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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 31, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> the sound is why pfizer drug is in business psa. >> lipitor that's what you mean lipitor. >> i don't like the way it traded yesterday >> you're selling it >> that's what we're doing >> these apple numbers were are extraordinary. you're getting upgraded. apple. >> all right "mad money" starts right now my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to ramerica. other people want the make friends. i'm just trying make you some money. my job is not just to entertain, but to educate and teach you so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. sooner or later, every sell-off comes to an end. and when that happens, a day like today where the dow climbed 108 points, the s&p gained .49%
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and the nasdaq jumped 5.5% and the month? we've had two different sources of selling for a while now ever since the disaster that was facebook's latest quarter, fang and friends have been dealing with what seems like an existential crisis investors have reacted with wholesale revulsion toward what i call the china stocks. the stocks and companies that get a significant percentage of their growth from the people's republic these two themes have bread so much selling that they dragged down the entire market, until today, that is today the sellers took a break, a breathe ever they walked away we saw what happens in their absen absence. stocks fly up. at the open, facebook began what looked like yet another swoon. by the way, we call this reloading as in the sell verse reloaded, and they're back again to give you more mayhem. i can tell you how it works behind the scenes at the big institutional houses if you're running a hedge fund, you'll get a call from your
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broker, who says oh, no, the seller is back he is not done he is reloaded when you get that crucial bit of guidance, the natural move is to say to yourself hey, i'm not going to take my life in my hands. i'm not going to catch a falling knife. i'm going to walk away and that's what most money managers would normally do but today the facebook sellers walked away. maybe they're done maybe they've just stopped maybe they're hoping the bids will build, another possibility that the buyers will finally surface around the last sale the hope is that they'll stand there buying stocks, sop it up as the seller reloads and prepares for another volley. for whatever, the sellers chose the hold their fire today, and that is something that became clear around 11:00 a.m and into that vacuum, you got a gap up, not just for facebook, for almost everything. a smaller version of the gigantic app down for facebook, though after relentless pressure, the stock of this once red hot social media company actually rallied. it finished up a buck 52
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granted, the gap is minuscule compared to the grand canyon of a selling chasm we experienced last week. still, it allowed buyers to come out of their foxholes. it ignited a true tech rally will the buyers maintain control of the narrative tomorrow? yes and no yes because of apple -- ♪ hallelujah -- which just received remarkable numbers concerning my own admonition that you should own, not trade the stock of the greatest consumer products company in history i didn't say tech. greatest consumer products but not necessarily facebook because there are so many analysts i think are ready to jump ship on any upward move. >> sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell >> now we know why tech rallied, the lift of facebook let's talk about this remarkable remarkable apple quarter reported after the close let's talk about this one was sharply better than expected revenues, the fourth consecutive quarter of double-digit sales
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and a truly bountiful bottom line after that we got terrific guidance from next quarter and once again a fantastic service stream $9.5 billion that is a remarkable 31% increase from last year. but you know what? i'm beginning to have a problem extending apple's prowess in the after hours rally to fang, my acronym for facebook, amazon, netflix and google, now alphabet because amazingly, despite apple's consistent circumstances it gets a much lower price-to-earnings multiple than what is rapidly becoming the episodic nature telephone four fangs. even more glowing, the stock i have urge you'd long time to own and not trade isn't even valid like a regular tech company. it's valued as if it were some sort of sturdy cyclical industrial i'm telling you this is poppycock. given the rapid growth of that service stream, this company deserves to sell at a price to earnings ratio that is more like a consumer packaged goods company. in fact, should it be covered by the same analysts that follow up
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procter & gamble, clorox and pepsico or colgate because if it were, i could argue it should be valued at well north of $280 instead of about 200 where it is right now. that's right you heard me 280. how did i dream up that number because the organic growth of these so-called steady eddie companies is nowhere near that of apple the cash return to shareholders is nowhere near that of apple. the brand loyalty is nowhere near that of apple the worldwide pervasiveness is fractional versus apple. i know if i were running research of a major wall street confirm as of tonight, i would strip my tech analysts of this stock and place it squarely in the realm of my consumer products group so that's how i could explain how the stock should have a $300 target, not a $200 target, which i think it will eclipse tomorrow how, again, do i get this? let's understand each other. i see apple as a razor-razor blade story, and procter & gamble which is the razor-razor
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blade story of gillette had a 1% growth and it gets a 20 multiple come on. this is craziness. apple is too cheap how about the other big gainers today? the china stocks right around the opening we heard that treasury secretary steve mnuchin is chatting privately with a high level chinese official about restarting trade talks 100% hearsay we have no idea if anything is going on nor do we know if talks will lead anywhere. however, last week's constructive talk with the europeans made it possible the rumor has credence the up stock, 3m, caterpillar, emerson, honeywell, united technologies all beaten down despite excellent quarters, saw their stocks come roaring back some are simply coiled springs like that of collar, with a stock that wilted yesterday after a really good quarter. others like boeing are back in the bull camp after last week's down do either of these tech or industrial moves have staying
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power? both are a little tenuous. facebook has come down to a level that presumes the deceleration will continue for next year. that's the only way to explain the stock's country valuation. if i were an analyst, i would contact my trading desk and ask whether there are finally enough buyers underneath to let us downgrade the stock from buy to hold there are so many analysts who haven't done that yet without crushing the stock as long as the rest of tech is trading with facebook, it's going to be precarious but if tech trades up with the greatest consumer product story ever told, that of apple, well, that's a different story the china truce narrative is also totally fraught every time steve mnuchin from treasury is throughout with a positive yin, we get a seriously negative yang from the chinese and the white house. the president believe the chinese are on the run that makes me think he'll be less likely to make nice and more likely to try to lay down the law.
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that said, i realize if the sellers are at last finished in tech or industrials, i think the collaterally damaged stocks in tech and industrials are somewhat inoculated against any future pullback, especially since the results have been pretty darn good so far. let me give you my bottom line tonight. i'm not saying enjoy it while it lasts. i'm saying that i don't usually don't get an intra-day reverse federal the downside without it being meaningful in one way there will be buyers who want badly to get in, and they love to buy at the levels we got this very morning a great market never lets them back in but a good one does and that's level committed, if you haven't bought before the next leg upwards and one more thing, while i'm at it no, it is not too late to own apple. apple the tech stop maybe, but apple the consumer products company, that deserves to trade so much higher let's just say own it, don't trade it and buy it if you don't. van in florida, van? >> caller: hi, jim love your show. >> thank you, van. what's going on? >> caller: my stock is raytheon,
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symbol rtn after a very strong 2017, this stock sold off sharply this spring they give a strong earnings report recently and still went down, but the stock showed some improvement today. jim, what happened to raytheon stock, and at this point will you buy, sell or hold? >> my charitable trust owns it i've been advising owners of the action alerts club to buy right now. someone upgraded northrup, a couple of the other defense companies reported good numbers. raytheon is rebuilding the bids. i think it can go higher it is no longer expensive. i want you to own it, or if you don't own defense stock, that's the cheapest tiler in maryland? tyler? >> caller: hey, jim, how are you doing today? >> i'm doing well. how about you, tiler >> caller: i'm good, i'm good myself i have a few questions after this giant tech sell-off. >> sure. >> caller: i want to say the panic is moving away from hardware to the software field. >> right. >> caller: and now it just dropped under its 200-day moving
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average and everyone from the older guys to the wall street boys, tech is getting absolutely obliterated. i was watching tv last night and that you can cite some of the carnage, and there is a possibility that you can find some bargains. i want to ask about the opportunity available. >> i think titanic sold off as a general move related move. nutanix has had an unbelievable quarter. it is doing amazingly well i think the company at $8.4 billion is too cheap know that sounds odd, but the market gap is too low. i want to be a buyer now, if the sellers are finally finished, that's good news for tech stocks and the industrials. but remember, buyers will want to get in, and they love to see the levels we saw this morning, but maybe apple won't let them on "mad money" tonight, even results of the two-day fed meeting. i'll tell you why gloom is busting out all over, and which stocks you should be eyeing now that the clouds are parted and gold is supposed to be a place for investors to turn to
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during precarious times? why is gold plunging i'm going off the charts to find out. and with temperatures heating up across the country, is it time to jump into pool corp.? i'm going to take a deep dive with the ceo so stick with cramer. >> don't miss a second of "mad money. follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question? tweet cramer, #madtweets send jim an e-mail to 1-ivus cl at 800-743-cnbc miss something head to
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♪ i know i shouldn't need to remind anyone of this, but we keep forgetting that the economy is really strong as we get ready for the results of the fed meeting tomorrow, let's remember that employment is on fire we just had 4% gdp growth last quarter. hardly anyone saw that number coming, aside from a few people in the administration like larry kudlow, the president's chief economic adviser my former partner, by the way, on "kudlow & cramer.
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it's a big deal. you overlook the economy at your own peril when you're picking stocks when we hear wages are going up, when companies whine it's hard to find workers and growth margins are depleting because they have higher margins, where do the dollars actually go the job market is so tight the people who were previously considered unemploybl, including ex-convicts who paid their dues to economy are finding work. when people find work, they spend their newfound cash. that's why there is a strong argument for circling back to the retailers. have you been to walmart recently i've been to a bunch of them they look great. and they still have the same low prices target is trading at 15 times next year's numbers with a 3.2% yield. i would still consider costco, even after its run because of that fabulous membership revenue stream the numbers there are stellar. please don't overlook the stalled home depot because remodeling is getting very
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popular. just take a look at trex, the maker of faux wood the stock zoomed up 21% today because of an amazing quarter that you should go listen to as ceo james klein, who has been on our show, and i quote, we think the trends are clear our residential business continues to benefit from high consumer confidence levels and increasing repair remodeling spend. that kind of spending represents 83% of trex's portfolio. one analyst questioned how much of trex's strength came from actual rise in actual wood, the competition. kline said it's difficult to bifurcate but it really did help sales on the west coast. we have a stronger consumer who is eager to spend to improve their home we saw the same thing recently from cramer fav rpm. that's rustoleum and daft. sherwin williams put up great numbers. crushed estimates. a lot to like with hd supply and granger. many people don't talk about those. they should. maintenance and repair companies
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stand out when consumer spend is strong and one that's coming back oh so nicely, have you seen stanley black decker, the cool maker if you have any ideas whether home depot is a buy, stanley decker sales the deal. you want general plays on employment i'm still circling back to paychex. i don't mind automatic data processing either. the interest they collect while they wait to issue your paycheck something that when we get better as the fed tightens my favorite here probably is scintas. blue collar hiring now if you really want to pick the greatest consumer product spend story ever, and are willing to tolerate some worldwide implications, then of course buy the stock of apple. sorry, i couldn't resist pushing my new consumer products narrative. and of course, you should own that one
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today was a gloom busting day. remember these domestically oriented stocks react positively on any bad news from china meaning on anything that suggests the trade war is escalating if you're still worried about chinese tensions, these names are a great place to hide. and let's be sure about it i'm throwing in apple, which if you don't own, well, come on get with the program david in georgia, david? >> caller: hello, dr. cramer >> yes >> caller: i'm david from georgia. first time caller. >> all right >> caller: i love "mad money." a long-time watcher. i want to give you and your great staff a great big boo-yah! >> i like that my staff deserves it i put them through hell. what's up? >> caller: i purchased great book, jim cramer, "get rich carefully. i am a retired contractor, and 20-27-17, you had the ceo of u.s. concrete on, uscr he stated that he was expanding
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his fleet as the command for concrete to government and building contracts had increased. the stock at the time was $82 a share and has gone down steadily to $50.45 per share to date. should i keep it or take a loss? >> with the stock down 40%, we have to get bill sanbrook back we did not get a big infrastructure bill. if we did get one, the stock would be appreciably higher. this is only a $840 million market stock no i would not sell it here. news flash, the economy is strong, and so is the consumer take a look at retail and stocks that benefit from an increased in home remodeling, and so many other ways that consumer spending much more "mad money" ahead. with gold edging higher today after declines the past three straight sessions, wondering what's up for economy? i'm going to go off the charts to find out. then is it time to go for a swim with pool corp., or could
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the news that its ceo, whom i like very much is retiring i'll dip my toe in the water, see if the temperature is right for this market. and apple just report and the stock is flying. but how is the rest of the tech sector faring? i'm going to sit down with the ceo of cypress semi, a real good chip company find out what's ahead for them stick with cramer.
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♪ ♪ she a gold digger with so many people worrying about rising costs and the possibility of inflation, with the yield on the ten-year treasury ticking slowly back to 3%, with the whole cohort of investors claiming we need to be afraid of a trade war, and the slowdown that comes from it, here is an important question. why the heck has gold been such a lousy performer? times of inflation, times of uncertainty, times of rising,
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gold is supposed to go higher, not lower. roughly 11% since it peaked in april. does this make any sense at all? head scratcher could gold be ready to make a comeback we're going to go off the charts to find out with the help of carly garner she is a real smart technician, and a chartist who works with me at real money who has a terrific track record when it comes to commodities. first off, let's be clear. despite all the hammering we hear about inflation and possible slowdown, we actually have a roaring economy come on, i've been talking about that all show. throw in a strong dollar and you have a combination that has been weighing heavily on the price of gold however, garner believes that precious metals could be ready to snap back why? because the price of gold hasn't really reacted to the exploding trade war or the budget deficit, which a lot of you care about tremendously with inflation on the rise and the government boring insanely high, you would expect precious
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metals to become more popular on the wall street fashion show as gold is a natural hedge against inflation and higher interest rates. what else does garner think gold is going for here? let's take a look at this chart from moore research center inc., which shows the normal seasonal patterns in the gold market. according to their data, going long a december gold futures contract, basically betting gold, on july 24th, july 24th, and holding through september 6 has produced a profit, get this, 13 the last 15 years that's pretty sure, isn't it i mean, really these are very big gains that you can get. in short, i think we've just entered the single best time of year to bet on gold. of course, past performance does not guarantee future results for all we know, this will be one of the couple years, very rare, where gold does go down from late july to september. but all else being equal, this better have the seasonal patterns on your side than to fight against them and i am a huge believer in seasonality. more importantly, from a technical perspective, wall
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street has gotten extremely pessimistic about this precious metal. garner is a contrarian she goes against the grain she likes to go bullish when everybody is else bearish, because that's how you spot major opportunities. at the moment, gold definitively falls into that category according to consensus bullish index, just 28% of the industry insiders that were polled recently were positive on gold that's incredibly low. according to garner, the rule of thumb when you're looking for a contrarian trade you want 25% or less to be bullish gold is very close to that level which makes her think sentiment could be ripe for a shift there aren't that many people left who would be convinced to ban the precious metal because most of its adherents have given up and thrown in the towel already. take a look at this. this is the weekly chart of gold futures. it includes the commodity futures trading commissions, commitments of traders report. remember, this -- we've talked about it a lot it's incredibly helpful data it shows how large speculators, small speculators and commercial
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hedgers are positioned the group garner has cared about and has never steered us wrong frankly are the big institutional money managers they have reduced their gold futures, get this, to the lowest level in years and this chart shows you that the big money speculators are pretty darn negative and i think perhaps too negative on the yellow metal, which could be tinder for a big rally. you rarely see a net short position when it comes to gold, having a small net long position is a sign that sentiment has gotten too negative crucially, the last time the numbers got this low, this is current, was december of 2015, okay how did we do if we went long at that particular moment when there weren't that many people who liked it boom this is a monster rally. el monstro so this pervasive negativity is one reason why garner thinks the bottom of the precious metals might be eminent what else makes her feel confident? look at this weekly chart. garner points out ever since the
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yellow metal found its core of support in early 2013, it's been a nightmare for trend traders. on the other hand, it's been a counter trend trader's dream gold traditionally stalled out in the 1300s pretty tried and true. you rarely see dips below the floor of support basically, you rarely see gold make a sustained move in one direction for a period of time garner thinks it could be ready to change course right here. gold's trading at $1,224 which is only about 24 bucks above the floor. if the 1200 dollar level doesn't hold, well, then we might see a down drift to 1,425. but she doesn't expect that to happen given that the precious metal usually reverses when it gets too close to its floor or ceiling, she thinks that the path of least resistance at this moment, right here, is higher. heading perhaps to 1350. that's been the pattern for years. don't see any reason it would change right now
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buy here, sell there how about the daily chart? also very telling. garner thinks it is really a similar story. in fact, if anything, the daily chart is even more bullish you've got a confluence of three different technical support levels near the $1200 level. and on top of, that when you look at the relative strength index, or the rsi, it's given you an extreme oversold reading. err time it has given a similar reading since 2017, look at these bipoints works you look at how good they've been. that's why garner believes that gold could be ready to roar. but before we go crazy, let's check one more thing let's check the weekly chart of silver while gold is a much more deeper -- gold's deep, okay? silver is not as important to members, overall some industrial opportunities. it tends to trade in tandem. if you look at silver and gold, about 80% of the time they confirm each other according to garner, what you're really seeing in the silver market is a severe volatility depression silver has been trading in a very tight range for a few years
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now, and that's the exact opposite of how it usually behaves. basically silver trading sideways garner sees this as a sign of underlying strength, and she thinks it leaves the door open for a major rally. why does this matter if silver manages to find a way to break out, garner is prettying the pit action will give gold a boost too. 80% correlation. for those of you who are generally worried about inflation and rising rate and the budget deficit, you don't need to dump your stocks instead, though, how about buying some gold as an insurance against economic chaos perhaps gld, the etf that owns gold so you don't necessarily have to buy the physical the charts as interpreted by charlie garner, my favorite commodities analyst when it comes to charting suggests that the precious metal could be ready to run here. no one is thinking this but i wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be dead right. marcia in texas, marcia? >> caller: well, hi, jim this is marcia from texas. how should an investor add gold,
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precious metals or commodities to their portfolio or do i just buy gold bars thank you. >> look, the ideal, honestly, the ideal is gold bars let me give you the downside of bold bars. i don't want you putting gold in your house or burying it in your backyard instead of that, a lot of people like to default to the gld there are many people who say listen, that's just a piece of paper i want the physical. i agree with that. but i urge people and recognize that you must pay a fee to store at a bank. but it gives you peace of mind against what i think is conceivably to be a robbery, and that's what i don't want all right. tonight's chartist carly garner, she thinks that gold could be poised to head higher. so if inflation and trade worries are weighing on you at a lull in the budget deficit, this is what you should do. we have much more "mad money" ahead tonight. pool corp. has taken a dip since
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reporting. this a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water? then it is time to search for a tech sector for buying opportunities? after the recent drop in the nasdaq, but of course after apple tonight, i think we ought to sit down with the ceo of cyprus semi to see if it could be a prime time buy. and all the calls and rapid-fire in tonight's edition of the "lightning round"! so stick with cramer
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what are we supposed to make of the action in the stock of pool corporation that's america's leading wholesale purveyor of pool parts, supplies and maintenance equipment. here is a stock that has given you a remarkable long-term run as pool corp. has acquired competitor after competitor. a lot of mom and pops too. it's up over 40% the past year, and the darn thing has nearly tripled over the past five years. i think these guys are one of the few clear winners with global warming too nothing makes you want to swim like unbearerbly hot weather but pool corp.'s shares have pulled back nearly $9, or nearly 6% from the recent highs after the company reported a not so hot quarter a week and a half ago. while the company is growing nicely, it posted a small top and bottom miss. the culprit? a slow start to the quarter.
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in markets had delayed spring this year. however, the company is confident about its prospects which is why they raised their forecast now making things more complicated. long-time ceo manny perez de la mesa is stepping down. is the story intact? let's take a closer look at manny perez de la mesa, learn more about the quarter and what is going on with the future. mr. perez de la mesa, welcome back to "mad money." >> thank you, sir. how are you? >> manny, i don't know 77 quarters of investor calls, and you're calling it quits? what's the matter? why do you want to move on >> well, it's been 20 years. it will be 20 years at the end of this year, and we have a great team in place, great leadership we're in a great industry. and as time goes on, i think that i should unleash them to the future and continue our track record of growth >> well, manny, i have to admit the track record is incredible the stock has tripled in the
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past five years. it's been one of the great stocks how can you explain how even during tougher times you continued to put up great numbers when people would have thought that wait a second, pools are a luxury no one can afford anymore, it never really skipped a beat show that possible >> well, first of all, our revenues come from the install base of pools. the over 8 million pools in the united states and other like number internationally to that end, we have endeavored to work with our customers, work with our suppliers to help grow the industry and help our customers succeed. we've been doing that for many years in the process of being part of a great industry continuing to grow share organically as well as increase our effectiveness to bring more to the bottom line and provide the shareholder returns that you've noted in your comments. >> manny, how do you make up for lost up months
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this is like, for instance, clorox makes charcoal. and they'll tell you, look, we can't necessarily make it up it's got to be incredibly hot at the end of the summer. but you seem to be quite confident that even though you missed with a cooler spring everywhere, that you'll still make it back >> well, when you look at the -- our business, we have year-round markets which are fairly steady all year round, obviously, and then we have seasonal markets like where you live up in the northeast. and, for example, when we went through our quarter in the second quarter, ow base business sales were up only 1% in april given the delayed spring but in may and june, we were up 9% organically each of those two months july is another good month and that's just evidence of the strength of our model, the strength of our business, the strength of our industry, and the great future that we had ahead of us. >> there are still plenty of companies to buy and plenty of smaller mom and pops to pick
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off. and the people who are in this business still need you and save a lot of money if they use you is that correct? >> that is correct i mean, our model is to be -- work with our customers, the contractor customers especially representing over 70% of our business we provide them the materials. wee are their business partners. when they're doing a job, whether it's remodeling a pool, replacing the equipment in a pool, making a repair, basic maintenance or even building a new pool, any facets of that business that. >> need us to provide them the materials when and where they need it so they can bill out their time and succeed >> do you think that your new ceo has any aspirations to be able the come up with new things to be able do to do say, during november, december, january. now you got a great funnel there are tremendous number of people who rely on you. are there other businesses that you can put through that funnel for contractors? >> we have looked at that over the course of time, but pete arbin is a very bright guy he has a great team around him
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and i am sure that they will come up with new ideas to further our growth for many years into the future. so i don't know so much about taking the edge off the winter in the northern markets, but certainly there are opportunities for us to continue to improve our execution, continue to enhance the value that we provide to our customers as well as our suppliers and to that end, in the time -- yeah. >> i just want to congratulate you. i think that what you've done is masterful. i used to be worried about california and drought you told me not to be. i was concerned about whether the weather would be good. you told me not to be. you were money good on every one of these i want to wish you the best of luck, and i think you're leafing the company in great hands >> thank you very much, jim. really appreciate your support >> well, you deserve it. okay that is manny perez de la mesa, president and ceo of pool corp., as confident as ever this stock is going higher "mad money" is after the break
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♪ it is time
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it's time for the "lightning round. >> buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell. >> buy, buy, buy. >> sell, sell, sell. >> sell, sell, sell. >> and then the "lightning round" is over are you ready, skee-daddy? it's time for the "lightning round. let's get started with ann in indiana. ann? >> caller: jim, so happy to hear from you i got a question about idexx do i continue to trim or do i close it out >> you got to hold on to it. this stock is a total horse. it's one of the best acting stocks really, with the illumina, which is another great one these kind of testing companies for anything genetic, anything biological, even if it is dogs and cats. idexx, go buy some more. pay off your base, but do it mike until ohio, michael >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah. >> caller: i like this company, it's competitive as the health
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care industry continues to transition towards value-based care programs. what's your take on evh? >> it's a good platform. but when i come back to the group, i come back to you have to buy the best of breed that is large cap which i'm going to say would be united health you're going to say wait a second that doesn't visit but if you look at optimum, it does buy united health. cj in texas, cj? >> caller: boo-yah, mr. jim cramer. >> boo-yah >> i'm sorry, which one? >> from the energy capital of the world, i was saying. >> oh, absolutely. texas. most definitely. what's up? >> caller: wes i'm in it for the dividend and the growth so in your expert opinion, is it possible >> yes, it, actually i think these stocks are undervalued. the one i've been looking at dc mid street that yields 7%. they just bought the dividend. i think you're in the right spot, and i'm willing to go with you. david in illinois, david >> dr. cramer!
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aka white trout and el monstro fisherman, welcome back. >> el monstro, 7 1/2 a record-breaker as far as i'm concerned. certainly for me 45-minute fight. my arms are still tired. how can i help >> caller: good deal stephanie link and i like biomedical device company, zimmer biomet holdings, zbh. >> who i am to disagree with the linkster or dave i think the device sector is good and another one that she and i like very much is abbott. >> buy, buy, buy >> there we go let's go to peter in florida peter? >> caller: hello >> peter >> caller: sunny boo-yah from palm beach >> nice. wish i were there what's up? >> caller: come down >> okay! >> caller: i'm so happy you took my call because aye michigan expressing gratitude to you is long overdue i just want the thank you, jim. >> man, you're very welcome. try to do my best every day. what's going on? >> caller: well, your best is
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good enough. i want to share a quick trivia thing with you the legendary vince lombardi at his entire coaching career onl lost one playbook, and that was to the philadelphia eagles in 1960 >> jim ringo, and he never forgave jim ringo and refused to female speak to him after that jim was disloyal who the would want to leave lombardi even though we won the world championship that year what else? >> caller: that was some year. okay i have to tell you that i was a miserable failure at investing until i discovered cramerica and have subsequently become very successful employing the lessons i learn from you, such a nobody ever made a dime panicking. >> yes >> caller: i can't tell you how much it cost me when emotion was part of the equation anyway, my question is regarding titan international. >> good yield, good yield! i like the containers.
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i'm not kraeds crazy about them. but it's a good yield. oh, no thanks for the fabulous comments and ladies and gentlemen at the conclusion of the "lightning round"! [ buzzer ] >> the "lightning round" is >> the "lightning round" is sponsored by td ameritrade jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade [music playing] (ceo) the employee of the year, anna. (vo) progress is in the pursuit.
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audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during summer of audi sales event.
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♪ even after today's terrific bounce, there is still plenty of bargains to be found among the technology stocks that got way down by the implosion of facebook and twitter late last
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week take cyprus semiconductors, cy for your home gamers it's the maker of programmable systems on a chip, as well as chips for touch screens. microcontroller is really big business appliances, internet of things, memory chips for the auto market after roaring last year, the stock peaked in march because cypress gets 40% of its sales from china and taiwan. people are concerned about the trade war. i suspect the chinese government can't afford to crack down on american chip makers, otherwise their tech industry would die on the vine and we know the company at this point is in great shape. last thursday night cypress reported the latest string of better than expected quarters. the company delivered a 4% earnings beat off a 29% basis, 5 point one year-over-year and rapidly rising margins plus strong guidance for the next quarter that's why the stock surged up 6% on friday even if the nasdaq was down 1.5%. but i think cyprus would have rallied harder if it hasn't reported right into the teeth of a panic sell-off of the whole
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sector let's check in with hassane el-khoury, the president and ceo of cyprus semi, learn more about the quarter and where the company is headed. mr. el-khoury, welcome back to "mad money." >> thank you, jim. thanks for having me again. >> okay. i want to drill down immediately. we know there are trade issues we know that china is -- we're fighting back against china. let's use the language that the president gives. how concerned are you that this could hurt your business because i know our viewers will pay more for this stock if they just get a little more certainty about this issue >> look, let me first give you my position about the whole trade and nip also i personally am a big believer in free trade. this really allows companies to innovate, compete on a equal floor. however, with ip innovation, you need to have ip protection we are where we are, and based on that, we looked what the impact was for cyprus.
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our revenue is about 1.5% of revenue. it will be impacted by the 25% tariffs. it's not material. obviously, we're monitoring the situation. we're heavily involved with the respected parties. we're working on ways to minimize even that little 1.5% that we have that's direct impact for cyprus. obviously, we're all looking at what this would do on a macro level. but for cypress directly, i'm not very concerned about it. it's minimal, and we'll try to mitigate that minimal impact. >> automotive, which i like very much, i know that your background, before you event went into the semiconductor cypress was automotive it represents 31%, along with consumer 31% i know that autos allegedly, because i'm not as bearish on autos as a lot of people, allegedly are slowing down but you're getting an increasingly larger portion of the auto what are some of the new accounts that you're getting which tells me not to worry about whether growth of autos
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are flat, you're taking great share. >> that's right. if you look at it, we're both adding new content and also taking share from competition. you know, i've always said, we're immune to the sar fluctuation. people talk and people are bearish on inventory and quarter on quarter automotive is a longer term view we're talking about two to three-year design cycle. we have at cypress great visibility over the next three years. we are winning instrument cluster, which will solidify our number one position we currently have we are winning in body electronics, you know, where a lot of people are spending money, the features, the comfort and convenience of that car. that's where we play the content is accelerating, even if we have concerns about the sar. we at cypress are a content player where do people spend money today in the car infotainment they want to have the same exact user experience when they walk in the car as when they walk in the home we introduced rsdb with our wifi product or real simultaneous
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dual band. it allows everybody in the car to stream content to their own device from the cockpit while the driver keeps interacting with the car these are automotive innovations that we bring in from the consumer space where we are also very strong. >> that leads to my next question, which i don't think people realize how strong your consumer franchise is. sonos, roku, people love these stocks, they love the products nest, of course apple, nintendo, amazon this consumer business, this group of clients is the fastest growing group of clients imaginable so are you picking up even more business from these? like for sonos, which is going to become public and become wildly popular, you play a key role on every sonos device. >> absolutely. if you look at the play, and i want to focus not just on a product, but really the cross-selling play that we have. our cross-selling, which is customers buying one or more or two or more products from cypress has increased 11%. so even when we have a footprint
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in a specific design, getting more products into that same design and enjoying the growth on both product lines is a key focus for our strategy but we are across the board. the beauty of it, we are winning new accounts we are winning new platforms but the key here is really on the platform side. you know, i gave the example on thursday of lg we introduced in 2017 the air conditioning with the lg platform, this voice enabled lg home appliance this quarter i talked about the washing machine. that proliferation of the smart home devices, the smart home and systems is really where we play. and the fact that we provide that proprietary connectivity, which is at the heart of the iot allows for the stickiness of the revenue, even in those consumer applications >> one last question, because we've got to run i looked at your market cap as $6.5 billion, and frankly, it
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mystifies me you are playing in every fast growing area you are taking share from everyone what the heck is your market why is it only $6.5 billion? and don't you run the risk of being snapped up by someone bigger because you would bring them so many good clients? >> you know, for us, we focus on our strategy we focus on the deployment obviously there is always any incoming and any strategic aspects of any public company. and of course we address that when it comes. but our focus now is what we can control, is the execution, is the shareholder value creation, which we've done very, very well from where we started. you know, i'm coming up on my two-year anniversary i think we've had a great ride our five-year plan and our strategy at cypress 3.0 is playing out exactly like we want it it's actually a little bit ahead of when i thought when i took over two years ago that is what the market is going to see, you know our margin is expanding. the market did not give us a lot of credit. they thought we couldn't do it we've accelerated it we've beat it.
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and now the market is -- look at how we traded on friday in a down market. the market is starting to realize there is value there there is value still to be unlocked and i can tell you, myself and the management team are focusing on that extraction of value. >> excellent and you're doing a great job of it congratulations on a terrific quarter. that is hassane el-khoury, president of cypress semi. it would have been up a lot more haar had it not reported during a difficult period a difficult period stick with cramer. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. - she outsmarts me every single time. - checkmate! you wanna play again? - anncr: prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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