tv Fast Money CNBC April 3, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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we will provide additional information in approximately an hour once we have it. >> and when you talk about the situation being secured we initially had heard this was happening a tlt youtube headquarters but now we are hearing that there may be multiple locations can you confirm that >> i cannot. that is not -- i have not been informed of that i don't believe that that is correct. >> okay. that's good to know. we are piecing to the probably as much as you are at this point. >> right. >> i would imagine you are a little bit in the dark with such a dchaotic scene. >> we heard there were several people transported to stanford hospital, four to or five and an additional three or more to san francisco general. what do you know about the extent of those injured and the extent of their injuries >> i heard the same thip from the media but i have no information to confirm numbers of injuries or transport to any
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medical facilities. >> that's the local nbc affiliate kntv reporting on shooting we understand happen a little over an hour ago at youtube headquarters not much more information at this point if you are just joining us, contessa brewer has more. >>lets' be clear this is an active scene right now, active investigation with dozens of police officers there in san bruno at youtube headquarters and you can see some of the people who have been brought out of the building. but what we're told is that there is no immediate threat any longer to the public at this point. but still a very active scene as people are being taken out of the building and going through a kind of checkpoint to make sure that there is no weapons there, that police need toy wear of an update on those injured we have learned there have been four to five people sent to stanford hospital and an unknown number sent to san francisco hospital and what it says on zuckerberg san francisco general hospital's website is that it's the only
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level one trauma hospital serving san francisco in northern san mateo county. that's important to note because while it is a distance away from youtube headquarters it might make sense that people who need critical treatment may be sent there. google is working on it. they plan to communicate with people through the youtube twitter account for google communications so far, nothing meaningful there. we know there were a number of shots fired earlier this afternoon at the youtube headquarters there in san bruno, california this is very close to the san francisco airport just across the 101. and you are seeing a map there we also know there have been tweets coming in from some of the employees there talking about the fact that they were in meetings and shots were fired and they were hunkered down, locked down in their offices one employee actually tweeted out that when he left the
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meeting he saw drips of blood and peeked around a corner before he headed out of the stairs those people are now updating their twitter accounts to say they have gotten out safely. what what we are seeing on the ground from the scene is the crime scene tape already up and again, dozens of police officers responding so far, no indication who may have gone in with guns blazing inside the youtube headquarters, whether it happened outside, whether it went inside the building, but according to the employees who were tweeting that out, they -- they thought that there was an immediate threat inside that building as well as soon as we learn more we will bring you the latest here from cnbc headquarters. kelly. >> contessa, thank you again, they say no active threat in the vicinity. we just heard that from the city manager speaking to our affiliate down there but it remains an active situation. our aditi roy has now arrived on the scene. we are bringing you this in by phone. what slu seen?
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what have you learned. >> we just arrived at youtube headquarters as soon as we arrived in pt fro of the building police shoed us away there is lots of police action and we ended up in the parking lot of the one of the youtube buildings of it is a multibuilding campus there are 100 or so employees there. they seemed relatively calm compared to some of the tweets we have been hearing about about people terrified to turn the corner some of them doing regular work on their lap tops. about 100 of them who said they were evacuated they didn't have much information. the situation is tense right now we are walking around the perimeter looking for more information. obviously a tense situation here there are about 1100 employees here at youtube headquarters we are about the miles south of san francisco, 20 miles north of google's headquarters in
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mountain view. right in the thick of silicon valley. >> aditi, thank you. we'll check back in with you, aditi roy on the ground there. jason call cannous is also with us. you are familiar with the complex. you visited us what can you tell us about the building and the security that you experienced. >> it is a building that is he can wi distant between the city and mountain view in san bruno and it is a largely open building you can walk right up to the front door you go up the steps on cherry avenue and you can typically just tailgate behind one of the thousands people who are going in and out every day there is a side street called bay hill which has doors that you can badge into as well or you can exit from. and that goes to the area that you are seeing where it appears that the shooting occurred, where the red umbrellas are, again, tailgating a major issue on these campuses. this isn't exactly a catch us of it's sort of a building with a little bit of outdoor area but having been there and had
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lunch a couple of times it opens into a huge lobby. essentially, you can buzz right in if you didn't tailgate in, you can walk up to the front door, press a buzzer and walk to the front desk without placing blame on anybody for the security here this is the average security probably in silicone value i think it's insane we are sitting here talking about how society is going to bend to deal with these shootings situations which seem to be happening over and over and over again and it makes me wonder if we should be bending toward all of this or maybe we need to rethink the number of guns people have without knowing the nature of this. >> we talked about accessing the building and the badge you need for that what about once you are inside, do you need the badge frequently to get from place to place and is there video surveillance. >> there are videos all over the
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hayes. there are going to be multiple views of this tragedy. you can get into the lobby and get into the cafeteria the last time i was there you could and walk outside you don't need a badge but to go upstairs you have to badge in to each floor so there would be additional security as you went up. it is five or six stories, if i remember correctly you would need additional security but i think everybody in san francisco and the silicon valley is now rethink tragically like people who are responsible for schools who how do we create an airport like security hult pell holding cells or pens to go to work or to go to school this is the insanity of how we are living right now in australia they had a massacre and they decided enough with the proliferation of guns and the good people of society are going to have to be able to go to school go to work and not worry about being shot because so many
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guns are so freely available this is infuriating as a society. we have to look at what kind of society we want to live in. >> one more question about the building is the security you have experience there had average for this building? again, to emphasize a little bit out of kind the heart of silicone vaut valley >> it is the average security you would see in any building, if you are familiar with wall street in new york, you have a similar situation where you can walk into the lobby of a building, but maybe not access the upper floors so you would have a little bit of a bottleneck there. and then in the addition, you have an outdoor area here that's easy to access you can either hop the fence or tailgate in. again, we live in an open society and this campus has a modest amount of security. it doesn't have no security but it has a modest amount of
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security >> let's bring in crisis management expert larry barton now, a former instructor at the fbi academy and u.s. marshal's service. mr. aboutton we are of course curious about the security there. what it would take for an individual from the outside to penetrate the building and commit an act like this. of course if it's somebody on the inside that's a different story. right now employees are on the inside and the information we have is there is no direct threat to the public in the area but it's unclear what the status of the shooter is, what are your thoughts >> i think your reporting has been superb. we are dealing with a chaotic situation. chaos in the word to under we have somings assaying the threat is every to, others saying the threat is continuing. the city of san bruno is working with the county w the california highway patrol, and as needed with the bureau. but be cautious of anyone who starts speculating as to how many injuries or how many shot it's way too early
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we certainly shunt be talking about gun control and prosecution right now. the key question for the public is what happened, why did it happen and were there signals in advance. as an employer, if it was an employee, there will be deep questions. if it was an outside person, then the question will be like we had on the discovery channel five years ago it could be a you videoer who is upset with something on youtube it could be a contractor auto. we need to get to the hard facts. having spoken to people at youtube and in some hospitals in the last minutes we know that several people have been injured a couple of them seriously let's try to focus on their well-being remember there is chaos. we all want to sound very controlled but there is a chaotic situation in which some people are safe out on the street talking with their families and others may be still barricaded in that building and
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locked in a room that's the chaos of it all larry, it's dominic here >> hi. >> one of the things that you mentioned it was communications and command structure that's going in place many agencies talking to each other. can you give us a sense? we heard san bruno's city manager connie jackson tell the world right now that she doesn't have an idea of the confirmed number of injured. they are conducting their own initial investigation. from your expert standpoint what is the next step any mean, what is this initial investigation going to go into and what are you looking for this type of situation that leads you to the next big level of what exactly happened here? >> dominic your question is spot on what we learned from las vegas that's an analogy we can all remember there was a breakdown between metro, clark county w the state and obviously with the fed we are not pointing fingers right now but for a city manager to make these comments it's simply too early people need to step back let's find out what happens just like the pulse at orlando before
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we race into any conclusions but the incident command system means that that city manager with the chief of police w the hospitals, with the county, and certainly working with the people inside the building who lead security should all be talking to one another so that they are operating on one base of knowledge unfortunately, once again we find out that is not the situation. put another way, big hat, no cattle we have a lot of wonderful cities in this country that millions if not billions of dollars have been spent on preparing for disasters but when it actually happens, there is a breakdown in communication that's okay. it's understandable. but it cannot be prolonged in other words, the longer we go without data, the more you are going to have people speculating, the more families get anxious and we have to worry about copycat situations that this could inspire like school shootings someone else to do something similar. you have to stop and pause. >> the most vexing part of this
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is the city managers' comments that there is no immediate danger to the public and yet we understand it is an active shooter situation. let's get back to contessa brewer with more. >> we are just now learning, this is confirmed by nbc news that the shooter in this case a female suspect, was shot she is deceased at the scene they say the police now say from multiple law enforcement source has the incident is now over there is an unknown number of victims of but again we know from the local hospitals that they are receiving patients from the scene. the police are saying to nbc news we don't know if the shooter died at her own hand or if she was shot by security guards or police officers who had arrived on the scene right now the investigation is being led by the san bruno police department. assisted by the sheriffs department, by the california highway patrol we also heard from the department of atf that they are there and assisting in the investigation as well. but, again, the big news that we are getting here is that the
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primary suspect in this shooting at youtube headquarters was female and that she's dead kelly. >> wow contessa, thank you. let's listen back in to our affiliate kntv from the bay area and see what they are reporting. >> unique finger print and they can run the casings, check and see where the gun came from, whose hands it passed through, where it was first initially sold now there is no database that traces guns or tracks guns, but they will try to figure out where that gun came from and who got their hands on it. >> steven thank you for all of that knowledge we want to send it over to the scene there with a witness >> that's right a. very frightening situation from what we are hearing from a number of witnesses. joining me now is jesse. he was actually at the carl's jr. down the way over there. you were in line to order food when you heard all this right. >> right, yeah i just heard a bunch of
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gunshots really fast. and i knew the shooter was right by me. because you could feel the sensation from the bullets i knew he was right by me. so then i took my car. i was ordering my food, took my car and put it on the south side of the building, told my girlfriend to put her head down. and then i go don't worry, just stay there then i ran back around the building to see what was going on and then i looked to my left, looked up towards the stairs, then i heard a bunch of shots like, a lot, like at least 20 shots. really fast, within a minute or two. not even a minute. i mean not even two minutes. less than two minutes. so then i seen the girl running coming down the stairs took her, put her inside the building, in carl's juniors, put her in there she was shot in the leg. took napkins and put them and
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pressed them on her leg and kept the blood from flowing out i went out and looked to see what happened. a guard was up there, another worker, employee, i ran into him. he opened the door i looked inside. and the other lady she got shot inside the courtyard she was on the other side of the tables laying on the ground. but that person got shot ten times. non-stop. >> and when you say the stairs and the courtyard do you mean the stairs and the courtyard of the youtube'd headquarters building >> yeah, yeah, it was inside. >> how did you know? >> because like i said the person that was shooting you could feel the sensation from the shots through my body. >> you are saying you saw two women shot the first one who came into the carl's jr. was she hysterical? >> she was airbnban. like around 30 years old put her inside the building, went back. kept low, and then went back up towards the stairs
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went up to the gate and that's where i met the other die. she's shot too she's shot, too they were having a catering party. one of the caterers, he have out of it. flipped out. that person got shot there and that was it. and then, yeah, so i no two people that were -- the girl that got shot in the leg and the other girl she's dead because she got shot at least ten times. >> she wasn't moving >> no, no, no. she was on the ground. and then the cops came and everything and then they started like surrounding her looking for the shooter. and i don't know what the shooter -- where the shooter went or what, but -- >> you only heard these loud gunshots >> oh, yeah, yeah. it was massive it was non-stop. that second person who got shot was dead. >> the woman who was inside the carl's jr. who you say got shot in the leg was she taken away by
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paramedics >> yeah, but everything took a long time. everything took a long time. because when i got here there was nobody here. it was just me, the shooter, the girl, and another guy. >> but you never saw anybody with a gun --? >> i just heard all the shots right behind me. i was facing south in the car. and everything was behind me and that's when i -- you know it went down. >> what about any security -- did you see any security guards, did you see anybody. >> no. no there was one guy. and he didn't have no gun. he didn't have anything. he didn't have nothing yeah, yeah >> describe to me the thought process, your emotions when this is happening everything happens so fast but at the same time it's so frightening, i imagine >> yeah, but i don't know. i'm use -- i mean, it doesn't scare me you know i didn't get scared. i knew i went for cover and i had to see who got shot, see who
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was safe or whatever that's -- >> that's what you saw and that's what you heard. jesse thank you so much we are really glad that you are okay and that your girlfriend is okay i'm sorry that you had to experience that. it's awful >> me too. >> thank you so much take care. okay that's a lot of what we are hearing from folks here. word of mouth. their experiences just being in this area when these reported gunshots were happening earlier this afternoon we will send it back to you for now. >> thank you senator dianne feinstein minutes ago tweeted my stomach sinks with yet another active shooter alert. i'm praying for the safety of everyone at youtube headquarters again, if you are just joining us for about an hour and a half now we have been following an active shooter scene at the youtube headquarters in san bruno south of 380 between 280 and 101. this also impacts google nearby and walmart offices nearby people are on lockdown
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and we have another reporter on scene, andres brender from our sister station, telemundo. what are you seeing out there? >> hello there there is a lot of tension here people are scared. look at this we are just one block away from the building that was evacuated we are at the enter section of tryinger and bay hill. people are still coming down even though around 1:00 p.m. most of the workers were evacuated. we spoke to several of the company's employees and some say they heard the gunshots. others say they didn't hear anything but were promptly evacuated from the building. actually we spoke to one engineer that we talked to, he said he didn't hear anything but when he was being evacuated he saw one person, one man injured. he supposedly he said a gun shot in his stomach we actually know that police transported several victims to san francisco jen real hospital. i spoke to one of the youtube
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leaders that was working today on google's campus youtube is owned by google he was trying to reach his team members just to make sure they are okay it's been more than one hour since the shooting happened and he hasn't been able to make sure to know that all of his team members were okay. there is a lot of des operation and anxiety among the workers. also there is a lot of police activity so many roads are blocked. there is a lot of traffic. we have not only police from san bruno but also the sheriff's office and the s.w.a.t. team of course this is an ongoing situation you can see still people coming out from the youtube offices we expect that authorities will give us a press conference within the next minutes or certainly this afternoon >> andres brender there from the youtube headquarters thank you again.
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this is raj matthaei in now as we are covering this shooting at the youtube headquarters in san bruno. here's what we know at this hour it all started in the noon hour in san bruno, near sfo just a few miles away. it's on the connector between 280 and 101 off 380. this is a mix of residential apartment buildings, homes, and then of course a lot of high-tech campuses and smaller office in the noon hour, around 12:50, right before 1:00, the shooting occurred there were plenty of witnesses who said they heard multiple rounds haoer are the latest from authorities and from our sources and reporters on the scene a female suspect has been shot den. again a female suspect in this youtube shooting has been shot dead that we just got, received about 15 or 20 minutes ago n. terms of the victims, we still don't know how many victims there are or the extent of their injuries here's what we do know the closest hospital to youtube headquarters is mills peninsula. however, the victims have been
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transported to the trauma centers which is at sf general and stanford ptd how so if we have multiple patients at stanford hospital at this moment also at sf general. let's check in at sf general right now, sam joins us from there. sam, do we know how many victims have been transported to sf general or their condition what do we know at this point? >> raj, good evening it's really more speculation at this point the spokesperson for sf general brent andrews came out here within the last 30 or 45 minutes and said somewhere between three and five people were transported to sf general. we know this, two ambulances at least from that scene came here this afternoon you mentioned at 1:00 this afternoon folks were evacuated on the youtube camp us and in surrounding communities would know that at 1:30 a couple of ambulances came through here. this is the trauma center you were describing and what the scene looks like right now for
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zuckerberg san francisco general. one of those ambulances that arrived here was from san mateo. the other one was from south city san francisco two ambulances we have some video of that that we will show you in the coming minutes. but it showed one person coming of the san mateo ambulance on a gurney who appeared to be conscious and talking to emergency responders. in the second ambulance it's not clear how many people were transported inside of it to affirm this point they don't know exactly, they are not disclosing to us exactly how many patients came here to sf general. but we do know raj that the emergency room right now is on lockdown at sn general don't know why that is but we know it's on lockdown. three patients roughly at sn general. conditions are unknown hospital is on lockdown. we have eyes on as we are awaiting perhaps more ambulances this arch. >> sam brock reporting with good information from sf general. to recap what sam was saying,
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three to five patients at sf general. we will also try our best to get the exact count of the patients admitted into stanford again, to the closest trauma centers from san bruno, essentially he c essentially equi distant we are awaiting word on how many patients at each of the hospitals. >> raj, on my in i talked to some sources who worked a google which as you know google at one point bought youtube and now they are both under the you a speaks of the alphabet company they are their own separate entities but what i was told by this source is that there is no active shooting training that happens at google. this is an employee who has been there well over a decade here at nbc bay area just about a week ago we had that kind of situation of it is too early to know if this is technically a workplace violence situation but the department of homeland security
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does have some guidelines as far as what to do. and it's very, very clear. run, fight, hide in any order, whatever the situation may be and as we are learning more about what happened here, we know one woman, they believe it is a female shooter, has been confirmed dead so that is limited of the danger and the situation right now. but it was chaotic. >> we are listening to kntv the nbc affiliate in the bay area reporting on the shooting that took place about 90 minutes ago there. a tragic and bizarre afternoon a female suspect, nbc reporting, is dead. contessa brewer has more at headquarters for news because the primary suspect in this violent situation, kelly, is dead, that means that there is no longer an immediate threat to the people who either work inside that youtube headquarters, the shopping center nearby. there is a walmart e-commerce center nearby. there is no longer an immediate twlet to the people who are in this area. what we have seen is an
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overwhelming police presence there coming back to look at where they can find the evidence, can they clear the people there are some 1100 youtubers listed as working in this particular building. can they get them out of that building and clear everyone safely we have been watching them do that over the last 45 minutes to one hour again, the primary suspect in this case was a woman. we were told by law enforcement, nbc news learned she was shot dead whether by her own hand or by a security guard or a police officer who was responding to the situation we don't yet know that we don't yet know the motivation let's get you up to date on what we know about the victims. we heard eyewitnesses describing people who had taken multiple shots to the body speculating because they had not seen them moving the hospitals nearby, the number one level one trauma center is zuckerberg san francisco general hospital, which told us they were receiving patients from this scene, which the scene
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unfolded just on the other side of the 101 from the san francisco airport. then it is about a 20 or 30 minute drive to the holiday. but they are being send to the level one trauma center there. from heard from stanford hospital they were receiving four to five patients. but we don't have a firm number of the number of people injured in this shooting or whether anyone other than the shooter herself is dead at this point. the investigation is continuing. the san bruno police taking the lead with assistance from the sheriff's department and the california highway patrol and federal authorities, including the atf are there on the scene as well, kelly, assisting to this response to an active shooter situation at the youtube headquarters that has at least for the moment resolved into a non-threatening situation even as the investigation continues >> contessa brewer at cnbc headquarters aditi roy is on the scene for us we will go to her in just a moment let's listen back into the bay area affiliate, kntv
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youtube headquarters, cannot tell if there is still an active shooting situation going done you approximate it looks like people are evacuating the building we saw down there at the intersection people walking away from the building. looked like they were youtube folks. they were being escorted now we are looking at what we believe to be s.w.a.t. officers moving in to the scene that's what we can tell from this point we will let you know as soon as we are able to confirm what's going on >> mark, thank you we will try to keep sky ranger above the scene and not zero in too much on perhaps tactical operations that are happening by the s.w.a.t. team but let's bring people up to speed about 12:50 reports of multiple gunshots fired near or on the campus of youtube at 901 cherry in san bruno reports coming from -- >> aditi roy is on the scene let's bring her in with more aditi on what you are seeing over there by the youtube
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headquarters. >> yes, we are here in front of the youtube headquarters you can see behind me a slew of police, a live police cars here, and the air is tense you can see the crime scene tape right in front of me that big glass building that you see obviously youtube headquarters but there is a collection of buildings that really make up the campus it's 175 million square foot google owns about 900,000 square feet of it when we arrived here, police shoed us immediately away. at the time it seemed like a tensation. we went to the neighboring parking lot, of another youtube building there were 100 of them there, most of them said they were youtube employees that they had been evacuated from the building most were calm, didn't seem to know what was going on again they were at a different building than the main headquarters that you see here behind me. some of them were even doing work we had to go all the way around the block here, around the
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perimeter, which took a little bit of time. along the way we saw a lot of people some of them didn't work at youtube coming here saking cell video. i am going to send it back to you right now. >> that's all it means it doesn't mean we are closed. >> everyone except who >> patients. >> still on lockdown. >> as far as i know we are still on lockdown, why he. >> is that standard? when does that happen? >> it's standard for multiple casualty incidents like that. >> one more time, can you tell us what you received and who they were? >> so we received three patients so far two females and one male we have one person in critical condition, one in serious condition, and one in fair condition. >> critical is the male, correct? >> correct. >> one woman is in serious, one woman is in fair >> that's correct. >> their rages 22, 37, and what? >> 36. >> 36 is critical? >> 36 is critical. that's the male. >> is it known where these people were shot
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>> you mean who parts of their bodies >> yes >> yes, i can't share that at this moment. >> when you say you are expecting more people are you expecting them in critical or serious condition or do we know? >> honestly, i don't know. i don't know the conditions of the people we expect at 3:30 this afternoon, we are going to convene again i'll bring a trauma surgeon from our trauma practice here to explain in greater depth what the injuries are and what the conditions of the patients are >> sorry, i missed -- your name. >> brent andrew. >> i just got here would you please recap >> sure. first we received three patients >> okay, you are listening there to sf general spokesperson believe brent andrew from sf general. essential lesion there was no known updates in terms of the patients that they admitted, three to five patients just within the last couple of hours to sf general, mr. andrews
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telling us now he does not know the exact conditions -- at least they are not announcing the condition -- they will announce the condition of those patients at sf general in about an hour from now we are honor thing also stanford medical center to find out the updates of the victims that have been admitted within the past 90 minutes. >> according to the san bruno police department twitter account we are hearing the chief will be making a statement at 2:30 we are coming up on 2:33 any minute now we have crews there at the media saming area at tryinger and bay hill dryer. >> that's kntv we are all waiting to hear from the police that event is expected to begin at any moment now. we just heard from the hospital. we gave us details about three patients in particular one male, aged 36, in critical condition. then two others, one -- two females. >> one in critical, one in serious condition. ages 27 and 32 that's an update on some of the
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victims here we will hear from the police themselves again, nbc reporting that a female suspect was shot dead this after local officials said there was no immediate threat to the area but as we understand it, employees, whether at the youtube building itself or at nearby places are still in the process of being cleared out for a time, the police were patting everybody down and many were walking out of that area with their hands on their heads. aditi roy is there we come back to you. we broke away to hear from the hospital still waiting for more information about the victims. >> sure. that's right, kelly, here there is a sense of urgency here at the scene. you can see from the long line of flashing lights that you see here, the huge police presence you might not be able to hear at the moment but as of a couple of minutes ago there were choppers above us buzzing overhead. they have been that way since rearrived here at the scene. so many more questions than answers. we have been trying to piece everything together by asking observers and people here at the
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scene. not a lot of people have those answers for us and can tell us exactly what really transpired here we know obviously there were reports of gunfire we have been hearing tweets coming from people inside the building, hearing gunshots, afraid to turn the corner, seeing blood drops as far as where the events originated from, that's all a mystery. hopefully we can get answers from the police as soon as they begin that press conference. again, a sense of intensity and urgency. >> aditi roy is there in san bruno, california, where about 90 minutes ago there was a shooting at youtube headquarters the female suspect, nbc news is reporting, was shot get. we only received that information in the last several minutes or so. larry barton is an fbi
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instructor who has been talking with us about the scene. it's important to make sure people were safe until we had this knowledge now, you have to imagine, employees who have access to social media barricaded inside the building they must be relieved that the shooter is down. >> we looked at mass shootings that took place since 2013 and less than 5 fundraise% of the perpetrators were female. >> larry, sorry to interrupt the police are speaking. let's go to the news conference. >> bear with me. information is coming in it is obviously a fluid situation and we are doing the best we can to keep everybody up to date. at 12:46 p.m. this afternoon, san bruno police department received numerous 911 calls regarding gunshots at the youtube campus located on cherry avenue in our city san bruno police arrived on scene at 12:48
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upon arrival officers encountered numerous employees fleeing from thing build it was very chaotic as you can imagine. we did encounter one victim with an apparent gunshot wound towards the front of the business as we arrived several minutes later, while conducting a search of the premises, officers located a second individual with a gunshot wound that appears it may have been self inconflicted we are still working on confirming that. two additional victims were located several minutes later at an adjacent business the extent of all of the injuries of our victims are unknown right now. they were all transported for emergency medical care but they are all unknown so if i missed that, we have four victims who have all been transported for gun shot-related injuries and we have one subject who is deceased inside the building with a self-inflicted wound that
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at this time we believe to be the shooter but we are still following up on that multiple law enforcement agencies responded to assist we are grateful for everyone he's help and assistance this is an active event andan active investigation and numerous law enforcement personnel from numerous law enforcement agencies are still conducting a search of the business to make sure it is clear. we conducted a quick immediate search of the premises when the first officers arrived as pursuant to our active shooter protocol after that search was concluded now we are going through with a methodical kilosearch to make sure we cover all the bases. that's all i have for you at this time. we hope to have something a little later i cannot give you the time of the next press update we will put that out as soon as we have that information >> i'm hearing from youtube
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employees there were two shooters, a man and a woman. can you confirm that. >> no, i cannot confirm that. >> the deceased is a man or a woman? >> a female. >> [ inaudible ] >> my understanding is that they have been transported and they are being treated for injuries that are treatable of the we are hope forth the best, obviously. >> are there more people inside the building >> my understanding the building has been evacuated there are people in the immediate area we are obviously trying to contact a large amount of people to try to identify and gain some information from witnesses at the scene. so you can imagine it is a monumental task with the number of employees that work inside the building >> can you tell bus the weapons? >> i don't have that information, i'm sorry >> [ inaudible ] >> i haven't taken inventory of all the agencies here. there are numerous agencies. we work well with our neighboring partners >> do you have a gender of the shooter? >> she -- i want to clarify that we did locate a victim with what
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we believe to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound it is a female but the investigation is still on going before we can put all the pieces to the. >> is this person an ex-employee? >> i don't have that information. >> are you searching for another shooter? >> we are searching in a slow methodical manner. we haven't eliminated that possibility but we have no information to suggest there is somebody else in there. >> where are the employees now we saw them walking down the street >> a lot of employees self evacuated as you can imagine we have identified a group that we want to talk to and we have staging areas where our detectives are reaching to out to them and interviewing them we are trying to do it as orderly as we can. a lot of people, a hectic scenario so it is a task. >> are there still people in the building that are with you besides the ones that you are identifying. >> my understanding is that the building has been evacuated so they are all outside of that building. >> how many people are you
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talking about? >> a few hundred was my understanding. >> in what -- [ inaudible >> itch no idea. >> was it employees in there. >> i have no idea. i don't know the circumstances i don't want to eliminate any possibility. this is still active we are still investigating this as i'm speaking to you so there is a lot of things i simply don't know right now. >> it was reported the shots started in the courtyard do you -- >> i don't have that information. i will try to get you an update as soon as i can i think that i have given you everything thatway know to this point. i don't want to give you a time. when we can identify a time that's appropriate to come back and update you again we will do that immediately. >> how will you put that out >> through your media lists and through social media. >> chief, we understand from employee that police had borrowed badges in order to access parts of the building did you have trouble getting where you needed to go >> i don't have information
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regarding that right now. >> is there a problem with security at the building are there metal detectors? >> we are not at that point yet. we are addressing the situation in front of us i will meet with you in a few hours and give you -- >> that was -- >> i will get back to you as season as i can. >> san bruno police chief giving an update there. not able to tell us when he will be back to the podium. let's recap. he said police received multiple 911 calls at 12:46 p.m. and they were on scene two minutes later. by 12:48 san bruno police were the first responders they immediately went into an active shooter protocol meaning they went in and sought out the suspect. he says that their officers encountered one victim right there at the front of that youtube building at 901 cherry then they found two additional victims in an adjacent business. that maybe the carlos jr. that the witnesses were telling nbc bay area about earlier
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a total of four victims taken to the hospital at this inpo. he didn't know their conditions. at one point law enforcement officers did encounter the female shooter, the believed suspect and he said they believe she was dead from a self-inflicted wound. >> they haven't ruled out whether there is another shooter. there was a question in the news conference -- >> that's kntv bringing us the late latest that's the nbc affiliate in the bay area of course following the shooting that happened going on two hours ago. contessa brewer has a statement just out from google which of course owns youtube. what are they saying >> google says we have advised those who are currently at the sbo office or san bruno office to continue to shelter in place until further notice we advised all other employees in the bay area and people with meetings scheduled to stay away from the area and that there is no need to take any action
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we have provided employees a help line. they said they were -- earlier they said they were working closely with authorities to make sure that they could ensure the safety of the employees in the area to evacuate them safely from the building. we heard from the police chief saying they were going through the blowing now methodically first they go in and do an initial sweep as an active shooter training teaches them to do and then they go through methodically and make sure they haven't missed anything. what they have done is taken people that they think can provide insight into their investigation cordoned them off in different areas and have detectives now questioning them. they said there are a number of people who evacuated on their own, jumped into an uber, into a car and took off they will be trying to reach out to them and see if they can shed any light on the situation as it happened it sounds like they have a lot of help there not just from the san bruno police but from the sheriff's department, from the california highway patrol, and even atf there on the scene. in the meantime here's what we know about the victims
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there are four people who have gone to the hospitals. they have been transported to hospitals. we had just heard from a hospital spokesperson saying that one person, a man, a 36-year-old man, was in critical condition. and two women were in the hospital as well, one in serious condition. and one in fair condition. that leaves one person for whom we know nothing about where they were taken or what the extent of the injuries are again, the suspected shooter in this particular scenario, a woman, the police chief said she died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. but that is the extent of the knowledge that we now know about how things transpired inside the youtube headquarters. >> contessa brewer at headquarters larry barton is with us, an fbi instructor, a crisis management expert larry, you were saying a moment ago that in workplace violent situations you looked at less than 5% of the shooters were female it does appear regardless of the fact as we continue to learn
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them this is a very different kind of event from what we feared initially took place. >> very much so. was this a contractor, an employee, were the folks who were actually shot, were they targeted or random typically in the workplace it's rare to have a random shooting so somebody is going to come in and look for either a former colleague or someone who gave them a bad review, somebody who they were arguing with that's going to be important i think the chief did a great job taking the bait if you will about who and wear what i will say, for all of us to learn in terms of public company, the fact it came a company like google two hours to come out with a statement in terms what have to do is too long, too long for any company, especially for a technology driven company they are going to have criticism for that. >> larry, isn't it better -- a moment ago you were good on this, saying listen we can't
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jump to conclusions as the public or commentators before we get the facts. wouldn't the same go for the company? what would you want them to do here >> sure. most companies, forget technology, would at least have a statement that says here's what we encourage you to do, run, hide, fight, stay in place. this notion of two hours, i'm just saying by comparison to other major employers is really quite long i agree, we don't want to editorialize i'm saying two hours for a statement is fairly long what i hope they are going to be great at is counselling, for anyone who saw a victim, who saw a shooting, who is protect, heart issues, whatever it might be, one of the things we have learned is that trauma counsellors need to get in there quickly. i'm hoping that google and youtube will do that rapidly. >> larry barton there. greg schaeffer is with us, former member of the fbi greg, former emin of the fbi
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hostage rescue, i should same we were fearing hostages. at this point we don't know what transpired inside this building today but i think this is going to make at love people concerned it was random act that requires intense security like we were talking to jason about we perhaps want to wait until we get the full facts to determine exactly what went on here. >> that's exactly true there are a lot of unanswered questions still that will come out in the next day or two as they do the postincident analysis i do want to tip my hat to the police department. according to what i'm hearing their response time was two minutes from the time they first received the first 911 call. that is an outstanding response time and we may see later on after the investigation is complete that that absolutely contributed to the low body count that the incident looks like it may have. >> greg, just because you made that point, we did hear an eyewitness with our local
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affiliate say he was surprised how long it took people to get -- especially, i believe he was referring to the victims who had been shot. now that might be a little bit of a different situation again in the heat of the moment perhaps it just feels like an eternity but to your point if it is two minutes then of course yes that's an extremely fast response time. >> absolutely. you have got to remember, too. the responding units, their first priority is to stop the threat the second priority is to treat the wounded. so until they are 100% sure that the threat has been eliminated, they don't worry or concern themselves with the injured at that point in time they need to stop the killing before they stop the dying >> very well put we are still learning about how many victims there were. there is at least one in critical, one in serious condition that we have learned about, one in fair condition as well the shooter herself, it sounds like, is dead at the scene
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although they emphasized that they believe it's the shooter because of the self-inflicted nature of the wound. >> right generally, that's how most of these incidences do end up is where the shooter, once they realize they are surrounded by police, they either commit suicide by cop or they take their own life but again, right now we don't whether this is an act of workplaceviolence or an act of terrorism. but the analysis the fbi and local law enforcement will do on her computer and delve sbool her life completely they will be able to determine what her moltvation was i don't want to speculate but if i was a betting man i would say it was a workplace violence incident and not terrorism but that could change. >> i don't know if you heard our previous guest, larry barton, he said the company took too long to get some information out about this
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do you agree with that >> i don't want to speculate i know larry well. he's an outsiding agent and -- out standing algt and out standing agent at the fib. now that i'm retired and have my own security company i'm surprised at the number of firms and companies and businesses that do not have an active shooter plan it will boggle the mind for the public to know how few companies really take this seriously >> yeah. greg, thank you. going back to headquarters contessa brewer has more for us now. >> the president has just tweeted out about the shooting at youtube, kelly. here's what he said. was just briefed on the shooting at youtube's headquarters in san bruno, california, our thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved thank you to our phenomenal law enforcement speakers and first responders that are currently on the scene. again what we know right now is
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that the suspected shooter in this incident is a woman is she's dead the chief said she died from an apparent self inflkt i had gunshot wound and that there are four other victims we heard from a spokesperson at san francisco general that three went there to be treat for their injuries one man arc 36-year-old in critical condition, a woman in serious condition, another woman is in fair condition that leaves another victim we were hearing from two hospitals that they were receiving patients we also heard from some of the employees who were there reporting the shooting saying on twitter that they heard the shots fired that they had locked down in their offices or they had peeked around corners when they saw drops of blood and tried to sneak down the stairs when police arrived on the scene they were ushering employees out of the building, checking them down, patting them down to make sure there were noweapons and then sending them to cordoned
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off areas so that detectives can interview them about the shooting what they conditioned the police chief was very clear that the investigation continues as we speak that there is so much that's unknown and they are still going through the building atyoutube's san bruno headquarters and going through it methodically to make sure they have not missed anyone who may have been part this shooting or someone who may have been injured in the shooting as well. we also heard from google as well there is no need to take any action we have provided employees a help line. certainly detectives are looking to reach out to people who got away are the scent on their own but have information to share about how thing went down in san bruno. what we heard, kelly, throughout
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the last hour and a half or so as we have been covering this is that people who witnessed those who had been shot are very traumatized by it. political party aside, we are talking about representative jackie speier who represents that 14th district in california that encomp us as southern san francisco down to east l.a.,
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that peninsula of the san francisco bay area as it's known in northern california everybody weighing in now. but nobody really knows exactly what the situation is. that echos everything that all of these experts we have been speaking to have said. it is very early to come to any conclusions. we are updating a very fluid situation but even then the number of people at hospitals has come down at least for now dramatically from the initial guidance or the initial reporting that we had heard. just to give viewers an idea of the sense of why there is no definitive statement about anything, even the police chief won't go out there and make a definitive statement about anything at this point because there is nothing yet to report because they don't know exactly the extent of what's going on. >> as you heard contessa say, they are suggesting people shelter in place as they work through this aditi roy is in san francisco with more. >> so many questions that still remain we did get a little bit clearer of a picture as to the time line of events and what exactly happened here.
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the scene here -- we were surrounded by a slew of other media people they left in the last few minutes but a slew of police officers here, that long line remains. still very much cordoned off you can hear the helicopters buzzing above here it is very much an active investigation here at the scene. but there seems to be at least among where we were a little bit of a sense of relief that the urgency of the situation of an active shooter being around, that has subsided since we heard from the police. i want to also give you a sense of the area here do you see that -- i don't know if you can see, there is a green light over there that's right next to the carlos jr you may have heard the police refer to that carlos jr. it's right next to the headquarters here at youtube, the glass building next to me. my producer and i were dropped off on the other side of this perimeter. since we couldn't come straight across we had to come around the perimeter. we got a sense of the area in doing society.
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it is not just a campus area it's filled with shots and restaurants and apartments and hotels a very much suburban commercial area here. back to you. >> aditi roy there as we continue to watch and try to learn what we can about what happened at youtube headquarters just a couple of hours ago a tragic shooting. the female shooter appears dead. waiting for that confirmation of course victims being treated at the hospitals. and that's about all we know at this hour. dom thank you. atminic chu along with me. th does it for "closing bell." and "mad money" with jim kramer is up next at my firm, i act in the best interests of my clients. i can tell them i'm supported by one of the world's strongest, most admired financial firms. fewer constraints, the freedom to do what's best for my clients. that's why i'm independent. charles schwab is proud to support more independent financial advisors and their clients than anyone else. visit
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