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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  September 20, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> throwback throwback for sure. >> loopy. >> add err on dak, the lodge. >> that's. >> intel you can do some good dancing not dirty dancing. back to you. >> that's it details dirty dancing. see you tomorrow at five my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always homework and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now >> hey, i'm cramer welcome to "mad money. welcome to cray america. my job is to the not just to train, call me or tweet me at jim cramer is the move for real can we trust these all time highs in the dow and s&p 500
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latter gaining 27.8% nsa po-- nasdaq pole vaulted 0.. qualified by the fact this marks one tweet away from giving up the ghost. earlier today the president tweeted s&p 500 hits an all-time high congratulations usa! trump stock, trump stock, trump stock. >> maybe trump market. does he want stocks to keep rallying or does he have a freehand with the chinese? is trump going to press the advantage or is he going to wait out the chinese? hmm. something that will likely allow our market to go ever hire or maybe none of this even matters because the fundamentals are so darn good in this country and certain stocks are so cheap. look, we know the potential negatives. companies selling to china will lose sales to foreign
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competitors. the chinese will block any deal that they have the authority to block like they did with qualcom's acquisition of nsp still angry about that and most important our tariffs the cheap stuff produced in china more expensive for american consumers. >> boo >> how the heck can this market -- why would it be a positive it's a different bull snorting today. it's the value bull. ever since the peak in january this market has been led by growth stocks. it's that outlook, zabaleta aamd google have been the wondrous medical device companies and the health insurers. then topping the banks fintech financial technology those groups haven't really given up the ghost i don't want to imply that many stocks are still rallying
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they aren't rallying as hard as the value stocks it means that part of the market that is cheapest is leading us higher value stocks make great generals we are safer hands than when growth is leading the charge let me give you some examples. i think the biggest obvious leaders are the bank stocks. here is a group that was dead as a door nail. if you own them as part of a diversified portfolio you were kicking yourself for being so stupid it's been all about the fin text and mastercard, visas, the squares of the world don't worry. those stocks are still climbing. but the old fashioned banks their stocks are climbing faster case in point. jpmorgan two days ago the stocks of the biggest bank in the world at $114 now a shade under $119 that's a gigantic move for a $400 billion company i am not worried the bank stocks remain incredibly cheap listen to this
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jpmorgan sells at less than 12 times. that might be too low. interest rates are going higher which makes the financials more profitable monday i will sit down with jamie dimon, the ceo of jpmorgan and we are going to talk about this and much more you don't want to miss this interview. not only that. we have a situation with short-term rates and those are the ones controlled by the fed and long-term rates controlled by the bond market rising. we have a rapidly growing economy. the lowest job claims since 1969 with lower inflation than the guns and butter of 1969. this is a nirvana moment for the banks. nirvana. hey, by the way, i like citi group, too $69 to $75 off a good outlook last week. citi sells ten times the earnings and it's down more tan five bucks from the january highs. what's not to like second value cohort is the
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strooel industrials. the stocks are leaders now today baird upgraded highlighting how well the company is doing away from china and parked to rally in the group. this piece of research put a spotlight on a sector that many investors have been way too worried about to touch it was too hot now that we are starting it quantify exactly how much damage the trade war can do, industrials look more appealing. even if there is recent runs, caterpillar stock went from $138 to $156 including today. it's off 17 points from the january highs. hey, doesn't that mean it has room to run? for those of you really concerned about that move, listen while the stock was marking time its earnings went higher it sells for 12 times next year's numbers i think you are getting a bargain. now, i am not denying the trade dispute with china keeps
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escalating i think it's getting hotter and hardly no doubt about it. but last night jamie dimon, the head of jpmorgan told cnbc he thinks, and i quote, it's not a trade war. i call it a skirmish, end quote. he explained if you look at tifs on $200 billion, just make belief they got passed on to american consumers, they have to pay another $20 billion, something like that. it's a $20 trillion economy. so the actual economic effect is not that dramatic, end quote i think he is right. we will go over it again on monday, okay i have to flesh this stuff out way tooimportant a good interview coming up as i told you over and over again, we have a lot less to lose than china does hopefully we see that. stocks like cat puller are still higher retailers got slaughtered. why? i think there is a belief they have to eat the tax, they can't pass on the price increases to consumers. amazon could always undercut any
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company that makes goods in china and sells them here. this morning i saw an advertisement for a piece of luggage from amazon that seemed remarkably identical to one from samsonite. a company it told retailers it had it raise prices. when i comparison shopped amazon was half the price so a combination of the competition from the retail death star and either higher prices or higher costs caused by tariffs could mean the department stores can't make their numbers that's why the stocks were shelved. more later in the show let's do some back of the envelope thinking. if the president takes these tariffs to 25% come january and all the current manufacturers keep making things in china and every penny of the tariffs is passed on it comes to $1,000 per family not a big deal it's highly unlikely if the tariffs were going to fall on the heads of consumers, the retail stocks wouldn't have had such a mess today. plus we did just get a tax cut,
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right, that makes up for the tariff figure every time i do the numbers. this may be one big rotation out of growth into value with people selling the expensive stocks and selling stocks on a discount for the s&p 500. so if we can just tamp down the speculative stocks again more on that later in the show boost the value plays, you know what this move, this move could be built to last. john in new jersey >> caller: booyah, jim i'm calling about eagle materials. the chips and wall board manufacturer it's been a big company in past haines, harvey, sandy, katrina the stock is near the 52-week low with the flooding and pending accusation of usg do you think shareholders will be signaling fly, eagle materials, fly? >> funny we are 1-1 by the way.
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i thought about this and whether to recommend it. there are so many people who believe you have to have an infrastructure built for this thing to go up i buy half i fear it goes down. and that's the reason even though it's down 22%, i am a little more tepidly endorsing it thank you for the nice words, fly eagles fly dane in california. >> caller: mr. cramer, a couple daze ago on "fast money" a guest when she was leaving said her company was bullish on lb, l brands, and mentioned it's a huge dividend. i is a little research and i see they are trending up the ben delline which investors seep to like but there are mixed signals on that stock they have a big dividend coming. so as much as i would like to get a big dividend, it would be fun to see a cow jump over the moon and i'm old enough to know nothing is for free. i would appreciate your thoughts on that. l brands.
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>> you raise a lot of good points it was true. they got rid of bendles. that has been hurting them i think people feel this is the beginning of a restructuring i think leslie wex strom does not want -- i don't think he wants his reputation on the line here or his legacy to be a losing stock he made so much money for people but i fear that the dividend is too high i fear that there is more changes to come that won't be positive strictly -- >> don't buy >> alan in north carolina. alan >> caller: hey, jim. booyah from north carolina. >> how are you >> caller: i'm doing good. we are holding in there. >> yeah, i hope so >> caller: yeah. the question is regarding duke energy with all the flooding we have had, it's hit their coal ash holding sites and they don't even know the extent of the contamination until the water recedes. is it a good time to get out >> no, you don't need to do that one of the things great about utility companies is as much as i know that the stories read
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tirably, i think duke will be okay and the dividends okay which is what matters. it's not one that i have been recommending people know i like american electric and i also reiterate i like dominion, which is very cheap, 4.75% yield are the record books right are these price moves real boost the value plays and i think they are for watershed, i am helping you make -- investors could probably use a bit of it break. a heaping dose of reality when it comes to stocks and all the rest one of the few ways to play medical marijuana, up more than 50% today as well. could the move for pharmaceuticals continue and another volatile day of trading for the cannabis stocks. one of the few profitable stocks in the industry. i'll reveal the name if you stick with cramer. >> announcer: don't miss a
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second of "mad money." follow @jim cramer on twitter. tweet him #mad tweets. send jim an email to add money at cnbc.coorm give us a call at 1-800-747-cnbc miss something miss something head to mad money at&t provides edge-to-edge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your retail business. so that if your customer needs shoes, & he's got wide feet. & with edge-to-edge intelligence you've got near real time inventory updates. & he'll find the same shoes in your store that he found online he'll be one happy, very forgetful wide footed customer. at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. that's the power of &. & if your customer also forgets socks! & you could send him a coupon for that item.
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(guard) i've seen things unnatural things. these people they don't sleep... like ever. they reveal in extremes and defy limitations. these pursuits may seem unnecessary. but the scariest thing i can imagine is a world where this, doesn't exist.
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we need to talk about the vertigo inducing run in the cannabis cohort. it's gotten too hot. is it a bubble absolutely how does this happen first, don't blame the marijuana companies per se for moving their stocks when something like the canadian farmer rockets, plunging back to 176, it's not because it's being too promotional. i know the company shouldn't be worth $16 billion. $22 billion it was at one point yesterday. but it's not the culprit in reality this is about reefer madness and the mechanics of the stock market the short sellers do not want to hear this. i think the publicly traded pot
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companies have been honest about the situation. till ray says the market for marijuana is $150 billion. it's there in the company's slide deck where did they get this number the united nations world drug report with a notation that these projections include the illicit drug market. when i had kennedy on the show two nights ago and i used the $500 billion market, not $150 billion, he didn't endorse it not at all no i like that. by the way, i came out with a $500 billion figure and it came in an odd way. i interviewed the ceo of green organic dutch man, a canadian publicly traded cannabis company, often thought of as the whole foods of cannabis. he is a 25 vet e vetd what the t.a.m. is. he mentioned $500 billion when i asked him about the size of the
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many industries that could be disrupted by marijuana when you include all of the medical, veterinary, recreational uses, tea, the painkillers, sleep aids, epilepsy drugs that $500 billion number included every conceivable type of cannabis, plants, brownies, extracts that are like the cannabis equivalent of drinking 190 proof ever clear he did not endorse that. he was much more conservative when he was on "mad money. to get your head around this, understand two things. on the one hand there is a lot of money to be made from legalization which is coming to canada in a few weeks and will likely make its way to the united states eventually that potential is baked into the marijuana stocks it's a great time to open a weed dispensary in canada but a bad
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time to tie. i think that that ratio is absurd chronos trades at 23 times sales. ridiculous cannabis trades alt 15 times sales. more than you would pay for the fastest growing cloud computer stocks many of these companies are up front about that bruce linton was amazed at the consolation, was asked about the bubblelicious nature of the group by the street.'s kevin occuran said the dot-com boom is the white analogy. you can't get more self-ef facing than that can you it was a powerful trend that would eventually change the world. with exceptions like amazon if you bought the dot-com stocks in 1999 or 2000, you tlos a lot of money. you lost more -- more than 300 came public and went bust a few years laker. like the web, legalization is a
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big deal you have a lot of companies trying to get in, constellation just, again we have to refresh, is -- that's a couple of mexican beers, all right they are good ones core rone o corona and modelo. molson, we know what they are. like the web in 1999, they want to protect themselves. beer companies, soda companies, they are worried till ray is morley legitimate. than toys. company starters in medicinal marijuana, it has a partnership with san dose canada and they got approval todo a cannabis trial, first authorized by the fda to treat patients with neurological conditions called a central tremor now, although the company has $200 million in cash versus the six billion dollars from canopy, canopy got that money when
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constellation took a major stake in the business. that's why canopy is my favorite name in the group. there are disclosed negatives with till ray, too most of the brands are licensed from private holdings, the private equity firm that holds the company. a suboptimal ownership structure. kennedy admitted they needed more capital to keep up with demand he told you till ray has to raise money and the company's selling stock at secondary offering was the most logical and obvious twist to me that was the reason for me to tell you to sell the stocks. not buy it it's in the stratosphere after our interview two days ago there is not enough stock to go around till ray is only ten million shares actually trading. there are plenty more behind it, 76 million shares outstanding. that's different from the float. most of these shares belong to a private equity backer. making thiengs more precarious, 33% of those ten million shares
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have been sold short i don't want to blame the short sellers. they are behaving rationally this a gigantic short squeeze where there aren't enough shares for shorts to borrow and sell. you can't sell a stock you don't own. you have to borrow it or you get brought in automatically by brokers who don't care what price they pay and it helps you. they have to give it to the stock of the real buyers that's what spurred this insane move yesterday when investors decide to own a piece of can a company like till ray you need to stay away from the stock of till ray right now. you don't know when they will offer more stock, when the battle between the shorts and longs will be finished they are too risky for me to recommend and too thinly traded to be betted on. till ray didn't create this problem. a ton of investors believe that the canadian prohibition will be big and lead to full
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legalization in the united states and profits for everyone. i think that's a mistake there is not enough infrastructure for this to happen quickly even when it does legal marijuana is less expensive than illegal marijuana. so, yes, these stocks are in a bubble no, it's not a joke. till ray and its peers are going to disrupt a host of different industries the boom is very really. it may not be as investable as you like what is next i expect a plet you ra of new ipos expect the existing marijuana stocks to go lower as the proceeds are plowed back into planting more weed, crushing pricing. that day of wreck ming may be sooner than you think as there are plenty of companies ready to go public. do not get carried away by reefer madness it will end badly when the stock market is flooded with cannabis stocks if you insist on playing, by canopy or the top shareholder constellation.
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the ceo is really smart. otherwise, just be careful out there. let's go to lisa in new jersey lisa. >> caller: hi, jim i am learning so much watching your show. >> i am sure trying to teach, lisa thank you so much for that. >> caller: i want to ask about scott's miracle growth i picked up 200 shares at 78.18. i know the stock was town. i think they are on an upswing and i am putting money in cannabis companies the prospects, i want to know your thought and is it a buy >> scotts miracle-gro is a company that helps grow things, okay, whether it be miracle-gro in a garden, a lawn and it is periphery related to weed, cannabis it's a one division. i think it's important that you know that what you own is literally what you own is literally a stake in a lawn and garden kind of company so if the weather means nor them than pot let's understand, that said, it
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is inexpensive adam in north carolina >> caller: booyah, jim. >> booyah. >> caller: brown-foreman it has dips. what are your thoughts in the company? >> look, you are dealing with a company that is truly an excellent company and i can tell you as someone who owns a bar that the darks, as we call them, with these are selling well, the boutique whiskeys. i don't think the stock is expensive. i think that the tariffs will not mean that much for the earnings what matters is demand and demand is strong and it's really the best way more than deagio to play the browns as we call them. there is too much supply of cannabis stock i am trying to be unemotional and dispassionate here about this and i don't think it can end well given what's been going on. much more "mad money" ahead. the reefer madness continues medical marijuana, up over50% today alone. oh, man. does the company have the
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pipeline to keep burning up the market and canada is about to legalize p pot. i will sit down with a private player to make sense of the action, a picks and pan shovel kind of thing rather than growers, although they have an angle, too is it time to give up growth in general? don't miss my take please be careful. this is cramer
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- i love my grandma. - anncr: as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. - learning from him is great... when i can keep up!
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- anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. - dad's got all the answers. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. - she outsmarts me every single time. - checkmate! you wanna play again? - anncr: prevagen. healthier brain. better life. as we told you earlier, we need to see more ipos in the marijuana space before they start trading rationally until then, reefer man, what can i say? look what happened today and shouldn't in corbis pharmaceuticals. they are focused on treating rare and fibrotic and inflammatory diseases. they agreed to license a portfolio of 600 cannabinoid
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compounds. in response, come on people. this move is pretty extreme. investors are doing anything with a hint of marijuana exposure i can't recommend chasing a speculative drug stock after that kind of run i still think it's worth looking into let's check in with the ceo of corbis pharmaceuticals good to see you, sir first, let's fill people in on what corbus does. >> sure. so i think it was last year, sometimes last year we were in phase two clinical studies for a bunch of diseases. i am delighted we have moved forward. remember, jim, what we started in 2014 was around a man made cannabinoid called lan absin nothing to do with the plant or thc or ccb it targets the system not in
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your brain but your immunized system and among lats inflammation and fibrosis. we are now in phase 3 in our program. it's a rare, very dangerous autoimmune disease called system systemic skrarosis and a disease i know you are passionate about, cystic fibrosis we completed a small phase two and now we are transitioned to large phase two. we are the proud recipients of a total of $30 million to date in financial support from the cystic fibrosis foundation. >> that's a big deal the foundation is fantastic. >> we are pleased to support them. >> let's understand the difference between synthetic cannabinoid and the one that is a class one felony. >> totally different we are a pharmaceutical company. we started four years ago with a man made drug that focuses on binding to our endo cannabinoid
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system stunt lo doesn't look like the plant. has nothing to do with it. all our studies are done under the fda in the united states as well as internal studies we have support from the national institute of health, cystic fibrosis foundation, and it's based on robust science from the preclinic into the clinic now. >> how about the 600 comps that we talked about? >> in 2014 we started with a single compound. we had a theory which was you can control chronic inflammation by modulating the endo cannabinoid system what we announced today is the next logical progression if it works with one of them, we want to be the leading pipeline. we want to have the ability to tap into many, many more of these. that's where gen ren comes in. >> you didn't disclose how much it costs i am worried people will buy and then it will be illogical.
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>> our cash position is strong one of the nice things of the deal is it's back ended. it's generous towards gen ren in the later stages. >> would this replace meth treksen? >> it could. that's used for rheumatoid arthritis. what about the patients that perhaps need a second line therapy drug remember, this field is dominated by drugs that date back to the late 1990s. >> yes, very little improvement in this field. people are desperate, which is why this is so important. >> so we're starting -- and i can't emphasize this enough -- not with the large diseases but rare diseases where there is no drug approved. i will give you an example if you have systemic sclerosis, scleroderma. >> it's a large population. >> 90,000 patients in the united
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states their mortality rates are 50%. so those are devastating diseases again first with lamavocin now with a general compound rare diseases it's interesting a, it's different. it targets a different receptor in your deliver. second thing is the nih has agreed to fund a phase two study. once we finish with phase one. >> nih >> correct so a lot of our programs are sponsored by the national institute of health. very different. >> okay. i need you to explain to our people why it even works, okay because i think there is a lot of -- it's taboo there are a lot of people who say it's a gateway that cannabinoid is just this thing where it's a back door to recreational it's medicine. it's science. >> so ours is totally different. none of our drugs is similar to the plant derived cannabinoids our drugs are man made they are ration design they interact with the endo cannabinoid system but outside of your brain.
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so the one thing they are not, for example, is they are not psychoactive they don't change your mood or the way you feel the flip side is also true unlike the cytocannabinoids, it interacts with your immunized system, designed to reverse inflammation and halt fibrosis. >> a logical question. pfizer eli lilly, why aren't they doing this? >> they are. what's interesting, johnson & johnson last year announced a small deal with a private company focusing on the cannabinoid receptor in the liver for nash that's exactly our vision with crb 4000, one of the lead drugs today. what's interesting is we are a tiny company, very nimble. but because we took the risk a number of years ago where big pharma, remember this, more risk, we are ahead of the pack. >> all right let's keep that thought. the stock moved very big it would have been easier yesterday or monday.
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ceo of corbus pharmaceuticals. i urge caution only because i don't want people to move money even on good companies "mad money" is back after the break. >> all right
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tonight we are taking a closer look at the marijuana boom i would say bubble depending on your perspective i said we could expect a lot of cannabis companies coming public through various different methods. m har dean, this is an interesting story. it's a professional management company that partners with cannabis producers and retailers to help set up shop and run facilities in the most efficient way possible they are about to become publicly traded. now, they recently spun off grow force that is exclusively operated by m jardine. you need to be caution you need to know more. let's take a closer look of the ceo of grow force and executive
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krasinski squa chairman of mjardin. good to see you. okay why do we need your company? what is it >> it's a management company we have been managing cannabis facilities since 2009. our founders were pioneers in the industry, came in early days in colorado, set up a management company to operate cannabis facilities cultivation, extraction and retail i came in as an investor in 2014, really institutionalized the business of managing cannabis assets for licensed owners. >> i look at your numbers and you are actually making money. why do you need to -- with the reverse takeover, shell company, when i think a lot of people say, wow, this company is making money. i just want to own shares in it. >> we really respected the process of how do you cake a cannabis company public in north america. the vast majority of the companies are listing in canada which they are doing it through this reverse merger. over the last year we institutionalized the business 35% is owned by institutions
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what we have done is set up the rto in a very dleeclean, straightforward fashion. it's the fastest most efficient way to go public and we have institutional backers already. >> things have gotten crazy. i've been around you have been around how do the viewers at home respond, how do you respond to tilray it's obvious they have become $24 billion starts wreaking of the dot-com eareer a what do you say? >> i take a step back and look at the actual companies with actual revenue, actual profits, actual summit. that's us and our sister company grow force we are built on the most experienced operating team that has been in the cannabis space the substantive business that will prevail that's for any industry. not just cannabis. so i look at the substance. >> okay. if i want to grow marijuana in a legal state or i want to operate a store in a legal state, i turn
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to mardin? >> we have a select partnership group. depending on the state, the status of the state, is it medical, raciaecreational. we come in as a pure agent, operate a facility for a fee, long-term contract, not dissimilar to a marriott flag, and we have strategic positions, flagship facilities. nevada we purchased a flagship facility in vegas. we are looking at boston, key markets where we want to have flagship opportunities as well it depends on the market 50 markets in the u.s., not one. so we base our business model based upon the market. >> okay. you are executive chairman of one company, ceo of the other. why do you have to split them up it might be great to have them all under mjardin's roof >> right, we spun off grow force. sits in canada. >> you are the ceo >> yes it's a completely separate independent operating entity
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we have a separate board, separate management team i am the only overlay between the two. we wanted to set up a global ex-u.s. investment because of strategic investors and being able to expand globally. it's a global management company p grow force is the brand that allows us to expand without stuffing t touching the states. >> what is your feeling about legalization in the united states is it always going to be a canadian phenomenon? is that what's it's going to -- if president trump is re-elected, there are administrations, they do not favor it is it state by state >> as a business in the states we look at every single market marketing has experience in 13 u.s. states. we want to be buyers and buy these businesses now given the fragmentation. we love the fragmentation. we love -- >> you don't think it's too expensive at that level? >> not yet
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the lift hasn't occurred in the states we have a small window to continue to acquire flagship facilities until the federal side reconciles with the -- >> is every market -- i follow the spot markets for cannabis. oregon went through the floor. i am not sure those operators are going to make it. >> it depends on the state so what we do is set up vertically integrated management companies. we're really price setters in the market, not price takers that again provides sustainable business model colorado people have great things to say, not so great things to say. our businesses are profitable that we manage in colorado because we have the vertically integrated management system. >> last question the reverse transaction occurs what will be there if people do want to buy mjrdin stock >> we have a cap structure that only one share class, my shares are their shares, and it's a straightforward approach
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the only difference is we do the reverse merger at the end day it will be a ticker, have shares, and -- >> traded in canada, not the u.s. >> an otc ticker. >> thank you for the clarification. we are trying to get our arms around the situation the executive chairman of mjardin and the ceo of the other company talked about, grow force, lots of documents and things to learn. caution is necessary "mad money" is back after the break. at fidelity, our online u.s. equity trades are just $4.95. so no matter what you trade, or where y you'll only pay $4.95. fidelity. open an account today.
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experience amazing at your lexus dealer. lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade >> it is time! the lightning round. 1800743-cnbc then the lightning round are you ready, steve john in michigan john >> caller: jimmy, jimmy, cocoa pop, jimmy, jimmy pop. booyah, baby marvin gaye, baby. >> okay, okay. what's going on? >> caller: remember, the most dependable cars, trucks, athletes, and individuals in the
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world and we're proud of it. >> you should be. >> caller: i heard your dad worked at 3m is that right >> 3m, sass sheen and tape in philadelphia. >> caller: listen, in my town we feel you're the real 3m. we consider you the moneying market maker and we thank you for all you do. >> thank you very much hey, i wish my wife watched this show once. if she heard that, she'd like me more >> caller: listen, with that said, my concern is proof point. do you consider it as hors d'oeuvre for companies to eat up like microsoft or at today's prices do you hold, buy, sell, or dump it by the way, thanks for the book. >> listen. thank you very much. we are all concerned that really that microsoft is eating your lines. the only thing we can do is invite t invite company on to tell us how they are combatting this theory that microsoft is killing us you are right to mention it.
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i haven't solved the conundrum yet. brian in texas now brian. >> caller: booyah, jim how you doing? >> i am doing well, brian. how about you? >> caller: doing great calling from houston energy capital of the world and home of the world champion houston astros and, yeah, they are coming again this year. >> yeah, good. >> caller: thanks for everything you do for us. >> thank you. >> caller: believe me when i tell you, our world is a better place with you in it thanks, brother. >> now i want my late mom to hear this. thank you. i am going to like -- >> caller: okay. my stock is mammoth energy service. >> i say to myself, brian, if you really like this, go by slumber jay. they can't get out much iof itsn way. i will spare you the privilege of being in that by not buying that stock eileen in new jersey my home state. eileen >> caller: hi. how you doing, cramer? >> cramer is okay. how about you, eileen?
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>> caller: good, good. thank you for everything you do. >> thanks for watching >> caller: my uncle has been watching you for 100 years he is 92 years old and you have helped him out greatly. >> god bless him a lot of people, that was the age that my late father passed away i have to tell you, they watched the show with great zest and talked about it with their kids and grandkids. that's when i know i have made it how can i help >> caller: in february you recommended a stock, westrock. >> right. >> caller: it's been sliding down since february and i'm wondering should i hold or - >> eileen, i worry about this every day. i talk about it with the club members and i have to tell you, i am not going to push it aggressively i think there is too much capacity coming on and they have to close the deal. once they close the deal, it's a buy. we are sitting and waiting and it is killing me but you know what?
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i think it's going down, not that that's a recommendation mike in illinois. >> caller: i am a fan of the show been a long time owner of this - >> that is an extremely well run utility. they used to come on the show. i miss them. it's a good opportunity, too how about we go to carolin in georgia. >> caller: hi there. thank you for taking my call. >> you are quite welcome. >> caller: my question is in regard to snap i know you were at first against it, but then you changed your position and said it was a good-bye. >> well, i said -- you know, in the 20s -- it was bad. down here then they missed the quarter really badly, about as bad as i have ever seen. i can't get behind it. i'm sorry. that was just -- sometimes you listen to companies and they really screw up. that one really screwed up let's go it scott in florida scott. >> caller: hi, jim, how are you? >> i am good, scott. real good. what's up? >> caller: i am calling you from the happiest city on the planet
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earth, orlando, florida. >> i didn't know that kich. >> caller: i wanted to thank you for the wonderful advice yesterday you said listen to conference calls, earnings report i am calling on a company i am heavily invested in. trans sen tricks it's trxc. >> wow, this is like junior doing surgical i have to do more work i can't say buy it i am not up to speed like you are. so we'll hold that one and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round! >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td round is sponsored by td ameritradewho says they don't? coach mcadoo! you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum- just to help you improve your skills. boom! mad skills. education to take your trading to the next level.
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is it time to give up on growth we saw plenty of weak growth, even as the averages broke out today. earlier you heard me say value is in. jpmorgan may be the best buy we will learn more when we sit down with jamie dimon on monday. does that mean growth is out, they can't co-exist? no, not at all it's true there were some notable declines red hat one of the cloud kings, its stock got hammered down more than nine bucks. does it make sense pricing wasn't as great as management expected. worse it sounds like there is a bit of a price war breaking out
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in the industry. ceo jim whitehurst told us, and i quote, the one deal that did not reveal a rare loss based on pricing. ouch on the other hand, it's not going down fallen from 176 to 134 you know i love my dog invidia, but invidia the stock took to down, down more than six bucks, bhaus of a morgan stanley note that mentioned slower growth because of gaming chips. if you bothered to read darn report, you would see no quarterly withthe greatness. i found it to be reassuring. it's in keeping with what happened every time invidia introduces chips the value stocks in micron gave you a disappointing at least tepid outlook in the conference call this evening. plenty of growth stocks are doing well, especially the ones
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that underperformed for ages disney announced espn plus streaming service passed one million subscribers. yes, we know that disney and comcast, parent company of this network, are involved in what could be a bidding war for sky but to me this turn at espn changes the entire disney support story. espn's weakness was what made disney a lager to begin with organic growth from espn love it. what else? i don't want to give up on these department store stocks that people think will be hurt by tariffs. sure, coal has gotten up to 20% of its merchandise from china. do you think theroux bailiffious to what's going on come on. it's only a matter of time before they move out of china all together i am telling members of the club do not give up the ship for this well run retailer. finally, amazon announced two uber growth stocks so many are worried about. the thing is these two are
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news-driven stocks amazon came out with new devices and it remains a phenomenal retailer and a dominant way to play the cloud and a fantastic advertiser how about outfits? waymo is about to make big headlines in the fourth quarter. you bail on alphabet now, you missed it. so think before you sell the growth stocks. plus, please remember a few days ago you probably hated what's going up today and we're in love with the ones that went down by the way, that's why i'm telling you to stay diversified. you had to own value when it was out of style in the wall street fashion show other wid otherwise, you would have missed today's move now hang on to growth for the same reason. same reason. stick with cramer. did you say yes? good, then it's time for power e*trade. the platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. looks like we have a couple seconds left.
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do some card twirling twirling cards e*trade. the original place to invest online.
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i know it's only thursday. i can't wait until monday when we interview jamie dimon, the ceo of jpmorgan.
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right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer i'm jim cramer i will see you tomorrow! >> welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. if they hear a great idea, they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪ with what they believe are better, safer cleaning products. hello, sharks. my name's kevin tibbs. and i'm tim barklage. we're the founders of better life, and we're requesting $400,000 in exchange for 7% equity stake in our company. [ chuckles ]


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