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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  December 7, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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company says it's 25% of global hydropower installations that does it for "closing bell." the three of us will be back tomorrow should be an interesting day, we'll have the jobs number first thing tomorrow morning that's it for "closing bell. "fast money" begins momentarily. "fast money" starts right now. live from the nasdaq market site overlooking new york city's times square i'm melissa lee. tonight on "fast," boeing is the best performing stock this year. the ceo just told jim cramer how he is going to keep the momentum going. jim will be here live in just moments to tell us what he said. plus it's bitcoin mania today. the crypto currency has become a trading parody of crack busting. by the time i finish this sentence it could well be at 20,000 we know you love bitcoin to make it easier, check out the
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bottom left of your screen we'll be on bitcoin watch. >> exciting. >> for the entire hour just like a hurricane, you can watch it go up and down and not miss a second. if that's not enough, one of the largest online brokerage firms will be on the front lines as bitcoin makes its debut on wall street, bitcoin futures. the ceo will join us later first, the drama in d.c. raging on as the house just voted to avoid a shutdown this week the question looms over the future of the tax bill eamon javers has the details plus a new development on infrastructure eamon? >> reporter: that's right, that final vote was 235-193 in the house of representatives that means that continuing resolution would simply kick the can down the road for two weeks and avoid a government shutdown. it still has to pass the united states senate. every expectation is that it will pass. we got some positive imagery at the white house in terms of the by partisan congressional leadership coming to the white
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house to meet with the president. we're told nancy pelosi and chuck schumer along with republican leaders started out the meeting in the oval office, you see the president and the vice president everybody saying they want to get to a spending deal before the end of the year. they took a detour denounc touto the situation room at the white house where we're told they were given a briefing by secretary mattis on north korea. we're also told that the white house is planning ahead for the beginning of next year, assuming they can get past this funding bill here by the end of this year, in january they would like to release some of the details of their infrastructure plan the thinking is it will be about $200 billion in government spending and the idea is that that will spur on about $800 billion in state, local, and private infrastructure spending as well. they want to incentivize as much of that as they can from here at
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the white house. we should get the details in january. melissa, they are still working the tax bill that's been much less visible over the last 24 hours they're in conference committee now. we haven't seen much in the way of negotiations although some of the folks on the house side of the hill floated the idea of a 22% corporate tax rate that might give them some of the revenue they knew. all of that will have to be hashed out those conversations going on privately now. we're still waiting for the date of the first public meeting of the conference committee on the tax bill a lot of stuff moving here tonight in washington. >> thanks for staying on top of it, eamon javers in d.c. you might call it stock paradise >> wow, eddie money. >> that's right. stocks are near record highs not even the turmoil on capitol hill can derail this rally but wait, wait you know what? it's more than stock paradise. it's more like stock heaven.
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the place where money is made every second you've got a strong economy, tax cuts which could be days away from passing, and now potentially a big fat infrastructure bill the white house says is coming in january. can this euphoria last for eternity, guy? >> eternity is a long time >> it's a bad cologne as well. >> i never understood why there was a "g" in cologne i digress. the fact that the vix was lower yesterday, down another 6.5% today. if i were an elected official, i would have tried to bolt an infrastructure plan on top of this tax bill, that would have made things a little easier, but that's me. for me the most interesting thing today, despite this nirvana we talk about, is the fact that the bond market at 1:00 sold off in a meaningful way. for the first time in a while, maybe you're seeing a break and maybe things are starting to make sense to some economists out there.
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for me, the bonds led the day. >> that coincided with the talk of this infrastructure plan. could the economy be heating up? >> maybe it could, right we've had decent economic numbers here now you add on some kind of tax cuts you could argue about how good they're going to be. but they're going to have some kind of an impact. you have an infrastructure impact you probably shouldn't have ten-year yields at 230 again, this all seems really rosy the most important chart to equity starts, to stock market investors, is the bond market chart, that ten-year chart we're showing. as that approaches 3%, you get reallocation out of the stock market into the bond market and that's a headway we're not there yet. that's something to keep in mind for 2018 >> i don't get in infrastructure thing now, actually. they're very close to the finish line on tax. and i think -- i think infrastructure makes it more difficult to even be focusing in that in any way while they're trying to get this done. that's going to be a very
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inflationary thing potentially, right? and they're worried about the budget i don't get it i don't get why to do that -- >> why not strike while the fire is hot >> is it hot >> the gang that couldn't fly street has been flying straight. >> let them get to the finish line on one race, one race >> i totally get it. the entire time we were talking about taxes when we weren't even done with health care. that's the way this team moves >> that doesn't bode well for taxes. >> look, you bring up a great point, and by the way, i don't think you're going to see any infrastructure in blue states based on the way this tax bill is structured because i don't think there's going to be any room what i think is genius, and no one asked me for my view on this >> what's your view, tim >> if in fact you back off of a 22% corporate tax and throw something back on s.a.l.t. to the blue states, it looks like everybody won. i certainly believe you need to give something for everybody here for the market, look at
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transports we were back at the highs again. everyone that was clamoring, something weird going on, really, we just went so far, so fast we got some news and frankly, like everybody here, i think the bond market is worth watching right now >> it's worth noting too that intraday we saw a pop in a lot of material names. martin marietta, vulcan materials, we saw them go up the old trump trade. >> the old school materials that you're going to build stuff with, not necessarily your kind of commodities we were talking about copper, what happened with that this week it's more of the infrastructure plays that happened there. so we're at a period here from now 'til the end of the year when you're going to have very few people who probably want to sell they may want to lock in some gains. it's going to be hard to get a selloff unless the bond market takes off, which it likely is not going to do. the rest of this is a 2018 event. >> so you're sitting at stock heaven >> why do you say people won't be selling here?
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if anything, that was the theme of this week or certainly late last week, brian >> i'm saying they may lock in some but people aren't going to be making major portfolio moves, when you have tax reform and an infrastructure bill potentially coming in 2018 now, you can be disappointed come january but at the very at least i think in my view this keeps people somewhat bullish about this market >> for very wealthy investors, you know, in california, some of the other high tax states, actually taxes are going up, right? not down so that would to me say, all right, if you're going to sell, you've got to think about selling now. it's a significant difference next year. >> you know what i think is fascinating? >> what's fascinating, guy >> i digress as i am wont to do. i love the bitcoin bug or watch we have, it almost blocks tim out of the picture i mean, if we were just to move that a tad >> bye, tim. see you later. >> you know what --
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>> there it is, there it goes. >> we're going to have tim in the corner >> how about we just do a tim coin >> tim watch >> i could disappear >> no, we don't want that. >> never say that out loud >> we would never want that. >> do you invest in infrastructure now >> i don't think -- listen >> we're in a market that's levitating, we're in stock heaven we're going to levitate to the end of the year because of seize nationali seasonality and infrastructure >> the president is trying to get this infrastructure thing somewhere around the state of the union. i think we're getting a wee bit ahead of ourselves i would like to see some details instead of just floating out the platitudes we typically discuss. the short answer is no copper got sort of blitzkrieged yesterday. xes closed up on the day that in our business is called what, bk
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>> a reversal day? >> no, it's called a tell. before you ask the question you should no -- anyway, it's a tell >> jim cramer talks about that >> exactly what did you do anything today >> i didn't do anything today. the last couple of days i've been nibbling back at emerging markets. if you get through some of this noise, i do think ultimately this global story is still very much alive a lot of this has been a range trade. took a little profit in macy's, a little process in u.s. steel, that's going higher. largely the infrastructure trade is just extending what has been a reflation trade. i think it's a very good trade and ultimately material names have lagged. but i think you go back to industrial metals, which have a very good runway ahead of them >> karen >> i didn't do a lot i have been buying recently tbt which hasn't been working until later, i wouldn't declare victory at all, you know -- >> and i don't mean this -- i think you're right when you make these calls on this show
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a couple of times i've noted, especially on a short term, we've had a move back up you just think the tbt, which is supposed to measure two times the long end of the bond marketmarket over time these -- >> there's definitely noise to them >> i guess, you know, i feel like a 10 or 15 basis point in the ten-year which you could get is something which nevershows up in these things >> i think it would have to be more than a ten basis point in the ten-year now we have to get through 240 we're going to get through 250 at some point in time. ahead, boeing is the best performing down stock this year. the ceo just told jim cramer his plan to keep the momentum going. jim will be here after this break. it's bitcoin mania the ceo of one of the largest online brokerage firms will be here to explain how he plans to be the first major online broker to announce bitcoin futures trading. our traders say buyer beware chor"ft nea special report mu me asmoy" still ahead.
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on how he plans to keep the momentum going take a listen. >> you think about the pace of growth, less than 20% of the world's population has ever taken a single flight, believe it or not. this year alone, 100 million people in asia will fly for the first time so when you see traffic growing at 7% a year, it's going to drive economic growth. you think about what that means for production of airplanes, this year we'll build 750 commercial airplanes by the end of the decade we'll be well north of 900 airplanes a year that's manufacturing jobs, right, that's economic growth, that's economic energy >> jim cramer joins us now, hey, jim, great interview, first of all. >> oh, you're very kind, thank you, melissa >> it sounds like he's got the wind at his back right now in terms of everything firing on all cylinders for demand how about the tax plan, how could that help boeing >> it's funny you ask about it, he's one of the chief proselyti proselytizers. they're already buying back a lot of stock he's saying we're going to put
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people to work, we're going to build things, we're going to innovate with it this is our chance to become an even better company. it's the kind of thing you really want to hear rather than just saying, yeah, we'll give the money to the shareholders, which wouldn't be bad, we like stocks, but this man wants to put people to work he wants the company to be great. that's why i was so excited about the tax reform after listening to him >> jc, great job, i heard you this morning talking about boeing being a $400 stock. i'm in your camp do you think the fact that it's gone from 160 to 280 in six months for a company that size, do you say to yourself, it's too much, too fast, you have to take money off the money here >> guy, 100%, you have the big 100% gain. an 18-month projection, you're seeing this is a company that deserves a higher price to reach multiple because it is no longer cyclical, because of what dan has said about the idea that the order book is very long. and i think too many of us still remember when boeing was boom/bust, it would have three
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years good, then three lean years. it's not the case anymore. i think it deserves a higher price than it has right now. >> we're going into year end, jim, would you rather keep money in boeing or go for a laggard at this point >> i would go for boeing i think boeing's terrific. a lot of people want to show they own one of the great industrials. boeing happens to fit that profile. people like to own winners too the idea that the quarter, how is it going to be, i think it's going to be a great quarter or he wouldn't have been so effusive today >> we put up a bitcoin bug, which you can see. >> none of. >> absolutely fun. 16,875 right now i heard you named one of your dogs mr. bitcoin >> i had to. the other dog is named nvidia. the other dogs get jealous ethereum is not pictured there
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you get this kind of fevered pitch, you have to have fun with it the dog on the right, formerly named bug, then named chevron for a while, beats the hell out of me. people think i don't know bitcoin. i know bitcoin he's on the right. >> bitcoin brings you your slippers in the morning. >> bitcoin swallowed a shoe lace last weekend he was sick. he came back and hit 19,000 today. >> jim, great to see you, we look forward to being on your show >> love being on your show, you guys are the best. >> tonight on "mad money" at 6:00 p.m >> i named one of my dogs cramer [ laughter ] >> he did not swallow a shoe >> i wonder if nvidia feels bad now, bitcoin is overshadowing. the new dog in town. >> you should be naming your dogs boeing. at the end of the day, who needs
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bitcoin when you have boeing what they reported in the third quarter was an upgrade in free cash flow, which is extraordinary, they'vebeen wowing people all year with free cash flow. now, what jim pointed out is very important this is a company that's not necessarily looking to play capital markets games but actually is reinvesting in a business that really is a long term business. it's very fairly valued at this point. but it's hard to bet against boeing here. class of the bunch >> this is one of your fast pitch. >> we did a fast pitch too i know i power pitched you're asking me what do i do now. >> what do you do now? >> i took jim down the primrose path, would he be taking profits. >> would you be taking profits >> i don't think so, to tim's point, it's fair values. even if this tax bill goes through, boeing will get a bump on that. maybe some of this move is based on the fact that the market is anticipating it. they report on january 24th. and much like jim cramer, i think you have to be long the stock and earnings still still ahead, jpmorgan ceo jamie dimon speaking ow in new
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york city. will he change his mind about bitcoin? i'm melissa lee. you're watching cnbc, first in business worldwide here's what's coming up in "fast. the traders say it's just a short squeeze. we'll give you the names plus america is going crazy for crypto currencies. and all next week, "fast money" is taking you inside the world of bitcoin how to buy it. how to sell it, how to be a crypto bowler. dit crey,n names in the world ofigalurnc o"fast money" all next week your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change,
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welcome back to "fast money. the s&p breaking a four-day losing streak, up 2% over the last month something curious has been happening to the market. investors are flocking to some of wall street's most hated stocks dom chu has more from the newsroom, hey, dom >> reporter: melissa, is it so bad that it's actually good? that might be part of the story for why we're seeing such impressive moves for some stocks over recent weeks. it has to do with all that negative sentiment and yes, short interest there are a host of stocks out there where traders will actually profit from a drop in prices among those stocks that have seen the bigger one-month moves coupled with high short interest, under armour has 30% of its share float sold short. it's rallied around 12% per month. avis budget also around 30% short interest in its shares it's rallied by 16% in that same time frame upper school burger joint shake shack, 48% short interest.
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that stock has rallied 24% in a month. mid-scale retailer jcpenney with 52% short interest, and a one-month rally of nearly 40%. now, a bigger question is how long a stock run-up can last if it isn't fundamentally driven by improvements in the business so melissa, traders and investors will be looking for those signs that things are at least going on the right track before that real bull case can be made for outright owning the stock. back over to you >> dom, thank you. of those stocks that dom showed us, which ones would you say there will be a hand-off of the baton, so to speak, between the short squeeze and the fundamental story? >> i think it's shake shack, ultimately because this is a company where the valuation was very difficult the question was are they going to do it outside of new york it's very well-run we had the ceo talking about the initiatives they're getting done they'll invest more in 2018. but each new store adds $800
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million or so to ebitda. and $850,000 ebitda, that's important for a company at this stage of growth. the valuation is rich. this has gone from an underperform to a neutral, in fact morgan stanley did that today. >> you have some experience with shake shack. >> i worked there. the ceo sat right next to tim seymour, i cooked that chili burger >> allegedly i don't know if you actually did. >> we talked about it that night, the stock was trading $36, we said there was a lot of room to the upside look at their operating margins last quarter margins are actually going up, they're running the business better and they are expanding overseas shake shack has had a big move i still think there's room to the upside and analysts are behind the curve >> we're seeing the same thing with macy's, up 43% over the last month >> i wouldn't own the stock, just because the short part is over, you're talking about the
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transition >> exactly >> under armour maybe sort of interesting, i don't know. of all of them, shake shack i think is the one to own. ahead, the countdown to bitcoin futures is on. and our resident crypto baller, bk, brian kelly over here, will break down simple steps to shorting the digital currency when they launch on sunday, the futures, that is plus jamie dimon speaking right now in new york city cnbc's wilfred frost with there. what's with all the protests, wil? >> reporter: some protests took place briefly during his presentation and comments on the state of the u.s. and global economy. what he wants his legacy to be and strong advice to his daughters given sexual harassment taking place in the workplace, when "fast money" returns. believe it or not you actually like what you do. even love it. and today, you can do things you never could before. you're working in millions of places at once with iot sensors.
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10th, cme on december 18th, nasdaq sometime next year. the cme and cboe will have trading limits to reduce volatility retail brokers do not have a uniform stance on whether they will allow their clients to trade bitcoin futures, at least not yet. fidelity is not currently allowing members to trade futures contracts. interactive brokers will allow trading but with a 50% margin requirement. charles schwab said it's evaluating its clients' interests in bitcoin including their awareness of the risk. td ameritrade says they'll only allow trading when volumes meet their threshold. with it moving to $16,000 in less than a week, it's no surprise that people like bill gross are advising investors to steer clear of it. >> i wouldn't buy it here until the lava cools, i guess, until
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volatility comes down and it becomes clear that governments are not going to regulate it >> reporter: he's not the only one worried about volatility this morning the head of the futures industry association sent a letter to the chairman of the cftc laying out their members' concerns. they say more discussions are needed between the regulators, the exchanges, the clearinghouses and the clearing firms about what the right margin levels and trading limits should be. the letter implied the margins should be higher the clearing firms are especially concerned because they may be on the hook should there be a substantial drop in bitcoin prices and the margin accounts are unable to cover those losses goldman sachs has confirmed to cnbc they will be clearing bitcoin futures for at least some of their clients. they have not made a decision on whether they will be market makers yet bottom line, with bitcoin blowing up and a futures business about to launch, interest in bitcoin is hitting a fever pitch. back to you, melissa >> thank you very much, bob
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pisani in terms of concerns of the futures industry association, one of them is that the underlying product, bitcoin itself, could move tremendously, it could move over the weekend, where featurutures aren't even traded we've seen a move of 40% in the last few hours it could exceed the limits >> it absolutely could it's not just on the short side too. if you get caught long and it's limit down, you don't have anywhere to go as well this is going to be a little bit of a learning process. it's going to be slow. most of the futures merchants, futures commission merchants are taking a wait and see, slow approach, and i think that's right. we'll see what kind of volume is out there, sunday night into monday this is the deep end of the pool in investing when any asset goes straight up, you have to be aware that trees don't grow to the sky. i love bitcoin, but be aware of what's going on. >> an online broker will offer
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its customers futures trading in bitcoin. the ceo warned on this show that bitcoin should not clear with other products in the same trading house, even took out this full page ad in "the wall street journal" blasting the cme for listing bitcoin futures, saying it could bring down the entire economy but they will be the first to offer online trading come next week let's with just thomas pepetrffy. great to have you back >> thank you >> you see bitcoin possibly going to what, zero dollars, and yet you are allowing customers to trade the futures come monday >> absolutely. >> why >> so our clients have asked us to enable them to trade come monday morning and we will too thdo that. we will offer bitcoin futures starting this monday however, we will not allow
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shorting we will allow trading from the long side only and we'll charge 50% margin. >> okay. so you cannot short -- why only allow being positioned long in the futures as opposed to being able to short bitcoin effectively? >> because assume bitcoin, say, at $16,000 right now, you charge 50% margin, the next day the market goes to over $24,000, which is the 50% it gets logged in, because there is a limit, it cannot go any further. we try to cool our customers' margin, they don't have the money. we have to buy them in we cannot buy them in because then there is no trading, the market is locked up. there is no sellers. and god knows what happens next. so as a result, i think that the
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number of smaller corporations will go bankrupt and that will destabilize the clearinghouse. and i think that the clearinghouse in a great hurry should begin working on putting bitcoin in a separate legal entity >> mr. peterffy, this is brian kelly. it sounds to me like the issue here, and i can't disagree, is the limits, when it stops trading. if they were to change the contract and said, this is going to be trade, there is not going to be a lock limit up or down, would that change your mind, would you think then it's not going to be a systemic risk? >> i don't know. it's certainly going to be easier but still, who are the natural sellers of this product? only the people who have bitcoin. there aren't so many -- there is not so much bitcoin around so if people come in en masse, all buying, there won't be enough sellers there
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>> so why not allow short selling then >> this price could go anywhere in the short term. in the long run, i'm sure it will be zero >> so thomas, come sunday night, monday morning, what's your expectations in terms of volume and how orderly this trade will be >> well, i do not know how many brokers there will be who are ready to offer this. if there are lots of brokers, and there are brokers who are buying short, there will be quite a bit of trading if there are no brokers who allow sellers, there will be little trading >> i'm curious in terms of your decision to allow customers to trade bitcoin futures. what are you charging them when you talk to a lot of people regarding the cboe and the cme and the nasdaq, they make the point that volatility has been
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low, they're basically going to make more because they're going to offer another product out there. is that the way you look at it in terms of why you are offering customers the ability to trade futures? >> we usually charge between 25 cents and 80 cents a futures contract bitcoin is a very risky product. so we are going to start with $5 for futures. >> so it's a multiple. >> yes we want to get paid for the risk >> all right thomas, do you trade bitcoin yourself do you own bitcoin >> no, i don't >> you don't i mean, you're a trader yourself are you curious about it what's your take on this asset >> i'm extremely curious this is an amazing thing how silly people are is just amazing. >> with a nice snicker >> how big do you think this could be for interactive brokers
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on the revenue side of things? >> oh, well, you know, i wouldn't even dare to guess. but i think that if you think about it, if this bubble keeps on continuing, i think that -- i thought about it, and i think the price could go well over $100,000 a coin before it crashes to nothing >> before it crashes to nothing? all right. so there's a long way in what you're calling this bubble here for bitcoin. >> that's right. >> mr. peterffy, it's karen. your stock is now a little bit of a proxy for bitcoin, since you came on the show how do you feel about that giving your thoughts about the underlying -- >> it will go to nothing in five years, no, the stock is doing well because we are growing extremely fast >> and in terms of your forecast
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for bitcoin going to zero, thomas, what's the time frame on that do you have any idea >> five years. >> five years. all right. so you got five years to make money off this thing at interactive brokers and after that it's game over? >> right >> all right thomas, thanks a lot for phoning in, we do appreciate it. >> thank you very much >> thomas peterffy, interactive brokers ceo. very up front about everything >> i actually appreciate the candor this is a man standing in there, making markets, because that's what his firm does, and they've benefitted on it in the gold rush, wouldn't you rather be the guy selling picks and shovels to the miners rather than mining for gold absolutely as karen rightly pointed out, these guys have gone up 55% since july don't you want to get a sniff of what the next token that's going to be traded on the futures? that's the one that's going higher over the last five or six days, everything else has gone down. this has been a bitcoin rally.
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it's seemed like a zero sum game >> as we gaze at the bitcoin bug there in the corner of the screen, $17,000, it is staggering to think that he is saying that within five years, it will go up to $100,000, in which case we would have to enlarge that bug because there's not enough space there, and then to zero. >> it started at zero nine years ago. okay so it goes back to zero in five years. >> do you think that people go back in after they've had the roller coaster ride? >> i think really important, though, to separate bitcoin from digital currencies as an asset class. i have no idea if bitcoin is going to be that one that wins remember, myspace was around a long time before facebook came along, and they are effectively the same product tokens on top of blockchain are here to stay >> who is the next one to trade on futures >> ethereum. >> can you get me on the camera, please i want to cradle the bitcoin
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chart. >> there you go. >> that's not quite right. pat it >> lean on it. >> it's better when it's -- there you go oh, yeah >> to button this point up, do you buy the next currency that could have a futures contract, right? >> of course you do. >> on top of it. >> i do. i think you have $400 billion in network value that's been created out of nothing this is a new asset class. if 1% of the financial assets move to this place, you're talking a trillion dollar market cap. that's 2 1/2 times from here yes, i buy the entire space. no better investment out there >> we played the game yesterday. >> i love games. >> bitcoin stock or not, interactive brokers, is it a bitcoin stock or not >> we don't have thegraphics ready, but yes, it is. mr. peterffy said they're growing, great growth. the stock went from 43 to 60 in
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two weeks. that's more than just great growth that's people anticipating -- >> it did nothing in two years >> thank you >> and then ding ding. >> ring the bell coming up, emerging markets have gone from hot to not. one trader says now is the perfect time to buy. we'll find out what has them so bullish. plus financials on fire. rick ross has three stocks you n y cabuin to get in on this rally, when "fast money" returns. and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa?
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jpmorgan ceo jamie dimon spoke in new york city a few moments ago. wilfred frost has more >> reporter: he said there was slack remaining in the u.s. and global economy, and that here in the u.s. credit is not a concern. mortgages, he said, are more pristine than ever since 2009. credit cards the only area looking to have a little bit of concern, perhaps this was a broader legacy type conversation as opposed to a quarterly earnings focus, going from all topics, including the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. he was asked what advice in light of that that he gives to his daughters. it was a very firm response.
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he said be prepared, be willing to fight back. and he went on to say, what kills me about some of these stories, by the way, are these men, not only do they get away with this all along but there are a lot of men in this room, if we found out he did it to our wife or daughter he wouldn't be alive. i'm shocked there hasn't been murders over this type of thing and i think they prey on the young. he was asked if he's a feminist, he said yes, if it means standing up for people's rights but ultimately he says he's a peoplist, a humanist, more broadly. in terms of his legacy at jpmorgan, he says he wants the company to grow and feed on its for the next hundred years the presentation was briefly interrupted by protesters, 20 to 30 young protesters, the main message on their placards was for corporate and climate change it was short-lived and didn't disrupt the presentation overall, guys. >> thank you, wilfred.
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>> i know we were talking about jpmorgan >> i love wilf, it's freezing cold, he's been standing out there for half an hour, and the guy does worldwide exchange at 5:00 a.m it's 5:46 p.m. now >> and in two hours he'll be on tv again. >> reporter: today i did it with mr. kelly. >> that's right, we had a special bitcoin moment this morning, it was very nice, thank you for having me on >> you're having another one now. >> wilf, thank you, see you on "worldwide exchange" tomorrow at 5:00 a.m let's trade. >> i'm long the banks. i've taken money off the table recently, i feel like so many good things were priced into it. a lot will happen, a lot of that, including tax, will happen, but not 100% sure. it seemed like it was reasonable to take money off the table. our next guest says there
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are three banks you can buy right now. let's go off the charts with rich ross. >> reporter: melissa lee, let's go to the charts and break it down the bkx, banks did a whole lot of nothing for most of the year coming out of the election you can see this very well-defined trading range what happens in technical analysis is that when stocks or indices do nothing for a long period of time, the moves come out of those patterns tend to peak sharp that's what we're staring at now. we've broken out, consolidated and moved higher we'll start globally and work back locally citi group, one of the best performing stocks in the sector. we want to keep buying we see this well-defined trend got this beautiful textbook countertrend and importantly, we make a higher low there we hold that 50-day moving average. that's going to set us coming
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out. you want to be a buyer of citigroup. closer to home right up the street, morgan stanley, not to be confused withstand stanley mn of the patriots. when you see this beautiful breakout of that 17-year down trend, that doesn't happen very often, this big wedge or ascending triangle, you want to be a buyer of that every day of the week morgan stanley finally, we'll stick with the football theme pnc, a very long term chart here you can see this massive base of support here, okay we took out this high, sort of -- bill cowher was the coach there. you move into the mustache, and what happens you're off to the raises here. here's three great ways to play it citigroup, the global giant, morgan stanley, the local giant, and pnc financial, you're buying the banks. >> let's bring rich over, come on over, if arielle will bring
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the chair in >> ever heard of stanley morgan? >> no, i won't get confused because i don't know who he is >> university of tennessee, a volunteer. sorry about that >> good info >> interesting >> that's what we do on this show >> is there a rotation out of something else if there is a rotation into financials >> you saw a little bit of that earlier this week, last month vis-à-vis the weakness in tech and growth i think that's room for both to work higher here i think the rotation is done by machines i don't speak to anyone who says, let me sell a little facebook and buy some citigroup. these are banks and big machines that are doing these trades. they're not part of a bigger theme here i think that banks can move higher and you want to buy these tech stock exchange on these big pull backs. you can buy both >> what does the yield curve look like? is that important? because i think there's a debate people are saying buy banks but we're seeing a flattening of the yield curve until today when we saw a spike in ten-year yield. can you have it both ways? >> yes and the banks have shown you can
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have it this way citigroup is up 26%. the 210 spread looks like bitcoin flipped upside down, which would not be a good thing. banks are focusing on the short end of the curve, it's on fire, continues to boom higher over time you start to get negative we'll have issues. the closer you get, people will be talking about it. in the short term, you're probably exhausted to the downside you saw steepening today on the 210 spread we have tax reform, deregulation, a potential rate hike in december that will put upward pressure on the ten-year this flattening will start to move gently in the other direction. >> rich ross, quickly, goldman sachs seemingly failed, merrill lynch put it on one of their lists, conviction, everybody has a list would you rather buy goldman on a break above that old double top? o or do you think we're buying it here understanding we're splitting hairs somewhat >> no, you have to wait for goldman sachs, up 3% year to
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date, morgan stanley up 23%. that recent resurgence in goldman, the upgrade puts the cherry on that little rally here we've seen the big losers have been the big winners over the last week. that trade is over you want to buy strength, not weakness don't buy wells fargo into resistance at 60 by the breakouts in citi, jpmorgan, you know the names >> say hi to bitcoin, pat him on the head there you go >> the most momentum in the banks, the regionals >> rich ross breaking news, let's get to john harwood in de.c >> reporter: the senate is in the process of passing an extension of government funding, that means there will not be a shutdown tomorrow when the funding was supposed to run out. the current short term funding extension goes to december 22nd. the senate is well over the 50 votes needed to pass that. some senators are still voting
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what this means is the disputes over the dreamers, over defense and domestic spending levels on issues like community health centers, all of those are going to be kicked until december 22nd i think the odds are still that there won't be a shutdown. but that's where the uncertainty now lies before christmas, guys. >> john, thank you, john harwood out of d.c., obviously some technical glitches there >> can we take up the harp from the start of the show, the heavenly >> no shutdown or at least the can kicked down the road >> i don't think people were that concerned about this event, at least for now we expected this, if anything, around christmas is when you worry about it it's one more example, clearly some of these events, we're looking for events, there are real ones out there but this was not one of them. >> i think we lost the bitcoin ticker that's all i was concerned about. i see tim with the bitcoin ticker >> i stole it. it's very valuable >> i think it's a nonevent for the markets. most people were expecting the
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can to get kicked down the road, precisely. we'll see what happens at the end of the december. even then there's a little bit of wiggle room suddenly emerging markets have gone from hot to not. are y anof our traders buying the dip? we'll find out when "fast money" returns. see that's funny, i thought you traded options. i'm not really a wall street guy. what's the hesitation? eh, it just feels too complicated, you know? well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade
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emerging markets have gone from hot to not. mike khouw is at the plasma to break it down. >> we saw somebody selling 64
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1/2 thousand of the 39 strike puts, and then selling 64 1/2 thousand of the 48 strike puts they're getting long a quarter of a billion dollars of eem, making a bullish bet it will be higher thanks, mike up next, final trades. the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. bacteria can multiply to high enough levels that even cooking it will not destroy all of them. it's definitely the most important thing in my business. how fresh is the fish? where it comes from? how it gets here. the more i know, the better.
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sometimes the product arrives and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. we took our world class network and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. this device allows people to understand what's happening not only with the location of that asset, but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... it's completely unique. we ship fish, beef, poultry, vaccines, insulin. this is about monitoring and protecting everything we ship. i catch all this amazing, beautiful fish and then once it's out of my hands, i have no control over what happens to it. if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. it's really all about the network. you are looking at trillions of transactions a year. not too many companies in the world can even scale to that type of volume. who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe?
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food has to be fresh. it's that simple. tim? >> like that options trade get back in emerging markets and trade it
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>> i think inflation is coming >> if that's the case, you can have higher rates and higher u.s. dollar. >> the freeport mac more an, that was a tell there, melissa >> thanks so much for watching see you tomorrow at 5:00 don't go anywhere, "d nemamoy" with my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, i'm just trying to make you some money my job isn't just to entertain you but to educate and teach you. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. where did the buyers come from today where did the seller


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