tv The Profit CNBC October 6, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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that there are many moments where i think you actually set me up. amber: i would never do that. ♪ [ laughs ] >> tonight on the profit... good morning, i'm marcus. >> nice to meet you. >> i go inside planet popcorn, a multimillion-dollar popcorn business with a huge disney contract. the problem is they don't have any real profits to show for it. you guys are in trouble. the balance sheet is hundreds of thousands of dollars wrong. mismanagement and sloppy accounting have forced the owner to ask her mother to take out a second mortgage on her home just to keep the doors open. obviously, you used the petty cash to buy lottery tickets. >> i did. >> the product is great, and if i can get sharla to listen long enough, i'll turn this unfocused organization into a national brand. my name is marcus lemonis, and i fix failing businesses. if you think that i can launch you in a direction to make you a profit, then you should do a deal with me.
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i make tough decisions... how am i supposed to trust you? and back them up with my own cash. it's not always pretty. i have to know for sure that the partner that i have has the same goals as i do. this is business. i do it to save jobs, and i do it to make money. this the profit. [hip-hop music] ♪ sharla mcbride started planet popcorn with a single cart and 250 bucks. 13 years later, they now have 30 employees, three flavors, products ranging from kettle corn to churros to crepes. their popcorn sells at fairs and farmers markets all over southern california. but the bulk of her money is generated through downtown disney. planet popcorn generates $2.5 million in revenue, but it still can't turn a profit. this year, they're about $200,000 in debt.
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sharla's mother has mortgaged her house and loaned the business almost $200,000 to keep planet popcorn afloat. planet popcorn is an all-cash business, and that leaves way too much room for things like missing money and theft. >> there's no charges on that. >> then that means they weren't charging again. idiots. >> because of poor management... >> oh, i got more counterfeit twenties. the bank took them from me. >> and a lack of focus... >> i got my cheese order right here. oh, wait, where'd all my-- [bleep]. >> this business is not as profitable as it should be. if they don't pay down their debt and improve their bottom line, this company will be out of business within a year. >> i can't [bleep] do everything, okay? >> but i see the potential to make a lot of money. i want to turn planet popcorn into a mega brand, like mrs. fields, or garrett's in chicago, so it can generate $10 million a year.
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i'm on my way to meet the owner of planet popcorn, and i'm gonna determine if this is a good deal for me or not. good morning, i'm marcus. >> nice to meet you. >> you're sharla? >> yes. >> great meeting you. this is a nice setup. >> thank you. >> i'd like to taste some of the popcorn. is that possible? >> sure. >> what would you like me to taste? >> well, my caramel corn's really good, so we'll give you a caramel corn. >> oh, my god, this is amazing. >> thank you. and you know what? the popcorn is big. >> this is mushroom popcorn, which is made to coat. it's a better coating popcorn. >> tell me about that money. you just leave it in there like that? >> it's petty cash for when they run out of quarters or ones. >> do you have a safe? >> in here? no. >> scary, isn't it? >> yeah. >> while i like the popcorn at planet popcorn, one thing i don't like is the lack of controls around inventory and cash. i see cash all over the place, but i don't see the kind of discipline i expect in a good business. how much money does this fair generate for you?
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>> my projections for this year are about 70. >> so you'll do $70,000 in business in this one fair, but it obviously costs money to come here... >> it does. >> bring the trailers here and the labor. >> it does, yes. >> and if it rains the whole time, you could lose money. >> if it rains, if we break down, if--a lot of things could go wrong. >> so unlike disney, that gets predictable traffic all the time-- >> predictable. doesn't set up and tear down. easy. >> this is harder. >> this is hard. this is hard work. >> sharla's popcorn is the real deal, and it's easy for me to see how i can help rebuild her brand and make both of us a lot of money. but before i do, i need to see the rest of this operation and determine if she's willing to make the kind of changes necessary to take this business to the next level. are you kidding me? this is ridiculous. i mean, anybody could come in here and just take $5,000, $10,000, $20,000. sharla would never know it. is this planet popcorn? >> this is planet popcorn. >> how you doing? >> good. >> i'm marcus. >> casey. >> i came by to see you guys. >> my name is casey.
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i do all the accounting here. i'd like to see the business more organized. there's a renewal packet that came from your insurance company that is nowhere to be found. >> yeah, it's over here. >> it expires today. i'd like to see the business grow. so it's really good to have the help of somebody like marcus. >> is this the whole place right here? >> this is just the office part. back there is where we do--like, cook all the popcorn. >> my name is brittney mcbride, and i'm sharla's daughter. >> we need to roll all this and wrap it. >> do you want me to count disney first? >> yeah, 'cause we have to do the reports. >> okay. i do cash control, i count money, you know, whatever my mother asks me to do. >> how do you guys function in this? >> [laughs] it's very tight. >> we just do. i know. >> is there, like, another trap door that takes me somewhere? >> this is my mom's desk. it's actually cleaner than normal. >> you know what? >> sharla... >> that's the "to be filed" pile. >> walk me through your-- >> oh, i'm sorry. i just stepped all over your money. >> that's okay. >> [laughs] oops. okay, i am an organized person. i swear to god. >> where's accounting? >> she's counting.
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>> no, where's accounting? >> oh, where's accounting? >> you know, where they count the money. >> there, maybe? >> do you guys just leave money out? >> yeah. >> this would be a cool place to rob. why don't you have a drop safe? >> we're very trusting. you can't trust a lot of people in the world. but i really feel if i have the right people on my team, i'll be okay. >> hi, how are you? >> this is steve, my fiance. >> hi. >> marcus. how are you? >> nice to meet you, marcus. >> nice to meet you. >> good to meet you. how are you doing? my name's steve caldaronello, and i'm sharla's fiancee. you know, i want to make sure it's the right deal for her. >> he's very protective of me. >> i definitely will protect her and voice my opinion. >> what department would this be called? >> i don't know, it's stuff. >> okay, what is this here? >> oh, these are my crepes. >> so you're in the popcorn business, the crepe business, and the funnel cake business. >> so my staple is really popcorn. that's how i started. and then as i started getting bigger, i've learned more locations, more money, so... >> more locations, more revenue. not more locations, more money. >> more revenue--oh, okay.
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>> sharla's business generates well over $2 million a year in revenue, but she still makes zero profit. what she needs to do is really analyze her business to understand where the gross profit is coming from. which one has better margins? >> popcorn. >> so let me understand this. popcorn does more business. it has more profits. but you're in the crepe business? >> you're correct. >> look, the bulk of the earnings are coming from the popcorn business, but she continues to be distracted with funnel cakes and crepes. if she just focuses on the popcorn business and nothing else, she will make money immediately. >> this is thy kitchen. this is where we make popcorn. >> when you have a cash business, you better have tight inventory controls. in this kitchen, i see inventory everywhere, bags of popcorn with no codes on them, no tracking mechanism so i know what we have and what we don't have. see, they look at it as popcorn, but i look at it as bags of money. >> my mother works here, sharry.
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>> hi, sharry. i'm marcus. >> i'm so happy to meet you. >> nice to meet you. how much money has she borrowed from you? >> oh, i took a-- >> she took a second out on her house, and the total was about 100,000. >> well, i don't know. i owed 125,000 on my home, and now i owe 250-something. >> so that's more than 100. >> and then she owes me 10,000 from my personal account. >> the most alarming thing that's happened to me early on in this discovery is learning that the debt that's on sharla's books is actually from her mother. her mother went out and took a mortgage on her house to keep this business open. they make banks for that. don't borrow money from your mother, 'cause if your business fails, your mother loses her house. how do you sleep with that? so let's say that we check the box, sharla--people, process, product. your product's fantastic. but you got to have at least two of the three to survive. >> okay. >> so tell me about your people and your process. >> my people are amazing. they work very hard for me. >> okay. >> my process could use improvement. but i can tell you this. i think i have a great business, because even though it's like
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this, i went from zero to 2 million somehow. >> sharla, i understand that. but this business is only as big as you will allow it to be. i came here because i believe that we can take this business from $2 million to $10 million very quickly. you have to get a website, and you have to get it up and running and you have to be able to fulfill orders. and i believe that there's an opportunity to grow the disney business, and the best way to do that is to get a retail storefront inside of disney, because what you have in that particular case of disney is built-in traffic. >> absolutely. >> in order to take your business to a national brand, you have to control the money and then control the inventory. but more importantly, you have to have a single focus on one product. you should become known as the popcorn lady. if sharla wants to be profitable, she's got to get out of other things, like crepes and funnel cakes. and she can't be doing this fair business. i mean, it's a total time and money distraction. >> i would agree with you that popcorn is the staple of my company. the crepes, on the other hand, to me, is a pretty significant part of my business. >> how much revenue will you do?
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>> probably about 600,000. >> of the 2.5? and what's the margin on it? >> 9%, at most, on that. >> netting 9%? >> he's always wanted me to sell the crepes out of the business. he thinks it's not profitable. >> i just think that letting go of that responsibility would make the most sense. >> that's right. we have two sides of business here. we have the disney business, which is wildly profitable... >> mm-hmm. >> good margins, good revenue. >> yes. >> and we have the concession business, which is low margin, high expense, high labor, high debt. >> you're correct. >> sharla suffers from what i call the 80/20 rule. sharla today generates 80% of her revenue from the popcorn business. the crepe and the funnel cake business makes up 20%. the problem is, is she's spending 80% of her time and her money on what generates 20% of her revenue. if she can get out of the fairs and the crepe business, her business would double because she would have 100% of her time and 100% of her money focused on the popcorn business. you have to have a different game plan. you should sell all these gypsy
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vans outside, stop traveling around to fairs, open a storefront, launch a website, and become an iconic brand like mrs. fields. and i'm here to give you the money to do that, with the understanding that we're getting out of the carnival business. >> those are my roots. and that's my social life. the social life are my fairs. i am not comfortable selling off the concession side of my business. >> sharla, you shouldn't be putting your mom at risk every single day, wondering at 70 years old, "am i gonna make this? am i gonna lose this?" >> i may never get my 100,000 back. it's a frightening situation. but, you know, you'd almost do anything for your children. >> so i don't like doing deals unless i have control for at least a short period of time, at least for a week. >> i'm open to positive changes, but i just don't want to lose control of my company. this is my baby. i really don't want him coming in here and doing, like, all these changes to my company.
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>> how about we do this? i'm in charge for the next week. and then at the end of the week, if you had operational control and i had financial control, how would you feel about that? >> but you have all the financial controls. >> well, it's all me. the risk for me in doing this deal is that my money's gonna end up the same place as everything else, on the floor. my offer is $200,000 for 50% of the business. so although the business does $2.5 million a year in sales, it doesn't make any money. and anytime i make an offer, it's based on how much money the business makes, not how much money it generates in revenue. i want to have operational control for a week, and i want to have financial control past that week. >> no. it's ridiculous. i'm gonna go. >> steve's flipping about the fact that she shouldn't do this deal. i would prefer that he would be more constructive. i don't think he realizes that this business will not survive without a cash infusion.
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there's no money in the account today. where are they gonna get it from? >> you've done really good for a long time. you basically have a living for your mom, your daughter. and you're gonna have some guy come in that's gonna take control of your finances, and he's gonna own 50% of your business? you think you want to argue with a billionaire about what actually full financial control means? i mean, he might cause lots of havoc. >> i can't give full financial control. >> of course not. it's ridiculous. >> you're right. i can't do that. >> if you think that i can launch you in a direction to finally start to make real profits, then you should do a deal with me. and later... so what i was doing before you so rudely interrupted-- >> any interruption is not rude when this is my company.
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>> so are you ready to do some business? >> i'm not giving up full financial control of my company. >> you don't know anything about cost and materials. you don't know anything about pricing. you don't even own i own it. every time i go into a business, i do research. and finding out that they didn't own, well, my first order of business was to make sure that i had it. i already got it for you. and it's ready to go. i also own, which is an organic line that we're gonna create. so if you want to talk to me about moving fast and giving
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opportunities-- >> if you were my partner and this thing failed, you would still be a rich man tomorrow and i would be broke. >> but if you fail by yourself... >> right. >> you're still failing. >> true. >> so what's the difference? >> it's--the control thing is hard for me. i've always prided myself on being a woman-owned business, 100%. >> yes, sharla, you could exist by yourself as an independent, strong woman for the rest of your life. i came here today to give you money. if you think that you have the i.t., the marketing, and the publicity resources that i have, then don't do a deal with me. >> well, of course i don't think that. >> if you think that i can launch you in a direction to finally start to make real profits, then you should do a deal with me. do we have a deal? >> i've worked really hard to get here, and i don't want to lose my company, and i don't want somebody to take it over. >> i would do it in a heartbeat.
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>> would you really? >> without a shadow of a doubt. >> do we have a deal? >> we have a deal. >> thank you. [cheers and applause] whoo-hoo! come on, give me a hug. >> don't let me down. i won't let you down. >> do you remember, sharla, that for the week, i was in charge? >> i'm ready to pass out right now. >> okay, so go have a drink. >> i'm gonna need a few. >> okay, everybody go rest tonight, because, you know, the next week's gonna be unbelievably intense. have a good night. >> thank you. >> partner. okay, i'll see you guys in the morning. >> thank you, marcus. >> sharla and i made a deal. i know that some of you aren't happy about it. but one of the things that i wanted to do today is make sure that everybody understood that i was now in full control, and that we're gonna fix some things that we think are broken. my ultimate goal with this investment is to make planet popcorn a national brand.
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in order to do that, we're gonna launch a website so we have a national presence. we're gonna open up a storefront in downtown disney. but before any of that happens, i want to open up a storefront outside of downtown disney so disney knows we know how to run one. the goal is to go from a $2 million company to a $10 million company. right now, two carts at disney generates $1.2 million. and adding a storefront at downtown disney will do about 3 1/2 times what two carts do. that's close to $4 million or $5 million. this storefront will have thousands of square feet at one of the best theme parks in the entire world. it allows us to generate more revenue because the amount of foot traffic's significantly greater, and we'll be able to expand our flavors and the way we merchandise them-- different-sized tins, different-sized bags, different-sized boxes. that gets me to $10 million very quickly. cash, to me, is the most important thing in business, and protecting it is the most important thing. i want to make sure that when we take cash in, we put it away properly. in order for me to be comfortable, i want to put the controls in place so that i
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know that my cash and my inventory is safe. anything else? >> nope. >> let's get to work. sharla and i are in newport beach, looking for locations for our first store. i've chosen a location and so has she. this ought to be interesting. let's find a parking space. >> okay. >> it's busy. >> wow, it's really crowded here. >> when i had the realtor find me places... >> yeah? >> i knew i was looking for medium income. >> right. >> i knew i was looking for traffic. >> yes. >> and i knew that i wanted to make sure there was a coffee place, a gas station... >> oh. >> and an ice cream place. >> interesting. >> the ice cream store will get traffic at night, coffee's morning and night... >> yes. >> and the gas is repetitive traffic. i don't know. i kind of like the spot, though, because it's right on the entrance. do you agree? >> my gut says no. first of all, nobody buys popcorn in the mornings. >> but it's packed. >> no, but i don't want to be in a boring spot. i don't want a store in a mall. just because marcus has a
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billion dollars doesn't mean he knows the best location for a popcorn store. >> all right, let's just go check this place you want to look at and compare it. >> okay. >> sharla didn't like the storefront that i chose. maybe she thought there was too much traffic or too many customers walking around. over here? >> yes. it's a great corner. it's the busiest corner in our neighborhood. people walk every day. >> sharla, can i just show you something? >> sure. >> i want you to look this way. what do you see down this sidewalk? >> lots of cars. >> what do you see on the sidewalk? >> no one. >> okay. and what do you see on this sidewalk going this way? >> a man with a flag. >> no one. there's nobody. so i hope this isn't your spot. >> it's around the corner. >> not even on this street? >> no, i come here every day. i live here. i know what traffic goes through here. so the nectar shop, the ice cream shop, all right here. and this place, in the morning, is nothing but people everywhere. >> well, you told me back there people don't buy popcorn in the morning. >> i'm not finished. >> okay. >> late afternoon, it gets busy
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again. >> there's a possibility that this is busy. but i'm not gonna make the turn, come back down here. >> everybody walks. this is a walking neighborhood. i mean, i walk it every day. i know. >> yeah. this would be a terrible popcorn place. sorry. this is a destination place. popcorn is an impulse place. there are two different types of purchases. there's a destination purchase, like a hardware store, 'cause you know what you're going for, and there's an impulse buy, like an ice cream store. you want to have an impulse buy be in a high-traffic area where people are spending their discretionary money, not in a far-off place where it's hard to get to and hard to see. >> i'm gonna be honest with you. when i brought you here today, it wasn't really about popcorn. this is my vision for a creperie. >> i told you i wasn't interested in the crepe business, and you agreed to those terms. when we made this deal, i was very clear with her that we were out of any business other than popcorn. i don't think she's confused. i just think she's unwilling to follow my lead, and that's not acceptable by me.
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once we make a deal, there's no changing the plan. i do business deals on people's character, their integrity, their honesty. >> but i have integrity. i don't think that's the question between me and you. you can trust me. >> so, sharla, i need to be clear about something. what insurance do i have that you won't screw me? >> how could i screw you? >> you could take money out of the company without telling me, or maybe turn what i think is a popcorn store into a creperie. >> well, you know, i guess there's a risk factor on both ends, because you don't really know me and i don't really know you. >> mm-hmm. >> all i can say to you is you're gonna have to trust me on this one. >> do i have to wonder if you're gonna steal? >> no. >> do i have to wonder if you're gonna undermine me? >> no. >> do i have to wonder if you're gonna go around my back and try to do something to hurt me? >> no. you have nothing to worry about me as far as integrity or undermining you. >> you can say that without any reservation? >> 100%. >> okay. >> you know.
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>> integrity is one of the pillars in business, and based on what i've seen at the storefront, i'm starting to lose trust. >> this i'm not changing. >> you've said that 11 times. we're good, we got it. and later... you guys are in trouble. the balance sheet is hundreds of thousands of dollars wrong. the [bleep] is gonna hit the fan. moving? that's harder now because of psoriatic arthritis.
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and boxed up in a new inventory management system. next, i'm giving sharla a point-of-sale system, so we can keep detailed records of her sales and her inventory. at the end of the day, you should have this much inventory and this much cash. hey, guys, let's sit down and have the meeting about the website. okay. >> hi, there. >> hey. >> and what would your name be? >> salem. >> salem, nice to meet you. i'm sharla. >> nice to meet you too. >> you're the internet web design guy? >> that's correct. >> okay. >> so this is a typical storefront. this is just for mock-up purposes. >> sure, i understand. >> these are just ideas, so i'm envisioning two separate websites. >> the organic, sister brand. >> yes, 'cause you've kind of got a different brand. >> so you separate the--right. >> and it creates more opportunities to bring in more traffic from the search engines. >> somebody might google "organic," and if i had a separate web page, it would take them to popone. >> popone, exactly. >> having a website is the cheapest store you could possibly have. it's a 24-hour store, seven days a week, with the lowest cost. the other person that i brought
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in... >> mm-hmm. >> helped redesign a lot of packaging. packaging is one of the easiest things to do to increase sales and profit. great packaging will sell a product before anything else. so i'm gonna change the design so it's less carnival-like, and i'm gonna change the package itself. >> what we did basically is we took the logo and we tried to freshen it up, give it a stronger, overall powerful look, at the same time, still staying with the planet theme. we obviously tried to tie in the planets. and then this look here is obviously a little less outer space, but we still tried to tie in the planets. >> it looks nice. i like it. >> okay, so, before we go any further, this i'm not changing. i like my brand right there. >> what i want to make sure you understand, sharla, is where we're gonna make more money is the cleanliness of our presentation, the creativeness of the names. are you okay with the packaging, other than the actual icon itself? if this was here... >> i agree on the black background, my brand. >> uh-huh. >> as long as it's my brand,
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i'm good. >> i mean, you've said that 11 times. we're good, we got it. >> 12. my brand. >> we got it. okay, so what we're also gonna do today is talk about the mechanism in which the package is done for retail store consumption. so there's a box, and there's a tin. >> so just let me ask you, why would i need to have different packaging? i like my bag. >> the size of the package and the shape of the package make a big difference in determining the profitability. what do you sell this for? >> that flavor? >> seven. >> what would you charge for the tin? >> 16.99. >> really? will you do me a favor? >> yeah. >> will you fill that? >> yeah. it's, like, a bag. >> what does this bag cost you? >> 17¢. >> what would that tin cost? >> 80¢. >> oh. >> so right around $7 is what you would retail that bag. you pulled 16 out of the air for the tin. >> i did, but i thought that tin was gonna be pretty expensive. >> that's right. where we're gonna make more money is with that perceived value. perception matters more than
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anything in retail. and packaging is a big part of perception. taking the popcorn from a bag that costs 17¢, and taking the same amount of contents and putting them in a tin that costs around 80¢, well, that's only a 63¢ increase in cost. but i'm able to charge $9 more. i've just increased my profit dramatically without doing much other than changing the packaging. would you buy that? >> i don't know. i mean, you know, i sell a lot of popcorn in my grab-and-go bags. >> i really like this tin. i would buy it. >> it's reusable. it's resealable. looks good. >> and it would be fun to say to somebody, like you do in some of the coffee shops, "buy the tin, come back and get a refill for $4." >> people would come back all the time. >> think about the margin on that. >> yeah. >> okay, that's done. obviously, you used the petty cash to buy lottery tickets. >> i did. >> that's why the balance sheet's off by a couple hundred grand. and later... i don't know if somebody else is stealing or you're stealing. >> i control all of the cash, so if anybody's stealing, it would be me, and i don't steal. (guard) what i've witnessed...
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so you need people that it iyou're close to...r footing, to help guide you. i think about how important it was for me to have the role models i've had. oh, look at that! i wasn't able to get there alone. he essentially plucked me out of obscurity. he's the one who said, "hey man, this is your life, this is what you need to do." nobody can do it alone. the more help you can get along the way, the faster you can achieve your goals. i'm in it to fly. help people achieve their dreams. speak for those who can not. whatever you're in it for... ...we're in it together. >> our plan is really coming together. we're about to launch a new website, the packaging redesign is underway, and we're on the hunt for a new storefront. but now it's time to dig deeper into the business. the accounting here is nothing short of a disaster. >> okay, so my appointment's at 3:00. >> before you go, i want to make sure you know that i'm gonna go over the books with casey.
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>> that's fine. >> so i'm gonna need to ask casey for information. >> i'm sure casey will give you the information he has to the best of his knowledge. >> all right, thanks. >> anytime. >> to go over the books is a basic principle of due diligence in any transaction. i need to make sure that what's been represented is actually what's on paper. this is how i want you to think about it. put that away for just a minute. in order for us to understand the profitability of our business, we've got to work backwards. so we're gonna get all the way down to what you actually make on a single cart on a single day. three carts at the theme park. >> correct. >> cart "a" makes, on average? >> roughly anywhere from 600,000 to 750,000. >> for this 750,000, how many bags did we sell? >> the average sale's about 8 bucks. >> what's the total volume on a typical day? >> about 250. >> times eight. >> $2,000. >> $2,000. of the $2,000, how much do you have to give away to disney? >> 35% commission would be $700. >> okay. now we have 1,300 to work with. what's 250 times $1.47?
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that's the raw material cost of goods, right? >> and packaging. 367. >> how many people does it take to run that cart? >> 26 working hours. >> okay. and how much are we paying per hour? >> anywhere from 8.50 to 11. >> let's call it 9.50 for average, okay? >> 250. >> 933 minus 250. >> 685. >> 685. now, how much skimming goes on? >> per day? there's probably a good 35. let's call it 35. >> i'm gonna exaggerate and say 50. >> okay. >> okay? there's maintenance, insurance. so that cart makes, on average, 400 a day, times 365. >> 146,000. >> all right. we went through the math, looking at each cart individually. our estimation was that this business makes about $350,000 in profit a year. >> that's not too far off. >> so as i went through the balance sheets and the financial statements, i discovered that the estimations that we're using aren't that far off. the financial statements show profit somewhere around 319.
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based on this financial statement, it says that the business makes 319,000. >> right. >> so what's odd about it, casey, is that cash in bank is actually overdrawn. >> mm-hmm. >> so what i'm trying to figure out is where did the 319 go? because it didn't show up in cash. it didn't show up in additional assets. it didn't show up in a reduction in liabilities. there's $319,000 on the financial statement and there's no cash in the bank. i mean, you don't need to be a math genius. something doesn't add up here. so if this business makes 300,000, and this is what's reported and deposited, where's the money? you see why something's not-- >> yeah. and i think that a lot of the questions that i have are similar to yours. >> marcus, marcus, i'm really sorry... but any number-talking--mm-mm. sharla needs to be here.
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>> she knew we were gonna do this, though. >> but she's texting me. >> she's saying, "i don't want any accounting discussed"? >> unless she's here. >> all we're talking about is the balance sheet. you want to call her and just tell her? >> you talk to her, 'cause i'm nobody, i mean-- >> except you're the lender. >> yeah. >> just so you know, you've put money in this business... >> oh, i know. >> and it says that the business has made money, except hundreds of thousands of dollars have disappeared... >> okay. >> and the lenders aren't getting paid back. all we're discussing-- >> i just think you just ought to--till she's here. >> uh-huh. sharla's mom said that sharla was very uncomfortable with me going through the financials, especially without her there. what's odd about that is 20 minutes earlier, sharla told me it was okay. something smells very fishy right now. we stopped. >> thank you so much. i appreciate that. sharla doesn't like for everybody to know her business. >> that's obvious. but you know what the bigger issue is? where's the money going? >> i don't know. every nickel comes in, it goes out. it's just gone. >> if this business goes away,
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and if you didn't get your money back, what would happen? >> uh... i would have to get somebody in there that can pay me my rent so i can make my house payment. >> that's scary. >> yeah. >> sharla's mom mortgaged her house to keep these doors open. you're concerned. >> very concerned, yeah. you know? >> if this business fails, her mom's gonna lose her house. i don't think sharla realizes that, or she doesn't care. >> planet popcorn. i'm sitting here talking to marcus. you're gonna go on speaker. hold on. hi, shar. >> i'm really not comfortable having my finances discussed without me there. >> they stopped, sharla, when i told them. >> i mean, enough is enough. i mean, sharla, you're uncomfortable with us even understanding your balance sheet? >> if you're gonna be sitting there talking about my balance sheets, i want to be there to agree or disagree. >> well, we made a deal, and i have to understand if the balance sheet is right or wrong. i'm investing hundreds of
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thousands of dollars into sharla's business, and she won't let me look at the books? what the hell is she hiding? all right, well, listen. i don't think we should talk about this on the phone. we'll discuss it whenever you get back. >> okay. >> you guys are in trouble. the balance sheet is hundreds of thousands of dollars wrong. something's got to change, or the [bleep] is gonna hit the fan. >> look what i bought today, marcus. >> obviously you used the petty cash to buy lottery tickets. >> i did. >> well, that's why the balance sheet's off by a couple hundred grand. sharla thinks it's funny just to take cash out of the jar to go buy lottery tickets. but we got a problem here. there's money missing. so what i was sitting down with casey and doing before you so rudely interrupted-- >> any interruption is not rude when this is my company. >> okay. >> because i have to understand the books. >> uh-huh. so when i sit down with casey,
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and i want to present to my "partner" a balance sheet that's clean, so that she knows from this point forward-- >> it's more like a marriage. >> yeah, i'm getting close to wanting to get counseling, sharla. >> a divorce. >> so take all the revenue, all the expenses, it says you made $319,000 for the year. >> 2012? >> that's right. >> okay. >> the problem is there's $319,000 missing. >> then i guess it needs to be found. >> why don't you seem alarmed by the fact that money's missing? >> i don't think this is all accurate. i'm just saying. >> do you think you had 1.2 million in gross profit? >> i can't say yes or no. >> no. >> and you know i'm not a mathematician. >> okay. if someone pointed out to you that you made $319,000 in profit and you had zero cash in the bank, you would think that you would be alarmed. i mean, sharla's acting like it's nothing. if you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business. >> you're asking me, "does this number look right?" i don't even know how to get in quickbooks. >> so do you-- >> i mean, i can get in quickbooks, but i, like, barely know how to write a check. >> sharla, this isn't
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quickbooks. this is, like, math 101. >> i'm not an accountant, so i don't understand it. >> okay, so how about i bring in an accountant to go over the books with us? would that be okay with you? >> absolutely. >> okay, i'll see you tomorrow. >> adios. >> can i talk to her in private for just--without a mic, or what? yeah, you do. >> no, i don't. i'm just gonna say this. i might not be able to read my balance sheet, but i make two point--whatever they said-- million dollars a year. so don't be telling me i'm stupid and don't know what i'm doing. >> he didn't say you were stupid. >> oh, please, mom. it's my money. >> but you shook--i mean--we're only doing-- >> i did what? excuse me? what did you start to say? >> you shook his hand. >> so what? >> you're asking me to trust you. >> marcus. >> i do not want to do business with you because i don't think i can trust you.
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>> thanks a lot. >> sharla? >> yes, how are you? >> i brought a friend of mine. his name is greg. greg, this is sharla. >> sharla, good to meet you. >> hi, greg, nice to meet you. >> greg has done forensic accounting for me on a number of deals. i brought in a forensic accountant to really dig into the books so that i can find out why there's $300,000 missing. >> i--obviously, it's a cash business. so i have cash all the time, 'cause i have to create tills for all my registers. >> right. >> right? so i will withdraw money out of the account, meaning boxes of quarters--there you go. >> here's a gift. just in case you want to take a bag of cash. >> right, right. see, cash is the most valuable asset 'cause it's the most
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liquid asset. >> sure. >> so you have to have the most control over your cash and your cash flow. >> okay. >> and frankly, if you don't have control over your cash, you may be losing cash. >> well, yeah, i'm-- >> so let me show you guys. so this is income statement for 2011. $67,000. >> okay, so that's positive. >> both: okay. >> then, in 2012, sharla... >> mm-hmm. >> you made $319,000. >> okay. >> here's what's most alarming. there's the cash balance as of december 31st. there's no cash. >> mm-hmm. >> it's--you can see why it's alarming to me. >> well, so here is my question. firestone financial is who finances my carts. okay, under liabilities, you don't see that anywhere, and i pay it every month. >> where is the money coming from? >> out of the bank account. >> then it would adjust on here. >> i think it's ending up here, 'cause look at this. 80,000 went here. so you went from $86,000 to $162,000, okay? >> okay. >> here's the problem, though. we actually expect more profit, 'cause it was miscoded. >> which means the income would be higher, not lower. >> exactly. right now, our expenses are
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overstated. so we expect a lot more cash. so cash is leaving somewhere. >> what the forensic accountant found was that there are entries that were wrong on the books. he actually discovered that the profit is even $80,000 higher than we thought, which means there's $400,000 missing, not 319. money went somewhere. >> you're probably not ever gonna be able to make me understand this. that's why i hate math. >> let's just take one year as a--you're a cash business. you get $1 in cash, and you, in fact-- >> write a $2 check, you're in debt. >> no, in this case, you didn't. you wrote a 40¢ check, so we're expecting 60¢ in cash, okay? >> of course, right. >> i agree. >> in this case, we're expecting $300,000 in cash, 'cause you are a cash business. >> right, but there's not 300,000 left over after the end of my year. >> and that's the big mystery right now. the money should be there, 'cause there are no distributions, no draws, right? >> well, there's no distributions because there's no money to distribute. >> but you have profit. >> what's happening is there's leakage somewhere. i don't know if somebody else is stealing or you're stealing. >> i control all of the cash.
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so if anybody's stealing, it would be me, and i don't steal. >> okay, so where's the cash? >> where is the cash? >> couldn't tell you. >> when greg and i confronted sharla about the numbers, her response led me to believe that she's hiding something. you see the profitability. the cash has got to be going somewhere. >> it would have to be. >> somebody's got to be stealing something. >> yeah, there's so many potential opportunities. it could be at the till, at the fair... >> or right here. >> right here, or somewhere in between. >> somebody has to be stealing from this business, and i don't know if it's sharla or one of her employees. and when you think back to the cash that was sitting on the floor, it would be easy to walk away with $5,000, $10,000, $15,000. it makes me terribly uneasy about doing this deal. would you make this investment if you were me? >> no, i would not do this deal. >> use my mom's stapler, 'cause my stapler doesn't work right. >> okay. >> can we talk about something? i was planning on having a frank discussion with sharla about the
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money, but something way more pressing came up. i received a disturbing email from salem. this email came from salem. it's, like, a trail. he told me that sharla and steve have been communicating with him on trying to buy a website that i already own. it says, "hey, salem. just left you a voicemail. could you please let me know what you're asking for" >> right, we did have an email with him. >> but i told you that i already owned it. is an organic popcorn site that i was creating for sharla and i. she knows that i already own it. she has no business going around me, trying to buy it. >> we wanted to secure it for us so we could do the brand. i mean, we're partners. i told you, 50-50. i'm absolutely telling you the truth. what's--i don't understand what's wrong. >> let me just tell you how this feels. you guys basically were trying to steal it, thinking you were gonna swipe it away. >> really, honest to god, you can ask him. >> you were just gonna bring it to me and say, "oh, marcus, you said you owned it, but you must've been mistaken.
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here it is." i mean, come on, guys, i mean-- you're not gonna convince me that you didn't know what you were doing. >> i didn't think it was a crime. >> but, sharla, we had a nice conversation about honesty and integrity, and you told me you'd never try to undermine me. >> how would i screw a billionaire, really? seriously? i've never screwed anybody in my life. well--[laughs] >> sharla, is it possible that you and i can just talk without everybody, just for a minute? >> sure. >> there's a million people that make popcorn. what i care about is doing business with people who i believe have their best interest and my best interest. >> right. >> i told you that in the car, that character and integrity is everything for me. >> right. >> okay, i don't care that all these cameras are here. and please, let me finish. >> no--okay. >> i picked your company out of all the-- >> i know, but-- >> let me finish--out of all the calls i got. i had plenty of chances to pick companies. >> but not everybody has the reputation i have. >> i thought what i found was a bulldog with a lot of character. >> i have a lot of character. >> and i was wrong.
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>> don't make me cry. you're making me look like a stupid liar, and i'm not. >> but you lied to me. >> i didn't. when did i lie to you? did you say to me today, "are you trying to buy popone?" did you ask me that? >> how was i supposed to know? you did it behind my back. >> i didn't-- >> how am i supposed to trust you? i mean, i was willing to put in hundreds of thousands of dollars into this... >> marcus. >> and you're asking me to trust you. >> marcus, that email-- >> "i'm trustworthy. i have integrity. i have all these things." >> i absolutely do. >> you did not display it. you did not display it. integrity is the only thing in business. so you can be very wealthy. you can be very smart. but if you don't have your word, you don't have integrity, none of the other stuff's worth a damn thing. sharla, right now, i do not want to do business with you because i don't think i can trust you. for business advice and extra scenes from the show, go onto
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>> i'm gonna be honest with you. when i brought you here today, it wasn't really about popcorn. this is my vision for a creperie. >> the flip-flopping on the books. you didn't want me to look at your books 20 minutes after you told me it was okay to look at your books. >> any number-talking--mm-mm. >> she knew we were gonna do this, though. between that, between the cash missing from your balance sheet, and the forensic accountant coming in and telling me it's even worse... >> cash is leaving somewhere. >> i control all of the cash. so if anybody's stealing, it would be me, and i don't steal. >> and what really got me was the website stuff. >> did you say to me today, "are you trying to buy popone?" did you ask me that? >> how was i supposed to know? you did it behind my back. quite frankly, you blew it. i told you that trust and integrity are everything to me. i have to know for sure that the partner that i have has the same goals and the same vision as i do. i'm not gonna do business with you. i wish you a lot of luck, but i'm not gonna do business with you. planet popcorn will never be a mega brand like mrs. fields or garrett's popcorn, and it's because of sharla.
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i feel bad for her mom. she's gonna lose her house if sharla doesn't change her ways. and those employees that work there--they're gonna be out of jobs. what are we doing? amber: popcorn. lemonis: what about it? amber: it's the episode. if i get started with this, i would eat all of this, like, in one sitting. lemonis: no, you won't eat the sweet one. it's too sweet. amber: okay. yes, i would. lemonis: is this skinnypop? amber: you mean it's planet popcorn? lemonis: no. you know how i know it's not planet popcorn? her popcorn was bigger. amber: oh, really? lemonis: uh-huh. that's one thing that i did learn from sharla is that she used the right kind of corn. in the last 5 years, i visited over 70 businesses. it's delicious. -[ laughs ] i travel the country trying to fix the people... woman: i don't want to be that person that cries on tape. lemonis: ...fix the process... i don't think you guys have any idea what's in your inventory. holy [bleep]. ...and create a few products.
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