tv Mad Money CNBC November 20, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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[ laughter ] >> a lot happening in this show. we brought the guests back a couple times. >> moffett is the best. >> dollar gen, sister. see you back here tomorrow at 5:00. "mad money" with my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey i'm cramer, welcome to "mad money. welcome to cram america. other part-time want to make friends i'm trying to make you money. call me 1-800-734-cnbc or tweet me @jim cramer this is it, there is the week where the big institutional
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money maskers anoint they're best stocks and start buying them hand over fist. the s&p advanced 1.3%, nasdaq climbed 1.2% the institutions feed to build larger and larger positions so they won't look like morons when they have to show their clients what they own at the end over the year so, how does the stock become anointed first they have to be having a great year third you need to believe nothing goes wrong for the company between now and year end. that's how you get an anointed winner i'm about to give you some subjective names these are my anointed stocks from what i can see. let me give you my top 15 stocks that i think will be bought
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going to the end over the year i'm doing them alphabetically so it's not to slight anyone. these are stocks i see money investors investing in for the next two weeks i'm a stock whisperer. first, the ally bomber, the made up holiday the chinese communist came up with to encourage shopper. alba baa is up 14% second anointed name, adobe. investors want cloud exposure. it's clear adobe's become a major cloud with major sales the stock is up 27% for 2017,
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every time it comes in buyers clamber for more last time the company reported shocked people with its growth a company based on artificial intelligence is a beauty in the hole third is align technology. align, make up inviz line braces that millennials use to look their selfie best. younger people simply don't want to leave their houses unless they look great. there's a ready sales force from invis line no wonder align stock is up 165% it remains cheap for the in the meantime tum chasers -- momentum chasers. fourth, amazon it's easy to just start buying up here.
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amazon is really two companies, it's a retailer and web service provider given amazon has a market cap of $541 billion, that gives lee way to buy more and more and more. fifth is apple you keep buying on the way up and it won't stop being dirt cheap physical it trade 18 or 19 times. apple's one-two punch of the iphone 8 and x gives investors permission to keep buying. sixth is one i don't talk about enough, arista networks. this is as hot as it gets. it connected companies to data
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centers. i'm calling it unstoppable it's the kind of name hedge fund like to anoint seventh, boeing. the aerospace business is in growth mode. inla demand is off the charts these are house seeing times for the year craft makers. boeing's run up. that's how you get anointed. coming in eighth this is the desk bot, it's home depot. the stock's only up 29%. watch it fly if lowe's reports a good quarter tomorrow morning. ninth stock for the end over the year, lamb research. the semiconductor equipment
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maker keeps putting up 5% and hasn't been rewarded as nearly as much as it deserves how can they stop being so cheap, investors are used to the cycle blowing up if there's a huge secular pick up in inlandemand, people pay m for the stock, lamb is up 103% ten, we got '3m, again a traditional. 3m has a lot of greenfield space to run company put on such good quarters i think portfolio managers would be embarrassed not to own the stock of 3m you can't have an anointed list without including my dog right you know you got to include nvidia nvidia come here please. the semiconductor company with the best offering for the gaming center for gaming, auto ton mouse
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driving. given the -- any price can b paid sky's the limit. where do this one stops, nobody knows. number 12, paypal. it is so on fire i don't know if it could with get low by year end. payment processing is the hottest segment in finance and paypal's outpaced everyone in the segment except their next anointed name. square s q. which is on my to do list that's for certain. yep, square. i thought this technology pipe might be running out of gas after 237% year to date. reasonable right it may be still low in the tank. now i'm thinking it may have more room to run thanks to the
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bitcoin connection square by default is now that play, i thought it would falter when cfo, sarah fryer right here threw cold water on square then ceo jack dorsey comes out on twitter fame and say it's a real thesis. 14, vm ware, virtualization solutions. stocks in 50% but it like adobe is pure play on cloud adoption and we know that's one over the hottest themes out there finally number 15, walmart i know it's downgraded by goldman sachs but truth is walmart's the only company that can challenge amazon over term it trades at 22 times earnings if it's anointed it gets a 25.
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goldman says the stock's gotten ahead of itself. perfect, all they had stocks are ahead of themselves. that's that gets them anointed the bottom line, in a perfect world i'd like to wait for a pull back for any of these to tell you to buy any one of these red hot names, tip of year it's very unlikely you'll get a pull back but by some fluke, by some chance if any of these names dips, you should jump all over them oh, i feel it, i feel it al in florida. >> caller: jimmy a good eeg ms to the super bowl booyah to you. >> we embrace the goodness but don't get ahead of ourselves we overpromise and overdeliver
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how can i help >> caller: a while back you gave us home gamers a lesson. we say something about a stock and the stock acts up as if it knows something. tell la pharmaceuticals, next month they come out with a genericic version for viagra the stock has hammered in light of this the stock has gone up very sharply lately. what should i make of that >> the stock has had a ho rent does run down. allergan owns 10%. i don't want to own it until allergan's done it all right here we go look at this, i think you should start your company with the letter a, do you think that this is the pattern no the big investors are anointing stocks this week they all the do this this week every year seasons i've been if the business
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and you have my blessings to do the same on "mad money" tonight i'm focusing on two of the hottest names in this market who has the power to defeat anyone amazon and netflix don't miss an especially pick smack down of one of top stocks in this market and it's time for security stocks much more in the bounty including palo alto. do not mismy exclusive with cyber. stick with cramer.
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that's how i felt last week when i saw david favors interview with john malone he's the chairman of inner media. where do you come across an executive who's so comfortable in his own skin who can speak about any other companies. most investors don't want to step on anybody's toes malone is not one of those investors. last week he talked about amazon is a death star that can take on anyone malone told david and i quote, if you're in a b to c business and your selling anything to anyone on the planet, you got to believe amazon's going to have a look at that opportunity to kmodtize you to use scale to sever the public he's reducing the cost to the consumer and providing great convenience, wow that's one of reasons why the big drugstores are so vulnerable we all know they're inconvenient
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with the counter filled with clerks, not pharmacists. the pharmacists seems to be doing something in the back, they never come out anymore. who needs them and their high prices if amazon gets into the business and lets the doctor sprr your prescription into the cloud and deliver them to your door without the high cost, who wouldn't love that you're talking about the death wish of cvs and walgreens. watch whole foods have a big thanksgiving with some other gak turkey there were rules nestle might build from them, i don't care. m malone talked about netflix, and this is where it got interested. cre hastings decided to bill a
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platform without traveling net flick has the artificial intelligence needed to satisfy consumers the world over it's an edge that put netflix on the way to domination. netflix will beat anyone trying to scale, they've got the directors willing to work for them that's why malone said, and i quote it's way to late, end quote, for the cable companies to ban together to top netflix many mar value that netflix can have a capitalization of $23 million. now while i could argue that boat of these two companies are undervalued and it's reason to believe either one could catch a take over business environment, fox is talking right, i think comparison makes no sense at
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all. $83 billion seems to small of evaluation for netflix do we think a distribution company with local artificial intelligence and ability to make its own ai should really be worth $83 billion. i think it should be more than a lot more amazon and netflix has the ability to defeat anyone they they come up with thanks to the scale and informational edge curtesy of artificial intelligence amazon and netflix are like big brother, they know you better tap you foe yourself if anything i think netflix stock is cheap at these levels and i think it can go higher, maybe much higher. john in north carolina, john >> caller: jim, happy thanksgiving to you and your hard working team and thank you for taking a call from me for
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the 8th time >> oh my that's terrific happy thanksgiving to you and your family. >> caller: thank you jim on friday tesla says it will produce a semi truck tending cummins down to 40%. the stock gained back a half a point today but where does it go from here? >> stephany link and i were halftime with scott waulder today, we taught it was a concern with elon musk who can't produce much of anything beyond what he's currently producing would be able to bring down the stock so cheaply but he did. i think cummins is a buy stephany i think we used the weakens to get comment in. amazon and netflix has the ability to beat anyone they come up against thanks to artificial
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intelligence that david favor interview was something. much more "mad money" ahead. what will brick & mortar see the business model threatened. we'll outline the bull and bear case for the stock cyber up 53% for the past three months could its rebound signal good thing to come? maybe so i'm investigating the move last week a single painting by leonardo di vinci sold for over millions of dollars i'll reveal. so stick with cramer
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what do you do when some wall street analyst tells you to come out and sell one of the hottest stocks in this market, do you panic and head for the hills or do you try to put the growling of the bears in context to see if they have a point? that's the question we need to answer when it comes to allie's bargain story. olli the off price retail chain more than 200 warehouses packed full of merchandise being sold at huge discounts ollie's been a truly incredible performer. one of the pest performers in retail and it's doubled seasons
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i start recommending 19 months ago. both the store and stock infeg goes and it makes sense when you think about burlington and ross stores. it means when other merchandise is struggling ollie come in and buy the inventory for the best prices ollies can turn around, mark up that merchandise slightly and still end up charging far far less tan you ever pay for same branded names in department store. typically 70% less if the way these retailers are scavengers with a lot of locations shutting down left and rate, they generate a ton of inventory, ollie's feast on that stuff that's where they make their money. right now they're getting lots
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of terrific toy merchandise, curtesy of the toys "r" us bankruptcy remember how bad it was for mattel, well it was gad for these guy -- good for these guys i was curios when analyst in citigroup came out last week and initiated coverage on ollies, giving the $46 stock a $39 price target tame many other analysts still better than ollies, wells fargo touched a more positive note they only gave the stock a market rating. wloshd you believe, the bears at city or the bulls nearly every where else especially jp mirror fwon, matthew boss we like him i was on with him at halftime. starting with the bull, because
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the bullish thesis has been on here every since ollies game public as soon as the po period ended stock starts getting love from the analyst community and from us here on "mad money. these days real bargains are one of the few things that will get consumers to leave the house thanks to its ability to buy up close out merchandise, ollies always have friterrific bargain. as wells fargo put it in their market association, quote, we view ollie's model highly -- it's one of the few remaining chains in the close-out business and stores offering a compelling difference in our view 70% less than target stores and
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50% blow mass per chants end quote. when the company became public a littleless than 2 -- little less than two years ago they -- they have over 240 stores today so a lot of room here. third, the company's fwt a powerful loyalty program, ollie's army that keeps customers coming back for more those of us in the bullish camp let's just say we nailed it. meanwhile, the company's earnings grow to 28.6% clip, up from 25% the previous quarter, although down to 34% last year those are some best numbers in show for retail.
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ollie's beating retail too that's the kind of environment where ollie's thrives. it can get more merchandise from stores shutting down ollie's stock is cheaper than that of amazon so what about this new bear thesis the analysts here have a number of concerns. for starters the city worries taxation's gotten too high they fear it might be a small beat, given that investors have gotten use to big beats, this is the kind of thing that might prompt a sell off. second, city's concerned about competition. they see the dollar stores and threats they report, not to mention the massive retailers under pressure to cut prices and of course the city's worried about amazon and who isn't even these bear analyst can see that many of these ollie's
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product is discounted. they can't be sold online because of the restrictions for the manufacturers. the rest of their objections feel like hypotheticals. city fears if ollie's loses it touch the investor can suffer. they're worried that ollie will come under pressure in 2020. if they need that distribution center that could be a high-quality problem finally, city's concerned if they keep opening stores they're on public case for -- these analyst think ollie's might be closer to saturating the markets and the stores can start to cannibalalize each other there's so many caveats i have trouble considering it all that bearish. they like that ollie's is a high
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market business. they like the value proposition, they like the growth opportunities from opening new locations and they look the store level economics. put it all together and city's basically saying the stock has run very far very fast while the business looks good right now, there are all sorts of ways things could go wrong, so far everything's going smoothly if you have to put that many caveats into a sell recommendation maybe you shouldn't will telling people to sell the stock in the first play ollie's is a long time cramer stock. i think it's a good company. it sells for 32 next year time's estimate ollie's has a 19% long-term growth rite with a long time effort to open new stores all over the company here's the bottom line, when you're dealing with red hot stocks you all need to be cog sant of what the beares are saying
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with ollie's i think the bulls are right but the bear haves a point when they say the stock has run a great deal let's open ollie's stock comes down perhaps after a report in three weeks, because this is the name that's worth buying into a pull back. because the long-term story remans very much intact. elaine in new york >> caller: hi cramer i'm a fan of your show and of the companion text book, get rich carefully. >> thank you so much >> caller: my question is regarding johnson & johnson. i noticed 10 days ago it's finally come off of the high it went down to 142 when it was down, i didn't see "closing bell" i'm wondering is this due to the usual locations that you talk about like status funds and et s or is it
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something fundamentally -- >> no e. elaine thank you for saying the kind words about my book in the show i have never felt this confident about what j & j's up to i think it's a plain and simple buy. when analysts go head to head, you win. now, i am siding with the bulls on ollie's but, yun what, maybe just only this much more "mad money," cyber security spending expected to see $1 trillion over the next five years we see palo alto reported a huge quarter. forget last week's $450 million purchase of a dah vinci painting i'm solving the real code right here right now all your calls and rapid fire, and tonight's edition of the the "lightning round" so stick with cramer
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it's all yours. wow! record time. at cognizant, we're helping today's leading life sciences companies go beyond developing prescriptions to offering subscriptions with personalized, real-time advice for life-long, healthy living. honey? you almost done? nope. get ready, because we're helping leading companies see it- and see it through-with digital.
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consider the case of cyber after the software -- cyber software, a company specializes is what is known as privilege --. back in july it re-announced much weaker, closing the stock at 16. lately things have been turning around when sign cyberrock reported again it -- company's getting a lot of business from european, the middle east and africa the company gave strong guidance for the next quarter and the full year. the stock jumped back to 11% on the news let's check in with the founder and chairman and ceo of the company. welcome back to "mad money."
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good to see you. so, it looks like whether you preannounced you gave specific concerns about europe and they also got solved because europe was -- europe was stronger than the u.s. >> yeah, we were pleased with q3, we believe it's a long-term process. we're still a work in progress there but we're pleased. >> i saw customers that we talked about that made so much sense. we had that wannacry situation that effect national health systems. so you got a very big hospital chain. >> they view themselves as a target and this wasan example of a hospital that made cyberark and security >> how do you get that account if does that account see something in the paper saying wow we could be in trouble or are you calling the accounts and say, listen they're targeted
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hospitals? d >> we keep in touch with the industry and we have a good reference base with the customers we have in place we're there when the call is ready. we prospect and control our testfully. >> the transportation company, 300,000 deaths this must be a marquee account >> there is a majority 500 account. 300,000 end points that was hit by ransomware. so cyberark here is connected to us -- >> so what's the new way to pay ransomware, still bitcoin or is it going up >> it is -- >> it is still bitcoin jack dorsey, the ceo says listen, this is what they want, someone is making a lot of money on this. there's nothing you -- you're trying to stop it --
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>> we're trying to prevent it. we work with enterprises that are trying to combat it. but we see smaller organizations come to the ransom and pay >> now you bought conjure, this helps with cloud >> yeah. expanding us to the applications that have moved off to the cloud. it's a unique evolution and revolution it that we're jumping on >> was the cloud relatively uncovered? >> it was uncovered and it's a place where developers are moving fast. security's running behind, so here we're allowing them to secure as they code. >> wow people have been hacking that? >> it's a new front tier for hackers but when you go into cloud you can get everything >> you got a major pharmaceutical chain i have always felt they could be vulnerable but they weren't spending enough. if you get one will you get all?
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>> we totally agree. we have several care accounts there, i would say many around the world, when they go strategic psy strategic cyberarc they can help us >> -- >> the retail government is spending on security and manufacturing also on board. >> how much is state sponsor >> we don't attribute because it's really flaky. sometime they can use code leaked from nsa and use it as an attack point >> when we heard north korea was designated, i figure they must be out there trying to get money this way >> there are cases, there are some that associated with the bangladesh attacks >> and can you stop them
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>> we can't but we can help with cyberhygiene to make sure you can catch a cold but won't bring you down >> that's the best way to look at it. i'm with the founder and chairman of cyberark "mad money's" back after the break. ♪ [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event.
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. it is time it is time for the "lightning round. play the sound, and then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready? it's time for the "lightning round. start with daifrtd in -- david in florida >> caller: booyah from florida >> it's always sunny there what's going on? >> caller: i bought acquirery infrastructure score, mic about a year ago for $70 it's paying out great dividends but the price has been going down the drain >> i think that dividend is a
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red flag we've got to do more work on that they're doing the same stuff that is kind of like what ge's doing and we know that's not good stephen in illinois. >> caller: a big booyah whether cramer how are you doing >> i'm doing well. >> caller: i'm holding shares of stock bras come. >> i think you should swap out of that and go to dow dupont that's the better pick mic in washington. >> caller: hi jim. >> hello >> caller: hello hello. >> you got jim >> caller: hi this is mick i'd like to get your opinion on ole net technology >> alike gio thermal
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it's -- stock feels like it's rolling over i'm a believer. anna in florida. >> caller: hi jim booyah. >> booyah. >> caller: i love your show. my question is i bought chipotle at 4.60 and then it went down rkt i bought more and it keeps coming down. i don't know if i should sell it >> it is still expensive but not as much. that last innocent, that last food sanitary incident i think people are skidish and they have problems making their numbers. i'm not a buyer. michael in florida >> caller: thanks for taking my call i invested in a stock calledtal in china
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the stock was doing very well, recently split, recently hadn't been doing much. what do you think of the stock >> this is the group everybody's been imitating ipo's i'd be a seller. and that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the "lightning round. e reporting today. and, how's it looking? >>i don't know. there's so many opinions out there, it's hard to make sense of it all. well, victor, do you have something for him? >>check this out. td ameritrade aggregates thousands of earnings estimates into a single data point. that way you can keep your eyes on the big picture. >>huh. feel better? >>much better. yeah, me too. wow, you really did a number on this thing. >>sorry about that. that's alright. i got a box of 'em. thousands of opinions. one estimate. the earnings tool from td ameritrade. looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that often reveals a better path forward.
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one painting by leonardo da vinci sold for $450 million, the highest price anyone's paid for a work of art? that's a staggering amount of machine for a painting, especially when you consider it might be a fake. i bring up the auction because it's got me thinking first of all a good art can be a good investment. unless you've got hundreds of million dollars floating around, storing your money in a masterpiece is not an option the art market is zis sadistic if you did have that kind of money burning your pocket i can tell you how to put it to work than in a painting there's still a way to prosper from the work of da vinci, i'm
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not talking about the artist, i moon his name sake the da vinci robot assistant that helps doctors perform surgery. i think it's safe to say this is the da vinci of stocks, not just because they stole the guy's name just like the pointing that sold last week, intuitive surgical price keeps roaring higher, more than double over the past years. the barn thing seems to hit a new high every single day, i probably shoufr included it at the top of the show. what's been driving it higher? first of all, for those of you who aren't familiar with this, intuitive surgical's based on a brilliant idea suppose you need heart surgery, in the old days the surgeon had to crack your chest open with this procedure they can get in there with a few small
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incisions. everything in the food care love they had thing from patients to doctors, especially hospitals, which are always trying to find a way to get people out the door faster intuitive surgical had a raise razzer razzer blade business model. now, it's worth doing that i've been a fan of intuitive surgical on and off seasons way back in 2005 when "mad money" first came on the air i recommended the stock in june, the system's given you a terrific gain. in two months it seems like intuitive surgical half run out of juice there are only so many hospitals out there that needed so many surgery y'a surgical robots.
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meanwhile, over the summer the company got an fda approval for the da vinci x or da vinci 10. in june, i told you all this innovations is just about pay off, given the performance i wish i'd pounded the table harder because the thing's been going up at a straight line. season then the company's delivered two blowout quarters in a row on july 20th, the company's -- 17% earnings growth. more importantly they sold 76 systems. 130 systems in a previous year, we got a big acceleration, thanks to terrific strength in the u.s. the stock sold off
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4.55%. totallying $305 million. numbers were staggering, 78 cent easterning speed that was over a buck 99 basis. the analyst expecting to sell 100 systems worldwide. the companies aren't just selling machinery, the number of procedures performed increased by 15% if you want proof management was keeping the momentum going you got it which is why the stock has been roaring ever since. this will be great for i think people to buy this stock shortly before the numbers were delivered if the stock improved a -- some people saw as competitive to the da vinci system the expert consensus here seems to think this thing doesn't come
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close to da vinci. the ceo came out and told us, quote, we are not going to be competing head on with intuitive. wow. once again the stock turned out to be a fabulous buying opportunity. you may have noticed the stock appears to lower than it used to be that's because they did something a -- they split it they split it 3 for 1. normally i'm the first guy that say stock splits me nothing, they don't changing in about the fundamentals when a higher amount dollar splits sometimes it gets a boaster on lower investors suddenly feel they like can afford it. get this great shareholder base like the people who watch the show intuitive surgical used to trade at well over $100,000 a share,
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post-slit $295,000 stocks up 84%. both of them have trounsed the averages i could argue that intuitive surgical amongs in the same lead group. the one thing that's scared people has been its evaluation i get it's not cheap but intuitive surgical was expensive when i recommended it over the summer too. the earnings for the company way too low. something born out again by the quarter. at the same time the stock is scarcely value because it's one of the few places of the robotic systems out there. here's the appointment line, you may not be able to afford an
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actual painting by da vinci but you can participate in the brilliant da vinci machine the stock has been on fire, i don't blame anybody who wants to take profits but the next time do you get a pull back, remember the weakness in this became has turned out to be an excellent buying opportunity. so, stick with cramer.
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allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. with a level of protection in down markets. so you can head into retirement with confidence. brighthouse financial established by metlife. some of these retailers are going up well if advance of their earnings lowe's up very very big they report tomorrow. dollar tree they report. i'm much more comfortable with the ones coming in cold than hot. look at your portfolio if you're about to get a stock, get a report, and the stock is right there going straight up, i would be a little more careful that is not something i'd want to play with that's fire. there's always a bull market somewhere promise i'd find t for you. i'm jim cramer see you tomorrow.
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