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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 29, 2018 6:00pm-6:38pm EDT

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the 64 world series. we didn't make it. in my house, stock where is supreme. my father who got a tip from his brother who knew a stockbroker, a guy he played tennis with. it was a total bust that cost us fo fortunes how stocks were doing and what they would do next gained momentum and i knew stocks by abbreviations and their agate type i kept a ledger to see scm, ibm, polaroid
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national video texas gold sulfur. a host of other companies that disappeared. i also owned a lot of airline stocks eastern, national. household names because of advertising. i like the stock picking process so much, i got the whole fifth grade class involved as well we would pick stock for a week to see who made the most money momentum investing and what i should have been doing is picking the stock of companies that i knew. let's go over what would have been right and what was wrong in
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the picture that i just presented. goofus would have never taken a tip from his brother who had taken a tip from his tennis partner. pop had no idea what national video was or did you can find out more from google that from jack the broker national video made picture tubes. the technology left national video behind and it went bankrupt and closed its doors five days after pop bought it. there were a host of stocks to have chosen from back then most weren't that good but there were dividends to be had and in retrospect what you needed was income. the idea of picking stocks simply because they were going
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on was antithetical to buying stocks i bought the hot ones, many were defense contractors and we were just beginning the vietnam war efforts. i learned the most about stocks from two, 3m board games, a fabulous game called stocks and bonds, and acquire stocks and bond was a fantastic game these days we have fantasy leagues of stocks and it could hold up to this day. now let's go back in time and think about what i could have done first, when you were a boy or a girl, you play with toys it would have been such a natural to have bought shares in mattel or hasbro i am not asking kids to know
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what it means to own shares in a company. but simply saying it is a way to teach kids that a company can be owned by a public. they know toys the irony should not be lost in my company can you imagine if my father bought shares in 3m rather than national video if we had just looked at the spine. speaking of dividend aristocrats, we had a box of che cheerios we could have bought general mills and then the easy one, who wants to go to disney world. the intellectual promperty, the library other than but the theme park, come on.
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johnson & johnson band-aids were staples in our house finally, fast food i know mcdonald's may not seem like something to invest in, but the ceo is committed to making the company more natural and organic at the time. a burger would cost a fortune and mcdonald's would have to crater its fortunes for years. buy a company. think about what you liked when you were little or your parents liked when they were little. if you want to get your kids in investing, buy a brand new something they can see and hear and touch and even like. yet, just own it the stock won't always work, but think about what you liked when
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you were little and remember, that you may have a long-term winner on your hands let's go to judy in texas. >> caller: hi, jim, how are you? >> i am great. how are you? >> caller: great, thank you. my son william is interested in calling stocks and he is calling with me now and my dad gave him some money to purchase stock so we are looking at his very first stock purchase and wondering how we look at what stock to buy where should he start? >> things, common household things that he sees and you see and what you want to do is figure out how much money you want to put in it. and you put a quarter of it in because if the market goes down suddenly, he says this is a sucker's game. hopefully you get a sell off and ready to buy and if not, put the rest of the
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money to work by the end of the work but make it in household name brands that everybody knows they can sink their teeth in. carol in florida can reca >> caller: hi, jim, i read and enjoyed to "confessions of a street add ikt." >> cash is the best hedge against the market against the monetary system, gold is right. if you can't afford gold coins, the stocks will not work because th they tent not to reflect the price of gold. and if you do buy it, don't put
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it in your house, put it in a safety deposit box >> with kids, that is often the best playplace to start. investing advice from the wisest groups around. teenagers. i am taking your questions tweet by tweet, send them my way with mad tweets and stay with cramer. >> announcer: what is better than "mad money," more "mad money. follow >> you got to start with an index fund. >> announcer: get more with guests and go behind the scenes with the most interactive show on television. >> if you can't explain in three bullets why you are buying a
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certain stock, don't buy. >> announcer: follow "mad money" today.
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we all know that teenagers
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are incorningible. the last thing they want to hear about are stocks they have bigger fish to fry i am not going to tell them what to buy i am going to let them tell me people who watch this show have been huge beneficiaries of the wisdom of my two daughters i like dominoes i did like that whole line of advertising and told you i thought it was a good speck, but my kids, they like the track and they liked joes. i wasn't so picky. i tried it and i liked the speed of it. that it is not what made this money the crown jewelry, it was the technology behind dpz. my kids most likely like your kids hate talking on the phone they think it is for losers.
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apps, they love them no worries about where their pizza is no cheese options. the joy of paying online kids don't want to fuss with money either all this technology was lost on me in short, i was not like the target audience. that is why i called dominoes a tech company many of you know the story of apple. my various employers never embraced apple, but my kids are
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kids and they would rather be caught dead than not have an apple. they want them as presents despite the cost the iphone is more controversial. what they really don't want is the samsung. they are part of the apple ecosystem. with its service charges that make it so they have to pay to have all of their millions of pictures stored. when my kids come to me and beg me for a samsung, you might hear me say different things about apple than i currently do. your kids don't know much about income and the power of come pounding, but what they will know is how to feel guilty about the amount of phone charges they rack up.
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you think i have been recommendi recommending verizon for nothing? how about this google it, dad that is how i found out about google when i got the word from the kids they weren't allowed to google something at school because it was cheating. at the houghton library, their job was to look up what wanted to look up i wonder what happened to those jobs my kids aren't in sports they get news from the iphone. is it the simple interface, the desire for them to watch what they want to watch all of them. i reluctantly signed up so we can watch things together. no, f.a.n.g, isn't all their creation i figured out amazon
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but facebook, when you are a freshman, you had the book, it is called the facebook and it had everyone's picture in it my youngest got sick of facebook early on probably because i got on it. and then she went to instagram i didn't think the ads worked until we were inundated with red hot chili peppers because of a click on it. it seemed that only mark zuckerberg has the forethought to care about the user experience how about chipotle the kids love the salads and still do because they are vegetarians. all right.
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their picks, they will do. what if the picks themselves aren't any good? what your kid likes a device that sit oss on your head and ts picture. it happens, go pro it happened fitbit they have their life ahead of them if they lose it you pull the same thing later in real life, it has consequences but for now, you can learn from your teenage children, trust me. invest with them and you won't regret it. "mad money" is back after the break. >> the earnings are relentless but cramer has burned the midnight oil and ready to run the gauntlet powerful executives, scores of tough questions.
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all week, cramer sits down with some of the markets influential players. join "mad money," on air and online for much ♪ lower carbs. ♪ see lower calories. ♪ higher expectations. the light beer you've been waiting for has arrived. corona premier. can't afford to miss
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so how about the rest of our lives? from here on in things get less and less suitable. when you are in college, i don't expect you to put any money in at all i try to get people to buya share or two of stocks but it is a total hardship to even contemplate savings out in the real world it is imperative to save if a 401(k) plan or work or self directed ira. pick stocks. this is where you have to begin
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the mix of index funds and individual stocks. so at a minimum, put your first $10,000 beyond what you have into an index fund, the s&p 500 being my favorite. i know some will argue with that i see them arguing on twitter. i don't care i know the truth the possibility of one really bad stock hurting your nest egg even as early in your 20s is too risky for this guy with the rest of your money, i do like stocks and i want you to be diversified. that's why we play am i diversified when we can. we created a club. the the trust is only allowed to invest alongside members to protect you but i can tell you if you want
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in-depth work on the stocks we talk about on this show, and daily updates about a lot of them, with once a week update with all of them, then action alerts you can buy a stock but keep up with it. remember when i discussed how hard it was to do your homework. studying month old research on microfiche now it is easier you no longer need to spend a couple of hours a week you get articles and research pushed to you. or you can read what we write at
6:24 pm i want you to can good managers of your money or good clients. it is at this stage to know thyself. in other words, i would like to think i have more knowledge of what you can tolerate than you do when you get to your 20s, all i can do is ask you to think about what you would do if a selloff, will you buy more? will you cut and run can you accept that stocks go down not a silly question given how they go up over time these are crucial questions that own you can answer i would like you to take more risk in more individual stocks that have growth characteristics once you put away that $10,000 as you get older, i want you to capture more income by owning
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more stock that pay dividends. but don't be too quick to do so. in fact i would not advise you to do that until your 30s. only in your 40s, i want you to introduce bonds in your portfolio. now in the old days, it would have been -- life expectancy many people are out running their fortunes that's why i favor higher yielding stocks to most bonds. i recognize as you age, most bonds do have that nine caveat emptor division. take bonds up 10% in each decade in your 50s. and that brings us back to the
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notion of suitability. if you think the stock market is not as legit in asset classes as it once was, or flash crashes for that matter, then you need to decide yourself if cashing out or taking stock is minimal level. it is your life not mine, gelt comfortable what you can live with but risk, at least in your middle years should remain
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stay with cramer at the marine mammal center, the environment is everything.
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we want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. and pg&e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. we've helped the marine mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. pg&e has allowed us to be the most sustainable organization we can be. any time you help a customer, it's a really good feeling. it's especially so when it's a customer that's doing
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such good and important work for the environment. together, we're building a better california. here on "mad money," we love to see families invested together often locking in a best of breed stock at an early age can set
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you up for life. we are kicking this edition off with tweets from american families we hear from rico z who says get them started young i like that. that kid obviously have horse sense. i don't know well, there are charts in there. maybe the kid likes the charts too. holds up under much pressure next we have a tweet from david. often times -- sat next to you and your dad all right. now, sometimes we come across some families that are truly cadre to the show. and kids that have real horse sense. you think you know who your ceo is, nobody is going to stump the
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poodle's kid >> facebook? >> mark zuckerberg. >> twitter >> jack dawes. >> and your favorite for opening bell >> jaim cramer. >> that's it that should be a show on its own. next up, serious question, are accounting issues pretty much because of some level of shadiness, or can honest mistakes made? >> the answer is, honest mistakes can be made and a lot of times my rule can keep you out of a situation where the stock takes off. there are cases were they aren't honest and you lose everything
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i can't tell from the outside which is which which is why i am so cautious. now a tweet from samuels who wrote my brother is 26 should he open a roth? >> i prefer the roth >> tweeting do you have a write up somewhere explaining why? >> i do want an index, i want an s&p 500 and put your first then thousand there and you should be able to pick some of the best stocks that would normally be in etf because i trust you. you watch this show and doing the work let's make money in individual stocks too not denigrating mutual funds let's own some stocks. >> next is a tweet who wrote
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just bought "get rich carefully," and look forward to a fun reading. >> the reason i like "get rich carefully," is because it is an in-depth look of how to pit stocks against each other. and the mistakes i have made and you can learn from them. here is a tweet writing you talk about heavy short -- what is heavy? >> 10% something is wrong got to do your work. that's what the percentage is that i look for. tweeting what do you recommend to keep squirrels out of the garden i got triple fence, boxes, underneath, i got chicken wire, we got the whole match and they
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don't get in i spend way too much time thinking about fencing it is a preoccupation of mine. at jim cramer, it would be great to shed light on the age targeted 401(k) portfolio. i think the index funds are better and you can lower at times, lower how much index fund exposure and raise cash. that is a much smarter and modern way than trying to assess what may be in an ag one related fund
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until exxonmobil scientists put it to the test. they thought someday it could become fuel stick with cramer. and that's why exxonmobil scientists think it's not small at all. energy lives here. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect.
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for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. you shouldn't be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia's add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. i like to say there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money. i'm jim cramer, and i will see
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you tomorrow >> welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. if they hear a great idea, they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪ narrator: first into the tank is a twist on a classic middle eastern favorite. hello, sharks. my name is jesse wolfe.
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i'm a ucf student from orlando, florida, and my company is o'dang hummus. today, we are seeking $50,000


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