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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  January 28, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EST

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♪ welcome to "street signs" i'm joanna ber se chi. >> these are your headlines this morning. >> europe follows asia into the head the government reopens in the u.s. after the longest shutdown in u.s. history. shares in ian plus jump as the u.s. lift sanctions on other companies linked to russian oligarch despite opposition from democrats. semens tweak their proposed rail tieup but say the remedies may still not be enough to
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satisfy european commission competition concerns and shares jump to the top on talks to spell the end of its partnership for ocado. well, good morning, everybody, welcome to "street signs. and happy monday as you can see behind me, the picture is perhaps not as positive start for the week for equities and this is in line with some of the sentiment we had in asian equities overnight where some of the majors did take a bit of a nose dive in terms of sentiment. all of the majors there are trading weaker nikkei down .6%. it is a big week as far as china/u.s. trade talks are concerned. we know that the u.s. vice premier is heading to washington for talks with lighthizer about u.s./china trades and there had been a little bit of optimism priced in forwards the end of last week that seemed to
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fettered out in yesterday's session. and, of course, one of the main stories drove markets into the green on friday was news that the u.s. shutdown will be partially suspended for the next couple of weeks. so that helped boost u.s. equities, but in europe the picture is still pretty dim, down about .4 percentage point getting right into the heart of earning season here. let's flip on and break it down by individual to get a flavor. across the board, all of these indexes are trading in the red ftse down .3 percentage point weaker all eyes on the meaningful vote on plan b tomorrow unclear whether it's going to pass this time around. and really consensus is building around the expectation that article 50 will inevitably get extended a lot of questions there on the political backdrop, of course. xetra down a third percent cac weaker and ftse mib down
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about .4 percentage points as well in terms of sectors, we look at the breakdown pretty much all of these sectors a big chunk of them are trading in the red right at the bottom we have oil and gas in line again with some of the weakness we're seeing at spot price down .8 percentage point, banks nor bad news in the banking sector down .8 percentage as well we're getting right into earn ing sector household goods also down .7% as well as some news over the weekend on tes koe they're looking to cut some of the work force and right at the top we have basic resources up 1%, telecoms sector up a third of a percentage point as well that's the breakdown across the board. as you can see, it's a negative start to the week for european equities willem ♪ well, the online supermarket ocado is in talks to deliver its groceries, according to multiple media reports.
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the financial times described the discussions as being early stage and reports those discussions may not end in a deal but a technology tie-up between the two firms could see ocado's deal with waitress come to an end after a 20-year relationship you'll remember at the time they invested in ocado as this new concept in the uk when it came to groceries you have these two names being almost synonymous in the retail space and yet if you listen to some of the accounts from ocado founders one spoke to the guardian, the partnership had been a pain in the ass to use his own words to deal with so in some ways this may not be a surprise to those following this closely. >> at the end of the day it shows no to be a big player in the retail space, you have to be the logistical capacities as well ocado is valued like a tech company. it is not valued like a grocery store or like another
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supermarket and comities extremely high premium and been a significant year for them because in the past year obviously their stock price has doubled and today is a good example up 5, 6% on the news but they're doing these partnerships not just with uk companies but with these international grocery stores as well we heard last year they're partnering up with kroger, the u.s. department chain. really their goal is to take the logistics infrastructure and give companies like mark and spencer which don't have the big ecommerce platform an opportunity to get involved in that space by essentially doing these partnerships and clipping the premium but also providing a solution to grocers that aren't necessarily actively competitive in that space. it's very smart. >> what's interesting is that after john lewis sold their stake in ocado, 20 11, 150 million, they decided they had to invest in this type of
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technology so we'll see how those two shape up. >> it's interesting it took m&s so long. meanwhile, oil prices have slipped. that's after u.s. energy firms opened more oil rigs last week for the first time this year, the energy services firm baker hughes reported the oil company added ten new rigs to bring the total number of operative rigs to 862 and could indicate a crude production increase. oil price, brent is down 60.75 a barrel wt tirks trading at 52.81. i'm happy to say that our colleague joins frus the italian city of florence where he's attending the annual meeting of baker hughes what are people talking about? >> well, i think they're talking about just the kind of thing you just mentioned actually. it's very interesting the sensitivity of rigs, the sensitivity of supply, the sensitivity of demand to the
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oscillations we've been seeing you have to remember the world went through a period where it was okay with $100 oil now when we got up to 75, $80 earlier last year, there were all kinds of problems for th demand equation. it fell progressively and then the price fell precipitously in the last quarter of 2018 and now as you were mentioning has stabilized very, very sensitive to the kind of data you just mentioned as well it's particularly apt for a company like bhe because they're trying to sell equipment they're trying to do long-term deals with people. this hall i'm standing in now is full of thousands of thousands of industry executives not here necessarily to migrate moderating skills which i'll be doing in a few years, they're here to do deals and those deals are more and more price sensitive. it was only 2017 talking of deals that baker hughes came about with ge owning 62.5% of
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the shares now look like ge has got its own capital problems a company i used to work for of course, cnbc used to be owned by ge is going through a transformation and not all of it is good. i asked about this because the boss of bhge now a baker hughes man spent his entire career before that moment as a ge employee from 1994 i said to him, look, we have a real problem here at ge. i also asked him about mr. trump and whether he was good or bad for the hydro carbon industry. let's listen in. >> it's in transformation. >> 115 billion dollars worth of liabilities which aren't necessarily covered. >> you have to look at the core assets an the strength of that technology and the strength of the services backlog again they were 62.5%, it's gone down to just over 50%, capital allocation and making the tradeoffs of where the capital
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allocated from a ge perspective needs to be. we feel good about the technology backbone that we receive from ge. we've got the commercial agreements in place. i'm also sure that they'll be successful as they continue confront the challenges. >> look, i'm a former ge employee you're a former ge employee. we can talk about this objectively, it's a company in deep crisis, isn't it? >> i would put it another way, it's a company that's confronting its challenges and it's going to overcome them. >> you don't think the debt issues will overwhelm the company? >> when you look at the amount of assets and look at the core foundation of the industrial strength the company has been around a long time again, larry has a focus on the strategic fixes. he's put them into effect and he's transforming the company. >> talk about the company you work for what about bhg going forward for a start, it has to have another name we'll leave that aside for the moment what about your company going forward as well? we talked about lng as well. is that where you see the big
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growth driver? >> i feel very good about the complete portfolio look at it clearly lng is a big aspect of what we do in florence and the business we have here. there's a nice cycle we're entering into for lng. if you look at, again, the qatar projects and north america projects, there is a demand out there for lng. i feel good also about the position that we're taking with our measurement and controls business it soews it into where the industry is going. new technology coming on board across the portfolio, we're set. >> everything i see, i saw you in a barcelona as well, everything i see is about turning the u.s. from an importer to exporter of product as well. it could be fantastic, it could be transformational. has the president and his trade wars with china ruined that? >> i don't think so. i think we're in a long game here >> you're up against qatar, african countries potentially,
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the russians got a big pie as well, is the president actually doing more damage to an industry he ostensibly supports by his forays into a trade war with china, bearing in mind, they can pick their product just as anywhere, the chinese. we know they're an incremental buyer. it's dangerous, isn't it >> look, again, it's going to play itself out. there's discussions that are on going this week and will be more discussions. a project doesn't convert in just a month, so there is a long lead time for the actual projects to come into play and if you look at the long-term trend, gas, lng is here and it's going to keep on growing so i think overtime you're going to see projects around the world continue to be invested in and find investments taking us forward. >> reporter: now, long-term view of cnbc, i think whatis really interesting is people are very concerned about the demand picture, certainly for the short-term and medium term of
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oil plateauing at best, plateauing possibly declining in terms of demand. but the gas story is where this industry hopes its at. it's where we're seeing the massive increase from china, from asia, from more broadly as well i see that this industry is hinging its hopes on gas, on lng as well and of course part of that is getting down the emissions from it as well. we saw a big statement from baker hughes on that as well today. so if they can sort out those issues and we heard from mike sable sort out the cost issues as well, lng is certainly where this industry thinks it's at not just as transmission fuel but big fuel going toward into the 21st century to compete with renewals as well back to you. >> excellent thank you for that, steven, for bringing us that interview live from florence. now, the u.s. has pressured allies to ban huawei according to "the new york times." the newspaper reports the trump administration considers 5g to be part of an arms race.
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at stake, an economic intelligence and military edge for the rest of the century. huawei faced bans and security investigations into the uk, germany and poland and china's ambassador to the european union has said efforts to exclude huawei amount to, quote, slander discrimination, pressure and coercion moves are not driven by security concerns and could ultimately undermine global economic and scientific cooperation meanwhile, canadian prime minister justin trudeau fired his own ambassador to china. last week ambassador told the vancouver paper it would be, quote, great for canada if the u.s. dropped its extradition request for the huawei-cfo they told chinese media he thought meng had a strong case this is the first time a canadian ambassador has been publicly dismissed and chinese industrial profits fallen 1.9% in december
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according to the national bureau of statistics. it said weak prices and soft demand helped trigger this second-straight monthly decline. and speaking of china, willem, u.s./china trade talks will resume with beijing's top economic official expected in d.c. on wednesday. commerce secretary wilbur ross said the two sides are, quote, still miles and miles from a deal but other u.s. officials have been more optimistic. the two sides face a march 1st deadline when tariff rates will automatically increase if no agreement is reached and i'm happy to bring in lieusy mcdonald's, managing director of global equities, global informsers thanks for joining us on the show, lucy. >> good morning. >> what do you think the market's central expectation is for how these trade talks will go this week >> the expectation has slightly improved one of the reasons why the markets have bounced because the expectation is there is more and more pressure on both sides to come to some sort of a deal and that is an expectation that
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the immediate issues around tariffs can be dealt with while secondary talks are going on on the longer term issues will not be sorted out in weeks and months. >> if you think if a short-term agreement is reached in term of china buying more soy beans on the goods side, will that be enough for markets to rebound and fully recover some of the give-back we saw last year >> i think some of that has happened, as i say 6% rise we had in the markets, some of that has been to do with some better expectations on trade. and any deal i think will be still seen positively, but the expectation is that you're still going to have a long period of discussion and potential conflict for years and decades >> if you go back to last earnings statement, there were a
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lot of concerns expressed in the statements about trade conflict. what you've seen so far this earnings season, is that being repeated at the same level o concern? >> the concern is still there, quite rightly. and it's still yet to see anything coming through the actual earnings. it's more about statements at this stage and the concern is we think entirely justified on both sides. >> what do you think about chinese tech companies here? as you say, the longer term challenge is that of resolving some of the intellectual property differences and all of that pertains to the supply chain insofar as it affects the tech sector. chinese tech stocks did get aggressively hit towards the end of last year, have recovered some grounds on a long-term horizon, are you dubious about getting involved given some of the long-term challenges there. >> there are expectations in some areas that you will begin to get sort of two different areas with different standards developing
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and that is not necessarily beneficial for long-term global cooperation and growth that is one potential outcome, not one that i think we would really want to see as global investors. as far as the different areas within technology, there are different issues for the semis, software and hardware which we can sort of go into more detail when we talk about earnings. >> if you want to look at this from a regional perspective in terms of equities, do you see there being certain regions that stand to gain more from resolution from this trade talk? do you think china will do better, asia will do better, do you think the u.s. has a lot to lose to gain >> in relative market terms when you look at the performance that we've seen over the last year, it's going to be emerging markets in europe that benefit more from any resolution and in fact you've begun to see that happening already this year. so as those concerns fade, you've seen some performance from some of those regions. >> just in terms of position,
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are you overweight or underweight china here we have direct exposure in and looking to have more direct and indirect in the short and medium term. >> lucy stay with us, managing directing global equities global investors. now venezuelan president nicolas maduro watched exercises as they recognized guaido as the interim leader many south american nations have now declared support for guaido. france, germany and spain said they will recognize if maduro does not call elections this week and dam collapse in brazil has killed at least 58 people and authorities expect that death toll to rise more than 300 people are still missing after a dam in the state burst and triggered a mudslide they have suspended its dividends and buybacks and vowed to improve safety standards.
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another dam that they operated partially collapsed four years ago and also caused a massive mudslide and flooded a major river with toxic waste. the islamic state separately claimed responsibility for the bomb ing of a roman catholic church which killed 20 people. the attack took blase majority voted against joining a muslim pope francis condemned the attack and called for, quote, peaceful koe exist tans in the region. >> coming up on the show, deutsche bank could soon receive help from the middle east. we'll have more on those reports when we come back.
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just say, "add epix" and it can all be yours. it's easy to upgrade. and you don't want to miss out on everything epix. ♪ welcome back to the program. well, siemens and alstom has remained in talks with the european commissions competition watchdog over a potential tie-up and the company say the merger is necessary to compete with the chinese state-own rival crrc but
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the firms have of course struggled to overcome brussel's anti-trust concerns in a decision from the commission is expected by february 18th. meanwhile, tesco would close in-store meat and fish counters and replace with vending machines this would represent a sweeping change and could mean up to 15,000 jobs could be on the line tesco announced plans in 2016 to cut costs by 1 1/2 billion pounds over the ensuing three years. in banking news, deutsche bank is in line to receive additional investment from qatar, according to bloomburg. the news agency reports the funding will likely come from the country's sovereign wealth funds the qia. the report adds that both parties are in advanced talks but have reached no final agreement. the qatari royal family currently hold 6.1% stake in the german lender.
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let's also not forget we're heading into very big week for macro and for earnings in the u.s. week, very big week for tech sector, apple, amazon, facebook, all the big names reporting. lucy mcdonald is on the global equity side is still with us let's talk about the tech earnings this week how are you thinking going into this monumental week for the tech sector? >> well, we'll be looking at top line growth, there have been more head winds in many of these areas now. either from regulation or from china and so we're looking at engagement levels in facebook for apple. we had an announcement to see whether we could make those reduced numbers from smart phone. quite a lot of moving parts. and a lot of the growth is more complex and not a one-way that
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we've seen in the last few years. and margins under pressure in some areas for more investment as well is another area we've been looking at for facebook so it's an interesting team. i think we're seeing evaluations in that sector are more attractive than they think so you're seeing valuations that are more like the rest of the market, but a lot more moving parts as far as the top line is concerned. >> so one of the big themes of davos last week was that of further regulation on the big tech firms and it comes up increasingly and been a topic of discussion really since the beginning of last year, trust in multinationals, trust in institutions, trust this big tech, et cetera. are you beginning to distinguish when you invest from regulation perspective which companies will be liable and susceptible to more regulatory scrutiny versus others are you favoring those that will be less underregulatory supervision in the future? >> yeah. it's positive what we're looking at when we look at factors and
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governance factors in particular to see whether there are risks there, tail risks for the company's in the way they are managing their own business and their relationships with their stake holders. at the end of the day, we should be able to see it also in the engagement comes through with the customers because if the customers are beginning to raise issues and trust issues, then you'll begin to see that through subscribers, engagement. >> how does that fit into management, consumer perception, media reporting and then management responses is a big part of brand for a firm like facebook, twitter. we've seen, to my mind at least a lot more public criticism of the managers, the chief executives and their c suite team at some of these firms. does that impact your future valuations >> yes that goes into our evaluation through looking at governance, part of all the research that we do is integrated into
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fundamental research so we will be looking at those issues and pricing those as well we can when we are valuing the shares. >> on the macro said, we have the feds coming up this week as well, are you in the camp that they have fully turned dovish or are we in for potentially hawkish surprise this week out of mr. powell? >> they have turned more dovish since the end of last year whether they are going to turn more dovish from now i think is more questionable. that's why everyone will be watching with a great care to see what he says this week it's clear that the quite dramatic volatility we saw in the second half of last year did have an impact on their thinking and on their public statements and also the fact that turning of the qe reduction to a 50 billion in october did seem to coincide with that volatility i think must have had some impact on the edge of their thinking.
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>> and certainly something to bear in mind in this earnings week as well the tone that comes out of the feds. >> i think so. >> lucy, thank you for joining us today on "street signs. lucy mcdonald, managing director and cio. also coming up on the show, president trump reopens the possibility of declaring a national emergency over border security more when we come back stay with us 300 miles an hour, that's where i feel normal. having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. learn more at retire your risk dot org. ♪ and if you feel, like i feel baby then come on, ♪ ♪ oh come on ♪ let's get it on applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. your digestive system has billions of bacteria, but life can throw them off balance.
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♪ welcome back to "street signs. i'm willem marx. >> i'm joumanna ber search chi, these are your headlines. the government reopens after the longest shutdown in u.s. history. >> shares in n plus jump as the u.s. lift sanctions on other companies linked to russian oligarch despite opposition from democrats. and siemens and alston tweak their rail deal. and ocado shares jump to the
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top of the stock 600 on reports of a tieup with spencer that could spell the end of its partnership. all right. let's check in on how european markets are fairing this morning, bit of a weak session for asian equis the overnight. some of the optimism priced into these talks in washington this week is being priced out you can see that the same thing is playing out in europe this morning. all of the majors are trading slightly in the red. ftse 100 down .1 percentage point. all eyes ahead of the plan b meaningful vote set to take place tomorrow right now the baseline scenario seems to be an extension of article 50 is the most likely scenario more on that obviously over the next 24, 48 hours or so. xetra trading slightly in the red. ftse mib down .3
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we have the fed meeting on wednesday should determine a lot of the narrative from here as well as we were just discussing very big corporate earnings week big week for the tech sector with some of the big names reporting there. so, we'll be interesting from a macro perspective how the two intertwine with the earnings that are coming out versus some of the language that's coming out of central banks too moving on and talking about the foreign exchange markets here you can see that again, all of these majors are trading little bit on the back foot. euro just shy of that 11420 mark today trading weaker since ecb we did trade down on the day last thursday, but have since rebounded. the theme has been one of dollar weakness and has continued to play out over the course of 2019 so far so euro is back at 114 again interesting as well, we were talking about ftse and equity lines but in sterling we have cable trading at 13150 again, we bounced about 3 1/2
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points since the first meaningful vote took place where the government obviously failed to pass through the original plan, plan a it will be interesting to see whether the votes do change on tomorrow's meaningful vote but certainly the effects market is pricing any more optimistic outcome there. that is the picture for cable. you can see just briefly i want to point your attention to dollar yen we're trading through the 110 level. yen is trading firmer versus dollar a risk off price action that we had in markets yesterday let's move our attention to u.s. futures, though, towards the end of the week we managed to see some gains for the week. dow ended up .1% higher, eked out some gains there positivity priced into markets as we discovered that the shutdown would be coming to a temporary end, whether or not it's sustainable, big questions, but you can see now the picture has turned south dow is seen opening 130 points lower, s&p 14 points lower
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big macro week up ahead. we have the feds, we have a lot of earnings. we have the payroll numbers on friday, all of that to watch out for in terms of the market trajectory from here willem >> the u.s. president donald trump has said a second government shutdown could be fobl they don't reach a deal on border security the next three weeks. the chance of acceptable compromise was, quote, less than 50/50. trump denied on twitter that his decision to end the shutdown without a deal on the border wall had been a concession he argued instead that he had taken this decision to benefit furloughed federal workers and the president also once again insisted he was prepared to declare a state of emergency to build the wall. >> we're going to work with the democrats. and if we can't do that, then we'll do obviously we're going to do the emergency because that's what it is. it's a national emergency. >> so the u.s. government will formally reopen today after a record 35 days of shutdown the 800,000 federal employees
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who went without paychecks during that time should receive their back pay by the end of the week, according to white house officials. i'm happy to say our colleague tracie potts joins frus the nbc news bureau in washington, d.c tracie, how long could it take for these agencies to get back to normal capacity, do you think? >> reporter: well, this could take some time because they were off for more than a month. so it probably will vary to some degree from agency to agency but they're back that process will get started. they'll get their back pay, as you said most of them by the end of the week but then the question becomes what's next? are we looking at another shutdown in three weeks? february 15th is the new deadline to work out a budget for these agencies for the rest of the year. republicans say the president reopened the government without any money for his border wall. now it's time for democrats to do the same. they do in the want to fund a wall, but this could come down to defining what a wall looks
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like and what border security really looks like. there are a host of things that democrats are willing to pay for in terms of border security that they think will work better than a wall, that will be more effective than a wall. so, you've got democrats and republicans now going behind the scenes trying to come up with some sort of compromise that both nancy pelosi and president trump will sign off on so that 800,000 federal workers don't have to wonder if they're going to have a job or be working or getting a paycheck three weeks from now >> tracie, what was the immediate reaction from democrats to this decision from the president? >> reporter: so, democrats have been frustrated because they said the president could have done this weeks ago, but they also say that they are willing and ready to talk about border security, to compromise on border security. they don't want to see the president declare a national emergency and build that wall going around congress using pentagon funds they don't think that's a good
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precedent. the white house says the president does not want to do that although it is still on the table. so they say they're really ready to get into negotiate, to compromise and try to keep the government open. >> tracie, thanks for joining us early the morning. let's bring in dana allen, senior fellow for international institute for strategic studies. thank you for joining the show this morning i want to ask you about what you think the repercussions will be on the president there are many reports released over the weekend, poms showing that by significant margin americans are blaming the president more than they're blaming the democrats in congress for the shutdown debacle over the last couple of weeks or so. what are the likely repercussions, do you think? >> well, this was a big defeat for the president. there's no question. it's true that in three weeks or less than three weeks now it's con receivable we'll have another similar confrontation, but the interesting thing about this president is that he's
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broadly unpopular in the united states there's a large, mass of americans marx jurorty of americans who are not just against him but are strongly against him. at the same time, his floor of support has been fairly stable at around 40%, which the real question for the rest of his presidency is whether that significantly erodes you see some signs through his defeat on this shutdown confrontation that his support in congress, the republican senate in particular got very uncomfortable in this situation. and that's the place i think we should be looking. >> indeed to your point, some of his conservative supporters, conservative commentators are very critical of what he announced on friday over the weekend, have been quite vocal on that front. do you think that he may also be in a situation -- remember, back in december, he was in a situation very close to getting to a deal on the shutdown,
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received a lot of criticism from his typical support base and conservative commentators, but then changed his mind. so do you think in this circumstance we may again be in a situation where he changes his mind in a couple of weeks time and refuses to actually go for a longer-standing deal >> it's hard to imagine that he wants to go through this experience again, but you're right. he's sort of walled himself in with this very grandiose, symbolic wall mongering in a sense, which, as you say, he has a very energized base that says this is what we want it's not about border security, which the democrats are really willing to negotiate about it's about the wall, as a symbol >> i wonder, you heard those comments he made to "the wall street journal," he's not particularly confident in there being a deal reached in the next two to three weeks mick mulvaney saying over the weekend that he expects that trump would once again be
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willing to initiate a shutdown if required. what are the challenges for republicans and democrats sitting opposite of each other at the negotiating table, what are the issues they have to confront >> i think the major issue is that we're not really talking about reality here they can find a solution republicans and democrats -- >> they found the common ground before. >> yeah. and the democrats are willing to put quite a lot of money, probably more money than is actually needed, for enhanced measures for border security but what i keep calling the symbol of the wall is symbolism that they don't want to indulge. and i don't -- the funny thing -- >> not because their concern a political victory for the president if he gets his wall or it's a waste of money or both? >> it's not a political victory, it's a waist of money, it's a very ugly victory. it has so little relationship to actual border problems i say little, it has no relationship to actual border
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problems and you remember president trump, candidate trump, used this as a sort of piece of domination theater when he was running president. he was going to build the most beautiful wall in the world and make mexico pay for it this was an act of international bullying so to your question, the problem the republicans have in trying to negotiate this, republican senators and congress people is that, you know, they don't really know if they can negotiate for the president where his ego is going to be in all of this. >> because it could be undercut moments later. >> as happened the last time. >> could we talk a little bit about the election itself in 2020 we know a lot of potential democrats contenders throwing their hat into the race. do you think the democrats perhaps are die luting themselves a little too much in terms of the sheer number of people who want to run for presidency >> well, it's possible
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this argument was made by the way about the republican field in 2016, 2015 and 2016 but honestly, i think a large and somewhat contentious primary fight, primary contest is a good way to really find a strong candidate. i mean, i know that sounds simple, but i think it's probably true. in retrospect, i think the democrats look back and think that the anointment of hillary clinton was a mistake for them so, yeah, i don't think they're too worried about that. >> one final question, just from a business perspective, what precedent does it set if the president uses the emergency powers to fund a huge construction project like that what does it mean for federal contractors, the way the u.s. government spends its money on projects >> well, obviously it would concentrate a lot of power in the hands of the president i think this is -- you're right. it has business implications
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it has more profound constitutional implications. in fact, the president does have a lot of de facto power to declare national emergencies it's not -- this would be tied up in the courts for a long, long time. and it's not entirely clear to me how it would be resolved. >> we'll leave it there. thank you so much for joining us this morning senior fellow at the institute for strategic studies. shutdown repercussions, a new poll shows the shutdown has deepened american's discontent with the state of nation and majority blame president trump head to for the full results. now, the republican operative roger stone has not ruled out cooperating with robert mueller's investigation but he will not, quote, bear false witness against president trump. the long-time ally of the president was arrested on friday, charged with lying to congress about the trump campaign's links to the wikileaks organization and attempts to use stolen e-mails
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to undermine hillary clinton meanwhile, russia's stock index hit an all-time high after the u.s. lifted sanctions on companies associated with the billionaire dery pas ka. power firm gse had reduced his share holdings and control moscow shares are rising on the back of the move chairman and director has also resigned as part of a deal to end the measures if you have any views on russian sanctions, on roger stone or on the u.s. border, do get in touch on twitter or tweet us directly. also coming up on the show, novak djokovic sweeps aside rafa nadal claiming his seventh australian open. more when we come back ♪ (vo) here's a question. was it necessary to create a luxury car
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♪ welcome back to "street signs. nissan says it is cooperating with an inquiry from the u.s. securities exchange commission this confirmation from the the company follows a report that
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the ses was investigating whether the firm implemented controls prevent improper payments nissan has so far provided no details about the nature of the inquiry. flybeshares are higher partners has calls for the removal of the ceo shares in the regional airline tanked recently after it agreed to sales in a discounted deal worth 2. 8 million pounds. and germany is set to phase out coal-fired power stations by 2038 under a new plan agreed by government appointed panel over the weekend. the deal comes as germany looks to curb the use of coal seen as a key source of greenhouse gas emissions. business leaders in the country have backed the agreement, though environmental groups express concern that the plan's 2038 target was not fast enough. germany's economy minister told
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german broadcaster that the country's ruling coalition would work quickly to implement the strategy as many as 10,000 people took to the streets of paris over the weekend to demand an to end the violent protests of the yellow vest movement the counterdemonstrators call themselves the red scarves and urge for peace as france enters its third month of violence linked to president mack ron's rule nearly 70,000 demonstrators attended the latest protests, 15,000 fewer than last weekend and british mps will vote on a range of amendments tomorrow that could drastically change the course of brexit the proposals include ruling out no table and postponing the day britain leaves the european union and another calls for an expiration to the backstop or calls for it to be removed from the withdrawal agreement however, ireland's prime minister told the bbc over the
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weekend that such a demand would be unacceptable. >> we have already agreed to a series of compromises here and that has resulted in what is proposed in the withdrawal agreement and ireland has the same position as the european union now, i think, when we say that the backstop as part of a withdrawal agreement is part of a balanced package that isn't going to change. >> meanwhile, in an interview with cnbc scottish energy minister called for today to the uk deadline to exit european union. >> they should pause the article 50 process at the very least, ideally like to see it revoked and remain within the european union we understand that would require people's vote. >> it's being described as a slightly mad project, but 20 years on the euro and its future remains hotly contested. for more on the euro and what
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that future holds, head online to ♪ well, novak djokovic produced a dominant performance to beat rafa nadal in straight sets and claimed his seventh australian open. the 31-year-old is now setting his sights on roger fedder's record total of 20 grand slam titles adam is with us to break it down he's also overtaken pete sampras, hasn't he >> up to third on the all-time list of grand slam champions overtaking pete sampras, as you say. now we have federer at the top with 20 grand slam titles, nadal not too far behind him, helped by the 11 french open titles and now novak djokovic has 15 and said he's motivated to try to make it up to federer's total of 20 still some way to go, but he holds three of the four currently and we got the french open next, as i said, rafa nadal
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will be a hot favorite there and will want to forget and move on from this australian open final where he was well below par. >> he lost in straight sets. >> it was a very dominant novak djokovic that forced him into playing so badly hope for all aspiring tennis players everywhere that ra fall nadal hitting fresh air in the first set. that set the tone of what he was up against djokovic had nine unforced errors in the entire match for a grand slam final that is absolutely astonishing at any level of tennis let alone playing against one of the best players of all time. yes, as i said, he now holds three of the four just a little stat for you, since 2015, the beginning of 2015, there's been 17 grand slam finals, djokovic has been in ten of them and won 8. >> i have to ask you a question about this, is something to do with fitness and technology and training relevant here in the sense that these guys in this era of champions are all playing
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quite long careers, and that just statistically -- >> not andy murray, he's young. >> he'll never get near that number, but these three guys in particular, have been in the game for a long time, federer is in his late 30s. nadal and djokovic play at that age, that level, statistically more likely to get these records? >> it's good, isn't it good we have these great guys at the top of the game because earlier in the tournament when federer went out of the tournament, john mcenroe proclaimed on court this is the changing of the guard. doesn't look like that all we've spoken about since i've come on set here is federer, nadal and djokovic and even a little hint of andy murray as well these are the guys that i've got to ask last week, you asked me, can we start -- are we starting to see the decline of federer? we've never seen anything like this before in men's tennis. yes, they had their injuries federer aside by and large, but there's been the elbow of novak djokovic had an operation a year
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ago, nadal has had problems with his knees before as well but they've come back. and these guys have just shown exactly the high kind of hunger that they've got to keep going. >> djokovic again another comeback story last year as you mentioned he was coming back from an injury took him a while i think it was couple of months before -- this is his first grand slam victory since he came back >> no, he won the u.s. open. >> so what does that bode for the rest of the year is my question >> as hugely exciting year what you thought that maybe this time last year you had the pattern of the years planned out, even at this point you had roger federer sitting out the claycourt season, that he's going to play the clay court season this year as well now you go into the clay court season, nadal will have a point to prove he says he needs more matches. he's no better on clay to get those matches. and then you've got players like dominic, alex zverev these are the young up and
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coming guys. who would bet against repeat of the australian open final at roland garros in a couple months time. >> nadal is formidable on clay court. all eyes on roland garros. adam, thank you for breaking down for us going over some of the australian open price action over the weekend. quick look at u.s. futures big week ahead we have the fed. we have more earnings. we have the tech names reporting. we have the payrolls data on friday as well, but for the time being looks as though we're going to open up in the red for the dow s&p and nasdaq that is it for today's show. i'm joumanna bercetche. >> a change is coming up right now. i'm willem marx.
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5:00 am
it is 5:00 a.m. at cnbc, top five at five, buckle up, strap in, get ready. it's a huge week on tap. a ton of earnings. trade talks, fed meeting, oh, yeah, a jobs report. we'll help you navigate it through all straight ahead the u.s. government is back open at this hour but the clock ticking toward another possible shutdown we're life in d.c. with more. crisis in ka raucous venezuela facing a major power shakeup. we're live in the region the s.e.c. reportedly investigating nissan over executive pay. and former starbucks ceo howard schultz says he's seriously considering running for president. we'll have more on all these big or


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