tv Mad Money CNBC December 20, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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>> right part of that thesis is you have an engaged founder i sold it today. >> name one hockey player. you don't have time, sorry >> wayne gretzky i'm melissa lee. "mad money" starts right now. g. "mad money" starts right now my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market in summer and i am going to help you find it. welcome to "mad money. well creme to cramerica. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc.
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today the dow dropped, and the nasdaq edged down .04% what does it mean to fit the profile? the company has to be a direct beneficiary of new tax law and it needs to come from a co-hert under loved by wall street in order to garner support from today's portfolio. what stocks meet that criteria the craziest ones, that's what let me give you a classic example of crazy consider the stock of newcorp, the steel maker. newcorp has been tough to handle in 2017 rising 27% for the year, far behind the averages and spending well below that level because the company has performed at a less than optimal rate we've been advising members. it could be a rocky road basically you had to hold your nose and buy it because it will
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eventually come back in favor of the wall street fashion show last thursday before the open, newcorp gave you an update on its fourth quarter telling you it was going to earn between 50 and 55 cents a share now, mind you, newcorp had already forecasted the report slightly down numbers from its previous quarter this would be the announcement that marked the third consecutive quarter that newcorp's lowered estimates. can you imagine any tech or pharmaceutical company doing that without seeing its stock cut in half? what happened to this stock of newcorp? it went down a wee little -- just a wee little bit. the shocking thing, though, is that it lasted for the blink of an eye even if you squint, you would have a hard time seeing on the chart. get this, today newcorp stock actually traded above where it was before the preannouncement less than a week why? because it fits the profile of
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what the big buyers in this market now want. that's why yep. it's a company that can do much better if the economy accelerates. it pays 31% effective tax rate and stands to make a lot more money under the new law and newcorp should benefit from the president's trade policy, namely forcing the chinese to stop dumping steel here the commerce department could crack down on china as soon as next month newcorp, the company couldn't shoot straight it completely disappointed earnings has gone from hated to loved in just one week's time after a preannouncement. textbook example, high quality cyclical that hasn't moved up dramatically stock could go from 63 to 70 what else fits the profile how about the stock of federal express? fedex management said they raised the forecast substantially, well above what wall street is currently looking for, when the tax bill becomes
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law. it just did. unlike newcorp, fedex is doing incredibly well. the company also made it clear that business will get even better under the new tax regime. not only that but they also will buy a lot more plant and equipment as these large purchases on capital get much more favorable under the tax code i bet they buy a bevie of planes and take advantage of the tax breaks one more reason to buy boeing. people are worried about how amazon's delivery plans could impact fedex on the conference call the company revealed even their largest customer accounts 3% of sales. fedex does well under the tax bill and benefits from a better global economy a total winner no wonder it rallied to an all-time high. do you know who else fits the profile? get this the banks. used to be worse you could pick any of them you want to. they're all pretty cheap anyway.
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i'm partial to citi group, gradual rising short-term interest rates plus longer rates are going up lately. what it pays you and your deposits and the much higher amount they charge for loans beyond that, a little noticed change in the tax law has created an anomaly where it's cheaper for international industrials to borrow money oversees and deduct gains in those countries rather than deduct the interest here do you know what people will start talking about this i know they're not yet it's something i discovered. it's terrific for banks with worldwide tentacles. goldman sachs, which can act as international bank agents for domestic borrowers who want to take advantage for the better tax schemes overseas when it comes to debt. i bet somebody upgrades goldman sachs tomorrow wouldn't shock me. the whole banking group are about to rise substantially. they're all cheap versus the rest of the market anyway.
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no wonder the stocks just won't quit what doesn't fit the profile what's being sold? sell, sell, sell. >> i would argue big international techs, alphabet or amazon may have billions of dollars overseas that could be repatriated but they'll stay overseas because that's where they need. they want cyclicals that are going down much larger year over year erchings gain alphabet, amazon and fellow fang travelers aren't losers to the new tax regime i wouldn't sell but they're far from the biggest winners how about those big global drug stocks they don't fit the profile they're being beaten down left and right because they have a lot of international exposure which means they don't benefit as much from the domestic tax
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bill then a company like san teen, which is all domestic. highest tax rate you can have. the companies will get a huge earnings boost next year buy, buy, buy. >> some insist that these gains are baked into the stock market. they want to tell you it's too late to buy many of the winners. i think they're wrong. i think they're very wrong [ buzzer ] second the global economy is doing much better than it was not that long go ago big industrials will support upside surprises with fabulous guidance and who know what is they'll do with the tax cut. winners aren't particularly loved here sure, boeing stock is flying high wall street has totally fallen for caterpillar. i took a good look at a great american industrial. emerson. after i saw this very morning that orders were up 20%.
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it's already a 52-week high. i know i know. i know when i look at how analysts are positioned, there's seven buys but 14 holds what happens when those holds upgrade to buys? which is what i expect almost immediately because emerson's earnings estimates are way too low. i bet the stock goes higher, raising numbers emr by the stock. you may feel like you missed it. i'm not going to say that you haven't let a bunch of trains go by they've left the station without you, tech trains nonetheless the bottom line is that there are plenty of other stocks that fit the profile and they're ready to make another. and i think maybe substantial move even here i think they're still worth buying zach in pennsylvania >> caller: yes, jim. how are you? >> i'm good, zach. you know what happens when we play the oakland raiders next week >> caller: we're going to beat
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them so bad. >> i took a chance that the guy wasn't from steeler country. >> caller: i'm from philly. >> good deal, man. >> caller: absolutely. >> go ahead. >> i saw your segment on columbia i'm a big fan of duluth. wanted your opinion on duluth trading company with all the stores opening. >> ease kal here look at the commercials. they're terrific, the apparel is great. stay way from the stock. ragu, my home state. >> caller: jim, happy holidays. >> same to you. >> hey, jim, a question regarding this stock i bought last year for $30. right now it's close to 54 should i hold or sell? >> i know it looks cheap but i don't like the insulin space
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i always worry about some sort of price controls. stay way from that one bill in new york >> caller: hi, jim, happy holidays to you your staff and your family. >> thank you the same >> caller: thank you for the great advice you give. i would appreciate your short term and long term view on mtm. >> a lot of people going there for a long time. the stock looks like it's down and it's not trading as well as mariot or southwest air. it makes sense over the long term it is entertaining, experiencial and fantastic on instagram you may have missed a lot of the move but plenty of stocks hit the profile to go higher is it time to get bullish on the stock or could unknowns
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continue to plague the company then what happens when an activist investor makes a mistake? i'll tell you why elliott's management involvement with hess could provide a case study with a happy ending. improving global economy provide a lift to travel stocks? under the radar, playing the space when i turn in tonight's homework stick with cramer.
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i think that she's a very nice girl... you never got the brakes looked at? oh yeah. no. at cognizant, we're helping today's leading manufacturers make things that think and do automatically. imagine that, a world of new digital products and services all working together for you. can i borrow the car when it's back? get ready, because we're helping leading companies see it- and see it through-with digital.
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we're drowning in information. where, in all of this, is the stuff that matters? the stakes are so high, your finances, your future. how do you solve this? you don't. you partner with a firm that advises governments and the fortune 500, and, can deliver insight person to person, on what matters to you. morgan stanley.
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sell implants, hips, knees, you name it. they bought them to a great deal of fanfare yet time and again fail ed failed to make their promises quarter after quarter. zimer's ceo announced sudden departure in july, the stock caught a nice bounce with dvorak gone, they were saying it was ripe for a turn around i told you it was too soon to pound the table. in part because they hadn't put in a permanent ceo to fill his shoes yet this kind of omeback takes time good thing we didn't jump on the band wagon the last five months, zimer stock has continued to fall. almost entirely as a result of
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two fairly ugly quarters you can see how badly people wanted to believe the stock would get slammed and then start creeping higher again with analyst after analyst. and then the next bad quarter would come out and it would go right back down. finally yesterday morning, they named a permanent ceo, brian hanson, veteran of medtronic and the response was as bullish as it was dramatic a third analyst named zimer her top pick for 2018. stock surged nearly $7 or 6% yesterday. >> house of pleasure. >> biomet, zimer, are they right about the timing i said i wanted to wait to pound the table until we knew who the new ceo would be
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now we know. does that mean it's time to buy or are there other things you need to take into consideration before you pull the trigger? firts, turn arounds do not happen overnight when the company reported th end of july, headline numbers weren't terrible guidance for next quarter was very disappointing zimer slashed his four-year sales. don't take my word for it. just listen to zimer's chief financial officer who, at time, would serve as ceo he told us on the call, quote, sales quota fell short due in part to production delays and slower than projected sales recapture from previously affected captures in the united states, end quote. this is exactly the kind of bungled execution that plagued
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zimer. the stock immediately plummeted 13% on the news. we were about to get the first full quarter without dvorak at the helm again, zimmer disappointed, a small top and bottom line miss even after the global guidance from the previous quarter works. imagine forecast for the following quarter were much lower than wall street was expecting. and yet again, management cut their full year guidance it was like these guys couldn't catch a break. problem this time around going back to the well here. quote, top line results remained the chag challenge due to the pace of supply key brands as well as soft market conditions and slower than anticipated sales recapture, particularly in the united states. i mean, this is supposed to be
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one of these health care companies that it doesn't matter how the economy does holy cow it seems they've been struggling for ages and never can get it right. still it's important to point out that analysts and investors are trying to fight the decline ever since dvorak stepped down it didn't take time for the stock to start catch iing upgrades i understand why zimmer's problem should be temporary. once that's sorted out it will be a much better story ton of excitement about a new ceo coming in even before we knew who he was. then we find out that brian hanson is getting the job this is a great hire. stock surged from 114 to 121, single session
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goldman upgraded the stock from sell to neutral, arguing that things are looking up but will still take time. right off the bat in order to start a lower bar for themselves makes sense to do. zimmer sells and they see the stock narrowing the gap. that makes a lot of sense to me. deutsch bank raised the price target people have wanted to love zimmer for months and now finally have a reason to do so i'm very positive on hanson's appointment. after medtronic bought qvidian, he oversaw, as the bio integration has been by far their problem, plagued them the whole way.
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some people might be thinking it's just zimmer biomet is putting itself up to sale, perhaps to medtronic still a major position and never been shy and pushing for a sale. ask the guys that used to run whole foods. you know what i mean but -- this is the biggest of buts, you're going to have to be patient. do not expect fabulous results the next time the company reports. potentially lowering the bar even more. here is the bottom line. i believe zimer can, at last, turn itself around with this gentleman, hanson, at the helm you may want to wait for the company to report in six weeks
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if hanson under promises, the stock will like ly sell off again. this could be the last bad quarter and the stock will jump, be my guest. as this is, by far, the cheapest stock in the group because of all the things that have gone wrong. problem is, remember, it could get cheaper still when we see the quarter. so leave a little room to back up the truck much more mad money ahead. with rumors that elliott management, looking at performance. then good news if the dog ate your homework. i did it for you and i think i can make you some money. how my holiday shopping clue could tell you what to do with the stock of -- stick with cramer
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almost everyone and their brother have given up on it. you have to wonder, you have to wonder whether we finally reached a bottom we have sonk ronnized global growth while the saudis have exercised a level discipline very few people expected while it's true america is producing far more oil than people expected at these prices, projections have dropped in the proverbial opec bucket plus while most of the world has turned on fossil fuels our president has embraced them.
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what do you do if west texas crude, which has been in the high 50s of late, actually finally breaks out the 60? considering how many investors have given up on this group entirely, i think you need something more than just hoping for rising oil prices. even if you expect the world and the rest of america. i think you need what we call in the business a catalyst, a spur. maybe you should be thinking about buying the stock of hess it's got someone saber rattling for the drchlt eo to go and the company to put itself up for sale elliott partners, activist fund run by the brilliant paul singer, who made fortunes for its investors. roughly a year ago we gave these
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guys a hard time for their earlier involvement with hess. they built a big position with the company. in retrospect, it was a bad call hey, in the immortal words of "some like it hot" nobody's perfect. still, elliott has been biding their time, waiting and waiting for management to get its act together to turn things around why did they decide suddenly to mount another activist campaign after all these years? simple hess has been a dog. the stock is now $34 elliott wants to put the company up for sale. some of the parts could be north of $70 a share why is it all undervalued? what's the company doing over there? every time hess has reported this year, even when the headline numbers look okay, there's been a negative catalyst that's ended up disappointing
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people [ crying ] there's been plenty of short falls. last time they reported in october they delivered a big revenue beating but capital expenditures managed to convert that into a miss and their stock got hit yet again. now, hess has made some big asset sales this year. selling its premium base to accidental for $600 million. in october their holdings in norway for $2 billion and an agreement to sell their fields in denmark next year the company has raised a ton of cash plus in april they spun off their pipeline business. and they started cut costs, albeit not as aggressive as it should some of the cash it's raised to pay down debt. buy backs. now a pure play expedition and production company
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they got rid of those gas stations, with valuable assets in malaysia, gulf of mexico, balkan shale this east guana holdings could be $6 billion. but the company has major issues in the balkan shale there's a general sense they're operating poorly they bought these assets from a guy named mr. balkan pretty early. more importantly, investors have gotten frustrated it's taken these guys so long to get things going. there's a larger scale problem its assets are too disparate, scattered all over the world and that's why elliott has decided to go public with its concerns again what do they want? more asset sales
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companies malaysia holdings, more buy backs and they want hess, here is an odd one, to cut the dividend n part because ceo, john hess -- let's call it an undeserving bonus for him. maybe that's not the best use of capital. finally, elliott so unhappy with management that they would like to see a full sale or maybe, yes, the whole company at least the outright firing of hess they believe management has lost all credibility because of its overall strategy when management says just wait for guana to come online in 2020, nobody believes it the whole is worth less than the sum of the parts that's which i like this stock hess is at $34 now when you look
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what those assets could be worth as part of a sale you could easily get to a much higher price. that's how poorly run this company is if they just sold everything to someone, you could almost double in value will john hess take it seriously? elliott may want a relentless proxy fight of the kind they're so good at and that you don't want to be part of at least if you're management. at work, it could. elliott won three board seats the last time and two of those directors are still in place beyond that they forced the company no not make other companies with money and gas -- and investors would be on their side given what i just described as the stock's terrible performance. if elliott gets its with a, hess' stock could go much
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higher i don't think there's much downside left given the recent rebound oil and stocks the next three days put on a small position. foolishly try to fight off the activists rather than surrendering to their demands. patrick in arizona patrick! >> caller: hi, jim the question is about morgan i've taken most of my losses on oil stock bus not tinder down about 58%. do i take my losses and reinvest or stay with it longer >> i'm not a fan of this company. if you wanted to be in a pipeline company, i tell club members mmp, which is magellan mid stream partners, all oil, 5.25% yield. much, much better buy. vic in kentucky.
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victory. >> big boo-yah from kentucky. >> what can i help you with? >> i would cut your position in half if you own some ring the register. too speculative for me how about tim in maryland? tim? >> caller: hey, jim, can you hear me? >> you bet sound great. what's up? zwlk i had a question on nrg is there a buy, sell >> we're too late. it's up 120% time to find another cut in, leonard d or a & p you need more than just that kind of rally on the stocks. you need a catalyst. and hess has a real spur i think it will be upside ahead. much more money ahead.
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♪ let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2017 rx 350 for $399 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
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i always do the homework and circle back to it at a later date that's what this is all about, answering your questions and telling you what you need to know in order to become a better investor with that in mind, let's do some homework for some calls i didn't really know. first up on halloween, a call from sal in new york who was asking about a company called smart global holdings, sgh could be anything. turns out to be a semi conductor company. it's been a huge winner, up 188% from the ipo price all sorts of end markets sounds like mu that stock should have been up more let's talk about this phenomenal
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run since the ipo. smart has been riding high thanks to the strength in semi conductors and the strength in brazil, a burgeoning chip making industry and comes from more than half the company sales. that's allowed smart to enter we recently have seen some things that give us pause about this company for starters smart held a second offering late last month that pushed the stock down. this is about allowing silver lake to register the deal didn't price well and the stock got slammed. in other words, it was sloppily priced and it drove the stock lower. second, company's long-time ceo is stepping down some time next year i don't like that. on the other hand, smart reports tomorrow night i think there will be a lot to
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like although probably won't take too many people by surprise. this is all about the guidance that's what we want to hear. if the guidance is good, the stock could work if it's disappointing, look out below. where do i come down on smart global holdings? yellow light, proceed with caution. i like the story okay but i don't like that the ceo is retiring or the private equity backers are going to get out noticeably flash we heard that, we know that. flash did peak in october and it could go down further next year. on the other hand, though, if you believe the estimates are -- that predict good numbers, the stock is insanely cheap. sells for less than nine times earnings in the end if you really want to speculate on semi conductor plate, go with smart global holdings but please be careful this thing is still pretty high. you could get burned
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next up, november 15th donald in new jersey asked me about a company called travel port worldwide, a technology company that aims to improve the experience of buying, selling and managing travel. business-to-business travel marketplace. they are a leading player in airline merchandising, hotel content and distribution car rentals and so there's certainly a lot going on here but travelport, the stock, has been a bit of a dud former blackstone private equity company became public at $16 per share. this thing now trades at $13 the problem? first travelport has struggled to grow since its ipo. company sales increased just 3.8% compared to expedia 16, 18%.
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the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. bacteria can multiply to high enough levels that even cooking it will not destroy all of them. it's definitely the most important thing in my business. how fresh is the fish? where it comes from? how it gets here. the more i know, the better. sometimes the product arrives and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify
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where in the cold chain that occurred. we took our world class network and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. this device allows people to understand what's happening not only with the location of that asset, but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... it's completely unique. we ship fish, beef, poultry, vaccines, insulin. this is about monitoring and protecting everything we ship. i catch all this amazing, beautiful fish and then once it's out of my hands, i have no control over what happens to it. if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. it's really all about the network. you are looking at trillions of transactions a year. not too many companies in the world can even scale to that type of volume. who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe?
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food has to be fresh. it's that simple. when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. fidelity. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
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it is time and the lightning round is over. are you ready? lightning round. toni, in illinois. to tony >> caller: cramer, first time caller merry christmas and thank you. what's your opinion on axti, please. >> it's -- okay. this is a company that helps make the semi conductors that frankly i don't want to be involved in so i'm going to say no i'm going to say that you could be intel or yes if you want one that is going to be down till year end i do like nvidia down for -- let's go to darius in north carolina. darius >> okay hey, jim. >> darius? >> caller: i've got a question for you. [ inaudible >> i like it now for a little while.
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i don't think it's done. could even go higher it's very well run now i like the stock come back on this show, please how about gregory in new york? >> caller: boo yao, jim. >> i would buy the stock p-o-s-t. will in new york will >> caller: hi, jim, will from new york love your show happy holiday. >> same. >> caller: i bought mariott, mar. >> let it ride, my friend. quality company. goes higher. how about bob in ohio? bob? >> caller: hey, jim, booyah, jim, cincinnati. >> cincinnati, procter & gamble. >> caller: there you go. >> what's up >> caller: agx i've got a small position in there, about 43. >> do more work on that thing? i have been itching to do more work on it
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i don't have an answer right now. let's go to victor in south carolina victor >> caller: yes, sir. >> victor, you're up >> caller: hey, i've been trying to understand chinese social media and following ups and downs and was wondering what your thought -- >> nochlt the only one i'm recommend tlg is alibaba these others are too hard. no, thank you. let's go to brian. >> caller: booyah to you thank you for everything you do for us. >> thank you thank you. >> caller: jim, i'm calling about square i purchased it, unfortunately, at $45 a share it's dropped 20% should i hang in there >> it got caught up in bitcoin mania. we had sarah friar on, said it wasn't going to be that important then jack dorsey said it would be important. so i am between myself and i
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don't know brent, michigan? >> caller: b-b-b-b booyah jim. >> sweet young men and women of power, aeo the other day when i was on half time report, american eagle. this group is smoking. it's been left for dead and it's not dead and i like it! let's go to jack in pennsylvania jack >> caller: i'm here. >> hey, jack >> caller: yes, i'm here. >> jack, it's jim. go ahead. >> caller: yes i'm wondering about ppl. >> yeah. you know, there's -- the guy i recommend selling that stock the other day. i used to pay these guys a lot of money my favorites are dominion, con ed and i'm not changing my mind. to sean in nevada, sean? >> caller: from las vegas, jim booyah how are you doing? >> i like your team.
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there's like 17 teams now there. what's up? >> caller: a question and a comment for you. number one, boeing really goes four, five, 600 i'll send you a briefcase full of money. >> as long as it's got bitcoin in it, i'm okay. >> all right the other one is i've got a question about sales for how come they announced they're partnering with goolgle. >> most definitely i would stick with that one. >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsor bid tdameritrade eh, it just feels too complicated, you know? well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated.
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some ideas are mutually exclusive. you can dislike the new "star wars" movie for being too similar to the originals or being too different. when it start to say it's too similar and too different seems like you want to hate the thing for any reason iphone x, i wanted to bring one for my wife who very much wants an upgrade she's sold on the picture, beauty of ten and, of course
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since hee doesn't watch this show, would it be easy to get her one? it might be too late for christmas and maybe there aren't any left in the stores which was the case when i went buy one earlier this month thinking i should avoid the big stores i went to the beautiful apple museum across the street from the beautiful whitney museum only one of those is an actual museum have you seen that gorgeous store with the glass walls and spiral staircase, a sales person came to my aid i struggled. no, they didn't have it, which would then force me to trapse up and town the very pricey madison avenue looking for another pricey present she had the 10 but it was a silver one then asked me if i wanted a charger. finally the ear buds, have you the buds i hear they're constantly sold out. sure enough they didn't have any
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left see the e-mails, what people are saying let me summarize it this way it's terrible for apple that i can get the iphone the other half said it's bad for apple they only had the silver it shows the company didn't even know what it was doing, no idea how great the demand would be and didn't make enough phones for the holidays and worse the fact that they ran out of ear buds shows they're complete knuckle heads. trying to figure out what the demand will be for literally tens of millions of people can we accept the fact that both sides of this space accountant be bearish the fact that they have what i wanted and haven't run out of the iphone x ahead of christmas, you don't like that? that's stupid. you would like the company more if they had nothing left in stock a week before the biggest consumer holiday in the world? is that what you want? same token, how can you fault apple for only having that one
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color left in stock? how on earth would they know what would is he sell out faster ear buds, i am upset about this one. wonder what the heck i was doing with a string around my neck jog ing on the treadmill wireless ear buds are so much safer and cooler and easier to use. it's a bumer these things are flying off the shelves pretty nice problem for apple. can we admit that you can't fault them both ways i say all things considered if you own the stock, as my charitable trust does, you should be thrilled they had inventory but not too much inventory. too much inventory is, quite frank ly, the bane of a retailer's existence this is a deal this whole story is anecdotal. they thread the needle as good as they could have even up here you should own, not trade the shares of the greatest
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consumer products story the world has ever known and can you believe i'm saying this in front of millions of people and it will still be a surprise to her? [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event.
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morgan stanley lot of people asked me today about high-quality companies like red hat, down a lot like sales force earlier today remember, these are companies that don't fit the profile right now, though, they are being thrown away. you know what? we get a couple of slow growth numbers and you'll be saying, why did i throw away red hat why did i dump sales force so just stay diversified and understand that your highs with both companies right now don't fit what the portfolio managers want they're out of style but it doesn't mean they're done. so, please, don't throw out the baby with the bath water i like to say there's always a bull market somewhere i promise to find it right here just for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer and i will see you tomorrow
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>> welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. if they hear a great idea, they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪ peter ferreira, and dennis iannoti, who are seeking an investment for their pumped-up nut butters. hi, sharks. i'm neil cameron. i'm peter ferreira. i'm dennis iannoti. and we're... all: nuts 'n more. we are seeking $250,000 for a 20% equity stake in our company. good ol' p.b. just got a face-lift.
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