tv Mad Money CNBC August 8, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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chasing him down and it's guy adami. >> alibaba that's been chased down. >> yeah. >> karen >> footlocker. >> okay. guy. >> giddy up on that nordstrom, i don't care what the the twitter pulse says. >> thanks for watching "mad money" with cramer begins now. my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you money. my job is not just to entertain, but to educate and teach you so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. you may think the stock market is built on a foundation of logic, but you'd be wrong. investing in stocks is by nature a leap of faith. think about it
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these are pieces of paper. their value goes up or down based on what you believe about the market in short, the market is a conglomeration of thousands of leaps of faith on a di like this where the dow dipped 45 points and the nasdaq advanced .06 points, it's worth pondering who deserves that faith, which companies are being given the benefit of the doubt that don't deserve it, and vice versa. i'm going to start positive. last night the slate of i don't meaning movies, theme parks. well, the theme parks, they are firing on all cylinders. programing, killer his vision for merging with the fox properties, to me it looks like it could have growth as far as the eye can see how about espn okay, here's where the rubber hits the road. iger told us it is doing better than expected. but then he didn't share what
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the expectations actually were he basically said take my word for it i am actually happy to take his word for it is there any reason not to? wasn't iger the first one who pegged espn's problems hasn't he taken radical action to create value for shareholders yet the stock is down today. that means one of two things either disney stock had run too much into the quarter. it was up from 100 at the beginning of june to 116 going into the quarter, or bob iger isn't being given the ben 50 doubt. and that's where the opportunity comes in if you can afford to take a long-term view, why not have some faith that all these moving parts are going to come together over the next few years and give this iconic entertainment company some credit. bob iger didn't just fall off a turnip truck and while netflix has a lead on them when it comes to the streaming stuff, who says it's zero some. you have plenty of other
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players. well, on the other hand, let's shift away from disney and talk about tesla. now i'm going to have a lot about this one later in the show but this morning, my "squawk on the street" partner david faber made it clear that not one of his myriad contacts gives any credibility to the idea that an $80 million possibility is possible given how much the company is losing. essentially, we're putting too much faith in elon musk. sure, he makes a great car he is a visionary. it's still kind of crazy to think he can put together the financing for this deal. now the potential merge they're has created a chasm between the believers and the nonbelievers the pharmacy benefit manager by cigna. the deal could hang in the balance was carl icahn has no faith in the merger. look, icahn admitted when he talked today that he probably can't block the transaction. he accepts that the shareholders are going to approve it. but he took the extraordinary step of actually using a scatological term to describe the deal itself.
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normally only use that kind of language publicly when he is arguing with guys like bill ackman i think it is wrong because cigna is paying way too much for express scripts. i have to admit i too was skeptical about the transaction and thought it was going to hold back cigna's stock i still believe cigna's shares will be higher than they were right now if the company weren't making the bid that said, we had cigna ceo david cordani on in march and he convinced me the deal will allow him to reach far more customers. i can't help thinking that longer term -- not right now -- but longer term, the combination could be fantastic and cigna's merge were express scripts would produce a higher price stock down the road, not today but down the road. carl icahn pretty much questioned his sanity, or at least that seem liked the implication in his comments. i care how cigna has performed
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under cordani. what's his leadership been and the answer is much better than the market. more important, i look at the data business created by united health that's the stock i own for my charitable trust you follow along by owning the action club it makes me think that some day cigna could be at a huge disadvantage without express scripts. in short, i'm taking a leap of faith that cordani knows what he is doing there is no reason for him doing this deal if he doesn't believe it in. i think the combination is terrific, which is why i've been recommending his stocks since $170 it's now $189. the conventional wisdom in this business is if you're going up amazon, you're going to be trash and your stock will become a joke we've seen this play out time after time with so many different retailers. that's why we call amazon the death star but you noe what sometimes amazon doesn't get its man. there was a time when we believed amazon was going to crush the auto parts retailers
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last year we kept hearing how amazon could send them into chapter 11 by looking at them. autozone is a terrific retailer. it saw its stock plummet from 800 to below $500 almost in a straight line for most of 2017 and that was strictly, i think because of the threat from the death star the numbers weren't that bad, it's the death star. well, guess what the big calamity never materialized now darn thing is back at $732, and i bet it can still go higher we overestimated the prowess of amazon and underestimated the power of autozone. what else? this morning cbs report eed cvs the drug store, not channel two. you can see nobody has given these guys the benefit of the doubt for ages, at least until today. it was a real barn burner. the stock flew up 4% in response cvs is about to merge with aetna, an i had been worried amazon could make this combination mighty unattractive. again though, after today, i think we've given amazon too
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much credit, and cvs too little as powerful as the death star may be, it can't wipe out a whole industry overnight plus, the quarter opened my eyes to the fact that the cvs/aetna deal could be a wellness killer, to put it in the most oxymoronic terms possible sure you, have to be concerned with amazon. that's it. i really don't think cvs and aetna are the problem when it comes to runaway costs in this business in fact, maybe they're part of the solution, which is one reason why cvs's ceo wants to buy aetna in the first place here is the bottom line. investing is know about not what just to believe, but who to believe. that's why you've got to have faith in disney, cigna, and cvs. but others like elon musk may deserve a bit more let's say circum spection. they still have empirical underpings the stocks i just recommended, i
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expect them to be higher a year from now, in part because i trust the people running the underlying companies don in massachusetts, don? >> caller: hi, zwrim how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, don how about you? >> caller: i'm doing fine, thanks okay, jim. the stock i'm interested in is t-c-s t-c-s, the container store the container store is a one-stop shop of finding ways to create more space through clever organization the company experienced the post ito blues in 2017 put together two consecutive quarters of growth and profitability in its most recent quarter was great. >> yeah, it was. i got to tell you, there are a lot of shorts in the name, but i've been waiting for them to deliver numbers. i had been very, very negative on the stock for years thank you to my late pop for telling me that it was a real awful place because he sold gift
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wrap for a living. but now i got tell you, i think it is okay and people are dead right. people have to start paying attention. that was a good last quarter how about michael in new york. michael? >> caller: hey, jim. thanks for taking my call. >> oh, you bet >> caller: you got a great staff and a really entertaining show i appreciate it. >> oh, thank you staff is fabulous. what's up? >> caller: hey, i got a question on sodastream international. the stock is up over 40% in a month and over 106% in a year. their last earnings was the best in the company history, and they also raised -- >> he works with me at action own the club, and he said this was the best beat, the best beat that he's seen and i've got to admit, it was incredible but that said, i would tell you that you had to be in it before the beat the stock just went up 30 points maybe we just have to wait for this one to come down. all right. i want you to have a little faith. have a little faith will, you?
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it may be time to ask yourself why you're giving elon musk the benefit of the doubt if not, stocks like disney, cigna or cvs on "mad" tonight sounding off on sown nose and telling you if i like what i hear then the rumble for runway dominance between carmax and autonation continues forget greased lightning i'll tell you which stalk is automatic, system@ic and hydromatic >> so stick with cramer. don't miss a second of "mad money. follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question in tweet cramer, #madtweets send jim an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something
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speakers of sown nose be a smart investment >> whenever a company comes public with a recognizable brand that many of you are probably familiar with, i like to call a little game called know your ipo, where we try to figure out whether a business with a good product also has good stock. the truth is these are two very different things in a lot of different cases. so what do we make of sown nose, the maker of smart home sound systems that came public to great fanfare last week, even as the deal's actual reception was mixed. let's talk about what sown nose does i know we've got a lot of aspiring luddites in the audience they make home theater speaks, and all sorts of related components a little less than a year they launched sown nose one, the first voice enabled smart speak were alexa built right in then last month they rolled out the sown nose beam, a voice controlled home theater sound system you might think this stuff is totally commoditized, but get. this sown nose has more than 630
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patents, 570 more pending. this is a system for audio snobs, like bose hey, call me a snob, i have both one of sown nose' selling points is that their platform works seamlessly with far more streaming services than bose does and sown nose is pretty popular. as of the end of march, they had 19 million products registered in nearly 7 million households around the globe a ton of repeat customers. but that's just one part of the equation when sown nose came public last week, the ipo priced it 15 bucks. that's well below the deal range of 17 to $19 that suggested there wasn't a massive appetite for investors who had been pitched by sown nose best bankers for weeks. once the stock started trading, i got to tell you it was last thursday, it performed much better than expected sown nose opened at 16 bucks while it finished the first day at $19.91. friday it rose up. and then this week sown nose started giving up some of the
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early gains with the stock cl clobbered on monday. you're still in the money if you bought tonight deal. so could this pullback, though, from 20 be a good industry sbri point or are we looking at a logical sell-off after the stock ran up too much in the immediate aftermath of the ipo now we've got to take a look at the fundamentals to figure this out. in 2017, sown nose grew its revenues at a 10% clip while it's gross margin wharkts made after the cost of goods sold expand by 531 basis points. that's 5.31. but 531 basis points that's bringing it up to nearly 46%. nevertheless, the company still lost money that's a key fact. keep it in mind. in the first six months of sown nose' 2018 fiscal year, the revenue growth actually accelerated up 18% but on the other hand, the gross margins shank by 195 basis points put it all together and the company managed to turn a profit, even if its earnings per
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share shank 35% year-over-year so far those aren't bad numbers. but they're not exactly clean numbers either there is a lot of hair on this one, and on wall street, hair is bad, like finding a hair in your soup, which is why i've been shaving the top of my head for decades, even though i have a full head of hair. now sown nose also providing guidance for the quarter that ended on june 30th and it's real hirsute with revenue shrinkage down to 7.5% year-over-year and a wider earnings loss than last year i mean i got to tell you, that was an eye-opener. so what do these numbers tell us until 2018, sown nose was doing great. the company accelerating revenue growth its growth margin arrest strong and stable, even higher than apples a bag of apples here higher than apple's growth margins, and they're the gold standard for hardware.
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for the past three years sown nose seems to be steadily climbing toward profitability. yet when we get to this year it becomes more complicated margins weakened dramatically. sown nose earned less money than the year before. still not a deal breaker the guidance for the upcoming quarter, though, that was downright jargon who the heck takes their company public when they're expecting revenue declines and losses. they explained it because they launched playbase in the same quarter last year so lapping the numbers means they're up against what we call tough comparisons that's fair enough but we still hate to see numbers like these for a fresh faced ipo. making matters worst, while sown nose' revenue is now declining, that's despite a 10 to 12% increase in the number of products sold, which suggests to me that their gross margins are going lower too. and look, based on the newest numbers, it's hard to imagine that sown nose can continue generating accelerated revenue growth i've got to say it's disappointing that sown nose is not yet consistently profitable.
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after more than 15 years in existence, if you really want to give the company the benefit of the doubt like i talked about at top of the show, you'll be able to argue they'll be able to invest the proceeds in making a better product rather than needing to reinvest revenue, but even that's a stretch. sown nose expects a big deal out of fact that they are returning customers. i'm not sure this is a good thing or bad thing sure, there is a legion of devoted buyers through they love the brand. but what happens when those customers get saturated. how many speakers can fit in one house? how many times do you need to upgrade your sound system over ten years? once twice? in all honesty, you know what sown nose reminds me of? fitbit, where part of the thooets thesis is they had this huge base of loyal users, and the company argued the people would keep upgrading to their new higher priced products turns out people don't feel the need to upgrade and fitbit has
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been a total, unmitigated disaster. >> the house of pain >> hey, i got burned by that part of sown nose' pitch is they have an independent platform it's a smart speak they're isn't made by apple or amazon or google now we know roku has carved out a profitable niche doing just that, making itself the switzerland of streaming video but is sown nose really independent? their last two major products are powered by amazon's alexa. oh, and get this from the prospect prospectus our current agreement with amazon allows alexa to enable integration with limited notice, end quote. to me, i don't know about you, but that sounds like a hostage situation. making matters worse, i'm wary of recommending a stock that's competing with amazon and google and apple. they can crush sown nonos like g if they want to. that's why i didn't recommend roku a year ago, and that was a mistake. be roku has managed to survive because they've gotten their software installed in tons of
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havana they're moving away from hardware and that's not happening to sonos. it's hard to value the stock because sonos is so profitable but it's selling for a little less than two times last year's sales. while that may not sound too price circumstances it's more than twice as executive as fitbit or even the much reviled gopro which we know was a huge bust bottom line, you may love sonos the product like i do, but i'm not enamored of sonos the company. i think sonos the stock is way too risky, even as i'm a committed cruise user of their speakers murr much more "mad money" ahead. it's the battle for dealer dominance. find out whether carmax or auto nation belongs in your showroom. then it's the dog days of summer [ barking but i've got one red hot stock that might be worth earning. see if agenda to your portfolio could have you bark up the right tree and it was only a few weeks ago that elon musk called out
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analysts i'm drilling down on this takeover talk and what it means for the short sellers. so stick with cramer i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now,
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♪ in a market where so many stocks in the same industry tend to trade together like baskets of corn, pork bellies, the orange juice futures, i love it when we see a little differentiation. one stock goes up while its competitor stock goes down that tells me there is still a place for individual stock picking in a world that's increasingly dominated by index funds, etfs don't mind index funds or etfs but you know in our hearts we analyze companies and stocks here look at the two big car dealerships. there is carmax and then there is autonation. since the beginning of the year, carmax has gained trouncing the
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s&p five one, while autonation is down 7% come on, that's a pretty huge disparity, isn't it? i'm not saying it's a surprise at the very beginning of the year, i told you to swap out of autonation. >> sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell >> and buy some carmax. >> buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. >> because it was the better run company with a more consistent record and a darn cheap stock. hey, it's good to be right while i expected carmax to outperform autonation, i didn't expect their stocks to travel in different directions they're both big auto chains with hundreds of locations they both sell new and used vehicles how has the stock of carmax been able to leave the stock of autonation in the dust first of all, let's be clear both stocks started the year looking strong both cooled off during the february sell-off. the difference is in recent months only carmax has rebounded dramatically how exactly did we end up in this situation well start with carmax coming into the new year, wall street was optimistic about this however, by march various analysts were cutting their sales and earnings forecast,
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pointing to their channel checks in models that suggested sales in january and february were particularly weak. naturally, the stocks kept getting clobbered. by the time carmax reported in early april, the results were just as bad as the bears expected, worse even not only did the company post top and bottom line miss, used car same store sales key metric were down 8% the only bright spot, carmax's wholesale business picked up 9%. it was tough quarter but a funny thing happened that day. after the stock opened down more than 3%, making a new 52-week low, investors decide they'd were willing to take a chance on carmax, because that's exactly what where the stock bottomed. with the darn thing reversing course and closing up 4.6%. >> house of pleasure. >> the next day analysts from buckingham even upgraded it and carmax remained the best of breed player in the group. over the next few months the stock continued to bounce.
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by the time carmax reported again in late june, the stock had rebounded back to the january highs in the low 70s this time the company blew away the expectations with the substantial top and bottom line beat same used car sales shank by 2.39 bear with me major improvement. and the wholesale business continued to shine on the conference call, ceo william nash explained that they're seeing signs of recovery in the used car business at the same time, he talked about all of the ways carmax is embracing technology to bring you more customers they're doing a better job making personalized vehicle recommendations and using new customer relations software management in recent years carmax has rolled out all sorts of new features home delivery, online appraisals, now they're combining all of these things into a single ecommerce experience, that this is a good story. stock spiked nearly 13% on the news, which is what caught my eye and why i wanted to do this
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piece. funnily enough, because there had been so much positivity po going to the quarter, they used it as an opportunity to downgrade the stock. yeah, they wanted to take a victory lap, which is why carmax's stock is currently down about 7% from post quarter highs. still, this had a great run. now with autonation, we see almost the opposite trajectory are. >> the house of pain >> stock roared higher in january on the announcement of the huge savings from the big tax cut, which a lot of people thought powered into buying cars reported in early february, the numbers were good. a good top and bottom line beat, with rising profit per vehicle and same store sales up 3.2% but it seems like the market couldn't care less and the stock sold off hard along with the rest of the market the reason we were already seeing signs of a slowdown in auto sales same thing that laid carmax's stock low earlier this year. as the trade war rhetoric started heating up in march and april, autonation continued to get slammed as they sell a lot of new cars, which means they
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beating some of the costs from president trump's steel and aluminum tariffs quarter not that terrible, but not that good either over the next few months, the stock struggled, rallying when the trade talks cool and falling when they flare up again a week ago autonation reported again, and that time the results were downright dismal. [ booing ] >> a top and bottom line miss were the strength of the used car business wasn't enough to university set the weakness in the new car business how it is that carmax appears to be thriving? simple they do have a very different mix of businesses. might as well be different industries carmax is primarily a used car dealership autonation, on the other hand, gets twice as much revenue from new vehicles as used ones. as it stands right now, the used car space, it is doing a heck of a lot better than the new car space. just take a look at this key chart, showing the seasonally adjusted annual rate of new car sales, or sar car sales. after steadily climbing for nearly a decade, it peaked late
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last year, and it's been trending down. so peak autos. this is a straight negative for companies that primarily sell new car, like autonation it's also a positive for used car dealers like carmax. why? with so many new cars sold, there is tons of supply forthe used car companies to choose from not only does this help the pricing and mar jirngs it makes used car dealerships more attractive because they can actually sell you what you want. and plus, because cars have gotten so good these days, they last so much longer, they tend to represent a much better value than it used to. the used car side of things, it got even more of a boost when the president steel, aluminum and tariffs went into effect these tariffs make new cars more expensive. but you can't be taxed on the steel that is already in a car you can't be taxed on a 2012 chevy. and this is with without the possibility of any tariffs on imported cars, which seems to have been averted for moment i'm not the only one noticing this listen to errol hesterberg
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he is the ceo of a chain of new and used car dealerships he was on "power lunch" a few weeks ago. >> it's working for us at the moment more is used cars. our used car sales in the u.s. were up 11% in the quarter, which is a number i had never seen before. and that's the same store number >> wow no wonder carmax is wiping the floor with autonation. bottom line, at the beginning of the year, i told you to avoid autonation stock and stick with the better run used car vehicle, carmax that's been a good call. and if anything, things are looking even better for carmax here, especially since the stock remains darn cheap, selling for just 15 times next year's earnings estimates >> buy, buy, buy >> richard in washington, richard? >> caller: hi, greetings jim, from the great pacific northwest. >> all right >> caller: jim, i'm interested in your opinion on ford motor company. the stock trading at slightly above $10. i'm retired. and looking for dividend income,
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and ford pace almost 6%. the analysis are all over the spectrum on their opinion of this stock what's your take >> well, you know, a lot of people have been talking about perhaps some risk to the dividend is this where there is smoke, there is fire? how about this how about ford's ceo come on the show and we ask directly that, because a lot of people are in this for yield and if there is a dividend cut, you ain't got the yield. and i have to hear it from the horse's mouth. it's not enough to just do cash flow analysis. all right. used cars are faring much better than new cars, and that's why i'd stick with the stock of carmax over the one of autonation much more "mad money" ahead. did you know that today is national cat day how am i celebrating by having the ceo of one of the top animal health plays and hottest performers in this market join me on set. and tell you this guy is money don't miss the exclusive with
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idexx labs elon musk is making waves after he is looking to take the company private. i'll typical you what the make of the move. hey, sdc, wake up. and all your calls rapid-fire in tonight's edition of the "lightning round." hi, i'm joan lunden with a place for mom, the nation's largest senior-living referral service.
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for the past five years, i've spoken with hundreds of families and visited senior-care communities around the country. and i've got to tell you, today's senior-living communities are better than ever. these days, there are amazing amenities, like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars, and bistros, even pet-care services. and nobody understands your options like the advisers at a place for mom. these are local, expert advisers that will partner with you to find the perfect place and determine the right level of care, whether that's just a helping hand or full-time memory care. best of all, it's a free service. there is never any cost to you. senior living has never been better, and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. call today. a place for mom -- you know your family, we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice.
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every now and then you'll stumble on to an incredible long-term that could be better than you could possibly imagine. that's how i feel about the humanization of pets now i've been talking about this for years. these days we spend a ludicrous amount of money on our companion animals. we let them sleep in our beds. we set up security systems so we can watch them at work we often feed them better food than we feed ourselves for many american cats and dogs might as well be additional members of the family, including this one, and that's especially true when it comes to health care after all, can you really put a price tag on a canine life that's exactly what you do at a pet store. idexx, the number one maker of diagnostic systems for animalles, particularly pets they also have some livestock exposure here is a long-time cramer fav with a stock that has given us a monster 57% gain just this year alone. some of that is because idexx
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keeps reporting amazing quarters last week they delivered a 6% earnings beat, higher than expected revenue of 14% year-over-year even better management raised their full-year guidance these results were so good that we got to take a fresh look at the story. let's check in with john ayers and hear more about the quarter and where his company is headed. welcome back to "mad money." good to see you, sir, great to see you. >> all right we got to get right to it. talk to me about fecal matter. >> you know, it's an important test for dogs and cats and so it's part of now our -- a proprietary preventative care panel that goes out to the reference lab. we see preventative care, including blood work as one of the major long-term growth drivers. you know, jim, an adult healthy dog, when you run blood work, one in seven chances you're going to find significant underlying disease because pets don't -- they don't tell you how they feel not even the stores geriatrics
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which are higher numbers that's an important part, and we really see it as a big growth driver >> the reason i start with that, just to be humorous, but you've come on and talked about liquid gold this quarter was dominated by the conference call on fecal matter you have invented ways to figure out how these cats and dogs feel. >> they can't tell you how they feel and so the diagnostics is sort of the voice of the pet. and what our innovation does is it expands their vocabulary so, they can tell us more about their health status. >> now, when we talk about these -- what you can do, a lot of what you're doing is actually selling equipment to vets. this veterinary business, is big a growth business as the number of animals we're having in our home. >> the great thing about some people say their dog gets better health care than they themselves get because you can go in a 20 or 30-minute appointment, have the exam, have the blood work run, see what the results of the
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blood work, are there any issues, talk about how to address the. >> all within a 30-minute exam this is what our diagnostic equipment is able to empower the practice and of course since the pet owner is paying, it's really nice to have all that information right when you're having the conversation. >> that brings me to the issue of pet owners paying this is a cash business, which is why the veterinary business is so good, which is why i imagine you do a lot of work gathering a lot of customers i gathered on the conference call that you're usiing thinking is a relationship business we have a really important field source we have close to 500 field-based representatives. >> and you're adding people. this is really great. >> we're adding 13% domestically, and 15% internationally, just in the next six months. we find that the more we call on customers, the faster they grow with idexx diagnostics, are recurring avenue and with, when we
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plug in all of our proprietary information, it tells ourselves the three key questions. where do i go, who do i talk to, what do i say. and this really -- productivity of having that information at their fingertips is really profound and we're learning new ways about how to leverage that technology combined with our data to improve the productiv y productivity, let alone the feet on the street of our sales force, thus growing the revenue, the organic growth you talk about. >> the organic growth is among the highest of any company i follow a fantastic quarter where they're talking about all sorts of new drugs they've got in their pipeline is that something that says to me it's going to be great for idexx in the future? >> the great thing is that of course pet spending is a big growth area. as you mentioned, health care is a growing part of pet spending diagnostics. it's the fastest growing part of
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pet health care. and of course, that's where we're the leader and we built that leadership over the last couple decades by spending 80% of the industry r & d in diagnostics and software, our competence it is yeah, i think it's a pretty attractive area. >> how about some of the -- we have to ask about livestock because there has not been any thank heavens flu or anything that seems to be a tremor the industry but it's still good business, just not fast as companion. >> it's 8% of our business it's a good business we're the world leader it leverages the same diagnostic technology as the health care. we're advancing health care in livestock, but really, the big business folks 85% of our revenues is the companion animal. >> and the last thing, i thought there is some statistics about europe it looks like that they rival us in terms of humanization of pets. >> well, they're on their way. >> yeah. >> but it's amazing. germany, it's a big market for us we're doing a 15% expansion of
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our sales organization outside the u.s. but what's interesting, jim, is international only has a quarter of the standard of care of the u.s. they love -- people love their pets everywhere. it would take 25 years of 10% growth internationally to catch up to where we are in the standard of care so we see international, and we're direct in all major markets. >> sometimes when you see that kind of growth in sales force, you say i hope they have the customers. clear le, it's another ten years for idexx. this is jonathan ayers, the chairman and president and ceo of idexx after this he and i are both going to celebrate international cat day, which means take your cat to the vet "mad money" is back after the break.
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it is time it's time for the "lightning round. >> buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. >> sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell. >> buy, buy, buy. [ buzzer ] and then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? i'm going to start with gino in kentucky >> caller: hey, jim. hey, i bought some crisper
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technology some timeago. recently added to it it seems like somebody is selling it a lot what should i do >> not my fav, up 100% i say -- let's go to paul. >> caller: love your show, love your buy, thank you. >> caller: thanks for making us little guys money. >> that's the plan >> caller: i know. i'm talking about midstream partners i'm looking for a dividend play. >> it does qualify when you get those, i like enterprise this has been a very challenged group. i like magellan, midstream i screwed up on that one for action alerts. you have to understand that the group just had a big move and it's going to cool off because energy transfer partners did not have good numbers. so be careful. franky california, frank >> caller: hey, jim, i just have a question about the stock exp they recently missed earnings, but what do you think about the
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long-term growth and the future of the company >> no. eagle materials, this is a very challenged group right now by the way, this whole sector that involves construction, i'm getting a little cooler on so i'm going to say no to that one. sorry. let's go to shawn in nebraska, shawn? >> caller: a big-time omaha nebraska boo-yah to you today. >> i like that spirited boo-yah. >> caller: i got my stock with jimmy. jimmy, my question is about my melon farm, si-i-e-n. >> very interesting speck. i'll tell you, mr. cornhusker, that is an interesting stock chris in georgia, chris? >> ba-ba-boo-yah, jim! >> like that what's up? >> caller: hey, my stock is tractor supply they got an 82 -- >> you know, when this stock was at 66, no one would look at it, no one now that the stock is all the way up here at 81, it's suddenly
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loved, but i got to tell you, i liked it throughout. you can ask a board member who i talked to at my corporate governance conference. i think tractor supply is the bomb i love going into their stores but then i am a gardner. jacqueline in california >> i am wondering what you would think of a position in sempra energy >> i think it's okay it's a little expensive. i actually prefer american electric power let's go to mitch in arizona, mitch? >> hey, jim. how you doing? >> real good how about you? >> caller: oh, it's hot here >> yeah. what else? >> caller: ready >> what else besides that accurate weather report? >> caller: visa, buy hold or sell >> visa! >> buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy! >> by the way, would it kill you to come on the show, regina,
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would it kill him? would it kill him to come on the show there, there there we go. let's go to doug in california doug >> boo-yah, jim. how you doing. >> i am having a great day how about you. >> caller: dream come true first, a quick thank you my son and i dvr your show every night. we sit around and watch it he is 20 years old in college. in some respects he says you're better than some of his economics teachers so thank you. >> you just made my day. it's been a long hard day. and you just made it this is why we do the show. >> caller: thank you >> this is why the show matters. i wish my wife would watch it periodically how can i help >> caller: my question i have zor, zz-u-o. >> when it goes low, you buy more jin xu is a legendary. and that is the "lightning round" [ buzzer ] >> the "lightning round" is sponsored by td ameritrade sponsored by td ameritrade ♪ all night long...
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is that lionel richie? let's reopen the market. mr. richie, would you ring the 24/5 bell? sure can, jim. ♪ trade 24/5, with td ameritrade. ♪ what's critical thinking like? a basketball costs $14. what's team spirit worth? (cheers) what's it worth to talk to your mom? what's the value of a walk in the woods? the value of capital is to create, not just wealth, but things that matter. morgan stanley
6:52 pm
there are a lot of brilliant short sellers out there, yet they all tend to make the same mistakes you can be the most rigorous person on earth. you can have a super human ability to smell a ratter, or know when a company is on thin ice with the government. but there are four fundamental problems that make shorting stocks especially dangerous. problems that are bedevilling these professional pessimists as they confront perhaps the greatest short buster in modern memory as they confront elon musk
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♪ hallelujah yesterday when musk tweeted that he had the financing lined up to take tesla private at $420 a share, he gutted the short sellers. i mean guillotined them. i think this is a great example of why it's so tough to bet against individual companies even if you think this is all smoke and mirrors like my partner david faber suggested this morning, it's still brutal for the shorts first, musk has every right to say he has a potential $420 takeover takeover lined up the s.e.c. doesn't specifically say you can't ponder what a company's worth or whether the company might get a bid. in fact, twitter is the place to disseminate this possibility i'm sure that musk has been approach from time to time, maybe even by the saudi public investment fund that's reportedly taken a 3 to 5% stake in tesla and that was not a fundraiser. they bought the stock in the open market. maybe the saudis mentioned musk should take it private
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who knows? but again, as long as there is no dump with the pump, it's arguably a legitimate thing to say, although dow jones is reporting that the s.e.c. has said to made inquiries to tesla about the matter unless the s.e.c. or justice gets involved in a serious way, it doesn't even matter if musk's tweet was illegal, wrong or inappropriate. this is something that bill ackman learned the hard way when he publicly shorted herbalife. you'll see that ackman in desperation did everything he could to get any federal agency to crack down on herbalife and put it out of business because of what he saw as really atrocious business practices in the end, ackman lost a fortune because no agency took the bite even if the s.e.c. took the bait, so even if the s.e.c. looks like into musk's tweet, i don't think that it would matter much to the stock. look, it's not like the s.e.c., like the college tournament area looking into it, the s.e.c.'s got teeth. but it's just not going to hurt the stock that much.
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and that's because of point break. short sellers need normal sellers to come out and knock a stock. who in their right mind is going to sell tesla if there is even the possibility of a leveraged buyout how do we know this is even a agreement of keurig green mountain who went private after the very smart david einhorn was worth dramatically less than it was selling for? hey, don't i know it i have been campioning keurig. it turns out i was part of the solution keurig got a bid from jb holdings that was 2% higher than where it had been trading. it was a short seller's worst nightmare. sure, maybe tesla does deserve to be dramatically lower maybe the market is wrong and the whole thing is a house of cards. but remember what the late, create economist john mader canes had to say about these situations the market can afford to remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent and more to the point, in the long run, we're all dead
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i think elon musk can keep the balls in the air longer than the shorts can stay short. he could have told the saudis that he would sell them $2 billion of stock right from the company he wanted to, right? then what. if he turned them down, it shows that tesla might be doing a heck of a lot better than the shorts think it is. who doesn't need $2 billion? elon musk didn't musk place hardball. i remember when i met him, and i challenged him on the prospect of something he had pro posed. he was saying that there could be a giant solar field in northern colorado that could power the whole country. i thought it seemed fanciful his response was simple. he said there was a 50% chance that i don't even exist, that i was just a simulation. it's brutal. it was funny and i'm sure that 20 people around the table where he cut me into pieces would each give him a monster check. believe me, it wouldn't have been a problem, just for that
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one write post he is a mix of thomas edison, david blaine and he is ruthless. i wouldn't recommend tesla up here but you know what? but you know what? you would be crazy to short itht no ambition's out of reach. ambitions live everywhere. synchrony helps make them happen with data, insights, financing and technologies. ♪ ♪ synchrony. what are you working forward to? tap one little bumper and up go your rates. synchrony. what good is your insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today.
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dates, deals, done! tripadvisor. visit let's talk good and bad. first, good. keith block becomes co-ceo of sales force market, likes it why? because as great as mark benioff, it's great to have another guy working with him less key man risk. and then the band has snapped. i got to tell you, the daily average users declined are you kidding me sure, engagement is up but dau is the lifeblood metric. and without a rise in those, i got to tell you, you do not have a great future and i don't think the future is that great i like the say there is always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money. i'm jim cramer, and i will see you tomorrow
7:00 pm
e entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. if they hear a great idea, they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪ are brooke bryant and brittany hayes, who are hoping to elevate the decor of children's bedrooms. hey, y'all. we are the georgia peaches behind the next multimillion-dollar children's decor company, addison's wonderland. my name is brittany hayes. and my name is brooke bryant. we are seeking an investment of $90,000
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