push the nuclear option there's the side of the movement that has been driving the process until now. they will not settle for anything less than an active declaration of independence. the moderates are getting spooked by reaction in the
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markets, by companies leading. this balance of power meaning the independence movement and deciding what exactly happens tomorrow and what the central government reaction will be based on that. >> you say some of the moderates in the catalan party are being spooked. do you think he would get spooked by some of the banks relocating their headquarters, by potentially losing access to the tax euros? would he not get spooked by a big pro unity march we saw. >> he's more towards the proright food area i think he's always been vocal about independence he's a reasonable person i think he's aware of the risks. i think he's being caught in the middle and moving towards the
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more radical side than the business friendly side. >> how do we de-escalate puigdemont has asked for a negotiator and spain says we are not going to talk unless you drop your call for independence. there's been talk about tony blaire or brittain stepping in. can this be diffused >> i think that's wishful thinking i think the pro independence parties or some of them, they're sort of hoping for that. they're trying to sell the idea that, yes, this is a political contract the eu has said they will not get involved in this i think the only way we can move forward is the catalans backing off from this and we have to have a government in madrid that is a lot less antagonistic than
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it has been now. we're moving an unstoppable force against an immovable object i don't think there's a quick easy out. >> if you don't mind me asking you're from barcelona. you were brought up there. you're from ma dritd you say you're against this independence of those who voted for this what do you think is the key driving factor >> there's a combination of factors. it's an emotional issue. there's a lot of catalans. they do not feel spanish a lot of people were brought up in catalan families and don't see themselves as part of spain. that's not the majority. a lot of people are joining for two reasons. one is an economic reason. the idea that catalonia will be better off
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that's wishful thinking. it's also a factor of the way madrid has been treating the region or the way it's been perceived. i think a lot of catalans are fed up >> appreciate your views from one bombshell to the next, round five of brexit negotiations kick off in brussels today as theresa may prepares to update it and tell them that the ball is in the eu's report. last month they said a miracle was needed to move talks forward. meanwhile, the british prime minister has been urged to fire chancellor phillip hammond for dragging his feet in brexit talks. and theresa may has signal that she may fire foreign sec boris johnson as she intends to
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reassert her control over the party. part of her job is to make sure she has the best people in the cabinet. mr. johnson has been accused of trying to undermine the prime minister the foreign secretary has described he's looking to topple may as, get, his job. germany's outgoing prime minister wolfgang schauble is speaking out why he thinks this is a ursoce of major risk. that's coming up after the short break. don't go away.
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. hello. you're still watching "street signs. i'm carolyn ross and these are your headlines catalonia's president promise the to address parliament despite the prime minister rajoy saying he can strip the region of its autonomy. spanish stocks hitting the highest level in about a week as other sectors join the banks in announcing a shift of sectors moving from the region. turkish stocks sink and the
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lira plunge as they suspend visa services after a rao after an american unable to get to the month of august. good morning, everyone it's monday. if you're just tuning in, let's show you what u.s. futures are up to at this early hour somewhat mixed the dow jones off by less than 1 point. the s&p up by almost 1 point and nasdaq up 7 points we did get the jobs report on friday which was obviously heavily distorted by the hurricanes last month showing the first monthly jobs decline since 2010 u.s. payrolls falling by 33,000. markets fell and you saw the tech heavy nasdaq inching up by four or five points.
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let's draw your attention to what's happening here in europe. there we go. that's the eye beks 3ibex 35. we are rebounding today from deep losses to the tune of 2% to the course of last week. up by 3/4 of 1% today. this is in part because maybe independence will not be declared officially by the catalan leader maybe because they are moving out of the region. take your pick i guess there's still going to be a lot of nervousness for spanish stocks in the weeks and days to come the ftse 100 is off a little bit in the past hour it seems that it's dyed down the xetra is dying certainly we have the strong datapoints the german august output is
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jumping by 2.6%. it beat expectations while seeing nice moves to the outside. in the fx markets, this is the picture largely unchanged when it comes to the euro dollar. changing hands at 1.1733 the rise in u.s. wage growth, that did its part for the u.s. dollar rising a little bit on the other hand, we have worries about north korea preparing for another test it is all very, very muted at this time. cable is rebounding just a touch, 1.3116. spiraling global debt and liquidity cause a problem. wolfgang schauble spoke ahead that there was a danger of new
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bubbles form iing. jomana is live from luxembourg that seems like the last hooray from mr. schauble. who will be the main voice in the euro group going forward >> reporter: becky, that's the big question love him or hate him, at the end of the day schauble was the figurehead for the euro group and the foreign ministers. he's been there since 2009 and was the captain of the ship during 2011, 2012 that only feels like it's turning a corner now. perhaps he feels vindicated. you heard us speaking earlier. portugal was one of the hardest hit during the crisis. if you ask them how they feel about schauble pushing at
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reforms, they said, actually, we did manage to put together this turn around economically the situation is a lot better today and that he will be someone who is missed. he was very well respected by the rest of the committee. now refer to that interview that you mentioned yesterday, schauble said he is interested in maintaining the stability the real challenge for the rest of the euro group going forward is to continue those strengths, continue that era of cooperation and hopefully turning a new page in terms of the european broader picture. >> thank you for that. of course, mr. schauble won't just be missed ond european and international front. he leaves behind a very important, legacy. >> yes, he leaves lined important legacies they managed to get the batches
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in surplus it was the big goal for many finance ministers, but they've never a chofd it wolfgang schaeuble have achieved it there is also a flip side to that he also is the finance minister who is presiding over the highest batch of surplus in germany's history since reunification which, of course, is great the end of his rein of the german finance ministry, what does this mean for the eurozone? commentators are quite divided what i'm hearing from berlin, it does not change a lot if an
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acting liberal would take off. general ma any's strong budgets is also engrained in other parties. so you won't get a big change with a new german finance minister in brussels you won't get a big pro spending slur from a new finance minister when it comes to the european levers of course what might change with a liberal is you might get more investments, in education, in roads, and putting together lower taxes which could, of course, help the balancing of the budget with other nations, meaning, it could actually lower the budget surplus we're not
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seeing it in germany it's the end of an era but of course we're going to be a positive surprise. >> certainly businesses are hoping for some impetus as well. to stale with us coming from the ecb today. a stress test. once again, what did it tell us? >> reporter: well, we had a stress test. it was conducted from i think starting february until now. the stress test was testing bank balance sheets and the result was saying european banks are relatively careful for higher interest rates there won't be any material changes in capital needs when it comes to european banks even if interest rates were to go higher
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by some 200 basis points during the course of not next year. so this scenario is highly unlikely as we all know given the lackluster outlook for inflation for the eurozone still, the bottom line is that european banks, at least when it comes to interest rates, are quite sound. but there's also a but in that story. if interest rates remain as low as they are today, interest rate income could shrink by another 7.5% it also tells you a picture of ongoing low profitability for the european banking industry. back to you. >> thank you so much in the meantime, i'm looking at some comments coming from the ecb. he is speaking in milan, italy we're still concerned about the
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npls he says, the faster we reduce the risk, the faster we can make progress with the banking union. in other news, chinese stocks have come back from a holiday in form hitting a 21-month high. mainland averages have closed 2% higher after the close of a week investors appear to have a shrugged off pmi data. they say it grew at its slowest pace in 21 months. this is as china's yuan lost 1% of its value in the month of september. it's the first monthly lost since the month of april it is believed the currency's rapid rise is unlikely to have affected people.
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the yuan inched up against the green back and the impact of hurricanes harvey and irma was felt in the latest jobs report as discussed before, the economy lost 33,000 jobs in the month of september, the first monthly decline in seven years the job confounded the data. they wanted to put the closely watched hourly figure up keep in mind that volumes on the u.s. markets appear to be a lot lower today given that we are celebrating columbus day now, let's get back to some of the corporate stories credit agricole ceo brassac said he would like to be better
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positioned in germany. the german government is widely spec cue lated to be able to sell the 15% stake a different newspaper suggested they will have a different solution we will remain with baited breath and see what actually happens there with that sort of consolidation. k&s plans to boost its profitability. they've set new targets. the company's hoping the strategic overhaul will help offset the slow recovery in pot ash and swedish supplies the decision comes as he's got
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problems with electrolux now you of course can follow us on twitter @streetsignscnbc tensions on twitter. worries grow in the korean peninsula as u.s. president donald trump rachets up the rhetoric against c why don't you come back. if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. (snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network.
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one of hollywood's biggest film producers harvey weinstein has been fired by the company he co founded with his brother bob. this following reports of sexual harassment allegations they took the position in light of some new information that emerged. and hurricane nate has weakened to a tropical depression after making landfall as a category one hurricane in louisiana and mississippi.
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maximum sustained winds through alabama. surge warnings have been lifted across the region. the fourth major storm to hit the u.s. in less than two months killed at least 30 people in central america before bearing down on the gulf coast u.s. vice president mike pence walked out of an nfl game in his home state of indiana after some players knelt during the national anthem n. a statement released by the white house pence said, i will not dig any phi any event that disrespects or soldiers, flag or national anthem. athletes say it is a form of silent protest and president trump has demanded that congress fund a border wall as part of a deal which would allow dreamers or undocumented immigrants who arrive to the u.s. as children to remain in the country. the trump administration's set of demands includes clamping down on unaccompanied minors in
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the u.s. and holding federal grants for sanctuary cities. they condemn the proposal saying trump was not serious about protecting d.r.e.a.m.ers president trump risks putting us on the path of world war 3. that's the stark message from senator bob corker he said the president is acting like someone, quote, doing "the apprentice." the comments came off trump criticized the former national security adviser prompting a back and forth media spat. peter alexander has those details. >> senator bob corker tweeting it's a shame the white house has become an adult day care center. someone obviously missed their shift this morning those sharp words retaliation for president trump's latest twitter tirade attacking corker as a negative voice obstructing his agenda and a coward who
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didn't have the guts to run for re-election. the president's budget director praising corker. >> i think it will be fun to work for him since he's announced he's not running for re-election. he can unleash and say whatever he wants to say. >> corker, head of the powerful senate foreign relations committee taking this apparent swipe at the president's competence. >> i think secretary tillerson, secretary mattis and chief of staff kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos. >> reporter: among the most urgent threats, north korea. kim jong-un today taughting his count country's nuclear arsenal hours after president trump said only one thing will work with the rogue regime. >> what's the one thing that will work? >> you'll see that soon. >> reporter: the president making sure national security and not health care is his priority i want to focus on north korea, iran and other things.
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i don't want to focus on fixing somebody's back or their knee or something. >> how did you do? >> reporter: president trump also dismissing his response to the people at puerto rico. >> they have these beautiful soft towels. they said throw them to me throw them to me, mr. president. so the next day they said, oh, it was so disrespectful to the people it was a made up thing. >> as for president trump's feud with senator corker, it could have dire implications for his agenda the white house needs corker's support on tax reform, and potentially on a new secretary of state if rex tillerson leaves or is let go. >> we'll wait and see. that was nbc's peter alexander bob cork kerr's comments come as the white house considers imposing new sanctions against tehran they want to designate the revolutionary guards as a terror
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group. they said its reaction would be, quote, firm and crushing if the u.s. decided to pursue that proposal nbc has more. >> reporter: amid growing speculation president trump isn't going to certify the iran nuclear deal by october 15th, iran has hit back warning the united states against designating them as a terrorist group and adding additional sanctions against the country. the very powerful head has made this threat before he said if new sanctions were passed on the country, america's regional bases outside the 2,000 kilometer range of iran's missiles would be at huge risk he said if sanctions were imposed on iran there would be no chance of further dialogue between the united states and iran he warned if the american government was stupid enough to consider the revolutionary guard as a terrorist group then the guards would consider them to be like the islamic state around the world and in the middle east
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setting the stage for a showdown between these two countries. >> iran is a bad player and they will be taken care of as a bad player. >> reporter: now president trump has until the 15th of october to certify or not certify the deal. if he doesn't, it goes to congress who have 60 days to decide whether to reimpose nuclear sanctions on iran that were lifted as part of that deal if they do, it would end the deal between the two countries and it would open a whole pandora's box because then the two countries would step into the unknown. iran would ramp up its nuclear program. nbc news, london this comes as u.s. president donald trump says, quote, only one thing will work when dealing with north korea the latest ramp up of rhetoric against pyongyang. meanwhile, kim jong young has
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appointed his sister we saw plenty of encryptic messages over the weekend. how is this all taken in seoul >> reporter: i will say this is by far the most cryptic message by u.s. president donald trump adding to jitters that it's already there because we've been warned by north korea a few days ago by the statement by the north korean leader kim jong-un himself that he will somehow show his hard line measure against the united states. and, of course, the timing is everything tomorrow is in fact north korea's party foundation day so that's actually one of the dates that was pointed out by skrooe's potential office for the, quote, unquote, provocation by north korea. as you mentioned, let's talk
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about the promotion of the younger sister it shows that kim jong-un is very much interested in consolidating power and focusing on his family members at this point. she is believed to be only in her 20s, so certainly' very speedy, remark annual rise to the ruling party typically the regime's most powerful decision making body in north korea. well, after that weekend and the meeting that he called for because of this party foundation day, north korean leader kim jong-un may be made a player that he is staying on the course saying that north korea's nuclear weapons is, quote, treasure, sword, and that it will keep to this road in the future so basically what i'm doing in south korea is waiting for what could be the big provocation that could come out of north
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korea. in the meantime, a report suggests that the united states and south korea have been stepping up their reconnaissance observations. >> thank you for that update. i want to draw your attention to what is happening with shares of deutsche bank under performing they were close to session lows. up by 1% 14.56. this after there were several reports saying there is a rift wean these two a china based investor holds it. let's get back to our stop tori hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of barcelona calling for unity in spain demonstrators waving the spanish and catalan flags.
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they criticized local politicians who have criticized a secession attempt. quick look at spanish stocks and they are all pretty much in the green. the ibex is rebounding to the tune of 0.8% maybe this is because the calling for the independence has been delayed until tomorrow. maybe it's because some of the panks a banks are relocating u.s. futures looks like this, somewhat mixed it is quieter given it is columbus today that is it for today's show. i'm carolyn ross "worldwide exchange" is up next. bye-bye. okay, i never thought i'd say this, but i found bladder leak underwear that's actually pretty. surprised? it's called always discreet boutique. it looks and fits like my underwear.
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. markets now stocks pointing to a mixed open on wall street as traders gear up for a new week we have your trading day set up. that's straight ahead. breaking overnight, president trump calls on congress to fund a border wall as part of a deal for the so-called d.r.e.a.m.ers. we're live in washington coming up. plus, harvey weinstein is out. the media mogul fired from the company he co-founded as sexual harassment allegations grow. it's monday, october 9th, 2017 and "worldwide exchange" begins right now. ♪ ♪


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