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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  August 31, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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knows? we have three days of potential headlines of other stuff >> a win-win-win is in sight according to the canadian foreign minister look, this is the art of the deal and we might not be used to it and people might not be used to following the ins and outs of it, but the market seems okay with it and it seems to have faith that it's all going to work out >> we shall see. >> maybe next wednesday we'll get the next headline on it. >> that does it for the closing bell today have a good labor day weekend. "fast money" begins right now. "fast money" starts right now. live from the nasdaq marketsite overlooking times square your traders are mike ko and guy adami. tonight on fast, amazon cracking 2,000 for the first time ever this week and the stock is now part of a growing trend that might make it harder for retail investors to get in on the rally. we'll explain. plus the s&p 500 closing out its best august in years and a be in of surprising stocks are surging and we'll tell you what they are is and if you can buy them
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breaking news, and no deal the u.s. and canada set to resume trade talks next week a story that broke here on cnbc. canadian minister chrystia freeland had comments moments ago. >> hi, eamon >> what we heard from the top canadian negotiator in washington is that they've reached the end of the day today with no deal, but they do have an agreement to continue negotiating and they'll meet on wednesday next week. chrystia freeland was asked in that press conference about some of the big personalities involved in this intense negotiation. here's what she said >> how can you possibly negotiate with a guy like donald trump who says he's not going to give any ground. that's not a negotiation, is it? how could you negotiate with somebody like that >> my negotiator is ambassador lighthouser and he's brought good will to the table as i said it is going to take flexibility on all sides to get to a deal in the end
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>> the president of the united states not at the negotiating table. he was at an event in north carolina today, but he continued to send his message into negotiators up in ottawa >> if we don't make a deal with canada, that's just fine, but we'll see how it all works out i say affectionately we'll have to tariff those cars coming in that's a lot of money coming into the coffers of the united states >> something of a threat there from the president of the united states if no deal is ultimately reached as these negotiations continue into next week. meanwhile, administration officials briefing reporters a short time ago, they expect to continue this process. they've officially notified congress ticking off the 90-day clock as a part of the process here and they've notified congress that they intend to have a deal with mexico and maybe, possibly with canada.
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does that pass muster under the statute to do it that way? officials say they feel they're in compliance with the statute here the u.s. trade representative issuing a statement today saying that they've notified the intensified the trade agreement with mexico and canada if it is willing. they say that that language is compliant with the statute we'll see how republicans on capitol hill who control congress between now and the election and perhaps after how they feel about that ability of the white house that feel that it's in compliance with the statute. for now, the bottom line is no deal today negotiating continues into next week >> eamon, any sense at all to what the sticking points remaining are? >> no, in fact, you heard stephanie in the press conference asking the minister what the sticking points were particularly on pharmaceuticals and they're want willing to reveal anything at this point about where they are on the specifics of all of this you know, one of the issues that the canadian prime minister justin trudeau has talked about
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this week is what they tall in canada, supply management and their large effort agriculturally rather than direct the farmers to the overall supply that's produced in canada and they've been very defensive about that on the canadian side and they'd like to continue to have that process in place and it is unclear where we stand right right now and given that the ney gosch yagdzs are ongoing. there is no test to see. >> thank you, eamon javers at the white house. so if you think a deal's going to happen. what do you do, guy? >> you stay the course i don't know what individual names have been wrecked in terms of the nafta breakup and the new nafta negotiators. >> autos autoparts. >> let me talk about autos ford and gm have been awful for the last seven years they had a huge move from may into june and went from 35 to 44 and giving them back and the straight time for seven or eight years and this hasn't helped and
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they have a raging buy overnight. in terms of the overall market, the vix still says you have to stay the course and it's effectively at an all-time high and by the way, dan nathan did an amazing job at 9:45 this morning on msnbc talking about exactly that >> the point is really important that canada is a 1.5, 1.7 trillion dollar economy and it's growing at 1.5% or something like that. they are one of our biggest trading partners and it's when you look at the eu and china who have the similar size economies like we do if you put them together and china's growth is the really important one, right? 6.6% growth. that's the sort of thing that has ripples throughout the market and throughout the global economy. >> the u.s. has more of a leverage because everyone says that china can wait, but if their economy starts to slip, does that give you -- >> i would put it back to you guys if canada holds out does that
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embolden the eu and embolden china and does this thing go longer >> i don't think canada has leverage and the things to buy are the autos. we saw ford pop, and it's off 6%. >> it's the autos and the china thing. >> you will get the autos if some deal is arrived at and the fact is cyclical stocks and that's what automotive stocks and the cyclic alg stocks will trade at the lowest multiple and the height, the fact that you see these low ebitda numbers is telling you that the market doesn't think that this huge automotive industry in the past couple of years will continue and as far as you should buy, take a look at what has happened, and that is chinese equities and you can look at eem. >> you want to go for the most bang, the most data in terms of what >> exactly right >> i think our market will probably respond pretty well,
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but it's not going to get the same, none of which are a currency hedge. >> the problem with the autos is if there's no deal with china we just faced a word of hurt. they were not going to impact them and the parents made it economically difficult and maybe they're downgrading. so by reaching an agreement with china and mex cow, where fortune bounced it this are should have been when you saw the inklings the stock still closed on the lows and i don't know what set of circumstances helped support gm gm had the bounce over the summer and it had to do with what tim seymour talked about. that was given back as well. mike makes the point and just
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because they're cheap valuations doesn't make them a buy. >> mike brings up that point maybe we see the peak autos and the ride share and autonomous drive ask that's a host of reasons and i still think you can still see that pop i agree with you, you should have seen a pop today, but that pop was last week or earlier on this week and i think you'll see that again once you see a deal that will be short lived and nonetheless, you'll see a pop. >> there was another potential headwind for autos and the average selling price of cars has risen steadily over time and the way that consumers have dealt with that is by stretching out the term of their financing. we have very low interest rates and there is tremendous exposure the longer those get to rising interest rates on top of the rising price of cars by the way, we shouldn't focus on the ford focus because they don't make any money selling cars >> isn't it interesting that we pose this question what do you buy when the deal is done? it doesn't look like the eu is willing to go to terms the way
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that -- the junker came here and they had a handshake deal and they don't like to deal with the cut and you have the potential for the eu and the chinese to be emboldened and this is a self-imposed deadline to map the deal and when you look at the guts of the nafta, 2.0 for all intents and purposes and there's stu stuff like automakers that have not been enforced and it's a bunch of noise. >> jack dorsey, and facebook's sheryl sandberg set to testify in d.c we'll tell you what to expect and why should investors are nervous. lus apple just g plus apple gained $180 billion in market cap and you won't believe how high one of the traders sees it going. it's not just apple.
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check out amazon's amazing run inching closer to the trillion dollar milestone and we'll tell you how to get the stock for less than $20. we are live at the nasdaq marketsite in times square much more "fast" still ahead ♪ i'm 85 and i wanna go home ♪ ♪ just got a job ♪ as a lifeguard in savannah ♪ ♪ i'm 85 and i wanna go home ♪ ♪ dropping sick beats, they call me dj nana ♪ ♪ 85 and i wanna go don't get mad. get e*trade, kiddo.
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welcome back to fast money big tech headed to capitol hill and julia boorstin is in los angeles with the details the social responses to foreign inif fluence operations. you can expect samberg focus the platform taking accountable and responsibility around preventing election interference detailing facebook's investment in the technological improvements with new hires to shut down bank accounts responsible for the interference and facebook's collaboration and the company is in a range of experts. they invited alphabet ceo larry page the committee rejected kent walk tore testify it comes on the heels of a range of attacks and senator hatch asking the fcc to regulate
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google's anti-competitive conduct. president trump tweeted that the google search is biased against conservatives and he said in an interview with bloomberg with the like of amazon, facebook and google is, quote, a very antitrust situation. in the afternoon on wednesday. jack dorsey will head over to the other side of the hill for a grilling before the house energy and commerce committee on how the company monitors content, blocks certain users they'll talk, i'm sure, about whether or not that approach is bias melissa, remember when mark zuckerberg testified before congress in april and there were awkward exchanges that revealed that some of the senators were not so familiar with facebook's business model this time around i would expect them to have done more homework. >> i would hope so, julia. if there is a question, they can't discuss the algorithm because that would have revealed whether or not they did their homework >> do you think the hearings are really meant to focus on ads and
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whether or not they'll be used surreptitiously to influence campaigns and other topics will creep in >> i'm sure other topics will creep in, but they're two totally different hearings and the first is election hearings and whether or not these companies have done everything they possibly can to make sure there is no manipulation around the midterms and other elections and the other question is in terms of what's going to happen in the afternoon, over at the house, that's really, i think the censorship and bias. i think that's where we will get the questions about whether or not there is an inherent bias either to the algorithms or to the people who work at these companies. so it will be interesting to see how they go, and of course, who knows? anything could be asked. >> julia, thank you. julia boorstin in los angeles. twitter, facebook and alphabet all lower today. so are investors getting nervous? remember the exchange that one congress person had with mark zuckerberg when they said how do
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you operate a business where you don't charge the users zuckerberg said we sell ads. there is a complete lack of understanding of where the business model was. >> the politicians went to school on it, but i do believe the corporations went to school on that as well. >> they learned. >> you will see a lot of -- and the stock prices were affected ahead of this. so you've seen twitter demolished and google not demolished and amazon not demolished and amazon is a different beast and we're not talking about that, facebook, flat they've got the cerebral content that they need in front of these politicians so i think the worst is over, quite frankly >> worst is over >> not for google. >> take a look at basically facebook's multiple here which is the exception and cheap if we can talk about gap versus non-gap and obviously, we're taking a look at what their forward earnings are and the way
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they report them right now and the company does look cheap which suggests that the bad news is baked in. twitter and alphabet i don't think have the same kind of exposure that facebook does. it's no surprise to me that folks on the hill didn't understand how these businesses work and they don't understand the nuances. >> that's what he said we run ads, senator. >> so here's the thing about facebook twitter or google. twitter could have a whole host of problems. >> the censorship issue is one that has not been addressed in front. it was down 2% and, and i thin you go back 20 years and you think about when the government sets their sights on microsoft what that meant and it wasn't political back then. so i think google could be faced with this sort of stuff just as amazon could and just as facebook could at some point if they don't do a good job self-regulating there will be regulating
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>> there can only be self-regulation if there is public faith in these corporations and it feels like the tables have turned a little bit in terms of whether or not the public in general has full faith in the companies to police themselves >> i would say the worst isn't over for facebook. i would take the other side. >> you look at facebook and it reported earnings and the stock went down 23%. we were sitting here when it happened and we were down to 170ish and it had a bounce and guess what we're right back down to the levels we saw after earnings and that's been on what's been a decent broader market take so i would suggest we are headed back to levels that we last saw when mr. zuckerberg made that comment at 155 or so because i do think facebook has exist earn risks and i don't think google or twitter has. >> is it because we don't know the extent of the account that they need to shut down or the activity that's going on their platforms? just because they shut down 600 -- whatever they did most recently, we don't know if that's 80% of the activity or
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10% of it. >> i think twitter has real problems two months ago they told us that they were suspending 70 million accounts all you're going do is look at president trump's twitter follow account and it hasn't budged so you're telling me that they suspended 70 million accounts. we all saw our twitter followers go down and he just keeps net gaining? that's not happening no way that's happening. >> the only issue is that twitter will have an answer for it so they can say that they've done this or they've done that where facebook wasn't ready for those questions. so -- and he's awkward to begin with so i think you're going have a different experience with a twitter event. as far as facebook facebook's made a series of higher lows and you might be surprised and it's trapped underneath the moving averages and you might be pleasantly surprised if you're a long holder, yes, it could go either way, but it seems as though it's front loaded and coiled to spring actually on these events and not sell off
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>> still ahead, how would you like to get long shares of amazon for less than $20 seems crazy and mike has a way to do it and he'll show you how later in the show. i'm melissa lee. you're watching "fast money" on cnbc, first in business worldwide. here's what else is coming up on fast. >> a number of dead stocks are heating up we'll give you the names and tell you if the traders are buying plus, video game stocks have tumbled. ♪ >> but one of our traders thinks it might be time to hit the reset button on one of them and he'll give you the name when "fast money" returns your healthcare business. of so that if she has a heart problem & the staff needs to know, they will & they'll drop everything can you take a look at her vitals? & share the data with other specialists yeah, i'm looking at them now. & they'll drop everything hey. & take care of this baby yeah, that procedure seems right. & that one too. at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on.
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she's sizzling stocks were breaking out right under your nose, regeneron, discovery, darden, kroger, they're some of the best-performing stocks in the s&p 500 in that time and we thought it would be the perfect time to play a little sizzle or fizzle listen up, here's how it will work pay close attention. if you think the stock has more room to run you'll say sizzle and then you'll hear this. if you think it's a little too hot for its own good you'll say fizzel and you'll see and hear this get it >> everybody got it? >> don't start with me >> guy, we'll start with you discovery, sizzle or fizzle? sizzle means it's hot and it will stay hot. fizzle means it's not hot anymore. >> you answered it for me. i would own it, not frown upon
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it that's a different game. yes, sizzle. i think the stock goes higher. we talked about this back early in the spring when all the news came out on mergers and acquisition. they have a lot of great properties and they finally dealt with the script acquisition and jeffrey came out and put a $34 price target on it and the fact that it had it today specifically, i think this can break out still. i do think there's a talkout opportunity. >> i love oprah winfrey network and food network >> it's hard to battle content they're looking for trying to hunt down new content and trying to fill the pipes with something. so i think it always has to sizzle with discovery. obviously, a little set back, but i feel like all of the m & a in the media territory has been pushed off the front pages, and
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i think once it comes back into, quote, unquote vogue, i think you will see the stock rally >> that's trading at ten times forward earnings >> all right we'll throw you another one, mike kroger sizzle or fizzle >> fizzle. the grocers are not particularly exciting and they have fairly competitive competition from the likes now of walmart and we also, of course, have to still wonder what amazon and whole foods will be doing together, and add in some potential wage pressure if they start seeing increases in wages that they're paying you know, at 15 times earnings this is not a growth story so i don't see any reason why approaching a prior high. >> this should have been killed -- i'm sorry. >> no, no, go ahead. >> sizzle. >> i'm glad you said sizzle. darden is next, sizzle or fizzle >> that's you. >> i can go now.
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>> i'm going to say sizzle every stock is not at an all-time high and this is where you want to buy them this could be the best since january in 2015. sizzle >> done, regeneron, sizzle or fizzle what do you say? >> i don't have a lot to say fundamentally about this story, but just look at this chart here at carter braxton. this is a bearish to bullish reversal here above 400 now and it looks like a good bottoming formation to relatively cheap stock, great balance sheet and it seems like we ever got back in biotech m & a and it's going up >> time for the final trade around the horn. >> square, it's been on my ideal list at under $13. still long it's square. >> mike ko i would buy halliburton. >> stick around, we have a special guest and i'm going to detail a trade on how to get long ea. >> special, really >> yeah. very special. >> oh.
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>> guy >> nothing special about that guest coming on, but that guest will have a chat and i will have my oa jacket on because that's what i do. they told me last night, you better bring a jacket swiss. >> a wardrobe change coming up >> i call him discovery. >> "options action" right up after this $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that's tough to do. schwab does it. next question. do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? a what now? a satisfaction guarantee. like schwab does. man: (scoffing) what are you teaching these kids? ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab.
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♪ ♪
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hi there, no, you aren't experiencing deja vu you are watching o"options action" with guy here's what's coming up. >> maybe not video game stocks are tanking, but dan nathan says one is poised for a bounce. he will give you the setup plus, amazon is now a $2,000 stock. >> good lord that's a lot of money! >> you bet it is, but good thing mike ko has a way to get in the stock for less than $20, and -


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